The Ice Behind Bars - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Mar 14 2021
The Ice Behind Bars is a fanfiction of Frozen (2013) written by the author Lany19. This story is set in an alternate universe where the King of Arendelle is named Jamie and the Queen's name is Aphrodite. In this version the king is a monstrously abusive man who decided to lock away Elsa in his dungeon and torture her out of fear of her powers, and unfair blame for incidents.
After the ballroom accident, the king and queen had to take Anna's entire memory away. On their way back an ambush occurred, leading to the disappearance of the queen and the kidnap of Anna, who is later raised by thieves. The claimed-to-be fair king releases his rage out on Elsa by abuse and torture. 15 years later Anna is sent on a mission only to discover a horrifying truth: Elsa.
The story is being hosted on Fanfiction.Net. As of August 26, 2016 the first story has been concluded and stands at 61 chapters. As of August 29th there is a sequel series The Ice Behind Bars II: Redemption.
This fanfic contains examples of:
- Abusive Parents: Abusive is what you can say about Jamie, the least. He is tied for Brian Banner from the Incredible Hulk in that category. It is shown in a flashback that his parents weren't too kind either. His father had a massive temper and had little to no respect for his sister. While his mother was calmer and would try to reason with her daughter she was also a perfectionist and burnt her sisters hand once as punishment for stealing food.
- Adapted Out: A couple of characters from the original movie, Hans and the Duke of Weaseltonm aren't mentioned. But in the sequel...
- Asshole Victim: Both King Jamie and Mad are killed by Elsa, just like they deserved. It is also hard to feel sorry for Tyler after he is tortured by Jamie.
- Attempted Rape: Mad attempts to do this to Elsa until they are found by Jamie who chooses to believe Mad's claim that SHE came onto him, then whips Elsa for being a "whore." Back when Elsa and Anna were children, Jamie periodically raped Aphrodite at night, despite the doctor's orders that she shouldn't get pregnant again, because he desperately craved a son. Kai and Olga both claim that when Elsa was imprisoned that Jamie would molest her nightly.
- Back from the Dead: After Elsa kills herself, the woman in white appears and saves her.
- Blatant Lies: Jamie constantly lied to Elsa that he was only torturing Elsa out of obligation, that she deserved it, told her that he loved her and that she killed her mother and sister. In reality, he simply hates her for petty reasons and is torturing her out of personal sadism. He also lied to his subjects telling them that Elsa had died to keep this secret.
- Believing Their Own Lies: When Elsa was younger and Jamie first started abusing her, he would justify his actions with the lame excuse that she deserves it because she "sinned more than anyone in Arendelle" by 1) nearly killing Aphrodite (in childbirth) and "depriving" Arendelle of a (male) heir because of the damage said birth did to her womb. After years of deluding himself into believing that Elsa is evil and deserves the cruelty he gives her he finally decides to give into his self-imposed belief that Elsa actually deserves to be imprisoned and tortured for her "crimes".
- After years of telling himself, Elsa, and everyone around him that Elsa was a evil monster that killed Anna and Aphrodite, Jamie actually believes it. Even when Anna and Aphrodite are found alive, it doesn't change his view of Elsa.
- Despite this, he is somewhat aware that this is wrong or at the very least he knows his kingdom would be to "weak" to approve of his actions so he lied to his servants and kingdom about Elsa's true whereabouts claiming she was dead.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Jamie is so sadistic that rather than just kill Elsa, he has to torture her some more and stab her in the stomach so she dies slowly. Shortly after, Elsa is rescued by Anna and saved.
- Black-and-White Insanity: In Jamie's eyes, he is a fair, kind, merciful ruler, Elsa is a wicked monster who deserves to suffer indefinitely and die, and anyone who defends her deserves the same. Or rather anyone who makes Jamie even a little angry is "savage" who deserves it as well. Although if you look closely, you can tell that Jamie is aware that his actions are unjust but refuses to acknowledge that.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Jamie and Mad have been doing this to Elsa since she was eight years old, giving her far worse treatment than any of the other prisoners and treating her like a beast. Tyler gets this after beating Jamie at a game of chess and refusing to tell him where Elsa is.
- Cruel Mercy: The ONLY reason Jamie kept Elsa alive all these years was to keep on torturing her. Although in his mind killing her would be merciful.
- Composite Character: Jamie has the manipulation and praise for glory as Hans, and the fear of Elsa like the Duke. Though this fanfiction was written before the sequel, he is also a much more insane reflection of his canonical father Runeard for their cold disregard for family beyond being his heirs and fear of being ursurped by magic.
- Consummate Liar: Jaime lies all the time, either to hide his true cruel and abusive nature (especially on Elsa) from his subjects and make himself look like a caring father and great king. To manipulate his tortured daughter and break her mentally, and later to lure people who might know where Elsa is only to torture them for information rather than give the promised reward.
- Death by Adaptation: Grand-Pabbie is accidentally frozen by Elsa when she is taken to him thanks to all the stress she was in thanks to her father. Flynn also bites the dust after an attack on the guild's fort by Jamie.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Jamie has hated his daughter since the day she was born because: she wasn't a boy, her birth nearly caused Aphrodite to die and her powers terrify him. Later he unfairly blames her for Anna and Aphrodite being "kidnapped."
- Dirty Coward: Jamie finds out his infant daughter has ice powers, recalls a prophesy saying Arendelle will get stuck in a eternal winter, his solution, kill the baby. He never hits anyone unless they are weaker than him, chained up or someone else knocks them out for him. When he does he uses cheap sneak attacks. For everything Jamie has done to Elsa, he has gals for begging her not to kill him.
- Didn't Think This Through: Jamie released the now sociopathic Elsa so she can kill Aphrodite out of anger in-front of his subjects, yells at her to kill Anna, losing the trust of his subjects.
- Domestic Abuse: Jamie not only abused and later tortured Elsa, but he also used to beat Aphrodite for trying to help Elsa and was implied to have been verbally abusive to Anna as well. After Elsa was born Jaime went from a loving husband to violently abusing Aphrodite whenever she defended Elsa (or otherwise disobeyed/displeased him), resentful of her for even birthing Elsa and would regularly rape her at night in hopes of procuring a son. By the time Elsa was eight, Aphrodite had become terrified of Jaime and attempted to run away from him with their children.
- The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: According to Aphrodite at least, Jamie initially became colder and harsher (as well as hating Elsa) so that everyone would fear him to protect his kingdom and family after supposedly losing his beloved sister after hearing that her husband's kingdom was ursurped. But as he gets completely consumed by his pride, ego, megalomania, fear, anger and hatred he becomes a vicious monster who takes delight in making others suffer and in the final days of his life imprisons, tortures and tries to kill his once beloved wife, daughter Anna, presumed-deceased sister and even tries to murder his entire kingdom because they see him as the monster he's become, with his actions up until then simply being driven by his own ego and hatred.
- For example, in the first few chapters he is genuinely concerned for Anna when she is injured by Elsa's magic and even tries shielding Anna from Elsa out of fear once. But years of indulging his dark urges corroding away at his sanity led to him actually ordering Elsa to kill Anna when she snapped out of her dark state to prove that she's a monster.
- He originally did love Aphrodite but as he was consumed by his hatred for Elsa and temper he started abusing her too. While part of the reason he tortured Elsa was grief over her supposed death, upon finding out she's alive he takes whatever opportunity he has to torture her then kill her.
- Easy Amnesia:
- Anna loses her memories after being struck by Elsa's magic but regains them years later.
- Elsa's childlike naivety and submission to her father makes him easily able to lie and manipulate her. After being returned to her father, Elsa instantly believed Jamie when he told her that Anna and Aphrodite hated her and told him to torture her, having seemingly forgotten that she had been rescued and protected by them up until that point. This briefly turns her into a monster, until Anna snaps her back into place.
- Entitled to Have You: Jamie feels this way to Aphrodite since "every king needs a queen." Infact he is so possessive of her it never occurs to him to remarry so that he could have the son he wants, instead he just takes it out on her and Elsa all while still claiming to "love" her.
- Even Evil Has Standards:
- Granted some of the people in the dungeons were only arrested for prostitution or questioning Jamie, but even the thieves and murderers are horrified by Elsa's treatment and endure torture from Jamie and Mad to keep Elsa safe when she is rescued.
- Jamie emotionally and physically abuses Elsa in multiple fashions, but
Word of God is that Parental Incest goes too far even for him.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Deconstructed, Jamie MAY have loved his sister and Aphrodite at one point, but over time he became so consumed by hatred and selfish desire he became horrifically abusive to them. By the time Aphrodite and Anna are kidnapped it appears he only cares about them in a possessive kind of way. Whatever love he had for any of them died in the end however. Jamie only cares about protecting his people when it makes him look good and see's them as merely a extension of himself. He calls Elsa accidentally freeing Arendelle "messing with (him)." That being said he has no problem killing his subjects himself given his own reasons.
- Even Evil Can Be Loved: In the final scene of the fanfic, both Catherine and Elsa place a rose on Jaime's grave because, despite how horrible he was and what he did (to Elsa especially) he was still their brother/father.
- Evil All Along: Though Jamie was portrayed as a decent man when he first met Aphrodite, it is hinted by the dialog that he had bad intentions then, suggesting that he only let her get away with stealing bread so that he could court her eventually. It was also said that he told on his sister for stealing food from the kitchen to their mother which resulted in her hand being burnt. Catherine even questions at the end whether Jamie ever TRULY loved her.
- Fatal Flaw: Jamie's foul temper and extreme sadism are his downfall.
- Aphrodite left Jaime and tried to take their children with her because he became increasingly violent and hate-filled.
- While keeping Elsa imprisoned he took any chance he got to torture/punish or otherwise harm Elsa. This includes choosing to believe Mad's claim that Elsa stole bread from Kai despite her being obviously physically able to do such a thing from her cell and Kai outright yelling to him that he gave it to her. He still chose to punish Elsa for "stealing" by having the guards break her arm for no other reason than sheer joy. Unfortunately the extreme pain that Elsa receives sets off the eternal winter that Jaime was afraid of happening.
- Then, instead of killing Elsa quickly to end the winter he stabs her in the stomach and leaves her to die in agony, which allows her to be saved by Anna.
- Later after he is about to execute Elsa and make himself a hero to Arendelle, he decides to release her in-front of his entire kingdom (who up til this point are terrified of Elsa and think she would kill them all) solely because of Aphrodite insulting him. Just before that he loses his cool and smacks Aphrodite, which stunned his people already.
- It is when he loses his composure and frantically screams at Elsa to KILL Anna in front of all his subjects that they realize he's a monster.
- Freudian Excuse: Jamie grew up in a dysfunctional household with cruel strict parents who prioritized royal duties to the kingdom above all else, including family. Then after becoming king he lost his sister when her husband was killed by his brother during an uprising. That day he became cold and filled with hate, determined to be the "greatest strongest king" so everyone would fear him and not hurt anyone he loved. But he became so consumed by hate and obsessed with being perceived as "great" that he became utterly cruel and sadistic with no love for anyone. Jamie loses all sympathy when he imprisons his sister.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Though Diana truly loved her husband Robin, it is hinted that she was jealous of Aphrodite for being queen. At least until she discovers the truth.
- God Save Us from the Queen!: Subverted. Elsa has never hurt anyone intentionally but Jamie convinces everyone that Elsa is an evil snow queen that is killing them all on purpose. Later it becomes God Save Us From The King.
- Hate Sink: Jamie has absolutely NO redeeming qualities, he is a truly monsterous, selfish, malicious man who does whatever he wants without concern for morals. Even Tyler and Mad admit that he is more brutal than any of them. Every chapter he is in only highlights how bad he is while introducing something else horrible that he has done.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Jamie, big time. He is extremely impulsive, violent and intemperate, throwing violent tantrums and physically abusing anyone in his reach when angry. When something happens he doesn't like be becomes so angry he physically hurts anyone around him, including his wife, daughter, assistant, steward and even the guy who just beat him at chess. He also got it from his father but far worse.
- Heel–Face Turn: Tyler has been a selfish unsympathetic jerk since the beginning of the story and even tried to send Elsa back to Jamie for money knowing full well how he treated her, but after being tortured by him he learns the error of his ways and attempts to rescue Elsa himself. Averted with Jamie; when his sister turns out to be alive, it first looks like he is turning good again, but then petty anger towards her causes him to beat her and throw her in the dungeon. Showing by this point he has lost all rationality and care.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Jamie constantly told Elsa that she was a monster, hoping to break her completely so she cannot feel pain/cause her powers to act up and make her completely obedient to him, but this leads to Elsa having no qualms about killing him.
- Hypocrite: Jamie will have no qualms with doing things he once condemned if it serves his goals.
- He locked Elsa away for supposedly killing Aphrodite and Anna, ten years later he orders her to kill them because he's angry at them. Locked Elsa away to protect his "kingdom" the second they stop liking him he orders their deaths. Still calls Elsa the monster though.
- He was also this even as a teenager, though angry about it he agreed with his parents about sending his sister away to her future betrothed so they could get to know each other early and also agreed with the arranged marriage to benefit the kingdom. Then he goes and marries a common girl.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Aphrodite's brother Robin and his men ambush Jamie to help rescue Anna, Aphrodite and Elsa. Unfortunately Elsa freaks out and causes a storm forcing Aphrodite and Anna to be taken away without her and the already dying Robin is killed by Jamie out of pure anger. After Elsa kills Jamie, knowing she will lose her happy memories and turn evil, stabs herself to save the world, luckily her life and memories are saved by the woman in white.
- He-Man Woman Hater: Jaime firmly thinks that only a male heir would be strong enough to rule Arendelle after him. Part of the reason he despises Elsa is because he believes her birth prevented him from getting a son, so despite having Anna afterward he still says that Arendelle won't have a heir because they're not boys.
- Heir Club for Men: Jamie thinks only a son should be the heir.
- Idiot Ball: Tyler apparently didn't pick up on the fact that Jamie is a horrible person, passing off Elsa's beaten and terrified state and the fact that he raped Aphrodite as "she's weak." Furthermore he decides to mock him and beat him at a game of chess. See Coldblooded Torture
- It's All About Me:
- Jamie shamelessly tells Tyler that since he is the king he thinks he is more important than everyone else (even the queen) and that all the subjects have to sacrifice themselves for him. While he claims he wants to protect his kingdom, what he really means is protect HIMSELF as he see's his people as nothing but an extension of himself, so while he will punish others for breaking the law he will not hesitate to kill his own if it suits his desires.
- Tyler himself is this for a large portion of the fanfic, having absolutely no regard for anyone for himself and spends most of his time being an pompous, insensitive jackass who is completely indifferent to other peoples pain and feelings, going as far as the cruely mock Elsa for being left "broken" and "weak" from years of abuse and Aphrodite for unknowingly abandoning her to such a fate and being raped. He later on attempts to sell Elsa back to Jaime despite knowing he will likely torture and kill her. He is greatly humbled after being tortured by Jaime.
- I Lied: Jaime promised a grand reward for information about Elsa, but when Tyler shows up with such information, rather than get straight into it he invites him down to play a game of chess which promptly leads to him having Mad knock him out once the game is over (and Jaime loses) and Tyler being imprisoned and tortured for the information instead.
- Inferiority Superiority Complex:
Word of God confirms that Tyler's Jerkass attitude towards others is to hid his own insecurity. Also it is heavily implied that all of Jamie's sadism, anger, pride and blaming Elsa for everything that goes wrong is to avoid facing the fact that he isn't such a great king (or even a good person) after all. He lashes out and tortures people when he gets angry regardless of the cost and never admits his faults. Instead he would rather call anyone who disobeys or otherwise angers him a monster that deserves to either be tortured into submission "for the sake of Arendelle" or die.
- Insane Troll Logic: Quite literally, when the trolls told him that fear would be Elsa's enemy, it gave Jamie the idea that in order to "tame" Elsa he must torture her into utter fear of him to keep her from overthrowing him and "protect his kingdom." But he didn't halt doing it even when the winters caused by his torture were killing his own citizens.
- JerkAss: Tyler the leader of the guild is selfish, greedy, unsympathetic and cannot talk to someone without mocking them or being otherwise insulting. He sends Anna to steal from the Arendelle castle, knowing she is in even greater risk if she is caught, calls Elsa weak for her tortured state and tries to throw her out, calls Anna stupid to her mother's face, mocks Aphrodite about being raped by her husband (feels like a winner when she runs crying), kills a man in cold blood and tries to sell Elsa back to Jamie for money. But after the latter backfires on him, he pulls a Heel–Face Turn.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Jamie may claim that he is doing everything to Elsa for the "good of Arendelle" but it becomes more and more obvious to the readers that he just wants to punish her for his own petty reasons. When he finds out his other daughter, wife, and sister are still alive, all of which he claimed to love. Rather than being happy he is furious at them for letting him think they were dead and decided to torture/kill them all.
- Jumped Off The Slippery Slope: He was originally a charming (but secretly disturbed and egotistical) man who seemed to have genuine affection for his wife and sister. Then his sister was supposedly killed when her husband was overthrown so he vowed to be the "strongest" king so that no one would threaten him or his family. He ended up becoming so paranoid and hate-filled that he slowly lost any love in his heart. Then Elsa was born and his hatred for her "denying Arendelle of a heir" and nearly "killing" his wife as well as paranoia that she would curse his kingdom and maybe overthrow him led to him becoming extremely cruel to her and his wife when she tries to help. By the time Elsa is six he has lost all self control to the point that he doesn't even think before hitting his wife hard enough to knock her down or hit his daughter with all his strength for the tiniest things. Any semblance of humanity within him degenerates as he happily tortures Elsa to near death in his dungeon, only keeping her alive so he can continue hurting her. And when he does try to kill her, he does his best to make it as painful and slow as possible. By the end of the series, he is so insane that he attacks anyone who even slightly displeases him, imprisons and intends to torture his wife and sister for "leaving" him, screams at Elsa to kill Anna (his other daughter whom he seemed to care somewhat for years ago) to prove that she is a monster, and orders the execution of his ENTIRE kingdom because they realize the truth about him.
- Knight of Cerebus: The King/Jamie is FAR more malicious than his prime self or any of the other antagonists. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities and has done everything from attempting to murder his newborn daughter to trying to murder his entire kingdom.
- Karmic Death: Jamie tried to kill Elsa the day she was born with a sword, and has tortured many to death since then. Years later Elsa is infused with the souls of every other person he has killed to make him experience all the pain they had felt before she cuts him up with a sword.
- Kick the Dog: Jamie is more than willing to punish Elsa for any reason, even when Mad tells him lies that he knows aren't even true. Mad is more than willing to get Elsa in trouble for sadistic pleasure. They repeatedly remind Elsa that she "killed" her mother and sister, make her call herself a monster, beat her if she doesn't. Jamie even beats her the second she wakes up every morning.
- Lack of Empathy:
- Jamie more and more so as the story progresses.
- Tyler appears this at first but in the end he really does care about protecting his guild.
- Jaime's and Catherine's parents were also this: As we see in a flashback neither of them were very loving parents and were both abusive and cruel in their own ways. Their father was completely unsympathetic to his daughter's distress over them sending her away to her future husband sooner than expected. When she justifiably doesn't want to leave, he screams at her in rage and calls her stupid and immature for it. While their mother at least tried to convince Catherine that it was going to be alright, she was also cruel enough to shove her daughter's hand into burning coal (melting the skin off and horribly scarring her for life) after she was caught stealing food saying that she would never learn unless she faced real punishment.
- Loving a Shadow:
- The charming, kind prince that Aphrodite met when she was younger was really just a facade of Jaime's to woo her.
- Likewise, Jaime likes to convince his people that he is their kind, fair and merciful ruler who loves his wife and both his daughters very much. The truth is he is cruel, irrational, and extremely ruthless/sadistic tyrant who abuses his Trophy Wife and either neglected or outright hated his daughters.
- Played with, Jaime's father favored him over his sister because he considered his son everything he considered his sister to not be: wise and mature, due to agreeing with their methods instead of arguing with them. Jaime however is the exact opposite, a psychotic man-child.
- Moral Myopia: Jamie will kill and torture you for anything, but he will do some very dark and cruel things just to please himself. But he himself tortures prisoners in his dungeon who have done far less crimes.
- Mama Bear: Aphrodite threw knives at Tyler for insulting Elsa and held a sword to Jaime’s throat, willing to kill him to keep her from hurting Elsa any more.
- Maternal Death? Blame the Child!: Or in Elsa's case, ALMOST death, but Jamie hates her for it none the less. Later when Aphrodite is "kidnapped" and he assumes her dead he has no issue blaming Elsa for no good reason.
- My Greatest Failure: Aphrodite Leana not being able to save Elsa from her father.
- Never My Fault: Jaime refuses to admit that anything: his wife leaving him, the abuse he inflicted on his family, his kingdom becoming cursed, his subjects losing faith in him, is in anyway his fault because that would mean he isnt a great king. He would much rather believe that his daughter is a monster, his wife is a coward and everyone else is "corrupted".
- For example: Jamie knows that Elsa's powers act on their own when she is in extreme pain, but that didn't stop him and Mad from constantly torturing her, causing his own citizen to freeze to death, while at the same time accusing her of using her magic on purpose to defy him. When he breaks her arm causing her powers to unintentionally put Arendelle in a eternal winter, he refuses to believe he screwed up and instead accuses her of doing it purposely for revenge.
- The only thing he does admit he did "wrong" was not killing Elsa the day she was born.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Jamie refused to stop torturing Elsa even when it was causing people to freeze to death and instead placed complete blame on her. When people (rightly) accused him of being the problem he had them hung. And because he was angry at Aphrodite he let Elsa free in-front of all his remaining citizens even though they were all scared of her, losing all their trust in him.
- Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: While Jaime claims that him locking up, torturing and attempting to kill Elsa is for Arendelle's safety, it is clear from the very beginning that any concern for his people is from a vain self-righteous point of view on how it would look on him as their king if he let them all die. Even so his true fear regarding Elsa is that she would use her powers to overthrow or kill him with her powers. Aside from all that he was simply a cruel, heartless and monstrously-tempered man who plain hated his own daughter since she was born and him locking her up and torturing her is really just his was of venting out his hatred of her. Aphrodite thinks that Jaime vowed to be the greatest king so everyone would fear him so that no one would harm her or their future family, but the harm he inflicts upon them himself shows how much more it has to do with serving himself rather than protecting them.
- Offing the Offspring: Jamie tries to kill Elsa when she is born out of fear of her powers. Then stabs her in the stomach when she accidentally freezes Arrendelle but not before making her suffer physically and emotionally as much as possible before dying, slowly. Aphrodite stops the former and Anna, Flynn, Rapunzel and Aiden rescue her from the latter.
- Parental Favoritism:
- An unusual example in that he still resents that she wasn't born a boy and wasn't very loving to her either, but Jaime obviously preferred Anna to Elsa, at least in that he doesn't actively hate her and at one point cared enough about her to be worried for her safety and shield her from Elsa. By the time they meet again years later, any parental love he had for Anna completely disappears to the point where he actually ORDERS her death.
- In contrast, a more straightforward example is how Jaime was greatly preferred by his parents (namely his father) over his sister Catherine due to, as his father puts it, being more "wise and mature" compared to her. I.E. agreeing with their methods.
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Zig-zagged with Jaime's and Catherine's parents, they both claim that their relationship is "fine" but Catherine states that they argue all the time. Their father doesn't deny this.
- Poor Communication Kills: A sad variant. When Aphrodite gets Elsa back, though relieved her baby is alive, she is guilt ridden and horrified that she had been tortured for years and refuses to tell her who she really is thinking that her daughter must despise her for abandoning her. What she doesnt know is that, thanks to Jaime, Elsa spent the last 15 years thinking that she had accidentally KILLED her mother and sister so discovering they are alive would be a great relief for her. Likewise, Elsa is terrified that people will shun and hate her if she reveals that she "killed" her mother and sister so she refuses to talk about them. Which results in both Elsa and Aphrodite feeling immense guilt and pain that can simply be avoided by being honest.
- Princess in Rags: Elsa since the second she is thrown in the dungeon until the end when she becomes a princess again. Anna too after being taken to the thieves' fort by her mother until the end.
- The Purge: Jamie orders his men to burn down the thieves fort just for harboring Elsa. After his subjects learn the truth about him and no longer see him as a good king, he orders mercenaries to kill them all so he can start over.
- Rags to Riches: Aphrodite was a peasant until catching the eye of Prince Jamie.
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Tyler goes to Arendelle planning to tell Jaime where Elsa is for the supposed reward. After he gets there he realizes there was never a reward and the mad king simply imprisons him and tortures him until he reveals everything to him.
- Riches to Rags: After having had enough of Jamie's abusive treatment to her and their daughters, Aphrodite decides it would be better to live among thieves than with Jamie in a castle.
- Sadist: Jamie and Mad. Mad gleefully gets Elsa in trouble and enjoys torturing her out of sick amusement. Though he is more gleeful, Jamie has proven to be much more brutal.
- The Scapegoat: According to Aphrodite, Jaime blamed anything bad that happened on Elsa even when there was no way she could be considered responsible. He also blamed her for Anna and Aphrodites kidnapping claiming the small storm she created allowed the “thieves” to get the jump on them when they had actually attacked before Elsa made the storm
- Spoiled Brat: Jaime is uncompromising and is quick to throw violent tantrums when things don’t go his way. This becomes clear to Aphrodite when Jaime insists on having a son and becomes more and more violent when displeased.
- Straw Misogynist: Jamie thinks that only a son would be strong enough to be his heir. Hence this hatred towards Elsa her birth ruined Aphrodite's womb so she could only give birth to Anna and mistreatment of his wife.
- Stupid Evil: Jaime's temper, sadism and impulsiveness often cause him to fall into this category. This is best seen in the last few chapters where he reveals his true self and completely destroys his kingdoms trust in him because he wanted to hurt Aphrodite.
- Superpowered Evil Side: Thanks to Elsa accidentally hitting herself in the head with her own magic, she developed a sadistic murderous split personality that starts to manifest after Elsa is taken away from her cell, since a mark on Jaime's hand placed there by Mad kept it locked up. It briefly takes over completely after Jaime crushes what's left of "good" Elsas spirit by lying about Aphrodite and Anna hating her. But she is talked down by Anna's love. During her final confrontation with her father this dark side, now much saner, taps into power sealed in her heart by Mad during one of his experiments and uses it to overpower her father, who had previously overpowered her with a mark of his own.
- That Man Is Dead: After running away from Jamie and taking the amnesic Anna to the thieves guild, Aphrodite changes her name to Leana.
- Tautological Templar: As far as Jaime is concerned (or wants to believe) everything he does, however horrible and monstrous is for the good of Arendelle and makes him a mighty strong king. Likewise, anyone who he see's fit to torture, whether it be someone who simply annoyed him or likewise displeased him is a monster or a savage that should be tortured and/or killed.
- That Thing Is Not My Child!: When Elsa was born Jamie automatically believe's Aphrodite cheated on him since she has different eyes and hair. When Aphrodite starts dying he calls Elsa a 'thing' and immediately blames Elsa, resenting her for nearly "killing" his wife and that "depriving Arendelle of a heir" by damaging her womb. Then he tries to murder the infant after seeing her use magic out of fear of a prophecy saying "its a monster", and tells Aphrodite "she's not my daughter" before leaving.
- He gets mad when Aphrodite calls her his daughter years later and smacks her before claiming she is not. Whether it be out of genuinely not believing she is his biological child or out of pride and hatred.
- Even years later when he has accepted that Elsa is his biological child, his hatred for her remains unchanged.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Whenever Jaime is angered he throws a psychotic rant that mirrors a child tantrum, albeit more violent and monstrous. A good example is in the first few chapters when he, already angry over Anna having to get her memory wiped and blaming his wife, he becomes furious when she says Elsa is his daughter and he starts screaming "NOT MY DAUGHTER!", or "she's a monster!" over and over again. As Jamie gets more and more obsessed with killing Elsa he becomes a mentally unstable, bloodthirsty psychopath who throws a temper tantrum when things don't go his way.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Played straight with Aphrodite but Averted with Jamie. He will beat, torture and kill anyone who slightly irks him in private so people still think he is The Good King. It is clearly stated that there haven't been any worthy rulers in any kingdoms since the woman in white was alive. Aiden's sister for example was beaten then hanged on order of their king for stealing bread.
- Super Gullible: Due to her child-like mentality, self-loathing and horrific abuse it is pretty easy for Jaime to tell Elsa obvious lies which she will readily believe. Such as telling her that he discovered her mother and sisters bodies frozen because of her (years after they had been supposedly kidnapped). Then in the final chapters after realizing that the people who rescued her and healed her and have been nice to her are her long-lost sister and mother, Jaime is able to break her by telling her that they told him to lock her up and torture her. This is an obvious lie for many reasons, but Elsa still readily believes him in part due to having it drilled into her head that she's a hated and feared monster.
- Villainous Lineage: Jaime inherited his foul temper from his father, his affinity for cruel punishments from his mother and his lack of empathy and mindset of putting royal duties over family from both of them.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Jamie addresses himself as a king and merciful ruler and his subjects trust him completely. But anyone who spends more than five minutes with him finds out, like Tyler did, that he is a cruel and heartless man who is completely irrational and motivated by hate.
- Wanted a Son Instead: The reason why he initially hated Elsa before he even found out about her powers and started fearing her was that he was upset she wasn't a boy. He then forces Aphrodite to try to have another child, which results in Anna (another daughter), and is once again upset about having a daughter instead of a son and says neither of them can be the heir because they're not boys.
- Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: Jaime likes to make Elsa think that she deserves every horrible thing he does to her.
- Would Hurt a Child: Jamie tried to kill Elsa when she was a baby, hit her when Anna was born, hit her for using her magic, locked her in the dungeon and beat/whipped/stabbed her everyday. He also had a sadistic necromancer named mad do this constantly. The ONLY reason he didn't just kill her was because he wanted to make her suffer as much as possible.
- What Have I Done: Jamie says this after traumatizing Elsa so much she covers the area with snow. Not because he regrets his treatment to her, but that he wishes he had killed her the day she was born. After being lied to by her father that they found Anna and Aphrodite frozen to death Elsa feels this way and Jamie NEVER lets her forget it. Aphrodite feels this way after seeing how damaged she is because she left her with her father all these years.
- What You Are in the Dark: In the chapter where it shows how Jaime and Aphrodite first met, the author's dialogue implies that he was always a "beast" inside even if he acted charming and kind to Aphrodite to woo her. The fact that one of the reasons he chooses to let Aphrodite go with stealing bread, aside from wanting to charm her, is because he suggests his sister was delusional, implying his lack of respect for her even then. In a later chapter it is revealed that Jaime told his mother about his sister stealing food from the kitchen which resulted in her hand getting burnt. While its ambiguous if Jaime knew that would happen (as their mother apparently had never been THAT cruel before) it is apparent that he always valued authority over familial relationships.
- You Monster!: Jamie has been calling Elsa a monster since the day she was born, and forces her to call herself that. The citizens of Arendelle believed Elsa was this because Jamie said so, this changes later though. Aphrodite considers her husband this. Anna tells her father this right to his face. Aphrodite believes that the reason he calls/treats Elsa like a monster and blames her for everything is so that he doesn't have to acknowledge that HE is one. His reaction proves her right.