Imperium Ascendant - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Dec 24 2018

Imperium Ascendant is a Warhammer 40,000 fanfic written by Jayfiction.

It is the 29th millennium. Dawn is finally breaking on the savagery and strife of Old Night, as the feuding techno-barbarian states of Terra are brought to heel by the nascent Imperium of Man.

The being known as Revelation, The Emperor, or any one of a dozen other names prepares to put his grand schemes into motion, setting the stage for a galactic conquest that will, hopefully, return mankind to its long-lost glory.

And in a secret gene-lab beneath the surface of Luna, twenty infant Primarchs — impossible beings far, far beyond human — sleep peacefully, unaware that the foul forces of Chaos are to scatter them across the galaxy, sowing the seeds for a saga of resentment, betrayal and heresy that will tear the galaxy asunder.

Except that doesn't happen. Not this time.

For while he may sit entombed upon the Golden Throne of Earth, the God-Emperor of Mankind has found a way to harness his mastery of the Immaterium in order to reach back through time, preventing the Scattering before granting his past self boons of knowledge and power, in an attempt to rectify his grave mistakes and provide another, better chance to realise a brighter future for mankind.

But such a great undertaking cannot ever be easy. The Aeldari and their mad god, recognising a dramatic lurch in fate, prepare to fight to the bitter end, aware that the empowered and emboldened Imperium will inevitably threaten the shattered remnants of their civilisation. The Orkish Beasts of Ullanor still threaten to crush countless worlds with a WAAAGH! of inconceivable size. The unspeakably foul things known as the Rangda twist and corrupt everything in their path, with their blasphemous abilities making them truly horrifying foes. And, of course, the Ruinous Powers of Chaos only redouble their efforts to plunge the galaxy into misery and bloodshed, returning history to its "rightful" path.

Yet, while mankind faces danger, hardship and war on an unimaginable scale, lights have started burning amidst the grim darkness of the far future. And they will not be snuffed out.

The fic be found on and on Later, it was continued here, after the author decided to quit because of Games Workshop policies.

Imperium Ascendent provides examples of:

  • Absolute Xenophobe: Averted by the Imperium this time around — while the Imperium has obvious reservations about working with aliens, it appears that the Emperor is willing to incorporate some species in as protectorates, albeit on a case-by-case scenario. One of the Xenos species considered for compliance is the Trileen (space trilobites).
  • Adaptational Badass:
    • The Emperor was already a powerful force to be reckoned with in canon, but for all his intelligence and power, he could only do so much against the Ruinous Powers and was helpless to do anything as the empire he once forged become a perversion of everything he believed in. In this story, upon receiving an immense power boost from his future self, increasing his already immense psychic powers, the Emperor was able to do a lot more damage to the Ruinous Powers. Upon lighting the Astronomicon, he was able to seal various warp rifts, has a farther reach and was able to push back the main gods of the Immaterium, even going as far as to reduce their threat level by having the Angel go through a warp rift during the Lunar Rebellion, allowing him access into the darkest depths of the Warp where the Chaos Gods resided and caused significant damage to them by both exposing the weaknesses of their domains to each other and creating new ones in them, causing all four of them to break their already fragile alliance and focus on attacking each other due to their nature. For context, the canon version of the Emperor, despite being empowered by the Great Rift and millions of people praying to him, can barely pull himself together to talk to anyone and is a slowly dying corpse on the Golden Throne while the IA!Emperor is not only more active, but having been given a massive boost in power that allows him to have an easier time in beating back the Ruinous Powers.
    • The Primarchs grow up to be more well-adjusted due to having a caring Emperor as their father along with the Assa-Matari, giving each Primarch a reliable parental figure to attach themselves to causing them to be more well-adjusted and heroic. The Emperor also removed the maturation enhancers which allowed each of them to have a proper childhood and slowly transition into an adult. Each Primarch even possesses unique powers of their own which they had no problem utilizing. This is a far cry from the canon Primarchs, who grew up way too quickly and was forced to adapt to their environment to survive, while also having a myriad neuroses and psychological issues that's not addressed which partially factors into the Horus Heresy. The Ascendant!Emperor lampshades this, calling the canon versions transhuman children in adult bodies.
    • Even the Imperium of Man itself gets one thanks to the Emperor being aware of just how bad things got in the far future. Unlike in canon, where a citizen is unaware of Chaos, the citizens of the Imperium knows all about the threat of the Ruinous Powers and have been taught to not fall to their temptation. While they will inevitably face off against the various threats that can threaten the Imperium's stability, it's implied that it will stand strong and prosper, never falling into the highly religious dogmatic empire wracked with willful ignorance and paranoia.
    • Unfortunately, the enemies they've had to fight are also more dangerous as their fights with the Orks isn't just a one-sided ass kicking and are putting up a much larger fight in comparison to the canon Great Crusade. The Rangda's influence has also effectively spread and Chaos still remains a credible threat, not to mention other potential Xeno species that can threaten mankind due to the Imperium not launching the Great Crusade as early as originally planned.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: Downplayed. The Aeldari as a whole has already been involved with numerous conflicts with the Imperium, and many of them don't really view humanity in a positive light (there is a reason they call humans 'Mon-Keigh' after all), but both sides are just trying to survive and conflicts only happen if they cross paths with each other, and they have been able to pull off an Enemy Mine if there's a bigger threat involved. In this story, the Aeldari is actively trying to hinder the Ascendant!Imperium thanks to Cegorach, with there bring rumors of him forming an alliance consisting of all Eldars from various factions in an attempt to hinder humanity's rise to power.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy:
    • The Emperor of Mankind gets a huge dose of this. Thanks to seeing just how bad things get partially because of his actions, he sought to try and avert and mistakes made in the canon timeline, with treating all of his sons like how a father would in contrast to the 40k!Emperor where he allowed the Primarchs to call him "father" as a way to manipulate them for his own ends. While still a person who would do what needs to be done, he knows the gravity of the crimes he's going to commit and feels genuine remorse, but feels that there's no other way, in contrast to the canon Emperor who's more ruthless and having a lack of empathy towards almost everyone. The only few people who are even very close to him are Malcador the Sigilite and Constantin Valdor, and even the fandom is rather suspicious if the Emperor actually viewed them as such due to being a cold and logical figure.
    • Any of the Primarchs who canonically sides with Chaos get inevitably hit with this due to being more well-adjusted and heroic by having a proper childhood.
    • The Imperium of Man itself is also this due to the Emperor being more active and thus has more say in how his rule will become, along with having a severe case of Break the Haughty upon witnessing how far he would've fallen. While there are still some morally grey areas (i.e. brutal treatment of xenos and psykers, justified are they are due to the danger they possess), it never reaches the level of dystopia the canon version turns out. The Emperor seeks to take the aspects of what made the 40k!Imperium survive without any of the flaws.
    • The Orders Metallic, the Ascendant version of the Inquisition, are also less heavy-handed and brutal, with much stricter oversight placed on them. In Querca's Folly sidestory, Agent Abujide's decision to destroy several cities he believed to be housing Chaos cults with orbital bombardment and advocate for more results in him being stripped of his position, as he committed those actions without sufficient proof that they were warranted.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul:
    • The Emperor's relationship with the Primarchs. Since all 20 of them didn't get snatched up by the Ruinous Powers, it allowed him to develop something of a familial bond to all of them, with the Emperor even musing how much he missed his sons while he was away on Mars. A stark contrast to canon, to which he tended to pick a favorite, with Horus being deemed as the favored son and how Guilliman claims the Emperor viewed less of them as people and more as tools to be used.
    • The Emperor's relationship with Uriah Olathaire goes into this as well. In canon, Uriah rejected the Emperor's vision and called him a madman, refusing to join the Imperium and even willingly killed himself. In this story, Uriah is one of the Emperor's closest confidants and allies. It also helped that the Ascendant!Emperor didn't try and destroy his beliefs, but instead asked for his advice.
    • The Primarchs' relationship with each other also counts, since they all grew up, fought and learned together on Terra, any form of rivalry was more friendly opposed to how violent some of them were in canon.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The fates of the Second and Eleventh Primarchs in the Canon timeline are revealed inside story information.
  • Alpha Strike:
    • The Chaos Gods decide to throw everything and the Kitchen Sink as the Ascendant!Imperium begins its crusade during the Lunar War, which very nearly succeeded.
    • Likewise, since the Astronomicon covers all but the furthest edges of the galaxy, any areas the Chaos Gods can reach, they corrupt hard.
  • All There in the Manual: There are side story notes which give background information to the Canon and Ascendant timelines.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name:
    • How the Khrave Rangda twist human planets to their bidding.
    • Also found left and right in the Age of Strife. The Ethnarchy was by far the worst.
  • Artistic License – Physics: 40k has always been pretty soft Sci-Fi. Even so, the weaponized Alcubierre drive is out there.
  • Ascended Extra:
    • While the Orks are a major faction in 40k, in the Great Crusade era they constantly suffered countless curb-stomps that reduced their significance. Here, they're putting up a genuinely struggling fight that even the emboldened Imperium is having trouble making headway against them.
    • There's little information about the Rangdan and have been reduced to footnote (albeit an important one). Here, they're part of the Big Bad Ensemble the Imperium has to fight and having more information than what's shown in canon.
    • The Eldar are a major faction in 40k, but in the canon Great Crusade, only a few key characters have showed up, but otherwise stayed out of the Imperium's way or any conflict between them have been mere skirmishes. Here, they're one of the factions that's actively trying to hinder the Imperium.
  • Asshole Victim: Craftworld Zandros killed the leaders of the Squats when the latter requested for aid against the Orks sieging their world, leaving it to ruin and weakening their defenses. No one sheds a tear for them when the Dragon-Forged and the Squats turned it all to ash. While Eldrad felt some regret since he's partially responsible for directing the Imperium there under his alliance with Magnus, it's more so about how he's selling out his own race and not because of the Craftworld and its inhabitants specifically.
  • At Least I Admit It: How The Emperor differentiates his scheming from Cegorach, The Trickster and the Last Old One.
    • Overall, this is what separates him from his canon counterpart. While it’s likely that the 40k version of the Emperor also heard arguments against him, he was thoroughly convinced of his own righteousness and expected people to bend to his will, with only a few people even being able to actually call him out and get away with it. The Ascendant!Emperor, on the other hand, is well aware of the gravity of the crimes he has and will commit for the sake of the Imperium and actually explains things to his sons about why he chose a certain course of action and being able to understand his mindset better. While still someone who holds a lot of secrets, this Emperor is more open to his sons and actually treats them like his kids as opposed to viewing himself as a Gepetto-like figure having puppets under his command.
  • Batman Gambit: Eldrad tried to pull one on Magnus, using the Emperor's secretive nature against him in an attempt to have Magnus go along with his plans. Except Magnus saw what he was planning and instead Eldrad got strung along.
  • Berserk Button: One of the few things that angers The Emperor is mentioning what happened on Moloch.
  • Bio-Augmentation: Not losing the Primarchs at the start, along with having the God-Emperor's "Research Notes" from the future, allows the Astartes to have implants that make them even better than Primaris Marines. For Gene-seed alone they instead 24 of them; the original 19 gene-seeds of the original Astartes, the extra 3 gene-seeds of the Primaris, and another gene-seed (the Dohrnii Drive) that coats the nerves in a non-interfering mapping polymer, gathering biological data and transmitting it back to the drive. It's meant to help with mutation issues (whether from Chaos, random genetic quirks, or other mutagens), and tweaks some of the other Organs in new ways, such as messing with stem cells to allow faster regeneration and even limb/organ regrowth. The final 24th Gene-seed is, however, unique to each Legion, as the Implant is a miniaturisation of the genetic-gifts of the Legion's Primarch:
    • The I Legion have "The Prince's Tears", which modifies the Ventricular system and Dohrnii Drive to create a psycho-reactive compound that allow an Astartes to store behaviour, reflex and muscle memory into their cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow or Progenoid Glands. Thus, whether it be by gene-implantation or fluid transfer, new Astartes can inherit the basic skill and talent of older, experienced Astartes.
    • The II Legion have "The Thrumonyx System", which connects and modifies the Sus-an Membrane, Larraman's Organ and Mucranoid gene-seeds. This allows the Astartes to produce a hybrid quick clotting, low temperature conductive, chemically and biologically resistant black gel known as "Thurmonyx" (or Onyx) in large quantities to close wounds and protect tissue from the vacuum of space, allowing these Astartes to survive in hard vacuum for far longer than other Legions. The chemical process to create this Thurmonyx, while energy-intensive, also produces oxygen as a byproduct, allowing Astartes with damaged life-support systems to function within the vacuum, and the use of Thurmonyx cells prepares the body for Sus-an suspension if needed so the Astartes can still fight and remain active until they are safe or need to hibernate. Finally, the gene-seed modifies the Sus-an Membrane to give off small amounts of an specific, unique radiation when it is activated, becoming a form of locator for Imperial Sensors to find Astartes lost in space for either rescues or Gland extraction.
    • The III Legion have "The Phoenix Feather", which is a bunch of artificial nerves added to the spinal cord and connected to their nervous system that enhances it beyond normal Astartes standards. This allows the Astartes increased reaction times and enhanced skill with their senses, as well as causing new nervous tissue growth to handle faster internal communication and enhanced senses, drastically improving their swordplay and stewardship skills and making them the fastest and most alert Astartes on average. It does have a downside, however, as increasing the number of nerves and their sensitivity makes the Astartes more affected by pain due to a lower tolerance, and they can still go into Shock or similar states with enough trauma.
    • The IV Legion have "The Gorod Marrow", which arguments the Astartes' bone marrow to drastically increase the production of stem cells and blood, and grants them a Primarch's level of regeneration. This allows them to heal from wounds that would put other Astartes out for weeks and months within a fraction of the time. Finally, this gene-seed also accelerates the growth of Progenoid Glands, allowing this Legion to produce and mature them not only faster, but also in greater numbers. Overall, the gene-seed allows the Legion to maintain their numbers either through healing veterans or by rapidly producing recruits.
    • The V Legion have the "Warhawk's Vision", which replaces their eyes and optical nerves and connects and upgrades the Occulobe implant. Using transhuman cellular tissue and cybernetic sensory apparatus, this enhances the already superhuman vision of Astartes to new levels, providing augmented vision superior to anything of similar size. Legion V Astartes without helmets can see with accuracy and focus on par to their cousins using weapon targeting arrays. While the enhanced kinetic vision, infrared detection, and rapid adjustment could be accomplished by armor-systems, the Impant streamlines and accelerates the connections and efficiency of the optic nerve shaving off crucial microseconds of reaction time and visual adaptation, and allowing for levels of visual acuity at a high velocity not thought possible. As a side effect, it changes the appearance of Astartes to those of birds of prey.
    • The VI Legion have the "Vargaz", a complicated sub-system linked to the other existing gene-seed; more specifically, it is a number of mutagen cocktails, mega-stimulants, rejuvenus chems and psi-reactive materials bonded to the Revitalizer, Omophagea, Biscopea, and Larraman's Organ. The Vargaz becomes active when one of three conditions occur: Extreme physical trauma like the normal Revitalizer Organ, ingestion of mutagen laced animal-blood sourced from their bestial gene origin, or exposure to large quantities of Warp Energy. When active, the Vargaz awakens the latent bestial traits and DNA within the Astartes, turning them into near-hybrid of transhuman and animal, and causing a extreme increase in physical prowess, regeneration, and resistance to other mutations. While very primal and viscous, the Legion still retain their reason within this state. However, exiting the Vargaz state is very traumatising to their bodies and souls, and if they are forced to spend months on end as a Vargaz or fail to master their baser instincts, then they'll become little more than animals.
    • The VII Legion have the "Ossuaric Forge", which modifies the Ossmodula gene-seed. The Ossuaric Forge grants the Astartes' the ability to produce mineralized tissue of much higher quality, causing their bones to develop as much denser and stronger than other Legions' Astartes. Additionally, the much stronger bones allow for muscle growth that would be too much for even Astartes, causing the VII Legion to build beyond superhuman muscle density and gifting them a variety of advancements to their physical prowess. Furthermore, these augments to the bone and muscular system only increase with age as the augmentation works deeper into the Astartes tissue, with some of the oldest Astartes to have bones and muscle stronger than many industrial metals. Finally, the Ossuaric Forge allows for the metabolization of more exotic materials, such as Auramite. Consuming a specially prepared sample will cause the auramite to graft on either the sinew coils or bones of the Astartes, enhancing either muscle or bone to levels comparable to a Custodes.
    • The VIII Legion have the "Kronos Lobe", an organ requiring natural psychic aptitude to be implanted without issue, and thus so tricky and difficult to implant that a majority of the Legion only have damaged versions of it. Attached the Corpus Callosum in the brain, those with damaged versions of the organ receive "flickers" of incredible awareness and the ability to perceive time in a way humans had not evolved to do so. This extra-temporal ability grants the Legion's Astartes flashes of insight and seizures of foresight, showcasing bits of precognition that can allow them react and act with supernatural speed and luck. If the Astartes possess the psychic power and strength of will needed for the organ to be undamaged, then they become part of the "Solomonari" role of the Legion. These Astartes have access to incredible precognitive powers and extra-sensory awareness even greater than the strongest seers. The precognition is unique among other types in that it doesn't show multiple futures, but rather only the current future; what things are going to occur unless something interferes. Use of this organ, both damaged and intact, take a great mental toll on the Astartes.
    • The IX Legion have "Gabrielian Joints" - Biomechanical Wing stumps that include the organic changes to support and use the extra pair of limbs in a myriad ways. Though easily the most common attachment is a pair of metallic alloy wings which gives the Astartes the power of limited flight, artillery and scouting attachments have been made use of by various organizations within the legion to become a more effective implement of their Primarch’s will.
    • The X Legion have the "Steel Carapace", an upgraded version of the Black Carapace that lets Astartes better link with their technology and each other, making them smarter, faster,and more accurate when operating technology.
    • The XI Legion have the Anathemic Liver, an additional liver that filters their body and laces their bodily fluids with anathemic properties, gradually seeping into their tissues as well. This organ not only helps the XI Legion in performing anti-Chaotic rituals, but any daemon foolish enough to try and consume the flesh of a Soul Hunter will join their foe in death, while any cult that tries to use captured Soul Hunters as sacrifices will find their blood is much more of a danger to them than it is to the Imperium. This also has the side effect of making the flesh of any Soul Hunter over a century old entirely poisonous - something the XI Legion exploits by cremating fallen Soul Hunters with more than a century of service, and using their ashes to coat, line, or even infuse various pieces of equipment used in their anti-Warp operations.
    • The XII Legion have the "Warhound's Leash", which forges a chain of both chemical and psychic nature between the Astartes. Each individual Phalanx becomes a unified pack bound to its Captain, who is bound to his commanding officer, and so on and so forth, all the way up to their Primarch. This network of pheromonal and psychic links also greatly enhances their coordination, with the entire Legion fighting as a singular macro-unit with virtually the same level of coordination as a single Phalanx.
    • The Legion of "The Silver Knights" (this timeline's version of the Grey Knights) are this up to eleven, as they instead have gene-seed hybridisation of all Twenty Primarchs, picking out the strongest anti-Chaos qualities of each and then further enhanced by the Emperor. The Legion is also lead by Eight "Super-Astartes", Perpetuals born from "The Angel's" power, who is the prototype of a Primarch's Soul and an Avatar of Mankind, allowing them to regenerate from any wound and not be killed by most means. These Eight were created by the Emperor to fulfil their lack of a Primarch, using a improved hybrid creation method between the Custodes' and Astartes' creation processes along with the souls of fallen heroes. These Eight "Lord Paladins" are inferior to the Primarchs' might, but still possess immense psychic power and knowledge from hundreds of dead Astartes.
      • As for the Astartes themselves, they possess "The Ghost Heart", a Warp crystal of the highest quality that is created from the Emperor's Anathema psychic power that are crafted into a psionic anchor and implanted into their primary heart. This bonds with their muscle tissues and increases the Silver Knights' psychic powers, along with granting them the ability to see and use the souls of the deceased in the Warp not consumed by Chaos to fuel their spells and rituals, in addition to protecting them from going mad when doing so and granting them great control over calling the spirits. It also collects souls of those worthy of joining the Emperor, turning them into spirit familiars to serve the Silver Knights until death, after which the saved souls join the Astronomicon.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: To say the Imperium has the work cut out for them is a massive understatement. Examples include, but not limited to:
    • The Rangda, a Xeno race that utilizes Organic Technology and possesses Lovecraftian Superpower of abysmal levels.
    • The Orks, unlike in canon, have massive grown to the point of having formed their own empire and multiple Beasts to hunt down.
    • The Aeldari, spearheaded by the Laughing God himself, trying to hinder the Imperium's efforts as they represent a threat to the shattered remnants of its Vestigial Empire.
    • Finally, the Primordial Annihilator itself, now facing a united and emboldened Imperium, is pulling all the stops to hinder their Arch-Enemy.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: The Rangda in this story are revealed to be a type of sentient fungi, and can take on forms that do not match those of any creature on Earth.
  • Bling of War: The Emperor wears very posh Military gear when not on the battlefield and in his "Revelation" guise.
  • Break the Haughty: Ascendant!Magnus gets a brutal lesson in humility due to his over-reliance on Warp Powers, by being forced to fight a Sister of Silence, who is given full permission to kill the young Primarch if need be. It's deconstructed in that while it does work in breaking Ascendant!Magnus' pride, the methods used disturbs the Emperor greatly as he could end up losing one of his beloved sons if things went wrong. The Emperor decides to prevent this from happening again by making it so that if someone wants to do something similar, they would have to receive explicit permission from himself or Malcador.
    • The Emperor has been hit with this, realizing just how much he messed up upon seeing what he'll become in the future. Fortunately, his attempts at rectifying his mistakes didn't go for naught as he was able to properly raise all 20 Primarchs and give them a childhood, allowing them to show Undying Loyalty to their father and effectively cripple any leverage Chaos has against them.
    • The Eldar has also been repeatedly hit with this. In their attempts to antagonize the Imperium of Man and bring them down a peg, it's usually the former who ends up biting the dust with little to show for it. It's gotten to the point where they're even willing to collaborate with the Orks just to give them a chance of fighting back, and even then their plans tend to fail more often than not. It's also pretty telling that the Mark of Khaine, the Aeldari god of war, is also fused with Baraca and it doesn't even seem like he's doing anything to actively sabotage his efforts.
  • Butt-Monkey: The Aeldari can’t catch a break in this timeline, partially because they’ve brought it upon themselves. Any time they end up fighting the Imperium of Man, it usually results in a loss.
    • Proxima Centauri resulted in Iskandar (Fulgrim) being reborn and their attempt caused The Emperor to turn his eye to the Warp and threaten the Laughing God himself.
    • Craftworld Zandros leaving the Squats to die caused them to seek revenge with the help of the Dragon-Forged (Salamanders) resulting in its destruction.
    • Their collaboration with the Orks in Golgotha didn’t amount to anything as Culain MacTurson (Ferrus Manus) still fought them back which resulted in their loss.
    • The Drukhari’s attempt to assassinate Marcus Augustio (Roboute Guilliman) via poisoning is all for naught as they ended up killing themselves in the process and giving Marcus more data on how the Aeldari as a whole operate.
    • The only time when the Imperium of Man and Aeldari didn’t get into an all-out battle was Magnus’ meeting with Eldrad in Prospero, and even then it was the latter’s attempt to manipulate the Primarch in fighting for the Eldar, something Magnus recognized and caused him to turn the tables on Eldrad.
  • Category Traitor: Unsurprisingly, Eldrad is viewed as this to most if not all the Aeldari as a whole as he joined the Imperium.
  • Cavalry Betrayal: A fleet from Craftworld Zandros arrives at the orbit of a besieged Squat world, asking for artifacts they left with the inhabitants long ago. When the Squats asked for help with the siege in return in accordance to ancient treaties of mutual aid, the Eldar teleported in, massacred the leaders, and took their passes to the vault containing the artifacts. Without the leaders, the world soon fell. Deconstructed, as their penchant for doing so leads to the destruction of their Craftworld.
  • Character Development: The Emperor begins to change as a person no thanks to the visions and warning of his future self upon the Golden Throne.
    • While he's still committed to the creation of the Imperium and is willing to walk the path of blood to ascend humanity into greater heights, he acknowledges the costs this path will be and pushes forward with grim determination. He heavily regrets the path that he chooses to walk on and makes no illusion that he's a tyrant and a monster, but is obligated to so for the sake of humanity.
    • He also starts to treat those under him with more care and consideration, most prominent of all are his relationships with the Primarchs, as he's still something of a stern father figure, but lets them know how much he appreciates their efforts and genuinely cares for them as his children, allowing them to live out a proper childhood to not only ensure their mental stability, but also gives them happy memories and allow them to live a time of carefree responsibility before each of them take up mantles for the Imperium of Man. Likewise, the Thunder Warriors (save for Arik and Ghota), still died, but allowed them to pass away via natural causes or on the battlefield instead of having them be gunned down by the Custodes and Astartes.
    • He also begins to place trust in others more instead of attempting to do things on his own. When discussing the issue about what to do with aliens, the Emperor gave his sons leeway on how to approach the issue instead of forcing them to take his side. When consoling Horus during the time he's plagued with seeing his future self, the Emperor outright says that no one, not even him, decides how the future will be and that only Horus has control over his own fate. He also shows the truth about the Warp and Chaos to not only the Primarchs, but also the common people, making him aware that such a threat exists, and that it can be beaten.
    • A Fatal Flaw of the Emperor's is that he tends to cut way too many corners and tries to hurry things along, focusing on the bigger picture instead of dealing with the present problems that eventually got too big to handle. Between him not addressing the mental instability and flaws of the traitor Primarchs, having no hand in quelling the dissenters of Mars and focusing too much on the Webway Project eventually led to the Horus Heresy. Here, the Emperor actually addresses the issues that would've plagued the canon Imperium before they became too big an issue. For example, he delays the Great Crusade to ensure the Primarchs all grew up as mentally stable adults to sever any leverage Chaos could've used to turn them to their side and personally speaks to Kelbor-Hal to show him the truth of the Machine God which allows him to switch the policy of Mars from mere hunting STCs to carefully developing technology.
    • He's also more receptive to the advice of other people. In canon, the Emperor tried to have Uriah see that his way is the only way, viewing himself so far in the right that he doesn't question the morality of his actions. Here, the Emperor asks The Last Priest for advice instead of trying to get into a philosophical debate, allowing him input and seeing the value of his advice, making it easier to sway Uriah on the Emperor's side. It helps that he actually explains his dislike of religion instead of merely putting himself in a position where he's always correct. It's thanks to Uriah's advice that the Imperial Truth is revised, where instead of merely preaching a secular empire, it advocates for faith, but the faith of humanity, and the faith to what they can do should they all work together.
    • Overall, this is a far cry from the canon Emperor, who's viewed as a cold figure who relies on logic, uncaring about what others say, views his way is the only way and hides much from everyone including his closest followers, hence part of why the Heresy happened.
  • Combat Pragmatist: On Luna, Zaubernax the Chaos Champion expects a honorable duel against a Primarch while his Legion besieges the gates in a bloody meatgrinder. Instead, both he and the gates get an orbital bombardment to the face, courtesy of Marcus Augustio.
  • Combat by Champion: The siege of the Orks upon the final Squat stronghold ended with one. The Squat champion fell, but by then, The Cavalry arrived, led by Vulkan.
  • Contagious Heroism: The Astronomicon touched Children seem to possess this.
  • Co-Dragons: Malcador and Arik Taranis act as the Emperor's Dragons.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: After the attack on Luna, the Emperor doesn't remove the memories of Horus' Alternate Self from the future that the Chaos Gods implanted on him in their attempt to sway him to their side, as not even he knew the consequences of doing so. Fortunately, it paid off during the Battle of Ullanor as being constantly haunted by his future self allowed IA!Horus to gather the mental strength to reject him in his entirety.
  • Cultured Warrior: Under Magnus' influence, the XV Legion is an entire Legion's worth of this. Every Astartes member studies the greatest generals of a thousand eras, debating their strengths and failings with their brothers. This also extends to the mortal members of their crusader fleet, with every member - from the highest admirals, to the lowliest servants - spending what time they had bettering themselves through learning.
  • Deader than Dead: What Eddard Fendragon's 'Titansword' can do to anything it strikes.
  • The Determinator: The Squat champion stabbing the Ork Warboss despite being in a Half the Man He Used to Be state.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The Emperor has a long history of this involving the Chaos Gods and Void Dragon.
  • Discard and Draw: The Ascendant Great Crusade is a much harder endeavor than its canon version, having a smaller territory to start from, possessing less time, less free territories to integrate and much more dangerous enemies to fight. However, all the Primarchs are well-adjusted adults that show Undying Loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind, the basic structure of the Imperium is much more stable and the Emperor himself is much stronger, decreasing the likelihood of infighting amongst itself.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Senada and the other slaves on Ceres.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: Arik Taranis becomes this for the Primarchs, but when it comes to his handling of Magnus, even the Emperor believes he crossed too many lines.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: The Shining Path is not an easy one, but it's a path that's nonetheless reachable, but not without a lot of sacrifices and hardship.
  • Education Mama: The Assai-Matarari can sometimes fall into this.
  • Eldritch Abomination: In droves. The Chaos Gods, C'tan, Rangda, Men of Iron, even the Emperor to a degree.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Well, more of an autocrat that toes the line between AntiHero and AntiVillain, but it still counts. For all the bloodshed he'll commit for the sake of mankind, his restored humanity allows him to form a genuine attachment to the Primarchs, allowing them a degree of freedom in how they wage their wars and conquests instead of being his Control Freak canon self where his ability to be empathetic is suspect at best, and nonexistent at worst.
  • Evil Counterpart: What Korban seeks to be for the Imperium when he conquers Maccragge.
  • Faceless Eye: Tzeentch takes a form similar to this when the Emperor confronts him.
  • Fan Sequel: Due to the author hitting a major writing block, other continue the fic for them in a separate thread.
  • Fate Worse than Death: The Ascendant Emperor sees the 40k Emperor's fate as this - reduced to a corpse on a golden throne, trapped between a state of life and death, and worshiped as a god by a fanatically theocratic Imperium whose people have discarded reason and science in favor of war, bloodshed, and death. To a staunch atheist like the Emperor, such a fate is utterly nightmarish.
  • Fatal Flaw: Arrogance for the Aeldari and Magnus. Even when the advent of She Who Thirsts scattered their empire, they really don’t know when to recognize that they’ve met their match. They still have the call to call humans 'Mon-Keigh' even though the Imperium of Man has been repeatedly kicking their asses every time they reveal themselves. As for Magnus, his over-reliance on his Psyker gifts caused him to develop an ego that would’ve fallen him as much as his canon self had he not learned a harsh lesson.
  • Feather Flechettes: Dante (the alternate Sanguinius) was shown using them against a fleeing enemy leader.
  • Fantastic Racism: Subverted; The Emperor gave his order to exterminate all alien life not because of this, but because Chaos activity during the Age of Strife made alien life potentially corrupted (he even list some species destroyed during this period). He also states that he can't always recognise Chaos taint on aliens or protect their souls. So he decides better be safe than sorry. Nevertheless, his sons disagree, and Magnus decides to try not to engage in pointless exterminations. The Emperor agrees, but warns them about potential consequences.
  • Fisher King: Compare the canon Emperor to his Ascendant Alternate Self: The former is skeleton stuck on the Golden Throne, powerless to actively do anything while the latter is not only active and moving, but also empowered by the blood of martyrs from a Bad Future. Both run a galaxy-spanning empire, but while the former is a slowly decaying theocracy that rejects all logic and reason in the name of dogma along with various factions fighting for political power while the latter has a thriving empire that's fully united in its mission with a smoothly running governmental body.
  • Friendly Rivalry: In droves among the Primarchs, as opposed to their more toxic relationships in the canon timeline.
  • Foregone Conclusion: It's practically all but established that the Imperium is going to avert the dogmatic, xenophobic rotten carcass of an empire the canon version would eventually become due to the Emperor heeding his future self's warnings and come out on top. How it gets there has yet to be fully archived.
  • Future Me Scares Me:
    • Understandably, the Emperor is horrified that his eventual fate would result in him being interred to the Golden Throne, helpless as the empire he sought to create fell apart and decayed from within, all the while enemies surround them at all sides.
    • Horus unsurprisingly doesn't have a positive view of his Alternate Self from the future due to his role in leading the Heresy.
  • God-Emperor: What The Emperor of Mankind of the canon timeline ends up becoming inadvertently, something that his Ascendant counterpart feared the most.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The Angel, a Superweapon from the Age of Strife, end up being unleashed on Luna during the Lunar Crusade when Be'lakor overpowers Marcus Augustio and Kalib Kraad.
  • Gone Horribly Right: What the IA!Emperor thinks of the canon Imperium. While the sovereign nation that he sought to build was able to withstand the test of time even for 10 millennia and fight off the various forces that attack them all in the Emperor's name, it slowly degenerated into an empire where innovation is frowned upon, religious dogma is heavily encouraged if not outright required and the bureaucratic structure is shaped in such a way that the various factions are putting as much time in fighting each other as they do the enemy.
  • Good Parents:
    • Thanks to the Emperor regaining his humanity, he's this to the Primarchs. While still a stern father figure, he has a parental attachment to all of them and never views them as tools. When discussing the issue about what to do with peaceful Xenos, the Emperor allowed them to choose how to go about the issue, allowing them a greater degree of trust compared to his canon version.
    • The Assa-Matari, the maternal figures assigned to the Primarchs also count, as all of them have shown nothing but support and love towards all 20, allowing them to have a more well-adjusted outlook on life.
  • Gullible Lemmings: The Creed of Four Phases and other Chaos Cults.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Abbadon gives up his life on the Battle of Ullanor to give Tengri time to escape.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The Eldar who attack the Squats are implied to do so because their precognition and divination said that betraying the Squats and crippling them would preserve their Craftworld for longer, and are stated to have done this often to other parties due to paranoia. This leads directly to their Craftworld being destroyed by the Squats later on.
  • Hollywood Atheist: Uriah seems to think this of the Emperor at first and at times the Master of Mankind can fall into it.
  • Hourglass Plot: The canon timeline shows the Imperium fighting a slowly losing battle against Chaos, the four main Chaos Gods glutting on the suffering of the Imperium's citizens as they slowly gain power and eventually swallow the Imperium. In the Ascendant timeline, the roles have been reversed as it's Chaos that's fighting a slowly losing battle due to the Imperium being more emboldened.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: The Emperor's reasoning for his actions. Eldrad's too, after his deal with Magnus.
  • I Have Many Names: Chapter 4 reveals that the Emperor's names are Atham the Revelation, Master of Mankind, Anathema to Chaos, Augustus Imperator, Father of the Imperium, Lord of Terra and Mars, Omnissiah, Lord of Perpetuals, Sire of Heroes, and the New Man.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Subverted. Uriah's talk with the Emperor ended the same way as it did in canon: Willing to die while the last church burns around him (albeit this time by his own doing instead of the Emperor's forces). Except the Emperor extended his lifespan and saves him while the church burns to the ground.
  • Irony: The Ascendant Emperor refers to the Emperor of 40K as the Corpse-Emperor. You know, the very same title the Chaos Gods and their followers say whenever they refer to the Emperor.
    • Magnus is the one burning Prospero this time around.
  • Kill Sat: Marcus Augustio uses a Lunar Class Cruiser like this. During the assault on Port Luna.
  • Knight Templar: Cegorach. He plans to kill the Emperor (and nearly succeds) to use his death energy as a way destroy Chaos Gods and to prevent the birth of the fifth Chaos God. The Emperor actually agrees with his plan, but counters that this will destroy Chaos only in this universe.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The Q'hrel serve as this during the I and II's campaign to unify and liberate Sol.
  • Lighter and Softer: Well, at least for the Imperium of Man. This being 40k, there's going to be a lot of bloodshed on both the Imperium and other factions, but at the end of the tunnel, the dream that the Emperor sought to do for the sake of mankind has come to fruition. All the Primarchs show Undying Loyalty to the Emperor, Imperial citizens that aren't part of the Astartes or high up the chain of command have knowledge about Chaos instead of being downright ignorant & the overall quality of life is significantly better. Side materials even show that there's restoration efforts done on Terra in an attempt to bring back the ocean and plantlife known as the Gaia project.
  • A Lighter Shade of Grey: The Ascendant!Imperium is this to its canon counterpart. Both are a militaristic dictatorship with a tyrannical figurehead as its leader, but compared to the canon Imperium, the Ascendant version runs much more smoothly and is less likely to get choked up in its bureaucracy despite its size, allowing everything to be ran more smoothly and putting high emphasis on efficiency. Its citizens also have slightly more say on what needs to be improved so long as they don't incite a rebellion, and there's even a few departments dedicated to not only curbing the power of major organizations, but also checking to ensure there's as little corruption as possible.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: The powerset of the Rangdans and some Chaos Sorcerers.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Tzeentch, The God Emperor, some of the Primarchs and surprisingly Arik Taranis.
  • Meaningful Rename: The Grey Knights have been renamed as the Silver Knights, symbolizing how they aren't protecting a slowly decaying empire, but a more enlightened era and a bastion of hope for humanity. They help pave the way for humanity to never fear the forces of Chaos, a far cry from their canon role of holding back a slowly losing fight as the home they sought to protect also rots from the inside.
  • Monster Clown: SOP of the Harlequins, Eldar who follow Cegorach, particularly when The Emperor and Iskandar Basileus visit Proxima Centauri.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The Emperor's reaction to the God-Emperor and the 40k!Imperium.
  • Named by the Adaptation: In canon, the Emperor has no name. Here, his true name is Atham the Revelation.
  • Necessarily Evil: While the Ascendant!Imperium is a far cry from the decaying empire of its canon version, this being Warhammer 40k, some decisions that can be viewed as morally gray at most are still employed.
    • Psykers are still being fed to the Astronomicon to lighten the Emperor's burden, but unlike in canon, it's at least made to be as painless as possible unless the psyker is willing to resist and/or unstable, nor are the demands for it so high. While there is a school dedicated to training psykers, it also serves as a prison with guards that are willing to shoot them on sight should they go out of control. This is especially prominent with Beta-Alpha level psykers, who have the least amount of freedom due to the amount of power they have.
    • Xenos with a potential to be a psyker have it worse, as their powers are essentially stunted by having a chip implanted upon them to render them powerless which would be rigged to explode should they go out of control. Only the Eldar are spared from this fate due to their immense control and experience with the Immaterium. This decision to restrict Xenos has caused some tension amongst the more Xeno-tolerant Primarchs.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!:
    • The Chaos Gods opened the Great Rift so Argel Tal and his Serrated Sun squadron can scatter the infant Primarchs... which allowed Throne-Emperor to send Legion of the Damned into the past and prevent the Chaos Gods' plot to steal and corrupt the Primarchs.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • What exactly was the Emperor's Birthright that he reclaimed on Molech?
    • What did the Soul Hunters make that let them win the competition held between the IV, X, and XVIII Legions - and also got them banned every subsequent year?
  • Not Helping Your Case: The Aeldari's attempt to preserve what's left of their Dying Race ends up biting them in the long run.
    • Craftworld Zandros left the Squats to die and performed a Cavalry Betrayal, eventually causing them along with the Dragon-Forged to attack them out of revenge.
    • Attacking the Emperor and Iskandar on Proxima Centauri sours any potential diplomatic relations the two races would've had.
    • Cegorach tries to explain to the Emperor about his motivation regarding his Wounded Gazelle Gambit, but having been attacked and being dead set on his goals made him unwilling to agree with the Laughing God's plans.
    • The Drukhari's assassination attempt on Marcus Augustio failed, giving him knowledge that the Beast Blackfang is collaborating with the Aeldari as well as how they operate.
  • Obstructive Zealot: The Creed of Four Phases when they work to undermine Imperial Authority.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: How Revelation fought and overcame Hashut, the Unborn god of Greed.
  • Off with His Head!: Argal Tal is decapacitated just after recognizing the mysteriaous Custodes as Aquillon (whom he killed by biting off his head in the canon timeline).
  • Oh, Crap!: Daemon Prince Ingethel screams in utter terror when she senses Throne-Emperor's psychic power cutting through the Warp to let the Legion of the Damned into the past.

    Ingethel: Anathema... THE ANATHEMA HAS COME!

  • Old Soldier: Arik Taranis and Ghota fall into this.
  • Ominous Message from the Future: The Ascendant!Emperor's meeting with Throne-Emperor of 40k is essentially the latter's attempt to warn him of what his actions would eventually lead to if he did not show empathy towards the Primarchs. The Ascendant!Emperor takes the warnings to heart.
  • Our Angels Are Different: The IX legion embrace the angelic imagery of their Primarch wholeheartedly, wearing winged jump packs into combat.
  • Point of Divergence: The Primarchs aren't scattered across the Galaxy, and everything changes.
    • For example, Macragge falls because, without Roboute Guilliman (Marcus Augustio), there's no unifying figure to turn it in the great region that it became in canon.
    • Without Magnus' leadership, the citizens of Prospero fall victim to the Psychneuein, and Magnus is forced to give the world and its people a Mercy Kill. He even personally executes Amon, his mentor in the original timeline, out of compassion and grim necessity.
    • Since the Emperor decided to delay the Great Crusade for the sake of not only preparing the Imperium but also to ensure the Primarchs grew up in a stable environment, the enemies that they'll fight are much stronger compared to canon. Most notable example are the Orks, where instead of getting their asses kicked constantly like in canon, are putting up a much bigger fight. The Rangda's influence has also gotten larger rather than an (albeit very important) footnote like in canon & Chaos is still something of a credible threat, plus other potential alien species that can threaten mankind due to the Imperium launching the Great Crusade later than intended.
    • Due to the Emperor getting a taste of what his future will be like from his canon self, he delays the Great Crusade for the sake of raising the Primarchs properly and treating them not as tools to be used but as children. While this has made the unfortunate effect of making the enemies the Imperium will have to fight stronger, none of the Primarchs have any animosity towards their father and are fiercely loyal to him and the Imperium, cutting off any potential leverage Chaos or any other enemy faction seeking to undermine the Imperium. Since the Primarchs were all raised under one house, they've all gotten to know each other more and have a closer relationship and while there's still some rivalries and huge disagreements between themselves and their father, it hasn't caused any significant delays to the Great Crusade as a whole nor did it get so toxic where they would willingly attempt to kill one another.
    • Canonically, Lorgar Aurelian was the first to encounter the purple-eyed cultists of Cadia, initiating his fall to Chaos (and corruption of the other Primarchs). In this timeline, it's Octaviar Perturabo's IV Crusader Fleet that makes first contact, which ends with the IV Legion exterminating the cult entirely and raising a fortress on the newly renamed Aur-Cadia.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Make no mistake, the Imperium is just as much of a totalitarian state as it is in canon, but compared to the downright choking bureaucratic mess of its canon counterpart, it runs much more smoothly since it lacks the internal power struggles that the canon version is always plagued with due to the Emperor and Primarchs having a more active role in governing. Its citizens have a much greater degree of freedom as while censorship is still a huge factor, they're able to create whatever form of media they so desire provided it doesn't promote rebellion or dissidence. The Imperium even has a division specifically designed to fix the kinks and flaws within its governmental body and its citizens has some say on what needs improvement, provided they don't outright rebel against the system. By modern standards it's morally ambiguous, but in comparison to the dystopian nightmare of canon, the Ascendant!Imperium has been able to found a large governmental body that lacks most of its canon self's issues and focuses heavily on efficiency, especially due to having to manage a galaxy-sized empire.
  • Public Domain Artifact:
    • Horus wields the Spear of Destiny.
    • The wood of the staff Magnus carries comes from the Bodhi Tree.
  • Quality over Quantity: The geneseed of the Legion V is believed to be very picky as to who can accept it. It is very difficult to find a compatible candidate, but those that can accept it experience no forms of rejection or biological failures.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: A dark subversion of this occurs when the Emperor faces warp-golem versions of the Primarchs after lighting the Astronomicon.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure:
    • The Emperor has developed into this thanks to the God-Emperor showing him visions of the future. He's definitely no saint by any means and is still a genocidal warlord leading a highly militaristic empire, but he's taken into consideration beyond what's the fastest way to get to the end goal. For example, he lets the Thunder Warriors perish on their own terms fighting on the battlefield or due to their flawed nature of creation instead of having them be gunned down by his own forces. He puts more genuine trust in his subordinates and accepts the fact that he can't do everything himself, being more receptive to the advice of others and is less secretive to his closes subordinates.
    • By extension, the Ascendant!Imperium has become this due to the Emperor and the Primarchs being presented taking part in governing their galaxy-sized empire and preventing the bureaucracy that's been set up to degenerate into a mess. It's still a totalitarian regime with a few skeletons in the closet, but it's a government that puts emphasis on efficiency and unity towards care for the human race, with no division locked in a political or power struggle. It's still willing to resort to extreme methods, but only if there's no other choice. In Quercia's Folly, Agent Abujide ended up being stripped of his position when he advocated for orbital bombardment of several cities suspected to be lurking with the taint of Chaos even when the justification, showing that the Imperium won't just outright resort to such methods first and foremost and no division within the Imperium has nigh-absolute power.
  • Recursive Fic: There is a Distant Finale Star Wars crossover ongoing. Various "apocrypha" are a hybrid of this and All There in the Manual, given that their writers are working in coordination with the main fic's author and show or explain minutiae of the universe, such as the structure of Imperial government or the process of integrating worlds.
  • Screw Destiny: How this story begins. The Legion of the Damned are sent back ten thousand years into the past by Throne-Emperor to prevent the scattering of the Primarchs.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: The Emperor is determined to avoid making the same mistakes as his canon counterpart.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Craftworld Zandros tends to perform Cavalry Betrayal in their attempt to preserve their own kind...only for their betrayal of the Squats to completely bite them in the ass when they along with the Dragon-Forged burned them to the ground.
  • Spared by the Adaptation:
    • The Ascendant!Emperor avoids the Fate Worse than Death suffered by the Emperor of 40k by taking steps to avoid creating the Crapsack World that is the 40k Imperium - most prominent among them is his genuine efforts to be a proper father figure to the Primarchs.
    • Unlike in canon, the Thunder Warriors are allowed to go out on their own terms in battle rather than being put down by the Custodes, and Arik Taranis and another Thunder Warrior named Ghota survive and end up being teachers to the Primarchs and the first generation of Astartes.
    • After losing a philosophical debate with the 40k Emperor, Uriah Olathaire decides to die with his church as the Last Priest, calling the 40k Emperor out on his hypocrisy and giving a warning about depriving humanity of religion before the 40k Emperor has him torched by the Thunder Warriors. Here, Uriah lives due to the Ascendant!Emperor choosing to empower him and make him the Guardian of the Imperial Truth, extending the priest's lifespan at the same time.
  • Super-Empowering: Just before he leaves the canon 40k timeline, the Ascendant!Emperor is empowered by uncorrupted shards of the Primarchs' collective goodness, restoring his empathy for humanity and empowering him with quintillions of human souls due to being a living form of Human Afterlife.
  • The Swarm: It's 40k, so the Tyranids are coming. The Rangda and other Great Crusade Xeno's count.
  • Take a Third Option: How the Emperor prevented the Primarchs from falling to Chaos in the Ascendant timeline - he felt soul-binding the Primarchs to him was distasteful, but when he tried crippling the Primarchs by ridding them of emotion, the then-infant Magnus stopped him by showing him a future where the Primarchs were rendered powerful yet emotionally-stunted superweapons. Horrified, the Emperor decides to take another option: Binding the Primarchs with an unbreakable Psychic Link.
  • Tag Team Twins: Alpharius and Omegon fight like this when it is necessary.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • The Imperium of Man as part of the fanfic's premise. Due to God-Emperor sending visions to his younger self, he begins to take steps to ensure any weaknesses and flaws in the empire as a whole are eliminated or at least toned down.
      • The Emperor himself is much more powerful than his canon version due to being empowered with many human souls, easily beating back the Ruinous Powers not only once, but twice.
      • Any personality or genetic flaws the Primarch have aren't as big of an issue due to the Emperor giving them a childhood and fixing inbuilt issues in their DNA. It helps that Chaos didn't get their hands on any of them, preventing any mutations they would've given.
      • The Mechanicus have no dissenters, or at least too little to make a huge impact due to the Emperor showing the Void Dragon to Kelbor Hal, which causes him to advocate careful technological development instead of merely hunting Standard Template Constructs.
      • The Emperor founds the organization from the dark future to use in the Ascendant timeline such as the creation of the Grey Knights and its version of the Inquisition, this time less occupied with political scheming and choking bureaucracy.
    • Sadly, the enemies of the Imperium also get stronger since the Great Crusade got delayed due to the Emperor's extra preparations.
      • The Orks aren't suffering countless curb-stomps, but are giving the Imperium a genuine fight to the point where Horus describes the war against the Greenskins as a slog.
      • The Rangda have occupied more worlds and infested more people with no Imperium of Man to stop them in time. Dante (Sanguinius) ended up in a Badass in Distress situation where he had to survive in a conflict where his powers are rendered ineffective.
    • Inverted towards the Aeldari. The former has all but fractured due to their empire's fall, not helping their case is that they really are fond of antagonizing the Imperium.
    • Inverted, then played straight for Chaos. During the Luna Crusade, the Emperor, using the Angel as a host, struck deep into the Immaterium and forced the Chaos Gods to fight for scraps of territory that hasn't been burnt out, buying the Imperium time to properly organize and prepare themselves until they appear down the line. However, Word of God explicitly states that as the Imperium begins to gain ground and Chaos is slowly being backed into a corner, they paradoxically (and ironically) become more orderly and competent, mixing together their "blessings" (i.e. hate plague from Khorne + Nurgle) and having deadlier forces.
  • Unnecessarily Large Interior: The Imperial Palace is filled with rooms like this and the Hollow Mountain of the Astronomicon is literally that.
  • Unusual Euphemism: Upon a ship in prolonged combat, a person describing people in non-combat roles mentions that "A couple of younger members of our group found solace among each other. Working hard at night to produce the next generation of Imperial citizens."
  • Vestigial Empire: This is what the Aeldari has been reduced to. With the birth of Slaanesh crippling their civilization, nothing is left but the small pockets that the She Who Thirsts has yet to touch. It's not really helping their case that they also keep antagonizing the Imperium of Man, who Took a Level in Badass due to the Emperor fixing all the mistakes that doomed his canon counterpart, allowing for a more united humanity under his banner that lacks the major problems that plague the canon Imperium.
    • It's also heavily implied the Eldar will clash with the Imperium when the latter attempts to colonize the Webway.
  • Virtue Is Weakness: Part of the reason why the canon Emperor created the Primarchs is to rid himself of all weakness in order to become the 'perfect' leader humanity needed. This resulted in the Primarchs embodying each of his discarded traits. The Ascendant!Emperor realizes that in doing this, he appeared to the Primarchs as an inhuman Emperor instead of the father-figure and teacher they wanted and needed, ultimately dooming the Imperium of 40k.
  • Walking the Earth: What the Emperor spent his youth doing according to this Fic.
  • Was It Really Worth It?: Eldrad's reaction to allying with the Imperium of Man in a nutshell. While he was able to enlist Magnus' help in preserving their Dying Race, it wasn't under his own terms since Magnus recognized his manipulations and dragged him to the XV Primarch's level, forcing him to sell out members of his own race to gain favor with the Imperium.
  • Western Zodiac: The Emperor gave each Primarch a ring engraved with the Zodiac sign they are connected to.
  • What the Romans Have Done for Us: Marcus Augustio, the XIII Primarch uses this in spades.
  • Wham Line:
    • When the Emperor reveals that Cegorach is actually the last Old One.
    • At the same time, the Emperor may be a part-Old One, the Craftsman, who helped ancient shamans to create the Emperor and merged his soul with him if Cegorach to be trusted. Also, there are more Old Ones.
  • Would Hurt a Child: When it becomes clear that the infant Primarchs cannot be retrieved thanks to the Legion of the Damned's intervention, Argal Tal orders his soldiers to kill Primarchs I, VI, VII, XI, XIII, XVIII, and XIXnote . This was to ensure that the targeted Primarchs would never come to exist as they had in the canon timeline. Fortunately, the Legion of the Damned succeeds in preventing the Serrated Suns chapter from doing so.