Lover of the Sacrificial Bride - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Mar 14 2022
Lover of the Sacrificial Bride is a Diabolik Lovers fanfiction by SugarButterfly432.
Regular student Tamotsu Maki always had feelings for the beautiful Yui Komori since her first day of school, but he could never talk to her out of shyness and the guys that she's always with. But when he meets a spirit who will help him win over his crush, Tamotsu will learn more about Yui and the secrets that she hides.
You can read the story here and here
Lover of the Sacrificial Bride has the tropes of...
- All for Nothing: Yui endures abuse and pain throughout her stay with the Sakamaki, Mukami, and Tsukinami brothers while waiting for her father to return and take her away from the boys. Unfortunately, when Seiji finally does return after a friend tells him she is in trouble, he smells a scent coming from her. Believing that Yui is dead, her skin is being worn by a demon, and that he failed to save her, Seiji fires a gun at her, with Yui allowing the bullet to put her out of her misery. After one of Kino's ghouls saves her, and the boys agree to spare her father in exchange for her virginity, Yui realizes that it was in vain as Seiji walks out of her life.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Yui is not looked on favorably by her female peers because she lives with the Sakamaki, Mukami, and Tsukinami brothers, the popular boys at school. She gets bullied for this and has no friends as other students stay away from her because of her closeness to her harem.
- Broken Pedestal: Seiji to Yui. She used to see her adoptive father as a man who would protect her from harm. However, her view of her father completely shattered when he tries to kill her under the belief she was dead and a demon was wearing her skin. Still, she loves him and is willing to give up her virginity to her demon harem when they threaten to kill Seiji so he could live.
- Chick Magnet: The Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami brothers, and Kino are very popular with the female students on campus. The female students often wait for them to arrive at school.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: The Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami brothers, and Kino will get extremely jealous of any guy getting close to Yui, as they see her as someone who belongs to them. Whenever a guy even talks to her, they usually get beat up by Ayato, Subaru, Yuma, Shin, or Kino.
- Crush Blush: Tamotsu tends to blush whenever he's around Yui or someone mentions his crush on her.
- Denied Food as Punishment: Yui accidentally spills Kino's guava juice on his phone, ruining two of his favorite things. After Kino harshly sucks her blood very painfully, he orders her meals taken away and she isn't allowed to eat until he says so.
- Disappeared Dad: Tamotsu's father has yet to appear or be mentioned by his wife or son.
- Disappointed in You: Karlheinz is disappointed in his sons and in-laws for failing to have Yui fall in love with one of them. However, it's more for his Adam and Eve Project than their treatment of Yui.
- Extreme Doormat: Justified with Yui. Almost all the members of her harem are abusive towards her, physically, emotionally, and sexually, but she knows she has little to no chance of stopping them as they can kill her without any hesitation or remorse.
- Good Parents: Mrs. Maki is a good and caring mother to Tamotsu. She always worries for him and genuinely wants him to go to school where he can be comfortable. She even tells him that he shouldn't stay where he's sad so they and their dog, Karin, can have a better life.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: Both Tamotsu and his mother have blue eyes and are kind people.
- Interclass Friendship: Tamotsu, who is the son of a flower shop owner and goes to an elite school because of a scholarship, is friends with Kai, Akira, and Touya, all three of whom are from wealthy families and go to the same school as Tamotsu without any scholarship.
- Magically Binding Contract: The contract between Tamotsu and Koemi. Koemi offers a contract to Tamotsu to help him win his crush, Yui, with Tamotsu accepting it. Chains appear around them, with the chains locking together and glowing gold, and a kiss seals the contract completely until Tamotsu fulfills it. It also doesn't have any consequence for Tamotsu, and Koemi is doing this on her own terms as a way to thank him for saving her from the demon hunter.
- Parental Abandonment: After Seiji tries to kill Yui in the belief that she's a demon wearing Yui's skin, and Yui offers her virginity to her harem, he soon walks out of the church they were members of, leaving her under the permanent care of her housemates.
- Sexual Extortion: Yui offers her virginity to the Sakamaki, Mukami, and Tsukinami brothers so they won't kill her adoptive father after he tried to kill her. They agree to let him go, but warn her if he comes back, they won't spare him a second time.
- Shipper with an Agenda: Karlheinz is delighted to see Tamotsu falling for Yui and wants to make sure that the boy wins her. However, this is more about teaching the Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami brothers, and Kino a lesson about the fragile human heart than actually wanting Tamotsu and Yui to get together.
- Spoiled Brat: The majority of the students of Ryotei Gakuen High School Academy are from rich backgrounds and tend to slack off during class rather than pay attention to the teachers, as they can just inherit their families' money. Because of this attitude, the teachers have give up on them and are more focused on the students who do pay attention.
- Strong Family Resemblance: People often say that Tamotsu and his mother look alike, as they both have black hair and blue eyes, except his mother doesn't wear glasses.
- Teacher's Pet: Tamotsu is seen as a teacher's pet by his peers due to him always listening to the teachers whenever they asked him to do something for them. To be fair to Tamotsu, he's one of the few students that actually pays attention in class while the majority of his schoolmates don't.
- Time-Freeze Trolling Spree: Koemi can freeze time. However, this power can cause pain to Koemi's body if she uses it for too long.
- Unnamed Parent: Other than her son calling her "Mom", and her surname, Mrs. Maki's name remains unknown.
- Unwanted Harem: Although Yui cares about the Sakamaki, Mukami, and Tsukinami brothers, she doesn't see any of them in a romantic light. Justified as they abuse her, poison her, and force themselves on her on many occasions. She's even terrified of the thought she has to marry one of them one day.
- Would Hit a Girl:
- The demon hunter has no problem trying to kill Koemi just because she's a spirit. He also doesn't see her as a person, but a demon that must be killed in the name of God.
- Seiji is willing to kill his adoptive daughter, Yui, when he believes that a demon killed her and is wearing her skin.