Sunshine and Fire - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jul 19 2012
Sunshine and Fire is a My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Fan Fic. It starts in normal old Equestria, with an attempt to banish Celestia into another dimension that leads to Twilight, Luna, Celestia, the conspirator and Spike all getting thrown in a different Equestria altogether. They find themselves in a land of eternal day, where the sun beats down mercilessly, and the moon is gone. Each of the heroes (traitor aside) from another realm sets to work to end this oppressive day, and Twilight attempts to recreate history by gathering her old friends to use the Elements of Harmony.
What sets this fic apart from others is the strong storytelling, as well as trying to connect the dots of history and Worldbuilding on what a world of eternal day would be like. Throw in some battles, Angst from all the dimension travelers, and of course, The Power of Friendship, and that gives you Sunshine and Fire. Story currently in progress.
Page under construction. Story found here on or here
Note: in an effort to keep the characters straight, all characters from the old universe have their proper name. Those from the alternate universe have the label Sunshine on them
Tropes associated with this Fanfic:
- Action Girl: Luna establishes herself as this when she fights off 1000 soldiers on her own, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash also qualify.
- Alternate Universe: Sunshine Equestria is one for Twilight and friends, being one where the Big Good Celestia went bad and successfully ushered in an Endless Daytime that has rendered the world into a big Crapsack World.
- Always Chaotic Evil: The Dragon Matriarch herself thinks this of dragons, pointing out how, for all their powers, dragons have achieved absolutely nothing as a species, merely preying on the culture of other races like giant parasites. She thinks so little of her own kind that she refuses the team's offer to help find a cure for the Sterility Plague that is afflicting dragonkind, thinking it's best for the world if dragons are just wiped out. Then comes The Reveal that she actually helped create and disseminate the plague in the first place. She hates other dragons that badly.
- Artistic License – Politics: Discussed. As Celestia points out to Sunshine Applejack, it's all very well to talk about democracy, revolution, and the overthrowing of tyrants, but the simple fact is that the average citizen of Sunshine Equestria has no experience with the political process and is indoctrinated into doing whatever they're told anyway, and the oppressed earth ponies, who are also the largest segment of the population, would probably end up oppressing the unicorns and pegasi just as badly, and that's not even considering the other species Equestria subjugated.
- Blood Knight: Redsky is this, with a lot of Ax-Crazy thrown in for good measure. She also vaguely resembles Fluttershy
, make of that what you will.
- Boomerang Bigot: The Dragon Matriarch has so little regard for her own species that she directly helped cause the dragons' Sterility Plague.
- Brainwashed: If a colt or filly gets a cutie mark that suggests a particularly powerful or useful talent, they are taken away from their family and brainwashed into ruthless agents for the Queen. Since this process is done with a combination of propaganda and magic at an early age, it's probably not reversible.
- Buffy Speak: When Luna creates a massive storm, Sunshine Rarity and Applejack remark that the air feels "not hot". Justified, as they have little idea what words like cold and whatnot mean.
- Crapsack World: Despite its name, Sunshine!Equestria is a horrible, horrible place.
- Dark Fic: This is not a light read. Dying of thirst is a common thing in the Sunshine universe, political infighting is common as are murders, reeducation, and treason both direct and indirect happens a lot.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Both Canon Luna and Sunshine Luna fill this role. In a world where shadows offer protection and relief from the sun, this is almost a default position.
- Dead Fic: Has not been updated since 2015, and the author has not been on Fimfiction since 2016.
- Death World: When Twilight and Spike land in a desert, they're briefly ambushed by gigantic scorpions. And of course, there's the blistering heat the Sunshine ponies have to deal with.
- Democracy Is Flawed: This is very much Celestia's opinion. In the end, she believes that democracies are simply too prone to inefficiency, corruption, mob justice and infighting to work.
- Deconstruction: This fic deconstructs the notion of Princess Celestia being a tyrant. While she's naturally not perfect, she is nonetheless a caring ruler who only wants the best for her ponies, treating them all equally. Daymare Sun, on the other hand, is a full-out tyrant and knows it, and she virtually encourages the low station of earth ponies in Sunshine Equestria.
- The Dragon: Daylight Sparkle. Not only is she Daymare Sun's personal student, but her heir as well.
- Domed Hometown: Trottingham has a ramshackle wooden dome built around it to shield it from the sunlight.
- Dystopia Justifies the Means: Daymare Sun openly admits she is a tyrant in the actions she takes on her ponies.
- Endless Daytime: Sunshine Celestia/Daymare Sun, when she went evil, destroyed the moon and used magic to warp the sun's rays around the world so it's day everywhere regardless of the sun's actual position. She also restructured the weather-control squads to destroy clouds whenever they form, so as to prevent even that source of shade. After a thousand years of this, the world has become a huge, barren desert except for areas where life is artificially sustained.
- Failure Hero: The Forgotten Princess, Princess Luna. In the main universe, Celestia defeated Luna-turned-Nightmare Moon and sealed her away for a thousand years. In this universe, Luna failed to defeat Daymare Sun.
- Fantastic Racism: There are some severe social divides in the Sunshine world, with unicorns and pegasi at the top of society and earth ponies at the bottom, as they are "without Celestia's gifts". Non-ponies get it even worse, being treated as barely above animals or, as with the dragons in the service of the Secret Police, outright enslaved.
- Faux Affably Evil: Queen Celestia/Daymare Sun. Her affection for Daylight Sparkle is merely a leash she can tug at to control her, and she equates conquering new worlds to "making new friends."
- Happy Rain: Played with. When Luna creates the first large cloud that ponies have seen in centuries, she thinks they would be happy for the shade and water it gives. Instead, they hide indoors, nervous of both the rain and what Daymare Sun will do to them if/when she finds out.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Sunshine Soarin takes a deadly magical bolt meant for Sunshine Rarity.
- Honor Before Reason: The griffons, who will not even cast the first blow towards the legions of Equestrian soldiers primed to invade.
- I Did What I Had to Do: Twilight is downright horrified when Sunshine Rainbow Dash kills Agent Striker, and even calls her out on her brutality. Sunshine Dash states this in response.
- Irony: Brainy Bright threw Celestia into the portal, thinking she was an oppressive tyrant, and Equestria needed to be liberated from her. He gets pulled into the portal himself though and ends up in an Equestria ruled by a tyrannical caricature of Princess Celestia, who will force him to build a portal to his own Equestria, so it can be conquered by her.
- It's Personal: Sunshine Fluttershy only decides to join the group after finding out that Big Macintosh (whom she's been romantically involved with) has been captured by the Royal Guards.
- Just Like Robin Hood: Rainbow Dash in this universe is very akin to this. Twilight remarks on her similarity to the legends of "Robin Hoof."
- La Résistance: The Apple Underground, a resistance movement started by the Apple Family fighting against Queen Celestia's tyranny. It's stated similar movements exist among other species Equestria subjugated, such as the zebras, camels, and caribou.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Brainy Bright believed Princess Celestia was an evil tyrant, so he ends up trapping her, as well as Twilight, Spike and Princess Luna in an alternate universe. When he himself ends up there, he is discriminated against for being an earth pony, locked up in a squalid prison and is drafted into building a portal to his Equestria by Daymare Sun, who will no doubt oppress his Equestria even worse than he ever accused Princess Celestia of doing.
- Layered Metropolis: Trottingham. The top layer, built on the limestone pillars holding up the city's dome, is home to the unicorns and pegasi. On the ground below there is the crowded, dirty shantytown where the earth ponies live. Below that, unknown to the upper crust, there is a network of tunnels and abandoned mines where La Résistance hides out.
- Light Is Not Good: In Sunshine Equestria, if the ever-present light is associated with anything it's with the tyrannical Queen Celestia, her despotic rule, and thirst and deprivation.
- Maligned Mixed Marriage: It's strongly discouraged in Sunshine Equestria for Unicorns and Pegasi to canoodle with Earth Ponies.
- Meaningful Name: Prime Minister Gelding. A gelding is a castrated horse. PM Gelding's horn has been broken off, rendering him unable to use magic anymore.
- Merlin Sickness: A temporary form affects those who enter the Backwards Mountain, where time flows backwards. It slows down over time, so you won't pass your birth and vanish, and the effects are reversed when you leave.
- Mistaken Identity: A staple of the fic, as everyone on first glance takes Twilight to be Daylight, her Evil Counterpart in the sunshine world.
- Multiple Head Case: The enormous dragon Luna, Rarity and Rainbow meet outside the dragon Matriarch's lair has two heads, as well as the stump of a third head that got torn off.
- Multiversal Conqueror: Once she's made aware of the existence of another Equestria, Daymare Sun makes plans to conquer it as well.
- Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Slight variation. Redsky's cutie mark is a black feather dripping with blood.
One can't help but wonder where she got it...
- Necessarily Evil: The Dragon Matriarch refuses the girls' offer to join their rebellion because she views Daymare Sun's control of the sun and temperature to be this.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Brainy Bright wanted to get rid of Princess Celestia by sending her to an alternate dimension, and establish a democracy. He not only sucked himself, Luna, Twilight and Spike in as well, but now Queen Celestia has knowledge that he can build a portal, which she wishes to use to conquer canon Equestria.
- Noodle Implements: Early in the story, Chequy is confident she can get the truth out of Twilight... dead or alive. All she needs is ten hooflengths of bamboo, a spoon and a bucket of glue.
- Only Sane Man: Compared to the Honor Before Reason approach of everyone else, the griffon spymaster Lord Fairweather. Mostly because he would prefer to live rather than die honorably.
- Rag Tag Bunch Of Misfits: La Résistance is named this word-for-word by a soldier in Sunshine Equestria's army.
- Scary Scorpions: Soon after arriving in Sunshine!Equestria, Twilight is attacked by a group of enormous scorpions. She assumes them to be Mutants, as, besides their size, they only have two eyes each instead of eight and more legs than they should, including atrophied ones and ones extending from their sides at useless angles.
- Secret Sewer Society: Beneath the home of Trottingam's elite and the shantytown where the earth pony laborers live, is a third underground layer unknown to the upper crust, where La Résistance hides out in tunnels and abandoned mines.
- Seers: The Oracle of Equ, a long-dead seer who predicted Nightmare Moon's return in canon Equestria, and whose writings the heroes seek out in Sunshine Equestria in the hope of finding some way to defeat Daymare Sun.
- Shout-Out
- One of the alternate realities Brainy Bright's team demonstrates to the crowd in chapter 1 seems to feature the Care Bears.
- When Celestia enters Everfree City, she sees three statements in reference to Nineteen Eighty-Four.
- The inn Celestia visits in Everfree City is named for the "Prancing Pony" in The Lord of the Rings.
- Sterility Plague: The Draconic Ovistasis is a variant of this. It doesn't render dragons sterile, but it makes their eggs impossible to hatch without the aid of magic.
- Thirsty Desert: As a result of Daymare Sun's Endless Daytime, Equestria — and the world in general — has become a barren desert wasteland, where water and shade are rare and precious.
- To the Pain: It's quick but Daymare Sun gives Brainy Bright a chilling (or in this case illuminating) one about what she'll do once Brainy Bright has built her a portal to the canon Equestria.
Queen Celestia: I would take you (Brainy Bright) back home, my little lost stallion. I would let you watch while I burn your home to the ground and make your friends and neighbors into cattle.
- Underground Railroad: Sunshine Rarity runs one to get ponies who got on society's or the government's bad side out of Everfree City.