Love's Sacrifices - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Nov 07 2023

Love's Sacrifices is a crossover fic on AO3, written by GOTFa2, serving as a crossover between the Pitch Perfect trilogy and Carmilla the Series.

Set in 2021, starting months after the events of The Carmilla Movie, Laura Hollis and her recently re-vamprized girlfriend, Carmilla Karnstein, plan to start a family. They learn of an experimental procedure that would allow two women to conceive together.

Looking for a surrogate, they are approached by Chloe Beale, who offers her services. Chloe, a long time fan of Laura's vlogs and with secret history with the supernatural, has also joined a polyamorous relationship with other Barden Bellas — Beca Mitchell, Stacie Conrad and Aubrey Posen, who are raising Stacie's daughter Bella together. To help prepare for parenthood, Carmilla and Laura move into the Bellas' vacation home in Bailey Downs.

With Chloe being a surrogate to a dhampir child, Beca has a series of concerns and anxieties from a past she buried in her subconscious, as memories of her own horrid encounters with the supernatural, which creep to the surface. But besides these worries, another figure from Carmilla's past emerges; a past so painful that Carmilla also preferred to bury and forget it. This figure, the mysterious Count Karnstein seeks to undo the good Carmilla and Laura have done, and destroy everything close to Carmilla's heart, caring not for the innocents in the crossfire, which now include the Barden Bellas.

While this is mainly a crossover between Carmilla and Pitch Perfect, there are several cameos and references to other works, predominantly Ginger Snaps with it's setting in Bailey Downs — and The Vampire Diaries Universe with revelations of Carmilla's past Canon Welding her history with that of the Mikaelson family.

This fic is also part of The Fog Of Worlds Saga, alongside Unlife is Strange, another crossover fic by the same author. See also Mission to Silas, a loose prequel to this story, set in 2004, which crosses Carmilla over with The Craft, Ginger Snaps and D.E.B.S.

Love's Sacrifices contains examples of…

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  • Abusive Parent: Count Falco Karnstein was this of the emotional variety. Being a teenage parent, Falco was openly resentful of Mircalla for upturning his life, and would often remind her that she caused her mothers death, and generally wants to distance himself from her as much as possible. He doesn't treat his later son, Elias any better, intending to mold him into a more masculine image and heir, and taking him on dangerous expeditions when the boy was four. During his later encounter with Ithaqua, Falco becomes deluded into thinking he's the heir to the King in Yellow, and plans to kill his children as part of a blood sacrifice.
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: In mythology, the demoness Lamashtu is often depicted as a Humanoid Abomination, with features of Mix-and-Match Critters. In this story, Lamshtu's usual form is an attractive, petite young woman with fae-like features, red hair and striking blue eyes. Though her Voluntary Shapeshifting shows that her "truer" self has angel-like wings, with animalistic fangs and claws. According to this story, Lamashtu's animalistic depictions are a case of In-Universe Adaptational Ugliness in order to dehumanize her.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change:
    • Carmilla's backstory and her past as Mircalla is changed significantly from what she describes in the web series; in the series, Mircalla was implied to be a simple but troubled noble-woman before she was murdered at eighteen years old. According to this story, Mircalla had a more troubled family life, with an abusive father, and was unwittingly surrounded by supernatural influences, and met her adoptive mother and sister well before her murder and transformation. She also became acquainted with the Mikaelson family before she turned, and is revealed to be part of the Petrova family line. On top of all that ? She was murdered at nineteen rather than eighteen. This is handwaved by Carmilla saying she only ever told the "censored" version of her backstory; while the backstory told here is the "uncensored version".
    • A downplayed example, but in Pitch Perfect, the only time Beca really talks about her past is that she didn't have many friends who were girls. In this story, it's depicted that Beca had one serious "friendship" with a girl named Katerina, that bordered onto a romantic relationship...unfortunately she was a Toxic Friend Influence, a secret vampire, and exposed Beca and their small friend group to the influence of an Eldritch Abomination.
  • Adaptational Karma: In Carmilla the Series, Theo Straka disappears from the show towards the end of the final season, despite murdering Danny, and being The Dragon to Inanna throughout. While his final fate is never brought up in canon, here it's revealed Theo was initially imprisoned for his complicity. While he escapes from prison early on, becoming The Dragon to Count Karnstein, Theo becomes the Karmic Butt-Monkey, suffering all kinds of abuse and indignities over the story. This includes being beaten up, being on the receiving end of emasculating insults and briefly arrested again.
  • Adaptational Nationality: In Pitch Perfect, there's nothing that indicates that Chloe isn't American, but in this fic, it's revealed she originally lived in Bailey Downs, Ontario, thereby making her Canadian.
  • Adaptation Origin Connection: Occurs in multiple instances.
    • Early on, it is revealed that Chloe grew up in Bailey Downs, a fictional town in Ontario, and a setting of Ginger Snaps and Orphan Black; it is also where a good chunk of the story takes place. Not only that, but Chloe and her family were neighbors and acquaintances with the Fitzgerald family of the former series. To top it all off, in one flashback chapter, a younger Chloe snuck outside her house and witnessed the Beast of Bailey Downs' attack on Ginger; when she approached the sisters the next day, Brigitte brushed off her concerns to try to keep her out of it.
    • Subverted on Beca's end, it's revealed she grew up in Haddonfield, Illinois. Despite this, the In-Universe Urban Legend of Michael Myers was never a significant factor in Beca's life, nor did she seemingly interact with any of the characters of that franchise...though it's suggested that Corey, a young boy she babysat once, may have been a younger Corey Cunningham.
      • While the whole story isn’t elaborated on, it’s mentioned that the Bellas' previously survived a killing spree shortly after Bella Conrad was born. According to chapter notes, there is meant to be a prequel fic that crosses over with Scream. This does raise questions regarding Halloween being part of this universe, when it is a work of fiction in Scream, but it’s mentioned that in this timeline, at least two movies were made based on the "urban legends" of Michael Myers.
    • According to the chapter notes, a sequel fic with Legacies is being planned, and this was to establish Carmilla's history with The Vampire Diaries Universe through flashback chapters. Carmilla is a descendant of the Petrova family - thereby making her (at least) an distant aunt to Elena Gilbert, and Isobel Flemming. Furthermore, Carmilla knew the Mikaelson's in the years leading up to her mortal death, and even had a romantic fling with Rebekah Mikaelson. It's also revealed that Inanna was a mentor and adopted mother to Silas, and thought highly enough of him that she named her university after him.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In Pitch Perfect, the relationship between Beca, Chloe, Aubrey and Stacie doesn't really go beyond platonic, despite the Ship Tease between Beca and Chloe. Here, the four girls are depicted as being in a polyamorous relationship, and raising Stacie's daughter Bella.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: Despite popular shipping between the two, the sexual orientation of Stacie and Aubrey is never elaborated in Pitch Perfect, with Stacie only hooking up with male partners in the movie. Here, they are not only bisexual, but are in a same sex polyamorous relationship with Beca and Chloe.
  • Alien Blood: Whenever Lamashtu is injured, her blood is described as being black and smoking. Carmilla spills quite a bit of it during their first confrontation, taking a large bite from her neck and shoulder.
  • Alternate Universe/Alternate Timeline: While not expressly explained, the revelation of the FBC and Rachel Amber stepping into this story implies some sort of scenario is occurring tying this fic to Unlife is Strange; despite the fact this story is seemingly a different world and timeline, where the events of that story aren't acknowledged. It’s implied other worlds and timelines exist through the "Fog of Worlds" an Eldritch Location that seemingly bridges these stories together.
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • The identity of the present day Count Karnstein. There are two primary candidates, both from Carmilla's human life as Mircalla. There is Count Falco Karnstein, Carmilla's Abusive Father, who attempted to have her killed and was subjected to a Karmic Transformation after being left for dead; though it's currently implied he is her brother Elias, who she was once close too, but drifted apart before he eventually murdered her. Come A Sight For Sore Eyes, and it's confirmed the Count is Elias. While Falco did pursue Mircalla following his transformation, he was soon destroyed when he found her, with his body burned to ashes.
    • During their stay in Bailey Downs, Carmilla, Laura and the Bellas ally with the Fitzgerald werewolf pack. The leader is clearly meant to be one of the Fitzgerald sisters, Ginger or Brigitte, but since she's only referred to by her surname, it's left in the air which sister she is supposed to be.
  • Amicable Exes: Beca and Jesse try to be this. Even years after their breakup, they still have mutual friends so they try to be civil to each other. It's also revealed that something happened between them years ago that didn't burn the bridge between them, but singed it. Jesse still cares enough about Beca to be concerned about what's happening around her and her family, and Beca trusts Jesse enough to eventually reveal her troubles to him, despite having kept her past from him.
  • Animal Motifs:
    • Lamashtu has hyenas. Whenever she shows her real fangs, they are constantly described as hyena-like in appearance. Her evil laughter is often described as sounding like that of hyenas. This, along with her cute seeming appearance, is meant to make her come off as more unsettling to those who see/hear it.
    • Hastur's iconography frequently uses Dragon or Snake images, and as allusions to describe him. Glimpses of his true form imply that he is a Draconic Abomination, and the Yellow Sign is described here as being "three golden serpents, devouring the world".
  • At Least I Admit It: There is no doubt Lamashtu is pure evil, and she is a Card-Carrying Villain for it. What annoys her, is her sister Inanna's "self righteousness". Inanna does plenty of monstrous things herself under the guise of reuniting with a lost loved one, while Lamashtu has no such romantic delusions; claiming that unlike Inanna, she sees Hastur for what he is, and not the romantic mask he put up for her. It's even implied Hastur might respect Lamashtu more than his supposedly beloved Inanna, for seeing the real him, and being more "honest" with herself.
  • A True Story in My Universe: As Beca's flashbacks occur in Haddonfield, it's shown Halloween is canon to this fic's universe. However, some version of Halloween (1978), exists as an In-Universe film based on Michael Myers' killing spree, with a sequel being based on the "urban legends" surrounding the aftermath. At the same time, Different World, Different Movies is at play here, and it’s ambiguous as to which "timeline" is canon to this universe.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: During Theo's stay in Bailey Downs, he is tasked with hiding a "gift" the Count has for Carmilla and Laura. Rather than hide it somewhere obvious in their safe house, Theo kills a dog, places the "gift" inside the body, and buries the dog just off the property. Even one of the hunters on the Count's paygrade calls Theo an asshole for this.
  • Badass Bystander: When Mr. Hollis is stabbed and attacked by one of the Count's human followers in a parking lot, he is rescued in part because a clerk rushed out with a baseball bat, catching the perp on camera. Said perp is forced to back down and run away as the clerk already called the police.
  • Big Bad: The mysterious Count Karnstein, another dark figure of Carmilla's past and the leader of a conspiracy to undo her and Laura's heroism, and finish Innana's work as revenge against Carmilla With that said, it's soon revealed his partner in crime, the demoness Lamashtu, is in more control of things than he is, and is the bigger threat between the two. It's later revealed the Count is Carmilla's younger brother, Elias, who murdered her in their mortal lives, and became obsessed with the King in Yellow.
  • Cain and Abel: It is revealed that Mircalla's murderer in her mortal life was her younger brother Elias, who she was once close to as a child. It’s revealed that he was manipulated by evil spirits into pursuing his perceived destiny, and initially wanted his beloved sister to join him. When she dismisses his "fantasies, Elias feels that his sister abandoned him, and therefore murdered her as an attempted blood sacrifice to the Great Old Ones. It's later revealed Elias is the present day'' Count Karnstein, and he's still coming for Carmilla.
  • Cameo Cluster: Besides the main crossovers within this story, there are several cameos of other works used for world building. A few of these cameos are plot relevant. Naturally, these overlap with Crossover Cameo.
    • Orphan Black: The characters Cosmia Niehaus and Delphine Cormier have a brief but critical cameo in the opening chapter. The whole reason Carmilla and Laura were able to conceive in the first place was because of fertility experiments the two were running. Basically, the whole plot happens because Laura, Carmilla and Chloe, agreed to be their subjects.
    • My Babysitter's a Vampire: The town of Whitechapel is depicted as a neighboring town to Bailey Downs that the protagonists briefly visit. Their reasoning for doing so is the characters from this series are revealed to have had a dhampir child of their own, and Carm, Laura and the Bella's wanted to know what they were in for.
    • Averted with Halloween. While Beca lived in Haddonfield as a teenager, and was aware of it's infamous boogeyman and history, she never had any meaningful encounters with anyone from that series; with a possible exception of babysitting a young Corey Cunningham one night. Basically, Michael Myers is treated more as an In-Universe Urban Legend, or an infamous part of Haddonfield's history, but had no impact on Beca's life. Hell, Michael isn't even referred to by name.
  • Child by Rape: It is revealed that Carmilla/Mircalla, and her half brother Elias were products of their father coercing two other young noble women into sexual encounters. Both Mircalla and Elias see this as rape.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: In the far past, Ellie Schröder — Elias' biological mother — was a childhood friend of Count Falco, and part of the reason she agreed to sleep with him is because she thought they'd get married if she became pregnant. However, when she did, Flaco took Elias before abandoning Ellie, never looking back.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: When Falco was captured by Inanna and her followers, they subject Falco to these as an extended blood sacrifice; using flaying and mutilation, over the course of ten days to collect his blood, with his vampire healing factor mostly restoring him (it turns out it can't replaced severed body parts). After having his tongue removed, Mircalla soon puts him down for good by burning him alive; by then Falco didn't care.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Initially, Carmilla tries to act aloof and distant towards babies and small children before Laura talked her into having one. But when Carmilla is forced to interact with them for an extended period of time, her aloofness soon gives way. When she becomes acquainted with three year old Bella Conrad, she almost immediately warms up to her, becoming a loving aunt figure to her during their interactions.
    • Cuteness Overload: Taken to a comical extreme when Carmilla initially meets Bella; after a minute of trying to maintain her composure around the toddler, Carmilla's demeanor quickly gives way before snatching Bella up in a bear hug, gushing and squealing at the top of her lungs at how cute Bella is...much to both of their utter embarrassment.
  • Creepy Child: Elias Karnstein was a more tragic example. Elias was originally a sweet but abused nobleman's son. In his state of isolation, Elias was approached by Inanna and later Lamashtu, when he was dragged along Falco's expeditions. The revelations they gave the boy made him come off as this to those around him, especially when takes up Troubling Unchildlike Behavior. At the same time, Elis tried to maintain his relationship with his sister, Mircalla, but she distanced herself more and more over the next few years. Resigning himself to his perceived destiny, Elias murders Mircalla as an attempted blood sacrifice. In the present day, he's become downright monstrous as an adult and vampire.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Lamashtu apparently loves inflicting this. Most of the time, Lamashtu's murders lean into Nothing Is Scarier and we usually avoid seeing the worst of it. The few we do see, tells us that what she normally does is not pretty. In one such instance, Lamashtu bites an unfortunate victim’s tongue out, before eviscerating him lengthwise, and opening his rib cage, causing his innards to fall out.


  • Damsel out of Distress: In A Sight For Sore Eyes, When Theo takes the Bellas and their friends hostage, he corners Chloe who soon attacks him while his guard is down. While he quickly overpowers her, she puts up quite a fight; sticking a burning candle into his eye, and then his mouth while he's screaming, as well as biting his wrist. Ultimately, Chloe is rescued by Danny and Fitzgerald.
  • Darker and Edgier: To both Pitch Perfect and Carmilla the Series.
    • In the case of Pitch Perfect, the source material is a pretty light hearted trilogy, and whatever drama the trilogu does have, isn't anywhere near as heavy as this fic. Here, the Barden Bellas are roped into a plot of vampires, cults, elder gods and a conspiracy that entails mass murder. On top of that, Beca is given a Dark and Troubled Past regarding a toxic relationship she was in, and an encounter with an Eldritch Abomination that she suppressed for years. With that said, it's mentioned that the Bellas' had survived a Ghostface spree years back, which implies they aren't too far out of their element.
    • In Carmilla the Series, while the series does have its share of darkness and heavier subjects, a lot of the time the nastier stuff is left to the imagination. Also the series sometimes plays these subjects for dark comedy. While aspects of this story can be as light hearted as canon, the darker stuff is grim even by the standards of the source material, going farther with the violence and horror imagery that is only implied in the web series. Especially when Lamashtu comes into the story.
  • Decoy Antagonist: Falco Karnstein, Mircalla's biological father is introduced as a candidate for the modern day Count Karnstein. He spends Carmilla's flashback arc being a looming and abusive figure in his children's life, seemingly going down the path that'll turn him into the modern day Count. However, it's soon revealed that Mircalla killed her transformed father when they meet again, and also confirms the present Count Karnstein is her younger brother, Elias — who went down his own dark path before killing Mircalla and leaving her behind.
  • Deal with the Devil: The "Crimson List" is a list consisting of dozens of Silas Alumni who have signed a blood pact with Inanna and Hastur. Following Inanna's defeat, all power of that pact goes to Hastur, and those on the list can be used as a blood sacrifice to re-open the final gate to hell. Tracking them down and sacrificing them one by one is the Count Karnstein's aim to undo Carmilla's heroism. Later on, Lamashtu tries to rope Bella into putting her name on that list.
  • Death By Child Birth: Mircalla's biological mother, Jana Hoffman, died of complications as soon as Mircalla was born. While there's nothing concrete, it's speculated In-Universe that Falco may have poisoned her in an effort to avoid having to raise a child; at the very least, he's resentful that Mircalla didn't die with her mother.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?:
    • While Lamashtu attempts to terrorize the Bellas and their friends during their reunion, Carmilla forces Lamashtu into a physical confrontation — wherein Carmilla takes a massive bite out of Lamashtu's neck and shoulder, ripping a piece out. While it wasn't a lethal wound, is is enough to force Lamashtu to back down; and to her disbelief, Lamashtu's wounds don't heal.
    • During A Sight For Sore Eyes, Carmilla and Lamashtu have another round. Carmilla claws into Lamashtu's face in her panther form, before managing to rip off one of her wings. Laura, who was infected with vampire venom, joins the fight and ends up biting off three of Lamashtu's fingers. And finally, Stacie steps in and stabs Lamashtu in the eye. While this doesn't kill her, Lamashtu is damaged to the point where she is forced to flee, and will be licking her wounds for some time.
  • Different World, Different Movies: While Haddonfield exists in this fic's world, some variation of the Halloween series exists as In-Universe movies. Unlike the real world series, this version is a duology based on the In-Universe "True Story" of Michael Myers, and the urban legends surrounding him, and were released in the 80's. It's expressly compared to the Stab series from Scream, which is also part of this timeline. The way these Halloween movies are described makes it seem they are closer to the Rob Zombie's films than Halloween (1978) or any of it's sequels.

    In 1989, this musician/director went and made a movie "Based on a True Story" based around the killing spree in '78, and a sequel the following year that was more glamorized, and told its own story. It was kind of like when they made those Stab movies based on what happened in Woodsboro.

    The first movie was based loosely on the actual killing spree, but got backlash for their whitewashing of the killer, and playing him in a sympathetic light. The sequel was less biographical, and was based on urban legends following the initial killings, such as how the killer's sister supposedly died or disappeared.

  • Disc-One Final Boss:
    • Count Falco Karnstein is set up as the Arc Villain of the Mircalla Karnstein chapters, being an Abusive Parent whose actions got his family surrounded by supernatural influences. At first, he seems to be set up to be the present day Count Karnstein, even transforming into a vampire upon his mortal death. It's then revealed that Mircalla killed Falco shortly after reuniting him, just months after their transformations. With this, it's revealed the actual Count Karnstein is Mircalla's brother Elias, who murdered and abandoned her. After killing Falco, Mircalla planned some form of revenge against Elias, which led him to become the monstrous vampire he is in the present day.
    • Despite being The Dragon, Theo Straka is set up as a major player and personal nemesis towards Danny. He becomes the Arc Villain in the Sight For Sore Eyes three parter, where he oversees the attack on Bailey Downs at the behest of the Count. During these chapters, Theo is fought and killed by Danny and Chloe, during an attempt on the latters life. With these chapters meant to wrap up the Bailey Downs arc — described in the notes as being like a "mid season finale" — this makes Theo the first major antagonist to be dealt with in the present day storyline.
  • Dog-Kicking Excuse: Throughout Mircalla's childhood, her father Count Falco made it no secret that her birth was responsible for her mother's death. Though it's not because he actually cared for her mother, but because he resented having to raise Mircalla despite himself being a teenager. In fact, other characters wonder if Falco poisoned her mother in an effort to induce a stillbirth, and his only response to Jana's death is disappointment that Mircalla didn't die with her. Carmilla herself concludes that Falco was using her mothers death as a flimsy excuse to put her down all the time.
  • Draconic Abomination: What is implied to be Hastur's true form. Idols and symbols tied to Hastur are heavy in its use of dragon and serpent iconography. In the brief instances a manifestation of Hastur is seen, these manifestations are described as resembling a giant dragon, made from lightning no less.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: While Count Karnstein is the one leading the conspiracy to finish what Inanna started, his partner in crime, Lamashtu holds more power and influence in their dynamic, being Inanna's sister. Not only that, but Lamashtu cared not for Karnstein's goals, nor Inanna's, having her own reasons to try to awaken Hastur. Once her involvement is revealed, it is quickly realized that the Count and his followers need Lamashtu more than the other way around. Lamashtu herself describes the Count as doing the heavy lifting for her, all but spelling out the Count is a Puppet King.
  • Dying Declaration of Hate: When a vampiric Mircalla confronts her transformed father, Falco makes no attempt to hide his hatred for his daughter. Even as he's beaten, tortured and mutilated, he never lets up; even as his tongue is about to be cut out. He uses his last words to tell Mircalla that no matter where she goes or what she makes of herself, she will always be a waste of his blood and seed, and will wish she died with her mother.
  • Eldritch Abomination:
    • Hastur, in a way that mixes with Humanoid Abomination. Despite being "dead", a sliver of his spirit can look into the world, and even through the future via the dreams of mortals; it's implied that his "human" form was his "mask" and that his truer self is a massive dragon-like being, made from lighting.
    • Whatever Beca saw during her and Katerina's "game" in High School. When put under, Beca saw what could only be described as having horns and wings, and was of a massive size. When she woke up, Beca's mind repressed what she saw; her mind even blocked out the being's name (which is only spelled as "_ _ _ _ _ _ _"). One of Beca's other friends wasn't so lucky, waking up in a Madness Mantra ("Thamoús, Pan ho mégas téthnēke. Thamous panmégas téthnēke.") to the point of hospitalization.
  • Eldritch Location: The Fog of Worlds. Its exact nature is uncertain, but it's thought to be a bridge of sorts between realms and timelines; as well as the next world. Entering the Fog is ill advised, and those exposed to it suffer nosebleeds, unless they can stop themselves from talking or thinking about it. It also appears in the story Unlife is Strange, which ties the two stories together. It's implied to be what Beca saw during her own encounter with an Eldritch Abomination, and has to return to it to find a way to combat Lamashtu; but when she awakens from it, she's left with no memory of this counter.
  • Entitled to Have You: How Falco's relationship to Jana is described. They were childhood friends, and Falco had a crush on her. It's implied that Jana might have had feelings for him, but Falco escalated things and pushed her into sex as a "birthday present". Zigzagged as when Jana became pregnant, and planned to keep the child against Falco's wishes, he began to wish death upon her, believing the child would hold them back. Effectively, Falco thought he was owed her, but didn't want to pay for the consequences.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Invoked and Defied with Falco Karnstein. From what's described of his boyhood, he was in love with Jana Hoffman, and on some level wanted a future with her. However during their Teenage Pregnancy, Falco grew to resent Jana for wanting to keep the child; he soon admits to poisoning her in hopes to terminate the pregnancy, and is actually introduced hoping Jana would die if their child died with her. Despite this, Falco regularly weaponized Jana's memory against Mircalla as an Abusive Parent tactic. As far as Mircalla is concerned, Falco's "love" for Jana was a cross between Loving a Shadow and being Entitled to Have You. Falco soon declares that Jana "threw away" his love for picking their child over him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • Inverted with Lamashtu, who is usually on the receiving end of this trope. Lamashtu has disdain for her sister Inanna for her "self righteousness" and romantic delusions; see At Least I Admit It. Both Inanna and Mattie are put off by Lamashtu's cruelty and sadism, especially towards young children, and are reluctant to work with her unless she's "leashed". Although in Inanna's case, she acts more annoyed at her sister's buffoonery than out of any moral standards.
    • Subverted with Theo Straka. While he's initially put off by Lamashtu's work, it's implied he just finds her mutilation and cannibalism habits gross, but has little issue looking the other way for her murdering of children, even if it makes him uncomfortable. Later on, Theo himself ends up killing a couple of children while breaking into a family's house, implying that he's over this standard entirely; furthermore, he leads the Count's hunters in a massacre in the Bailey Downs hills, which entails the extermination of families in the region, showing more how hollow those standards were.
    • Theo is also on the receiving end of this during the above mentioned massacre. To hide a "gift" the Count wanted to give Carmilla, Theo's choice of a hiding spot was to kill a missing dog; hiding the "gift" in it's body, and burying off the property. When Theo and the Count's hunters retrieve, one of them calls Theo an "fucking asshole" for it.
  • Everybody Hates Hades: In-Universe. The Exorcist is referenced as a work of fiction in this fic, and so most characters familiar with Pazuzu know him from the movie. As such many are reluctant to call upon Pazuzu to help deal with Lamashtu. It has to be clarified that the movie was Sadly Mythtaken in its depiction.
  • Eye Scream:
    • During an earlier fight between Danny and Count Elias Karnstein, Danny manages to stab one of his eyes with a knife to overpower him. While his healing factor kicks in, that eye remains milky well after the fact.
    • We get three of them during A Sight For Sore Eyes — In a flashback fight between Mircalla and her father Falco, she splits the latter's eye down the middle with an axe; during the attack on Bailey Downs, Chloe attacks Theo by sticking a burning candle into his eye, wick first; during a confrontation with Lamasthu, Stacie stabs the demon in one of her eyes with a surgical blade, which helps drive her off.
  • Fallen Angel: While the Mesopotamian deities wouldn't be classified as angels, Inanna and Lamashtu technically serve as this to Hastur's Satanic Archetype. In mythology, both Inanna and Lamashtu are children of Anu, and are credited as the Queen of Heaven and Daughter of Heaven respectively. In Inanna's case, Hastur wooed and manipulated her into falling in love with her, invoking the images of Eve in Eden. Lamashtu on the other hand, willingly bent the knee to Hastur as an act of rebellion against her divine family.
  • First Injury Reaction: While Lamashtu has been wounded in the past, she usually doesn't take them seriously because she usually heals herself within minutes. During a brief fight with Carmilla, the latter bites Lamashtu in the shoulder, and tears a piece out. Lamashtu wasn't expecting this to be a serious injury, but is soon forced to back down, and is left bitter and astonished that her wound isn't healing...especially after a whole day.
  • First Love:
    • Back when she was in high school, Beca had befriended a girl named Katerina, and their relationship bordered on romantic and sexual attraction. Unfortunately, Katerina was a Toxic Friend Influence who would attempt to groom Beca, and exposed her and one other friend to an Eldritch Abomination during a "game" at a slumber party.
    • In flashbacks to Carmilla's mortal life as Mircalla Karnstein, it's revealed that Mircalla's first romantic and sexual relationship was with Rebekah Mikaelson. They met when the Mikaelson's stayed with Mircalla and Elias as their wardens. Unfortunately, when Mircalla was later murdered, Rebekah put her behind her as just another fleeting romance that wasn't going anywhere. In the present day, while both Carmilla and Rebekah are seemingly aware of their current survival — it's mentioned that Laura previously interviewed the Mikaelsons' — it's unknown if they saw each other again in the centuries after Carmilla was turned, or if their relationship was completely put behind them.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: As the Karnstein family history reveals, Count Falco used to be a somewhat decent — albeit privileged and entitled — noble, and blames his troubles on the fact he was forced to take responsibility as a teenage father. Falco resented his children because it meant he no longer had the freedom he once enjoyed and was unlikely to achieve much in life. Of course, neither Mircalla or Elias — who he was abusive towards and eventually tries to kill — are not impressed with this, especially with how cruel and monstrous Falco became over the years. Almost no one who knows of Falco or his past shows him any kind of sympathy for it.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Because Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing, Carmilla has to undress to shift into her panther form. This includes fighting, as done with her second fight with Lamashtu. When she's forced back into her human form, she continues fighting Lamashtu, and doesn't realize she's doing so naked until the demon is driven off.
  • Great Offscreen War: Throughout the flashback chapters of Mircalla's life, there are repeated mentions of a war that engulfed the Earth thousands of years ago. It's talked about, but not shown in any real capacity. It describes how Hastur and his half-brother first arrived on Earth and fought each other for it. With their arrival, gods, monsters and titans all over the world bowed to one brother or another, while a third party fought against them both. It is said that an Earthly champion had slain both Hastur and his half-brother, bringing an end to that war.
  • Greater-Scope Villain:
    • Hastur, who serves as a greater threat and the motivation for this fic's antagonists. Having previously attempted to conquer the world, Hastur was slain millenia ago by an earthly hero. Resurrecting and reuniting with him was previously the motivation of his lover, Inanna. In the present day, the Count seeks to awaken him by sacrificing those who made a blood pact with Hastur and Inanna. It is also shown that despite being "dead", he can still manipulate others from beyond the veil, as he apparently saw Bella Conrad dreaming of him from the far past. Soon enough, he attempts to rope Bella into a blood pact with him.
    • Hastur's son, Ithaqua, is often mentioned and described as an influential being in his own right, and a mediator between mankind and Hastur himself. However, Ithaqua is currently stated to be sealed in another world, and cannot directly interact with this one. Even so, he is one of the beings that tried to corrupt and mould Elias throughout his childhood, and would even tempt the boy's father into further madness, as well as disfiguring him.
  • Groin Attack:
    • During a fight between Chloe and Theo, the latter tries to incapacitate Chloe by kicking her between the legs. When Danny intervenes, she returns the favor; kneeing Theo so hard in the groin and stomach that he almost vomits.
    • It's implied that Mircalla does this to her abusive father Falco as part of his blood sacrifice. Being told that they don't necessarily have to kill him to collect his blood, Mircalla wonders if vampire healing factors can replace lost body parts. She has the cultists undress an increasingly panicking Falco before picking her target. We don't see it what it was, but considering Mircalla sees him as her mothers rapist, and crouches down between his legs before cutting him, it shouldn't be too hard to guess.


  • Hate Sink:
    • Count Falco Karnstein from Carmilla's flashbacks, was originally an irresponsible teenager and an emotionally abusive father to Mircalla and Elias. Defined by his unfathomable entitlement and apathy towards others, he becomes a glory seeking treasure hunter, and awakens the demoness Lamashtu, engineering numerous deaths for his "prizes". When transformed into a vampire, he doubled down on his worst qualities, attempting to kill Mircalla and everyone in his way. It's also revealed that Falco's resentment for Mircalla comes from being made a father in his adolescence, which everyone is unsympathetic towards because he coerced Mircalla's mother into sleeping with him in the first place; as far as they're concerned, he dug his own grave. In the present, centuries after his final death, Carmilla still thinks back to Falco with nothing but disdain, a sentiment held by all who knew of him, with Carmilla refusing to acknowledge him as her father.
    • Theo Straka, much like his canon counterpart, is a self important, misogynistic and Opportunistic Bastard, selling out the world for his own gain. Imprisoned following the series, Theo spends much of his time self-pitying himself and blaming Danny — who he previously murdered — for getting him in this mess in the first place. Joining Count Elias Karnstein in his quest against his sister Carmilla, Theo hops at the opportunity for revenge; doubling down on his hateful and self pitying attitude, no matter the pushback. This culminates in Theo overseeing the Bailey Downs massacre, for which he's killed by Danny after seeing how low he'll sink.
    • Annabelle Lang, a Silas alumnus, despite appearing once, doesn’t leave a good impression. While at Silas University, she ran a purity group, looking the other way when the Dean took her girls to be sacrificed. She also signed the Crimson List, a bargain with Inanna and Hastur for privileges in the Hell on Earth they'd create. While interrogated by Danny and her agency, Lang maintains a faux modest front, insisting she was just picking “the winning side”. She also laments about how she's being “persecuted” when held accountable, while holding Danny in disdain, implicitly for her being bisexual. As she doubles down on her self righteousness and hypocrisy, it’s hard to feel bad for Lang when the demoness, Lamashtu, comes to collect her due.
  • Historical Rapsheet: Or a mythological and folkloric one, mixed with One Myth to Explain Them All. Besides Lamashtu playing the same role as her mythological counterpart, it's revealed she has been wandering the Earth for centuries, and is — or was at least the influence behind — numerous Boogey-woman figures across Europe, and later North America. This includes the legend of Black Annis, and in a Shout-Out mention, the Blair Witch.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Lamashtu, as per mythology, is said to have a sweet tooth for children and pregnant women, and is even depicted as feeding on them – albeit we never see the worst of it. It’s implied to be an aspect of her cruelty on Lamashtu's part, rather than anything she needs for sustenance, as she eats regular food just fine.
  • It's Personal with the Dragon: Both Danny and Theo take their rivalry personally. On Danny's end it was due to Theo's murder of her; on Theo's end, he sees Danny as being Easily Forgiven for her part in Inanna's schemes, thinking that it's unfair that he gets imprisoned for it. Of course, Theo's murder of Danny, and the fact that she was brainwashed into participating was recorded onto Laura's vlog for the world to see, which does more to help Danny's case, over Theo's.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty:
    • In Carmilla the Series, Theo Straka seemingly disappears from the show with no mention of his punishment. In this story, it's revealed Theo was soon arrested and imprisoned shortly after the series. While he escapes in the first chapter, he suffers a series of indignities and humiliations before being arrested again. When he escapes a second time, and leads a massacre on Bailey Downs, Danny punches Theo's card for good by killing him when he attempts to kill Chloe.
    • Falco Karnstein has been an abusive figure to his children for most of their lives; from raping and poisoning his daughter's mother, to abandoning his son's mother During an expedition to Sumer, Falco comes into contact with the demoness Lamashtu, who helps him killing hundreds if not thousands during his ventures — including the near genocide of Odo Island — with little to no real pushback. He soon punches his card when he attempts to kill his children as a blood sacrifice; he is stabbed and left for dead by his son Elias; transformed into a vampire by the Mikaelsons'; and upon confronting his transformed daughter, is tortured by a cult for ten days before being burned alive.
  • Living MacGuffin: The Crimson List, which consists of former Silas students and staff who have willingly signed a blood pact with Hastur and Inanna. For this, the Count seeks out these students and staff in hopes of sacrificing them to Hastur in a bid to open the last gate to Hell. At the time of the story, there are few living people on that list, and it's implied Lamashtu tricked Bella into making a new blood pact with Hastur.
  • Love Redeems: Defied with Ellie Schröder and Count Falco Karnstein. When Ellie meets their son Elias, she explains to him she saw that Falco was going on a dark path in life, and thought she could romance him and help Falco with his troubles; which is why she agreed to their "arrangement", which lead to Elias' conception. After Ellie gives birth, Falco takes Elias because he wanted a male heir, and left Ellie behind without looking back.
  • Loving a Shadow:
    • Discussed regarding Inanna and Hastur. It's heavily implied throughout that Hastur first seduced Inanna, and wore a "romantic" front to woo her, hence her devotion to following and resurrecting him. On the other hand, Inanna's cruel sister Lamashtu, sees a monstrous side he doesn't show Inanna. In a case of At Least I Admit It, Lamashtu declares she follows Hastur because of what he really is; while Inanna was in love with the "mask" he wore.
    • Zig-Zagged with Count Falco and Jana Hoffman. According to their backstory, Falco had a romanticized view of his friendship with Jana to the point of entitlement. However, when she insisted on going through with her pregnancy against Falco's wishes, he resorts to trying to poison her to cause a miscarriage, and pray for her death if it meant he wouldn't have to be a teenage parent. Falco soon admits his crush was for superficial reasons; that being her beauty, friendship and poetry; but once she stopped being who he wanted her to be, he stopped caring for her. After her death, her romanticized memory was reduced to a weapon he could use to blame the child.
  • Outside-Context Problem: On the Pitch Perfect side of things, their usual antagonists are rival acapella teams, and crime boss in the third movie. But because they are pulled into a crossover with Carmilla the Series, they now have cults, conspiracies, demons and elder gods on their hands. While it's mentioned they previously survived a killing spree shortly after Bella's birth, this story's antagonists are clearly in a different weight class than a presumably mundane murderer.
  • Maternal Death? Blame the Child!: Invoked. In one of his Abusive Parent tactic towards Mircalla, Count Falco would often remind her that her mother died giving birth to her, especially on her birthday. It's made obvious that Falco himself doesn't believe or care about this — in fact, it's speculated In-Universe that he may have poisoned Jana in an effort to terminate her pregnancy — but is using this as a reason to put Mircalla down all the time.
  • Never My Fault: Theo's attitude towards his crimes, especially when he was arrested and Danny was pardoned. Theo considers it unfair that he was imprisoned for aiding in the Baron's and the Dean's crimes, while Danny was seen as a hero for turning against them — never mind that Danny was brainwashed by the Dean, while Theo was a willing Opprotunistic Bastard. With this, Theo blames Danny for the running his reputation and life, in spite of the fact his crimes was broadcasted in Laura's videos.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: An example of the protagonist being this. During her last confrontation with Theo, Danny weighs her options on what to do with him. Since he escaped two previous imprisonments, she decides the only way to deal with him is killing him on the spot. At the same time, it's implied Danny was using this as a reason to take revenge on him.
  • The Noodle Incident: The Barden Bellas and their friends often mention surviving a killing spree a few years back, but the actual descriptions are vague; the most we know of it is that it involves Bella's biological father, and why Stacie wants Bella to have nothing to do with him. According to the author notes, a prequel story focusing on this spree is being planned, and will be a crossover with Scream.
  • Not Afraid of You Anymore: Falco Karnstein is on the receiving end of both of his children.
    • During The Death and Rebirth of Karnstein, his son Elias spins the table on him when Falco tries to sacrifice him. The two engage in a knife fight, wherein Elias stabs him through the stomach and leaves him to die.
    • During A Sight For Sore Eyes, A now transformed Mircalla confronts her also transformed father. As he tries to break her down and kill her, Mircalla begins fighting back, soon overpowering her father and trying to kill him with an axe. When he's captured by Inanna and her followers, Mircalla takes a moment to break him down, before allowing him to be tortured for days by the cult. When she finally finishes him off, Mircalla tells her father that she won.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Theo Straka, as per his canon counterpart, is an arrogant, cowardly Opportunistic Bastard, and is reduced to a Karmic Butt-Monkey for much of the story. Initially, he serves as The Dragon to Count Karnstein and Lamasthu, hoping to take revenge on the Silas Gang for his previous imprisonment, and is usually a lot more passive than his bosses. Then, while breaking and entering into a house after escaping imprisonment again, Theo cold bloodily kills the family living there himself, including their children. He follows this up by leading a killing spree in Bailey Downs on the Count's behalf, showing a more outright vicious side to him.
  • Not So Invincible After All: For much of the story, Lamashtu is on top of practically every fight or confrontation, with little to no pushback. However, due to the implied interference of Pazuzu, Lamashtu is left susceptible to injury, seemingly unable to heal her wounds. During her first fight with Carmilla, Lamashtu gets bitten in the neck and shoulder, and still bleeds heavily from it. In a later fight, Lamashtu gets one of her wings severed, her fingers bitten off and her eye stabbed out. Realizing she's actually been beaten, she is forced to flee.
  • Nothing Is Scarier:
    • More often than not, when Lamashtu personally kills someone, there is little to no description of the actual killings or their aftermath. What is usually described is quick and vague, leaving the worst of it to the imagination. Those who see the aftermath make clear it's not pretty. The rare time we see a full killing by Lamashtu, it’s pretty grisly. See Cruel and Unusual Death.
    • Whatever Beca saw during a ritual game as a teenager, isn't elaborated or described, but whatever it was left her mind blanking it out. Even its name is blanked out from us reading it.
  • Obvious Villain, Secret Villain: The dynamic between Falco Karnstein and his son Elias. Both are figures in Carmilla's past, with Falco being her abusive father, and Elias being the younger brother she was close to. Where Falco makes bargains with demons, makes no effort to hide his disdain for others, and has been killing countless people in his ventures; Elias is a more introverted, sympathetic and lonely child, who bonds with supernatural influences of his own, such as Ithaqua. Becoming obsessed with the King in Yellow, Elias gradually drifted apart from his sister before murdering her to leave his old life behind. In A Sight For Sore Eyes, it is revealed Elias ultimately grew up to being the current Count Karnstein.
  • Perennially Overshadowed Birthday: Downplayed with Carmilla, as it's revealed her birthday is on December 24th, Christmas Eve. However, due to her angst of her mother's Death by Childbirth, she prefers not to celebrate it and is happy to let the holidays overshadow it.
  • Predecessor Villain:
    • Carmilla's adoptive mother, Dean Lilita Morgan aka Inanna. As the Big Bad of Carmilla the Series, Inanna's goal was to open the gates of Hell and reunite with her lover Hastur in Hell on Earth. At the time of the present day story, the Dean has long since been defeated, but serves as a motivation for the present antagonists. Count Karnstein seeks to undo the good Carmilla did for the world as an act of revenge, by finishing what Inanna started. The Count's followers are seeking the Crimson List — people who have made a blood pact with Inanna and Hastur — as further sacrifices. Furthermore, flashbacks to Carmilla's human life show that Inanna had her eyes on Mircalla and her brother Elias, years before Mircalla's murder, and has been influencing and grooming them throughout their childhoods'.
    • From Beca's own flashbacks as a teenager, Katerina was a girl that Beca befriended in her past, and a seeming romantic interest. It's quickly shown that she was a Toxic Friend Influence and attempted to groom Beca throughout their "relationship". If that wasn't enough, it turns out not only was Katerina a vampire, but she exposed Beca to an Eldritch Abomination during a ritual "game" at a slumber party. While that arc is still ongoing, whatever became of Katerina in the present day left a subconscious impact on Beca that is resurfacing the more she surrounds herself with the supernatural.
  • Pregnant Badass: Downplayed with Chloe. During a Sight For Sore Eyes, despite Chloe being five months pregnant, she attacks Theo when cornered, and actually does a decent job in holding him off and hurting him. However, he quickly overpowers her, before Danny and Fitzgerald rush to her rescue, beating him down before Danny kills him.
  • Questionable Consent Count Falco's sexual relationships with Jana Hoffman (Mircalla/Carmilla's mother), and Ellie Schröder (Elias' mother) fall into this. He was close friends with both of them as children, and apparently took advantage of their affections for him to coerce the two into sleeping with him. In Ellie's case, as a sort of "tax"; however Elias outright states that this was rape. Mircalla also considers what happened to Jana to be rape.
  • Red Herring: Falco Karnstein is introduced as an implied candidate of the present day Count, leading the conspiracy against Carmilla in the modern era. However, with Falco being defeated and killed by Mircalla during her early days as a vampire, it is then revealed the present day Count is Elias Karnstein — Carmilla's younger brother, and her murderer in her mortal life.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Of a Canon Welding sort, where the relatives aren't even of the same work. As part of tying in with The Vampire Diaries Universe, flashbacks detailing Carmilla's mortal life reveal that the Karnsteins are descendants from Katerina Pretova/Katherine Pierce, and her daughter Nadia. This would also imply that Carmilla or her brother Elias might be ancestors to Isobel Flemming and Elena Gilbert — or at least, distant aunt or uncle.


  • Sadist: Lamashtu — self proclaimed "Mother of Pain" — states that instilling fear and pain in her victims is better than actually killing. One tortured mother and child ask her why she's doing this, and Lamashtu answers with a blunt "Because." Another victim is a seemingly mute girl who Lamashtu picks because she wants to hear her scream — but doesn't give her the satisfaction. Lamashtu also states she prefers terrorizing the Bellas and people around them, and won't go in for the kill until the baby is "ripe" and ready. This bites her in the ass — or rather, her shoulder — as in one confrontation, Carmilla manages to grievously wound her while she's playing with her "food".
  • Saved by Canon: This story was written as an interquel between The Carmilla Movie and its Stinger, which depicts Carmilla and Laura holding a baby. This at least assures their survival, and that of their baby. Though this currently leaves everyone else's fate up on the air...
  • Satanic Archetype: The way Hastur is described, he is a being who tried to usurp the gods of the former world, and invokes Light Is Not Good with his presence being indicated by bright and golden lights. He sired a son named Ithaqua, who while not explicitly The Antichrist, was at least a Dark Messiah serving as a mediator between mankind and his father. The way Inanna's relationship with Hastur is described, portrays him as a tempter and manipulator — Inanna's former status as the "Queen of Heaven" may even bring to mind both Fallen Angels, and Eve being tempted by the serpent. And speaking of Eden; Hastur's symbols, idols and iconography are heavy on dragon and serpent imagery — which may even invert this trope; Inanna claims that they inspired the Serpent of Eden and the Dragon of Revelation, indicating that Satan may be an archetype to Hastur.
  • Sequel Hook:
    • Inverted. It's mentioned that the Barden Bellas' survived a killing spree years back, shortly after Bella's birth. However the details are kept purposefully vague with little elaboration. According to chapter notes, there are plans for a prequel focusing on how Beca, Chloe, Stacie and Aubrey first got together, and cover Bella's biological father...but will also be crossing over with Scream.
    • In a more strait example, according to chapter notes, a sequel is already being planned that will crossover with Legacies. This is why the Mikaelsons appear in Mircalla's later flashbacks — to establish Carmilla as having a history with them. Further welding Carmilla the Series to The Vampire Diaries Universe, it is revealed that Mircalla and Elias Karnstein are descendants of the Petrova line, with the implication that they could be related to the current Petrova descendant, Elena Gilbert.
  • Sex for Solace: Apparently, Stacie finds sex to be a stress reliever for her girlfriends and herself during times of severe anxiety, and helps her keep a clear head; the "clarity" helps her partner open up about their troubles, with Stacie being an attentive and understanding listener. This is the case when Beca opens up to Stacie about her resurfacing trauma after their Post-Coital Collapse.
  • Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing: As in canon, Carmilla has the ability to shapeshift into a black panther, even if it's never onscreen. Here, it's shown Carmilla has to undress in order to do so.
  • Show Within a Show: While Beca grew up in Haddonfield, it turns out that Halloween films exist In-Universe. However, it seems Alternate History is at play; the way they are described makes it seem they are closer to the Rob Zombie's films than Halloween (1978) or any of it's sequels — albeit made a lot earlier than the real world remakes.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Two examples of Canon Welding.
    • In a Crossover Cameo with Orphan Black, Dr. Delphine Cormier and Cosima Niehaus are running experimental procedures to aid in fertility treatments. This includes an experiment of combining two ovums to create an embryo. While the two only appeared in the first chapter so far, the modern day plotline pretty much happens because Carmilla, Laura and Chloe agreed to be subjects for their treatments.
    • Another example is Mircalla and Elias' grandmother, Lena, who only appears in a few flashbacks of Carmilla's mortal life, and is stated to have died in Elias' early childhood. She is one of the few stable parental figures in her early childhood, and encouraged Mircalla's reading habits. In turn, this got Mircalla and Elias — especially the latter — to have a little more fantastical ambitions in life. Furthermore, it's revealed she is a Petrova, and direct descendant of Katerina and Nadia Petrova — thereby putting Mircalla, Elias and their father in their bloodline. This is also the reason by beings such as Inanna and her followers set their sights on the Karnstein family in the first place.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Mircalla was this to Rebekah Mikaelson in her last few years as a mortal. They had a brief romantic and sexual affair, but that went nowhere on account of Mircalla's murder. Both Mircalla and Rebekah acknowledge that they wouldn't have had a future regardless; Rebekah accepts that their romantic fling was just that, and Carmilla having put their relationship behind her.
  • Stealth Sequel: To Unlife is Strange, despite them supposedly being set on different worlds and timelines. Apparently, the two stories are connected with by an Eldritch Location called "The Fog of Worlds" — which brought the FBC to investigate and "expand" into other timelines and worlds; these expansions are behind the "Agency" that Danny now works for. It's protagonist, Rachel Amber, also reaches out to Beca from this Fog, having experienced it in her own story, and tries to help Beca understand what she witnessed years ago. This also doubles as a P.O.V. Sequel, as some of Rachel's own perspective of these encounters are carried over into Unlife is Strange itself, and according to the notes, will carry over into future chapters.
  • Stepford Smiler: Out of the Bellas, Stacie is the most outwardly upbeat next to Chloe, and maintains a cheerful persona for most of the story. However, she is mostly doing this for her daughter's benefit as she's trying to keep Bella in the dark of what's really happening around them. There are several instances where Stacie shows a more vulnerable and scared side when it comes to keeping Bella in the dark, and she is a lot more scared for her daughter than she lets on. It's implied that finding out Bella's father was a "very bad man" did a number on Stacie.
  • Teenage Pregnancy: Mircalla Karnstein was a product of this, as father Falco, and mother Jana Hoffman, were teenagers when she was conceived. This ends up being Falco's alleged Freudian Excuse; one of the reasons he resents his daughter so much was because his parents forced him to take responsibility and help raise Mircalla, despite him being at such young age. However, this gets undercut when with how monstrously abusive Falco became in his adult life, and the reason why he ended up in this mess in the first place because he manipulated Hoffman into sleeping with him.
  • Tongue Trauma: [[spoiler:As part of his Cold-Blooded Torture at the hands of Inanna's cult, Falco's tongue is cut out the night before Mircalla burns him alive. He uses his last words to go on a final hateful rant towards his daughter.
  • Two Aliases, One Character:
    • As with canon, "Carmilla" is an alias for the long deceased Mircalla Karnstein after she turned into a vampire. She had multiple pseudonyms over the centuries, all being anagrams over the centuries, with "Carmilla" being a recurring one.
    • Also going with canon, Inanna had lived under the pseudonym of "Lilita Morgan" in the present day. In flashbacks to Mircalla's mortal life, Inanna also went by "Lady Lilith Morrigan".
    • When awakened in the seventeenth century, Lamashtu has since gone over various alias' while living among mortals. When she first awoke, she passed herself off as a governess named "Adeen Curt". In the present day, she poses as a seemingly timid, but plucky young woman named "Tara Vaughan". It's also briefly mentioned she went by "Elly Kedward" for some time.
  • The Unmasqued World: In this fic, the existence of the supernatural is apparently common knowledge, explicitly compared to the world of True Blood. Part of it was Carmilla and Laura's exploits being put on the internet, which gives them something of a celebrity status. With that said, it seems the general public prefers to keep the existence of monsters on the back of their minds and go about as normal.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid:
    • Besides Carmilla/Mircalla's own backstory being about Innocence Lost — going from an idealistic but sheltered daughter of a noble family, to a vampire with a severely dark and troubled history — the same applies to her younger brother Elias. The two were close when they were little, with Elias being an innocent and loving boy who just wanted to be with his sister. Soon, Falco dragged Elias with him on an expedition; over the years, Elias became surrounded by supernatural influences — especially Inanna and Lamashtu — directly and indirectly steering him down a dark path. Becoming obsessed with the King in Yellow, Elias' previous care for his sister became twisted, and dissolved at her "rejection". Elias is revealed to have been Mircalla's killer, and has become present day Count Karnstein, a monstrous vampire bearing no resemblance to the innocent child Elias was introduced as.
    • Even their abusive father, Count Falco, isn't exempt from this. When Elias meets his mother, Ellie Schröder, she reveals that she was a childhood friend of Falco's and says he wasn't always the hateful abuser his children knew him as. While she doesn't deny his faults, she also recounts how he'd teach about constellations and wildlife as children, and how he saved her when she fell in the ice. But that all changed when he became a teenage parent, and became a more resentful person. Not only is Elias unimpressed and Ellie herself admits that Falco grew into a very different person than the boy she knew.
  • Villain of Another Story:
    • Bella's biological father. While it isn't elaborated upon here, Stacie tells Carmilla that he was a very bad man, and wants Bella to have nothing to do with him. In chapter notes, it's stated that the Bellas' will be in an upcoming prequel fic crossing over with Scream, which is vaguely mentioned in this story.
    • In flashback chapters dealing with Beca's life in Haddonfield, Michael Myers is this. While Beca is aware of her hometowns infamous history, it never had any real impact on her life; she hasn't even interacted with any characters from the Halloween franchise — though it is implied a young boy she babysat might be Corey Cunningham. Michael Myers is treated as more of an In-Universe Urban Legend, with the different timelines being treated with Broad Strokes, but these urban legends are more like background noise in Beca's own life.
  • Wham Episode:
    • The Death and Rebirth of Karnstein is a two parter that at the time, was meant to wrap up the Mircalla Karnstein chapters. This of course covers her actual murder and transformation, and seemingly reveals the identity of Count Karnstein in the modern day. It is revealed that rather than her abusive father, Mircalla was murdered by her younger brother Elias — who became obsessed with the supernatural world, and has be nudged down a dark path by both Inanna and Lamashtu, as well as Ithaqua.
    • A Sight For Sore Eyes is a bigger whammy, being a three part chapter that wrapped up the Bailey Downs arc, and described as a "mid season finale". Theo leads an attack on Bailey Downs, ultimately getting killed by Danny. After the encounter, the Bella's end up having to keep their heads down for the time being. Laura is infected with "tampered" vampire venom. Beca enters the Fog of Worlds, rescuing Bella from Hastur's blood pact, but is marked herself. Lamashtu is beaten back in a fight, and forced to flee. In a flashback, it's revealed Mircalla killed her transformed father, and confirms that the new Count Karnstein is her brother Elias. And finally, the hellgate bellow Silas University opens a crack, as what appears to be Hastur emerges.