Luffy's Renewed Adventure - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jul 23 2015
Luffy’s Renewed Adventure is a One Piece Peggy Sue/Harem Fan Fiction by F-ckthesystem125
, writer of One Punch Man: Hero's Harem.
A cataclysmic event leaves Luffy as the sole survivor of the Straw Hat Pirates, and after enduring years in Impel Down, he’s rescued by an old man from the future with the power of the Open-Open Fruit. Using this power, Luffy is sent back to the past to try his adventures again, this time with more strength, more experience, more knowledge, more crewmates… and his eyes opened to women courtesy of the aforementioned power.
It was discontinued in November 2019, with a rewrite promised.
- A-Cup Angst: Grace shows this when Sanji gives all the girls belly dancer outfits.
- Acquired Poison Immunity: The universal immunity that Luffy acquired from Magellan remains with him when he returns to the past. Thus far, it’s saved him from Krieg’s MH5 and Crocodile’s scorpion venom.
- Aerith and Bob:
- The name of the old man who gave Luffy his second chance? Phil.
- Rather simple names are also given to a few members of Baroque Works. As opposed to the canon names like Daz Bones, Bentham, and Galdino (Misters 1, 2, & 3, respectively), Mr. 5’s name is Greg, Miss Valentine’s name is Valerie, and Miss Goldenweek’s name is Grace.
- Ascended Extra: In an effort to avoid having his crew overpowered by Marines again in the future, Luffy has actively tried to make his crew bigger this time. As of the Skypeia arc, excluding Franky and Brook who've yet to rejoin, the Straw Hats currently have a crew of 16.
- Gin is the first new addition, after Luffy thrashes Krieg. He gave implications beforehand that his captain wasn’t all he claimed to be, and made no secret of his lack of fear towards the Krieg Pirates. Gin realizes the truth in his words after he loses to Sanji, and at the end, when his resolve to return to the Grand Line is finalized, Luffy extends the invitation. He accepts.
- Nojiko also decides to come along to see Nami see her dream through. Well, that and to make sure she’s safe after catching Luffy and Nami having sex.
- Yosaku and Johnny are given an invitation when the crew is en route to Arlong Park. They accept in the end.
- Alvida joins when Luffy asks her mere moments after Buggy's failed attempt to execute him. Of course, she didn't actually plan on accepting the invitation at first; she told Luffy she'd join if he could touch her, knowing that he couldn't due to her Smooth-Smooth Fruit powers. She gets past her shock at him successfully taking her hand (due to Haki) quickly, silently reflecting on his miraculous survival:
Alvida: (smiling) Well, a deal's a deal. If he can survive that, it might just be worth it to go with him.
- Crosses over with Enemy Mine below; after a couple of brutally effective Curb-Stomp Battles, as well as learning that Baroque Works’ true intentions do not aspire towards an ideal nation, three of the officer agents join the crew: Miss Valentine in Whiskey Peak and Mr. 5 and Miss Goldenweek in Little Garden. At the end of the Alabasta arc, Mr. 5 reluctantly leaves the crew to seek his own dreams, but the other two become permanent members.
- Vivi also elects to remain with the crew after hearing about Luffy’s past and the World Government’s atrocities towards everywhere that he had visited, understanding that her country is still in danger and she can’t do anything about it by staying behind. And naturally, Carue comes with her.
- Bad Future: The story begins where Straw Hats (and possibly their allies) are completely decimated (and killed), with Luffy as the Sole Survivor, and the Marines getting even more ruthless in pursuit of their justice. And oh yes, Luffy was an Impel Down prisoner for 50 years in a possible portal.
- Berserk Button:
- Luffy obviously has the canon ones of his hat and his friends. He also, however, has a nigh uncontrollable hatred towards Blackbeard and Akainu. He doesn’t think highly of Wapol and his disgraceful ways as a pirate either.
- DO NOT so much as remind Alvida of what she used to be, let alone insult her about it. Unlike canon, she's actually aware of how she used to look and is rather self-concious because of that.
- Usopp retains his canon one as well: the one thing that can snap him out of a hopeless, Screw This, I'm Outta Here! stupor in the face of extremely powerful enemies is mocking Luffy. Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas discover this the hard way, and it also reaffirms Chopper, Valerie, and Greg.
- Vivi has an intense one towards unfair laws like the ones on Ruluka and Skypeia or royals who abuse their status such as Wapol.
- Big Sister Instinct: Nojiko towards Nami, naturally, and Valerie towards Grace.
- Big "SHUT UP!":
- Gin does this in Chapter 13 in response to Krieg ordering him to submit to death. It came as the result of Luffy giving several implications that the Krieg Pirates weren't as strong as they thought, but even he was surprised that he managed to turn Gin fully against his overly prideful captain.
- Luffy does this in Chapter 18 in response to Johnny ranting about how Nami killed Usopp, knowing both from his Haki and his future knowledge (and even his past knowledge) that the sniper was alive and Nami wouldn't kill anyone.
- Big "WHAT?!": A lot, even if you exclude the ones from canon.
- In Chapter 12, the Baratie chefs have this reaction when Luffy shows absolutely no concern about the Krieg Pirates.
- In Chapter 13, the Krieg Pirates have this reaction when Luffy breaks Pearl's shields without lifting a finger through the Iron Body technique.
- In Chapter 25, the Straw Hats have this reaction when Luffy first demonstrates the Moonwalk technique.
- Igaram has this reaction when he learns of Vivi’s decision to go with the Straw Hats.
- Bring My Brown Pants: During the Goa Incident, which happened a year before Luffy set out on his journey again, he terrifies the nobility of the Goa Kingdom to this extent by taking out their guards with Conqueror's Haki and vowing to ensure that one day, the world will know the truth about the Gray Terminal fire.
- Catapult Nightmare: Ace has one of these in Chapter 79 about Luffy standing at his grave and mourning him, while Blackbeard mocks him for dying. It serves as a harsh reminder of Luffy's warning to him in Alabasta to be careful when he fights Blackbeard.
- Chekhov's Gun: According to Phil, Luffy personally beat up two of his bosses, and although they never met personally, he saw him when he handed the latter his head. No indication has yet been given who these bosses are.
- If one were to read A Gem in the Rough, a story that features a different version of the character Phil (but not the same one that appears in this story proper), it is revealed that the two bosses in question were Crocodile (where he was the Mr. 6 of Baroque Works) and Foxy.
- Continuity Nod: In canon, Luffy mentioned when fighting against the Alvida Pirates that he would be satisfied with a pirate crew of about 10 crew members before entering the Grand Line, however he enters with only 5. After Alvida joins his crew in Logue Town, the group actually ends up with 10 crew members by the time they enter the Grand Line.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: Frequent, and not just with Luffy.
- In Loguetown, Gin does this to a group of pirates that attacked him out of vengeance towards Don Krieg.
- In Whiskey Peak, Gin, Zoro, Alvida, and Nojiko thrash the bounty hunters this way.
- In Alabasta, averted during the battle with Crocodile, who still defeats Luffy the first time around, if not with the ease that he did in canon.
- In Jaya, when Bellamy’s crew comes to rob Cricket, every single fighter is taken down in this way by a different Straw Hat.
- Dark and Troubled Past:
- Or future, depending on how you look at it, for Luffy.
- Similar to the canon Straw Hats, all of the new members in the story so far have their own painful pasts. For some like Gin, Nojiko, Johnny, Yosaku and Vivi, their stories can be learned through canon, other members' pasts are unique to the story.
- Alvida's story just extends off her being fully aware of her original fat appearance and wanting to be truly beautiful, while still suffering over the fear of getting fat again and those who who bring up her old appearance.
- Valerie, a.k.a. Miss Valentine of Baroque Works's parents ran a chocolate shop, but street thugs killed her parents and burned the shop and her parent's remains to the ground.
- Grace, a.k.a. Miss Goldenweek's parents were painters who went to another island to show off their artwork, but ended up dying when a storm hit the ship they were on.
- Death by Adaptation:
- Shura's loss to the Straw Hats leads to the Sky Sharks devouring him and Fuza. The clouds are stained with blood to remove all doubt he may have survived.
- Upon being overpowered by Luffy, Enel is finished off by Wiper with a Reject Dial.
- Death Glare: En route to Loguetown, Fullbody draws up near the Straw Hats' ship and starts to rant about capturing them again. Due to the fact that Luffy had just finished telling his crew about the events of the Gray Terminal fire, the furious crew responds to Fullbody the same way that Shanks reacted to the Lord of the Coast after saving Luffy, and Fullbody reacts the same way the Lord of the Coast did.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Luffy gets Nami to defrost a lot faster in this fic, due to making her see early on that not all pirates are evil, and that he knew what it was like to lose someone he loved, to the point where he manages to convince her to tell him the truth about Arlong before they reach the Baratie. Doesn’t stop her from stealing the Merry when it comes to that, but the Jerkass facade she put up for the Straw Hats fails as soon as she lays eyes on Luffy.
- Dies Differently in Adaptation: In Dead End Adventure, Gasparde died when his ship blew up after losing to Luffy. In this adaptation, Luffy informs Shuraiya of Gasparde's weakness beforehand, allowing the vengeful bounty hunter to kill him.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Every time Sanji beat up Luffy after a Lemon, he beats him up worse than the time before. Luckily after the 6th lemon, Sanji's been unable to beat up Luffy anymore.
- Due to the Dead: Grace honours the Enforcer she had under her Friendship paint that was killed by Enel when he protected her, and is driven to tears because she doesn't understand why that affects her after all she did in Baroque works.
- Finger Poke of Doom: Of all the Six Powers, Shigan (Finger Pistol) is the only one that Luffy hasn’t used in actual combat; it’s implied that he doesn’t very much like that particular technique.
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences:
- Johnny and Yosaku, near perpetually, when they're both in the same area.
- Zoro and Nami have a very brief instance of this when they meet Miss All Sunday for the first time.
- Flash Step: Luffy can use the Soru (Shave) technique in this fic, without having to resort to Gear Second.
- Forced to Watch: In canon, Arlong only held himself back from interfering when Zoro and Sanji fought Hachi and Kuroobi. In this one, Luffy holds him down to keep him from doing anything but watching as his Co-Dragons lose.
- Freak Out!: Due to the events in the original timeline, Luffy often has nightmares and panic attacks related to the fates of his friends and being unable to save them. It's bad enough that his original hallucination of Crocodile is replaced by Sakazuki.
- Gin suffers from some at a lesser degree when he re-experiences some of the more terrifying parts of the Grand Line.
- Generation Xerox: Grace says that the technique to hypnotize people using paint was developed by her parents.
- Goal in Life: As usual for the Straw Hats, each member of the crew has a dream they want to see come true.
- Gin's dream is to never run from the Grand Line again.
- Nojiko's dream is to see Nami's come true.
- Johnny and Yosaku share a dream of becoming the best swordsman duo ever.
- Alvida's dream is to stun the world with her beauty.
- Valerie, a.k.a. Miss Valentine of Baroque Works's dream is to become a great chocolatier.
- Grace, a.k.a. Miss Goldenweek's is to become a famous painter.
- Vivi's dream is to change the future and save her kingdom from its horrible fate in the story's bad future.
- Good Costume Switch: Not a person, but the costume/powers itself - the Candy-Candy Fruit lets the user generate, control and turn into candy syrup, which was green in General Gasperade's possession, but changes to blue after Vivi eats it.
- Groin Attack:
- Luffy gives Helmeppo a creative one of these in Chapter 4, shooting a perfect stone cylinder out of the wall to strike him between the legs…very hard.
- As in canon, Luffy gives Buggy one of these during his fight when he tries to go after Nami.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: The Open-Open Fruit is this. Zoro lampshades how feeble the power seems from the name when Luffy tells him about the fruit, but when he explains that it can open portals in time, which affords one the capability of undoing death or preventing birth, Zoro retracts that opinion very quickly.
- Heel–Face Turn: Luffy recruits many more crewmates this time, about half of which were previously enemies: Gin, Alvida, Valerie (Miss Valentine), Grace (Miss Goldenweek), and Greg (Mr. 5), though Greg makes it clear from the start of his alliance with Luffy that he’s only joining them until Baroque Works is defeated. True to his word, he leaves after the war…though it’s with reluctance with how much the crew has grown on him.
- Hellhole Prison: Impel Down is, of course, this; it’s perhaps the worst prison in fiction. But it bears repeating, considering the fact that it’s enough to give Luffy PTSD whenever he mentions it.
- It was even worse for Luffy, as the Celestial Dragons made it so he'd be moved to a new level every week until he died.
- Improbable Weapon User: As in Dead End Adventure, Shuraiya Bascùd doesn’t have a default weapon; he uses anything he can get his hands on, including chairs to shovels.
- Jaw Drop: Frequent, of course, even if you don’t count the ones borrowed from canon.
- When Luffy performs the aforementioned Groin Attack, Coby has one of these, but Zoro is too busy laughing his ass off to do the same.
- When Luffy makes a deal with Morgan to give him a boat and let him leave the island if he wins…and then stands still and does nothing, everyone apart from Morgan does this. Then they have another one when he hits Luffy with his axe, and the axe shatters.
- Zoro, Nami, and Buggy’s crew all have this response when Luffy survives a direct, point-blank hit with the Buggy Ball without a scratch.
- Usopp has this reaction when Luffy decimates the Black Cat Pirates with a demonstration of Conqueror's Haki, with Zoro, Nami, and Jango equally stunned.
- Johnny and Yosaku have this reaction when Luffy catches the cannonball that Fullbody shoots at them.
- The Krieg pirates and Baratie chefs do this when Gin begins his "The Reason You Suck" Speech about the crew.
- Everyone present has this reaction when Luffy swallows the MH5 bomb, and then again when he blows the gas back at Krieg, remaining perfectly unharmed thanks to his immunity.
- The Cocoyasi villagers do this when Luffy throws Arlong to the ground to keep him from doing anything else but watching as Sanji and Zoro take out Kuroobi and Hachi.
- Everyone present has this reaction when Luffy shows up in giant form.
- Killed Mid-Sentence: Gasparde. When he finds out Shuraiya knows his Weaksauce Weakness of flour and notices his attentiveness towards his long-lost sister, Gasparde tries to kill her. Luffy blocks the blow, and Gasparde has enough time to say "Interfering little-" before Shuraiya splashes his head with flour and decapitates him.
- Know When to Fold 'Em:
- As in canon, the Krieg Pirates promptly surrender after Luffy defeats Krieg.
- Miss Valentine is smart enough to surrender to Luffy after he Curb-Stomps Mr. 5. Twice. That, and showing off the Six Powers.
- Lemon: As stated by the author, this is not a fic centered on lemons. But with Luffy’s eyes opened to women, this has happened a few times thus far:
- Nami does it during the post-Arlong party. She intended to leave it at a kiss, but her passion grew too much after said kiss.
- Nojiko does it during the party after leaving Drum Island. Same story as above.
- Alvida does it during their night in Yuba.
- Paula (Miss Doublefinger) does it after the Alabasta war is over.
- Vivi does it on the first (filler) island after leaving Alabasta. Not even remotely intended, but one mishap leads to another leads to another leads to…well, this.
- Nami does it again on the (filler) fireworks island.
- Valerie does it during their night on Jaya.
- Then he has an orgy with Lily, Mani, and Muret of the Bellamy Pirates, all of whom are drunk at the time.
- Alvida does it again on the eve of gold-hunting in Skypiea, though it's cut short due to Nami interrupting them, having heard Sanji cursing Luffy in his sleep and connected the dots.
- With some "prompting" from Su, Conis gives in to Luffy during Chapter 111.
- Meanwhile, Valerie convinces Nami, Alvida, and a drunken Vivi to get in on the action simultaneously.
- In the next chapter, Valerie, Nami, Alvida, and a drunken Vivi to get in on the action with a little help from Vivi and her Candy-Candy Fruit powers.
- Long Runner: Noteworthy in that it's one of only three Peggy Sue fics in the entire fandom to have made it to the Skypiea arc.
- Make My Monster Grow: Presumably thanks to Luffy’s training, he’s capable of inflating his entire body, temporarily turning him into a giant. The form was used to defeat Mr. 3.
- Money Fetish: So, you know how Nami provides the page image for this trope? She does it for real in this story. With everyone discovering it. Nojiko naturally ushers everyone out of the room immediately.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Nami has this reaction for a few moments after shooting Luffy with the Buggy Ball (at his insistence) before Luffy reveals himself to be unharmed.
- My God, You Are Serious!: All of Luffy’s crew has this reaction when a few choice words from Zoro convince them that Luffy isn’t lying about coming from the future.
- Not Quite Flight: Luffy can use the Geppo (Moonwalk) technique in this fic, allowing him to jump on air.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: More like obfuscating ignorance; the only stupidity that Luffy feigns has to do with his future knowledge, and maintaining the masquerade of obliviousness. He gets plenty of genuine moments, though.
- Oh, Crap!: Frequently.
- Vivi has this when Wetton figures out she's not a hostage.
- In Jaya, Sarquiss and the rest of the Bellamy Pirates refuse to accept their captain’s defeat at Luffy’s hands…until Luffy shows some of his Conqueror’s Haki, which makes them think of the only other pirate they knew of who could do that: Donquixote Doflamingo. Understandably, their pride caves at that point as they finally realize that they had been Bullying a Dragon.
- One-Man Army: Extremely common, of course, but Gin bears particular mention; his joining the Straw Hats results in the Monster Trio becoming the Monster Quartet.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Luffy says he’s not hungry at the end of Chapter 79 after his memories of Blackbeard come to the surface. The rest of the crew is thunderstruck (except Robin); nothing had made Luffy lose his appetite before, and he’d had some really bad nightmares already.
- Out of Character: Somehow, this trope is averted, despite Luffy’s past and even his loss of obliviousness towards women; he remains the Idiot Hero we all know and love.
- Peggy Sue: Whole premise of the story.
- Rags to Riches: After Alabasta, the author writes in the fourth movie, Dead End Adventure. Between winning the race, winning the bets they placed on themselves, and looting Gasparde's ship, the Straw Hats walk away with a grand total of 800,000,000 berries. Then the author writes in the Rainbow Mist filler arc, where the Straw Hats hoard all of the treasures that they can from Ape's Concert onto the ship and successfully get away with it. With the Merry full to bursting, they now have 3 billion berries. And now they're in Skypiea, where the City of Gold is, and Nami is still eager to get more money…
- Razor Wind: Luffy is able to use the Rankyaku (Tempest Kick) technique in this fic.
- Running Gag: Whenever there’s a Lemon, Sanji gets the inexplicable urge to murder Luffy. He has no idea why, but he still beat him up every time. After the sixth Lemon, however, most of the fans no longer found it funny, so while Sanji still gets the urge to kill Luffy, the crew makes sure he can't act on it.
- Secret-Keeper: Zoro acts as this for Luffy from the beginning of the Drum Island Arc (Chapter 37) to the end of the Alabasta saga, at which point he informs the rest of his crew (Chapter 63), who then become one to Luffy for Robin, who hasn't been told yet. Ace also finds out, though to a slightly lesser degree, in Chapter 47.
- In Chapter 112, Gin becomes this after learning of Luffy's "escapades" with the women in the crew.
- Shout-Out: When Ace stops Smoker from going after Luffy and crew in Alabasta, Zoro encourages the rest of the crew to flee: "Talk later! Run now!"
- Sneeze Cut: In Chapter 73, after Luffy tells Vivi the story of how he ate his Devil Fruit, she comes to the conclusion that he and Shanks have to be the biggest idiots on the seas. Cut to somewhere in the New World, with Shanks sneezing and then asking, “Who’s an idiot?”
- Spared by the Adaptation: Minor example. Thanks to Greg and Grace, Pell gets a lot more time to take Crocodile’s bomb away to a safe distance, meaning he doesn’t even have to attempt the Heroic Sacrifice that he somehow survives in canon.
- Speak in Unison: Johnny and Yosaku, very often.
- Stations of the Canon: Despite Luffy's New World-grade strength, his numerous asskickings, and his extra crewmates, things don't change much; several notable differences, sure, but the overall story goes about the same. Most notably in the fact that Crocodile does not just fold over in their first battle and still wins; it helps that Crocodile in canon was capable of standing against the New World level threats of the Marineford Arc with little difficulty and it was more luck and determination that let Luffy beat him the first time around.
- Super-Empowering: Once they find out the Candy-Candy Fruit is aboard their ship, it's debated what to do with it. Finally, it's offered to any of the group who wants it, with the choices narrowed down to Nojiko and Vivi (five of the group already have Devil Fruit powers, the six men without them refuse it because of the associated "Candy-Man" epithet; Carue and Grace both turn it down, and Nami, who wasn't around for the discussion, would just sell it). The choice is settled via coin flip, and Vivi is the one to eat it.
- Super-Toughness: Luffy is able to use the Tekkai (Iron Body) technique in this fic, and it’s one of the Six Powers that he uses most frequently.
- Taught by Experience: Luffy usually remembers what he did during his journey before and tends to avoid certain problems the crew had before.
- However, it can slip his mind sometimes. Notable examples being forgetting where the Black Cat Pirates would actually show up and the contaminated booze.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: In a
Crowning Moment of Awesome, Gin delivers one of these to Don Krieg after losing to Sanji. He realizes thanks to Luffy’s advice that the crew was weak, and when Krieg disowns him for daring to say as much, he turns against him.
- Took a Level in Badass:
- First, the obvious: Luffy came from the future, so he has mastery of the three forms of Haki. He also trained under Garp for a few years after returning, giving him mastery of the Rokushiki (Six Powers).
- Johnny and Yosaku never really seemed to be all that tough in canon. Once they join the crew, that’s quick to change.
- Then we have Vivi. In this fic, she stays with the crew after Alabasta due to hearing Luffy’s secret, and consequently discovering that there was still more to do for her country that she wouldn’t be able to do by staying behind. Bottom line? The author writes in the fourth movie, Dead End Adventure, and Vivi ends up with Gasparde’s Logia-type Candy-Candy Fruit, skyrocketing her potential.
- Training from Hell:
- Luffy’s training with Garp is implied to have been traumatic.
- Due to being moved to a new floor on Impel Down, which essentially is a Hell on Earth, Luffy's body has adapted to some if not all the conditions of the first five floors. So far, Luffy's only shown a resistance to the cold.
- The Haki and Six Power training that he puts his crew through is rather painful as well.
- Understatement: In Chapter 32, after Brogy cheerfully informs the half of the Straw Hats that are with him that the log pose takes one year to set, everyone falls off the log they're sitting on except for Gin, who quips, "That's not good."
- Weak, but Skilled: Nojiko. She’s nowhere near as strong as some of the crew, but she makes up for it with exceptional agility and precision with a knife and pistol. The first fight we see her in, she takes on six Baroque Works bounty hunters at once in Whiskey Peak, and wins without a scratch.
- Wham Episode: Chapter 52. With almost every advantage imaginable, it comes as a shock when Luffy loses to Crocodile outside of Rainbase, impaled and buried alive just as in canon. It helps that Crocodile took him much more seriously than before, and even during their final battle still manages to fight him to a standstill before being overcomed.
- You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!:
- Miss Valentine has this reaction when Luffy uses Moonwalk to follow her into the air while she's floating with her Kilo-Kilo Fruit powers.
- Many present have this reaction when Vivi accidentally says Crocodile’s name, either because of her carelessness or the fact that they’re up against a Warlord.
- Younger Than They Look: Despite looking like a young girl, Grace says she's almost 14.