Fate, Future, and Gravity - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Jun 29 2024

Dr. Jotaro Kujo had come to Mitakihira Town for one purpose: to stop the Stand Kyubey from manipulating young girls into forming contracts that lead to disastrous ends. Homura Akemi has one goal: to prevent Madoka Kanami from making a Magical Girl contract with the Incubator Kyubey.

As with all things in fate, the destiny of Magical Girls and Stand-users are pulled together, uniting the Joestars and the young girls in a battle against evil.

Fate, Future, and Gravity is a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Puella Magi Madoka Magica crossover. It has not been updated since January 3rd, 2016. It can also be read on here.

Fate, Future, and Gravity contains the following tropes

  • Action Politician: Decades after Battle Tendency epilogue showed he became mayor of his hometown and the Stardust Crusader anime shows him as the mayor of New York, Smokey Brown is the current 84-years-old president of the United States when he arrives to help Japan recover with the upcoming destruction from Walpurgist. Not only does Smokey has a track record of saving President John F. Kennedy and Nelson Mandela, but also dives into the ocean to save Madoka from a shark attack.
  • Adaptational Origin Connection:
    • Stands are a Flawed Prototype to the Magical Girl System as a means of countering Entropy. The Incubators sent the rock to the distant space where crashed onto Earth.
    • The Magical Girls’ rapid-healing and difficult to kill bodies were based on Pillar Men physiology.
    • Homura’s Dark and Troubled Past has an additional element as her parents were former followers of Kenzo, who tried to kill themselves, their colleagues, and their daughter in a suicide pact. The constant bullying for being the daughter of the suicide cultists led to her weak heart condition.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: In desperation to help Sayaka, Madoka tries to wish from Kyubey that Sayaka got hit with the Stand arrow fragment instead of her. While the wish never happens thanks to Madoka being a Stand User and unable to form contracts, chapter 16 shows an Alternate Timeline where that wish is granted and Sayaka gains a Stand, specifically Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, because there she had Madoka's High Potential while Madoka's power as a magical girl is weaker than canon Sayaka. The after-effects of this timeline include Mami falling into despair as Homura and Sayaka grow closer, Pucci coercing Madoka to Wish for Over Heaven by holding her brother Tatsuya hostage them killing Homura with Set by turning her into a fetus. The inability to save Homura almost pushes Madoka into becoming a witch, only to be Mercy Killed by Sayaka as the other girl falls under her goal of acting out justice.
  • Beta Couple: While Madoka and Homura are the primary pairing like in the anime, Mami and Kyoko have their own development after they reconcile their friendship.
  • Blatant Lies: The youngest member of the anti-Walpurgist meeting, Nagisa, is the only one that believes Homura's claim she got three Mitsubishi F-15J fighter jets because they fell off a truck and not that she stole them.
  • Celebrity Crush: Sayaka, who in the story has a passionate interest in marine biology, has a pretty big crush on Dr. Kujo, which comes into play when Jotaro arrives at Mitakihira Town.
  • Chekhov's Armoury: After Jotaro killed DIO, Pucci would find his friends' surviving minions and steal their Stands for failing to protect their master. The collection of Stands, called the Egypt Files, along with the Stands that Pucci would have handed out in Stone Ocean, are frequently used for his agenda, such as using Thoth to find a girl to wish for Over Heaven or, in one Alternate Timeline use Set to turn Homura into a vulnerable fetus when she tries to save Madoka.
  • Didn't See That Coming:
    • Since in past timelines Sayaka is always antagonistic to her, Homura is baffled when Sayaka is cordial to her from the start. This is a result of Sayaka seeing that Homura, while standoffish, cares greatly for Madoka's safety when a Stand arrow shard seemingly kills the latter.
    • Homura would take satisfaction from seeing that Kyubey never calculated that because Madoka became a Stand User, she cannot make a Magical Contract. This becomes ironic when it's revealed that the meteor responsible for the Stand Arrow was a failed experiment of the Incubators to counter entropy.
    • Homura and Kyubey would both be surprised that Josuke Higashikata's Crazy Diamond can turn a witch's Grief Seed back into the girls soul and fuse it to their body, bringing them back from the dead as Stand-users instead of Magical Girls, as he did with Sayaka and Nagisa. It's also a surprise to Josuke himself, since last time his powers failed to bring back his late grandfather or fix Polnareff back into his dead body.
    • Played for Laughs when Sayaka correctly guesses Jotaro and Homura's powers as stopping time, since Homura always dismisses Sayaka as an over-emotional idiot and that she’d guess their power is breathing fire.
  • Discard and Draw:
    • Madoka becomes a Stand User early in the story rather than a Magical Girl, with the power to fuse items together. It’s later revealed that as a Stand User she can’t form a Magical Girl contract. Kyubey plans to invoke this by finding a way to remove Madoka’s stand and force her to make a contract to stop Walpurgist.
    • When Josuke healed Sayaka and Nagisa from their Grief Seeds, they lost their Magical Girl powers but became normal humans and gained Stands. Sayaka now has the power to alter the senses of people around her, while Nagisa can turn herself or others flat like the characters of Flatland.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Johngalli A. has to stop Pucci from getting into the details of his and DIO's relationship, feeling that a child like Yuma shouldn't have to listen to such a thing.
  • Generation Xerox:
    • Like his father Joseph with Shizuka, Josuke Higashikata would take in a young girl of supernatural powers in a fatherly role. The child in question is Nagisa after he fixes her Grief Seed back into her body.
    • Played for Laughs when Jotaro, Josuke, and Sayaka are piloting the modified fighter jets that Homura gave them. Jotaro remembers his grandfather's bad luck with airplanes, and suspects that Josuke will end up crashing his plane. This ends up happening to both Josuke and Sayaka, though luckily Jotaro rescues them.
  • Kid Hero All Grown Up: 12 years after saving Morioh from Yoshikage Kira, Josuke Higashikata is now a miracle doctor, using Crazy Diamond to treat various illnesses. In chapter 14, Okuyasu and Koichi also arrive to help the magical girls against Walpurgist and her familiars.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Played for Drama. Plagued by a combination of self-hatred for her undead status, heartbreak from Kyosuke turning down her confession, and envy at Madoka for having the more beneficial Stand powers, Sayaka is pushed by her inner Witch to blame Madoka for her misfortune, which culminates in her trying to strangle Madoka in blind fury. Sayaka snaps out of it when Homura shoots her in the head, which lets her see her reflection in a pool of her blood and realize in horror how much of monster she had become, pushing her further in despair as she runs off.
  • Mutually Exclusive Magic: Kyubey’s successful effort to have Madoka make a contract reveals that as a Stand User, she can’t form a contract and become a Magical Girl.
  • Mythology Gag:
  • Near-Villain Victory: In chapter 15, Kyubey tricks Madoka into thinking that if Sayaka became a Stand user she wouldn't fall past the Despair Event Horizon. With Homura, Jotaro, and Josuke too far to interfere, Kyubey goads Madoka into wishing for Sayaka to have been hit by the Stand Arrow instead of her. Homura arrives too late to stop Madoka from finishing her wish, which Kyubey states before granting the entropy-defying wish... only for chapter 17 to show that the contract didn't form and the wish was only granted in an Alternate Timeline because Stand Users like Madoka can't become Magical Girls.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Detective Misako Ishijima is a detective who uses her Stand 「Find a Stray Child」to locate missing children with enough information. To guarantee that the info is accurate, the Stand also compels anyone in range to speak the truth, as Madoka finds out when she is tries to claim that a bruise on her face was from a gym class accident only to forcefully admit that she got it when the currently missing Sayaka slapped her in misplaced rage before trying to strangle her.
  • Simple Solution Won't Work: Homura and Jotaro are both confronted for their knowledge about Magical Girls, such as their bodies being dead automatons controlled by their soul gems or how Magical Girls turn into Witches from either despair or running out of magic, and ask why didn’t they tell anyone. Homura answers that either they wouldn’t have believe her or would still make the contract out of desperation.
  • Shout-Out: Nagisa’s suggestion to stop Walpurgist from destroying Mitakihira Town is to take the town and push it somewhere else.
  • Trauma Button: Kyoko freaks out in the presence of fire, since her father tried to burn himself and his family alive after finding out Kyoko wished him to be a Charm Person.
  • Unreliable Expositor: After taking in Yuma Chitose, Pucci will tell her of the story of his friend Dio, which paints him as a Tragic Hero opposing the misguided but dangerous Joestars rather than the villain he truly is.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend:
    • Homura for Madoka, as in the anime. When a Stand Arrow shard from Jotaro’s possession stabs Madoka in the neck and seemingly kills her, Homura tries to kill Jotaro in misplaced vengeance.
    • Subverted when Homura tries to kill Sayaka for trying to strangle Madoka in blind rage. Even as she aims at the other girl, Homura can not pull the trigger, revealing she’s starting to see the girls outside of Madoka as her friends again.