Fate: Hammer Time - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Feb 22 2020
"Prepare for Thunder."
— Ted, the author preparing the reader for the journey ahead.
Fate: Hammer time is a crossover of Fate/Stay Night and Marvel made by TedTheRabbit
, in which Mjolnir somehow crosses dimensions and comes into Shirou's possession an amount of time before the events of the Fifth Holy Grail War.
Due to the fact that the fanfic is just starting, it naturally has spoilers, so read at your own peril!
Fate: Hammer Time provides examples of:
- Adaptational Badass: Even before obtaining Mjolnir, Shirou in this story got a much better training and even his magic circuits were opened, courtesy of Kiritsugu.
- Adaptational Nice Guy: Shinji, of all people has a case of this. He's still a bit of a dick, but being friends with Shirou earlier than canon has softened him up a bit, most prominent when Shirou starts to ask him about his living situation with Zouken, he tried to tell him off partly out of concern for Shirou's well-being and not wanting him to get hurt.
- Berserk Button: A monster, Nokken, in chapter 13 accidentally SMASHES into it. He uses illusions to fool Shirou into thinking that he is talking to Kiritsugu. After a successful attack, Shirou, enraged by the monster violating the memory of his deceased father, goes mad and ends the fight with a single hit to the head.
- Hurting someone he cares about is another button. As Zouken finds out, with his time on Earth cut short.
- Big Damn Heroes: Shirou saves Sakura from Zouken's "training".
- Better to Die than Be Killed: When one of the magi, Oliver Waudenstad, sees "Rakurai" wrecking the boundary fields of their secret base – moreover, once he sees the runes on the Mjolnir and figures out few words due to being a rune specialist – he loses it. He decides to kill himself, rather than allow "Rakurai" to capture him which he believes would lead to torture and imprisonment, or something much worse.
- Clueless Chick-Magnet: Shirou, of course! Although, Thor asked Mjolnir to make sure to avert this trope.
- Does Not Know His Own Strength:
- Averted. Thanks to the final enchantment by Thor before his death, Shirou is gradually getting stronger, so he doesn't destroy Earth and possibly himself in the process.
- Played straight in chapter 14. He accidentally snaps Oni's spine in an attempt to stop him from shooting the two hostages.
- Dramatic Irony: Yomamura Taya has taken extra precaution in trying to protect her loved ones against "Rakurai", Shirou's alter-ego thinking he's a Magus up to no good...yet she couldn't be anymore wrong.
- Empathic Weapon: Mjolnir is shown with the capacity of expressing different emotions and is even currently teaching Shirou the art of rune-making.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Chapter 12. Apparently they do. Issei and Minoru too.
- Female Gaze: Shirou accidentally invokes this trope during a swimming exam. On EVERY girl. He also gets some stares from other boys, Issei and Minoru included.
- For the Evulz: A gang boss named Oni. After "Rakurai" arrives to stop the man from his evil deeds, he decides to kill the two hostages that were in the room by blowing himself up with the bomb in order to 'motivate' the hero to kill him.
- Zouken. Once Shirou comes to save Sakura from him, he decides to kill Sakura in order to make sure that Shirou's victory is meaningless. Ultimately, even this attempt failed and Sakura got better.
- Heroic BSoD: Shirou suffers one, after his first kill.
- Once he finds out about Sakura's "training", he can't even understand how he could have been so dense after all signs that appeared in front of him. Needless to say, he immediately decides to rectify the situation.
- In Chapter 50, Caren Ortensia undergoes one when she finds out from Rin that the Fuyuki Holy Grail is corrupted.
- Hidden Depths: Gray. She is extremely good at playing the role of a queen.
This makes sense, seeing that she is Arturia's descendant.
- Honor Before Reason: Once Shirou breaks into the room where a rune specialist is, he finds a message where the magus gives him all the knowledge on the runes. When he sees all the cruelties that had been committed for the sake of the research, he decides not to oblige the magus's request of sparing his research and burns all of his papers.
- Humanity Ensues: In Chapter 50, Illya became a Half-Human Hybrid while Sella and Leysritt became fully human, after the 3 of them underwent a ritual that was set up by Shirou.
- Innocent Innuendo: Sakura keeps giving these to Ayako, which keeps driving her mad.
- Improperly Paranoid: Yomamura's got a bit of a case of this, being afraid of "Rakurai" and taking a number of precautions in case they cross paths. While it's a bit justified since in the world of being a Magus, one needs to watch their back, considering that it's Shirou going around saving people and taking down criminals, it can be a bit too much.
- Male Gaze: Lorelei. Specifically, her ass, apparently.
- Only the Chosen May Wield: Mjolnir, of course. Odin's enchantment also gets buffed by the One-Above-All, so that none but those truly worthy can wield it.
- Outside-Context Problem: Shirou turns out to be this, not only for the criminals in mundane world, but for magi in the supernatural one as well. It's not like either side could have predicted an appearance of a vigilante with a divine construct.
- Polyamory: Shirou eventually develops a relationship with Sakura, Rin, and Ayako.
- Secret Identity: Shirou, as "Rakurai".
- Shipper on Deck: Taiga, for Shirou and Sakura, as in canon.
- The Berserker: By activating his warp spasm, or by being angered enough, Shirou can become one.
- The Magic Comes Back: Downplayed version of this trope. Shirou's slow transformation into a god is causing a return of Mystery to the world. As a result, not only is magecraft returning to a level of strenght similar to that of The Age of Gods, but Phantasmal Species are also returning from The Reverse Side of The World.
- Taking You with Me: Seeing that his ambitions of immortality are about to be cut short by the son of the Magus Killer, Zouken attempts to pull this trope on Sakura, so that even if Shirou does somehow kills him permanently, it will be a Pyrrhic Victory. Unfortunately for Zouken, this attempt failed miserable and Sakura ultimately recovers from the ordeal.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: Shirou believes that he needs to keep this up in order to become a hero. It doesn't stick.