Fantasia Times - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Feb 18 2020

What happens when you take characters from all sorts of fictional works (as well as a few real people) and stick them in a kingdom ruled by a powerful princess and her friends?

You get Fantasia Times, a series written by AutismDraco1099. It focuses on the adventures of Princess Andrea "Andi" Garcia of Fantasia and her friends as they go about their day-to-day lives, battling villains and helping each other along the way.

The entire series can be found on the author's Deviantart account here.

This series provides examples of the following:

  • Abdicate the Throne: Elsa apparently stepped down as queen of Arendelle so she could stay in Fantasia with Andi.
  • Aborted Arc: Sera's first Birthday Episode ends with her apparently receiving a Miraculous, indicating that she might join the other Miraculous heroes in the future. This never gets brought up again.
  • Abusive Parents:
    • Hans' father being abusive is a part of his Freudian Excuse.
    • There are several parents in the series who willingly give up on their children once Yen Sid informs them that they're terrible people; however, in this case, they're portrayed as being in the right.
    • Yui's adopted father murdered her biological family, separated her from her twin brother, and sent her to the Sakamakis as a "human" sacrifice. Yui verbally tears him a new one for it before ultimately disowning him as a father.
  • A Day in the Limelight:
    • Danny gets "Kindred Spirits" (to an extent), "The Sword of Ghostinya!", and "Danny's Discovery!".
    • "Andi meets Sera", "Sera and Neville's Relationship", "Halloween in Destinya!", "Happy New Year's! (Commission)", and both of her birthday episodes focus on Sera.
    • "Happy Birthday, Hans!" focuses on Hans.
    • "Happy Birthday, Scarlett Dodd!" focuses on Scarlett.
    • All of the stories in the "Royal Bonding" arc give focus to one or two of the Royals.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Andi and Sera always automatically assume that the others are too busy to celebrate their birthdays with them, and they're always proven wrong.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Andi and Sera call each other "Draco" and "Kitty" respectively.
  • All-Loving Hero: Andi is able to forge friendships with both heroes and villains long as they earn her trust first, or have a backstory she can sympathize with.
  • All There in the Manual: AutismDraco1099 has posted several facts about the series that otherwise go unmentioned in the stories, like details about the 15 Kingdoms and groundwork for a potential Spin-Offspring series.
  • Alpha Bitch: Chastity Malfoy, who often bullies Sera simply because she's different.
  • Always Identical Twins: Inverted; all of the twins we see throughout the series are fraternal twins.
  • Away in a Manger: Ace Garcia is born at midnight on Christmas Day. Not surprising, given the author's religious leanings.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: Everyone falls in love with baby Ace the moment they meet her.
  • Back from the Dead: Yen Sid brought Sirius, Remus, and Tonks back to life. There's actually an entire room in the castle that's used to bring people back to life.
  • Bait-and-Switch: In "Fantasia Dreamscape Adventure", Sera and Scarlett call out Merida and Jack for entering Lila's dream...without them, because they wanted to give her a nightmare she'd never forget.
  • Becoming the Costume: During "Halloween in Fantasia!", Lance Strongbow ends up possessed by the Mask of Trynsfro and inflicting this on everyone he can get his hands on.
  • Berserk Button: One shared by the majority of the main characters: don't hurt Andi's friends, insult her, or insinuate she's helpless in any way, lest you face their wrath.
  • Bifauxnen: Andi has a preference for suits and ties when it comes to formal wear; everyone agrees that she looks stunning in them.
  • Big Brother Bully: All of Hans' brothers were this to him.
  • Big Good: Yen Sid, the king of Fantasia. Andi is also this to an extent.
  • Bilingual Bonus:
    • Andi occasionally slips non-English languages whenever she’s stressed or mad; so far, we've heard Spanish, Vietnamese, and German.
    • Richter also starts screaming in Japanese when he learns Merida and Jack accidentally set a Darkblood Chimera loose.
    • Yen Sid starts speaking in Spanish out of excitement upon learning that Elsa is pregnant with his grandchild.
  • Birthday Episode: Andi and Sera get two each; Scarlett, Hans, and Hiccup get one each.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: The focus of the "Akumatized Stories" series; Andi or one of her friends gets akumatized by Hawk Moth and end up fighting their friends.
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • The Royals, who spend most of their time getting belittled by Andi and her friends for no apparent reason.
    • As of the "redemption" of all the Royals, every main character from D.Gray Man and High School DxD sans Allen and Issei seems to have taken their place as this.
  • Cain and Abel: Chastity and Scorpius Malfoy, respectively.
  • Camping Episode: "Rebel and Royal Camping Story" is one.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Every villain in the series.
  • Character Shilling: If Andi doesn't happen to be in a particular scene, then nine times out of ten the other characters will talk about how great/powerful/wise/generally awesome Andi is during that scene.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Pandora appears during "The Sword of Ghostinya!", overseeing the jousting competition with Frostbite and the Fright Knight. Then "Surprises and Secrets on Mother's Day" revealed that she's Andi's Missing Mom.
  • Christmas Episode: "Merry Christmas from Fantasia!" and "Birth of Ace Garcia!"
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Sera's friend Deluna is said to be this, though in practice she's only a mild case.
  • The Complainer Is Always Wrong: If someone (usually a Pureblood/Royal) objects to how Andi and/or her friends go about doing an activity, then nine times out of ten they'll be proven wrong and humiliated.
  • Cool Big Bro: Teddy acts as one to Sera.
  • Cool Uncle: Richter acts as one to Andi, hanging out with her and helping her deal with various criminals.
  • Crossover Relatives: Yui Komori from Diabolik Lovers and Tsukune Aono from Rosario + Vampire are siblings. They were born as Evangeline and Adam Alakami, but after the murder of their birth parents, the two were split up and sent to be raised by different families. They also share a common ancestor with a number of other crossover characters whom they consider cousins.
  • Daddy's Girl: Andi loves her dad with all her heart, and he loves her back all the same.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Andi went through a lot of crap as a kid.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: Used a lot in regards to various descriptions.
  • De-power: Vlad loses his ghost powers at the end of "The Sword of Ghostinya!"
  • Disproportionate Retribution:
    • Badmouthing Andi and her friends is enough to get you banished from Fantasia.
    • The Royals are often physically harmed or threatened whenever they even remotely step over the line in Andi's eyes. Even after their Heel–Face Turn, they’re afraid of saying anything bad lest they face someone's wrath.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Andi's treatment of the Royals feels disturbingly similar to an abusive relationship. She belittles and hurts them whenever they do anything she doesn't like, and always portrays them as wrong and herself as right. When they eventually befriend her, they still fear physical retribution from her if they do anything wrong, but maintain that she's still a great person and they're worthless pieces of garbage.
  • Dramatic Ellipsis: Big reveals are usually preceded by anywhere from 6 to 10 rows of ellipsis in order to drive the point home.
  • Dream Walker: Andi uses these powers in "Fantasia Dreamscape Adventures" in order to figure out how to cure her dad of his poisoning. The Darkblood Chimera they fight is also this, but in a far more negative way.
  • Dude Magnet: Sera has had three different boyfriends over the course of the series.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: "Siren's Secret", the earliest (unfinished) entry in the series, is fairly different from what the series would eventually become. It apparently takes place 20 Minutes into the Future (whereas later entries would mostly be in real-time), several characters that are shown to be a part of Andi's friend group and either don't appear outside of it or are relegated to minor character status later, and Sera and Scarlett don't exist. Earlier fics were also written in a pseudo-Script Fic format, which was eventually dropped.
  • Exact Eavesdropping: What kicks off "Andrea's Akumatized"; Andi overhears her friends discuss some people they hate that just so happen to share their physical descriptions with Andi. They all know who they're talking about; Andi doesn't, assumes they're talking about her, and runs off crying, making her vulnerable to Hawk Moth's manipulations.
  • Explosive Breeder: Judging by the info given about the 15 Kingdoms, it looks like Andi and her friends are going to have a lot of kids when they get older.
  • Fantastic Racism:
    • Purebloods are despised by Andi and her Legendblood friends, and Legendbloods are treated the same way by Purebloods.
    • Andi also has this attitude towards tigers and vampires, thanks to some horrible experiences in her past. She gets over the former after bonding with Tigress, but doesn't get over the latter aside from some You Are a Credit to Your Race moments.
  • Females Are More Innocent: Female villains have a higher chance of getting redeemed than their male counterparts. For example, one story sees Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Dohnaseek arrive in Fantasia to cause trouble; of the group, sole male Dohnaseek ends up being unrepentant about his plans to kill the Alakamis and is subsequently humiliated and killed, while the other three give up on the plan and are eventually redeemed.
  • Flanderization: Villains such as Vlad Masters and Lila Rossi are transformed into card-carrying villains who are generally only concerned with taking over Fantasia.
  • Force-Choke: Andi does this to Ayato when she learns that he called her and Yui insulting nicknames.
  • Foregone Conclusion: The supplementary material confirms that all of Andi's friends are going to hook up with their love interests and become the rulers of their own kingdoms.
  • Formula with a Twist: Most of the stories in the "Royal Bonding" arc can be summed up as: Royal wants to know why Andi hates them, Royal discovers that one of their parents harmed Andi when she was a kid, Royal apologizes and asks for forgiveness, Andi accepts their apology, Royal and Andi become friends. "Moka, Ayato, and Andrea's Bonding" breaks from the formula: Andi's grievances with Moka and Ayato stem not from their parents hurting her (though Karlheinz has already appeared repeatedly as a villain), but from Fantastic Racism, and they end up having to compete with a number of other vampires to earn her trust.
  • Fountain of Youth: In "Mothers and Mother Figures", six of Andi's friends take a potion that turns them into kids so she can experience being a mother.
  • Freudian Excuse: Why does Andi hate the Royals so much? Their parents did terrible things to her.
  • Fun with Acronyms: All of Andi's relatives have long names that manage to spell out an actual name when turned into an acronym.
  • Gender Bender: When Andi gets akumatized, she turns into the male Malum Draco.
  • Grew a Spine: Yui Komori clearly did this at some point between her games and the events of the series, going from an Extreme Doormat to a hot-blooded girl able to give as good as she gets and more in regards to Ayato.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Andi tends to blow up at people, friend or foe, over the slightest of insults.
  • Halloween Episode: "Halloween in Destinya!" and "Halloween in Fantasia!", which take place within the same time frame, even having the same opening.
  • Happily Adopted:
    • Hans and Varian were adopted by Yen Sid, and they consider each other family.
    • It's not given much focus, but Mal and Raven were apparently adopted by the Angelina Jolie version of Maleficent and Regina Mills, respectively.
    • Richter Sakamaki was adopted into the Garcia family as Yen Sid's brother at one point. He, in turn, would go on to adopt Hokuto Kaneshiro.
  • Happily Failed Suicide: Andi stopped Sera from trying to kill herself, and the two have been as close as sisters ever since.
  • Happily Married: Nearly every married couple shown is this.
  • The Heart: "Secrets told in Fantasia!" reveals that Andi was this for her old rebel team. After she left, the team drifted apart.
  • Heroic Lineage: What being a Legendblood or an Ancientblood essentially boils down to.
  • Hollywood Autism: Andi, Sera, and Scarlett all fall into the Manchild version to varying extents. One can easily distinguish between the good and bad guys by seeing how characters react to this.
  • Homosexual Reproduction: How protagonist Sera came to be. Elsa also becomes pregnant with Andi's child, despite both being female.
  • Hufflepuff House: Notably, Sera is a part of this house; however, she rarely interacts with members of her own house, either positively or negatively.
  • Hypocrite: Andi's willing to forgive villains if they have a good enough Freudian Excuse, but makes other, often nicer people with similar excuses work to earn her friendship.
  • I Choose to Stay: All of Andi's loved ones have chosen to stay in Fantasia with her, preferring to stay there instead of places where they were belittled or bullied.
  • Informed Attribute: The supposed rarity of Legendbloods can come across as this, given that most of the main characters are Legendbloods.
  • Innocently Insensitive: In "The Justice Crusaders Reunion", Kim, Ben, Jake, and Lilo tell Andi to stay out of their hunt for the Excalibur swords for her own safety. Their choice of words ends up slamming down on Andi's Berserk Button.
  • Insane Troll Logic: In "Halloween in Destinya!" Sera jumps through some Bat Deduction-level logical hoops in order to figure out what the theme for the Blood Moon Ball should be.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Sera and Neville have one, as highlighted in "Sera and Neville's Relationship".
  • I Want Grandkids: Yen Sid occasionally expresses this view in regards to Andi's relationship with Elsa, much to her embarrassment. Once he learns that Elsa is pregnant with Andi's child, he's practically jumping with joy.
  • Kangaroo Court: The conspirators who poisoned Yen Sid are put through one; their lawyer is a Jerk Jock who likely has zero legal experience, the judge and jury are heavily biased against the defendants, and most of the evidence was obtained in a way that would likely be frowned upon in any legal system.
  • Kid from the Future: Judy Pot is Scarlett and 2D's kid who's come to the past for an as-yet-unknown purpose (possibly to give Varian a girlfriend).
  • Left Hanging: "Siren's Secret" and "Andrea's Time in the Forest of Regret" are both unfinished.
  • Lewd Lust, Chaste Sex: The one sex scene Andi and Elsa have is this; it cuts away from the actual sex just as it starts to happen.
  • Long-Lost Relative:
    • Apparently, Tsukune and Yui are twins who were separated at birth and the last survivors of a powerful, long-dead vampire clan. Allen and Issei also turn out to be their siblings.
    • As revealed in "Danny's Discovery!", Andi and Danny are twins who were separated at birth.
  • Loophole Abuse: After capturing Desiree and Pandora, Victoria wished for Pandora's soul to be hers while she sets out to marry Yen Sid. Desiree granted her wish by allowing Pandora to possess her body until said body died in childbirth.
  • Love-Interest Traitor: Finn Wolfhard, who betrays Sera in "Fantasia Dreamscape Adventures" and joins a plot to murder Yen Sid.
  • Mage Species:
    • Legendbloods combine this with Heroic Lineage; basically, they're a supposedly rare breed of humanity that has access to vaguely-defined magical powers.
    • Ancientbloods are even more rare and powerful. So far, we only know of the existence of six: Andi, Sera, Elsa, Tigress, Moka, and Ayato.
  • Manchild: Every heroic character is this to some degree.
  • Massively Multiplayer Crossover: Counting the main characters alone, we've got characters from Frozen, Harry Potter, Tangled, Brave, How to Train Your Dragon, Danny Phantom, Rise of the Guardians, Miraculous Ladybug, Zootopia, Ever After High, Descendants, Kung Fu Panda, Wreck-It Ralph, Rosario + Vampire, Diabolik Lovers, D.Gray-Man, and High School D×D. And that's not getting into the many, many side characters.
  • Missing Mom: Andi's mother died in childbirth; for a while, Andi thought she'd abandoned her. In reality, she's the ghost Pandora, who had to leave her for various convoluted reasons. They reunite on Andi's twentieth birthday.
  • Mister Seahorse: Remus becomes this, eventually giving birth to Sera. Sera also magically induces this on Neville by accident.
  • New Year Has Come: "Happy New Year from Fantasia", "Happy New Year's from Fantasia!" (yes, they have practically the same title), and "Happy New Year! (Commission)" (which takes place in the same timeframe as "Happy New Year's from Fantasia!").
  • Noodle Incident:
  • No-Sell: Unlike in canon, everyone in Fantasia can immediately tell that Lila is a liar.
  • Original Generation: While there's a plethora of characters from various works in the series, the most focus is placed on the few OCs among them.
  • Origins Episode: "Andi Meets Sera" tells us how Andi and Sera became friends, and serves as a general backstory for Sera.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Yen Sid, normally a loving parent, snaps at Andi and disowns her, kicking off the plot of "Andrea’s Time in the Forest of Regret". He immediately regrets it, but it's still jarring.
  • Out of Focus: Of the main trio, Scarlett gets the least amount of focus.
  • Overly Long Name: Almost all of Andi's ancestors. The most egregious has to be Yen Sid's full name (Yakire Edward Nathaniel Samuel Immanuel Damien Garcia; yes, Yen Sid is an acronym).
  • Pair the Spares: Sam and Tucker apparently hooked up at some point, which lead to their friendship with Danny falling apart.
  • Patchwork Kids: Ace is described as taking features from both her mothers, as well as her grandmothers.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Queen Elinor and Valka made plans to forge a union between DunBroch and Berk by arranging a marriage between Merida and Hiccup. Coincidentally, they finalize these plans on the same day Hiccup proposes to Merida himself.
  • Plot Hole:
    • Briefly in "Andi Meets Sera", Sera wonders who her real parents are and is apparently in Ravenclaw. In the rest of the story, she's a Hufflepuff who knows full well who her parents are, so this comes out of nowhere.
    • Andi actually learns that her mother died in childbirth early on in the series, yet it's still treated as a world-shaking revelation when she learns it again in "Fantasia Dreamscape Adventures".
    • In "Standing Up for a Friend", Andi reads D.Gray-Man by the pool, implying that the characters are fictional In-Universe. Much later, Allen Walker ends up joining Andi's group of friends, completely ignoring this.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: If you don't agree with Andi, you’re either a mean old Pureblood or a straight-up villain.
  • Real-Person Fic: A number of real-life people show up in the series, most notably the members of Team StarKid. All of them are introduced as friends of Sera.
  • Real Time: Time in the series generally matches up with time outside of it (characters aging as the years pass, the Halloween Episode being released on Halloween, etc).
  • Red String of Fate:
    • The Blood Moon works this way, binding couples for an eternity. Or until the writer decides the couple in question should break up.
    • Legendblood soulmates are generally marked with the symbol of the Legendblood in question on their palms.
  • Relationship Upgrade: After several stories worth of pining, Andi and Elsa finally become a couple in "Halloween in Fantasia!"
  • Satellite Love Interest: Elsa for Andi, 2D for Scarlett, and Albus, Finn, and Rob for Sera. They rarely appear without their girlfriends also appearing or being referenced.
  • Script Fic: The stories were originally written in this style; after "Sera and Neville's Relationship", it was dropped in favor of a more conventional format.
  • Secret Test of Character: The ghost of Ghostinya's first king pulls trope throughout "The Sword of Ghostinya!", testing Danny to see if he really would make a good king. Naturally, Danny passes with flying colors.
  • Seers: Both Andi and Yen Sid can see into the future, and work to make sure that their family and friends all get happy endings based on what they see.
  • Self-Insert: Andi is one to AutismDraco1099. Sera and Scarlett are based off of her online friends.
  • Self-Made Orphan: "Fantasia Dreamscape Adventure" reveals that Lila killed her father when she was young.
  • Separated at Birth: Andi and Danny are fraternal twins who had this happen to them; Clockwork took the latter to be raised by the Fentons.
  • Shared Dream: The Dream Corridor allows people to go into each other's dreams, creating this effect.
  • Shout-Out: Destinya's Blood Moon Ball is clearly based on the one from Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: The parents of nearly all the Royals have hurt Andi in some way. This is why Andi treats the Royals the way she does until they actively seek forgiveness.
  • Sixth Ranger: Allen Walker and Issei Hyoudou are this for Andi's group of friends, having joined relatively recently compared to everyone else.
  • Speak of the Devil: After his arrest, Finn is exclusively referred to as "the betrayer" or "Sera's betrayer".
  • Spit Take: Andi does this in "Sword of Ghostinya!" when she learns that the winner of the jousting tournament will get the throne of Ghostinya.
  • Spoiled Brat: Chastity believes she deserves to become a queen because of her Pureblood status.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Andi treats Malum Draco as one post-akumatization. It ends up being a source of angst for a few stories.
  • Supporting Harem: Jack Frost and an entourage of female ghosts end up fated to be with Danny. As Danny was already in love with Jack beforehand, the female ghosts become this.
  • Team Mom: Andi is supposed to be this to all of her friends, taking care of them and guiding them to their futures. In practice, she acts very spoiled and cruel.
  • Thanksgiving Episode: "Happy Thanksgiving!", obviously.
  • Twerp Sweating: Rob ends up on the receiving end of this from not only Sera's parents, but Andi's as well. Given what happened with Sera's last boyfriend, this is more than understandable.
  • Valentine's Day Episodes: "Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!"
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Gender-inverted; Finn has shades of this, like when he yelled at Ayato for calling Sera "girlfriend" in what was supposed to be a platonic manner.
  • Wham Episode:
    • "Happy Thanksgiving!" Everyone comes into their Legendblood powers, and the Rebels (sans Ralph, Elsa, Jack, and Merida) are all revealed to be related to Andi, as they all share a common ancestor.
    • "Fantasia Dreamscape Adventure". It turns out Andi and Sera aren't Legendbloods, but Ancientbloods, a far more powerful bloodline; Finn Wolfhard turns out to be a Love-Interest Traitor, leading to his arrest and Sera hooking up with Rob Manion; and Andi learns that her mother didn't abandon her, but died in childbirth.
    • "Surprises and Secrets on Mother's Day". Andi's mother is still a sense. Turns out she's the ghost Pandora, who possessed a criminal with Desiree's help and ended up falling in love with Yen Sid. Due to a series of convoluted wishes, however, she can't reveal this to Andi until her 20th birthday.
    • "Happy Birthday, Andrea Garcia!" Andi and Yen Sid are finally reunited with Pandora, and Andi is officially made the queen of Fantasia.
    • "Birth of Ace Garcia!" Andi and Elsa's child is finally born, a girl named Ace (short for Analisa Christina Esmeralda).
    • "Danny's Discovery!" Danny is really Andi's twin brother, separated from her at birth.
    • "The Justice Crusaders Reunion" We finally get to meet members of Andi's old group of friends outside of Danny, Martin, and Sam.
  • Wham Line: "Fantasia Dreamscape Adventures" has this line, notable purely for how out-of-nowhere it is given what we knew of the character:

    "It appears that Finn Wolfhard has been cheating on Sera with a girl named Lila Rossi. The same woman who poisoned your father, your majesty!"

  • What Happened to the Mouse?:
    • The clones of Andrea and her friends leave at the end of "Kindred Spirits" and are completely forgotten about afterwards. Might be justified, since they said they'd be back in three years (the story was finished in 2018) and the series takes place mainly in real-time.
    • Albus Potter was originally Sera's Love Interest, but this relationship eventually disappeared.
    • Little mention is made of anyone or anything from Frozen besides Elsa and Hans.
    • Helena, while a prominent villain early on, disappears with no explanation later. Her role was taken over by Lila Rossi.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: In "Happy Birthday, Hans!" Hans wakes up after a night of knocking back margaritas with Princess Ivy to find himself naked in his room and Ivy gone. He concludes that he doesn't want to know what happened and gets dressed, not noticing Ivy teleporting away; it's heavily implied, though not stated, that they had sex.
  • What's Up, King Dude?: Both King Yen Sid and Princess (later Queen) Andi are pretty chummy with the people of Fantasia, insisting that they don't want to be referred to with formal titles.
  • Whole-Plot Reference:
    • "Kindred Spirits" is one to the Danny Phantom episode of the same name, featuring a near-identical plot. It's lampshaded throughout, with Danny making several references to it.
    • "Halloween in Destinya!" is one to the Star vs. the Forces of Evil episode "Blood Moon Ball", with Sera in Star's role, Finn Wolfhard in Marco's, and Darkiplier in Tom's.
    • In "Nick, Adrien, and Andi's Bonding", the war meeting flashbacks take more than a few cues from the Avatar: The Last Airbender episode "The Storm", with Andi in Zuko's place. The main difference is that it's Gabriel and Derek who are humiliated and banished because they dared to talk back to Andi, rather than the other way around.
    • "Rebel and Royal Camping Story" is one to the Spongebob Squarepants episode "The Camping Episode".
  • Worst News Judgement Ever: Downplayed. In "Standing Up For A Friend", the newspaper is quick to report on the return of two wanted criminals; however, it also has an article on how Sera was labeled "Loved and Respected" and another on how one of Scarlett and 2D's dates went.
  • Would Hurt a Child: The majority of the Royals' parents hurt Andi in some way when she was a child — Tigress' father tried to kill her, Gabriel and Derek ended up scratching her cheeks in a duel, King Adam and Snow White tried to drown her...
  • Writers Cannot Do Math: In "Andi Meets Sera", the characters make a big deal over that fact that Remus didn't go into werewolf mode while giving birth to Sera (don't ask)...except Harry Potter werewolves only transform during a full moon (not simply "at midnight" as the fic says), but the moon was a waxing crescent on the date the writer chose as Sera's birthday.
  • You Know What You Did: A running theme throughout the "Royal Bonding" arc; whenever one of the Royals asks Andi why she hates them, she angrily says something along the lines of this trope and storms off. The problem is, the Royals really don’t know what happened, so they have to go to someone else for information.