Not Old, Alone or Done For - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Feb 28 2020

Not Old, Alone or Done For is a Peter Pan fanfic based on the 2003 film. Written by onecelestialbeing, the story is a romance between an adult Wendy and Captain Hook.

A now 20-year-old Wendy Darling ends up back in Neverland. She ends up on the Jolly Roger and comes across Captain Hook, but now finds herself attracted to him. Wendy is split on whether she wants to return back home this time.

This fanfic provides examples of:

  • Erotic Dream: Wendy has an erotic dream about Captain Hook after she begins falling for him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Captain Hook is a pirate but he would never take advantage of a woman against her will.
  • Eye Scream: Tinker Bell cruelly pranks Wendy by spraying her with a dust that makes her temporarily blind.
  • Innocence Lost: The childhoods of the Darling siblings ended when their parents died. The eldest, Wendy, was only sixteen but had to mature quickly.
  • Most Writers Are Writers: Wendy's imagination hasn't changed much since childhood. She puts it to good use through writing.
  • Mythology Gag: The title stems from a line Peter tells Captain Hook before Hook's death in the 2003 adaptation.
  • Of Corset Hurts: Wendy finds corsets to be uncomfortable. This accentuates her nonconformity.
  • Parental Abandonment: Wendy's parents both died in her late teens.
  • Promoted to Parent: Wendy had to look after her siblings on her own after their parents died.