Necrophobia - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Mar 14 2021
Necrophobia is a Fairy Tail fanfiction written by dual author Manhattan Theory based on the titular, original dark guild and it can be found here. This story is an interesting twist from the regular setting of a heroic OC guild story as it instead features a really dark plot following the extremely psychopathic and evil members of the titular dark guild.
This fanfic contains examples of the following:
- Anyone Can Die: The authors themselves have stated so.
- Asshole Victim: Mayor Blackthorn is one after he gets ripped apart and torn to pieces by Marion Gremory. Ditto for the corrupt police that she skinned alive in chapter 4.
- In chapters 5 and 6, Blood Pact attacked and killed a whole group of people comprised of asshole victims in the form of a human trafficking and prostitution ring.
- Ax-Crazy: A lot of the members are this especially Dieter and Samerina, the former enjoys cutting open subjects without any anesthesia seemingly just For Science! while the latter has a Hair-Trigger Temper.
- Badass Boast: Samerina delivers one to Diana Artemis before she unleashes a devastating No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to the poor girl
- Badass Creed: Necrophobia's motto "Don't Fear the Reaper, Fear the Dead Instead."
- Blood Pact has "To Protect is to Kill".
- Big Eater: Nee Glutto. Aside from her obvious name and the fact that she seems to be based on Gluttony from the anime series Fullmetal Alchemist, it should come as no surprise.
- Bloody Murder: Marion Gremory is this, being a Blood God Slayer and all. There is a reason she is known as Bloody Mary.
- Combat Tentacles: Marion Gremory's preferred combat style.
- Creepy Child: Nee Glutto again.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: A really dark feature of this story in which most of the characters here tend to die a rather messy and painful death.
- Chapter 1 introduces one gruesome death already with Tuesday Knight being crushed to death by Judar Alibaba's sand. Gaara would be proud.
- Marion Gremory ripping the Mayor of Grimweld apart with her Combat Tentacles and skinning the Chief of Police alive.
- Calypso Galloway gets burned to death via electrocution by the lightning Trevor called down upon her from the storm clouds she summoned.
- Buzz Chopper gets his neck spun around in a 360 degree angle by Marion Gremory herself.
- Deadly Gas: Saturday Knight has this as her magic ala Caesar Clown. Kinda matches up with her theme.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Judar is a sand variety.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Samerina was noticeably
Squicked out when she watched the video where Marion commands a truth serum drugged sex club owner to carve out his own eyeballs and he dutifully obeyed
- Explosive Leash: Each member of Necrophobia (except Dieter and some of his experiments) has a bomb implanted inside their head, Suicide Squad style, by the mad doctor himself.
- Eye Scream: Marion Gremory induces one on a truth serum drugged sex club owner, by making him carve his own eyes out.
- Flayed Alive: In chapter 4, Marion Gremory personally skinned Grimweld's chief of police alive herself. She even included a Shout-Out quote from 'Game of Thrones'
- Gratuitous German: Blood Pact's Saturday Knight seems to be fond of this. Considering her theme, it seems to be a requirement in the package.
- Healing Factor: Marion Gremory is shown to be able to heal from various kinds of injuries that are obviously fatal for a normal human being ranging from machinegun fire, a direct shot to the face with a .45 Magnum and even from being bifurcated in half or being impaled directly on the chest with Buzz Chopper's drill arm.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Calypso Galloway dies as a result of this, due to her getting electrocuted and burned to death by the lightning Trevor Adams called down upon her from the storm clouds she summoned.
- Large Ham: Galaxy Von Justice. With a name like that, it should come as no surprise.
- Ludicrous Gibs: Kiara Mosito does this to a bunch of guards working for a sex club by inducing Explosive Decompression on their bodies via her magic.
- Mad Scientist: Dieter himself obviously.
- Magma Man: Samerina is one by virtue of being a Magma God Slayer.
- Making a Splash: Calypso Galloway.
- Mama Bear: Marion Gremory.
- Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Dr. Dieter Mengele. Being named after a very infamous Nazi scientist known for his certain methods, it isn't hard to imagine what he does. Also, the titular guild's name too as Necrophobia basically translates to 'Fear of the Dead'.
- In chapter 3, there's Marion Gremory aka Bloody Mary.
- Chapter 7 introduces something even worse in the form of the Bloody Alliance
- Neck Snap: Samerina does this to an 8 year old child in chapter 3 of the story.
- In chapter 6 Buzz Chopper also dies this way, courtesy of Marion Gremory herself.
- Pulling Themselves Together: Marion Gremory is capable of doing this due to her extreme Healing Factor
- Putting on the Reich: Saturday Knight, complete with Gratuitous German.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Necrophobia's Wild Hunt seems to be one.
- Shout-Out: Includes plenty of it.
- Ember Kinabalu's prank call which is a direct gag coming from the The Simpsons
- The leader of the sex trafficking ring Neverland mentions that they got their guns smuggled directly from the kingdom of Vale
- Marion Gremory quoting House Bolton's favorite motto while she is skinning Grimweld's Chief of Police alive.
- One of the guilds mentioned in chapter 7 is called East Wind Brigade.
- In chapter 7, Hotaru Mikage mentions about once playing an MMORPG game called Elder Blade Online
- Swiss-Army Appendage: Buzz Chopper's arm is one, being able to shift from a buzzsaw, to a harpoon attached to a chain which can be used to reel opponents in and even to a large drill.
- The Starscream: Samerina, being a Dragon with an Agenda, secretly wants to overthrow Dieter and take control of the guild herself.
- Truth Serum: Marion Gremory uses one such serum developed by Saturday herself on Damon Bricks, owner of the sex club Neverland in order to get him to confess on what he knows.
- Wicked Cultured: Dieter seems to enjoy listening to Chopin's music while he performs his
Squick filled operations
- Would Hurt a Child: Chapter 3, dear god. In this chapter, Samerina casually NeckSnaps a defenseless 8 year old girl in front of a helplessly beaten down Diana. Needlessly to say, Diana didn't take it very well. Also, the rest of the members of Wild Hunt too except Judar and Alexander.
- Wretched Hive: The City of Grimweld. There's a reason it has several unsavory nicknames like The City of Knives, Hell on Earthland, God's Shithole and The Big Pimple on Fiore's Face.
- Vigilante Man: Blood Pact which is a whole group comprised of such people.
- Villain Protagonist: The titular dark guild.