Owl's Hell That Ends Well - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Jun 08 2022
The First Book's Cover by Scalzacrosta
Owl’s Hell That Ends Well is a Helluva Boss Alternate Universe fanfic by Impudent Piece Of Crockery
on A03.
Once Upon a Time, there was a Goetian Princess named Octavia. One day, she was taken from her home, believing she had been cast aside from her parents who never loved her, and eventually ended up in the care of an imp named Blitzo. Meanwhile, her loving parents searched in vain for their missing daughter only to find nothing. Her father Prince Stolas did his best to move on and eventually adopted another daughter, a hellhound named Loona.
Now years later, these two dads are still struggling to raise their darling daughters, not knowing their paths are about to cross very soon. They never said adoption would be easy…
The series is planned to be spread out across a series of books, each one focusing on one season of the show. The first book, dedicated to Season 1, was completed on July 6th 2023.
The Second Book, was released on the Second Anniversary of the first one (March 29th, 2024), and details the events of Season 2, and the two families' journey and struggles as they attempt to rebuild bridges and hopefully start anew, despite the many challenges in their way.
In addition to the books, scalzacrost4 has plans on adapting the fanfics into several issues of a Webcomic, the first of which can be seen here
These fanfics provide examples of:
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- Abandonment-Induced Animosity:
- Played for Drama with Octavia. Due to gaslighting by her cruel kidnapper and a couple other factors, Octavia believes that Stolas abandoned her out of the blue one night when she was just seven, and as a result, several years after she last saw or heard from her original parents she's disowned Stolas and grown to despise him and fear ever crossing paths with her once-idolized original father again. The belief that her parents suddenly gave her away to her former captor purely for "being a bother", and that Stolas replaced her with a hellhound girl who was initially less well-behaved than she ever was, has also given Octavia lots of abandonment-related anxieties and issues which cause drama between her and the rest of I.M.P.. Even when Octavia finds out that Stolas didn't abandon her at all, she still can't quickly shake all her sore feelings towards him, particularly her feelings that he replaced her by adopting and growing close to Loona in her absence.
- Loona too has a case of this in her backstory. Her original emotional pillar was an older hellhound named Claw who took her in for years, until the latter betrayed and attacked her while they were stealing food, damaging Loona's ear, and leaving her lying prone and wounded to be caught and enter the hellhound adoption system. Loona makes it clear that she's cut all her ties to Claw as a result, and that she hopes it hurt Claw if she felt any remorse for her betrayal.
- Stella also has a very deep-rooted case of this from her childhood. She was left extremely hurt, bitter and betrayed when her only childhood friend, who was a fellow victim of Eathelin's abuse, abandoned her in a moment of panic during their botched escape when Eathelin caught them, and he seemingly never came back, leading Stella to conclude that he was only ever using her as a means to an end. This incident was the main root of Stella's nasty habit of abusing her and Stolas' imp staff in her adulthood, since the friend in question was a young Blitzo. Stella is beyond furious at Blitzo when they reunite after she learns that he's the imp who's been raising Octavia all these years and sleeping with Stolas, and it's made pretty clear that their old friendship would be very hard to repair if it's not completely irreparable.
- Abusive Parents:
- Where to even begin with Stella's parents, Marquis Ambrose and Baroness Eathelin? Not only did they show blatant favoritism towards Andrealphus her whole life, but she was treated inhumanely and uncaringly by them; with her mother being physically abusive and her father being psychologically absuive, traumatizing her so much, that she's come to believe that showing vulnerability and how she really feels is a sign of weakness, to the point where she will literally slap herself whenever she's about to cry. And then chapter 22 reveals, her mother was also sexually abusive, touching her and forcefully sleeping with her naked, when she was ten years old.
- Eathelin's own father, Duke Crocell, was also rather cruel towards her in her youth. When she wasn't born a male as he had hoped, the Duke saw her as nothing more than someone to marry off, and would often punish Eathelin for her slights, by nearly drowning her.
- According to Word of God
, Marquis Ambrose's own parents would beat him regularly in his childhood over slights, which influenced his own distant negligent attitude to his children a lot.
- Acceptable Breaks from Canon:
- A noticeable break Stolas being a fallen angel rather than a hellborn, as the fanfic was written before Season 2 revealed his origins. The other is "Spring Broken" being depicted as taking place before "Loo Loo Land".
- Instead of entertaining a young Stolas during the events of "The Circus", Blitzo instead was hired for a young Andrealphus, leading to him forming a bond with a young Stella.
- Accidental Misnaming: While at the FizzaRolli 'n Friends show at Loo Loo Land, Stolas, being distracted as he reflects on his past experiences with his lost daughter at the park, accidentally calls Loona "Octavia". This inadvertently confirms Loona's fears that he only sees her as a cheap replacement for his lost daughter, abandoning him and retreating to the Carnival House, where Stolas sets the record straight.
- Actor Allusion: Blitzo is a big fan of Katie Killjoy, loving her voice in particular, both of whom are voice by Brandon Rogers.
- Adapted Out:
- In the notes of Chapter 12, the author notes that "CHERUB" would not be adapted for the story, and would rather happen offscreen, due to their dislike of the episode, not knowing how to work Octavia into the narrative and because, as of ten, it had no bearing on the overall story.
- Played With in regards to OZZIE'S and Queen Bee. While the episodes themselves don't get played out, with Moxxie & Millie's anniversary happening in-between the first two books, we get some version of the episodes; the big family meeting at Asmodeus during the first story's finale and a yet revealed series of chapters in the second one.
- Similarly, Millie does not join Moxxie as Millerd for the Unhappy Campers mission, due to a last minute second job Blitzo takes her on. Instead, Octavia is forced to take her place as Moxxine's big sister and camp counsellor Vivian.
- Adaptation Deviation:
- Unlike the first book, which followed the episode-to-chapter order mostly consistently, the order of events for season 2 are much more jumbled. Unhappy Campers is now the first episode getting adapted and The Circus is so far planned on being the fourth.
- Stolas' blue blood is noted to be a trait of his angelic origin, even though in the hellaverse proper angels bleed golden ichor. It's unclear if this is a deviation or if Stolas' fall turned his originally golden blood blue for whatever reason.
- Adaptational Angst Downgrade: Loona still suffered a lot as a child, having been betrayed by her best friend, abused at her orphanage and treated poorly by Stella and many of the castle staff. However, compared to her canon version, who lived in a practical jail cell well into her teens, having never known love or compassion, while she got adopted at a young age by the loving Stolas, she has it pretty well overall.
- Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Octavia has been through a lot this time around, having been ripped from her home, made to believe her birth parents hated her, and having been abused, mutilated and humiliated by a mad imp for years until Blitzo finally found her. And while she had a mostly secure and happy time under his care, the two lived in constant poverty and she would always be haunted by her dark past.
- Adaptational Early Appearance:
- With Unhappy Campers being the first episode to get adapted, Barbie makes her five episodes earlier than in canon.
- While Crimson himself doesn't show up in Chapter 5 of Book 2, members of his goons do, setting him up long before his canonical debut.
- Adaptational Heroism:
- Stella is a somewhat downplayed case. She's still a very angry and unpleasant person, but even leaving aside her Adaptational Sympathy here, she isn't the one who ordered Stolas assassinated in this continuity, and she's confirmed to genuinely love Octavia (even if she wasn't good at showing it before her kidnapping) whereas the canon Stella's feelings on her daughter are more ambiguous but the hints so far don't bode well. Stella's concern for Octavia and her complicated feelings for Loona ultimately place her on the heroes' side instead of against them in this fic.
- Downplayed both ways with Asmodeus. In canon, circumstances and a couple dog-kickings from him made him an antagonist by circumstance, whereas in this fic, circumstances and Stolas' politicking ultimately make him an ally to I.M.P. and Stolas' family, for the time being.
- Adaptational Skill: Eventually Stolas decides to teach Loona magic, straight from the Grimoire. Something the hellhound has not yet fully learned beyond making portals. It is quite the struggle for her however, as she's started well older than recommended and thus has trouble channeling the proper energy for it.
- Adaptational Sympathy: Stella, though still very mean, vitriolic and petulant, is a much more tragic and complex character than her canon counterpart. Whereas the canon Stella's role in later episodes revealed her to be a spoiled, sociopathic womanchild who was vicious and petty from an early age and has practically no redeeming qualities so far; in this fic, a lot of Stella's worst traits are down to her utterly revolting childhood traumas and her unresolved issues from them; being repeatedly sexually assaulted by her paedophilic mother, having a loveless and emotionless father who praised her for outwardly appearing unfazed by losing Octavia, and having a brother who was favored by both parents and was practically Stockholm syndromed by their mother's grooming of them, and last but certainly not least; being seemingly abandoned to her fate by her only real childhood friend, a fellow victim of Eathelin's sexual abuse who was her only source of light during that hideous period of her life. It also helps that Stella in this fic is confirmed to be capable of loving others.
- Adaptation Relationship Overhaul:
- In canon, Blitzo and Stolas are the parents of Loona and Octavia respectively, and have little to no relationship with the other child. Here, the story's basic divergence from canon is that this relationship is explictly inverted.
- Blitzo loves Octavia just as much as he would've loved Loona. He's had no interaction with Loona so far, and his relationship with Stolas is much more complicated due to him and Via believing he abandoned her.
- Octavia sees Blitzo as a weird, sometimes annoying but very loving father, to whom she's very loyal and helpful. She also has a more personal and friendly relationship with Moxxie and Millie, but the biggest change is her relationship with Stolas. Having spent years of her life believing that he abandoned her, viewing her as a burden, and replacing her with Loona, she utterly despises and feared him most of her life. While she would come to find a kinship with Loona in canon, here she despises the hellhound, and often uses derogatory and racist terms to describe her.
- While Stolas' attraction to Blitzo hasn't changed much aside from some new complications, his relationship with Loona is much closer than in cannon, with her being his adopted daughter whom he cares deeply for and unintentionally sometimes treats like a substitute for Octavia.
- Loona so far has no relationship with any of the members of I.M.P. but does have a tense rivalry with Stella which later turns into a more complicated relationship, and an awkward but amicable relationship with Stolas, as she does care for the prince but can’t bring herself to fully feels like he only views her as a replacement for Octavia.
- On a lighter note, Stolas and Blitzo were no longer childhood friends, due to the Goetia price being an adult during that time. Instead, Stella fills this role, after a young Blitzo was hired to entertain a seven-year-old Andrealphus and fled with her in tow. On a darker note, this childhood friendship ended a lot more tragically for Blitzo and Stella.
- In here Stella utterly despises her brother Marquis Andrealphus, being both jealous of him being able to get away with anything, and for almost forcing himself onto her shortly after losing Octavia and then getting her in trouble for it. In canon though? While Stella is a bit frustrated over her brother forcing her to call off the hit on Stolas, not only does she get along wonderfully with her big brother, but it's possible she wouldn't have minded him attempting to sleep with her, with the Incest Subtext between them.
- In canon, Millie's parents and Blitzo mutually made good first impressions on each-other and got on well during I.M.P.'s stay in Wrath. Here, the opposite happens due to Millie's parents recognizing Blitzo's daughter as a Goetia demon, assuming her a spoiled noblewoman, and making their distaste clear, to which Blitzo responds in kind.
- In canon, Blitzo and Stolas are the parents of Loona and Octavia respectively, and have little to no relationship with the other child. Here, the story's basic divergence from canon is that this relationship is explictly inverted.
- Adaptation Species Change:
Season 2 confirms Stolas as being a hellborn demon who’s lived in Hell since he was a child, while this version of the character is a Fallen Angel.
- Adopted into Royalty: Deconstructed with Loona. While she’s Stolas’ daughter and therefore technically royalty, everyone aside from him still views her as a hellhound lower than them in the food chain and thus treats her more as an animal than a princess or even a person most of the time. She also doesn't carry the title of Princess and isn't officially recognized as Stolas' heir, which Stolas admits to himself he's grateful for because of the socio-political targets and burdens that would put on Loona. According to Word of God
, while demonic nobility marrying or adoping hellborn isn't unheard of, Stolas adopting a hellhound (the lowest-ranking hellborn species of all) not as a servant but as a daughter is a complete first.
- Affectionate Nickname: Blitzo lovingly calls Octavia “Octapus,” and Stolas frequently calls Loona “moonlight”, similar to how he would call Octavia “starlight.” The author has since admitted that he forgot that Stolas' nickname for her was Starfire in the show, and has simply gone from there. Blitzo also has one for Stella, calling her "Marsh" short for Marchioness, from their childhood days. Though she no longer is fond of him nor the name.
- After-Action Patch-Up: Chapter LXVII has Stolas doing his best to heal up Blitzo's wounds from the attack by Baron and his army.
- Alien Blood: According to Word of God
, blue blood such as Stolas bleeds signifies beings of angelic origin, whether they're fallen or not, while black blood signifies hellborn, and hellborn demons with angelic heritage like Octavia bleed blackish-blue blood with the exact hues depending on how much angel or how much hellborn there is in their heritage.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Baron leads a siege upon the I.M.P. building, shortly after discovering that Blitzo is still alive, wanting revenge for the imp's double cross and briefly killing him. With Moxxie & Octavia hidden in the human realm, it's up to Blitzo & Millie to fend them off, eventually fleeing from the massive army.
- Almost Kiss: Blitzo & Stolas almost share a non sexual one during the Pain Games, before Stolas is interrupted by Loona summoning him.
- Altar Diplomacy: Rather than an excuse to sire a precautionary heir, Stolas and Stella's wedding was forged, due to a long, heated blood feud between her great grandfather King Vine and the prince; due to Vine blaming Stolas for the death of his wife. This lasted for centuries, almost going to war, before the other ruling royals of Hell demanded they put an end to the conflict, as it was disrupting the rest of Hell. Eventually it was agreed upon that Stolas would marry Stella, so as to merge the family and thus end the century-long feud. This subsequently makes a divorce between the two all but impossible, as it would reignite hatred between the two families and drag Stolas into another long war.
- Alternate Universe Fic: The story takes place in a timeline, where Blitzo adopted a kidnapped Octavia and Stolas took in Loona. Along with several other changes to canon, that are revealed later including: Stolas having been an angel before falling, Blitzo & Stella having been childhood friends, Striker working for a different source other than Stella, Asmodeus being Gender Fluid, and Lucifer having a less sympathetic, more Bible-adjacent backstory as the leader of a failed armed revolt in Heaven.
- Ambiguous Situation As of Chapter 53, it's kept vague wether Baron survived his near-fatal wounds on his own, or if he had outside interference that allowed him to keep on living. Blitzo mentioned that the imp had trouble moving during their last encounter, but that was seven years ago, so it's unknown if that's still the case. The final chapter reveals it's the latter, as we see Baron being resurrected by a demonic force, baring a resemblance to Paimon's shapeshifting form.
- Ambition Is Evil: Andrealphus seeks to rise higher than his status as a Marquis, desiring to become King of all of Hell! That would be bad enough, but given that he is also a manipulative creep, who desires to be in a relationship with his mother, and is working with the very same people responsible for what happened to Octavia in order to achieve this role, it's clear he likely has far from noble desires.
- Anarcho-Tyranny: The fic is set in Hell of course, but Word of God
says that the Ring of Envy in particular is the worst of the bunch, having absolutely no illegalities, taboos nor standards like some of the other Rings, and absolutely anything however heinous can happen down there.
- And Call Him "George":
- Stella gives Loona very rough and very unwelcome hug, when seeking her comfort after finding out about Blitzo raising Octavia. When Loona attempts to break out of it, Stella hugs even tighter, making her efforts worthless.
- Collin the cherub gets numerous painful hugs from just about every member of D.H.O.R.K.S. much to his immense discomfort.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Stolas give a platonic one to Loona, during her breakdown at Loo Loo Land, trying to assure her he does love her. It gets him more doubt and a bite from the hellhound, until he eventually manages to reassure her.
- Anguished Outburst:
- We get two big ones in Chapter 26. One from Stolas towards Blitzo for keeping Octavia's fate and identity a secret from him, and one from Octavia towards her father, for supposedly abandoning her to Baron, lying that everything would be okay, declaring Blitzo to be her true father and that she hates him.
- Stella does not take the reveal of Octavia being alive and hating her parents well, going on a heartbroken, bitter, angry meltdown, not knowing how this could happen as she tried not to be anything like her mother, blaming Stolas for everything and storming out of the room.
- Octavia lets her emotions out to Millie once the secret comes out, resulting in multiple cases of this. In particular, she rants about how stupid she was to believe Baron's lies that Stolas had abandoned her, and never figuring out the truth behind the spell blocking him from her.
- Ant Assault: All of the DHORKS agents killed by Loona, Stolas and I.M.P. have all been turned into anthropomorphic ants upon entering Hell.
- An Arm and a Leg:
- The Baron lost one of his arms, when it was turned to stone by Octavia and smashed by Blitzo. Loona almost managed to take Claw’s arm, during their big fight.
- Agent Two loses her hand, as it was also turned to stone by Octavia's gaze.
- Nearly happens to Blitzo, after Octavia petrifies his hand during a freakout moment. Luckily, Stolas is able to heal any damage before it becomes permanent.
- Appropriated Appellation: Blitzo theorizes that Baron Wastes keeps his name, no doubt given to him by an Ars Goetia so as to mock him, as a means to assure himself of his power and status and turning it into a name to be feared among Hell's royalty.
- The truth is much worse. He actually forgot what his real name was for years and by the time he learned what it was, he was so broken by his experiences with Eathelin that he can't think of himself by any other name.
- Armor-Piercing Response:
- Blitzo poses one to Octavia, when he reveals that he believes Stolas' tale of what happened to his daughter. Via tries to warn him that his word shouldn't be trusted, to which Blitzo responds that they shouldn't take the word of Baron either, considering how crazy and full of lies he was.
- During that same conversation, Octavia asks Blitzo if he knows what it's like to be given away by their parents, just because they weren't good enough. Blitzo confirms that he does, as his own father comes to mind.
- During their second encounter, where Baron is beating up Blitzo and mocking him for going to such lengths to save Octavia, he asks why he would want to willingly cling himself with a royal demon like her, as other Ars Goetia don't care a wit about him or other imps in general. Blitzo does so, giving Baron a glorious "Reason You Suck" Speech, on how obsessed he is with tormenting a child and how it makes him no better than his own tormentors. It's this response, that nearly gets Blitzo killed, before Octavia saves him last minute.
- Armor-Piercing Question:
- When Stella starts ranting to Loona about her awful visit to her family, the hellhound confusedly asks her why she's even telling her any of this, rather than someone else. The question briefly catches Stella off guard, until she regains her composure soon after.
- After their meet up at Ozzie's Octavia has one more confrontation with Stolas, where she makes it clear how hurt she is by him adopting Loona and how she can never fully forgive him for that. While disappointed, Stolas blunty tells her that he is not sorry for adopting Loona, as it doesn't diminish his love of Octavia any less, and when she expresses clear frustration at that, he counters her saying that he too was hurt by Blitzo lying to him about Via's fate, having had taken care of her all this time and never telling him the truth until he found out on his own; would she want to see Blitzo apologize to Stolas for adopting her? She is unable to answer.
- Artistic License – Medicine: The Rehabs in Hell, at least the one Barbie used to go too, are apparently so apathetic towards their patients, they freely allow them to leave, even if they've not fully recovered from their addictions.
- Audience? What Audience?: Blitzo does a version of the iconic fourth wall break in "Spring Broken", which leave Octavia confused as it just looks like he's looking at a blank wall.
- Awful Wedded Life: Stolas & Stella's reationship is this as per canon, having only gotten worse since Octavia's disappearance. Stella' parents were also this, with neither loving the other, marrying only for status and powers rather than love.
- Awesome, but Impractical: As Blitzo himself admits, his flintlock packs a hell of a punch…but has to be reloaded every time he fires it. Making it virtually useless in a drawn out fight.
- Ax-Crazy: Baron Wastes. Though he hides it under a facade of kindness, compassion and a desire to fight for the freedom and greater good of all lower-class, the imp can become quite the terrifying and unhinged monster, almost without warning, killing his own men for the slightest of wrongs and losing any sense of sanity whenever Octavia is concerned. The final chapter reveals he too has a demeaning voice in his mind, constantly belittling him much like Blitzo, however his is that of his former abusive master Baroness Eathelin.
- Babies Make Everything Better: Stella seems to adapt this mindset during chapter 29, wanting to breed with Stolas and produce another child, so she can be a loving mother again, Stolas can fill the void left by Octavia's disappearance and so they can have an heir. Stolas is tempted by the idea, but turns it down believing it to be the wrong move, with Octavia possibly still alive and out there, much to Stella's anger.
- Back from the Dead: Baron is left for dead by Blitzo, nearly succumbing to his wounds, only to be woken up by a massive, terrifying demonic entity, who brings him back to life as they still have use for the ambitious imp.
- Bait-and-Switch:
- During their Harvest Moon Festival postcoital, Stolas starts getting a bit vulnerable with Blitzo, admitting to having been unable to recognize he was accidentally being insensitive to Loona for years. He then tells Blitzo that he's worried that he might be treating Blitzo similarly, hinting that he's finally caught up to how much Blitzo loathes being treated as the prince's sextoy. Stolas asks Blitzo to be honest if he displeases him…with his constant mention of his feet, much to the frustration of Blitzo.
- When Asmodeus first encounters Loona, he is completely aghast at Stolas for bringing her here to in presence. Everyone is quite ticked, believing that he is disgusted at the idea of her being a hellhound, but Asmodeus immediately dismisses that notion, not caring about her race. He is upset…because Loona is a virgin. A thing that the Lord of Lust finds unacceptable and immediately tries to fix.
- Millie gently request that Blitzo let Moxxie to take charge on their next mission, after their mixed Anniversary night. Blitzo initially refuses…letting him take charge of the next three missions if all goes well, much to Millie's delight.
- Bait-and-Switch Compassion: When Blitzo hands M&M their first paycheck, Moxxie is touched to learn that he gave them a little extra…so they can afford to buy Octavia a birthday gift.
- Barely There Swimwear: Octavia wears one during Spring Broken to better lure in targets, despite second thoughts from Blitzo about letting her be part of the mission.
- The Beard: Stolas & Stella's relationship is revealed to have been this, with Stolas being gay and Stella having been a lesbian all along. Despite both parents knowing this, they still went along with the Marriage of Convenience, Eathelin laughing at the notion of marrying for love, believing that demons like themselves aren't allowed such silly notions.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Baron is an Ax-Crazy psychopath with an all-consuming vendetta against all of Hell's nobility, and he can kill his own men and torture a Goetia child just for rubbing him the wrong way. He became this way as a result of excessive sexual abuse and torture at the hands of a particularly-depraved Goetia, Baroness Eathelin, when he was just a child, which broke his mind terribly.
- Bemoaning the New Body: Octavia dislikes her rarely used human disguise. Mostly because of the mouth, missing her beak.
- Beneath the Mask: Stella is clearly emotionally devastated and broken, after losing Octavia and suffering through years of emotional & physical abuse from her family. However, whenever she comes too close to showing it, Stella reigns herself in and dismisses these emotions, through her usual cold, angry and controlling persona.
- Berserk Button:
- Since finding out about her treatment from the staff at his castle, anyone treating Loona like a dog or implying she's anything less than his daughter, is enough to make Stolas blind with rage. He even threatened Blitzo on the phone, when the imp accidentally called her his pet.
- He also becomes absolutely furious and threatening towards Millie upon her insinuation, that he'd leave Octavia to remain captured by the agents.
- Stolas finding out about Octavia's carving unsteadily sets him off. He nearly goes to see it for himself before Blitzo manages to talk him out of it.
- Just seeing Blitzo or thinking about him, after years of resentment and abandonment, is enough to send Stella into a fit a rage.
- Asmodeus harbors deep, resent and hatred towards Heaven and its archangels, finding them to be despicable hypocrites and monsters for their views on sexuality.
- Any mention or reference to Goetias, especially Baroness Eathelin, is enough to send Baron into a fit of mad rage. He violently threatens one of his own men, when the imp believes he was about to lay with the young Octavia and then kills him, upon believing that he is a traitor.
- Another one for Asmodeus is pedophilia, one of the few restrictions he has placed on making love and Lust in his realm. Upon learning that Baroness Eathelin, one of his own vessels, had been raping children including Stella and Blitzo, when the two were barely in the double digits, the Prince explodes in rage.
- Big Damn Hero: Blitzo sends Octavia to hide in the cupboard with the rifle, when Baron and his men storm into their apartment. From her hiding place, Via watches Baron beating up her adoptive father, and almost kill him. Inspired by Blitzo's bravery, and refusal to give up despite the mad imp's torture, she comes out of her hiding place to fire upon Baron, killing most of his goons and hurting him enough for Blitzo to get the upper hand.
- Big Damn Reunion: Played with. There are two big reunions here, but neither are particularly happy.
- Stolas & Octavia have their big reunion in Chapter 26, though while the prince is overjoyed at seeing his daughter alive and well, Via is terrified, distraught and vehemently angry at her father, as she has been lead to believe he not only gave her away, but replaced her with Loona. She tells her father this much to his face, before leaving in anger, much to his despair.
- After having been built up for the last few chapters, Blitzo is also reunited with his old childhood friend Marsh. Aka Stella. A person he was lead to believe was dead for years. When both see each other, it cause Blitzo to suffer a panic attack, while Stella threatens to kill him on the spot for supposedly abandoning her.
- Big "WHAT?!": Moxxie, Millie & Octavia let out a collective one, once Blitzo suddenly announces that Via's taking Millie's place on the mission to Camp Ivannakummore.
- Biological Parent Reunion: Octavia was kidnapped as a young girl before being rescued and raised by Blitzø. She meets her biological father Stolas again in chapter 26, though runs away out of a mistaken belief that he orchestrated the kidnapping and would want her dead. The misunderstanding is eventually cleared up, but their relationship is anything but warm, not helped by Octavia seeing Blitzø as her only family and resenting that Stolas adopted another daughter — the hellhound Loona — after losing her.
- Birthday Episode: The Octavia segments in Chapters 11 & 12, are focused on her birthday showing I.M.P. planning it and then the party itself. Loona gets her own birthday segment in Chapter 16.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing:
- Implied with Jeezie, one of the imp staff at Stolas and Stella's mansion. They were amicable to Loona before Stella blackmailed them into staying away, and unlike the other imps they had the courage and decency to risk contacting her one more time in order to explain to Loona why they were cutting her off. However, a later flashback of Baron ranting in Chapter 50 heavily implies that Jeezie is an insider who was involved in Octavia's kidnapping and wasn't caught.
- Upon his introduction, Marquis Phenex is shown to be a reclusive, alcoholic and bigoted but honorable and amicable member of the Ars Goetia, who is a good father to his adopted daughter Raum and used to be good friends with Prince Stolas, helping his friend track down his would be killer. Then the final chapter of Book 1, reveals that both he and his daughter were the ones who hired Striker to kill Stolas, and they want to use Octavia for an unknown purpose.
- One of the reasons why Eathelin has managed to go on, without any karma. While behind close doors she's a perverted, cold, cruel and abusive woman, especially towards her children, while she's with others, like her sister Vepar, she reigns most of that in and acts like a stern but sweet person with no hint of real malice.
- Blackmail:
- Baroness Eathelin was quite fond of using this to get a young Blitzo, allow her to molest him as a child, threatening to take away money needed to help his sick mother and family, if he fought against her advances.
- During their first meeting, Barbie uses this trick to get Octavia to help her drug smuggling operation, in exchange for not telling anyone about the dead body she was caught with.
- Blood Knight: Millie as per usual is this. So much so that after getting excited about a fake hit, she starts wanting to kill random people they might cross, just to satisfy her bloodlust.
- Bookends: The first chapter opens with Blitzo eating an old, moldy slice of pizza on the ground, due to having little to no food left. And in the penultimate chapter, he and Octavia share a pizza together, not much more closer and financially stable since forming I.M.P.
- Boomerang Bigot: Despite supposedly being a revolutionary fighting for the plight of his people, Baron has little sympathy towards anyone who willingly chose to serve the nobles and those who do little to change their plight, viewing them as "whores" and a traitor to his race.
- Boyfriend-Blocking Dad: Blitzo does not take kindly to any male creature than even attempts to flirt with Octavia. He nearly kills an incubus, who had come looking for a position in I.M.P. and offered to open portals for them, when he playfully flirted with Octavia; and for a long while believed Moxxie was trying to get with her. Even when she unintentionally made him believe she was pregnant, he was quick to accuse Moxxie of the affair, nearly killing him too.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Phenex’s teenage daughter Raum, seems to have taken much of Canon Octavia’s standoffish-ness, with dark clothing, blunt opinion and frequently fighting with her dad. Though she still sincerely cares for him at the end of the day.
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: When Stolas comes to ask Blitzo for advice on parenting, the assassin internally thinks that the prince must be: "really fucking stupid…Or desperate. Possibly stupid desperate."
- Break Them by Talking: Barbie is able to win her fight with Moxxie, through a combination of better height and by constantly taunting the imp, throwing him off his game long enough for her to nearly drown him.
- Breakfast in Bed: Stoals treats Loona to this on her birthday, surprising her with heaps of bacon.
- Breaking the Cycle of Bad Parenting: Deconstructed.
- Stella, having had an absolutely revolting childhood under her Abusive Parents and deranged brother, wherein both her parents emotionally abused her multiple-fold and her pedophilic mother raped her in her own bedroom when she was only 10; Stella sincerely tried to be a better mother to Octavia than her own parents, but without any positive parental role models in her life story to follow, her efforts translated into acting aloof and distant around Octavia and being quite uncomfortable with simple physical contact. Which made Octavia honestly wonder even at a very young age if her mother loved her before Baron gaslit her.
- Word of God
says that Stella's father Ambrose himself was trying to be a better parent than his own by never laying a hand on his children, but the way that translated into him being physically and emotionally absent brought about its own problems and further enabled Eathelin's active abuse of their children.
- Break the Cutie:
- As a young girl, Octavia had a mostly happy life with her parents, believing she was loved by them. However, when she was kidnapped and sold to a hellish baron, Octavia was made to believe that her parents didn’t love her; that she was only ever a burden to them which they happily parted ways with. A lie that was, in her mind further supported by pure accident when she found out they (or more accurately Stolas) had adopted Loona. This has ultimately left the former happy-go-lucky owlet with a massive inferiority complex, abandonment issues, and hatred for her parents, which have turned her jaded, bitter, and pessimistic toward almost everyone other than Blitzo.
- Stolas' old friend Marquis Phenex used to be a kind soul, with little interest in the politics of Hell, wanting instead to raise a family, and spend time with his friends, until one of his daughters were killed by his other children by Duchess Greymory. The incident and reveal broke Phenex turning him into a shell of himself, ending his marriage, driving away his friends and even killing the rest of his children much to the shock of Hell. When he and Stolas eventually meet up again, the Marquis is a shell of his former self, focusing most of his passion on raising his last remaining child Raum, and becoming an alcoholic.
- Break the Haughty: Stella, usually proud, angry and completely undeterred by anyone, is quick to dissolve into a quiet and anxious state, once she's around her mother.
- Break Them by Talking: Verosika takes Octavia to her office, and tries to encourage her to abandon Blitzo, before he abandons her, citing herself as an example of what the imp's capable of in terms of wrecking people's lives and hearts. While she probably didn't intend to give Octavia a crisis of loyalty, her words and experiences, combined with Octavia's own insecurities and guilt over Blitzo's current relationship with Stolas, cause the owlet to suffer from an emotional panic attack, leaving her a crying, doubting wreck in the office.
- Bridal Carry: Just as in Loo Loo Land, Stolas carries Loona home like this.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: Millie seemingly has the skill and education needed to become a legitimate psychologist and therapist. But she prefers her job as an assassin as it's more fun and turns her on, much to Loona's disgust.
- Broken Pedestal:
- Played for Drama. Stolas has become this to Octavia, after she was kidnapped by Baron, fed lies that he abandoned her and seeing him with Loona, whom she believed to be her replacement.
- For two years of her life, Loona had a mentor and mother figure called Claw, who taught her much of what she knows and kept her alive during the early years of her childhood. Loona looked up to her as a mentor, sister and mother. And than all of that was destroyed, when the two decided to rob a warehouse filed with food. Seemingly out of nowhere, Claw took this opportunity to try and knock Loona out, so she could take the blame. When Loona managed to fight her off, Claw went wild attacking her and wounding her so badly, her ear was scarred and she would've died had someone not left an anonymous tip. And while Stolas suggests this could've been Claw regretting her actions, Loona has long since disowned her former mentor.
Loona:"I won’t be grateful to someone who earned my trust, made me feel like I was wanted, only to try to kill me at the prospect of some extra food. If she felt bad about it later, if she was even capable of feeling bad, fucking GOOD!"
- Stolas used to be a reputably loyal and committed vassal to Lucifer, but after Lucifer turned away his and Stella's request to track Octavia, Stolas' respect and loyalty for Lucifer all but died.
- Striker used to have a lot of respect for both Baron and Blitzo, seeing the former as a inspiring revolutionary, finally taking a stand against the abuse the Ars Goetia put the lower hellborns through and the latter as an ambitious and likeminded imp who built himself from the ground up, much like him. Upon meeting both however, his view of them was ruined. He found Baron to be a crazy, wannabe messiah who acted like he was as great as the royal demons themselves. As for Blitzo, he was disappointed when the imp decided against working with him, instead choosing to save the life of his target.
- Broken Tears: Stella collapses into tears and sobs in front of Loona, after revealing how much her family's treatment and the pain of losing Octavia has put her through. Loona is shocked, having never seen this devastated side of the princess before now; and she can't help but feel connected to her, having been similarly betrayed by someone she looked up to in the past.
- Brutal Honesty:
- This is what eventually draws Stella to Loona. As she knows the hellhound hates her and she hates her back, she's willing to tell her about her various insecurities and problems, believing that unlike others, she's d be honest about using it as a way to get back at her, as oppose to the other upperclass associates she knows. Still, she threatens the hellhound, never to tell anyone about this.
- Countess Raum has no problem or care about sugarcoating her opinion, being blunt and honest with her opinion. Even to other Goetias like Stolas. She seems to take pride in that, preferring it than to play nice like other royalty.
- Brutal Honesty: Countess Vepar is quite fond of this, having no filter on herself and plainly speaking her mind on various topics, often in either graphic or threatening manners. Such as her casually asking her niece Stella if her husband is cuckholding her.
- Bump into Confrontation: How Loona & Octavia finally meet, bumping into each other during the Harvest Moon Festival, with the owlet angrily and bitterly tearing into the hellhound for supposedly replacing her, causing Loona to summon Stolas.
- The Bus Came Back: After appearing mostly in flashbacks and a present day cameo in the finale of Book 1, Baron finally makes his long awaited return in Book 2 Chapter 5, wherein he confronts Blitzo at his home office.
- Calling Parents by Their Name:
- For years, Octavia has exclusively referred to her original parents by their names instead of continuing to call them her dad and mom, showing how much she's disowned them after believing they cruelly gave her away to Baron. Even when Octavia learns the truth and she makes the first steps to potentially reconciling with them, she still addresses Stolas and Stella both using their names.
- A little more downplayed with Loona. She primarily refers to Stolas by his name, but she calls him Dad every once in a while, especially after their relationship stabilizes.
- Calling the Old Man Out:
- Loona tears into Stolas in Chapter 19, finally fed up with feeling like a replacement Octavia, telling him how much she hates his unintended treatment of her and how she just wants to be treated like herself.
- Chapter 25 and 26 have the inevitable reunion between Stolas & Octavia and it is far from pleasant. The owlet lays into her father, tearing him down for supposedly giving her away Baron, being a burden, replacing her with a hellhound, declaring that she hates him and never wants to see him again. It reduces him and her into tears.
- Over their many, many meets up later on in the story, Loona finally gets a chance to call out Stella for treatment over the years, including firing anyone who even talked to her, leaving her isolated and friendship-starved for much of her childhood. With Chapter 43 having her demand the princess apologize for it all.
- Octavia gets another chance to call out her parents in Chapter 48 for abandoning her and seemingly replacing her only two years after she was gone. In particular she's furious at Stolas for expecting her to think of Loona as her sister so easily, after years of thinking she was a failure and having never asked for any of this. This time however, Stella gets her share of the blame, as Via calls her out for being emotionally distant to her all her life, and now showing more affection towards Loona, than she ever did her whole childhood, something that hits Stella deeply.
- Loona gets another one at Stella, when the hellhound's forced to comfort the furious swan, after the group gathering at Ozzie's turns south. The hellhound gets a chance to call the swan out for dragging her here in the first place, and then massively tear into her for constantly dancing around the issue of wether or not they're actually friends, after being tired of having no idea what she is to Stella anymore. And then absolutely TEARS into Stella, for claiming that she's the only trying to make the friendship work, when Loona has repeatedly made several attempts at peacemaking and comfort with Stella, even when the two despised each other, and making it clear she refuses to be a point of shame for the princess after all of this.
- The Cameo: Katie Killjoy & Tom Trench make a speaking cameo on the radio in Book 2, Chapter 2, talking about new tunnels emerging in Pentagram City, much to Blitzo's amusement. Katie later returns in Chapter LVXII, commenting on the car chase between Baron and I.M.P. Blitzo, being a big fan of hers is utterly delighted, even with all of her blatant racism.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Loona clearly loves Stolas, sees him as a father figure, and comfortably calls him dad in her mind. But due to her harsh past and belief that he might abandon her one day, she cannot bring herself to openly confess her paternal feelings to him. She does occasionally slip up and call him 'dad', however. Stolas has learned that as much as he enjoys hearing the term from her, she is extremely self-conscious about it and as such has stopped mentioning it on the occasions she refers to him in paternal terms to keep her from shutting herself down emotionally around him.
- Can't Live with Them, Can't Live Without Them: Stella has clearly no love for Loona, having spent years belittling her and making her life difficult, viewing her as Stolas’ shallow replacement for Octavia. However, after a few emotional rants about her life, she has become dependent on the hellhound as the one person she can trust with her feelings and difficulties, which has since possibly even turned into a one-sided affection for her. So much so, she seems to unwilling to let her go.
- Capitalism Is Bad: The Greed ring is not portrayed in a good light whatsoever, operating under this mentality. The ones live in there fall under two categories. The poor, with not enough money to become anything more, instead having to serve and amuse others just to get by, and the rich who have everything they need and don't have to worry about being exploited or taken advantage of. Depending on who you know and what you have, you could either make or break yourself under these brutal conditions.
- Career Not Taken: Millie took five years of Psych Class likely with the intention of becoming a psychologist, but instead became an assassin finding that job to be way more fun. That and it makes her horny.
- Carved Mark:
- Octavia has a intricate one on the back of her neck. Said carving it revealed to be part of an enchanted spell, that keeps her from being detected by Stolas or even other hellhounds.
- Baron has a horrifying one on his chest, which he reveals to a young Octavia, saying: Property of Baroness Eathelin, with the Baroness Eathelin striked out and replaced with: NOBODY.
- Cassandra Truth:
- Until he sees Millie in person, Blitzo doesn’t believe that Moxxie has a wife.
- In her recounting of her brother's attempts to lay with her, Stella reveals that her own parents sided with him over her, after he made it look like she assaulted him for no reason.
- During the Unhappy Campers arc, Octavia quickly deduces that Jimmy is their target after he confesses to it. She tries to tell Moxxie, but the imp dismisses her findings as simply claims, insisting on busting the case by himself.
- Casual Danger Dialogue:
- Stolas and Blitzo have a similar phone call as they did in in the first episode, though this one is much longer due to various circumstances, where Stolas negotiates their monthly full moon deal, while giving his paramour tips on how to dodge Martha’s crazy shots.
- While being chased by Baron through the streets of Pride, Millie & Blitzo have a sweet little chat about there latter's former aspirations of being a pirate, Millie encouraging him and even being interested in joining her boss. Which then followed up with by an impromptu therapy sessions, with Millie asking about Eathlin.
- Catapult Nightmare: As a child Octavia would suffer from frequent nightmares of her time with Baron and the things he'd do to her. Luckily, she would have Blitzo there to keep her safe.
- Cathartic Crying:
- Both Blitzo & Octavia breakdown into tears in front of each other, after confessing their long seated self-loathing and feelings of uselessness to each other that they had left hidden from each other. After keeping it in for a long time, the two have a long and emotional cry and hug, reaffirming their loyalty to each other.
- Loona gets one to herself in Chapter 19, after Stolas tells her how much he loves her, all that she means to him and reassuring her that she is much more to him than just a replacement for Octavia. After having to lived with the fear in her mind for so long, her breakdown and callout of Stolas is devastating and messy, but very deserved.
- Cerebus Retcon: When the D.H.O.R.K.S. capture and drug Blitzo and Octavia, the whole situation is played a little more seriously than the canon version, especially since they both have more trauma in their pasts for the "Truth Bomb" gas to dredge up in this AU.
- The Chain of Harm: Stella had an absolutely hideous upbringing under her Abusive Parents, and she's still terrified of her twisted brother Andrealphus, which leads to her cold, angry personality and mistreatment of Loona. The cycle of abuse in Stella's family goes back earlier: her paternal grandfather was a Fallen Angel who, in Asmodeus' words, took embracing the dark side after falling into Hell a little too seriously; and her maternal grandfather Duke Crocell had a nasty habit of holding her mother Eathelin underwater in the latter's childhood. Although Eathelin is considered the worst known monster that the lineage has produced by a good stretch.
- Character Tics: Often when Octavia's nervous or devastated, she instinctively scratches the back of her neck, where her scar is.
- Stella tends to hug herself when she gets upset.
- Chase Scene:
- A very tense chase occurs between a young Octavia and Baron in Chapter 50, when the young child finally manages to escape capture and flees from his hideout, with the mad imp breathing down her neck at points.
- Chase Scene: Chapters LXIII and LXV, feature Millie & Blitzo being chased through the streets of Pride in their van, with Baron & Claw's gang right on their heels.
- Cliffhanger:
- Chapter 14 ends this way, with Octavia's relationship with Blitzo at it's lowest, as her self-esteem is all but ruined, when she see I.M.P. win their bet with Verosika in a way where she wasn't needed. Blitzo is devastated and unsure how to bring her back from this state.
- Chapter 4 of Book 2, ends on Stolas finding out Stella took Loona outside of the castle. Thanks to some help from Lucifer he sees a vision of his daughter terrified, with not only Stella, but two other demons sitting besides them [[spoiler:(Duchess Vepar & Baroness Eathelin).[/spoiler] In a cafe called Richest Cup…
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Octavia endured quite the bit of abuse during her time as Baron's prisoner, who would frequently threaten her, beat her up, whip her and at one point had a symbol carved into her neck!
- Cool Big Sis: Vepar views her sister Eathelin as this, being loyal to a fault to her, while unaware of the depths of horrors her big sister has committed.
- Cool Uncle: Cool Aunt in Countess Vepar's case. Vepar clearly seems to adore Stella, calling the swan her favourite niece, so much so she's willing to fight Stolas for seemingly sullying her honour, and while there's love between the two, Stella is noticeably quite uncomfortable by her aunt's more violent tendencies.
- Cooldown Hug: Stolas gives one to Loona, as she breaks down into his chest, after he tells her how much he truly loves her. Loona later returns the favor, after Stolas returns still shaken and grief-stricken after his reunion with Octavia.
- Comically Missing the Point:
- During their awkward talk over pizza, Octavia mentions having to talk to Millie about something, but tells Blitzo she's not quite ready to talk to him about it yet. After a bit of pondering, Blitzo assumes she's talking about her first period, and begins to give his daughter The Talk. Via kicks him in response, telling him that's not at all what she's referring to, and in fact she can't get periods in the first place.
- When Blitzo brings up his failed meeting with Barbie to Octavia, he neglects to reference her by name or status, thus making her believe he's talking about a date he's neglected for 10 years. Causing her to awkwardly offer the "There's plenty of fish in the sea" advice, much to his amusement.
- Commonality Connection:
- What largely attracts Stella to Loona, despite her bigotry and hatred for the hellhound, is their shared connection of being betrayed by their former best friend, thus causing them to push everyone away. The difference being however, while Loona eventually managed to open up and form new bonds with Stolas, Stella is much slower to move on due to fear and pride, causing her further strife in the meantime.
- Loona and Fizzarolli have a few similarities here, both being lower class demons from poor homes, who by all logic should've lived boring uneventful lives, who due to affiliation/adopting with a royal demon (Asmodues for Fizz and Stolas for Loona) ended up in much higher positions of power. Fizz connects with Loona over this when they meet.
- Stolas & Lucifer bond over their shared strained relationships with their daughters, and their desires to make up for their mistakes to them.
- Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: Played with. Octavia is not unthankful about her father rescuing her from the agents, but is extremely skeptical about his motives, believing that he simply did it hoping she would forgive him and forget about her demanding he stay away from her.
- Confirmed Bachelor: Both Asmodeus and his son Aamon, have expressed no desire in settling down with another spouse, preferring instead to enjoy bachelorhood and the freedom to sleep with anyone. Fitting for sins of Lust.
- Confess in Confidence: Millie often acts as I.M.P.'s unofficial therapist, listening to their troubles and promising to keep their secrets. She refuses to tell Blitzo about something troubling Octavia, even as he's threatening her, not wanting to shatter the girl's trust in her; she gets Blitzo to back up telling him that even if she was to tell him Via's secrets, that would likely break his trust in her, and he'd never tell her anything again.
- Connected All Along:
- Striker is revealed to have been the one to kill Stella's father Ambrose. He is also a reluctant frequent collaborator with Baron Wastes. Claw, Loona's mentor is also revealed to be working closely with Baron as his lapdog.
- Chapter 28, heavily hints that Blitzo witnessed Stella being sexually assaulted by her mother as a child, and did nothing to stop it, which lead to him wanting to help the supposedly abandoned Octavia. Later chapter outright confirm this, as Blitzo was hired to entertain Andrealphus and became friends with Stella instead, until he abandoned her. Then years later he returns to Stella's life... having adopted her daughter and sleeping with her husband.
- Baroness Eathelin was the original master of Baron Wastes, and the abuse she put him through, including torturing him, humiliating him, raping him and even carving her name into his flesh, is what drove him to madness, causing him to imagine Octavia as her and lead to him starting his revolutionary group against the Ars Goetia.
- Contrived Coincidence: Blitzo took Octavia to a beach in Envy at the same time that Stolas was taking Loona there for a day. Stolas and Loona didn't see Octavia, but she saw them, leaving her heartbroken, as seeing her long-lost father doting on a new child (one whose species were practically sapient pets on the bottom of Hell's hierarchy no less) and seeming so happy seemingly vindicated Baron's lies about Stolas giving Octavia away in Octavia's mind.
- "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: In the first chapter of Book 2, Octavia bitterly reflects that if she had just tried to find her mom and dad again, instead of blindly believing Baron's story and staying with Blitzo, she could've avoided years of heartache and depression, by realising that her parents never actually abandoned her.
- Covered with Scars: Upon being resurrected, Baron's body is covered with scars. Unlike regular imps however, his marks are black, rather than white as is common.
- Cowardice Callout: When Stella is finally reunited with Blitzo in Ozzie's ground, the princess does not hold back on revealing her resentment to the imp. She coldly and furiously calls him out for abandoning her as a child, running away instead of helping her, when he saw her about to be raped by her own mother. Even when Blitzo attempts to explain himself, revealing that he thought she was dead, she is not satisfied, telling him that she'd do FAR worse to him, if this wasn't neutral ground.
- Crash-Into Hello: Loona ends up literally bumping into Stolas' chest, when she goes to talk to him in Chapter 39.
- Crippling Castration: While talking about her aunt Vepar, Stella recounts a moment where she fought Crocell with a blessed weapon, ending the fight by castrating him with it.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Blitzo gave Agent One quite the horrifying death, cutting off his arms and stuffing them down his throats, until he choked to death.
- Cry into Chest: Blitzo and Octavia both do this to each other at the end of their talk, as they reaffirm their love for each other, after confessing their insecurities and recent fears. Octavia gets another from Blitzo at the end of Chapter 26.
- Cry Laughing: As she's trying to insist that she is a blight and burden to Blitzo, Octavia stops herself and ends up laughing hysterically, as she realized the two are fighting over which one is the biggest loser of the two, causing Blitzo to join in. Once it dies down, the two breakdown back into comforting tears as they realize they're not alone.
- Crying at Your Birthday Party:
- Happened to Octavia once, when Blitzo tried to give her a big surprise party, accidentally giving Octavia a panic attack that sent her running to her room and crying under her bed. This is considered to be one of Blitzo's shames in their relationship.
- As a child, Blitz cried tears of horror when his mother tried to wake him up with a kiss and a hug on his birthday.
“Wait!” The look of horror on Fizz’s face grew and he was fully looking at Blitzø with mouth gaping. “Is. . . Is that why you lost your shit when your ma tried cuddling with you to wake you up on your birthday!?” ... "Ma loved to cuddle. At least with Barbie and him. Sometimes, if she was feeling really affectionate, she’d lay with them, waiting for them to wake up. Once she saw the first signs of them stirring, she’d embrace them, showering their brows with kisses. It was one of her FAVORITE ways to wake them. And he’d completely and utterly RUINED it for her! All because he’d woken up with someone kissing his brow and gotten so scared of the licks that’d no doubt follow! He’d struggled and screamed and cried, not wanting those kisses, those licks, those touches!
- Crystal Ball: The Whisper Orbs, created by Agaliarept, allow two individuals to communicate telepathically over long distances, without fear of being traceable. Once a demon attaches their magic one of spheres, it's there to use and talk to the owner of the other orb it was paired with. Though they can only be bonded to one individual, and can only last for a half hour's amount of conversation, thus making it very powerful but less convenient as one might believe.
- Cuteness Proximity: Poor Collin is found to be irresistibly cute to the members of D.H.O.R.K.S., who all feel the urge to hug him and comment on his cuteness. He does not enjoy the treatment at all, especially from the agents who are revealed to be furries and are attracted by his cuteness.
- Cyanide Pill: Baron's men all posses a golden tooth, containing a poison that will kill them, should they be captured. Many of them bite into them after being captured by Stolas, which reduce them into a pile of blood and meat.
- Daddy's Girl:
- Played Straight and Heavily Deconstructed with Octavia. Ever since she was taken from her home, under the belief she was a burden to her parents, and was later found by Blitzo, Octavia has come to love her new parent, despite his many faults. She's first to try and help him, whenever she sees him in trouble and is willing to do anything, just to please Blitzo, wether that is nearly killing herself to open up portals or offering herself up to Verosika, so they can get their parking space back. However, this love has become more of her feeling like she needs to prove herself useful to Blitzo, out of fear that he'll abandoned her, like she thinks Stolas and Stella did. Just the idea that Blitzo might abandon her, is enough to send Octavia into a back attack and wreck with doubt and bigger need to prove herself.
- As for Loona, while she doesn't often let her true feelings for Stolas show, she is still very grateful to him for adopting her, and sees him as the best and most loving part in her life.
- Daddy's Little Villain:
- Shortly after meeting her, Baron takes Claw under his wing and over time, has come to treat her like a surrogate daughter and one of his most trusted lieutenants, seemingly to genuinely wanting to keep her alive and well despite her condition.
- Countess Raum, daughter of Marquis Phenex, is fully onboard with her father's plot to kill Stolas and in fact, was the one to set up Striker's assassination attempt and predict that the prince would be there.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Given her Goetia heritage Octavia is capable of opening portals to the living realm like her father. But, it’s far from safe. In order to open a portal, they need to be using an exact amount of energy and using too much or too little will make the spell draw energy from one’s own body, which can have disasterous consequences on their health, going so far as casuing them to vomit blood and eventually die. And due to having limited knowledge on magic and how much to use, creating portals without the grimoire caused Octavia grievous bodily harm, forcing the team to look for other methods.
- Dark Messiah: Baron Wastes is viewed as this by the Hellborn, hailing him as a folk hero and man for the people, believing him to be a revolutionary with plans of raising an army to freeing the oppressed from the tyrannical rule of the Ars Goetia, and bring about a glorious new area for demons. Baron is more than happy to accept this title, though is far from a benevolent man, if what he put young Octavia through is any indication.
- Dark and Troubled Past: On top of spending years of her childhood in an orphanage that she her as little than a wild animal and an annoying pest, Loona was abandoned by her own family when she was young, leaving her to fend for herself on the streets. It was here she met Claw, an older hellhound with a similar past who took her in as her student, the two becoming like a mother/daughter to each other. That is until Claw attempted to frame Loona for a heist the two were planning to commit, resulting in her becoming scarred, beaten and left to dead until someone had managed to find her. This experience caused her to distrust almost everyone else around her, leading to her to keeping Stolas at an arm's length and believing he only saw her as a replacement Octavia.
- Death by Adaptation:
- In this version, Agent One does not survive the D.H.O.R.K.S.' encounter with I.M.P., choking to death on his own cut off hands curtesy of Blitzo, as revenge for hitting Octavia with a gun.
- In this version, Cash Buckzo explicitly died during the circus fire which crippled Fizzarolli, unlike in canon which later revealed in "Ghostf**kers" that he survived beyond the fire.
- Death Faked for You: It is revealed that Blitzo didn't abandon Stella as she assumed. Rather, her mother Eathelin fake her death to the imp, in order to get him to leave and psychologically damage him, presenting him with some bloodied feathers claiming those to be her's.
- Depraved Bisexual: As ever, Stolas becomes this to Blitzo at the start, but Andrealphus also gives this vibe, when he offers to sleep with the prince. Andrealphus and Stella's mother Eathelin is a pedophilic depraved bisexual who repeatedly raped both her son and daughter when they were prepubescent among countless other children.
- Destination Defenestration: When Striker attempts to attack Stolas, the owl nonchalantly blows him out of the window of Millie's house. Unfortunately he survives this.
- Deus Exit Machina: When Millie tries to get Stolas to help her free the rest of IMP from DHORKS, the prince is unable to. While he could enter in a limited form, he would be unable to use most of his powers, as humans are under the protection of heaven, which would alert God and the angels to his presence. The only exception to this, is if he's summoned willingly by a human, at which point he's free to use his full power on Earth for a limited time. Which is why he sends Millie & Loona up to Earth to get a human to summon him through blood and his sigil, so he can help save Octavia.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Regular hellhound Loona gives Baroness Eathelin a much deserved kick to the leg, once she catches her making a pass at Stella.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Stolas mentions in his lecture to Loona, that while rare, there have been groups of hellborn, acting as the counterpart to the Ars Goetias with Pharoahs, Emperors and Barons, known for killing the supposedly much more powerful Fallen Angels. In particular, the entire line of Presidents, barring one, have been killed off.
- Didn't Think This Through:
- As pointed out by Baron himself, he never had any plans for Octavia after her capture, beyond simple threatening, torture and the novelty of having a Goetia as his prisoner. He loudly rejects any proposition from his peers to sell her off for profit or turn her into a slave, instead insisting on keeping her as is.
- In order to give Baron the slip on where Octavia was, he gave them the address on his former work place, to get back at his shitty bosses. When Baron and his men finally track him down, the imp points out that doing so only made it easier for him to track him down, as the place had his name on file.
- Disowned Parent: After all she's been through, Octavia has disowned Stolas, and to a lesser extent Stella, for abandoning her, telling him as much when the two reunite, declaring Blitzo as her real parent.
- Disposing of a Body: Moxxie & Via are forced to do this while at Camp Ivannakummore, when one of Vivian's counsellor crushes commits suicide after she rejects him. Though, when Via decides to dumb the body in the lake, Moxxie backs out due to his dark past with helping Crimson do similar.
- Do You Want to Copulate?: Upon discovering Loona is a virgin, Asmodeus straight up offers himself to her as her first lay, even beginning to thrusting towards her, much to the hellhound's disgust and embarrassment.
- Doesn't Know Their Own Birthday: Stolas doesn't know his birthday, as being an angel created before time was a thing, it's not really clear when he even came into existence.
- Do Not Call Me "Paul":
- Baron hates being called Trace, by anyone other than Claw.
- Lucifer, along with all the Seven Sins, used to have different names during their old lives in Heaven. While this is a well known secret among the Ars Goetia, it's believed calling them by their old names, is cause enough for a death sentence.
- Don't Call Me "Sir":
- Loona dislikes being called a princess, upon seeing what that title entails, though Stolas still does so out of love.
- Blitzo playful tells a young Octavia not to call him "mister", shortly after bringing her to his apartment, insisting she simply call him by his name.
- Doting Parent: Both Blitzo and Stolas are this to their respective daughters. While Blitzo is the most open about it, due to the prince often having to limit his time with Loona to appease Stella, that doesn’t stop Stolas from spending time with his daughter whenever he can.
- Dramatic Irony:
- Stolas gives Blitzo some encouragement and advice on how to deal with his rough patch with Octavia, telling him about how he lost his own daughter and wishes he could've done more to save her. Not knowing that his lost daughter is the one Blitzo’s taking care of.
- While she's at Loo Loo Land, Loona pretends to enjoy herself at the broken down, cheap amusement park, to satisfy Stolas out of fear that he'll abandon her, not wanting him to know that he secretly hates it there. Stolas meanwhile, is having a horrible time, as the place is constantly reminding him of Octavia, but choses to stay because he thinks Loona actively enjoys the place.
- During her stay at Camp Ivannakummore, both Octavia & Barbie meet in their human disguises, have a very messy and antagonistic relationship with each other, especially after the imp blackmails the other. While Via assumes Barbie to be a succubus and Barb thinks she's a regular human, what neither of them know is they're actually niece and aunt; the very same Blitzo was trying to foster a new familial relationship with just a day prior. In a later chapter, they even bond over their complicated relationships with their respective father, and agree that Barbie's brother doesn't deserve forgiveness.
- The Dreaded: Baroness Eathelin is this to Stella, her own mother being so vile that she hides in Loona bedroom to avoid her.
- Dress Hits Floor: Stolas visits Asmodeus in order to arrange for a neutral ground for an important meeting and to bring Eathelin's crimes to light, catching him on his off time while wearing nothing but a rope. Stolas attempts to be amicable telling the sin he's in no place to demand what he should be wearing. Asmodeus is delighted by this, teasing the prince by striping of his robe and appearing naked in front of the disgusted Stolas & Aamon.
- Drowning My Sorrows:
- Stella locks herself in the estate's office, to indulge herself on fine wine, after her father's death and being unable to attend the funeral. While she refuses to admit she's mourning, it's clear she's affected by her father's passing. She later has another major drinking episode in Chapter 41, in order to cope with the recent string of reveals dumped on her, lashing out at Stolas for his supposed wrongs before breaking down into tears and eventually passing out.
- Dumpster Dive: How Blitzo discovered Octavia, the young girl hiding in a dumpster to escape from Baron.
Easily Forgiven: Played with and subverted. Stella spent the majority of Loona's time as Stolas' adopted daughter, making life unnecessarily miserable and hard for the hellhound, picking on her out of spite, threatening the servants whom she befriended and generally belting her as little than a dog. So, when she starts opening up to Loona and tries to befriend the hellhound, she is understandably reluctant and angry about it. Especially given how dismissive she is over her treatment of her. Loona makes it clear to Stella, she will only continue their talks together if she apologizes for her past actions, which she does, and even then, the hellhound dislikes spending time with the princess, only doing so because she has little else to do, and due to them sharing similar experiences throughout their childhoods.
- Emotion Suppression: Her harsh upbringing have caused Stella to suppress her true feelings, in particular the ones related to her grief, so as to now appear weak amongst others. Whenever she does let her guard down and cries, she will slap herself and repeat the mantra: 'When we show weakness, we harm ourselves,' until she's finally calmed herself down.
- Entertainingly Wrong: When Barbie demands a favour from Octavia, after catching her with a dead body, the owlet initially believes she wants sex and refuses. Barbie immediately shuts that down, with a disgusted reaction.
- "Eureka!" Moment: Stolas loses Octavia again at the Festival, after the princess escapes through a portal. When Loona mentions seeing her cough up blood, the prince explains the messy issues with opening portals without the Grimoire. As he does, he recalls Blitzo mentioning how his daughter "Vivian" experienced similar problems. And from there, quickly puts the pieces together that he's had Octavia this whole time.
- Even Evil Can Be Loved: Despite all of Ambrose's emotional and psychological abuse of his daughter Stella, despite him being at best oblivious to or at worst doing nothing about Eathelin's depravities, and despite him always teaching Stella that Love Is a Weakness; Stella nevertheless can't stop herself from mourning Ambrose when he dies.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
- Baron has a surprisingly close relationship with his hellhound subordinate Claw, the two forming a relationship close to that of Blitzo and Loona from the show. Upon finding her shortly after getting resurrected and hearing of her plight, Baron comforts the guarded hellhound, and asks her to join his cause. While skeptical, Claw accepts and in the present the two have become very close, Baron treating the hellhound like his right-hand and surrogate daughter, making sure she has enough bodies to feed upon. Claw even refuses to call Baron by his slave name, instead being the only one allowed to call him Trace.
- Marquis Andrealphus has a close, twisted relationship with his mother Baroness Eathelin. The wicked woman used to rape him as a child, and while he was disgusted by it at first, he would eventually grow fond of it and long for her touch again. When he grow too old for her liking, he still yearns for her 'love', growing jealous of her other victims and comforting her, in order to win a few pecks of her.
- Marquis Phenex and his daughter Countess Raum are revealed at the end to be behind the assassination attempt on Stolas and the original kidnapping of Octavia (which kicked off the entire story before Baron Wastes went off-script). In spite of the reveal, it's made clear that the father-daughter duo's care and affection for each-other is sincere.
- Every Scar Has a Story:
- After their emotional day at LooLoo Land, Loona tells Loona how she got her scarred ear. Turns out before living at the Orphanage, she had a friend and mentor in a fellow hellhound named Claw. The older took Loona under her wing, and she came to see her as a surrogate mother. But, when Claw tried to knock out Loona in order to frame her for a robbery she was committing, the young girl fought back, during which she was clawed and left her to die. While Loona survived thanks to someone discovering her and getting her help, she has since been reluctant to trust anyone after that.
- Every Scar Has a Story: The scars on Barbie's arms, came from Self-Harm when she was in a really bad spot in her life.
- Everybody Knew Already: When Blitzo debates wether or not to tell M&M the truth behind Octaiva, Moxxie reveal to Blitzo in Chapter 28, that he is aware of who she is and her ties to Stolas, having already pieced it together a few chapters back. Millie also reveals she had a feeling thanks to Moxxie, in Chapter 31.
- Everyone Has Standards:
- Verosika may be a succubus, who's more than willing to go down on anyone, but she draws the line at pedophilia. Even when Octavia offers herself up for the parking space, she's quick to talk her out of it.
- Turns out, pedophilia is completely, unabashedly considered illegal and disgusting even in Hell. Asmodeus, the demonic King of Lust himself, is furious at the idea, and it's the only sexual depravity that he's outlawed in the Ring of Lust, hence why Stolas attempts to bring Eathelin's crimes to him.
- The Sin of Lust also takes offense towards Octavia calling Loona a "mutt" finding her misplaced anger of the hellhound, highly unwarranted.
- Loona and Stolas are horrified once they find out that Eathelin abused and raped her own daughter Stella when the latter was only ten years old. They may hate Stella, but even they find this utterly disgusting.
- Fizz has no problem taking cheap shots and jabs at Blitzo for all he's done to him through the years, including adding in jokes after Via's recounting of her traumatizing story, but even he is horrified and taken aback upon learning the full extent of what he went through during his time with Baroness Eathelin and her family.
- Claw, despite in league with Baron, doesn't feel comfortable leaving Millie to someone as dangerous or cruel as Crimson. Likely due to her time with Loona influencing her a bit.
- Everyone Has Standards: Barbie might have no problem blackmailing and manipulating what she believes to be a normal teenage girl for her own benefit, but once she sees the horrific carving on Octavia's back & neck, she becomes horrified and worried she might be cutting, then becoming angered when she learns someone else did that to her; even offering to let go of Via from her blackmail attempts.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Striker is convinced that Blitzo raised Octavia as his own because he's grooming her to be a weapon of his own against Hell's nobility. Even after Blitzo rejects Striker's offer of a team-up, the notions that Blitzo took Octavia in out of compassion or that he genuinely sees her as a daughter still escape Striker.
- Evil Counterpart:
- Baron Wastes is what Blitzo could have become if he suffered under the depraved Baroness Eathelin for far longer and if he didn't have a childhood friend through any of it. On top of both being victims of Eathelin in their childhoods, Baron and Blitzo both struggle with the lingering psychological issues steeming from their trauma, and their everyday classist treatment by Hell's hierarchy. They even have their own adopted daughter, as Baron takes Claw under his wing. Unlike Blitzo, who despite his issues and eccentricities manages to live a mostly normal life, Baron's sanity was completely consumed by his torment, fashioning himself as a rebellion leader dedicated to overthrowing the Goetias as an excuse to inflict the same abuse on the royals who hurt him, whether they deserved it or not; believing they are all deserving of it regardless of age and actions. Baron and Blitzo both somewhat recognize Octavia's relation to Eathelin and Stella, but have opposite reactions to Octavia upon first meeting her: whereas Blitzo takes Octavia in as a daughter, Baron instead mercilessly took his rage and madness out on her for months despite her being an innocent child.
- Marquis Phenex is one to Prince Stolas. Like the Prince, Phenex was original a fallen angel turned Goetian royalty, who lost a daughter due to imps and adopted a different one, whom he is very loving towards and care for a great deal. However, while Stolas managed to recover from his loss of Octavia and channel that to become a better father figure, Phenex became consumed with hatred for both the lower hellborn and the Ars Goetia, causing him to go on a vendetta to kill them all, including his own old friend Stolas.
- Similarly Countess Raum is this to Loona, being an orphaned, moody girl having been adopted by a royal of Hell and is eager to prove herself to him; even helping him kill others is she needs to.
- Evil Is Deathly Cold: Marquis Andrealphus with the command over ice and snow, is not only a creepy bastard with an inestimable lust, but seeks to conqueror all of Hell with the help of his mysterious new allies.
- Evil Is Hammy: While sometimes calm and reasonable, Baron becomes an unhinged, over-the-top and holier-than-thou ham who screams every other line and throws violent, sometimes murderous fits, whenever he's around Octavia.
- Evil Is Petty: Stella despises Loona so much, that she’ll do whatever little thing she can to inconvenience or hurt her life, even harassing her and accusing her of stealing, when the hellhound tried to get into the kitchen for a snack. At one point, she learned of several members of the staff, who were treating Loona kindly, at which point she threatened them to either ignore the hellhound or leave their post, thus robbing her of the few friends she had.
- Evil Matriarch:
- Stella is the reluctant adopted mother of Loona and utterly despises her, seeing the hellhound as an unwanted replacement of her lost daughter, and frequently taking her anger and resentment on her, by any large and small means she can. This is a trait inherited by her own mother, who greatly favored her brother over her.
- And then there's Stella's own mother, Baroness Eathelin: an absolutely vile woman, who treated her coldly and dismissively, emotionally and psychologically abused her, showed massive favoritism to her son Andrealphus, and raped her. When she was only ten years old. And then had the gall to insult her, for being a disappointing lay. And continued sexually abusing Stella afterward anyway.
- Evil Orphanage Lady: Loona was surrounded by these during her youth at the orphanage. In particular a Baphomet fitting named Karen, who was both verbally and physically abusive to the poor child. She was willing to let her get sexually abused by higher demons, if it meant saving the orphanages' reputation.
- Evil Sounds Raspy: Baron's voice has become much more raspier and whispered after being shot in the throat, often requiring a mask in order to talk and breath properly.
- Evil Stole My Faith: Due to the harsh living conditions during her time at the Hellhound Foundation, as well as the plight she & Claw suffered while on the streets, Loona is incredibly bitter and resentful towards Queen Bee-lzebub, whom never did anything to help her during all these hard times.
- Exact Eavesdropping: This was how Octavia found out about Stolas adopting Loona and seemingly replacing her. While at a beach in Envy, the young owl witnessed Stolas playing with the hellhound near the waters, and him hugging her in delight, when she called him dad for the first time. This finally cemented her belief that she had been abandoned by her father, doubling down on Blitzo being her true father.
- Exact Words: When Loona & Millie find a surviving member of DHORKS, they're able to convince him to summon Stolas, promising not to kill him if he helps. Upon completion of the ritual, Stolas snaps the poor guys neck, as they had not promised that HE would let him live.
- Excellent Judge of Character: Unlike in canon, Blitzo & Octavia are almost immediate in picking up that something's off with Striker, believing that he might be working with Baron, due to his word choice and knowing Octavia's true name.
- Excrement Statement: A rather obnoxious sinner threatens to pee on the closed I.M.P. office, if they don’t let him in. Octavia responds by turning him into a statue.
- Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: As Stolas explains to Loona the messy and strainful complications of opening a portal without a Grimoire, he starts to realize that Blitzo is the one who's had Octavia this whole time. The revelation sending him into shock.
- Extradimensional Emergency Exit: Octavia uses this twice to get away from Stolas, during the Harvest Moon Festival.
- Extremely Protective Child: Octavia won't let anything bad happen to Blitzo, if she has anything to say about it. When Vortex goes to threaten him, Via is first to try and pull him off of her father.
- Eye Scream: At one point during her imprisonment, Baron threatened to carve out Octavia's eyes, as they reminded him too much of how his old master would look at him, nearly doing it too had it not been for the timely arrival of one of his men.
- Fall Guy: Claw tried to make Loona, during their raid of a warehouse filed with food, until the young hellhound managed to briefly fight her off.
- Fallen Angel: Although many of today's Ars Goetia were born in Hell; the progenitor first-generation Ars Goetia — which Stolas and Marquis Phenex are among — are all fallen angels who were cast down to Hell, where their angelic grace melted away; as are the Seven Deadly Sins. They all slowly rose in power as Lucifer, his queen Lilith, and the other six Sins rebuilt Hell into the civilization it is today.
- False Confession: After Angosin's death, a note was found seemingly written by the Prince himself, claiming responsibility for the death of Queen Aalto and for false framing Stoals before turning the spell on himself. Both Stolas and Vine agree that the confession is likely a coincidence due to the timing, but are unable to prove the authenticity of it.
- False Friend: Phenex used to be best friends with his fellow Ars Goetia Stolas, the two often working together, until the death of his daughter at which point he became a recluse, the two seemingly rekindling their bond after years apart. Then the final chapter happens, and it turns out Marquis Phenex was the one to hire Striker to kill Stolas at the Harvest Moon Festival, and has been lying to him since their reunion.
- Family Eye Resemblance: Octavia is stated to have the same eyes as her mother Stella, who in turn inherited her eyes from her mother Baroness Eathelin. It turns out to be a major plot point.
- Family of Choice: Blitzo and Octavia vow to make a new family together, after being abandoned and uncared for by their birth parents.
- Fantastic Racism:
- Hellhounds are generally regarded as the lowest class citizens in Hell, being viewed as little more than thieves, guard dogs, breeding stock or people with very limited rights. Even Loona in her new position isn’t spared from this treatment, as she’s rarely treated as better by most of the staff. And especially not by the already bigoted Stella.
- Some imps, such as Baron, view the Ars Goetia and their spawn with hellborn in a very negative light, seeing them as disgusting unpure freaks to Hell's order, mostly due to their growing hatred of angels and Heaven, along with their treatment at the hands of the royal demons.
- Fantastic Slur: Aside from hellhounds being called derogatory words like "dogs" or "mutts", Baron and his associates call the Ars Goetia "pigeons". According to Stryker, Baron ostensibly came up with the slur against the Goetia himself, although he says he wouldn't be surprised if Baron actually stole the idea off someone else.
- A Father to His Men: Asmoedus takes. the safety and happiness of his vassals VERY seriously. When he learns that one of them, Stella, has been molested by her own mother for years, he becomes furious.
- Faux Yay: Loona claims to be asexual as a desperate attempt to get Lord Asmodeus to leave her alone, when the Sin starts teasing and offering himself up to her in regards to her virginity. The Lord of Lust is easily able to see through the lie, being able to tell people's sexualities by smell, and tells her even if she was, he's not above sleeping with asexuals, indicating towards Fizzarolli as an example.
- Fed to the Beast: Baron is known to feed his enemies and insubordinates to his hellhound. Said hellhound being Claw, Loona's old mentor.
- Fell Asleep Crying: Octavia's guilt over Blitzo's and Stolas' current relationship, has caused her to do this on the couch, similarly to how her father did in the first season finale.
- Fetish: Baroness Eathelin has a twisted lust for virgins, finding great pleasure in being the one to pop their cherry, wether they want her to or not.
- Finger Muzzle: Moxxie is quick to put his hand over Millie's mouth, when she's about to casually go into detail of one of their many sessions in front of Blitzo.
- Fish out of Water: When Blitzo brings Octavia to his apartment, the seven-year-old Octavia finds herself completely out of her element, both due to her royal upbringing and her treatment from Baron, initially thinking Blitzo owns the entire apartment complex that he lives in, and not even knowing what pizza is.
- Flashback-Montage Realization: A rare written example. As Stolas puts together that Blitzo's the one who's had Octavia this whole time, he remembers key moments during their talk, where he hinted at her identity, to signify him finally realizing everything.
- Fragile Speedster: Claw more than makes up for her sloppy form and emaciated, with her incredible speed, easily able to lay a few good hints on Blitzo, forcing him to retreat.
- Frame-Up:
- When Blitzo first meets the Baron, who asks him about Octavia, the imp is more than happy to throw his former shitty job under the bus, claiming that they're protecting her there and they discriminate against imps, throwing the mad leader off his trail while he takes Octavia home.
- After Queen Aalto's graphic death, Prince Angosin framed Stolas for her murder, despite his assurances that he was innocent, for seemingly unknown reasons. Then days later, Angosin was found dead in a similar state as Aalto, claiming it to be suicide, though both Stolas and King Vine agree the timing was too convenient, causing both to agree it was a frame job; Vine believing Stolas had Angosin killed to cover his tracks, but was unable to produce any evidence.
- Freudian Excuse:
- While still motivated by her bigotry, most of Stella’s hatred and antagonism towards Loona, is mostly coming out due to her own grief over losing Octavia and her believing Stolas is trying to replace her daughter. In addition, her worst traits generally stem from her own abusive childhood, and her parent's blatant favoritism towards her brother rather than her, which have led her to constantly mask her true emotions and pain from others, refusing to let them know just how broken she really is. Even her firing all of Loona's friends and anyone attempting to talk with her was loosely as a result of her being betrayed by her own closest friend, thus causing her to believe everyone would betray her given the chance.
- Stella's brother Andrealphus is a very cruel, conniving, twisted and perverted demon (and not perverted in a funny way at all). He was sexually assaulted and abused just as Stella was, and unlike her, he grew hooked on their mother's attacks. His present day motivations for taking over Hell stem from his father's teachings encouraging heartlessness and endless ambition, and a desire to rekindle his childhood "sessions" with his mother.
- Baron Wastes is given a bit of backstory in Chapter 35, explaining how he became the mad, violent, monster that he is. Turns out he was once a normal imp named Trace, who was sold off into servitude and came into the hands of Baroness Eathelin. The cruel Ars Goetia baron treated him less than dirt, regularly abusing him, torturing him, humiliating him and raping him, with the imp being unable to even keep his old name, instead given the monicker Baron Wastes so as to belittle him further. The abuse was so bad, that it has haunted the imp well into the present, and stirred in him a desire to one day overthrow the Ars Goetia and do to them as they did to him. The reason he was so cruel to Octavia in particular, is due to the trauma and abuse he suffered being so horrible, he was reminded of Eathelin whenever he looked at her; Octavia's eyes resembling that of Eathelin's.
- Blitzo too, though he's not a villain. It's eventually revealed that one of the founding factors in his present day issues in regards to his ruined relationships and lack of understanding of healthy romantic love are childhood trauma where he was sexually assaulted by Eathelin. Believing he'd let his childhood friend down and she'd died as a result certainly couldn't have helped.
- Baroness Eathelin did not have an easy childhood growing up. Her father Duke Crocell wanted a son more than anything, and became quite disappointed when he got a daughter instead. From there on, he would treat young Eathelin coldly, viewing her as nothing but a bride in a political marriage and would often hold her underwater, throughout most of her childhood. Considering all that, it's no wonder that the Baroness grew up to have some issues.
- Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse:
- Even after hearing Stolas' side of the story from Blitzo, and thinking that something's keeping him from finding her, Octavia still doesn't forgive her birth father as she still feels abandoned and replaced by him, after ten years away from him.
- What happened to Baron is unquestionably awful, and he is right that many of the Ars Goetia go too far, but that in no way excuses any of the horrible things he has done to Octavia. Especially given that she was only seven years old at the time and in no way responsible for his torment, other than being related to and baring a slight resemblance to the one who actually did it. As Blitzo points out, Baron's actions have in fact made him no better than his old tormentors.
- Eathelin's childhood was hard and filled with abuse, her father nearly drowning her on multiple occasions, on top of an unhappy marriage to Marquis Ambrose. Despite what she claims to Stella, it isn't much different from what she would go on to do to her own children. Not only being mentally & emotionally abusive, but even touching them in disturbingly inappropriate ways, long into their youth.
- Freudian Slip:
- Played for Drama. Stolas had one years prior to the story’s setting, where instead of calling Loona “Moonlight,” he accidentally called her “Starlight.” Octavia’s old nickname. In front of Stella, causing her to forever resent the hellhound.
- It happens again when Stolas takes Loona to Loo Loo Land, causing Loona to hit her emotional breaking point.
- Upon first meeting her, Striker almost calls Octavia by her true name, rather than her alias Vivian, that being one of her clues that something might be off about the cowboy.
- Asmodeus has a cheeky one towards Stolas at the start of their meeting:
Now, how can I do you? Oh! WHAT can I do for you is what I meant. Slip of the tongue Stolas.
- During their chat in the second chapter of Book 2, Loona accidentally reveal that she knows more about the circumstances of Stolas' marriage and Stella's parents than he has told her. Once he finds out how, he's fine with it and gives Loona a more thorough rundown of what happened.
- Played for Drama. Stolas had one years prior to the story’s setting, where instead of calling Loona “Moonlight,” he accidentally called her “Starlight.” Octavia’s old nickname. In front of Stella, causing her to forever resent the hellhound.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Loona has a complicated relationship with Stella. She absolutely despises the swan for abuses and mistreating her for years, out of spite and fury of her taking Octavia’s place. However as she learns more her and the two start to bond over their shared troubled past and having been betrayed by a close friend, she starts to have conflicted feelings on how to feel about her, being able to sympathize with her but hating her for her past actions and clinginess.
- Friendless Background:
- Stella admits to having very few friends, believing one can only rely on themselves rather than others. It's later revealed this was brought on by her one true friend, a young Blitzo, having betrayed and abandoned her as a child. This is why she turns to Loona, someone who actively hates her, to air out her problems.
- Loona herself grew up with little to no friends during her childhood. Her first friend, mentor and big sister figure Claw, betrayed and nearly killed her over food, causing her to become extremely close-guarded and distrustful of others; not helped by the abusive shelter she ended up staying at. The few friendly acquaintances she managed to form during her stay at Stolas, were soon ruined by Stella either firing them or forcing them to never speak to the hellhound again.
- Friendship Denial: Despite her claims that friendship is a lie, that will inevitably lead to betrayal and heartache, Stella is strangely attracted to Loona and her company. When the hellhound finally confronts her on this, and whether she she's her as a friend or not, Stella denies it, claiming she she trusts her because of her honestly, though her desperation to be close to Loona gradually contradicts her claims.
- Furniture Blockade: Once Blitzo sees Baron outside their office parking space, the first thing he does is block the front door with his desk.
- Furry Reminder:
- Octavia, being an owl who lays eggs, doesn't get periods, as she reveals to her dad when he tries to give her the talk.
- Many of the more animal canine and cat-like hellborn, including hellhounds and Aunt Vepar, are prone to licking each other as a sign of affection.
- Garbage Hideout: This is how Blitzo found Octavia, hiding from Baron without clothes, having escaped his hoo when the two were in Lust.
- Gender Flip: Count Raum is not only turned Phenex’s adopted child, but a female teenager.
- Geometric Magic:
- Octavia has a complex, circular scar on the back of her neck. This scar, turns out to be the thing that's keeping Stolas, and other trackers like hellhounds, from finding her, it being some kind of magic rune that eliminates her scent or presence from others.
- In order to be summoned into the Living Realm, with his full power in tow, Stolas must be willingly summoned by humans, painting his symbol with blood.
- Get Out!:
- Stella screams this at Loona, after she accidentally reveals her full grief and breaks down in front of the hellhound. She has a similar reaction on a large scale in Chapter 40, demanding all her imp servants get out of the mansion, after finding out about Blitzo raising Octavia.
- Loona gets her own moment on Stella in Chapter 43, where she coldly demands the princess leave her room for refusing to apologize.
- Gilded Cage: Loona may be the adopted daughter of Stolas, but her life is anything but idyllic. Most of the time, she’s forced to stay in her room, unable to leave without permission from Stolas or an escort. Whenever she does leave, she is frequently harassed by Stella and sent back by the uncaring staff. In addition, Loona feels immensely pressured to act and dress similar to Octavia out of fear of upsetting Stolas.
- Given Name Reveal:
- Baron's real name is revealed in Chapter 35. He's actually called Trace, with Baron Wastes just being a cruel nickname given to him by Baroness Eathelin. However after years of abuse and only being referred to as such, he's unable to call himself Trace, instead sticking with Baron.
- hapter 42 reveals that Loona is the name given to her by the Foundation. She was originally named Tooth by her mentor Claw, as she couldn't remember what her birth parents named her. However after Claw betrayed her, Loona chose to adopt the name Loona, no longer wanting to associate herself with her surrogate family ever again.
- Greater-Scope Villain: Chapter 17 hints at another mysterious individual, involved with Octavia's kidnapping, who tried to have the imps responsible killed and take Octavia for themselves. As off now, their identity remains unknown as Baron was able to survive with Octavia, before they could collect her. For all we know, they are still out there, looking for her.
- Baroness Eathelin is eventually revealed to not only being the one responsible for Stella's trauma, and possibly the one to put the hit on her husband, but the one who tortured and abused Baron so thoroughly he became a mad revolutionary, which lead to him eventually kidnapping Octavia.
- Grief-Induced Split: Phenex and his wife are separated after one of their daughters was poisoned to death by her own siblings and Phenex slaughtered their remaining children in rage. It's hinted that the latter is what really tore apart their marriage.
- Gruesome Grandparent: Played With. While Stella's abusive mother Eathelin never did anything to Octavia directly, given her paedophilic tendencies and her remarking that she was beautiful, it's easy to assume she would've attempted to lay with her as she did her own daughter years ago. As we learn in another flashback to this even, this time told from Octavia's POV, she did briefly molesest her during their brief play session, as she had her granddaughter sit on her lap and briefly touch her privates.
- Guilt Complex: Octavia suffers from this immensely, constantly critiquing herself for not being strong enough or doing enough to justify her living with Blitzo and supposedly being a burden onto him, that he'll inevitably throw out one day. In particular, she blames herself for not being a strong enough daughter to open portal on her own, thus forcing Blitzo to turn to Stolas for the Grimoire.
- Happily Adopted: Despite all their ups and downs, Octavia is happy with Blitzo as her new father figure, wanting to do whatever she can to prove herself to him. It’s more complicated with Loona as while she cares about Stolas, she’s often worried he only sees her as a substitute for Octavia and she & Stella utterly despise each other.
- Half-Breed Discrimination: Baron views Octavia with other disgust, partly due to being a half fallen angel and half hellborn, and thus a freak in his eyes.
- Hand Gagging: Octavia does this to everyone in the car ride to Millie's home, after becoming increasingly uncomfortable with their, mostly Blitzo's, wording about her.
- Hangover Sensitivity: After Stella drinks herself to a stupor with Asmodeus' private liquor, she spends the following morning with a murderous hangover, that afflicts her with a headache and a massive sensitivity to light.
- Hates Rich People: Due to their poor standings and treatment, Millie's parents aren't too fund of Octavia upon meeting her, quickly assuming she's a royal bird, who thinks she's better and richer than them.
- Hate Sink:
- Baron Wastes, despite claiming to be a noble and honorable imp for the downtrodden and abused, is frequently shown to be a selfish, mad and vile man, gleefully tormenting a child for his own sadistic satisfaction, using his vendetta against the royals and his following to heighten his own power.
- Andrealphus has only had one scene thus far, though is shown in far from a positive light, sexually assaulting Stolas out in the open, and using his parental favoritism to his advantage. And then there's the time he attempt to rape his own sisters, and made his parents believe she was at fault.
- Baroness Eathelin is a truly vile woman. Especially in regards to how she treated Stella, abusing her emotionally and psychologically, and even forcing herself upon her as a child. As if that wasn't bad enough, she was disgusted in her afterwards, for not being a good enough lay. When Stolas learns of this and picks up on more of her manipulative wording, it takes every ounce of will not to kill her right there. And to add more fuel to the fire, Chapter 33 & 35 reveal that she's directly responsible for creating Baron, as her abuse twisted the imp into kidnapping and torturing Octavia.
- Head Desk: A very non comedic example, as in Chapter 42 Blitzo slams his head roughly against his desk, to distract himself from his inner thoughts ridiculing him for his past mistakes.
- Healing Hands: Stolas takes the liberty of healing up Blitzo's broken arm, when he meets him after the Murder Family Job.
- The Heart: Millie is this to I.M.P., being the first to do something about the growing distance between Blitzo & Octavia after Chapter 14, and making sure everyone's getting along.
- Heartfelt Apology: During their second reunion, Stolas gives a very tearful and regretful apology to Octavia, for being unable to find her or save her from Baron's clutches all these years.
- Heroic BSoD:
- Octavia experiences an absolute panic attack and sheer mental breakdown, when she finally hears his voice again during a phonecall, causing her to lock herself in the break room to have a freakout until Blitzo finally comes in to calm her down. She has another one in Chapter 13, when Verosika strongly encourages her to not be so loyal to Blitzo, after he wrecked their relationship and in her mind, abandoned her when things were too inconvenient for him, putting the idea in her head, that he doesn't really love her, but just wants the love she gives him.
- Upon seeing Stolas in person, after years of avoiding him and thinking he abandoned her, Octavia can barley contain her fear and anguish, trying to run away from him and desperately calling for Blitzo for comfort. At first she runs away terrified that he'll kill her, demanding that he stay back and even physically assaulting him. From there she just screams and cries at him to leave her alone, that she hates him and that he left her to be abused by Baron for years. When she's finally back in her room, the first thing she does, is to cry into Blitzo while he tries to comfort her.
- Blitzo does not take the news that his childhood friend Marsh, whom he thought had been dead all this time, and Stella were one in the same, and that he unknowingly abandoned her in her time of need. As the imp begins to slowly realize the truth of things, he falls into frequent spells of horrified silence at what he has done.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Octavia, Blitzo, Stolas & Loona are all prone to this through out the story, with several instances of their inner voice giving them deprecating remarks about how worthless, and horrible they are as people, even despite what good they do to the people around them.
- Hidden Depths:
- Stella's been portrayed as a cold, uncaring and abusive individual, especially towards Loona, but is mostly just broken from the harsh treatment she had to endure from her own family and failings in protecting Octavia.
- Despite seeming simpleminded, Millie is quite gifted at reading other people, and eventually reveals that she has five years of psychology under her belt.
- His Name Really Is "Barkeep": Baron, the cruel, sadistic imp who kidnapped Octavia and abused her, is not really a lord among imps as he wishes to be. He’s just literally named Baron.
- His Own Worst Enemy: All of the four main cast have some self-resentment issues, but Octavia is buried under a heavy mountain of self-loathing, abandonment issues, trauma and a self-belief that she is worthless and a burden, unless she can prove herself to others. This manifests with her willingly hurting herself, potentially killing herself, by opening portals without proper training. While Blitzo puts a quick stop to this, this mindset still continues to linger and grows even worse, when Stolas starts inserting himself more and more into their lives, with Octavia blaming herself for not being strong enough to open proper portals, causing Blitzo to suffer.
- Holy Hand Grenade: The carving on Octavia's neck is revealed to not only be Geomectric magic, but having been created through channeling magic from Metatron himself, who has the ability to warp reality simply by speaking. How Baron managed to acquire this power is unknown, though it is very likely that the Archangel had a personal hand in causing it.
- Honest Advisor: When Stolas comes for him for advice on how to make Loona see he's serious about loving her like a daughter, Blitzo, going off his own experiences with Octavia, blunt tells the prince that there's no easy way to do that. And that a grand gesture might only make it worse. The best he can do is to continue what he's been doing, maybe changing it up a little and being there for her when she needs him.
- Honey Trap: As in canon, Octavia fills this role in Spring Broken, to win the bet with Verosika. She even plays the role much more seriously than Loona did, going out of her way to wear a very revealing swimsuit and actively seeking out targets, wanting to prove she's useful to Blitzo so he won't get rid of her.
- Hook Hand: Baron's hand is turned to stone by Octavia and then promptly shattered during Blitzo's first fight with the imp. In the present, he has replaced it with a hook hand,
- Horrible Judge of Character: If Chapter LXII is any indication, Duchess Vespar has absolutely no idea that her older sister Eathelin, who she adores, is a paedophile that has been raping countless children over the years, including her very own children, and that she has been a very mentally abusive mother to Stella, her niece that she adores. Which makes her hatred towards Stolas due to him cheating on Stella all the more ironic, given that her sister did far worse.
- Horrifying the Horror: In the backstory, many of Hell's nobility were shocked and cowed when Phenex, formerly one of the mellowest members of their ranks, went on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge where he slaughtered his own children after they'd murdered their sister out of jealousy.
- Horror Hunger: She suffers from something like this, as the hellhound mentions her mentor always being malnourished and hungry, despite being a big eater, with nothing seemingly being able to state her hunger. When asked about it to others, no one seemed to believe it was a real problem. And if the present is to be believed, it had gotten so bad she's turned to cannibalism in order to get by. It's later revealed she only feels satisfied when she eats the flesh of another hellborn, thus explaining her becoming a cannibal. Though even then, it does little to add meat to her bone and she ends up throwing up the food half the time.]]
- How Is That Even Possible?:
- The nature of Octaiva's magical scar, the thing that hides her from being tracked or emitting any kind of scent is one big moment of this. It is revealed to be embedded with the power of Metatron, one of Heaven's most powerful and loyal angels, who would seemingly never work with anyone from Hell. And there's no way any of the geometric magic users are even able to channel that ability and being born here, no one them would even know how to get a hold of Metatron, much less know his magic. Meaning there's a third party involved with the spell, that has had some contact with the angel, amongst with there are dozens, but none seemingly that equal in power.
- Stolas is shocked by Lucifer revealing someone managed to perform necromancy on an Ars Goetia, as they don't have any soul to call back and resurrect to begin with.
- How We Got Here: Chapter LXI answers the questions left by the previous chapter, regarding Blitzo's frantic need to get Via & Moxxie away, and how Loona ended up in a cafe with Stella and her mother.
- Human Trafficking: In the Greed Ring, it is very common for demons to sell off their babies shortly after they are born, for self-preservation and money so they don't end up penniless under the ring's capitalist system. Blitzo's own mother briefly considered doing this to him and Barbie, before selling herself to the circus, in order to care for them and still have a decent life for the both of them.
- Hypocrite: Baroness Eathelin in a nutshell. She mocks Stella for Stolas cheating on her with an imp, when she has been doing the exact same thing for years. She calls Stella ungrateful for all the "love" she has given, when she always favored Andrealphus, raped Stella several times, constantly insults her, among other things. She scolds her sister Vespar for playing favorites regarding Stella, when she can only praise her son and demean her daughter.
- I Just Want to Be Loved: When Stolas asks Loona what she wants from him, she just breaks down saying that she just wants him to love her. Not Octavia whom she thinks she's the replacement for, but herself. After much strife, Stolas assures that he does love her like that, and apologizes for making her feel different, finally getting through to Loona.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Claw seems to have turned to eating other demons, usually those that cross Baron, with her insatiable hunger growing so bad that she'll devour anything feed to her regardless of if it's living or dead.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: Stella is often found of drinking herself to a stupor shortly after spending time with her mother or being reminded of the abuse she endured. After accidentally revealing her painful past with Blitzo and being molested by Eathelin, she hides in Ozzie's liquor room, and indulgences herself with his many vares to calm herself.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Every chapter is a question of some kind. Usually somewhat related to the chapter’s theme.
- Ignore the Fanservice: Blitzo attempts to flirt himself and Moxxie's way out of their bindings, by flirting with one of the DHORKS agents. It doesn't work.
- Ignored Epiphany: When Loona suggests Stella simply cut off her toxic family and not attend their annual family gathering, Stella considers this and almost realizes she doesn't have to follow her family's every wish. However through her own reasoning, along with a slip up from Loona, she ignores this, believing the hellhound's simply trying to get her in trouble with her family, and almost strikes her for it.
- Immune to Drugs: Heroin to hellborn, and sinners in general, is so ineffective it's treated more as a headache reliever than an actual drug. Even Octavia has used it at some points. All Earth drugs are this way, with the citizens of Hell needing to amp up the effects to actually get high once they're in Hell.
- Incest-ant Admirer:
- Andrealphus is revealed to be this towards Stella, having once offered to sleep with her, shortly after she lost Octavia. Stella obviously turned down his advances and in turn, he got her into trouble with her parents.
- But he doesn't even hold a candle to Stella's own mother Baroness Eathelin, who forced herself onto both Andrealphus and Stella, when they were still children, wanting to be the one to claim their virginity.
- Incompatible Orientation: A very squicky kind between Andrealphus and his mother Eathelin. Andrealphus very much wants to be in a sexual relationship with his own mother again due to how her repeated sexual assaults of him in his pre-teen years warped his mind, but Eathelin is solely interested in under-age targets and lost all physical interest in him since his teens, to his frustration.
- Inelegant Blubbering: A drugged out Octavia slips into this, briefly regressing into a childlike state as she embraces Stolas, becoming a teary mess as she asks why he didn't come sooner.
- Innocently Insensitive:
- While Stolas doesn't mean anything by it, a lot of the things he says and does make everyone around him think he adopted Loona to be a Replacement Goldfish to Octavia. Octavia and Stella think that Stolas saw her as replaceable, while Loona thinks she won't be good enough because she can't be Octavia like (she thinks) he wanted.
- Upon learning of the symbol on Via's neck, Stolas theorizes that someone must've helped Baron with it, as imps don't have the means to channel that kind of magic. Blitzo believes that he is belittling imps as being incapable or ungifted, compared to Ars Goetia.
- Innocently Insensitive: In response to Blitzo playfully calling her a bitch, Octavia innocently jokes that he shouldn't be surprised as he's met her mother. She gets halfway through, before realising what she has said and remembering his trauma involving Stella and Eathelin, but not before triggering her father, causing her to flee to the bathroom in shame.
- Insecure Love Interest: Played With. As she grows to understand and bond with her more, Stella seems to to begin to develop romantic feelings towards Loona, due to their many commonalities. However being a royal demon, having suffered her mother's unwanted affection and then having been betrayed by her previous lover, she is unable to admit these feelings to other in public. She even keeps most of them from Loona herself, admitting she doesn't see her as a daughter, but does view her as something else.
- In Spite of a Nail:
- Even with the change of parenting, I.M.P. is still formed with Moxxie and Millie as members, and they use the grimoire to access the living world, through Blitzo's monthly deal with Stolas, who was still entrusted with the book by King Paimon, even though the two are no longer related.
- Stryker is still hired by a Goetia to assassinate Stolas at the Harvest Moon Festival with a heavenly rifle, but his employer is not Stella this time and has entirely different motives behind the hit.
- Again despite the change in parenting, Loona still goes with Millie to save the boys after they've been captured by DHORKS. Only this time, Via's captured alongside them and they're going to summon Stolas there, rather than free the boys themselves.
- Octavia keeps Blitzo from spying on M&M during their big anniversary dinner, but that seemingly changes very little from the imps POV, as Ozzie & Fizz still crash Moxxie's big musical number, but the two still end the day on a happy note.
- Instant Sedation: Octavia easily collapses unconscious after a small hit of Agent Two's knock out darts, taking her out for possibly hours at a time.
- Internal Reveal:
- Moxxie quickly pieces together that Octavia is noble born and possibly Stolas' daughter, something he starts getting worried about.
- Blitzo learns Stolas' side of the story, with the Prince having no idea what happened to his daughter.
- Chapter 25 and 26, is when Stolas finally learns about Octavia being alive and that Blitzo has been taking care of her for years.
- Chapter 28, has Blitzo finally reveal to M&M the full details being his adoption of Octavia, her real identity and what really happened between her & Stolas.
- Chapter 29. Stella learns of Octavia's true fate, Stolas learns of her brutal childhood under her parents and Octavia learns Stolas' side of the story.
- Chapter 36 has several big ones. Stolas learns about the carving on the back of Octavia's neck and that Blitzo had previous experience with Stella's family. Octavia discovers that Eathelin is her grandmother, that Stolas had never heard of the Baron until recently and that he was unable to locate her, due to the carving on her neck.
- Chapter 39. Stella learns that Blitzo was the one who raised Octavia, and Via discovers Blitzo's connection to her mother.
- Chapter 42. Loona learns that her mentor Claw might've been involved in Octavia's kidnapping and is eating other demons.
- Chapter 50. Stella finally learns the truth of Striker killing her father and attempting to kill Stolas, as well that Andrealphus might've played a part in the assassination.
- Book 2, Chapter 3. Lucifer not only knows about the secret meeting between Stolas, Asmodeus & Blitzo but everything involving Octavia and what Heaven did to her.
- Chapter LXI: Blitzo & Millie start to piece together Moxxie's origins, and his relationship to Crimson, through some words spread by the boss' gang. Blitzo also realizes Baron, used to be one of Eathelin's victims, and the reason for his hatred of all Goetias.
- Chapter LXVIII: Internal Reveal: Barbie finally learns that Octavia is a Goetia demon and gets her full backstory, with the exception of the identity of her adopted father.
- Interspecies Adoption: This time around Blitzo the imp adopted Octavia the Owl Ars Goetian princess, and Stolas the Owl Demon prince adopted the hellhound Loona.
- Irrational Hatred: Played With. By all accounts Baron Wastes has every right to hate Hell's Royalty and the Ars Goetia. Not only for what happened to him in his past, but because of them taking advantage of the lower-class, their upper-elite status, their own classism towards them and their abuse of power. However, him hating Octavia, a weak, poor, innocent child, who at that point's only real crime was being born into power, is completely unjustified and insane. Especially given what he has done to her throughout the three months he's had her as a captive.
- It's All About Me: After years to abuse, mistreatment and seemingly betrayed by those closet to her, Stella has come to believe than everything bad happening to her, is the result of destiny itself working to make her life miserable. Loona admits upon hearing Stella say as much that she can't decide whether it's incredibly egotistical, or just a really sad testament to Stella's life story, that she would think as much. When she finds out that her old friend Blitzo has both been raising her missing daughter Octavia and sleeping with Stolas, Stella becomes convinced that the two men are secretly working together to ruin her life as much as possible.
- It's All My Fault:
- Octavia blames herself for many of the troubles she and Blitzo go through; wether if it’s her presence making things too difficult and risky for her father, her being too weak to open portals without hurting herself, and even the whole monthly fullmoon deal with Stolas.
- As in canon, Blitzo is deeply self loathing; blaming himself for all the plight Octavia has to go through for the sake of the company and wanting to do as much as he can to make sure she has a happy and safe life, criticizing himself when he feels he has failed. This sense of being a burden to others, has stemmed has back as his childhood, where he blames his own birth for ruining his mother's life, forcing her to work at the circus just to get by and feed her family.
- It's Quiet… Too Quiet: Open returning home in Chapter 41, Stolas mentions everything's quiet. Oddly quiet. And then he encounters a drunk Stella.
- Jerkass Has a Point:
- Verosika strongly encourages Octavia to leave Blitzo, before he has a chance to hurt and abandon her, like he did to her, believing that he simply wants her for the easy love, and doesn't actually care about her. While we know that is not true at all, the succubus isn't wrong to think the worst of the imp, considering what he's done to her and his long history of hurting others just for attention.
- For all her manipulation and selfish behavior, Stella is correct in calling out Stolas for treating Blitzo no better than her own mother did to her. This call out finally serving as the hint the Prince needs, to discontinue their monthly affairs and attempt to forge a much more healthier and happier relationship for their own sakes and daughters'.
- Stella eventually rationalizes her past forced alienation of Loona from the latter's friends on the mansion staff as her saving Loona from making a False Friend who would backstab her at her most vulnerable, as Stella believes her own childhood friend did to her. Considering that one of Loona's ex-friends in question, Jeezie, is hinted in Chapter 50 to be an undercover spy for Baron's organization who assisted Octavia's kidnapping without getting caught, Stella's argument has some validity and her cruel actions probably really did save Loona without either of them realizing.
- Nurse Pussy Lips is extremely rude towards Blitzo, for reasons both justified and not, but the imp begrudgingly admits she has a point, in that he should've told Barbie about her niece, YEARS ago. Not only out of formality, but as it might've motivated Barbie to go clean sooner and improve herself for her niece. Even though Blitzo was told by a former doctor not to bring her up, Blitzo is ashamed that he didn't think of it sooner.
- Lucifer rightfully doesn't believe Phenex is telling the full truth, even thinking he might be in on the conspiracy. And while Stolas is quick to defend his friend, not only is the Emperor's belief understandable, given Phenex's desire to return to Heaven, the previous book confirms the Marquis was the one who hired Striker to kill him.
- Jerkass Realization: During the trip to Loo Loo Land, Stolas finally realizes how his treatment towards Loona, has made her feel like a replacement Octavia, much to his horror. Since then, he has taken great leaps to try and improve his relationship with her and making sure she knows, he loves her for who she really is rather than who he wants her to be.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: In-Universe, Stolas views Phenex killing all of his murdered daughter's jealous siblings with shock and horror. He admits that he could probably understand Phenex offing Cyril (the one who actually poisoned Phoebe), but killing his other two children on the suspicion that they might have been involved and that they'd resented Phoebe when alive was going too far.
- Kids Raiding the Wine Cabinet: Fizz mentions to Loona he and Blitzo used to sneak in drink when they were young. Though it is not a memory the imp views as fondly anymore, after what happened to Barbie, reminding the hellhound that drinking won't fix her problems, only makes her temporarily forget about them.
- Killed Mid-Sentence: Happens to the agent who summons Stolas, whose neck is snapped shortly after confirming he was the one to bring him to the living world.
- The Kindnapper: The Baron stole Octavia from her home, when she was still a child, treating her like a slave, thus kicking off the main premise of the series, when Blitzo later found and adopted her from him.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Sadly it doesn't take, but after kidnapping Octavia from her birth family and tormenting her for months, Baron gets his much deserved payback and is nearly killed by Blitzo, her adopted father who coldly leaves him to die for all he's done.
- Last Episode, New Character: Played with. While C.H.E.R.U.B. were mentioned to have encountered I.M.P, at some point, they were never directly shown more given a chapter to focus on them. So when they finally make their debut in Chapter 56, it's after they have been exiled from Heaven, having now thrown their lot in with D.H.O.R.K.S.
- Leave Me Alone!: Octavia screams this to Stolas, when the pair are finally reunited, after escaping through a portal with Blitzo.
- Let Me at Him!: Moxxie files into a murderous rage after Barbie nearly drowns him and triggers his trauma, with Octavia having to hold him back as the imp tries to claw his way out of her grip.
- Let's Have Another Baby: Stella tries to reassuming sleeping with Stolas, in a misguided attempt to produce another heir and child, to reclaim her lost motherly love after Octavia's disappearance. Stolas is very reluctant on the idea and refuses much to her anger.
- Like Father, Like Son: Of like Father, Like Daughter. While not related by blood, both Blitzo and Octavia share a deep sense of self-loathing due to their trauma, they constantly fear being abandoned and letting their loved ones down and are not good at properly communicating and opening up, leading to these issues worsening over time.
- Like Father, Unlike Son: While it's more Like Grandmother Unlike Daughter, Blitzo is still unable to believe that such a kind, sweet and innocent soul like Octavia, could be related to someone so vile, cruel and monstrous as her grandmother Baroness Eathelin. They are also incredibly petty losers, as shown in their game of keep away in Book 2.
- Literal-Minded: Stolas' legionaires, are this, unable to sense sarcasm and needing someone to explain to them how Loona can be Stolas' child, despite not being a Goetia.
- Living Emotional Crutch: As the two's relationship changes and becomes much more close, it becomes increasingly clear that Stella is becoming dependent on Loona, in order to cope with her trauma and loneliness over the years, despite the hellhound's clear discomfort over the arrangement.
- Living Lie Detector: Prince Angosin was a Goetia Demon with the power to perfectly tell when someone was lying. This skill was often used by the Sins and other powerful demons to discover conspiracies and lies that could prove damaging to Hell. One of these cases was figuring out who killed King Vine's queen Aalto. Angosin used his then trustworthy position to frame Stolas for the murder, for as of now unknown reasons.
- Locked in a Room: Loona spends a couple of chapters locked in her room during the Unhappy Campers arc, due to Stolas wanting to keep her safe when Baron breaks into his home. This ends up becoming quite annoying to the already frustrated hellhound, as the legionaries tasked with guarding her refuse to let her leave or leave her side, even when she wants to pee.
- Lonely Rich Kid: Loona might be Stolas' daughter and enjoy a much more comfortable life this time around, but aside from him, she still has no friends her own age to personally connect to. Even worse, she's forced to live in a large palace filed with people, who treat her like a pet rather than a person. And while there were members of the staff that did treat her well, they were all scared away from her, by Stella threatening them into silence or leaving their job.
- Long-Lived: The hellborn generations of Ars Goetia, though they reach physical maturity at about the same rate as other hellborns and humans, have overall lifespans spanning centuries: Goetia whom are only one generation away from a Fallen Angel progenitor are guaranteed to have an especially long lifespan. As a result, it's not unusual among the Ars Goetia for great-great-grandparents to live long enough to see great-great-grandchildren reach adulthood.
- Love Goddess: Rare Male Example. Being the embodiment of Lust itself, Asmodeus is always done for a lay, having both male & female sexual organs, and wants to make sure everyone lose their virginity somehow, as Loona discovers in a most embarrassing way for her.
- Love Is a Weakness: This was the mindset of Stella's parents; in particular her father Ambrose. When he confronted Stella shortly after losing Octavia, he complimented her for seemingly not crying after the affair, more worried about her image and reputation than her feelings.
- Loving Parent, Cruel Parent: On top of the canon examples, Stella's Abusive Parents are a downplayed example. Word of God
says that Stella's father Ambrose was sincerely trying to be a better parent than his own by being distant and never raising a hand against his children, but his efforts and lack of social skills caused it to translate into negligence and emotional abuse. Stella's mother Eathelin, meanwhile, is a psychopathic sexual predator and sadist who assaulted and tormented Stella throughout her childhood and continues to do so into Stella's adulthood just to spite her and keep her under her thumb, and she has no illusions about the suffering she's inflicting on her daughter.
- Mask of Sanity: Baron Wastes has been severally mentally damaged as a result of all the trauma and abuse he suffered in his youth. Though he can manage to hide it fairly well in most circumstances, allowing himself to appear as a well-spoken, compassionate and dedicated man to the people, the moment he sees a royal or is reminded of their existence, especially his his abuser Baroness Eathelin his true colors slip out. He becomes violent, paranoid, furious and unhinged, who can be ticked off at seemingly the smallest things, even brutally murdering some of his men, if he suspects they are attempting to work against him. This becomes very evident when he was with Octavia, as he started to hallucinate her as his old master, further increasing the abuse he did to her.
- Massage of Love: Stolas gently strokes Loona's back after she bites his hand, to show that it's okay and to help cool her down.
- Meaningful Name:
- Chapter 10 reveals that Loona's name played a large part of why he adopted her. First, he thought it was spelled Luna, like the moon, drawing in his astrology side, and then when she revealed the true spelling, it reminded him of Loo Loo Land where he used to take Octavia. This lead to him believing it was a sign that their fates were destined to be tied together.
- Chapter 42 reveals her name was originally Tooth, given to her by her mentor and surrogate mother Claw, serving as a strong sign of their close bond and relationship.
- Meaningful Rename: After being betrayed by her surrogate mother and mentor Claw, Loona abandoned the name she gave her; Tooth, in favor of the new one she received from the Foundation, as a sign that she would never forgive her for what she did.
- Metaphorgotten: While she is helping Moxxie practice his aiming, much like his debut in the first episode, Octavia tries to tell him the same point Loona made in the episode, that the family in the picture might not be as innocent as they seem. However, it falls apart when she starts projecting her own bias onto the family photo, overanalyzing everyone’s expressions and how they’re obviously false, given her own harsh abandonment by her parents. She becomes especially ranty and personal when she gets to the baby, at which point she just ends up rambling about her own insecurities and hatred of being replaced.
- Mirthless Laughter:
- After a heartfelt and emotional talk about their insecurities and how they feel like a burden to the other, Blitzo & Octavia breaking into a hysterical fit of laughter as they realize the absurdity of them fighting over which of the two is the biggest loser.
- In Chapter 51, Blitzo breaks into another fit of broken, hysterical laughter from having to recount one of the worst experiences of his lives and then injuring himself in front of his daughter and many others. Only this time, Octavia doesn't join in.
- Missed Him by That Much: Like in the Helluva Boss pilot, Blitzo crashes naked ass first into Stella's tea party after sleeping with Stolas for the first time, but he's mutually unaware that two very important people from his past are sitting right there: his grown-up childhood friend who he thought dead (and who he doesn't recognize due to the tea and cake covering her face), and her mother who sexually assaulted him when he was a child, causing or at the very least feeding his present day personality's dysfunction.
- Missing Child: Octavia is this to Stolas and Stella, the pair knowing she's still alive and possibly in the hands of Baron, though unable to locate her despite looking for years.
- Missing Mom: The identity of Duke Crocell's mother is left a mystery, even to most of Hell, with only Leviathan knowing about it.
- Mistaken Declaration of Love: Due to a Freudian Slip on Blitzo's part, joking that he and Stolas can raise their daughters together, Stolas comes to view it as him admitting his true feelings towards him and wanting to take their relationship to the next level.
- Mistaken for Pedophile: Both Andrealphus and especially Stella believe that Stolas is keeping Loona around as a concubine for sexual pleasure, something he’s absolutely disgusted by. Blitzo also believes Verosika's interests with Octavia are sexual in nature, constantly telling her to back off and giving his daughter a rape whistle when she leaves with the succubus.
- Mistaken for Pregnant: After misunderstanding a witty remark from Octavia, Blitzo briefly ends up believing that she has been impregnated by Moxxie, causing him to flip out on the imp and slip into alpha dad mode, until Octavia finally knocks sense into him.
- Moment Killer: Loona's happy start to her birthday, with her and Stolas planing it out after agreeing to go to Loo Loo Land with him, is dashed when an imp walks into the room, telling them that Stella requested Loona's presence immediately. Stolas goes to pacify her, leave Loona alone in her room.
- Mood-Swinger: Baron can flip on a dime from a calm, well-spoken, caring and reasonable imp fighting for a noble cause, to a furious, rambling, merciless and violent madman who'll kill anyone who pisses him off even remotely.
- Mood Whiplash:
- Chapter 54. Blitzo and most of the I.M.P. team have a fun, playful laugh at the time Moxxie was trapped in a keg of beer, during the Spring Break job. Blitzo jokes that drowning in beer would be quite the way to go, but he and the team are silenced by Moxxie's serious, chilling whisper, which immediately brings the mood down:
- Before leaving after a long and tense meeting, Lucifer requests Stolas take care of something for him. As he hands the prince his item, Stolas tenses at the thought of what it could be… and is caught off guard, when it turns out to be a rubber duck version of himself. One that Lucifer starts gushing over.
- Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: Philip, one of the nurses from Barbie's rehab centre who encourage Blitzo against telling her about Octavia, was apparently so awful at his job, he got arrested for Malpractice. As if that wasn't bad enough, remember this is Hell! Where the healthcare is so bad, it takes a year to book a shot appointment. Really goes to show, how awful he was.
- Morality Pet: Charlie is this to Lucifer, as Stolas talking about Octavia reminds the Emperor of Hell of his own daughter, enough so to calm down and be more reasonable with the Prince.
- Mrs. Robinson:
- Stella's mother prefers the company of younger demons. Very, very young...
- As she grows closer to Loona, Stella seems to have developed a twisted one-sided attraction to the hellhound, forcing her into hugs and touching she is not interested in.
- Mushroom Samba: Like in canon, Blitzo gets into one hell of a trip from DHORKS' Truth Gas, although this time with new faces like Baron, Octavia and Marsh taunting and belittling him for his past actions.
- Must Be Invited: Demons like Stolas are unable to enter the living world on their own, at least not at their full power, without drawing massive attention from Heaven and the angels, as humans are considered under their protection. The only exception to this rule, is if the humans themselves chose to summon them to their world, by means of drawing their sigils in blood, thus cancelling that protection throughout the immediate area.
- My Greatest Second Chance: Partly what originally made Blitzo choose to risk his neck saving Octavia when he first met her on the run from Baron was seeing it as a chance to make up for abandoning his childhood friend to Baroness Eathelin's depravities in her time of need years earlier.
- My Instincts Are Showing: An emotionally distraught Loona instinctively bites Stolas' hand when he tries to comfort her during their talk in Chapter 19.
- Mythology Gag:
- Stolas complains that Paimon is so overbearing and condescending that it sometimes feels like he treats him like his son, even though they are both Fallen Angels of the same age with no relation beyond that. In the original show, Stolas is Paimon's son.
- When arriving at Asmodeus' home, Loona starts imagining what filthy and perverted contraptions the Sin of Lust has throughout his house. One of her ideas include vibrating dildos come out of walls and chairs, although she quickly dismisses that as being way to ridiculous, even for Asmodeus.
- Nature Abhors a Virgin: Loona. But only because she's embarrassed as hell (pun intended) at being outed as such by Asmodeus.
- Neutral in Name Only: Stolas seeks out Asmodeus for a place to host a reunion between himself, Octavia, Stella and Blitzo, claiming that he's turning to him for his neutrality in the situation. The King of Lust quickly sees through this, knowing that Stella and her family are all natives of the Lust ring and thus he wouldn't be a neutral as Stolas claims. He easily gets the prince to confess, he came to him knowing his hatred of pedohiles and wanting to reveal the many crimes of Baroness Eathelin, and to get his permission to kill her, being a resident of his ring.
- Never Be Hurt Again:
- This is the reason why Loona keeps Stolas at an arm's length. After she was betrayed and left for dead by her previous mentor, she cannot bear to get her hopes up and trust some again, out of fear that they'll betray her too. Even after she makes him swear on Octavia's name that he won't repeat the mistake, her fears still aren't fully shaken.
- Stella refuses, or at least claims to refuse, to befriend anyone other than for her own benefit. When she was a child, she used to be best friends with an imp child, strongly implied and later confirmed to be Blitzo, whom she fully trusted and would often play with. The two of attempted to escape her abusive family, only to get caught by Baroness Eathelin, at which point the imp was forced to flee, leaving Stella to be further tormented by her mother. The event scarred Stella so badly that she is unable to see any friendship as anything other than a means for people to betray her and use her.
- Never My Fault:
- Despite putting Loona through much torment and isolation throughout her life, largely by firing the few people the hellhound was able to befriend and threatening to fire anyone who dared talk to her, Stella refuses to apologize for it, and even denies having done anything remotely wrong. What's worse, she twists the situation into her helping Loona, using the hellhound's and her own past as a base, believing that she was protecting her from being betrayed by them in the future. Even when she's told to apologize, Stella does so poorly, hardly acknowledging most of her faults and still insisting that she did it for the hound's own good.
- She even feels this way in regards to Octavia, thinking herself above her ire as she never hit her or did any of the things her mother did. However as Octavia calls her out on, she was emotionally distant towards her all her childhood, giving her no sense of love from her own mother, thus making her even more bitter at her parents and her current relationship with Loona.
- Baroness Eathelin refuses to take any countability towards her treatment of Stella, even blaming her for it all. Calling Stella ungrateful and spoiled, for not appreciating her for the things she didn't do.
- Never Say That Again: Blitzo furiously demands Stolas never call Octavia "Octapus", as that is his nickname for her.
- Newhart Phonecall: Stolas finding out that Stella's father has been killed and Andrealphus is now Marquis happens over a phonecall, where only Stolas' side is heard.
- No Animals Allowed: Due to Fantastic Racism, hellhounds like Loona are barred from being in most royal establishments, like Richest Cup. Thankfully, Stella's able to convince the staff to let her stay.
- Not Good with Rejection: As a side effect of her becoming popular at the camp, Octavia as Vivian starts to become quite popular. So much so that one of the other counsellors proclaim their love for her. She does her best to turn him down, though as a result the poor guy hangs himself in her cabin, with a suicide note. Via is more annoyed than horrified, as she now has to get rid of the corpse, whose's bowels have started emptying out on her floor.
- No Kill like Overkill: Baron and his forces bring holy weapons to their siege of I.M.P., Blitzo noting that to be unnecessary as regular bullets would be more than enough to put them down for good.
- No Love for the Wicked:
- While Baron is not incapable of love in form of friendships or family relationships, he has no desire for sex or romantic partners. Given what he's been through, it's certainly understandable.
- Stella's dispassionate, emotionally-abusive father Ambrose is implied to have been aromantic and/or asexual. Although he obviously married and he performed enough to sire two children, it's made clear that he and his wife only did so out of obligation and ambition rather than out of any love or desire for one-another.
- No, You: While at his home, Stolas tells Blitzo to have a seat. The imp rudely tells the prince not to give him orders in his own house, and demands HE take a seat. Stolas complies.
- Noble Bigot: Marquis Penex may be among the more noble and morally good members of the Ars Goetia, with dreams of one day returning to Heaven, but even he doesn't regard imps as anything other than a nuisance or creatures of lesser concern. The "noble" part is subverted when he's revealed to be behind the assassination attempt on Stolas.
- Noodle Incident: Due to the episode being skipped over, the CHERUB incident is treated like this, when Millie mentions to Stolas that they've already had run-ins with angels.
- Noone Could Survive That: Baron Wastes, by all standards a regular imp, survived Blitzo shooting him through the eye. Although Blitzo assumed he would come to his injuries shortly after, this proved not to be the case, as he and his followers continue to stalk him and Octavia right up to the present.
- The Nose Knows:
- This is what clues Vortex in that something's up with Octavia. Hellhounds have incredibly accurate senses of smell, being able to pick up on other people's scent along with the people they've been with and what they've eaten ect. But with Via, he can literally get no scent out of her, much to his confusion.
- This is also what helps Loona pin down Blitzo's and Moxxie's scent, when they get captured along with Octavia, allowing her & Millie to go rescue them with Stolas' help.
- Asmodeus' sense of smell is so powerful that he can smell the sexual energies of other beings. From this he is able to deduce their sexuality, and even tell if they are a virgin, as he does with Loona much to her embarrassment. And just like Vortex, he is unable to get a single read out on Octavia.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: In attempt to please Blitzo, Octavia lamely tries to offer herself up to Verosika in exchange for the parking space. The succubus immediately turns her down and tells her just how stupid that would be.
- Not in This for Your Revolution: Striker may work with Baron, but he has little care for his revolution, and both frequently want the other dead. But the hybrid still sticks around because killing the Baron would be more trouble than its worth and because the Baron still pays him well enough.
- Not Quite Dead: After their first encounter with Baron, during which he the mad imp through the eye, Blitzo understandably believed him to be dead, leaving him to succumb to his wounds in his bathroom, while he and Octavia fled. Sadly he managed to survive, with him and his legions still hunting them down to his day.
- "Not So Different" Remark:
- Stella implies this towards Loona, when the hellhound attempts to argue with the princess belief that friendship is a lie. The swan brings up how, much like she was betrayed by her only friend, Loona was left to die by her former mentor, which caused the both of them to close off from contact or friendship with others. The hellhound is unable to properly argue.
- As Blitzo points out during his second encounter with Baron, him kidnapping and abusing Octaiva, an innocent child who has never done anyone any harm, makes him no better than the ones who turned him into what he is today.
- Not So Omniscient After All: Countess Raum specialises in fortunetelling, and claims that her visions are never wrong. This turns out not to be the case, as seen when she predicts that Stolas will summon the Harvest Moon on stage, allowing Striker to easily kill him. However, thanks to bumping into Octavia, the Prince decided to confront Blitzo and thus summoned the moon without fanfare or an appearance, thus proving her vision incorrect, much to Raum's disbelief.
- Not Using the "Z" Word: As noted by Word of God
, Octavia, being the daughter of a fallen angel (Stolas) and a hellborn (Stella), is technically a Nephilim, but she and all other hellborn Goetia born of similar unions are instead referred to as hellborns as a subtle implication among Hell's nobility that the hellborn half of their parentage makes them inferior.
- Not What It Looks Like: While Baron Wastes has Octavia her pinned down and is right about to cut out her eyes, an imp walks in on the scene and immediately looks away, believing that Baron is about to force himself upon the young child. Baron refutes his and snaps upon the implication, making it very violently clear that he would never do such a thing to a child or anyone for that matter, and threatens to kill the imp on the spot for even thinking so.
- Obliviously Evil: Due to having his mind and sense of love twisted by his own mother, Andrealphus is unable to understand why his attempts to comfort Stella by attempting to sleep with her were rejected. He believes that he was only trying to help her gain a new child to replace Octavia, and is quite confused when she reacts with hostility, demanding he leave her.
- Obnoxious In-Laws: Stolas has never liked his mother-in-law Eathelin or his brother-in-law Andrealphus at all, nor does he have a positive opinion of either of them — and that's before Stolas finds out about Eathelin's proclivities and what she did to Stella during her childhood, which Stolas reacts to like any decent human man would have. Andrealphus in turn is all too happy to undermine Stolas, and he's one of the prime suspects in the investigation into who hired Striker to try and assassinate Stolas.
- Of Course I'm Not a Virgin: When Asmodues singles her out as being a virgin, Loona vehemently denies it, being very embarrassed of being outed like that, in front of her new family and several other demons in the room. However Stella simply tells her it's no use as one can't argue with the Lord of Lust's statements on these matters.
- Offing the Offspring: Marquis Phenex killed his own children after one of them poisoned his favorite daughter (whom the others resented) to death.
- Once More, with Clarity:
- We are shown a flashback to Eathelin and Octavia's brief meeting twice. Once from Stella's POV as she rushes in to stop her mother from grooming her daughter, and then later from Via's as she remembers her grandmother's odd gestures and words to her. Upon reflection Octavia is genuinely disgusted over what really happened that day.
- The events of Octavia's kidnapping, her escape and his death are told from Baron's POV in Chapter 56. There it is revealed he was hired to kidnap her by another imp named Branagan, not even knowing that Octavia was the granddaughter of Baroness Eathelin. He able to enter thanks to one of Stolas' servants letting the window open and helping him with the kidnapping. However, he became paranoid and suspicious of the servant, when he noticed their fancy clothing and even more so when they started carving a magic sigil into Via's neck with a holy knife. In his paranoia, he killed the servant and stole Via. Upon seeing that her eyes were like that of Baroness Eathelin, he became convinced it was her, thus causing him to treat her with such abuse.
- After only hearing Stolas' side of Blitzo's phone call in the previous chapter, we get Blitzo's side LXVI, him informing the prince of Baron Wastes sudden attack.
- One Degree of Separation: As the fic goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that much of the main cast are tied together in more ways than they initially knew, which may or may not be due to divine intervention surrounding Octavia's kidnapping and the true nature of her mark. Aside from the imp that Stolas starts an affair with being the very same person who's been raising his and Stella's missing daughter in secret; Stella, Blitzo, and Baron Wastes (Octavia's kidnapper whose abuse still affects her) have all previously experienced abuse at the hands of Stella's mother and Octavia's grandmother, Baroness Eathelin, which still affects their actions and interactions to the present. And Baron's henchwoman Claw is the same Claw who betrayed and scarred Stolas' adoptive daughter Loona in her backstory.
- One-Track-Minded Hunger: Due to her unusual condition, Claw can become overwhelmed with hunger, caring about nothing more than to feed herself. As was the case with Loona, whom she saw as a sister, but eventually came to see as a rival and another mouth to feed, leaving her with little food for herself, thus attempting to kill her in a moment of weakness.
- Ordered Apology: In exchange for allowing Stella to talk to her on occasion, Loona demands she apologize for her treatment of her over the years. While she is strongly against it and it comes off as rather flat, Stella eventually swallows her pride and does so.
- Overly Long Scream: Stella screams for over a minute after finding out Blitzo has been raising Octavia all this time.
- Outliving One's Offspring: Marquis Phenex, has lost all but one of his children, his daughter having been poisoned by her jealous siblings, whom he killed in retribution.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
- Loona is quite terrified of her father's seriousness and utter brutality as he slips into his demon form and being to mercilessly kill the DHORKS agents on his path to Octavia.
- Asmodeus, the Prince and Sin of Lust, is usually a very jovial and teasing demon, always in a good mood and taking delights in riling up his fellow demons whenever he can. So when he not only gets upset, but absolutely furious at what Baroness Eathelin has done, you can tell how seriously he is taking the matter.
- In Chapter LX, among the many clues to Octavia, that something seriously wrong with her dad, is him sending her off with Moxxie on a solo mission far away from him. Previously, Blitzo has been fiercely protective of Via and extremely cold towards Moxxie, whenever the imp attempts to interact with his daughter, unreasonably fearing it might be predatory. So him sending her away with him, means things must be REALLY bad.
- As Millie notes, Baron is a serious, scary and an imp devoid of fear. So when he, even for a brief second, looks utterly terrified and on the verge of crying at the mere mention of Eathelin, that shows just how scary and serious the Goetia is.
- Painting the Medium: Blitzo's, Stolas', Octavia's and any self-loathing thought is depicted as being crossed out. During Blitzo's truth gas trip, all of the dialogue is presented like this, to show his mind completely turning against him.
- Papa Wolf: Even looking at Octavia the wrong way is enough to earn you several bullets from Blitzo. He in particular targets Moxxie, believing him to be attracted to her, despite being married. Similarly, Stolas will punish any servant who treats Loona too harshly in his presence.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Obviously being a fellow imp, Barb is easily able to see through Moxxie's Moxxine disguise, even chastising him for not putting much effort into hiding his true form.
- The Paranoiac: Octavia becomes this during and after the Spring Broken Episode, after Verosika encourages her to leave Blitzo before he does that to her, causing her to overanalyzes everything he does as a sign, that he wants to get rid of her and hates her for being a burden.
- Parental Favoritism: Andrealphus was this by a country mile compared to Stella. Her parents even took his side when he attempted to have his way with her.
- Parental Incest: Chapater 22 reveals that Stella's mother Baroness Eathelin, was extremely feelsy and perverted towards both her children during their youth. She often made uncomfortable strokes on Stella's chest or grabs at her nether regions, and then one night when Stella was 10, Eathelin outright raped her in her bedroom — to add salt to the wounds, Eathelin coldly told Stella after the latter act that she was a horrible lay, but Eathelin's dissatisfaction still didn't stop her sexually assaulting Stella further. Andrealphus was repeatedly raped by their mother until he hit adolescence, and unlike Stella, he wants to "rekindle" his and his mother's childhood sessions.
- Parental Sexuality Squick: Loona is disgusted by Stolas' perverted thoughts and desire to fuck Blitzo during the Pain Games.
- Parental Substitute: Claw was this to Loona for two years, before betraying and scarring her for a chance at more food.
- Parents as People:
- While Stolas loves Loona as if she were his own daughter, regardless of her being adopted or a hellhound, he often unknowingly treats her as a Replacement Goldfish for his lost daughter, and during the first chapters isn’t confident enough to stand up to Stella’s harsh treatment of her.
- Blitzo meanwhile, is constantly racked with self-loathing and will often blame himself too harshly for not picking up on Octavia's pain sooner or being a better father-figure for her, only further adding to his already unhealthy mindset.
- Blitzo's own mom is given this treatment, where it's revealed she briefly considered selling him and Barbie to the hospital, in order to afford to care for herself and get a better life. In the end, she compromised selling herself to the hospital and keeping the kids, which is what eventually lead them to joining the circus.
- We also get a brief show of Stella's parenting towards Octavia during Chapter 22. While she did love her, she often had difficulties showing this love openly, believing doing so would make her and Octavia look vulnerable in the eye of the public. As such, she was much more emotionally distant compared to Stolas. Later on, Stella admits to Loona that she never hugged Octavia because she was terrified that she would, even if by accident, touch Octavia in an inappropriate way, like her mother did.
- Patricide: While not confirmed yet, Stella is convinced that Andrealphus murdered their father for his power.
- Pedophilia Is a Special Kind of Evil:
- Among Baroness Eathelin's many, many horrific traits, she has a deep sexual interest in virgins, and moreso she only enjoys getting it on with bodies that haven't started developing yet. Which has lead to her abducting and raping many children in her life, including her own children.
- Hell may be Hell, but generally, the story and most of the characters treat pedophilia just as seriously as they would if the story was set on Earth with humans. It's telling that Asmodeus, the literal patron demon of sinful Lust, absolutely despises sexual abuse of children, which is the only lust-related taboo that even he has explicitly outlawed in his Ring.
- Word of God
says that the Gluttony and Wrath Rings also explicitly ban pedophilia as a serious crime which even their corners of Hell won't tolerate. The Envy Ring (where Eathelin fittingly hails from), and to a lesser extent the Greed Ring, not so much, signifying them as darker shades of black than the other aforementioned Rings.
- Percussive Therapy: After learning that the imp Stolas has been sleeping with was her old friend Blitzo, Stella furious demands Loona give her something to break. The hellhound hands her one of the bowls Stella gave her in mocerky, which she snaps in half.
- Pineapple Ruins Pizza: Blitzo claims that he's is willing to throw down with anyone who wants to put pineapple on a pizza, even playfully threatening to do so with Octavia, when he asks what she likes to put on it.
- Pistol-Whipping: Agent One does this to a captured Octavia when she starts resisting. Blitzo does not take that lightly, killing him in a rather creative fashion.
- Platonic Declaration of Love:
- Both Blitzo and Octavia give anguished versions of these to each other, during their emotional sit down and talk in Chapter 16, where they both apologize for being supposed burdens and reaffirm their love for each other.
- Stolas gives several of these to Loona in Chapter 19, along with an apology for making her feel like a replacement Octavia, but it's his big emotional speech that really deserves a mention:
Stolas: "I don’t think I will ever be able to articulate just how much…LIGHT you brought back into my life. Just by being you. Wonderful, perfect you. My dear beloved Moonlight. Losing Octavia…For a long time, she was the one good thing in my life. I had long since lost most of my friends, she was…Everything. That Morning…I was lost without her…It took every fiber of will power that I possessed to even rise from bed some mornings. Without her there, it just seemed…Meaningless. I will be eternally unsure how you came to me. I’d lost the one child I had been given, what right did I have to another? And yet, in what I could only describe as a miracle, there you were. You gave me reason to live again, to hope again. Getting out of bed in the morning became so much easier if it was to see you! My daughter, my hope, my joy! Listen and listen well Loona. I care not that you don’t carry a drop of my blood, you are no less my daughter then she was. And nothing you can do will ever alter that fact. You have an eternal place with me, free of charge. I don’t need you to do anything other than be yourself, for that is the child I love with all my being. And I’m so sorry if I ever make you feel otherwise, like you’re not good enough for me. In truth, you are far more than I have ever deserved."
- Loona later gives a smaller but heartfelt declaration to Stolas on how much she loves and appreciates him, for treating her like an equal and a person, rather than an animal like the rest of Hell.
- Millie gives one to Blitzo, while they're being chased by Baron, telling him how much she hates his tendencies to Self-Harm and close off to everyone, letting him know how much she cares about him.
- Please, Don't Leave Me:
- Both Octavia and Loona are afraid of their adopted fathers leaving them, if they don’t prove themselves or please them in some way. Octavia especially is haunted by this irrational fear, having already lost Stolas & Stella before. This is further brought on, by the imp attempting to get her to make up with Stolas, which he is eventually able to put to rest. Loona's fears reach a new high after Stolas reunites with Octavia, fearing that he might throw her away in order to appease his true daughter. Stolas quickly does his best to reassure her hat he will not do such a thing, as he refuses to abandon one of his daughters to reassure the other of his paternal intentions towards her.
- Blitzo also fears that Octavia will soon abandon him, once she's reunited with Stolas, once more leaving him alone.
- As much as she used to despise the hellhound, Stella refuses to lose Loona after all she’s been through, seeming to practically want to drag her along, as she plots to take revenge on Stolas for his supposed manipulations. Over time she attempts to bribe her into continuing their friendship with gifts and money, the latter of which Loona doesn't even need, in a desperate bid to keep her company.
- Politically Incorrect Villain: Stella's maternal grandfather Duke Crocell — a mean-spirited abuser himself — once called his son-in-law Ambrose, who is implied throughout the fic to be neurodivergent, "one step away from retardation." Book 2 further reveals that Crocell is a rampant misogynist who despises only having daughters for heirs. Word of God
says that Crocell might be surprisingly tolerant of transmen only because he sees them as having "rid themselves" of their birth genders to ascend to "the superior sex", whereas he'd despise transwomen like Stella's aunt Vepar for choosing the opposite.
- Poor Communication Kills:
- Due to their shared self-loathing and inability to communicate, Blitzo and Octavia's relationship hits a near breaking point after the Spring Break missions, with Octavia constantly wanting to prove herself to her father, fearing that he'll abandon her if she doesn't, and Blitzo doubting his abilities to be a good dad, making him worry that Via will leave him if he fails her to much. This results in a long period of tensity and lack of talking between them, until Millie is able to get them to open up again.
- Stolas at times unintentionally treats Loona like he would Octavia, which makes Loona feel like she's only there as a replacement for Octavia, leading her to try to play into it as much as possible out of fear of being thrown out if she doesn't do the role well enough. This in turn just makes Stolas treats her more like Octavia, creating a feedback loop.
- Almost becomes the literal case for Moxxie, as Barbie nearly drowns the poor guy to death, thinking him to be the one who craved up Octavia's back.
- Pragmatic Villainy: Many of the Ars Goetia demons' legions like Stolas' are enchanted so they're unable to harm any other Goetia's spouses or children no matter the reason, not out of any moral compunctions but to prevent conflict breaking out if a legion automaton were to harm another Goetia's loved one that was getting in the way of them fulfilling their orders.
- The Precious, Precious Car: Baron & Crimson's goons vandalise the I.M.P. van, as part of their assault on the building, breaking windows, smashing the rear view mirror and scratching the logo, much to Blitzo's horror.
- Precision F-Strike:
- Loona lets out a loud FUCK YOU!!! at Stolas when he accidentally calls her Octavia, having finally had enough for being treated like a Replacement Goldfish.
- Upon seeing Blitzo again after years of believing he abandoned her to her cruel mother, Stella understandably lets out a furious: "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!"
- The Promise: Loona makes Stolas swear on Octavia's name, that he sees her as his daughter and that he'll never abandon her ever again.
- Protect This House: When Baron and his goons manage to track down Blitzo and Octavia to their apartment, the father and daughter are forced to fend themselves and their home from the goons. While they're just barely able to defeat their attackers, they're forced to runaway from it, so as to avoid Baron and his men should they come for a second attempt.
- Pyrrhic Victory: Just like in the episode proper, Blitzo and I.M.P. win their parking space back from Verosika, in exchange for keeping the fish incident a secret. Unlike in canon, the victory feels absolutely hollow, as Octavia's low self-esteem and desperate need to prove herself, especially after her emotional fight with Blitzo on the beach, are pretty much in ruins, with the imp not knowing what to do, leaving their future together shaken and uncertain.
- Queer Establishing Moment:
- Stella is revealed to possibly have been a lesbian, when her mother mentions to Stolas that she never displayed any interest in sleeping with other men, showing exclusive interest to other female demons. However this might have been a lie, as Eathelin isn't exactly the most honest of demons. Whether or not Stella is legitimately gay, bisexual, or something else altogether is unknown. She seemed to form a bond with Blitzo as a child, which might have blossomed into something more had things not gone differently.
- During the meet up with Asmodeus, Stolas mentions that the Prince used to go by she/her terms, before eventually changing to he/him.
Word of God reveals that Asmodeus is Gender Fluid, with the sex organs of both genders, having already birthed his own offspring including Aamon.
- Rage Breaking Point: Stolas keeps his rage and fury at Blitzo lying to him about Octavia well in check for the most part, only letting himself lose control when the pair are alone. At which point the prince tears and screams at the imp for lying to him, manipulating him and keeping this secret from him, demanding he take her to Octavia immediately.
- Random Species Offspring: A given with the Goetias. Just look at Stella's family. Her mother's a swan and her aunt is a lioness, due to both coming from the same father but a different mother, each taking up after their respective maternal parent.
- Rape as Backstory: Stella was sexually assaulted by her lecherous, paedophilic mother and finally raped in her own bed, when she was ten years old, and afterwards told she was a disappointing lay, further traumatizing her and adding to her inferiority complex.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil:
- For all her the pain and strife she puts Loona through, Stella openly admits that even she would never resort to sexually assaulting or raping her, like her own mother did to her, when she was a child.
- There are hints that Blitzo may have also been subjected to this in that same time period. It may have been part of what caused the two to form such a fast bond of friendship.
- Rasputinian Death: Subverted with Baron on the night that Blitzo and Octavia almost kill him: he takes a lot of punishment before going down for good, and even then it doesn't stick thanks to outside intervention saving him from the brink of death. He gets shot in the shoulder, takes several blows to the head, gets pummeled with a chair, loses an eye, gets partially petrified, and gets shot through the neck and left to die.
- Really Moves Around: Blitzo and Octavia have spent a lot of time on the run throughout the rings, to avoid their various enemies and the baron's men who have been gunning for Octavia.
- Reality Warper: All of the Archangels are this to an extant, but none more so than Metatron. Being the voice of God given worm, whenever he speaks, it sends ripples through reality, that bend it to his whim, allowing him to turn a desert into a frozen tundra.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
- Chapter 34 is most one aimed at Blitzo from his own mind and visages of his past relationships, mocking him for his failings, insecurities and self-loathing, brought on by DHORKS' truth gas.
- Chapter 43 finally has Loona calling out Stella for all the crap she's been put through, demanding an apology for it.
Loona: I want an apology!
Stella: WHAT!? You want a WHAT!?
Loona: You heard me! I want an apology!
Stella: For what!?
Loona: You want a list!? How bout a sorry for the years of torment YOU put me through! Driving everyone who wanted anything to do with me away! Sorry for every FUCKING time you mocked me about the fact that I would one day lose EVERYTHING, be thrown away like GARBAGE! EVERY TIME you...You- JUST...How about sorry for a SINGLE DAMN THING YOU DID TO ME OVER THE YEARS!!
Stella: Wha- We’ve ALREADY moved past all that! I TOLD you already, I misjudged your intent, I kept you from experiencing betrayal again! Why must I APOLOGIZE for such things when we’ve-
Loona: YOU may have pushed all that to the side, but I haven’t! I’ve been nice, tolerant of you. In spite of ALL you’ve done to me, I continually let you in. I let you hide in my room when your mom came sniffing around for you. I listened to you while you poured out all this hurt that YOU had. So yeah, THAT’S what I want from you! I want an apology for all the hurt YOU inflicted on me. And if you can’t, then you can just LEAVE!! - Blitzo gives a big one to Baron, after the mad imp belittles and mocks him for standing up for Octavia, demanding he explain how he can care for what he sees as a selfish, manipulative Ars Goetia. Blitzo does so, acting as a hell of an Armor-Piercing Response:
Blitzo: . . First off? Fuck you! Whatever happened to you? I had nothing to do with it, so fuck you dragging me into your little TANTRUM over how ‘Unfair life is!’ Ser- EVERYONE’S had bad SHIT happen to them. . . Even some nobles. But at the end of the day, we ALL got ta make ends meet. And EVERYONE’S had to deal with SHIT bosses, it’s a fact of fucking LIFE! You wanna LEAVE, good for you! I’ll pat you on the back on the way out. You wanna talk some others inta leaving with you, change the world. Good ahead, have fun, hope you do something worthwhile with yourself! But listen to me you utter CUNT SHIT! Whatever horrible BULLSHIT in your past, NOTHING you’ve done to that girl you’re hunting, is even REMOTELY justified! SHE’S SEVEN!! I don’t know WHERE you got the idea that hurting a little girl who’s NOTHING to do with your crap to get back at whoever hurt you would somehow make it all better, but let me be your doctor and give you a dose a FUCKING reality! It’ll never EVER make ANYTHING better! The one who hurt you is STILL out there, doing fuck knows WHAT to some other poor sap, none the wiser about your PATHETIC shot at vengeance, and probably worst of all. . . All this torturing a kid bullshitery you’ve gotten up to? All that’s done, is make you no better than that piece of shit who made you in the first place!
- A light one, but Millie's words to Blitzo in Chapter LXV, that he needs to open up about his past and how his coping methods do little to actually fix his trauma, does have the feel of one.
- The Reveal: Stolas mentions that only few have the skills and talent to place the enchantment on Octavia. One of them, is his brother-in-law, Marquis Andrealphus.
- Remembered I Could Fly: When backed into a corner by Loona and Stolas, Octavia has seemingly nowhere to go, and is left to warn them that she's much more powerful than she was as a chick, being able to petrify people and open portals herself. Upon realizing what she's said, she promptly opens a portal to Millie's house, closing it behind her before either of her pursuers can get through.
- Replacement Goldfish:
- Whether intentionally or not, Stolas’ treatment of Loona has made her believe that she is little more than his replacement for Octavia. Until Chapter 19, where Stolas sets the record straight that while he misses his daughter, Loona is much more than a replacement for Via, and that he loves her dearly just as she is.
- Octavia sees Loona as being this for Stolas, being the core reason why she resents the hellhound and can never forgive Stolas, as she believes he replaced her with a hellhound for years.
- Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated:
- When Eathelin noticed how close Blitzo & Stella were getting along as children, she put an end to that one day when she confronted the imp with a pile of bloodied feathers, claiming them to be what was left of her daughter. The young imp, unaware she was lying through her teeth, believed his friend was dead and thus unknowingly abandoned Stella to her awful life. Cut to the present day, he continues to believe this, unable to face the truth and admit he abandoned his childhood friend, even when faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary, until he finally sees her in person again, where she is alive, married and extremely furious at him for what he unknowingly did to her.
- The final chapter indicates that Claw also believes Loona (known to her as Tooth) has been dead for years since Claw left her for dead, unaware that Loona has in fact been adopted by Stolas.
- The Resenter:
- Octavia is deeply, DEEPLY resentful and jealous over Loona, for the hellhound's supposedly replacing her as Stolas & Stella's daughter shortly after her disappearance. The owlet can't stand the sight of the hellhound, becoming immediately hostile, bigoted and short-sighted with her, over how her parents seemingly thought she was a better daughter than her.
- Loona initially shows some shades of this when she first encounters Octavia as well, though she tends to keep it to herself, as she's still worried that she might be thrown aside if it means Octavia comes home, despite the reassurances of Stolas that he will never do this. Her situation with Stella however, is all over the place as she was very much resentful of her up until recent chapters where she learned that she and Stella have more in common than she'd have thought prior, leaving her unsure just what to feel about her.
- Required Secondary Powers: With Octavia being too weak to open portal on her own without severally ruining her body, she and Blitzo come up with a new plan that involves her mastering some of the lesser spells in the book, and slowly work her way up to portal making. The end goal of said plan is that one day they will no longer need the grimoire, and by extension Stolas, allowing them to travel between realms without trouble.
- Riches to Rags: Octavia has gone from a princess of the wealthy, elite Ars Goetia to the adoptive daughter of an upper-working class/lower-middle class imp living barely above poverty.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge:
- In the backstory, Phenex went on an Offing the Offspring rampage after his favorite daughter was poisoned by one or more of her jealous siblings. It sent shockwaves of fear through the nobility of Hell.
- Stolas massacres the D.H.O.R.K.S. with little mercy or restraint after they kidnap and drug Octavia and Blitzo.
- Role Swap AU: The fic is set in an AU where Octavia and Loona essentially swap fathers and homes: Octavia is taken in by Blitzo from the age of seven as a result of a chain of events involving her being kidnapped and gaslit by a mad imp, and this change in turn leads to Stolas adopting a young Loona years before Blitzo would have done so.
- Running Away to Cry: Octavia portals back to her room from Millie's house, along with Blitzo, to escape Stolas after telling him how much she hates him. Once there, she collapses into tears.
- Safe Word: Stolas' is Stella. Even Blitzo is taken aback by the fact.
- Sanity Slippage: Years of abuse, rape and mistreatment have clearly done much to hurt Stella’s mental health. But after finding out that her former childhood friend Blitzo, who abandoned her when she was being touched by her mother, is who has been raising Octavia and sleeping with Stolas, Stella takes a noticeable nosedive in terms of sanity, believing that the two of them are conspiring to make her life miserable. She has no clue that her mother tricked Blitzo into thinking she was dead, something Blitzo has yet to reveal to her.
- Sapient Pet: A lot of hellhounds are treated like this, with pups being adopted by demon families to be treated like nothing more than animals.
- Sarcasm-Blind: Stolas has a hard time picking up on Loona's sarcasm, something the teasing hellhound points out, saying that he should've picked up on it after years of living with her.
- Saying Too Much:
- During their talk while at the Harvest Moon Festival, Blitzo accidentally reveals to Stolas that his daughter Vivian is not an imp, forcing him to reveal her true nature, though keeping her true identity a secret.
- During a tense argument with Stella, Stolas accidentally reveals that he has not only located Octavia, but she hates them both now. While Stolas was definitely going to tell Stella of his discovery at some point soon, it wasn't going to be during a tense argument.
- When hearing that Prince Andrealphus might be responsible for Octavia's magic carving, Blitzo is hesitant to believe that he could do at at such a young age, causing Stolas to question how he would know the marquis' exact age. Blitzo dodges the question, not wanting to reveal his painful memories from his time entertaining for him.
- A Scar to Remember: Octavia’s kidnappers carved something on the back of her neck, shortly after taking her. We don’t know exactly what it is yet, though it’s theorized to be a Slave Brand, and Octavia isn’t too keen on knowing. Though it's hinted that it may be a cloaking spell of some sort, as the moment Blitzo is back in the IMP offices with her, Stolas' scrying spell abruptly stops working; which would explain why Stolas was never able to find her despite his best efforts after she was kidnapped. This is further hinted at, with how Vortex, a hellhound with a powerful sense of smell is unable to get anything off of her. It's eventually confirmed to be what keeps her hidden from Stolas' magic, as well as any other form of detection beyond direct line of sight and phone calls.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: Stella Goetia uses her high class reputation and family connections, to allow Loona to sit with her at a cafe that does not allow hellhounds, threatening to have her aunt Vepar get the waiter fired, if he doesn't change his mind about the hellhound.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Stella storms out of the proceedings in Chapter 51, when she accidentally reveals to everyone including Asmodeus, about the time she was raped by her mother in front of a young Blitzo, with the others having to track her down, so that they many resume.
- Security Cling: Stella clings onto Loona in a tight unwelcomed hug, during her breakdown in Chapter 40. When Loona attempts to break free, Stella tightens her grip, until she gives up.
- Seers: Countess Raum, is very gifted in foresight and prophecies, able to predict the future to an almost perfect level.
- Selective Obliviousness: Octavia confronts Blitzo about possibly knowing her mother when he was a child. Blitzo attempts to deny this, claiming that while he knew a Stella back in his youth, it can't be the same one, as he believed she was dead. Slowly though, Octavia brings up more proof and details regarding her mother, that make it more likely it was indeed her, but Blitzo is desperate to deny or ignore it all, not wanting to admit to having abandoned his childhood friend like that. Even after it become undeniable, Blitzo decides to hold off on addressing the issue, instead opting to get pizza and do his best to delay dealing with it.
- Self-Harm:
- Stella has been so thoroughly traumatized from her childhood, that she will slap herself whenever she shows too much emotion in front of others.
- Blitzo often likes to slam his head into blunt objects, in order to distract himself or ease the burden of his inner voices criticizing and insulting him for all his past failings.
- Self-Serving Memory: Stella has a bit of a skewed view of her time with Loona, whenever the two talk about the past. Stella insists on having done nothing wrong to the hellhound, and upon being reminded of the abuse and hardship she put Loona through, she defends herself as it being to protect her, so as to look more heroic in her eyes. Stella forgets the time she made a death threat to the hellhound and later also claims to be the only one making any effort to forging a friendship between the two, causing Loona to snap and remind her that she has, on multiple occasions, tried to comfort and help her out in regards to her mother.
- Serenade Your Lover: This is what won Moxxie over for Millie. Whereas most of her suitors wanted to sleep with her and only loved her for her body, Millie fell in love with Moxxie for writing a song just for her, being all about his love for her skills and violence rather than just her beauty and looks.
- Servant Race: The hellborn were created by the Seven Deadly Sins to act as someone to give them worship and servitude; Satan created the imps, Asmodeus the cubi, Belphegor the baphomets, and Beelzebub the hellhounds.
- Shipper on Deck: While Loona dislikes how perverted Stolas can be towards him, she is supportive of his relationship with the imp, at one point giving him advice on pursuing Blitzo if he makes him happy, based on her own experiences.
- Shout-Out: Stolas mentions that the only remaining Ars Goetia president spends most of his time complaining about a movie that has permanently associated him with the Nunnery.
- Shut Up, Hannibal!: During their second confrontation, Baron launches into a mad, self aggrandizing and passionate speech to Blitzo, calling him out for what he sees as the imp willingly selling himself to slavery to a royal, ranting about how he knows nothing about what he has been through, that all of the Ars Goetia are monsters, who only care about themselves and how he's a disgrace to his species for what he is doing to himself. When he's finished, the equally impassionaied imp tells him to fuck off and that while he might have suffered in his past and is right in seeking justice, that in no way makes it okay for him to turn that supposedly righteous anger out on a child, who had done nothing to deserve such abuse and if fact, it makes him just as evil as the ones who tormented him as a child.
- Sibling Murder: Phenex's daughter Phoebe was murdered by her own jealous brother Cyril via poisoning.
- Sibling Rivalry: A one-sided one. Stolas considers Octavia and Loona sisters on account of his adoption of the latter, but Octavia despises Loona; frequently using racist and insulting terms to describe her, for supposedly replacing her, and she tells the hellhound as much when the two inevitably meet.
- Silent Treatment: Loona briefly does this to Stella, once the princess makes the hound join her for a cafe date without asking, though this eventually boils over quickly, once the princess apologizes and brings up her family.
- Simple Solution Won't Work: Upon showing Asmodeus the depths of Baroness Eathelin's cruelty, Stoals requests permission to kill her for her crimes. Despite wanting to see her dead more than anyone, Ozzie refuses, reminding the prince of the sheer amount of political upheaval, economic disaster, the level of war and even the response from Heaven that could spark out if either of them try to directly kill her without solid proof, reminding him to be more patient and observing with her, gathering more evidence, before he makes any moves on her.
- Sins of Our Fathers:
- Baron horribly abused, degraded, brutalized and tortured a young Octavia for months before she escaped him, based on the horrific abuse that Baron himself endured from one of Octavia's forebears whom she had a Family Eye Resemblance to.
- Octavia herself, deeply hurt and angry over Stolas seemingly replacing her with Loona as his child, takes it out on Loona just as much as Stolas if not more, even though Loona's only crime was being the orphan that Stolas adopted.
- Skewed Priorities: While being chased down by Baron's goons, Blitzo briefly wonders if he's going to end up on 666 News, and that his favourite news anchor, Katie Killjoy, will mention him by name. The prospect makes the whole ordeal a bit more tolerable to the imp.
- Soft Glass: Played With. While escaping from Baron, Octavia notices a window and tries to break it by throwing something heavy at it. And while it does shatter, it's not nearly wide enough for her to escape. Upon her second attempt, it's just barely big enough for her to flee, though she still gets cuts during her crawl.
- Something Only They Would Say: When Octavia accidentally calls her mom, Stella is hesitant to believe it's her, demanding she prove it be recounting and incident where the two were alone in her room. Having already told this story to Blitzo before, Via effortlessly passes and proves her identity to the then shaken mother.
- Small Role, Big Impact: Andrealphus, sort of. In this fic's version of Blitzo and Stolas' first meeting that led to them sleeping together, it was Andrealphus forcibly feeling Stolas up to get him worked up a short while earlier that encouraged Stolas to proposition Blitzo for sex in exchange for use of the Grimoire, meaning Andrealphus indirectly set off Blitzo and Stolas' romance which in turn leads to Octavia's reunion with her original parents.
- Smash Cut: We get treated to two during the flashback in Chapter 48. Each time involving Octavia reacting in disgust over something she as a child innocently dismissed. The first is upon realizing her grandmother was molesting her, and the second is her reacting in disgust at Blitzo, for showing her where he kept his kinky handcuffs.
- Smoking Hot Sex: Stolas and Blitzo share a cigarette after their pre-Harvest Moon Festival sex.
- Speak of the Devil: While at a cafe, Stella makes frequent mentions of her aunt Duchess Vepar, using her name as a threat against a waiter and bringing up one of her most infamous moments, and shortly after she arrives much to the swan's surprise.
- Spit Take: Stella does one, when Vepar accuses Stolas of cuckolding her, spitting tea all over her aunt. Who doesn't seem to mind in the slightest.
- Stating the Simple Solution:
- When Stella mentions having to go to a yearly family reunion, which she despises doing, Loona asks why she doesn't simply doesn't attend or pretend to be sick. While Stella initially rebuffs this, Loona almost makes her realize she can stand up to her family. Until she convinces herself it's Loona's way of getting her into trouble, as she cannot directly hurt her.
- When she learns that Blitzo has been a father for almost 10 years, Nurse Pussy Lips reprimands Blitzo for not telling Barbie sooner, as it might've helped with her recovery from substance abuse.
- Stepford Smiler: Both Loona & Stolas pretend to enjoy Loo Loo Land, despite both of them being absolutely miserable during their experience there. Loona because she hates the overly cheap nature and kiddiness of it all, and Stolas because it keep reminding him of Octavia, the fun times they had there and how much he failed her.
- Stern Parent, Doting Parent: Stella was the Stern Parent to Stolas' Doting Parent towards Octavia. Stolas as per canon was a doting father; Stella meanwhile tried to be a good mother, but given how horrendous Stella's own parents were and a lack of positive role models to draw from, she came across as stiff, aloof and wary of physical contact even in a young Octavia's eyes, and what life lessons she tried to impart on Octavia in direct interactions were often very cynical, if important given where they live.
- Stop Being Stereotypical: Loona doesn't appreciate the suggestion from Stolas, that her old mentor has turned to cannibalism, as that is considered an ugly stereotype among hellhounds.
- It's later confirmed by Striker that Claw is in fact a cannibal, something Loona is thoroughly shocked by when Stolas discusses the possibility that Claw is working for Baron, and that she is indeed being fed anyone who pisses him off.
- Stripped to the Bone: This was the horrible fate of King Vine's wife Queen Aalto, who was found in her room stripped of her flesh and muscle leaving only a bloodied skeleton. The same fate happened to Prince Angosin, who claimed to have been the one responsible for Aalto's death and that he had turned the spell on himself.
- Summoning Ritual: Millie & Loona perform one with the help of a reluctant DHORKS agent, using a whole lot of blood, in order to summon Stolas into the living world and help them save Octavia, Blitzo and Moxxie.
- Suddenly Shouting: Baron is prone to inexplicably burst into screaming, shouting, mad tantrums while talking, showing how unhinged and obsessed he truly is.
- Super-Hearing: One of Countess Vepar's many abilities include this, the lioness being able to perfectly pick up faint whispers among many other things.
- Supernatural Phone: Stolas' possesses a magic stone that allows him to communicate with his legions, should they need to talk to him much like a phone.
- Surprise Party: Blitzo gets together Moxxie & Millie together in Chapter 11 to throw Octavia a surprise party, after noticing she's been feeling down recently. However, he also doesn't want it to be a traditional surprise party, with everyone shouting surprise at her, given Octavia's hatred of feeling ambushed, so instead they plan a more subdued kind for her, which we see in the following chapter.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial:
- While trying to avoid her mother inside Loona's room, Stella insists that she is not hiding from her, despite the hellhound clearly seeing through the ploy.
- When Octavia confronts her dad about the possibility of her mother having known him as a child, Blitzo vehemently denies this claiming that friend is long dead. It's a stance he continues to insist upon, even when faced with undeniable evidence, at which point he will change the subject.
- Taken for Granite: Octavia inherited her father's petrifying gaze, which she uses to turn one of the beachgoers and Agent Two's hand into stone.
- Tampering with Food and Drink: Phenex's daughter met her death this way, after her jealous siblings poisoned her tea.
- Taught to Hate: King Vine's son, Duke Crocell, spent most of his life knowing about Stolas through his own father's hatred of the prince, whom he blamed for his first wife's death. As a result, Crocell grew up believing that Stolas had wronged his family in a way, and that he therefore deserved to be punished and hatred. Feelings he would carry well into adulthood.
- Tempting Fate: The first Harvest Moon Festival chapter ends with Loona enjoying her vacation with Stolas, hoping it remains as good throughout. Knowing that ends up happening last on in the episode, not to mention with Octavia present and Striker now working for Baron that's likely not going to last.
- Take Me Instead: During Octavia's disastrous reunion with her long-lost father Stolas, who she still believes would happily kill her to cover up a scandal, she begs him to leave her adoptive father Blitzo alone and offers up herself instead. Stolas is horrified that she thinks he wants her dead.
- Tattle Tail: At one point, Loona's tail waving gives away her enthusiasm to do something to her present company when she's trying to restrain it, to her annoyance.
- That Came Out Wrong: In Chapter 51, Blitzo is recounting how Striker offered to join forces with him and Octavia in taking down Baron, accidentally using the words: "Hook Up." As he forgets, Ozzie is in the room, who is quick to make a Threesome joke out of that.
Ozzie: "Oh MY! Isn’t this one just BOLD! Wanting to hook up with father and daughter at the same time? Simply SCANDALOUS!"
Blitzo: "Oh would you FUCK-"
Ozzie: "Most certainly. Whatever you like. Forgot who was part of this conversation didn’t you, adorable little thing?"
Blitzo: "Go die in a hole would you!? Your favorite ho- HIS HOLE if you want!" ''*points to Fizzarolli* "Though you may want to be careful. I can tell you from firsthand experience that being inside him can make your dick shriv-"
Octavia: "DAD!"
- That Man Is Dead: After years of abuse, torture and being exclusively referred to by his cruel moniker Baron Wastes, he finds himself incapable of using his real name Trace, finding it fake and unfitting, instead using his new one to motivate him towards his new goal of one day overthrowing the Ars Goetia and making them suffer as he did.
- Therapy Is for the Weak: When Loona suggests Stella see an actual therapist about her issues, rather than dumping them all on her, Stella immediately shots down the idea as it would make her seem crazy to the general public, would allow an easy access to her secrets for anyone willing to pay off the shrink and out of fear of what might happen, should her mother catch wind of it. When Loona recommends Millie as an unofficial therapist, Stella refuses upon learning she's an imp, not willing to trust them ever again.
- There Are No Therapists:
- Stella went through a lot of emotional and psychological abuse from her family, that still haunts her to this day. It's clear she's never sought out therapy and the few she has confided in have mocked her for her trauma. As such, Stella turns to Loona to let out her pain and griefs, much to the hellhound's discomfort. Stella further points out that if she did go to a shrink, they could be paid off by any one of Hell's wealthy nobles to reveal what she'd said so that those secrets and private thoughts could be used against her.
- Subverted with Octavia & Blitzo, as Millie has a psychological degree and often acts like a shrink to both of them, whenever they need someone to talk to about their issues.
- They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!: When she finally has enough of Stella calling her mutt and other insults, Loona demands she refer to her by name, if they're going to continue living together.
- Third-Party Peacekeeper: Asmodeus acts like this during the tense meet up between Blitzo & Octavia and the teen's estranged, birth family, quick to put out any fighting between the sides and getting everyone talking with his charm, though also being quick to reign things in before they get too heated.
- This Is Unforgivable!: Even after getting the full story of what happened to her, and seeing just how hurt Stolas was with her kidnapping, Octavia still holds a bitter grudge towards her birth father for adopting Loona, viewing it as definitive proof that she was worthless in her family eyes, when they seemed so willing to get a new daughter to replace her with.
- Threatening Mediator: Asmodeus is not above threatening Octavia to stand down, when she violently calls out Fizzarolli during their tense meeting, or anyone else for that matter, when the petty insults start raining and tempers start to rise.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Or rather, "Too Good for Hell". Phenex views his late daughter Phoebe like this, commenting that she was a kind soul who was neither ambitious nor cruel. She was painfully poisoned to death by her own jealous brother.
- Took a Level in Badass: After being horrifically killed by Blitzo, Agent One has gone from a regular human, to a neigh invulnerable sinner and seemingly an Overlord, having reformed D.H.O.R.K.S. in Hell and helping manage the division on Earth with the help of the cherubs.
- Took a Level in Kindness: At the start of the first book, Stella is very antagonistic, cold, bully and generally a jerks towards Loona, seeing her as Stolas' attempt to replace Octavia and a nuisance in her life. Overtime however, as she opens up more to the hellhound, revealing more of her horrible past and abusive, pedophilic relationship with her mother, Stella starts getting closer towards Loona, and attempts to be kinder and more friendly towards her, despite her flawed attempts of going about it and her seeming lack of respect for her personal space.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: In-Universe. While Stella was never kind or caring towards Loona, during the first few years she was around, the princess mostly just ignored the hellhound; not liking Loona but fine with her being there as long as she didn’t bother her. Then, Stolas accidentally called Loona one of Octavia’s old nicknames while she was in the room, and Stella realizing that Stolas was unintentionally replacing her long lost daughter with the hellhound, would from then on become much more openly hostile and antagonistic towards her.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Loona LOVES bacon! Her breakfast is usually never without a large plate of the stuff.
- Tragic Bigot:
- Downplayed with Octavia. She was very hurt to find out as a child that her first father had seemingly replaced her with a Sapient Pet (the hellhound Loona) and he seemed all the happier for it, and she's not above venting her rage by referring to Loona with anti-hellhound slurs, both in her thoughts and in person to Loona's face. Octavia also isn't above sneak-attacking Vortex with her powers in a similarly racy manner when she sees the latter threatening Blitzo, thinking in the heat of the moment that it's another instance of a hellhound threatening to take what's hers. However, after the latter incident, Octavia has no problem conversing amicably with Tex under more peaceful terms, and she outright claims during a confrontation with Loona that she doesn't have a problem with hellhounds generally.
- Baron Wastes absolutely despises all royal demons, especially the Ars Goetia, regardless of age, status and innocence. This is as a result of his childhood, when he was sold off by his parents into slavery, as a young boy. Originally named Trace, he was eventually bought by the cruel, vain, perverted, and sadistic Baroness Eathelin, who renamed him Baron Wates as a mockery of his status, as he was the waste under her heel. From there he would spend a life time under the abusive and deviant whims of his maser, who not only tortured and humiliated him, but carved 'Property of Baroness Eathelin' onto his chest and happily raped him. This abuse would haunt Baron all his life and would eventually build into a hatred for the Ars Goeta and a desire to overthrow, humiliate and kill them in turn even going so far as to torment Octavia who was only seven at the time.
- Stella is known to be more bigoted and abusive towards imps than the average Goetia. It turns out this is down to her sole childhood friendship which ended tragically being with an imp, who she believes abandoned her to her horribly-abusive mother despite knowing what Eathelin was like in order to save himself.
- Tranquil Fury:
- When Stolas puts together that Blitzo has been keeping Octavia's status a secret from him, he keeps most of his rage hidden and bottled up for a while. He controls himself enough to open a portal back to Loona's room where she can stay at, coldly dismissing everyone around him and revealing the Harvest Moon without making an appearance himself. Once he's alone with Blitzo, that's when the tranquil part slips and all of his anger is unleashed upon the imp.
- Asmodeus' initial reaction upon hearing Stella's account of what her mother did to her, is this. It is clear to everyone he is absolutely livid, as all of his faces change toe resemble skulls. Yet he restrains himself enough to request Stella, then Blitzo and finally Fizz to repeat themselves, so he can confirm what happened and hear how old they were. Once he gets his answers, he EXPLODES with rage over the act.
- Trauma Button:
- Octavia has two big ones. The first is anything doing with Stolas is enough for Octavia to slip into a panic attack and lose her usual cool. Just seeing his Grimoire is enough to make Octavia freak out and break down in front of Blitzo. The second is the carving on the back of her neck. Just mentioning is enough to make jumpy and touching it is enough for her to kill you, as an unfortunate spring breaker finds out the hard way. She also gets a panic attack upon waking up in an unfamiliar location and being tied up by the agents. The experience being so traumatic, she becomes restless and wild until the agents sedate her again.
- As a child, Blitzo became very easily started and prone to panic attacks from unwelcomed and unexpected cuddling, as a result of his time at Baroness Eathelin's. Even when his own mother surprised him on his birthday, he became immediately terrified and tried to escape her grasp, much to the woman's shock and horror.
- Having to hide a Camp Counsellor's diseased body triggers plenty of bad memories for poor Moxxie. Especially, once they're forced to drop it into the lake, much like he and Crimson used to do, back in his childhood. When Octavia asks him to help her do exactly that, the poor imp nervously backs out, making poor excuses and runs away with explanation, much to the owl's confusion and frustration. Similarly in a later chapter, he becomes frantic and hellbent on killing Barbie, after the imp nearly drowns him to death.
- Treacherous Advisor: Before Stolas adopted her and even before she came to live at her orphanage, Loona had a mentor named Claw. She was an older hellhound, who had stopped her from eating a rotten piece of food. From there she became a mother-like figure to Loona, taking care of her and taught her how to survive and fight for over two years. Then one day, she discovered a warehouse filled with food and she and Loona went to raid it. Only once there, Claw unexpectedly betrayed Loona and tried to knock her out, in order to steal the food for herself. And while Loona managed to fight back, even taking off a her arm, ultimately the older hellhound knocked Loona out and scarred her ear, leaving her to die. Luckily, Loona was saved thanks to an anonymous tip, implied to be Claw, but since Loona has wanted nothing to do with the mentor who betrayed her.
- Troubled Abuser: Stella towards Loona. Stella has been going out of her way to make Loona feel miserable for years — blackmailing any and all imps and hellhounds on the family's staff who got close to Loona into cutting her off forever, at one point putting a dog bowl in Loona's room and filling it with kibble as an insult, and verbally antagonizing her whenever they crossed paths — out of fury that Stolas was (unintentionally) partly treating a hellhound like a Replacement Goldfish for Octavia. Even so, the worst abuse that Stella inflicts on Loona pales in comparison to what Stella's own family, her mother in particular, did to her when she was growing up.
- Troubled Backstory Flashback: Chapter 17, is when he see Octavia a day after her kidnapping, branding and finding out she was supposedly abandoned and given away by the Baron, from the imp himself, revealing how much she was traumatized by the experience.
- Troubled Child: Loona used to be one during her youth, having been raised in an uncaring, abusive orphanage and going in and out of homes before Stolas finally adopted her. Even then, her life had plenty of hardships, with most of the staff and Stella treating her like an animal.
- True Companions: Octavia comes to view M&M as her friends, after the birthday party they throw for her.
- Tunnel Network: Katie mentions a mysterious network of tunnels forming underneath Pentagram City, that has since causing so much property damage, hundreds have complained to the higher ups to have something be done about it.
- Twisted Echo Cut: Octavia's drugged out trip during her capture by DHORKS causes her to experience several flashbacks to her time under the cruel hand of Baron. In chapter 35, we experience several moments where she flashes between the past and present, with the words and dialogue matching together seamlessly to create a neat perfect transition.
- The Unapologetic: Stella despises having to apologize to anyone, and refuses to say she's sorry to Loona for years of mistreatment when the hellhound demands one. It is revealed that this is a trait she's inherited from her mother, after years of torment and being forced to apologize to the woman over minor and uncontrollable things, such as growing breasts. The trauma has caused her to refuse to apologize for things she does not view as her own fault. When she eventually does attempt a heartfelt apology to Loona, it feels more like her trying to throw away blame and justify her actions, rather than a sincere admission of guilt.
- Undying Loyalty: Octavia is this to Blitzo, under the belief that he'll throw her out otherwise. This is later on questioned by Verosika, who asks her if she's really willing to go so far, for a man who's hurt so many people in his life, and might be likely to hurt those closet to him without warning, like he did to her.
- Unexpected Kindness: When Loona finds a drunked Stella lamenting on her past and having to return to her abusive mother once more, the hellhound unexpectedly tried to comfort and help the princess, suggesting that she simply not attend. This greatly confuses the princess, having been betrayed and hurt so many times throughout her life, since she had hated the hellhound and believe Loona hated her too. Even Loona herself wasn't fully sure why she did it. This eventually turns into an interest in the hellhound and a desire to befriend her, as the two continue to talk and grow closer.
- Unexpected Virgin: Everyone is a bit taken aback by Asmodeus deducing that Loona is a virgin, with Stella in particular being surprised and intrigued by the reveal.
- The Un-Favourite: Stella was this to her parents, who greatly favored her brother Andrealphus, despite her being the oldest. They even took his side, when he tried to fuck Stella shortly after losing Octavia. Loona is obviously this to Stella, since she believes Stolas is using her as a replacement for Octavia rather than a genuine attempt to give the Hellhound a decent home and life of her own.
- The Un-Hug: As a young child, Octavia gave her mother Stella a surprise hug for helping her with her foot. Stella, not one for open displays of affection, takes a while to hug her back and when she does it's quite stiff, wants to end it as soon as possible and afterwards request that Octavia be more careful about showing her emotions openly. Stella admits, in Chapter 45, that she was always afraid to hug Octavia in the wrong way, like her mother did.
- The Un-Smile:
- Blitzo gives an angry scowl towards Joe upon their introductions, as she notices how the male imp's looking at his daughter in contempt. Joe is more than happy to return it.
- Apparently Lucifer reacts this way, whenever Asmodeus calls him by his hated nickname: "Lucy." The only reason he hasn't outwardly tried to harm him, is because he likes having a more peaceful, equal relationship with the Sins, to discourage them from trying to rise against him.
- Unrelated in the Adaptation: King Paimon is not Stolas' father this time around. Yet Stolas still feels like the King treats him as such.
- Uptown Girl: Gender Inverted. Aalto, a commoner hellborn Possesor, married King Vine, an Ars Goetia, one of the highest positions of power in Hell. The marriage caused a great deal of controversy and eventually lead to Aalto's assassination.
- Villain Episode: The final chapter of the first book, focuses on the antagonists for this book and the series as a whole (Baron, C.H.E.R.U.B. & D.H.O.R.K.S., Striker, Marquis Phenix, Andrealphus and Eathelin), setting up their goals and storylines for later books, and revealing their part in the greater plot.
- Villain Team-Up: After having been defeated and humiliated by I.M.P., Cletus, Keenie and Collin have joined forces with D.H.O.R.K.S. both on Earth and in Hell, to get revenge on the trio of imps and Octavia.
- Villainous Breakdown:
- Baron Wastes is borne to many of these, whenever he's around Octavia, all pretenses of his calm, friendly and amicable facade fading, as he turns into a mad, rambling, violent and screaming lunatic, hellbent on tormenting her life.
- After appearing as a cold and emotionless bitch towards Loona for most of her life, Stella finally has a moment where she breaks down in tears in front of the hellhound, after revealing the trauma she went through as a child, and her regret over being unable to protect her own daughter from the world. Sadly, this only lasts for a few moments, before she forcefully rights herself and screams at her to get out of her sight.
- Villainous Incest:
- Baroness Eathelin's horrific acts of rape and pedophilia on several hellborn children, including her own son and daughter, are treated as vile and cruel in Hell as they would anywhere else, immediately setting her up to be a vile woman and one of the cruelest antagonists of the story.
- Her son Marquis Andrealphus, who longs to rule over all of Hell, is revealed to be following in his mom's footsteps, not only attempting to seduce Stella once, but being in-love with his mother and obsessed with rekindling their sessions together, from their childhood, growing very jealous of any other demon who has her mother's attention, including his sister Stella.
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Claw violently throws up in front of Baron, during their first encounter. Then immediately goes to eat her own vomit to his further disgust.
- Wanted a Son Instead: Duke Crocell had many wives, who sired him many daughters. However, he was a raging sexist, seeing female as the "Lesser Sex" and wanted a son. When he didn't get that, he took his anger and frustration out on his children, through such means as attempting to drown them on multiple occasions.
- Warrior Therapist: Millie acts like this towards Octavia, after her big fight with Blitzo, encouraging her to talk to her father and assuring her, that he won't abandon her no matter what. She turns out to be completely right. She reassumes this role in Chapter 31, offering Octavia some much needed comfort and ear, as she laments the complicated situation between her and Stolas. She even deduces Loona's aggressive tendencies as a means to relieve her pain onto others, and later gets Blitzo to confess about some of his abusive treatment from Eathelin, during a seemingly casual conversation. Turns out, she has five years of psychology under her belt! She only choses to be an assassin as she finds it more fun.
- We Can Rule Together: Baron attempts to kindly persuade Millie to join his group, only for her to promptly turn him done, in favour of Blitzo.
- We Used to Be Friends: Stolas and Phenex used to be close friends, until the latter lost his child as a result of an assassination from one of his former wives. After years of lost contact, the two attempt to make amends and repair their relationship while searching for Baron Waste. Little does Stolas know, Phenex was the very demon who hired Striker to take him out at the Harvest Moon Festival.
- Wham Episode:
- Chapter 11 ends with Andrealphus calling Stolas informing him that Stella's father has died and that he is now the Marquis.
- Chapter 17 is where we not only get to see the aftermath of Octavia's kidnapping and how she came to believe her family abandoned her, but where we get out first look at the Baron himself, and a hint of a partner he was working with, who betrayed and tried to have killed for Octavia.
- Chapter 25 and 26! We learn that both Striker & Claw are working for Baron, and Eathelin or Andrealphus (or possibly even Stella) might've been the one to have hire the imp hybrid to kill Stella and Andrealphus' father. But more importantly, Stolas is finally reunited with Octavia and learns that Blitzo has been raising her, and that his daughter now hates him.
- Chapter 28 Gives us our first appearance of Phenex after being teased for a while, as well as revealing that Andrealphus commissioned Striker's gun.
- Chapter 35 gives us much more information on Baron's past, including the one who tortured and humiliated Baron long before he became a revolutionary, thus resulting in him going insane. Baroness Eathelin.
- Chapter 49 finally gives us some answers to what is going on with Octavia's neck seal. Not only is it a strong Geometric Magic spell it's being powered by Metatron's voice! Meaning it's very likely GOD HIMSELF, played a part in her kidnapping.
- Wham Line:
- Chapter 26, gives us a haunting new reveal on the identity of the murderer of Stella's father abusive Ambrose.
Striker: "Ever hearda Marquis Ambrose?"
Blitzo "Can’t say I have."
Striker: “And thanks to me, no one ever will again.”- During a trauma flashback in Chapter 33, Baron's former master is heavily hinted at being, and later confirmed to be, Stella's mother baroness Eathelin.
Baron: "I swear to SHIT, if you don’t shut your FUCKING beak, I’ll tear it clean off your FUCKING FACE EATH-"
- Chapter 49. After it's been revealed that Metatron's power was used to forge the seal that hides Octavia from being found or tracked in anyway, everyone starts to question how hellborn got a hold of Metatron's magic. Since Asmodeus finds the possibility of the Voice of God betraying Heaven to be completely unlikely, he proposes two very haunting possibilities:
Asmodeus: "Either one, he’s openly defying the commands of God, risking igniting the great War between Heaven and Hell, all for some purpose that I can’t BEGIN to speculate on. Or two…"
Stolas: "Two, My lord?"
Asmodeus: “…Two, God themselves ordered him to become involved.”- Chapter 56. So many twists in the last chapter. Baron's resurrection and team up with Claw is revealed, and he has finally located Blitzo after all this time. The cherubs and D.H.O.R.K.S. are working together, Agent One having become an Overlord opening a new division in Hell. Stolas' would be assassins are revealed to be Marquis Phenex and Countess Raum. And Andrealphus is working with his mother and another unrevealed force, seeking to overthrow Lucifer and rule all of Hell.
- Book 2, Chapter 3. After being tease and hinted at for so long, Lucifer Morningstar himself abruptly visits Stolas at his home, unannounced.
- Wham Shot:
- During the trip-out scene in Chapter 54, we see plenty of familiar faces from Blitzo's past taunting him, including Moxxie, Verosika, Fizz, Striker and even the Baron. And then, we're introduced to a new character that has not been mentioned or seen until now. A female Goetia demon by the name of Marsh, heavily implied and a few chapters later confirmed to be Stella, whom Blitzo seemingly abandoned long ago.
- After being defeated by Stolas, many of Baron's men commit suicide by injecting a poison that turns them into a mush of meat & blood. Stolas, to his horror, recognises it as the same fate that happened to Phenex's daughter Phoebe.
- What Does She See in Him?: A non-romantic variant. Stella doesn't understand why Stolas keeps Loona around, if not for sexual gratification, as she believes the hellhound can never replace Octavia due to how widely different they are.
- What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Stella displays certain moments of being unable to fully comprehend love, due to her upbringing by her perverted mother and being betrayed by Blitzo. She had little idea how properly raise or show affection towards Octavia during her youth, and seems unsure what to make of her relationship with Loona after all their time together.
- What the Hell, Hero?: When Stolas inevitably finds out about Blitzo raising Octavia and never telling him about it, even after telling him all about all his secrets and pains throughout his life, he is absolutely furious and tears into the imp for his lies, demanding he show him Octavia at once.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Upon coming across their HQ, Loona is absolutely flabbergasted that the agents would actually call themselves DHORKS. Millie admires it, seeing it as a sign of them taking a derogatory label and being so self-accepting and openly proud of it.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: This is one of the many reasons why Blitzo wants Octavia to make up with Stolas. He knowns that one day Octavia will outlive him and she'll be all alone with no one to take care of her.
- Wild Goose Chase: When Baroness Eathelin demands to see Stella, Stolas knowing that his wife is in their house, manages to use a spell to pretend that she's all the way in Envy, causing her mother to search for her there.
- Worf Had the Flu: When Octavia is cornered by Agent Two, she acknowledges that she could easily kill her, but choses not to out of fear it might attract other humans. Then mid-fight she gets knocked out by one of her darts. When she recovers she has a panic attack that keep her from escaping, long enough to be sedated again.
- Would Hurt a Child: Baron spent months abusing and torturing the still child Octavia, ever since he stole her from her family.
- You Are Better than You Think You Are:
- Blitzo & Octavia both try to tell each other this, during their talk in chapter 16, but both dismiss them, insisting they're nothing but burdens until they realize how absurd the situation is.
- Among many things, Stolas' speech to Loona in Chapter 19, has him confirming to her that she is much more to him than just a second Octavia, and that loves her just as she is right now.
- Millie gives one to Blitzo in Chapter 35, explaining why he sticks around despite the constant abuse and harassment his boss puts him through. Because he sees how much Blitzo cares for Octavia and admires him for it, which is enough to convince him he's a good man and gives him hope that he'll treat him the same way at some point.
- After hearing about what her father went through under Eathelin's hands, and seeing him hurt himself to elevate his self-loathing, Octavia drives him to where they first meet all those years ago. It is here she gives Blitzo a warm, comforting hug and tells him how important he is to her and how much she'll love him, no matter what he has done or what happened to him:
Octavia: "I don’t. . . I don’t know. . . How much Stella said was the truth. Don’t know whether or not you would TELL me, even if I asked. Even still. Even if. . . If EVERYTHING she said was exactly what happened, there’s something I wanted to say. You. . . You saved me! When we met that night, ten years ago, there was some ASSHOLE looking to get his hands back on me. Who knows what he’d have done to me if he had. But no. Instead, this AMAZING imp found me, took me in, took care of me. Gave me someone to call daddy again. And I can never express how much I LOVE him for it. Love YOU for that! Remember that daddy. For however much you might feel like you failed Stella, if that IS what happened, you will ALWAYS have me as a show of your successes! I love you daddy, and I ALWAYS will!"
- In chapter 55, Loona confesses to Stolas, that she doesn't fully understand why he adopted her, as the hellhound considers herself nothing special and not worry for the luxuries in life. Stolas responds with a long, heartfelt series of compliments and reassurances to her, telling Loona he adopted her for her honesty, spirit and above all else her kindness, listing off the many times she has been selfless; including the many times she's talked with Stella despite their rocky relationship. He tells her that she helped renew his desire to live and be happy after losing Octavia, making Loona realize just how much she means to him.
- You Are Not Alone: Millie assures Octavia than even in the absolutely unlikely event that Blitzo throws him out, she and Moxxie will be happy to let her stay with them. Luckily, it doesn't comes to that, as Blitzo & Octavia talk it out and end having reaffirmed their love for each other and that no matter what, they'll always have each other and will get through this.
- You Called Me "X"; It Must Be Serious: Blitzo calls Octavia by her given name in chapter LX, rather than the nickname "Octopus" when asking her to go with Moxxie, showing how utterly worried he is.
- You Do Not Want To Know: When Stella tells Loona, her aunt Vepar gelded her own father Crocell, the hellhound mentions she doesn't know what the word means. Stella only says it's better if she doesn't.
- You're Not My Father: Octavia tells Stolas this, when the two are finally reunited.
- Your Mom: A young Loona tells this to an abusive caretaker at her orphanage, when she asks is she knows who she just spoke to (referring to Stolas). It earns her another smack from the woman.
- Your Worst Memory: While heavily sedated by DHORKS' drugs, Octavia is forced to relieve several painful, traumatizing nightmares of her being tortured by Baron, while he has a mad fit, believing her to be his old, abusive master and threatens to carve her eyes out.