I Won't Say - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Sep 29 2010
I Won't Say by angeltrap
is an AU WAFFy (non-explicit) Light/L Death Note Fan Fic in which Light "wins" and could kill L and Watari at any time if he wanted to... but decides he would rather keep L alive. He also insists that they spend Christmas together with L's "family..."
I Won't Say provides examples of:
- Arbitrary Skepticism: There's no such thing as ghosts!
- Becoming the Mask: L really does become friendly with Kira and Light spends so much time playing nice around L and the orphans he becomes a Papa Wolf for them.
- Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends: In this fic Misa gets paired up with Hideki Ryuuga the pop star to avoid having to go the the usual
Die for Our Ship route.
- Death Takes a Holiday: Invoked when Light suggests that the Taskforce send out another "fake" Kira broadcast saying that Kira will suspend judgments for the holiday season and the real Kira will have to follow it if he wants to maintain his good PR.
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?:
- Near is mystified when pondering the fact that KIRA just ruffled his hair, as is Mello when he made them cocoa, etc.
- L invites Beyond Birthday to come join them for Christmas.
- Dysfunction Junction:
Easily Forgiven: L invites Beyond Birthday to join them for Christmas dinner and eventually he comes to forgive Light for being Kira and reciprocates his feelings.
- Elephant in the Living Room: that Light is Kira.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Watari scolds L and Beyond and tells them to behave themselves, they answer with a meek "Yes sir."
- Exact Eavesdropping: Near stumbles into the Kira x L soap opera.
- Exact Words: "no morning sex... (Beat) or afternoon sex, or evening sex or..."
- Extreme Doormat: L from his training at Wammy's House. Light sets out to convince L that he's allowed to be a human being with emotions.
- Family-Values Villain: Light is usually the one scandalized by the Wammy's kids wacky hijinks.
- Genre Shift: Death Note the Heartwarming Holiday Special.
- The Glomp: L gets attacked by his successors in this way.
- Harmless Villain: Light, Misa, Beyond...
- He Is Not My Boyfriend:
Light: Hello, everyone, I'm Light, L's boyfr-
L: My co-worker!
- Hollywood Apocrypha: in this the First Book of Mello, we have made the following decrees...
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Mello (warning Light) and he manages to be quite intimidating for a 14 year old kid.
- It's Not You, It's Me: Much to Light's relief, Misa breaks up with him after falling for Hideki Ryuuga the pop star.
- Let's Split Up, Gang!: "
- Lima Syndrome: Light comes to like and become very protective of the Wammy Orphans and becomes really insulted when L suggests that he would ever try to kill them.
- Locked in a Room
L: Where's Near?
Mello: Oh, he's safe...
Matt: ... in a closet.
- Mirror Monster: subverted, she's just lonely and wants someone to talk to.
- Moment Killer: Mello, Matt, and Near are on a holy mission to be this.
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: the trio are not happy about Light moving in on L.
- Noble Demon: Light.
- Only Sane Man: Light plays this role in contrast with the Wammy's Kids.
- Papa Wolf: Light becomes this for L and the Wammy's kids.
Light: I will also keep the Death Note where I can reach it whenever I need to, because I will need that power to protect you and our orphans. But... would you, and could you, perhaps, consider... combining Kira and L's powers?
L: What, as in, 'Quit killing, or I'll set Kira on you'?
Light: Yeah, pretty much like that.
- Pun: Princess "Elle" from the bedtime story fairy tales.
- Scarpia Ultimatum: Subverted but brought up. When Misa comes to the Wammy House and L realizes that now Light has all the names of the kids, he offers his complete obedience to Light and when Light asks if that also means sex, L agrees. Light however, upset that L thought he was going to force him into sex for the orphans safety, pushed him away.
- Secret-Identity Identity: both Light and L have this little crisis- Light wants L as his boyfriend but also wants to be God of the New World and L is his main obstacle. Meanwhile L the Detective wants to arrest Kira but L the person has also developed feelings for Light...
- Seen It All: Light is completely unfazed upon meeting a ghost.
- Shout-Out: to AVP: Alien vs. Predator, Beauty and the Beast, and Final Fantasy VII.
- Sibling Rivalry: between Mello and Near.
- Light can only watch on in horror as L and Beyond bicker and snipe at each other with all the maturity of six year olds.
Light: Next you're going to start sticking out your tongu- just like that! L, I saw that!
L: What? He started it.
- Subverted Innocence: "What have you been teaching these kids?!"
- Subverted Kids' Show: Near was making some finger puppets of those he considers family. Light is surprised that that includes him, but then notes that it's sitting not so innocently on his middle finger.
- Talking to the Dead: L expresses his concerns about entering a relationship with Kira to A and B's graves.
- Team Dad: Light, "Mello, leave that poor kid alone and get in here, right now!"
- That Poor Plant: L relates that he once managed to kill a cactus by forgetting to water it.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Sorry, but after having a Shinigami appear in your bedroom in the middle of the night a run-of-the-mill ghost isn't going to cut it...
Ghost girl: You're not afraid?
- Villain Over for Dinner: When Misa arrives at Wammy's House L panics because before when it was just Light they were reasonably safe since they were all using aliases. But now that the Second Kira is here Light can find out the true names of the children and kill them all if he wanted to.
- Villainous Crush: Light towards L.
- Wants a Prize for Basic Decency: Light genuinely doesn't want to hurt L, but that doesn't stop him from feeling slightly entitled to a reciprocation of his feelings based on that fact alone. There is a genuinely uncomfortable moment in chapter 6 where Light pins L to the bed and starts touching him precisely because he realizes L is terrified. He stops almost immediately, and complains that he's been so nice, respecting L's boundaries, that he doesn't understand why L won't give him a chance. He gets better.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Misa's fairy tale
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: when L catches Mello and Matt snooping around his bedroom, Matt turns on the waterworks and tries to blame it all on Light.
- Xenafication: One of the "enhancements" L makes to Light's bedtime story fairy tale.
- You Will Be Spared: Light to L, with the caveat of "don't make me kill anyone else."