The Light of Abyss - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Feb 02 2024
The Light of Abyss is a The Owl House and Marvel Universe crossover story by Rater202. The core idea of the story is that when the Symbiotes invaded in the 1990s, Camila and Manny were both briefly hosts to one, but while they were freed from the possession they unwittingly carried traces of the eldritch material in their cells, which they then passed on to their daughter Luz. Once she makes her way to the Demon Realm, the Background Magic Field then wakes said residue up...
The Light of Abyss Tropes:
General trope examples:
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Tropes A — I
- Abusive Parents: Odalia, as in canon, treats her children as extensions of herself/something to control for her benefit instead of actual individuals with wills of their own. Amity is keeping her developing ability as The Empath secret because she fears that Odalia will force her to switch into the Oracle track so Amity will be more like her, regardless of what Amity herself wants, and she cares more about Amity severing her apprenticeship to Lilith than Lilith using Amity to get back at Eda. In addition, besides Amity's necklace having a tracking enchantment that she could have used to find Amity at any point after she ran away but didn't, and the canon telepathic communication that she used, it also has spells that she can use to make Amity feel bad and bring up the memories of the previous times it was used on command, which Eda says are similar to spells that were used on slaves in the early savage ages and have been illegal since the early Deadwardian era for just that reason. And we later learn that she used to be physically abusive as well when Amity was younger, Edric and Emira citing a time she beat Amity with a belt (which she had to send her Oracle spirit and the Abomination to the market to get) for spilling some orange blood on the kitchen floor (despite it being an accident and having cleaned it up already). It's later brought up that she taught the kids to always view things as opportunities or transactions, meaning that they don't properly understand how to really interact with people. And after the divorce Edric and Emira find a safe full of junk food, the same kind of stuff she denies her kids in favor of fancy and expensive food that tastes awful and comes in too-small portions (Amity even noting at one point that she'd probably be malnourished as a result if she hadn't learned how to cook herself). This culminates in her using Amity as a hostage to force Luz to go to Belos, so Odalia can achieve her goal of putting them on the throne of the Isles. Amity refuses to even call Odalia her mother afterwards, instead using terms like "Incubator".
- Accidental Misnaming: When Amity gives her Armor-Piercing Question about Luz's name to Odalia, she guesses "Lucy".
- Accidental Truth: After Eda's failed petrification, Belos tells the crowd that Luz's new symbiote powers are a blessing from the Titan. In canon, the Titan did bless Luz by leading her to the glyphs as thanks for being there for his son King. Later, when more evidence that the Titan is taking a role in Luz's adventures on the Isles, Amity even lampshades this trope.
- Achilles' Heel: Due to Luz's nature as a human-symbiote hybrid, she is vulnerable to fire and sonic attacks. While she seems to be able to cast fire spells without any issue, taking a sonic scream from Clara head-on was enough to knock her out cold.
- Actually Pretty Funny: Luz's reaction to learning that Odalia wants to put her and Amity on the throne is to nearly laugh herself sick, thank Odalia for the much needed levity, and explain why that's a bad idea.
- Actor Allusion:
- Spider-Man finds Ford's voice familiar, a nod to how Ford's voice actor is J. K. Simmons, who famously played J. Johan Jameson in numerous adaptations of Spider-Man, most notably the Sam Reimi Spider-Man Trilogy.
- When watching Steven Universe in Chapter 62, Vee finds Amethyst's voice familiar, a nod to how they share Michaela Dietz as a voice actor.
- Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls and King share a voice actor, so when Luz meets the former in Chapter 79 she briefly mistakes his voice for the latter's.
- Accusation Fic: A highly downplayed case as its not the focus of the fic itself, but the elements normally accustom to such a fic can be found concerning the topic regardless. Rater has made it very clear how much they dislike the show Star vs. the Forces of Evil, particularly the Grand Finale "Cleaved", to the point that while it is considered part of the setting of the fic, it's only ever referenced in passing for the sake of Rater calling parts of it out using the characters as mouth pieces. Star Butterfly's infamous impulse issues and not tending to think through her actions is regularly taken to task when discussing other characters, Dr. Strange being mentioned as having spent a week lecturing Star on the recklessness of her actions in "Cleaved" as well as the erroneous belief that she destroyed all magic before forcing her to seek therapy, and even having Bill Cipher, the demon who burned his original dimension to ash and seeks to cause an apocalyptic event for the sake of his own amusement, balks at her actions and seeming to not care about the devastation she left in her wake, especially when she pulled "a Belos", though it's later elaborated that he's twisting things to manipulate the protagonist, and doesn't actually care about the morality of it, just that it made things less interesting.
- Adaptation Expansion:
- The period the Hexsquad spent in the Human Realm between Seasons 2 and 3 was largely restrained to a montage early in the Season 3 premiere "Thanks to Them" in canon. Here, the period where they're in the Human Realm is given greater focus via a fic original arc, focusing on their recovery from the trauma of the Day of Unity, visiting the Jean Grey Institute and bonding with the students and faculty there, interacting with the main characters of the other parts of their Shared Universe like the Pines Twins and the Calamity Trio, and Carnage being on the prowl in Gravesfield after taking an interest in Luz, all while Mephisto schemes in the background.
- Malphas was just a one-off character introduced as Amity's boss at the library, with only a couple of lines and no details about him. Here, he gets a whole backstory as one of the oldest demons on the Boiling Isles, who has plenty of experience with the Human Realm due to having been summoned there numerous times over the centuries.
- Adaptation Name Change: A minor example, but in Chapter 45, due to Camila's worries about Luz having an official guardian while on the Isles, Luz signs some adoption papers as "Luz Noceda-Clawthorne".
- Adaptation Species Change: A species wide example. Canonically, witches are a humanoid Mage Species, being an entirely separate race distinct from humans but capable of reproducing with humans, as evident by the human Caleb Wittebane and the witch Evelyn having a child, eventually resulting in the Clawthorne family. Here, witches are shown to be a Human Subspecies, a theory consistently shut down by the Emperor's Coven being that witches descended from humans that immigrated and acclimated to the Demon Realm while mating with biped demons, making them comparable to the Atlanteans or the Inhumans, a theory proven all but true when Amity is discovered to be a Mutant, meaning she caries the X-Gene, and it's made clear Belos was trying to suppress the truth for his own agenda.
- Adaptational Alternate Ending: The canon ending of Star vs. the Forces of Evil saw the Butterfly family, specifically Star, Moon, Eclipsa, and Meteora, destroy the Realm of Magic so as to rid Mina Loveberry and her army of their power and protect the monsters of Mewni from their attempt at genocide, causing all beings made of magic to die with it and implicitly destroying magic in it's entirety. Here, Doctor Strange mentions taking an entire week lecturing Star for her actions on both moral and ethical fronts, as well as clarifying that their destroying the Realm of Magic didn't erase all magic, nor was it even the source of all magic in the first place.
- Adaptational Angst Upgrade: An unfortunate side-effect of Boscha being an Adaptational Nice Guy. Boscha canonically based her self-worth on having people fear her, conflating fear with respect and acting like a bitch to ensure she was feared. Due to valuing Amity's opinion here more though, she reluctantly gives up bullying when Amity asks her to, resulting in her lacking the external validation that was afforded to her from being one. This leaves her a lot more insecure and filled with self-doubt, particularly regarding her friendship with Amity and wondering if it was ever actually "real" or just a result of Odalia forcing Amity to befriend her, culminating in her prematurely ending their friendship so she can "move on" from Amity and believing Amity deserves to be with her "real" loved ones. Rater202 lampshades this in the author's note for Chapter 46, pointing out that Boscha more than anything needs therapy.
- Adaptational Badass:
- Thanks to traces of symbiote matter Luz inherited from Manny and Camila being awakened by the Background Magic Field in the Demon Realm, it ends up giving her multiple abilities she doesn't have in canon, like enhanced strength when her shadow aura is up and sensing emotions. She can also use them to turn her light glyphs into an actual offensive power. Later she gains a full symbiote form, at the cost of losing her "shadow aura", apparently an incomplete version of the form, and the glyph detonation power. And then she gains magic by absorbing Titan Blood from the portal key by mistake.
- After the petrification ceremony, Amity starts studying other kinds of magic, namely Bard magic, Potions, and Plant magic. She's still mainly an Abomination specialist, but she's got more options now.
- Masha, who is by all appearances a normal human in canon, is in this universe a Sorcerer.
- Clara, who was also by all appearances a normal human, is a mutant. Same for her friends Scott and Suzy.
- The Titan who is also King's father actually succeeded in killing all the Archivists except for the Collector whom he deliberately spared. He managed to imprison each of the other Archivists inside Spheres of magic which they can only look outside through mirrors which he then had broken that then reinforced the prison of the Collector.
- While the upper limits of his strength in his more monstrous form were unknown in canon, the Hexsquad were still able to hold their own against Belos for a decent amount of time, only really being beaten due to losing a battle of attrition against him. Here, he manages to hold his own against not just them, but both Masha, Ford, and several experienced heroes, including Magneto, Magik, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Loki too, all while they're being boosted by Amity using a bard spell to increase their stamina. It's noted that even when their attacks do land, his Healing Factor makes the damage negligible, and he ends up ignoring the pain in his fury. The fact that he's not affected by the Draining Spell in this AU certainly helps him too.
- Since the Hexsquad knows about the Titan's Blood prior to the Day of Unity, Luz is able to use the glyphs on Earth more freely than in canon, and even shares them with the Pines.
- Adaptational Context Change:
- The mirrors used to speak with The Collector were implied to not be the literal prison for them, but just a window to speak with them, with the Titan Trapper's ritual they put King through allowing him to speak with The Collector due to using his blood on their broken mirror. Here, the mirror is the literal prison and connected to the In-Between, each mirror having been used to trap a specific Archivist by The Titan before all but The Collector's were broken, killing the Archivists before their residual magic was used to reinforce The Collector's own prison.
- While Belos still possesses one of the Hexsquad here, rather than entering Hunter's body via an open cut and slowly taking over his body until Luz realizes Hunter is Not Himself, here Belos had already taken a host, Carnage, before using the powers of said host as well as his own to possess Luz.
- Luz still undergoes a Nightmare Sequence here where she is blamed for everything bad that happened in an attempt to break her. Whereas it was The Collector who subjected her to it in canon though, here it's from Belos after he took over Luz's body, with Carnage directly tormenting her in her mind.
- Adaptation Deviation:
- Pei actually took on the mantle of "Iron Fist" here, having mastered Shou-Li's chi that she possessed and Danny Rand passing his power to her. Lin Lie, the one to actually take the mantle from Danny in the Marvel 616 universe, is instead operating on his own presumably as "Sword Master" still, Rater202 admitting this was done partially to give Pei what they felt she was cheated out of in canon, and that while Lin Lie is cool, they wished to avoid the problematic aspect behind a Chinese man taking on the mantle of the Tibetan warrior monk "Iron Fist" given the historical issues between China and Tibet.Explanation
- Malphas in canon was only an expy of the demon from The Lesser Key of Solomon rather than the actual demon. Here, the Librarian and the President of the Ars Goetia are one in the same, responsible for informing Doom about the true nature of Giraffes years ago, albeit with his depictions in demonology being a case of artistic liberties courtesy of the authors.
- Adaptational Early Appearance:
- Hunter appears at the Covention, long before his canonical first appearance.
- The BATTs make their debut before their canonical appearance by destroying the petrification machine.
- Stringbean appears much earlier in what would be "Hunting Palisman", awakened by Luz's deepest desire of being understood.
- The Titan appears, albeit as just The Voice, during the events of "Eclipse Lake" when he's able to speak to Luz in her common mold-induced delirium dreams, long before his canonical appearance in "Watching and Dreaming".
- Adaptational Jerkass: Belos's Fantastic Racism against witches is made abundantly worse here by virtue of witches being given an Adaptation Species Change. A large part of Belos's hatred for them stems from his puritanical mindset and believing them to be "infernal sinners" beneath humans. Here however, witches are descended from humans, no different from other groups in the Marvel universe like the Atlanteans or the Inhumans, making Belos's disdain for them all the more unjustifiable, not helped by the implication he knows they are due to having the Emperor's Coven try to discredit the theory that witches are descended from human all for the sake of reinforcing his own delusions, and initially referring to Luz as a "witchbreed", a derogatory term for mutants in the 1600s, after seeing her symbiote powers, only considering her better by virtue of her not being a true witch, making Belos only slightly better than anti-mutant bigots like William Stryker. Luz even wonders if he deliberately made his Titan worship like Catholicism in some ways as a sick joke by comparing Demons to Catholics, since puritans like Belos hated the Catholics.
- Adaptational Karma: Piniet got away with everything he did in canon, aside from being slightly beat up. Here, Hunter scares him into paying Luz and King royalties for Ruler's Reach.
- Adaptational Nice Guy:
- Boscha is much more open about how seriously she takes her friendship with Amity, doing her best to stop anyone from reading the journal pages that Edric and Emira posted around the school, and being extremely relieved when Amity comes back after having run away. And she reluctantly agrees to stop being a bully (both in general and specifically towards Willow and Luz) just because Amity asks her to.
- Alador demonstrates a lot more emotional awareness as a result of Amity running away, leading him to more openly challenge Odalia and realize how unhealthy his relationship with her has become for him and their children. While he initially wanted to have faith that Odalia would change for the better, when she proves to him she isn't, he does what's right for his kids and officially files for divorce, and demonstrates how he's trying to be a better father for his family much earlier than he did in canon, even expressing fatherly pride when seeing Amity won the Bonesborough Brawl while reassuring her that she was already like him and didn't need to prove it, as well as inviting Luz to stay the night at the manor upon hearing from Amity the emotional turmoil she was going through.
- Very, very downplayed in regards to Belos and his treatment of Amity. While it is steeped in You Are a Credit to Your Race and assuming that Luz's influence as a human saved her soul, the mere fact that he is delibarately sparing even a single witch from his Day of Unity would be normally inconceivable to most other versions of Belos.
- Illyana Rasputina/Magik is infamous for being a very dark Anti-Hero, towing the line between Unscrupulous Hero and Nominal Hero due to different writers, with even her nicer depictions having her as the poster child for the Token Evil Teammate trope. Here, she's a lot more empathetic and personable, showing care for those younger than her like Vee and Masha when they insist on helping fight Belos despite the danger, and having started a support group for kids who were Trapped in Another World so they can get the help she wishes she could have gotten after her time in Limbo, even inviting Luz to join them. Luz actually idolizes Magik as a result of her nicer demeanor combined with her being a bisexual icon and master of magic, and Betsy Braddock seems to have a good relationship with her considering she didn't argue when Luz said Magik was her favorite X-person over her, only saying "Illyana's awesome". It's eventually revealed that she once was like in canon, but she got some professional help and managed to work through her issues better.
- Played with regarding April Parker/Mayhem. April on Earth-982 had a lot of issues that led her to go through a Heel–Face Revolving Door, namely due to suffering Clone Angst and having trouble being an Anti-Hero Substitute for Mayday, culminating in her losing it after seeing a Bad Future where she was responsible for May's death and pulling a Heroic Sacrifice to save her life. Here, April is still struggling with acting more heroic, but she's relatively more stable and able to recognize when her actions, even if she sees them as necessary, are morally wrong. This is justified as her having been adopted into the Parker family only relatively recently, the family only learning of her existence the year prior and her only starting to mellow out six months and two attempted murders after that, meaning she's still in the middle of her character arc and only undergone a single Heel–Face Turn so far, the hope being that the Parker's influence on her will let it stick this time.
- Adaptational Origin Connection:
- The Titans had their evolution guided by the Celestials so that they would become a natural race of Kings in Black, in the hopes that by doing so they could avoid the issues that Knull caused because he didn't have anyone to share the responsibility with.
- The Archivists and the Collector were born from the broken fragments of a Cosmic Cube that somehow ended up in the Demon Realm on a lifeless world and was affected by the ambient magic. Their desire to Archive things is because they instinctively understood that the Beyonders are meant to preserve life, and they took it a bit too literally.
- Adaptational Relationship Overhaul:
- Different circumstances at the Covention mean that Luz and Amity become friends sooner than canon.
- The entire arc with Amity running away from home serves as a wakeup call to Alador about their relationship a whole season before he would have had a similar epiphany in canon.
- Vee and Masha end up getting together at the end of the Gravesfield arc, whereas in canon their relationship never moved past hints that the former has a crush on the latter.
- According to Stan, Dipper ended up marrying Pacifica, whom he had some minor Ship Tease with in canon but never had any serious romantic interactions with.
- Amity and King's relationship in canon was underplayed, with King at first disliking Amity after she crushed his cupcake, but quickly got over it once she changed for the better and started dating Luz, even clearing up her misconception that Luz's messages were "threats" and helping her realize what they really were. Here, King forgives Amity a lot quicker since she properly apologizes about the cupcake at the Covention, and pretty much accepts her as a pseudo-resident of the Owl House after she briefly stays there following her running away, all while supporting her relationship with Luz. By time of the Day of Unity, King has fully accepted that Amity will be his sister-in-law, hence why he has no issue telling her he's a Titan despite trying to not tell too many people.
- Runaways had Molly and Klara have a Pseudo-Romantic Friendship, but their relationship was viewed by themselves as more like sisters. Here, Molly and Klara are a happy couple and attending the Jean Grey Institute together, though their relationship was originally like in canon before they managed to work through their feelings.
- Adaptational Villainy: Bill was already a nasty piece of work in canon, leading the Titan Trappers in worshipping "The Grand Huntsman" and wanting to kill King so as to achieve "eternal glory", with him being Secretly Selfish and having led the Trappers to believe they'd all gain glory when Bill was only interested in himself, but was otherwise shown to believe in what he preached. Here, Bill is directly compared to Belos by The Titan in that he made his religion based on incomplete facts after finding the room containing the corpses of The Titan's brethren and a broken mirror, then constructed a cult around a being he knew nothing about while consciously vilifying the Titans so as to trick his followers into hating them, eventually Belieiving His Own Lies in pursuit of his personal eternal glory in his old age.
- Adapted Out:
- The events of One More Day never occurred here, due to one of the senators trying to pass the Superhero Registration Act being outed as being possessed by Mephisto, stopping him from trying to take Peter and Mary Jane's marriage. This in turn leads to a domino effect preventing the full events of Civil War (2006) from occurring.
- Due to the manner in which Grom was defeated being different here, namely Luz and Amity performing a Shout-Out to the Sekiha Love-Love Tenkyoken with fire glyphs rather than implanting Grom with plant glyphs, the Grom Tree isn't created here. Rater202 admits this was largely because they knew nothing they wrote could compare to the actual "Enchanting Grom Fight", so they decided to go for an original spin rather than be a pale imitation.
Rater202: I knew going in that there was no way I was going to compare to the orignal Grom episode, so I decided to just go whole hog on what I had. No Grom tree in this version, unfortunately, but nothing I could do could compare to that symbolism.
- Aside from the parade itself and Terra passing along Belos' message to Luz, none of the events of "Follies at the Coven Day Parade" happen, as Luz has no reason to learn of Kikimora's situation much less feel sympathy for her, and Raine doesn't have to be pretending to be brainwashed.
- While Willow still founds the Emerald Entrails, nothing else from "Any Sport in a Storm" happens, as Hunter is already rogue from the Emperor's Coven and has no reason to go undercover at Hexside, while Tiny Nose had several chapters previously outed Tibbles' book scam, preventing Luz and Amity from investigating it.
- The Blights sans Amity's involvement in the Bonesborough Brawl is omitted, as Amity joins the Brawl to distract herself from Alador deciding to officially divorce Odalia, Luz refraining from entering the Brawl as "Spellraiser" in favor of being Amity's healer renders no need for Emira to take the role, and Edric being absent means Wrath never mutates and Amity is able to beat him in a proper bout, Wrath taking his loss and swearing he'll beat Amity next year before leaving. The twins absence likewise results in Amity's "Mighty Mittens" outfit being put together from Eda's human clothes rather than the concealment stones her siblings used.
- Thanks to Amity being The Empath, Luz isn't given the opportunity to repress her issues as much since Amity can easily pick up on how she's really feeling. The fics equivalent of "Reaching Out" in particular demonstrates this, as while Luz tries to downplay her pain over Manny's death, Amity is fully aware just how much she's really hurting, prompting her, Ghost, and Stringbean to put Luz in a cuddle pile while Amity prompts Luz to talk about Manny, letting her actually air her feelings and gain In-Universe Catharsis from crying in Amity's arms.
- When Halloween rolls around, none of the Hexsquad are wearing their canon costumes, due to instead assisting Masha in telling the Tale of The Brothers Wittebane, Luz, Willow, and Hunter all wearing cloaks to conceal their identities until the proper point in the story to reveal them, and Amity providing musical accompaniment.
- Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Amity has been known to run her fingers through Luz's hair, paricularly when trying to comfort her.
- Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: During their business meeting, Odalia drank too much wine to notice she just signed a contract with Mephisto that stipulates he would be getting the immortal souls of her and her family in exchange for his help.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Played With. Marcy considers the Core both an abuser and a victim of the The Chain of Harm, as a collection of people who, much like Andrias, were groomed their entire lives to be added to its collective Hive Mind. She even considers if Aldritch was much like his son before becoming a complete monster. Nevertheless, it doesn't excuse the Core's atrocities against Marcy, Andrias or Amphibia, and she decides it's best to put it down for good.
- Alien Invasion: Being set in the Marvel Universe, these are quite frequent.
- A key part of the backstory is a symbiote invasion in the 90s, which Camilla and Manny both ended up possessed during, leaving them with symbiote DNA that was passed down to Luz. Later, it's revealed that Knull led another such invasion during the summer of Luz's initial time in the Demon Realm.
- In Chapter 91, the Phalanx (now controlled by the Core) invade Massachusetts, with it being mentioned that they also previously invaded in the 90s.
- Aliens Speaking English: Hearing Belos speaking with an English accent makes Luz reflect on how everyone else on the Boiling Isles speaks American English but no other human language, with no explanation for why.
- Alternate Identity Amnesia: When Luz's symbiote side goes into hangry mode from lack of hormones and eats Bill, Luz blacks out and only wakes up afterwards, though she's not exactly complaining.
- Alternate Universe: While for the most part the Marvel side of the crossover is derived from Earth-616, the fact One More Day never happened here means Peter and Mary Jane's marriage remains, and with it so does the existence of Peter's daughter Mayday. This results in the fic borrowing from the events of Spider-Girl, which is traditionally associated with Earth-982, and sees the inclusion of other characters once exclusive to there like April Parker/Mayhem.
- Alternate Self: During her journey down the Witch's Road Luz sees a number of alternate versions of herself, including what is heavily implied to be the canon one during "Thanks to Them".
- At the climax of her time on the Road, Luz sees a trio of versions of her themed after The Hecate Sisters, consisting of her canon version after defeating Belos in "Watching and Dreaming", an adult version of herself pregnant with her and Amity's first child from a timeline that diverged from "our" Luz's relatively recently, and an older version of herself that became a Queen in Black ruling over the Isles in a timeline where the Collector, the Hexsquad's Palismen, and several of her loved ones died on the Day of Unity.
- Always a Bigger Fish: Amity is shocked that Belos, the biggest threat in Boiling Isles, is casually kidnapped by Mephisto just to serve as a judge in his and Luz's music battle.
- Amazon Chaser:
- After Willow singlehandedly knocks him out to keep him from trying to steal the portal, Hunter notes that his face is suddenly uncomfortably warm.
- Luz is very appreciative of the increased abs that Amity gets after becoming a Valkyrie.
- Angrish: Amity's reaction to learning about Lilith having thrown Luz off of the castle bridge and Luz forgiving her for it.
- Anger Born of Worry:
- In Chapter 32, Amity and Eda are both furious at Luz for agreeing to challenge Mephisto for the Blight family's souls due to concern about the fact that if she loses, he takes her in the family's place.
- In Chapter 40, Eda is extremely angry at Luz for going to break the BATTs out of prison after explicitly telling her to leave it to her and Raine, and nearly calls up Camilla to report her before a remorseful Luz talks her out of it.
- Answers to the Name of God: In Chapter 98, Amity, after eating a chocolate-covered cricket Anne offered her, exclaims "Oh my Titan", to which Luz responds with a "Yes?"
- Apathetic Teacher: Amity calls Lilith out as a lousy teacher during their fight in Chapter 13. While Amity has to admit that she did learn a lot from the other Witch over the two years they spent together, she also points out how Lilith never gave her any support, with every lesson being clinical and academic, and the one time that she ever got any positive feedback it was a lie (so Lilith could plant the Power Glyph on her neck), which Amity later notes is something that Lilith should have considered given her own desire for approval from authority figures after hearing that Lilith is staying at the Owl House and is being taught glyphs by Luz. In contrast, just a short time being mentored by Eda at the Knee allowed her to get past needing training wands and learn the fire spell. Subverted later on, however, as Lilith confirms that she did care about Amity and was proud of her as a student, she was just bad at expressing it.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: Even after everything she's seen in both the Human and Demon Realms and having Luz and Amity to verify their existence, Eda refuses to believe opossums are real.
- Armor-Piercing Question:
- In Chapter 9, when Alador is starting to go Papa Wolf on Eda regarding Amity's safety, Eda snaps back by asking when's the last time he actually talked to her, which completely undercuts Alador's anger.
- When Odalia tries to pressure Luz into agreeing to a wedding contract with Amity while presenting it as looking out for their best interests, Amity asks if she even remembers Luz's name. After an Accidental Misnaming makes it clear that she doesn't, Amity snaps that this just proves that Odalia doesn't actually care about them beyond how she can use them for her own gain.
- Two instances of this occur in Chapter 35. First, Luz asks Hunter a few, by asking if the scouts know what the Emperor does with the Palismen he collects, and then, when Hunter tries to justify things by using a line about making sacrifices for the "greater good", Luz asks him when the last time that the Emperor made a sacrifice was. On Amity's side of things, when she's trying to come up with a goal to bring a freshly-carved Ghost to life, and she tries protecting Luz and her other loved ones, Lilith asks her if she's scared and desperate for some form of control.
- Arranged Marriage: Odalia tries to get Amity and Luz into a marriage contract as part of her plans. Luz is a bit disturbed by the idea, and points out that she's pretty sure that that kind of thing isn't even legal in America.
- Ascended Extra:
- Downplayed regarding Amity. While she was always one of the most important characters in canon, she never reached the level of "main character", at best being a pseudo-main character during Season 2B and the first two episodes of Season 3 where she acted as deuteragonist, with the only "main characters" being the trio of Luz, Eda, and King. Here, she's effectively taken Eda's position as deuteragonist from the start thanks to a lot of Eda's narrative roles occurring offscreen due to being nigh identical to canon, her perspective being shown just as much as Luz's, and being more intrinsically tied to the Myth Arc of the story thanks to Odalia and Mephisto's machinations to make Luz a "Queen in Black" and Amity her consort. By the fics equivalent to the events of Season 2, Amity becomes a flat out Supporting Protagonist, her perspective shown just as much if not more than Luz's, even if Luz is still the primary lead of the story between the two.
- Tiny Nose gets a more regular supporting role thanks to her being one of Hooty's friends being given more focus, and due to acting as Luz's doctor.
- Masha gets some more focus than in canon, Camila having given them a ride back from camp, which causes them to be present for the reveal of Vee's true identity.
- Asshole Victim:
- Bill was a tyrannical cult leader who wanted to sacrifice King in service to a supposed "god" that's long dead, all while knowing that Titans aren't evil and that he's lying to maintain his power, so his being eaten by Luz after he's Too Dumb to Live by going after King after she threatens him with exactly that isn't something to mourn. Even Spider-Man, who believes that heroes shouldn't kill if they can help it, says that Luz shouldn't feel too bad about his fate.
- The Archivists save the Collector died when The Titan broke the mirrors connected to their seals, causing them to suffer in agony as the power of their seal flowed to reinforce the remaining seal(s). Considering their sadistic ways of "preserving" life, their genocide of the Titans, and manipulation of the Collector in said plan, it's clear that no tears are to shed over them.
- Odalia was a textbook example of Abusive Parents who manipulated Amity and Luz's relationship for her own gain, willingly worked with Mephisto, and showed no empathy towards the witches who would die from the Draining Spell, albeit because she thought that it was to make the Coven Heads and select others a new order of being instead of it actually being a Final Solution plot. As a result, when Belos petrifies her and shatters the statue after she hijacks Amity's body and brings her to him, and he sees that her sigil is fake, the only thing sad about it is that Amity was there to witness it.
- Assimilation Backfire: When the portal key cracks while she and Hunter are fighting over it, some of the Titan's blood inside leaks out and Luz's symbiote side absorbs it. Unfortunately for Luz, the magic in the blood triggers her Emperor's Coven sigil properly, so she passes out from the pain.
- Author Tract:
- Chapter 15 has Luz, while telling Lilith more about the Human Realm, go into a brief tangent about the Electoral College and how impractical its become in the modern era, doubling as a Mythology Gag to how in Gravity Falls a Freeze-Frame Bonus suggested Mabel managed to get rid of the Electoral College as one of her "good deeds" to prove she was "pure of heart".
- Chapter 41 briefly has Luz go on a tangent regarding Harry Potter and the actions of its creator J. K. Rowling, particularly the hypocrisy in her behavior when compared to the message the books were trying to make, a response to a comment on the fic making clear Luz's feelings were Rater202's own feelings on the matter.
- Chapter 79 has Luz and Marcy briefly go on a tangent about the ending to "Monster Slayer Academia", acting as an obvious reference to the controversial ending of My Hero Academia. The two agree they liked the ending well enough and defend the decision to have Deku need to gain Powered Armor to return to being a Hero, but do feel like it didn't do enough to explore the societal issues it raised, and are more critical about the more toxic side of the fandom's reaction, as well as those fans' general misunderstanding about the trope Hardwork Hardly Works and self-inflicted dichotomy of "hard work vs genius" dating as far back as the early days of Naruto.
- Chapter 86 has Luz go on a tangent with Anne about how the fifth Harry Potter book has Harry dealing with what is clearly PTSD over the events of the fourth book, then brushes over it in the next book, noting that there should be more books that depict the fantasy elements as a net positive while still making it clear that mental care is important, as Luz's experiences show that a lot of what protagonists undergo in such young adult literature can be easily traumatizing. She also criticizes the fandom of the series for treating Harry's behavior as wangst when it's very easy in retrospect to see Harry was going through a lot to justify his behavior.
- Chapter 89 has a couple:
- Luz reveals that she stopped reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books because she wasn't a fan of how it handed Percy's ADHD and dyslexia.Context
- While viewing alternate realities, one of the realities she sees is the Fandom-Specific Plot, the "Beta AU". Seeing the versions of herself and Amity there as well as their Slap-Slap-Kiss relationship only disturbs Luz, and makes her think to herself that they need couples counseling more than anything.
- The last reality Luz witnesses is the Chibiverse reality, specifically the events of the "Chibi Couple Game". While Luz finds the overall reality adorable, she is very much not a fan of how the entire game was essentially rigged to pressure Hailey into confessing to Scott when she clearly wasn't ready, with the versions of herself, Amity, Star, and Marco not helping matters, to the point she says they're lucky she can't go into that reality otherwise she'd tear into all of them. Bill likewise states he isn't a fan of the joke regarding Star not knowing Marco's favorite color since it makes her look more like a bastard girlfriend when they had an entire episode focused around Marco getting something he truly wanted and it being his favorite color, Prussian Blue, yet Star instead says its Plum and just drops an actual plum on his head, making it look like her love for Marco was superficial.
- Autobots, Rock Out!: Right before taking on The Core/Phalanx invaders, Marcy has Mr. X play "Live and Learn" during the battle.
- Back from the Dead:
- Bill Cipher tries to invoke this by forcing one of the heroes to let him use their body to get back to his own in Gravity Falls by dangling the method to open the portal from Earth's side in front of them, but luckily Belos opens it himself before they agree to anything.
- Mephisto revives Odalia after Belos kills her because their deal to put Luz on the throne is still ongoing, Mephisto making it clear that she would still be burning if it weren't.
- Bad to the Last Drop: Luz's coffee is absurdly bitter despite having ungodly amounts of sugar. She claims that her first experiments in coffee making were even worse, even name dropping the trope.
- Bait-and-Switch:
- Chapter 21 has a set-up for a epic battle between Amity, Vee, Masha, and Luz against Luz's former crushes who bullied her. However, the next chapter shows Luz and Amity realizing just how pathetic those bullies are that they aren't even worth the effort of fighting at this point.
- Chapter 74 initially makes it seem like the one after Luz is Carnage, the "power" they mention being in Luz's possession being in reference to her being a fledgling King in Black. The end of the chapter sees them react just as negatively to Amity as they had been to Luz, revealing they're actually Belos, possessing Carnage's body, the "power" they were referencing being that Luz was blessed by The Titan.
- Batman Gambit:
- Odalia emotionally manipulates Luz into considering breaking up with Amity, in order to provoke the latter into standing up to her, helping to secure a possible future Odalia's had a vision of, wherein Luz and Amity are apparently ruling the Boiling Isles together. A later chapter implies that the manipulation was also meant to get Amity worried about being unable to protect Luz and cause her to try feeding her symbiote form thing like Titan Humours and Palistrom wood to give her magic.
- After the musical duel is over, it turns out that rather than Odalia being cheated in a Deal with the Devil like Mephisto claimed, the whole setup was part of their plan to bring Luz and Amity closer together by having Luz demonstrate that she'd risk her immortal soul for Amity's family, and getting Belos to respect Amity the most out of any witch on the Isles.
- Been There, Shaped History: Malphas, being several millennia old, was present for and involved in a lot of significant events in the Marvel universe when summoned, being first summoned by Varnae when he was crafting the Darkhold, Gath before Atlantis sank, and even during the period of the first witches where he has a tryst with one and is possibly their Monster Progenitor.
- Believing Their Own Lies: Bill created the Titan Trapper cult for power, but in his old age he actually seems to have started buying into his own hype.
- Berserk Button:
- Amity has a strong reaction to cheating to get ahead.
- Magneto shows up to help the heroes assembling to stop the Day of Unity when he learns that Belos is a fanatical madman about to enact genocide, something that a Holocaust survivor would obviously take exception to.
- Better as Friends: Subverted. While Boscha does want Amity to be happy with Luz and remain friends with her, as time goes on she both finds her unrequited love hurts too much and her friendship with Amity was something only based on Amity being forced to hang out with her by Odalia, compared to the genuine happiness being friends with Willow and being in love with Luz brings her. So while Amity wants to try and make their friendship work due to considering Boscha a genuine friend despite how their friendship started, Boscha decides to end their friendship so that Amity can be with the people who really care about her and Boscha can move on.
- Big Bad Ensemble: On the one hand, there's Belos, carrying out his canonical plan to enact genocide on the Demon Realm. On the other, there's Mephisto, who is manipulating events in both the Human and Demon Realms in order to evolve Luz into a Queen in Black for his own ends. This would change come Chapter 77, with Belos Killed Off for Real and Mephisto claiming his soul to use to further his plans, said plan involving him freeing from the Theraprism Bill Cipher and The Core, Mephisto intending on them being part of a Big Bad Duumvirate with himself. Bill however, thinking Mephisto winning so easily would be boring, undermines him in secret and ends up making an unofficial deal with Dr. Doom, who now has gained an interest in Luz himself. The Core is later quickly defeated when it makes a move for Marcy.
- Big Damn Heroes:
- When Willow, Gus, and Amity manage to get the crowd at Eda's petrifaction ceremony on her side, the BATTs show up and destroy the machine before Hunter can intervene.
- Just as Belos is about to escape through the portal on the Day of Unity, the Avengers come pouring through the other side, punching him in the face and driving him back.
- Several Avengers arrive to help when the Belos-possessed Carnage attacks the Dance-Off.
- Right as Doom is set to fight Luz and Amity so as to force Luz into being his apprentice, a battle the two have no doubt they'll lose outside of running, Magneto shows up at the embassy, making good on his declaration of aid to the Hexsquad.
- The X-Men and some government support show up just in time to save Marcy from the Core's corrupted Phalanx forces.
- The Big Damn Kiss: Luz and Amity have their first real kiss in Chapter 21, when Amity defends Luz against Clara and her cronies, all former crushes of Luz who rejected her in less than kind ways.
- Big Red Devil: As in canon, Mephisto is noted as having red skin.
- Big Sister Instinct: As in canon, Luz and King come to view each other as siblings, and Luz can get a bit protective of him. When Bill of the Titan Trappers figures out that King is a Titan, Luz immediately pins him to the wall and threatens to eat his brain if he goes after King, and follows through when he decides to try it anyway.
- Bilingual Bonus: Luz and Camila drop untranslated Spanish phrases into their conversations more than once.
- Bizarre Dream Rationalization: While the Pines family told Luz plenty about their adventures, they never mentioned Bill Cipher by name, so when he shows up in her dreamscape to give a friendly warning about looming danger from him and his new allies, she doesn't register who he is or the danger he represents, and writes off the whole thing as a weird dream.
- Black-and-White Insanity: As noted by
Word of God, Belos' Fantastic Racism has warped his mentality into a form of this, where he views all humans as "good" and all witches as "evil", which is why he's so relatively lenient towards Luz despite his Politically Incorrect Villain traits. The only exception he seems willing to make to this distinction is Amity, due to her and Luz willingly facing against Mephisto, who Belos thinks is the literal devil, in a musical duel just to save the souls of her family, convincing him that Luz somehow "saved" Amity's soul and thus made her worthy of sparing, Mephisto betting that Amity is now the one witch Belos can genuinely respect. This is only furthered when Hunter says Belos gave him the okay to try recruiting Amity to the Emperor's Coven, and that she would not only be only directly below Hunter in rank, but she'd be allowed to keep Ghost and wouldn't need to get a Coven sigil, meaning Belos would be willing to spare Amity from the Draining Spell, a sentiment not even Hunter before his Heel–Face Turn was afforded in canon despite Belos's claim of Hunter being the "closest" to being like Caleb. Though he still thinks of her as fundamentally lesser than a human. This is only made worse once Luz and Amity rebuke him again and the Avengers arrive, as he has become fully convinced Earth has fallen to "monsters, sorcerers, and witchbreeds", declaring his intent to do the same thing he did to the Boiling Isles to Earth too, if it means "saving it from itself". He even manages to resist a Penance Stare out of sheer self-righteousness, and it's only when he's sent to Hell and Mephisto personally rubs in that he very much earned his damnation that he even considers that he might not have been doing God's work.
- Blatant Lies:
- As in canon, as Amity realizes after the failed petrification, especially after he claims that Luz was blessed by the Titan with her new abilities, pretty much everything that Belos says is this.
- Odalia claims that everything she does is for Amity, but even if the narration didn't explicitly confirm that she's lying through her teeth, she just used her Oracle spirit to take control of Amity's body to use as a hostage against Luz and threatened to use it to stop Amity's heart if Luz interferes with her taking Amity to Belos in order for Odalia to fulfill her plans to put Luz and Amity on the throne of the Isles.
- Blunt "No": When Amity hears about Gravesfield's lack of acceptance of LGBT and/or neurodivergent individuals (though it's ironically highly accepting of mutants for some reason), she asks if Luz really wants to live in this place. This trope is Luz's answer, and she follows it up by making it clear that she only comes back because her mom lives there, and most of her stuff is there too.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: While listing some of his duties as the Sorcerer Supreme to Camila, Doctor Strange mentions they include; vanquishing Dark magicians, cataloging arcane lore and keeping the true nature of giraffes a secret just to name a few.
- Breather Episode:
- Chapter 34, after Luz and Amity's musical duel for the souls of the Blights right on the tail of Hunter grabbing the portal key and right before this AU's version of "Keeping up A-fear-ances", is a more laid-back episode, opening with Luz and Amity cuddling in bed, and some conversations going on.
- Chapter 41 has Luz and Amity go on a date, a welcome break from the drama and action of the previous few chapters.
- Similarly, Chapter 48 has Amity giving Luz cooking lessons, another break from the drama after the past several chapters had Luz's trip to the past, Boscha deciding to end her and Amity's friendship, and Amity learning of her parents' divorce at the same time that Luz has to deal with her canon angst from "Reaching Out", and before this AU's version of "Hollow Mind".
- Chapter 56 has Luz and Amity catching each other up on what's happened since they last saw each other, with it being the final breather until after "King's Tide".
- While Chapter 78 has a flare-up of Luz's depression once the adrenaline fades from the chaotic events of the last several chapters, it's still much more low-key, with Luz and Amity getting new medical scans and Luz visiting her father's grave with Stringbean and cleaning it and the neighboring graves up a bit, and what is implied to be Manny's spirit comforting her at the end.
- Chapter 79 is similarly low-key, with Luz mostly spending it talking with Sasha, Anne, and Marcy in the group, along with Amity and Strange briefly dealing with the ghost convenience store owners in Gravity Falls, but ends with a surprise visit from Bill Cipher.
- Chapter 81 focuses on Masha with Vee and the Hexsquad, and while it has some serious moments, mainly Hunter bringing up the full story of Caleb and Belos to Masha, it's more light-hearted, providing a break in-between the prep for Luz and Amity's meeting with Doom and the actual meeting itself.
- Chapter 95 follows up from the Core's Phalanx invasion and another talk between Luz and Bill, and is just a brief bit of fluff about Luz and the Hexsquad having a nice breakfast together.
- Brick Joke:
- When the subject of Luz's Klatchian Coffee first comes up, it's mentioned how she jokingly prays to Loki when making it. Several chapters later, Vee reveals that when she was impersonating Luz at camp and Loki came to visit Masha, he told her that no prayers to him could ever help that "abomination".
- After the Covention duel, which Luz wins fair and square despite Lilith making Amity unknowingly cheat, Eda says that she's going to teach Luz to pick locks. After Luz picks the lock to the cage Jacob put her in and Camila asks where she learned that, Luz pleads the fifth while Eda gets a bit nervous.
- After Luz and Amity beat Grom, Eda offers to teach them about moonshining, which Amity thinks about when trying to unlock Eda's cage. In chapter 16, Luz mentions to Willow that Eda wants to know if she'll help grow a Human Realm plant called agave. In Chapter 44, it's revealed that Eda's been selling moonshine to supplement her income, much to Hunter's ire since he couldn't find the source, and that Willow is in on the operation.
- In Chapter 47 Hunter claims that Luz isn't very good at Oracle magic because her palm reading prediction for him was seemingly impossible. In Chapter 49, after the revelations in this AU's version of "Hollow Mind" come to light, Hunter takes back what he said in an attempt to lighten the mood as they're fleeing the Inner Belos.
- Loki is mentioned as having mistaken Vee for Luz when he met her, and in Chapter 55 Loki says that the main reason he's helping get the portal working so they can stop Belos is because Masha has threatened to tell people he got fooled by a shapeshifter if he doesn't.
- At one point Odalia's attempted manipulations of Lumity fall flat when it becomes clear that she can't remember Luz's name when Amity asks. When trying to capture Amity for Belos in Chapter 54, she puts particular emphasis on Luz's name, apparently trying to drive in the fact that this time she managed to remember.
- When Amity learns that King is a Titan, she immediately tries to remember if she apologized for crushing his cupcake back during the Covention.
- Luz's ex-crushes think that witches float, which they use to justify leaving Amity in the water when they kidnap Luz. Despite Jacob having explained the misconception, Suzy still thinks that witches float when they meet again at the Jean Grey Institute.
- At one point Amity makes a joke about dancing on Odalia's grave. When Luz meets Molly, she makes a similar comment about her and Klara dancing on the grave of the latter's old husband, and Luz seems to see the similarity.
- At one point Anne mentions that her father apparently thought that she was legitimately going to kill the FBI agents opposing her with the toy lightsaber she had. When she shows up at a government bunker in Chapter 92 because the Core, free from the Theraprism, is after Marcy again, some of the agents from that incident are clearly there, and are still terrified of her, calling her "the destroyer" and being even more worried because she has a real sword this time.
- Bring My Brown Pants: When Bill of the Titan Trappers realizes that King is a Titan, Luz pins him to the wall and makes it clear to him that if any of the Titan Trappers so much as hurts King's feelings, she'll eat his brain, with Hooty chiming in that he'll eat what's left. Once Luz lets him down, he goes to change his trousers.
- But for Me, It Was Tuesday:
- When Luz hears that there was an Alien Invasion while she was in the Isles, she barely bats an eye besides asking which alien faction was behind it this time.
- While Stan still fondly remembers his brief marriage to Eda, she doesn't recognize him at first when they reunite during the Gravesfield arc. Which is telling, considering that she does recall stealing his car and driving it off a cliff. She does remember that he lived in Oregon, so part of it may just have been her being distracted by the situation and not expecting to see him.
- When discussing the possibility of the X-Men coming to the Demon Realm to help stop Belos, it's noted that fighting genocidal maniacs is basically Tuesday for them.
- When April shows her symbiote form to the Hexsquad, she's implicitly trying to startle/impress them, but experience with Luz's own form, and all the dangerous creatures of the Isles, means that their reaction is a lot more understated then she expected.
- When the Avengers are dealing with Belos in Luz's body, Iron Man notes that they've deal with so many homicidal megalomaniacs and self-righteous people that claim moral superiority, or enlightenment, or faithfulness while going around hurting or killing people to glorify themselves like Belos that he's started counting how many times they hear certain cliche villain lines. The Scarlet Witch even notes that he's the third witch hunter she's fought that week.
- Call-Back: Luz and Amity bring out their dancing skills they used against Grom in Chapter 11 to flex over Luz's bullies in Chapter 22.
- Call-Forward: In Chapter 26 Amity notes that her mother has a weird hatred of pizza bagels for some reason, an apparent reference to the Collector wanting Odalia to make some in "For the Future".
- Calling the Old Man Out: When Odalia tries to emotionally manipulate Luz into breaking up with her, Amity snaps, shifting into an Abomination and grabbing Odalia by the neck, before chewing her out and threatening to ruin the family reputation if her mother doesn't leave the couple alone.
- Can't Catch Up: After realizing just how much of a Death World the Marvel Earth is, Amity starts getting worried that she and Luz won't be able to protect each other from the dangers in both realms, and essentially invokes this by deciding that, since all she can do to get stronger herself besides gaining her own Palisman soon is just keep practicing her magic, she'll try to find a way to make Luz more powerful instead, deciding to have her symbiote form absorb leftover chips of Palistrom wood and the five Titan Humours in order to allow her to innately use magic.
- Cannibalism Superpower:
- Luz's symbiote powers give her the ability to assume the traits and powers of anything her symbiote happens to absorb, such as her witch's cloak, some meat from King's golem guard Jean-Luc, and even Titan Blood from the portal key after she and Hunter broke it.
- Amity somehow is under the impression that being the Sorcerer Supreme requires hunting down and eating dozens of witches and sorcerers to build up their power. It's later explained that she got her information on Sorcerers from a book on Kulan Gath, who had a Cannibalism Superpower power.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Natch, Mephisto is very blatant about the fact that he is the Devil who tricks people into making unfavorable deals. He even picked the most on-the-nose song for the music battle, something that Luz called him out on.
- Cassandra Truth: When Tiny Nose examined Luz after she first displayed her powers, Luz and Eda thought that her talk of Luz's blood testing positive for "pure evil" was just her usual conspiracy theorist ramblings. It's not until over a dozen chapters later, when Luz is learning about Knull's invasion that occurred while she was in the Isles, and gets told some key factoids on symbiotes, that Luz realizes that Tiny Nose was right.
- Chekhov's Gun:
- The Emperor's Coven sigil that a Coven Scout branded Luz with in Chapter 6 gets some importance when Amity notices it. Especially when Lilith activates the trap in the Sigil to stop Luz from stealing the Healing Hat. Amity subsequently uses the memory of that incident to start a riot in Bonesborough to stop Eda's petrification ceremony.
- During the arc of Amity running away, Eda is mentioned to have looted some textbooks that the high school in Gravesfield threw out and sold them to the library. Later, Amity starts studying them as part of her plan to prove that she's an awesome girlfriend, and it's mentioned again during the narration covering the time skip between the failed petrification and Luz's return to school. This pays off when Amity introduces herself to Camila and explains that she's Luz's girlfriend and that she loves her in Spanish, and reveals to Luz that there were Spanish books in that collection and that she's been trying to learn.
- After visiting Earth, Amity starts making a new instrument for her Bard magic, which comes in handy when she and Luz get into a musical duel with Mephisto.
- During the fight with Odalia, Amity tears her sleeve, revealing that her sigil is fake. Later, Belos seeing that himself due to Odalia's still-damaged sleeves is what apparently inspires him to petrify and shatter her on the spot.
- As they're preparing to rescue Eda from being petrified, Hooty mentions to Luz the Calamity Box in the basement, and how its ultimately not charged and therefore of little help to them, seeming like a simple Mythology Gag to the fact said box appeared in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door" as an easter egg. When Luz actually meets the Calamity Trio later though and learns of their adventures, she recalls the box and shares its existence to the trio, leading them to believe it either ended up in the Demon Realm after their own adventures somehow, that it's a spare Newtopia had made in case something were to happen to the original but ultimately was lost, or is from an alternate version of Amphibia. Regardless, it gives the trio hope that they can use it to visit Amphibia again, and Luz more of a reason to return to the Demon Realm so as to help her new friends.
- At one point Strange mentions obtaining for safekeeping a magical oil lamp that has three charges every thousand years, and if one blows out the flame it uses a charge to permanently restore a power or ability that the user has lost, even if the source of the power flat out doesn't exist anymore. When Belos possesses Luz, Strange brings it to the Calamity Trio, who use it to reclaim their lost Calamity powers in order to help, which also frees Strange from having to contain it, as it wants to be used.
- At one point, when Luz is worrying about her lifespan being extended from her new Titan genetics and how that means that she will likely outlive her loved ones, peaches of immortality are mentioned, and later after Amity becomes a Valkyrie the Golden Apples of Idunn are mentioned. Later, after an adventure that involved making enemies of Svartalfheim, Willow managed to get one of the latter, and wishes that she could have gotten one of the former too.
- At one point it's noted that the heroes got some sweaters from Mabel. It's later revealed that they were made with unicorn hair, which is useful when Bill possesses Luz.
- When summoning Malphas, Luz and Amity set up a protective circle, which Luz reinforces with a drop of her blood, just in case it was a trick. When summoning and making a deal with Bill, Luz does it inside said circle, so when he possesses her Bill is unable to leave.
- Chekhov's Gunman:
- When telling Amity things about the Human Realm, Luz mentions symbiotes and sketches Carnage as an example, which ends up giving Amity nightmares, which in turn provides Grom with fuel when she's fighting it, taking on Carnage's form to allow it to get the upper hand on her when she'd previously been dominating it. After the Hexsquad are left stuck in the Human Realm, Carnage appears himself, hiding out in Gravesfield and beginning another slaughter, announcing his return by killing Jacob Hopkins. He later makes his appearance at the Dance-Off Luz and Amity were participating in, albeit revealing he's now been possessed by Belos.
- Mephisto was once mentioned by Luz in Chapter 9 as some petty demon who tried to force Peter Parker to sell his marriage. In Chapter 23, it is revealed that he was the one behind the imposter Emperor's Coven Scout who branded her with a sigil. This was all part of some nefarious scheme to turn Luz into the Queen in Black.
- In Chapter 20, Luz's group hears how three students from her school ended up presenting as mutants while she was in the Demon Realm. In Chapter 21, it turns out that Luz's ex-crushes are those students.
- Illyana Rasputina/Magik was occasionally mentioned as being Luz's favorite X-person and personal hero. She later shows up in person as part of the team sent to save the Hexsquad and stop Belos's Day of Unity, with Illyana joining the supporting cast soon after.
- When dealing with the portal, Strange mentions Bloodstorm One stealing a copy of the Darkhold, and Elsa Bloodstone dealing with someone who's injected himself with all the major strains of lycanthropy. When the Hexsquad are visiting the Jean Grey Institute, Magik is called away because the former was found staked in a graveyard after having used the book and the blood of different major vampire strains to make a super-vampire serum that is now missing, someone also having made a number of the corpses there into Raimis only to have immediately dismember them and steal their teeth, and the super-werewolf was also murdered and had their teeth and salivary glands go missing. They all turn up again melded into a single bullet used by Bullseye to shoot Luz, it being implied Bullseye was working for Mephisto in trying to accelerate Luz's transformation into a true Queen in Black.
- At one point Malphas says that the culprit in a murder mystery party they ended up in once was "Agatha all along. In Chapter 86, Agatha Harkness contacts Strange as an intermediary to try and set up a meeting with Luz.
- Chekhov's Skill: In Luz's time in the Demon Realm, it's a Running Gag that Eda keeps teaching Luz practical skills like picking locks. In Chapter 92, she cites those skills as how she was able to break into a government bunker to get to Marcy and company without anyone noticing.
- Christianity Is Catholic: Averted, but Luz suspects that the Catholic-like elements in the Crystal Dragon Jesus version of Titan worship under Belos are because he was making some kind of sick joke by making the Demon Realm inhabitants act like Catholics due to the hatred between Catholics and Protestants.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder:
- While Belos and Carnage ostensibly align themselves to go after Luz, Belos clearly thinks of himself as the dominant party and shows no guilt about seemingly abandoning him to his demise when Luz blasts them, and Carnage is only playing along so that Belos will give him the chance to consume Luz's power.
- Mephisto busted Bill and the Core out of the Theraprism for his plans, but the former of the two almost immediately starts working against his plans, including letting Luz know that he'd escaped and making a deal with Doom... who he tricks into helping for information on how to best Reed Richards without ever intending to give it to him.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Luz has this, even saying that if she can help she should help when Eda calls her out on the Anger Born of Worry she's caused the older witch, and makes the half-symbiote promise to let Eda handle things more unless the situation is serious by threatening to call Camila about it.
- "Clichéd Villain" Accusation: Iron Man has heard so many speeches by homicidal megalomaniacs that he's started counting how many times he's heard certain cliche lines, and does so when Belos spouts some when possessing Luz.
- Clone Angst: The Core is reportedly not handling the news that most of the minds that were the basis for it are in Hell very well.
- Cluster F-Bomb: In Chapter 91, Sasha's reaction to learning the Core is alive is a long string of words that the onlooking Amity assumes are profanity.
- Comic-Book Time: Discussed in Chapter 96, when it's revealed that Dipper published a paper on how people closely involved in superpowered and supernatural events seem to age slower than regular people. Apparently, he based it on earlier research by Reed Richards, who had realized he was too physically young to match up with his own memories.
- Comically Missing the Point: When Luz finds out that the cage Jacob put her in is made of carbonadium, she goes "Seriously?", prompting Jacob to complain that he wanted to use adamantium instead but even the mass-produced version is too expensive, which isn't really what Luz meant.
- Complete Immortality: Downplayed. As a result of Belos fatally wounding Amity and burning Luz's lifeforce while possessing her, Luz and Amity are both subjected to emergency transformations to save their lives, Amity being turned into a Valkyrior by Thor and Luz becoming the new Titan thanks to Papa Titan sacrificing himself. Both of them are effectively immortal now, being incapable of aging and will retain their mental faculties. However, they can be killed still even if it would be difficult to do so, as Valkyrior and Titans have been killed before them.
- Compressed Adaptation: The fanfic has been streamlined with several episodes being skipped over and plot developments happening earlier than in canon. The author has expressed annoyance at doing retellings and prefers to focus only on parts of the story that have leeway for change.
- Connected All Along: One of Luz's bullies and former crushes, Scott, turns out to be the nephew of Jacob Hopkins, whom he calls to take Luz off their hands after they knocked her out by accident and kidnapped her in a panic.
- Conspicuous Consumption: Odalia, due to the author interpreting her as the kind of person that needs to lord her wealth over others, does this, primarily with food, taking expensive options that taste awful over cheaper ones that taste better, and not even in the full course meals the tiny portions are meant to be eaten in. This is hinted at during her meeting with Mephisto and she considers the wine sour and bitter but worth the money, as is the secret stash of junk food she eats in private that the twins find after she and Alador divorce.
- Contrived Coincidence:
- All three of the Gravesfield students discovered to be mutants turn out to be Luz's ex-crushes turned bullies.
- Titan Bile, the one humor that Luz had yet to obtain and was considerably hard to find, is what Philip throws at her while confronting him in the past, giving her the fifth and final humor she needed.
- Carnage decided that Gravesfield, of all places, would be a great place for him to lay low.
- Cool Sword: After learning Luz is a fledgling Queen in Black and wanting to help her fight Carnage, Magik telepathically guides Luz in creating a magic sword, a cruciform saber bearing the Light Glyph, a blue heart gem, snake crests resembling Stringbean as the crossguard, and a glowing pink blade. She names it "Toda Mi Amestad", meaning "All My Friends", outright declaring it to be The Power of Friendship and using it to easily kill Carnage.
- Crossover: Aside from being a mix of Marvel Comics and The Owl House, Luz and Amity end up bumping into Stan and Ford while in Gravesfield, with Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica showing up later in the story. The X-Men also make a surprising appearance near the end of the Gravesfield Arc, and Luz ends up meeting and befriending the Calamity Trio following the Day of Unity.
- Crossover Relatives: Tad Strange from Gravity Falls is Doctor Strange's second cousin twice removed in this AU.
- Cruel to Be Kind: Deconstructed regularly, as even if the intent behind their cruelty is to help someone, it doesn't change the fact they were being cruel to them, especially when the person they were being cruel to already has low self-esteem or a history of being bullied.
- In order to get Amity to unlock Abomination Metamorphosis which requires anger to trigger, Darius spends the majority of their training sessions poking at whatever insecurities of hers he can find in the hopes of pissing her off. This just results in what little self-esteem Amity had to be completely destroyed, to the point she ends up crying herself to sleep several nights. He then tries making threats against Luz to get a reaction, and while this manages to get a reaction, the fact he gave Amity no reason not to think he was being serious and had already acted like a cruel jerk to her for so long results in said anger becoming murderous rage, Darius not realizing he crossed the line until it dawns on him that Amity was genuinely trying to kill him. While he does apologize and makes clear all he said was just empty threats or hollow words, the damage was done, and any possible relationship he could have with Amity was severely damaged, Amity wanting nothing further to do with him if she can help it, to the point the only reason she objects to Luz killing him is because she's getting him to supply them with Titan Bone, saying Luz is free to do so once he does so.
- April Parker/Mayhem was asked to help Luz train and better understand her Symbiote side, but her way of doing so was to take a page from someone who trained her, Stick, and put Luz through several one sided beatings at the hands of her clubmates, whom she lied to and claimed Luz was more of a Blood Knight than she actually was, just to build up Luz's stress levels so she could temporarily blind her and help her work on her Symbiote's ESP, all with the idea of getting Luz to actually hate her. Molly, Gabby, and Pei are understandably angry with April for tricking them into beating the crap out of Luz, Amity briefly enters Abomination Metamorphosis and accidentally bites Wolverine, the Hexsquad and Camila want to beat the crap out of her for what she did, and Wolverine makes clear he's gonna be having a long talk with Peter over what April pulled. Luz herself meanwhile just ends up feeling like she had been bullied again, especially since she made clear she wanted to stop after Pei sent her into a wall and April didn't respect her decision saying it was "for her own good", and while she's willing to forgive April this time, she makes clear this is a one time deal and she won't be as forgiving if she pulls a stunt like this again.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus: As in canon, what we see of the worship of the Titan under Belos has Christian trappings, with Luz mentally lampshading how a prayer Lilith leads the group in is basically a Christian prayer with the names changed out, including ending on an "Amen". Luz even wonders if the elements that seemingly resemble Catholicism are because Belos was making a sick joke by having the Demon Realm inhabitants act like Catholics, which puritans like Belos hated.
- Cult:
- Luz explicitly refers to the Emperor's Coven as one when she first hears details about Belos' reign, though she doesn't openly state this, for fear of how people might react to it.
- The Titan Trappers count as one, having been made up by Bill (who’s apparently started Believing His Own Lies in his old age) for power.
- Curb-Stomp Battle:
- Luz inflicts one on Belos after fully unlocking her powers at the petrification ceremony fight, and proceeds to bash him around the room so badly that not only is it wrecked, he actually blacks out for a moment.
- When at the Brawl, Amity is about to forfeit when she senses Luz's angst over not being able to be at her father's grave, but Wrath attacks her first, so she transforms, sending him out of the ring in a single punch.
- Within the span of ten minutes, Gus and Sprite show off their Master of Illusion chops and utterly destroy Mysterio to the point that he's begging Spider-Man to take him away from the two. Sadly it's an Offscreen Moment of Awesome.
- With their Calamity powers allowing them to trump Belos's stolen magic, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy spend ten minutes just dominating him in Luz's body.
- Curb Stomp Cushion: While Luz and Amity easily deal with Darius while breaking the BATTs out of the Conformatorium, the ease at which he breaks free of Amity's trap combined with his attempts at trying to talk with them rather than directly fight highlight he wasn't actually taking the fight seriously, particularly since he was trying to let them know they're on the same side, it's just his previous interactions with Amity made the two of them less than willing to let him get a word in edgewise.
- Cute Monster Girl:
- Amity's Abomination form is noted to have a "cute" look to it by Lilith.
- Masha lampshades how Vee looks incredibly huggable in her true form.
- Once Luz becomes a Titan, she ends up inducing Cuteness Proximity in Amity, who quickly tackles and starts nuzzling her while gushing about how Luz keeps getting more adorable.
- Dance-Off: The Institute does an annual Charity Danceathon every year, and for every dance each couple gets through the school's financial backers make a donation to certain cause, like cancer research this year. Luz and Amity enter in Chapter 73 and win.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Luz may be a hybrid with symbiote DNA made by the Elderspawn of a Dark God such as Knull who plans to plunge the whole universe into darkness, but she's a sweet and pure girl who fully intends on using her powers to be a superhero.
- A Day in the Limelight: After getting Demoted to Extra for some time, Gus finally gets a chapter focusing on him in Chapter 71, where he meets and befirends a fellow Master of Illusion in the form of Sprite of the Eternals, and then proceeds to team up with her to defeat Mysterio.
- Deal with the Devil: Odalia cuts a deal with Mephisto wherein he helps arrange Amity and Luz getting together and flourishing (which Odalia sees as benefiting herself due to visions of the couple conquering the Boiling Isles, and figuring she can control them), in exchange for Mephisto getting all of the Blights' souls other than Amity's (which, to give Odalia credit, was something he tricked her into agreeing to). Subverted, however, as it's revealed later that claiming the Blights' souls was a lie designed to motivate Luz as part of Mephisto and Odalia's Batman Gambit.
- Desperate to find a way to get herself and her friends back to the Isles, Luz summons Bill and makes a deal with him for knowledge on how portal doors work, which gets her possessed.
- Death by Adaptation:
- Canonically, there's no explanation for whatever happened to Principal Faust. Here, he was apparently killed by a dangerous animal after ignoring the Beastkeeping Track professor's warnings about going near its pen.
- After he ignores Luz's warnings not to go after King and she gives into her Symbiote side out of pure anger and protective instinct, Luz eats Bill's brain, Luz letting his death serve as a warning to the Titan Trappers about what will happen if they go after King any further.
- The Titan set up the prisons of the Archivists so that if any of their mirrors were broken they'd die in agony, the power of the slain one's prison then flowing to and strengthening the others, then broke the mirrors of all the Archivists save the Collector, who he hated the most before realizing that they were an innocent Unwitting Pawn.
- Odalia is petrified and then shattered by Belos after she brings Amity to him on the Day of Unity to use as bait for Luz. Mephisto proceeds to subvert this by reviving her, forcing her soul into the pile of rubble that used to be her body before reforming her with hellfire, not willing to let her die until she has completed her end of their agreement.
- Jacob Hopkins turns up dead on Masha's desk at the historical society, the message left in the museum in his blood making clear he was killed by Carnage.
- Bullseye is killed by a Belos-possessed Carnage for nearly spoiling his plans for Luz.
- Carnage was already a zombie when Belos possessed, but Luz defeating him inside her mind allows her own symbiote to completely consume the Carnage symbiote, killing him for good.
- Death World: Amity comes to realize that the Human Realm is this due to being a Marvel world, given all the Physical God level mutants and other superhumans, attempted alien invasions, the planet-eater Galactus, etc., and even guesses that part of why Luz adapted so well to the Demon Realm is that it's actually safer by comparison, even with Belos out to get her.
- Deity of Human Origin: Luz is slowly turning into one thanks to the machinations of Odalia and Mephisto, the two seeking to turn her into a "Queen in Black", a being that is charged with maintaining the multiverse from within it and comparable in power to the Beyonders, and whom Knull was one of before Eddie Brock/Venom killed and usurped him. The two aim to have Luz awaken the full power of her symbiote heritage and consume the magic of The Titan, the "King in Black" of the Demon Realm before their death, while having Amity as her wife, the two ruling over the Demon Realm together. The Titan, however, is implied to be aware of their plans on some level, as they are willingly allowing Luz access to their Glyphs and Humors, are keeping an eye on her and reach out to her when she's kidnapped while still unconscious, and Mephisto notes that Luz could just as easily become more like The Titan than like Knull.
- Delusions of Parental Love: Amity initially thinks that Odalia is just strict, but as the story goes on, after Edric and Emira talk to her about how abusive Odalia's actions (like the necklace that had long-banned spells that were previously used on slaves) really were, and it becomes clear that she's trying to manipulate her and Luz's relationship for her own gain, Amity loses any real love she had for Odalia even before she threatened to stop her heart to use her to get Luz to come to Belos.
- Demonic Possession: Belos manages to possess Carnage somehow, and when Luz seemingly obliterates them he turns out to have survived by burrowing underground and jumps into Luz.
- Bill manages to possess Luz in Chapter 98.
- Demoted to Extra: The author acknowledges that this has happened to Gus, whose storylines keep happening offscreen. Even his defeat of Adrian.
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: When trying to bond with Ghost, Amity admits that after years of her life being totally controlled by Odalia, she's unsure of what she wants or what her future holds, but she wants to make her own choices, which is what does it.
- The Devil Is a Loser:
- Luz describes Mephisto as a complete loser who was ranting about how Spider-Man "was more relatable as a single guy" when he was exorcised.
- When Mephisto tells Odalia about Knull and his motivations, the witch calls him a "warlock", the Demon Realm equivalent of an "edge lord", with Mephisto bringing up the term himself and completely agreeing.
- Didn't Think This Through:
- Odalia plots to put Luz on the throne of the Boiling Isles, with Amity as her 'consort', because she hopes that she, and by extension the Blight family as a whole, will be able to benefit from it. But while her actions technically succeed in pushing them together and get Luz closer to becoming the new "Queen in Black" for the Demon Realm, in the process she repeatedly demonstrates that she doesn't actually care about them beyond this goal, like not being able to remember Luz's name when Amity asks, and continuously alienates them as they grow more powerful and Amity gets out from under her thumb, not considering that if they indeed get as powerful as she hopes, she'd want to be on their good sides. And while her initial alliance with Mephisto could be excused by the lack of information she has on what Earth calls devils, continuing to trust him and work with him after the Deal with the Devil incident gave her some context about him, even after Alador divorces her because he mistook her continued plotting with the infernal being as cheating, cannot. This culminates in her hijacking Amity's body with her Oracle spirit, after Amity had just stopped Luz from lethally attacking her, threatening to stop her heart if Luz doesn't come to the Head and submit herself to Belos. The witch hunter then kills Odalia when he sees that she faked her sigil, which she didn't think to cover up after Amity tore her sleeve and saw it was a fake once she got a good look at it.
- Luz's old crushes challenge her and Amity to a fight at the old Gravesfield graveyard, which is flooded. Masha thinks that they were just spitting out the first location that they could think of. Then, after Clara attacks them with her sonic powers in a rage once Amity realizes that they were jealous of Luz dancing with Amity in the park, they leave Amity in the water, simply assuming that she can float because she's a witch, and think handing over an unconscious Luz over to Scott's uncle Jacob is a good idea despite it technically being kidnapping, and double-down despite how insane Jacob is acting. If Luz hadn't been so forgiving, they could easily have been arrested.
- After getting shot in the chest, Luz uses a healing glyph to stop the bleeding and make it easier for her to fight. This just results in the bullet getting embedded in her chest and making it harder to remove later.
- Luz, desperate to help get travel between Earth and the Boiling Isles up again, makes a deal with Bill and gets possessed.
- Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Bill finds himself Out-Gambitted by Luz when she summons him in the binding circle made for Malphas, as while she gets possessed, Bill cannot leave the circle due to it being made with Titan's Blood, and he can't force his way out with Luz's magic because it's all bound up in her body and her nature as a Queen in Black means that she has near-absolute control of said body. Then, when Luz forces him to fulfill his end of the bargain by ponying up his knowledge of portals before she'll do anything, she points out that contracts made by minors without a legal guardian present are not legally binding, so she doesn't owe him squat.
- Dies Differently in the Adaptation:
- Rather than be extinguished by Belos through an elaborate ritual to trap and erase them, the collective spirits of the Palismen he absorbed are accidentally absorbed by Luz when she tries to protect them, giving her their knowledge and what little power they had left, before passing on properly once Luz returns to the physical plain.
- Instead of being stomped to death by Eda, Raine, and King, Belos is caught by Johnny Blaze as Ghost Rider and damned to Hell.
- Disabled in the Adaptation:
- Neurological variant, Amity has undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder in this fic. She gets a formal diagnosis of the demon realm equivalent between chapters after the story's version of the season 1 finale.
- Downplayed, as its more just making official what was already all but directly said in canon. Luz is officially diagnosed with depression following her session with Professor X, tying into her depressive behavior and at times suicidal ideation she possessed in Season 3 of canon.
- Discard and Draw: After Luz unlocks her full symbiote form, she cannot do the "shadow aura" anymore, with the symbiote form popping out instead, causing her to theorize that the "aura" was basically symbiote goop in aerosolized form. She also can't detonate glyphs anymore, which she theorizes is because it was the magic of the glyphs reacting negatively to said goop.
- Discriminate and Switch: As it turns out, the girl who got suspended on a bunk charge right after asking if she could take her mutant girlfriend from another school to prom, Masha's older sister Sveta, didn't even say anything about said girlfriend Sophie being a mutant until after she was suspended, the vice-principal at the time was just homophobic, and Sophie just let the news make their own conclusions.
- Dont Call Me Paul: Miles doesn't like it when Mayhem calls him "Kid Arachnid".
- Don't Do Anything I Wouldn't Do: The first time Amity sleeps over after she and Luz start dating, Eda gives the new couple a set of ground rules that includes this... And also that they shouldn't do most of the stuff Eda would do, either.
- Don't Tell Mama: Eda is able to get Luz to promise to be more careful after she and Amity break Katya, Amber, and Derwin out of jail, against explicit orders to let Eda and Raine handle it themselves, by threatening to tell Camila about what happened.
- Dramatic Irony:
- Belos thinks that Luz is a witchbreed/mutant, when Luz knows that she tested negative for the mutant gene, and in fact has never even heard of the witchbreed term before, and is baffled by what Belos means when he refers to her as one in this AU's version of "Hollow Mind".
- When she notices that Amity is upset by learning of Gravesfield's witch-hunting past, Luz reassures her that that was a long time ago and they'll never have to deal with witch hunters, still ignorant to the true nature of Emperor Belos at the time.
- Luz mentions off hand that nobody would want her to be in charge of the Boiling Isles and that if she ever is it's proof that something has gone wrong, completely ignorant to the fact that Odalia is trying to engineer such a situation because she believes she can profit off of Amity being her 'consort.'
- After Luz meets Philip and remembers what the Titan told her about the Archivists and Collector, she assumes that since the Titan said that the last Archivist was no threat to anyone, and the incident was centuries ago anyway, it should be fine, not knowing that Belos and Philip are one and the same and that he got the Draining Spell from the Collector until "Hollow Mind".
- While practicing Oracle magic, Luz gives Hunter a palm reading and tells him he'll learn a horrible family secret in the next fortnight, Hunter brushing her off as bad at Oracle magic since his only living family, Belos, is nowhere near him. Hunter doesn't realize though that he's not only a Grimwalker and can still learn so from Belos's mind like he did in "Hollow Mind", but he does have more family in the form of the Clawthorne's, as his being a Grimwalker of Caleb makes him a clone of their many-greats grandfather. When they get sucked into Belos's mind, he recalls this and apologizes in an attempt to lighten the mood.
- When Belos is ranting about Flapjack in this AU's version of "Hollow Mind", he clearly has no idea that Hunter has met him. He's also unaware that Mephisto is only pretending to be the real devil, or that it was The Power of Love that hurt him during his musical duel with Luz and Amity instead of divine intervention (he even thinks that their song was a hymn).
- Odalia discovers that the Day of Unity involves a Draining Spell, but doesn't realize that Belos wants to kill everyone with it, believing it to be about ascending the Coven Heads and some others into a new order of being instead.
- One of the suggestions Professor X gives to Amity for coping with her conflicting feelings over Odalia's death is for her to write a letter to them, since even if she can't get closure from them directly, writing the letter should allow her to vent her frustrations and emotions in a way that gives her some form of closure. What Amity remains unaware of though is that Mephisto brought Odalia Back from the Dead, intent on making sure she fulfills their end of their agreement.
- Dramatically Missing the Point: Luz gives her bullies a "The Reason You Suck" Speech about how pathetic they truly are as people, how they have no real friends or love interests because they choose to look down on everyone else, while Luz no longer cares about their approval whatsoever because she has actual friends and a girlfriend who love and appreciate her for who she is. The only thing that seems to reach the bullies' thick skulls was how Luz is thinking she is better than them.
- The Dreaded: Played for Laughs. Doom at most expresses unease when facing the escort team meant to protect Luz and Amity from him, and even then most of that is directed towards Magneto. Then one of the only people Doom genuinely fears shows up, and the identity of the person in question just leaves Luz bemused when she sees him practically resign himself to defeat: Squirrel Girl, who buries him in a wave of Squirrels easily.
Easily Forgiven:
- Unlike canon, Eda eventually works up the motivation to interrogate Owlbert about the events of "Escape of the Palisman" (which occurred offscreen), but because Owlbert forgave Luz, Eda only made Luz take him out for ice cream in order to earn her trust back.
- Luz decides to give her ex-crushes a second chance because she recognizes their poor choices that day as such and doesn't want their lives ruined as a result. Wolverine decides to go with it, but makes it very clear to the three that they dodged a bullet, tells them firmly that they'll need to take Professor Parker's ethics course (and that there'll be hell to pay if they don't pass), and get counseling.
- April purposefully misled her friends on how much of a Blood Knight Luz was so she could stress Luz out in order to properly unlock her symbiote ESP, but after Luz hears about her Dark and Troubled Past she realizes that it's reasonable that April would have made a poor decision like that and declares that they're good. This ends up being humorously lampshaded when April doubts her sincerity and thinks she's just being pitied, the Hexsquad pointing out how Luz is really just that forgiving and an All-Loving Hero, listing the various ways they all hurt her at one point and how they're still extremely close to her now.
- When Luz finally comes clean about being tricked by Belos, she's not forgiven by her friends... because they don't think that she'd really done anything that needs forgiveness, given that she's far from the only person Belos had tricked over the centuries.
- Egocentrically Religious: As in canon, Belos always assumes that he's the righteous one doing God's will, particularly in his genocide against the people of the Isles, no matter what the evidence against it. Anne points out that he's acting like a false prophet when possessing Luz, and he even resists a Penance Stare of all the pain he's caused innocents through sheer self-righteousness. It's not until he finally ends up in Hell and Mephisto gleefully rubs it in that not only does he definitely belong there, but Caleb made it to Heaven because Belos killed him just a day after he'd repented enough not to be damned for his own actions as a Gravesfield witch hunter, that he even considers that he could have been wrong.
- Eldritch Abomination: Hooty cheerfully declares himself to be this when Luz finally breaks down and asks him what he is after discusing the oddities of his biology with Hunter.
- Emergency Transformation:
- After Amity is fatally wounded by Belos while trying to free Luz from his possession, Thor invokes his rights as a God and transforms Amity into one of the Valkyrior — a Valkyrie.
- Luz is left in a near death state after Belos possessed her and burnt up her lifeforce, her symbiote incapable of both saving her life and absorbing the various magics in the bullet still lodged in her chest. To protect the girl who became his son's older sister and is practically a surrogate daughter to him though, Papa Titan gives up his power and possibly life to revive Luz as the new Titan.
- Emotional Powers: Witch magic is tied to how witches feel about themselves. Eda even speculates that Amity needing a training wand for a fire spell is because her self-doubts have convinced her that she needs one rather than actually needing one.
- Emotion Bomb: Amity's necklace lets Odalia make her feel bad and bring up previous times when she's felt that way in order to let Odalia better control her, and we see this when the heroes try confronting her for the controls for the Abomitons and Odalia forces it back on her.
- The Empath: Amity starts to develop an ability to sense the emotions of others around her. Luz's abilities also let her sense emotions, but notably only negative ones.
- Entertainingly Wrong:
- Luz assumes that Belos is lying about having been to Earth and is just basing his claims off of some human history book that he found, since his talk about slavery and race relations is extremely out of date to the point that he shouldn't have been able to see what he claims to have seen within a witch's lifespan. While Belos is lying about pretty much everything, both to Hunter and the Isles in general, he's actually being relatively truthful in that case, barring his typical Self-Serving Memory, but Luz's conclusion makes more sense than him having used Palismen to extend his life by centuries.
- When Masha reveals to Luz that Philip Wittebane was a famous witch hunter, Luz concludes based on his journal entries that he eventually moved past his prejudices and came to love the Demon Realm. That description would be more apt for his brother Caleb, who fell in love with the witch Evelyn, whereas Philip is still a witch hunter through and through, with his journal entries being nothing but embellishments at best, flat out lies to feed his own ego at worst.
- Boscha saw Willow leave at Amity's birthday party when they were little after a few minutes in Amity's room, then Amity was miserable for the entire party. Not knowing that Odalia forced Amity to break up their friendship, this made Boscha assume that Willow was the one to do something that caused the friendship to fall apart, which is a big part of why she was so enthusiastic about treating Willow badly, and it's not until Chapter 46 that Amity finds out about the misunderstanding and tells Boscha what actually happened.
- Even Evil Has Standards:
- While most of Mephisto's behavior towards Belos is from Evil Is Petty due to Caleb having redeemed himself because Belos didn't kill him fast enough and thus leaving the collection of Gravesfield witch hunters in Hell forever incomplete, it's implied that even he is rather disgusted by the sheer number of sins Belos has committed.
- Subverted, Bill isn't a fan of Star's actions in destroying magic and committing genocide as a result, but that's mainly for making her section of the multiverse more boring instead of any moral failings.
- Everyone Can See It:
- More than one character notices and comments on Amity's crush on Luz.
- Apparently, Anne's parents assumed that she was already dating Sasha and Marcy when she tells them that the three of them became a throuple. Sasha's mother apparently noticed the same.
- Everyone Has Standards:
- Tiny Nose may be a Conspiracy Theorist who think that the world is a triangle, but even she thinks that the Demon Realm equivalent of anti-vaxxers are crazy.
- Eda may be a self-admitted scoundrel, but she won't let a kid Amity's age live on the streets/in the woods, and gives her genuine advice about what she should do.
- Lilith and Steve are dedicated members of the Emperor's Coven and enforce Belos' harsh rule, but are furious when a coven scout ends up branding Luz with a sigil against her will.
- Vee and the other Basilisks left the Greater Basilisk behind when they escaped because they didn't like her constant talk about getting revenge on the witches, Vee even outright calling her crazy when she hears that she somehow escaped on her own.
- Although Clara, Scott, and Suzy are jerks, they don’t seem very comfortable with Jacob putting Luz in a cage.
- Hooty ships Lumity to an extreme degree but is quick to point out that they're just kids and should be allowed to be kids and figure out their relationship on their own when King cracks a joke about the two getting married.
- It's pretty telling that Spider-Man, despite saying that he doesn't believe that heroes should kill if they can help it, considers Bill an Asshole Victim and says that Luz shouldn't feel too bad about her her symbiote side eating him in hangry mode.
- Magik invokes this regarding Taskmaster when explaining how they learned he had a hand in the theft of various supernatural organs. Magik states that Taskmaster is first and foremost a mercenary, an amoral one at that, but he's not evil, so the moment Magik and her team explain to him how someone was using those organs to create some kind of deadly super plague, he immediately starts telling them what he knows, not wanting any part in The End of the World as We Know It.
- Evil Is Not a Toy:
- Belos possessed Carnage in order recover and to get to Luz, but Cletus was playing up how much control Belos really had over their shared form so he could attack Luz's mind while Belos possessed her body and steal her power for himself.
- Mephisto released Bill and the Core from the Theraprism as part of a plot, but Bill immediately goes and tells Luz about the breakout so there's a chance that their plans will fail.
- Evil Is Petty:
- After Luz manages to give Belos a good thrashing with her fully awakened symbiote powers and escape without needing to give up the portal door, Belos decides to put greater scrutiny on her by claiming that it's a blessing from the Titan. He even lampshades it, wondering if it's too petty, but decides to indulge his own vices after ignoring Luz's supposed "vice" in her relationship with Amity and do it anyway.
- When he possesses Luz, he tries to break Stringbean apparently just to hurt her, and then stabs Amity while stating that he wished that Luz was aware of what he was doing with her body. Meanwhile, Carnage stalks and torments her in her mental realm for kicks.
- Mephisto wanted the full set of Gravesfield witch hunters in Hell, and it's implied that part of why he personally rubs it into Belos's face that his own sins have damned him is the fact that if he had been one day earlier in his murder of his brother Caleb wouldn't have redeemed himself enough to make it to Purgatory, and eventually make it to Heaven, making Mephisto's collection forever incomplete.
- As per usual with Doctor Doom, he will do anything, no matter how petty, if it means he can upstage Reed Richards. April recounts how he once crashed a celebrity poker game being hosted by Reed and Peter Parker for charity and doubled the pot as his entry fee... just so he could say he beat Reed at a hand of Texas Hold'em. When Luz and Amity answer his summons to the Latverian Embassy, the staff member gives them a tour with numerous paintings, some of which make Reed look particularly stupid. He even agreed to help Bill foil Mephisto's plans in exchange for information on how to one-up Reed once and for all... which Bill didn't give.
- The Core intends to purge the axolotls after regaining control of Amphibia, for no other reason than anger at the Axolotl following its time in the Theraprism.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good:
- Clara and her friends may not be evil so much as rather petty jerks. But they seem to have a hard time understanding that Amity genuinely loves Luz for who she is, quirks and all, even expressing the opinion that their relationship is the result of some deal between Luz and the witches at one point.
- Jacob seems to think that Ford will be eager to see him dissect obviously sapient beings simply because they're "demons".
- The Titan explicitly tells Luz that Belos couldn't understand love, especially romantic love, if it was spelled out to him in giant flaming letters.
- Odalia, who buys the party line on the Day of Unity being for ascending the Coven Heads and select others into higher beings instead of it being a Final Solution plot, can't understand why Amity would oppose witches potentially dying from the Draining Spell for that, since she doesn't, even saying that it's not like anyone that matters will die. Especially since her fake sigil means that she doesn't have to worry herself.
- Doom assumes that Luz's desire to learn magic was driven from a thirst for power instead of her wanting to be like her idol Azura, not to mention loved and appreciated, though part of it is clearly due to him projecting his own circumstances onto her.
- It later turns out that Doom's actions were partially a ploy as part of an agreement with Bill to foil Mephisto's plans, but Bill himself assumes that Luz will become Empress of the Isles once the Collector is stopped, despite saying that she doesn't want power. When he offers it to her directly, she immediately turns him down, mentally noting that even if he wasn't a walking red flag she wouldn't or need any more power right then.
- Evil Mentor: After she becomes an Elder Goddess, Doom tracks Luz down in the hopes of making her his apparentice, and makes it clear that he is not taking "no" for an answer.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Amity has hers sooner than canon, in stages. She changes the style to its looser form after her runaway arc, loses the green dye when she morphs into an Abomination to confront her mother when the latter tries to manipulate Luz into ending their relationship, and afterwards replaces it with lavender to further separate herself from Odalia, with Eda making her special dye so she won't have to worry about it getting forced out when in Abomination form again.
- Expy: Subverted. While Luz's ex-crush/former bully Scott has a lot of similarities to the canonical and still existing X-Man Scott Summers/Cyclops, down to even having Laser Eyes as his mutation, Rater has gone on record as stating that Scott's resemblance to Cyclops is entirely unintentional and coincidental.
- Extra Parent Conception: Mephisto explicitly states that Luz essentially has four genetic parents, those being Manny, Camila, and their respective former symbiotes, which is why she's a Half-Human Hybrid despite both Manny and Camila being otherwise regular humans.
- Extreme Omnivore: Basilisks can stomach just about anything, even Earth foods witches (and possibly other demons) can't handle, because anything can have magic in it on the Isles and sometimes it's more efficient for the Basilisk to just chew it up and swallow it than try to suck the magic out. Vee outright calls her kind "nature's garbage disposals".
- Family of Choice: While officially only being girlfriends, Luz and Amity have both been fully accepted into each others families due to it being readily apparent how much the two love each other and knowing they'll be together. Alador makes clear that Luz will have always have a home with the Blights after all she's done for Amity, and Camila calls Amity family and Luz's soulmate while telling her to stay when video calling Luz so she can see Manny's grave.
- Fantastic Racism: The Titan Trappers hatred of the Titans is highlighted by Bill's reaction to King before and after learning he's a Titan. Before learning such and being under the impression King was just a juvenile Trapper being reunited with his people, Bill gladly accepted King as one of their own, and didn't hesitate to agree to Luz and Hunter's request for the Trappers to aid in fighting Belos, stating that any enemy of King's is an enemy to all Titan Trappers. After learning though, any affection he had for King is lost, his mind immediately shifting to focusing on using King as a sacrifice to free "The Grand Huntsman" and seeing him as just another "wretched Titan", Luz having to put the fear of God into him before he got any bright ideas. He doesn't listen, and Luz makes good on her promise.
- Fate Worse than Death: The Titan admits to Luz that, in his rage and having falsely blamed the Collector for the genocide of his people, his imprisoning the Collector and having his mirror buried was meant to be this. Whereas with the other Archivists he had their mirrors broken and killed them, he wanted the Collector to suffer just like he did, intending on leaving them trapped in the In-Between for the rest of eternity with their only window into the outside world, the mirror itself, buried deep within the Titan's own skull, subjecting them to eternal isolation. It's only after realizing that the Collector was an innocent victim of the Archivists too that the Titan laments doing so, especially once Philip unearthed the mirror and tricked the Collector with promises of freedom that would never come, hence his desire for Luz to find the mirror and correct his sin.
- Fix Fic: The author is making a point of excising Early-Installment Weirdness, incorporating later retcons right away, and overall dealing with perceived problems with canon.
- Camilla is shown to be a much more attentive and caring parent like later in the series, as opposed to how out of touch she seemed in the pilot.
- Eda is fairly familiar with human culture from her repeated trips to Earth, which the author notes makes more sense than her having no real understanding of things. Also, the Running Gag of her not knowing what hugs are is removed due to not making sense, since Demon Realm inhabitants are shown hugging plenty of times.
- Tiny Nose is established as being a friend of Hooty's from her first appearance, rather than that being thrown in as a random gag later on.
- Katya indirectly references being Raine's apprentice in her first appearance, instead of randomly brought back as part of the BATTs later on.
- Hunter's Adaptational Early Appearance is justified by the fact that as Belos' right hand, he really should have shown up a lot sooner than he did in canon.
- The story expands on Lilith and Amity's mentor-apprentice relationship, something that seemed to be the case in "Covention" but was never touched upon after that episode, with even Dana Terrace saying the two of them were never close.
- Masha learning about Vee's true identity and general presence in the Gravesfield arc is explicitly an indulgence on the part of the author, due to disliking the fact that Cabin 7 never learns the full story in canon.
- Similarly, Masha gets a lot more focus than in canon, and they and Vee eventually start dating.
- Luz's mental problems are made more apparent early on and addressed such as her guilt complex, fears of rejection, and desire to be understood.
- Camilla learns about Luz's time in the Demon Realm under better circumstances, so she supports Luz wanting to be there, thereby cutting out the angst that Luz suffered from the halfway mark of Season 2 until "For the Future".
- Instead of sneaking into the Forbidden Stacks to get Phillip's journal, Amity just asks Malphas for it.
- While stuck on Earth, Luz and the Hexsquad get some therapy.
- Flat "What":
- Vee's reaction to first hearing about Luz's taxidermy project from the pilot.
- And Amity's reaction when Masha points out that humans can breed with anything.
- The Fog of Ages: When visiting the Jean Grey Institute, Luz finds that her Titan physiology makes her effectively immortal, and worries that she won't only outlive Amity, but forget her as well. The Titan assures her that Titans have good memories, so save major head trauma she'll be fine.
- For the Evulz: Mephisto claims, when Odalia asks what he gets out of their arrangement to make Luz a Queen in Black and put her on the throne of the Isles with Amity, that he's simply taken an interest in her and wants to sate his curiosity, such as whether she'll take after Knull, the Titan, or something else entirely, though he likely has other hopes for the plot.
- Foreshadowing:
- While thinking back to herself the events of "Once Upon a Swap", Luz makes what initially seems like a random aside about her wrist itching and having bandages over it, with the narration continuing on recounting other episodes that were skipped over due to following The Stations of the Canon, making it seem like things happened nigh-identical to canon there too. Later, when making a splint for Amity's leg, Luz uses the bandages to bind it, causing Amity to see Luz's wrist and learn why it itches: Luz was branded with an Emperor's Coven sigil during the events of "Once Upon a Swap" here, a Coven Scout or rather someone in service of Mephisto pretending to be one branding Luz during the brawl in Bonesborough Market. Since Coven sigils aren't supposed to be used on humans though, it's constantly itching for Luz, and the bandages were applied to stop her from scratching it.
- Eda mentions to Alador that the necklace Odalia forced Amity to wear is not only illegal because the kinds of spells imbued into it were previously used on slaves in the savage ages, but because it's made with a mix of Oracle and Illusion magic. While at first it only seems to show how far Odalia is willing to go to further her Abusive Parents behavior by breaking some of the biggest laws on the Isles, it's later revealed that Odalia's Oracle sigil is fake and that she's also skilled at Illusion magic.
- Although Odalia is under the false assumption that the Draining Spell has an actual purpose (ascending the Coven Heads and a few others into a new tier of being) instead of it just being for killing everyone with a sigil by draining their magic with no goal, she seems oddly unconcerned at the possibility that she will be one of the witches who die to fuel the process (thinking that it'll only affect the weaker witches), even considering her visions and plans for Luz and Amity. This is later revealed to be because her sigil is just a tattoo, meaning it wouldn't affect her regardless.
- The Reveal in Chapter 74 that Belos is actually possessing Carnage gets a fare bit of build up. In addition to their speaking a lot more eloquently compared to how they normally would talk, Luz has to stop herself from letting her depression replace Belos in her mind with Carnage and her sigil is mentioned annoying her with how itchy it is, they noticeably favor bladed appendages and controlled attacks while fighting compared to Carnage's more chaotic and animalistic behavior, and they demonstrate immense vitriol towards Amity compared to everyone else despite Carnage having no reason to despise her, not to mention having a similar expression of sheer hatred towards Hunter and Flapjack that baffles Luz.
- In Chapter 77, Mephisto declares he's going to use Belos' soul as a Trojan Horse for a jailbreak. While not fully explained yet, dialogue in Chapter 80 suggests that this was in reference to breaking Bill Cipher and a being implied to be the Core out of the Theraprism.
- Fusion Fic: The story fuses Luz's Earth with the one from the Marvel Universe. The crossover elements of the fic are more subdued initially, largely restricted to Luz having symbiote powers and worldbuilding for Earth connecting it to Marvel as a result of the main setting being the Demon Realm. They become more pronounced around the fics equivalent of Season 2B when Luz briefly returns to the Human Realm, seeing an increase in Marvel characters like the X-Men or the Avengers appearing and having significant roles, as well as the presence of characters from works that are canonically in a Shared Universe with The Owl House like Gravity Falls, culminating in the attempt to stop the Day of Unity on Earth's side consisting of several Avengers and allied heroes, all of whom join the fight against Belos. The equivalent of Season 3 exaggerates this due to the Human Realm being the main setting now, as characters from Kim Possible, Amphibia, and other Marvel characters all start coming out of the woodwork and getting involved in the story.
- Fuzz Therapy: After the Hexsquad's therapy sessions with Charles Xavier, they all come out cuddling their Palismen. Stringbean starts Luz's session in teddy-mode on Luz's lap.
- Gambit Pileup: Besides the conflict between Luz and company and Belos's forces from canon, Odalia is plotting to set Luz up on the throne as Queen in Black so she can benefit from it, helped along by Mephisto for his own mysterious agenda.
- Once Belos finally dies Mephisto gets the Core and Bill involved by breaking them out of the Theraprism, but Bill immediately starts working against Mephisto.
- Ghost Story: Much like in canon, the Tale of The Brothers Wittebane is told as such as part of Gravesfield's Halloween Festival. Unlike canon, Masha is assisted by the Hexsquad who reveal the true story, including just how much of a monster Philip truly was.
- Give Me a Sign: After Luz accidentally absorbs the Titan Blood from the portal key, Amity notes the speed in which she found the glyphs and suspects that she was aided by the Titan, developing a worry that the Titan will take the glyphs away if she keeps absorbing Titan humours. To assay her worries, Luz comes up with the idea of praying to the Titan and asking for permission via a sign, which she gets when she waves her hand and magical sparks appear as if she was trying to draw a spell circle. The Titan, when talking to Luz later when she's delirious with the common mold, reveals that it was actually a complete coincidence on the timing, but gives her his blessing anyway.
- Godhood Seeker: As in canon, Carnage seeks to become a god, and tries to steal Luz's power to help in his apotheosis.
- Godzilla Threshold:
- Two cases happen in Chapter 60:
- The Avengers get so desperate to reach the Demon Realm on the Day of Unity, they summon Bill Cipher from the Theraprism to ask for his help opening the portal. Ultimately subverted though, as Belos opens the portal himself, so the heroes just banish him.
- With the combined might of the Hexsquad and the Avengers failing to do more than keep Belos at bay, King is forced to release the Collector, who turns Belos into a puddle of goop and stops the Day of Unity, but proceeds to play "Owl House" with King using the Boiling Isles as his toybox like in canon.
- With Belos possessing Carnage and now both taking over Luz and the concern the Avengers won't be enough to save their new friend, the Calamity Trio meet with Doctor Strange so he can give them access to a lamp that will permanently restore their Calamity powers.
- Two cases happen in Chapter 60:
- Gondor Calls for Aid: Upon learning about what the Day of Unity really entails, Luz has her mother get word to the Avengers and other heroes to ask for their help. While many of them are stuck dealing with other crises at the time, a few — Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Loki, Beast, Magik, and Brainstorm, with Magneto popping in to help as well — assemble to help however they can.
- Gone Horribly Right: The Abomination transformation requires anger to get working, so Darius constantly insults and belittles Amity during their training together, and then finally hits the breaking point he was looking for by threatening Luz. Unfortunately for him, his attitude makes Amity thinks that he's serious, so she tries to legitimately kill him to protect her girlfriend, and even after he reveals the truth, the damage has been done, and only the promise of Darius getting her some of the Titan Bone she needs for Luz gets Amity to back down, which is also the only thing keeping Amity from letting Luz go after him for what he did to Amity.
- Good Hurts Evil: As in Marvel canon, Mephisto can be hurt and forced away by things like love, goodness, and purity, with Luz and Amity planning on taking advantage of that during their musical duel by playing a love song.
- Grand Theft Me:
- In order to force Luz to follow her to the Titan's Skull, Odalia has her Oracle Spirit possess Amity and uses her as a hostage.
- Belos, in the body of Carnage already, possesses Luz after she tries killing him the minute she realizes "Carnage" was actually him, immediately attempting to break Stringbean upon doing so but failing thanks to the power noodle managing to get away.
- Greater-Scope Villain: Knull is this to the story, being the primordial Elder God and progenitor of the Klyntar or symbiote race. Some of his Elderspawn made it to Earth who took over plenty of people, including Luz's parents who would go on to pass some of the residual symbiote DNA to her which is then awakened by her arrival in the Boiling Isles. He has been killed recently, but the aftermath of his actions still carry on in which Mephisto is taking full advantage of to turn Luz into another Dark God like her predecessor.
- Green-Eyed Monster: During the graveyard confrontation, Amity realizes that the reason Clara, Scott, and Suzy confronted Luz at the concert while she was dancing with Amity wasn't because Luz was being disruptive, since they weren't doing anything that the others there weren't, but because the three have no real friends or romantic interests and they were jealous that Luz, who they look down on, was happy with friends, and thus "beating" them at something.
- Half-Human Hybrid:
- Luz has symbiote essence that was passed down from her parent's time as hosts and awakened by the background magic of the Isles, but she lacks an actual secondary symbiote consciousness, even after awakening her full symbiote form, making her more of a human/symbiote hybrid than a human host of a symbiote. Author notes even compare her directly to April Parker, and when Mephisto is explaining the nature of her powers, he explicitly describes it as her having four parents (Camilla, Manny, and their symbiotes). Later, she adds Titan to the mix when her absorption of Titan Humours allows her symbiote side to reconstruct the Titan's DNA and integrate it into her physiology.
- Discussed in Chapter 25. When Amity expresses doubt in the theory that witches are a Human Subspecies that resulted from interbreeding with biped demons due to it being implausible that creatures with different evolutionary histories would be compatible (as she's having a minor existential crisis and is trying to poke holes in the idea that she could be a witch and a mutant), Masha interrupts with the tidbit that humans can breed with anything sapient and carbon-based, albeit with the caveat that sometimes outside help is needed to make it work mechanically. Supposedly it has something to do with the experiments of the Celestials. Amity has to force herself to think about how crazy that sounds and not on how she and Luz could have a child together when they grow up if they really wanted to.
- Happiness in Minimum Wage: Apparently after quitting the Emperor's Coven, Steve got a new job working as a janitor at Hexside, which he says gives him the same pay but more time off and other benefits.
- Haute Cuisine Is Weird: When discussing their mother Odalia's Conspicuous Consumption of food, and the hypocrisy of her having a safe full of junk food that they find after the divorce in Chapter 48, the twins note that she's obsessive about eating fancy and expensive meals that come in small portions, and not even having the full courses or the versions of the stuff that actually tastes good.
- Healing Magic Is the Hardest: Said word-for-word by Doom when Luz threatens to fix his scars just to mess up his face again, with the magic of the Isles being better-suited to healing purposes than Earth spells. For instance, Strange's spell to fix his hands reportedly required that he cut his old ones off first.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Suzy's mutant power may only be to control the clothes she's wearing, but it's Omega level. Making them float through the air and strong enough to hold her weight is just the first thing that she figured out.
- The Hecate Sisters: At the climax of her trip on the Witch's Road, Luz meets three Alternate Self versions of her themed this way, the one from canon in "Watching and Dreaming" just after defeating Belos as the Maiden, an adult Luz from a timeline that diverged from "our" Luz's relatively recently and who is pregnant with her and Amity's first child as the Mother, and the Crone is a Luz whose Day of Unity had multiple friends die, including the Collector from Belos tossing their mirror, forcing her to tap into dark powers to stop the Draining Spell, ruling over the Isles as the Queen in Black.
- Heroic RRoD: Luz suffered incredible pain and fell unconscious after absorbing Titan Blood from the portal key which proved too strong for her to safely handle all at once. According to Eda, it had something to do with the Emperor's Coven sigil Luz still has probably not being meant to be used on humans, or that there is a limit to how much magic power a Coven sigil can seal. They believe that they can overpower it with more Titan Humours, but she'll still probably get weaker during those occasions, even if it's not as extreme.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Discussed by Hunter and Luz during their trip to Titan Trapper Island, with Hunter offering to let Luz kill him and absorb the Palistrom, galdorstone and other magical components of his grimwalker body in order to burn out her sigil and free her from the Draining Spell if they fail to stop Belos from triggering it. Luz has precisely none of it.
- Hidden Depths: Luz Noceda is surprisingly well-read for a girl her age. She paraphrases Sappho of Lesbos who is an ancient Greek poet whose works were studied for its content of love between females.
- Hope Spot: Chapter 73 for the most part seems likes it's a nice break for Luz and Amity after all the therapy and personal issues they've been going through, a nice Dance-Off that they win while revealing to the public that they're witches, the two having an amazing night together and Luz finally starting to cheer up... then Dazzler's congratulatory speech is cut off by what Amity can only describe as "a loud crack from the distance", as everyone else panics while Luz stumbles back clutching her now bleeding chest, Amity going into shock as Luz goes wall-eyed. Luz has been shot.
- Human Subspecies: Eda subscribes to the theory that Witches like herself are descended from humans that ended up in the Demon Realm thousands of years ago that managed to learn to stomach the food and adapt to it over the generations, with occasional interbreeding with the more human-like biped demons being responsible for throwback traits like Boscha's Third Eye, citing how there are too many similarities between humans and Witches for them to be completely unrelated. Luz compares them to Atlanteans or Inhumans. Interestingly, the Emperor's Coven hates this idea, which means that it would get Eda's vote even if it didn't make sense. More evidence comes up later with the existence of "abnormal talents", which Luz theorizes to be the Witch equivalent of mutant powers, which is later confirmed. Amity finds it hard to deal with the fact that she is a Mutant, even though she lives in an entirely different dimension. Eda confirms that she is not a Mutant since Cerebro would have detected her otherwise many years ago when Amity tries to rationalize that her magic is just causing a false positive. Proper testing reveals that Witches are genetically close enough to modern humans to count as Homo sapiens.
- Hypocrite:
- Luz's bullies exclude Luz for being weird and not fitting in with anyone else. This is even after they find out they are actually mutants which, only several years ago, were a marginalized group that was heavily discriminated for being different from everyone else. They also act like Luz is being disruptive at the rock show in the park when they are the ones making a scene, since Luz and Amity are just dancing like several other couples there.
- Odalia constantly hounded her family whenever they wanted to eat "poor people food", saying it was beneath them. When Edric and Emira are cleaning out her office following Alador's decision to divorce her, they find a hidden compartment filled with nothing but "poor people food", a lot of it being the very same stuff she'd yell at her family for eating. Amity outright calls her a hypocrite upon finding out. Rater202 elaborates in an author's note that it's another aspect of her need to flaunt her status, that she will deliberately partake in things that are "fancy" or "wealthy" even if it tastes awful just to show everyone how rich she is, whereas behind closed doors she'll enjoy the very things she derides the "poor people" for enjoying since it genuinely tastes better.
- As revealed in this AU's version of "Hollow Mind", Philip used the diary of the human witch who got her powers from Bill Cipher to call him up in the hopes that he could help build a portal to Earth, despite Gravesfield witch hunters having executed her for doing exactly what he's doing. Luz outright refers to him as a hypocrite immediately after she learns that he's Belos, even implying that all witch hunters are hypocrites.
- Marcy points out to Belos that for all his hatred of the people of the Isles, by the definition of "witch" the puritans used, "a human who made deals with malevolent beings and sacrificed the innocent, especially children and small animals, for power used to harm others, often becoming something inhuman in the process of meddling with unnatural powers beyond mortal understanding," he's the only witch there. Anne also notes that that for someone that claims to be a faithful Christian, while she's not one, she's still pretty sure that he's going against the Bible's decrees on no false prophets.
- Hypocritical Humor: Luz tells Hooty that shipping real people is cringe, but she and Amity still take to using the ship name "Lumity" to refer to themselves.
- I Am a Monster: Luz falls into this briefly upon eating Bill.
- I Ate WHAT?!: Subverted in chapter 70. Luz is given a cookie with bugs baked in it by Anne during Magik's group therapy session but is only told after she takes a bite, but doesn't care because she's happily eaten worse in the Demon Realm.
- I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me: When Amity gives Luz the note asking her to Grom, Luz is surprised that someone "pretty, smart, classy, sophisticated, and cool" like Amity would like someone like her, given that her previous crushes had rejected her, viewing her as creepy or cheesy. She's so surprised that Amity (or anyone) would like like her by the time she processes it all and realizes that she does like Amity back and would like to go to Grom with her, Amity's already been announced as Grom Queen and run off. On Amity's end, Grom manifests her insecurities as Luz claiming that no one would ever love her and she admits a chapter later that she didn't think a "kind, loving, friendly person" would like her back even as she wrote the note.
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...:
- Shortly after they reconcile, Willow point blank asks Amity about her crush on Luz, and when Amity confirms Willow first acknowledges that they'd be cute together but then threatens to "throw hands" if Amity hurts the human girl, which Amity agrees is fair.
- Boscha evidently gives Luz a speech like this after she and Amity get together at Grom, saying that she'll feed Luz her own squeedlyspooch if she hurts Amity.
- Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance: Belos is centuries out of touch with what things are like on Earth, and it really shows when he's talking to Hunter about slavery, with the mad witch hunter drastically underestimating how far racial equality has come and assuming that Luz is still a second-class citizen at best in her homeland, just for starters. Luz goes so far as assuming, when she hears from Hunter what he said, that Belos is lying about having been to Earth and simply is taking what he learned from a history book and passing it off as his own experiences, since there hasn't been slavery like he described for longer than a normal witch's lifespan.
- The Immune: Luz is able to fight off the Phalanx transmode virus infection without any help, and each time it gets easier. She's not sure if it's because of her symbiote side, her Titan side, or both, but she's not looking a gift horse in the mouth regardless.
- Impersonating an Officer: As it turns out, the "scout" that branded Luz with the Emperor's Coven sigil was an imposter that abducted and replaced a real scout, who was later busted out of prison. He was doing so on behalf of Mephisto, who wanted Luz branded as part of his larger plan.
- Implied Infernal Destination:
- In Chapter 33, after his musical duel with Luz and Amity, Mephisto tells Belos that he'll see him very soon, clearly implying that Belos will die and finally go to Hell soon enough.
- In chapter 54 Mephisto replies to Odalia confirmin her willingness to let people die to further her own goals by saying he imagines their business relationship will be a long one
- I'm Standing Right Here: When Loki is saying that the only reason he's helping with the portal is that Masha has threatened to let everyone know that Vee fooled them into thinking they were talking to Luz when they met at the camp, saying "I respect their cunning, but I also hate them for it," Masha notes that they know that they saw them walk up.
- Incest Subtext: Discussed by
Word of God as why Lilith won't be Amity's Parental Substitute in this story, since that would make her and Luz adoptive cousins.
- Incompatible Orientation: Luz tried to ask out Clara before the events of the story, but besides not liking Luz personally, Clara is straight.
- Inhumanable Alien Rights: The "Genetic Diversity Preservation Act" guarantees that Human Subspecies like the Mutants, Inhuman, etc., other superhumans, and any sapient aliens on Earth have full legal rights.
- I Need You Stronger: As part of their plans for Luz and Amity, Odalia and Mephisto keep manipulating the latter so she'll be afraid that she can't protect Luz in order to help convince Luz to take measures to increase her power. Later, Mephisto makes mention of plans specifically to strength Luz's symbiote side.
- I Never Told You My Name: When the heroes are summoning Bill's spirit in a desperate attempt to get the portal open before the Day of Unity, Masha is unnerved to find Bill saying their name when no one present had said it since before the summoning.
- Informed Attribute: Lapshaded In-Universe regarding the Core's claims of being a collection of Amphibia's "greatest minds" after it collects all its resources together in a smaller replica of Amphibia's moon, which just makes it a bigger target, Marcy referring to it as a "classic blunder". Sasha even calls it the "Ultimate Boomer", saying that it probably made up the "greatest minds" thing to soothe its ego after it lost a game of bog jump or something.
- Innocently Insensitive:
- Before Masha informs Luz that they're non-binary, Luz uses she/her pronouns for the other teen a few times. Luckily, they take it in stride, admitting that they still present pretty feminine.
- Masha does this a couple of times after meeting Amity and Luz, assuming that the former being a witch is a learned skill like their own magic rather than her species, and jokingly commenting on the latter's cheesy choices in romantic music. To their credit, they immediately apologize when they realize that Amity is taking offense and that Luz is being reminded of past experiences with bullying.
- Luz and Masha also do this unintentionally to Amity as they talk about the numerous supervillains and alien races in the Marvel Universe like it is no big deal. They do not realize that Amity, having nothing in her realm remotely comparable to what they deal with on a day-to-day basis, is absolutely horrified of what she is hearing and that she won't be able to protect Luz and herself from all the threats in Luz's world.
- When Camila hears about what Odalia tried to do with the marriage contract, she reflexively calls the other woman a "bruja", which is a Spanish term for witch sometimes used as an insult, and apologizes when Amity comments in confusion at her word choice.
- During the events of this AU's take on "Hunting Palismen" Hunter repeats what Belos had told him about the human realm and slavery, and that Luz was likely a second-class citizen or a "savage", not realizing just how insensitive that is until Luz tells him, upon which he immediately apologizes.
- April's club goes harder on Luz than they would have normally because April lied to them that Luz was more of a Blood Knight than she is in order to up her stress levels and get her to unlock her symbiote ESP. They're rather mad at April for making them come across as bullies once the truth comes out.
- In Spite of a Nail: The events of several episodes occur more or less unaltered off-screen due to lack of major changes.
- Despite Ed and Emira's successful prank causing her to run away, Amity still goes to the Knee, just with Luz and Eda instead of them, and she still works on her fire spell.
- Luz and Amity still face Grom together even if the details are a bit different.
- Jacob Hopkins still holds one of Camila's children prisoner threatening dissection with Camila beating him up for it.
- Since Eda still lost her magic and a lot of her business even though she kept the portal, the events of "Separate Tides" still happened with only minor changes.
- Luz still makes a video for Camila despite still having access to the portal door.
- Despite still having the portal door, Luz still ends up being trapped in the Demon Realm away from her mother after the Golden Guard steals the key from her.
- Even though Luz is on bed rest at the time, Gwen is still able to carry out her plot to "cure" Eda, since Edric and Emira think that helping her is the only way to get Luz the information she wants about the last human to come to the Demon Realm.
- Eda and King's arcs in "Knock Knock Knocking on Hooty's Door" apparently happened more or less as they did in canon while Luz and Amity were on their date.
- Luz and Hunter still end up in Belos's mind and learn his true identity and nature.
- Belos still gets the portal door once he fixes the key.
- Despite Hunter not hiding out at Hexside due to fleeing there in a panic after learning he's a Grimwalker, the Hexoleos still manage to fight off and defeat Adrian Graye and the Illusion Coven, namely thanks to Hunter having the foresight to warn the Emerald Entrails about what the Coven sigils are meant for once he calmed down.
- Belos still gets splattered by the Collector, and Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, and Gus all still get stranded on Earth, with Luz getting blasted through the portal by King.
- Intercontinuity Crossover: Building off the fact that The Owl House is canonically in a Shared Universe with Gravity Falls and Amphibia, a lot of nods are made to their events as well as several characters appearing.
- Stan and Ford Pines appear during the Gravesfield Arc acting as paranormal investigators, Stan reuniting with Eda and the two becoming Amicable Exes. From Stan it's also noted that Mabel is attending Julliard, while Dipper and Pacifica have gotten married. Luz also mentions how Mabel managed to abolish the electoral college during the events of "The Last Mabelcorn", and Doctor Strange regularly assists the town of Gravity Falls, Mayor Tyler even giving Doctor Strange his endorsement. One of the "witches" executed in Gravesfield during the witch trials was also a follower of Bill Cipher's, her dying words being a Caesar Cipher that, when Masha managed to decrypt it, served as a dying prayer to Bill that pledged her soul to him, and Philip used her diary to contact Bill while he was in the Isles in an attempt to gain knowledge on making a portal, Doctor Strange later using it to briefly summon Bill from the Theraprism so as to locate the Demon Realm, banishing him back there when Belos ends up opening a portal himself. Dipper and Mabel later come to Gravesfield to help Stan and Ford with rebuilding the portal, Luz forming a Commonality Connection with Mabel over their similar personalities and shared grief in nearly causing the apocalypse, the two also revealing they've seen Blendin Blandin again since Weirdmageddon and have become genuine friends with him.
- Anne is mentioned to have been visited by Doctor Strange at some point following the invasion of the Newtopian Army, his observations of her reassuring her that she still has her original soul despite her new body, and making sure to frequently check in on her due to her revival by the Guardian of the Calamity Stones making her a potential cosmic level variable. Hooty briefly mentions the Calamity Box being one of the many things in the basement of the Owl House but noting it's lack of charge as well, and Ford mentions having been stuck in Amphibia for about a month during his 30 year long trip through the multiverse. The other prospective candidate for Magik's Trapped in Another World support group is Marcy, Doctor Strange learning its her causing him to pass along the information for the group to Anne and Sasha.
- After Hooty owl pellets her in Chapter 41, Luz mentions that she saw the Axolotl.
- Internal Reveal:
- In Chapter 32, everyone learns about Odalia's working arrangement with Mephisto.
- In Chapter 44, Luz learns how the "scout" who gave her a sigil was an imposter, and she tells everyone about her conversation with the Titan.
- In Chapter 46, Amity finally finds out that Boscha has a crush on her.
- In Chapter 49, besides the canonical reveals that Philip is Belos and that he has the Collector and is planning on killing everyone in the Isles via the Draining Spell the latter taught him, Luz and Hunter learn that Eda is descended from Caleb, and that Amity is the one witch Belos is willing to consider sparing.
- In Chapter 56, Luz tells Amity that King is a Titan.
- Downplayed with Chapter 69, as while Hunter doesn't reveal the specifics like how he's a Grimwalker of Caleb Wittebane, he does admit to everyone that he's a clone of sorts after April and Gabby reveal that they're clones and that they firmly believe Clones Are People, Too, deciding to join them at their meeting in Clones Anonymous.
- Chapter 81 has Hunter tell Masha the full story of Caleb and Belos.
- In-Universe Catharsis: Bump lampshades this with Grom, saying that a lot of former Grom Kings and Queens have felt this way after facing their fears in their fights with it.
- Irony: Despite Gravesfield's early history of witch hunting, and lack of resources and tolerance for issues like Luz's ADHD, and occasional homophobia, they're largely pro-mutant.
- Is This Thing Still On?: For some reason, the camera remains on when the Belos-possessed Carnage attacks the Dance-Off right after Luz is shot and then Belos possesses Luz, which the Calamity Trio lampshade.
- It's All About Me:
- Odalia Blight only cares about herself and how she can stand to benefit from things, any "love" for her family being her lying through her teeth and thinking of them as only extensions of herself, abusing them if they get out line. She knows that the Draining Spell will kill some of the people with sigils, if not that it's part of a Final Solution plot, but since she doesn't have a real sigil, she doesn't care, even saying that it's not like anyone that "matters" will die, and seems baffled that Amity would care at all. When Amity all but disowns her on the Day of Unity, Odalia's response is to put the necklace back on her and blast her with an Emotion Bomb, nearly ranting into Amity's head how she belongs to her, only stopping due to Luz hitting her Rage Breaking Point and nearly doing to Odalia what she did to Bill had Amity not intervened, and even then Odalia's only response is to force her Oracle Spirit into Amity and use her as a hostage to ensure Luz follows her to the Titan's Skull.
- Belos has an innate desire to see himself as the hero of his own story, perpetually deluding himself and rationalizing anything that goes against his view of being the "brave witch hunter" doing God's work and cleansing the world of "sinners" and "demons", and that it will all be worth it when he returns to the Human Realm where he will be lauded as a hero. This is put on full display when facing the Hexsquad and the Avengers as he goes into a Motive Rant, going on about how he sacrificed everything to cause the Day of Unity, how he's being attacked by monsters that are getting in the way of four hundred years of his work, and how he will have to "save" the Human Realm from itself once he's done with the Boiling Isles.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: It's implied in the text, and confirmed by
Word of God, that Boscha has an unrequited crush on Amity. Upon realizing that Amity has a crush on Luz, she's upset, but supports Amity due to wanting her to be happy.
Tropes J — Z
- Jerkass Has a Point: When manipulating Luz to try and break up with Amity, Odalia points out how, since the human girl is Eda's apprentice, Amity might suffer as a result of her association with Luz since she's connected to the Owl Lady by proxy, which isn't unreasonable given what Belos is like.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Emphasis on the jerk, as their jerkish behaviors end up obfuscating their more noble intentions and leads to people disliking them.
- Darius Deamonne may be leading a rebellion to stop Belos, has great care for Hunter, and ultimately wants to protect the Boiling Isles, but years of pain, lost friendships, and working from inside a corrupt system has left him rather callous and an Unscrupulous Hero, and a frequent practitioner of being Cruel to Be Kind. His training with Amity perfectly encapsulates this, as while training her to control Abomination Metamorphosis requires getting her angry, he does so by belittling her at every turn for several days hoping for a reaction from her, which only results in her crying herself to sleep after he's practically destroyed her self-esteem. Once he finally gets a reaction by threatening Luz, it takes him a minute to realize that he actually crossed the line with Amity by doing so, especially after admitting it was just a bluff and that he'd never go through with it since he knows the pain of losing a loved one. As a result, Amity now wants nothing to do with him, only agreeing to associate with him in any capacity in the future if he can get her some Titan Bone. Raine lampshades this after recounting how he let them and Eda go and hearing about what he put Amity through, stating that while Darius is a jerk, he has his principles.
- April Parker/Mayhem may be more stable compared to her usual futures, but its clear she has baggage still from being a clone and the more brutal ways she was trained, fully willing to consider herself the "evil twin" and others hating her if she can help people. This becomes heavily apparent when she tricks Luz into what she says is an invitation to join her club for training in the Danger Room, but had tricked her clubmates into thinking Luz was a Blood Knight who wouldn't mind a beating, resulting in them beating the shit out of Luz so her negative emotions would flare up and she could train Luz on how to use her Symbiote's ESP, and she won't take Luz wanting to stop for an answer, blinding her briefly and making clear she fully intended on Luz hating her if it meant training her properly. All this does though is gain her the enmity of the Hexsquad and Camila, the anger of her clubmates for using them to beat up Luz and possibly damaging any future friendship they could have had with Luz, the frustration of Wolverine who plans to have a talk with Peter over her behavior, and being on thin ice with Luz over her stunt even if she's willing to forgive April for now.
- Karmic Death:
- The Titan dragged the Archivists into the In-Between, sealed them away, and then broke the mirrors for all of them save the Collector, with the power of the other seals flowing to the Collector's as their siblings died in agony due to their mirrors being broken. Given their sadistic tendencies in hunting down creatures that had no ability to resist, and their genocide of the Titans, they deserved every moment of the agony and helplessness they typically inflicted on their victims.
- Odalia was willing to sell everyone else out for her own benefit, as well as having horribly abused her family, Amity in particular, and treated her more as a bargaining chip for her own benefit than her daughter, to the point of threatening her life to force her and Luz into becoming Belos's heirs. It's only fitting then that, once she delivers Amity to Belos and he sees for himself that she faked having a Coven sigil, that he decides she is no longer of use to him, petrifying her before turning the now statue into dust.
- The Core, after being reduced to its Darcy headset form once its main body is destroyed, is killed by Marcy, its main victim and former unwilling host.
- Know When to Fold 'Em: When Luz and Amity show up to break the BATTs out of the Conformitorium, they bump into Warden Wrath, whom Luz gently threatens into walking away. Not wanting another Curb-Stomp Battle at her hands, he complies (even as he acknowledges that he'll probably lose his job at this rate).
- Klatchian Coffee:
- Luz mentions using coffee to help manage her ADHD, having an official diagnosis in this fic. She describes it as "black as night, with lots of sugar." A later chapter clarifies that it's dark and vicious, is still very bitter despite having enough sugar that the crystals don't fully dissolve, and Eda claims that you could stain a coffin with it and that King tried some and spent ten minutes on the floor twitching. Luz jokingly prays to Loki while brewing it, with Loki himself stating nothing he can do could ever fix that abomination Luz calls coffee, telling her to just put Mountain Dew in the coffee maker at that point. Amity tries two cups worth to keep warm at the Knee and she's jittery, says she can't feel her legs, and notes that Luz's eyes are pretty and is starting to ask her out before Luz tells her that she's had enough.
- Lilith's coffee is apparently just as bad as Luz's, having first made the stuff when she first joined the Emperor's Coven, and managing to be just as powerful if only slightly better tasting. Luz starts using it when she can't find a demon realm soda with a caffeine level and flavor profile to that of Mountain Dew.
- Luz tries the "Blam Berry Blitz" drink when Anne mentions it, and despite being an energy drink and not coffee it otherwise fits this trope, having more caffeine than the coffee Luz normally drinks, causing her to switch between moments of intense productivity and feeling hyper-focused on random thoughts with her heart racing and feeling warm. It certainly doesn't help that she drank the entire bottle at once, which counts as five servings, but Camila has her drink some water and take some activated charcoal pills for poisoning, with the others noting that with her having the highest caffeine tolerance out of all of them except maybe Hunter and being part Titan, that high a dose would probably have killed any of the others.
- Klingons Love Shakespeare: Amity develops a liking of human rock and roll after the concert in Gravesfield with Luz.
- Language Equals Thought: The residents of the Boiling Isles don't have specific words for sexual orientations because, as a Non-Heteronormative Society, differing orientations are too normal to make a fuss about.
- Laser-Guided Karma:
- Edric and Emira posted pages of Amity's private diary across the school as a prank. This leads to Amity running away from home for days, Edric and Emira getting chased and beaten up by Warden Wrath and his Guards before being tossed into the Conformitorium (due to his son Braxas being fond of Amity), and then they are unable to find anyone willing to be their date for Grom because they're viewed as jerks.
- When summoned by the heroes to get information on how to open the portal from the Earth side, Bill spends most of the time he's on Earth mocking and insulting the heroes, before trying to force them to give him a new body in exchange for the information. But his need to insult them costs him so much time that before they can make a deal, Belos opens the portal himself, so Strange banishes Bill back to the Theraprism
- Bill makes a deal with Doom to help with the former's plans in exchange for giving the Latverian king knowledge on how to best Reed Richards once and for all, but reneges on his side because they never shook on it. Later, when Bill makes a deal with Luz, she traps him when he possesses her and forces him to give him the knowledge of how to get the portal door working again, only to deny helping him get his body back because as a minor any contract she makes without a parent or legal guardian present isn't legally binding.
- Last Disrespects: In Chapter 57 Amity says that dancing on Odalia's grave is the most that she wants to do with her after Belos is stopped. Luz then offers to dance with her, even saying that she can teach Amity the Merengue (a type of Dominican Republic dance).
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
- When Amity compares herself to Hecate, Luz starts to draw positive comparisons between her girlfriend and the character, but gets sidetracked into how Azura's relationship with Hecate is one of the most well-written and healthy romances in fiction, which is an opinion the author has expressed in a number of places in regards to Lumity.
- Eda and Lilith's offscreen grudgby game is stated to last "the length of an average children's cartoon episode, give or take a few commercial breaks".
- A good portion of Luz and Anne's talk in Chapter 86 is spent on them discussing and deconstructing the various tropes found in adventure-fantasy style works and relating them to their own experiences, such as The Hero's Journey not really accounting for things that can't be changed by some grand adventure and how easy it can be to screw the journey up, or how more often than not a lot of stories like theirs inherently carry traumatizing elements that would reasonably screw up the protagonist's mental health only for most works to just handwave such details. Fitting since the two of them are the leads of series that are known for both deconstructing and reconstructing the very tropes they discussed.
- During the Core-led Phalanx invasion, when all the heroes from around the world are organizing a defense, it's noted that an attempt to follow on Japan's offer to help has revealed that no one's seen the Big Hero 6 since 2014. As noted by
Word of God, this is a nod towards how the team got quietly retired from the comics when the movie came out in order to avoid brand confusion.
- Lighter and Softer: Comparatively to the original show. While there are some rather dark elements that come with being a crossover with the Marvel Universe, much of it is disconnected to Luz's time in the Boiling Isles. Positive character developments happen earlier than in canon, such as Luz and Amity becoming friends and eventually girlfriends, Luz reuniting with her Mom and finally getting acceptance from her, Luz having the strength to overcome her personal problems that drove her away from the Human Realm into the Demon Realm due to the support of her loved ones, and so on.
- Like a Son to Me: When facing the petrifaction ceremony, Eda admits that Luz is like the daughter she never had.
- Literally Shattered Lives: After Belos petrifies Odalia because her bringing Amity to him, with Luz on the way, means that he doesn't need her anymore, along with apparently noticing that her sigil is fake, he immediately blasts her with his staff and reduces her to dust.
- Locked Out of the Loop: It's a bit of a minor Running Gag that Luz and her friends are terrible at keeping each other in the loop.
- It's lampshaded by Luz when Willow and Lilith react in surprise when they hear how they found the fire glyph when stranded on the Knee.
- Luz doesn't initially tell anyone that the Titan spoke to her. While that's explainable due to how she believed it to be a fever dream from the common mold, even after Strange confirms what the Titan said about magic was accurate, she doesn't mention it until Hunter gets riled up at the idea of Luz absorbing the Titan humors to burn out her sigil.
- Until he meets Carnage, Belos is under the mistaken impression that Luz is a "witchbreed", AKA a mutant.
- In Chapter 92, Anne realizes that she's also terrible at keeping people in the loop when she realizes that she forgot to tell X that the Calamity Trio got their powers back.
- Logical Latecomer: Amity, as someone from another dimension, is the only one that recognizes just how horrifying and bizarre the Marvel Universe truly is while Luz and Masha are already used to it (Vee is still unfamiliar with some things, but she's already lived through Knull's invasion).
- Logical Weakness: Grom can only take on the forms of something its target fears, so part of the reason why students face it is because their fears tend to be less potent, according to Bump the "Not Wearing Pants" Dream fear has turned up a lot, and they realized this when it encountered a star grudgby player and the best it could do was a version of her that was bad at grudgby.
- Loophole Abuse: Both Luz and Mephisto exploit this when making their deal regarding the souls of the Blight family sans Amity. Per the stipulations of the deal, were Luz to lose the duel, she would give her soul to Mephisto in place of the souls of the Blight's, but as that would still mean the deal Odalia signed was in effect, it would cause a Catch-22 Dilemma since the deal stated Mephisto would aid "Amity and her human", as while it didn't specify Luz specifically Luz is the only human Amity would have that fits the stipulation, meaning he could only claim her soul if he broke the original deal, by which point he wouldn't have any legal reason to claim her soul. Conversely, the stipulation of the deal states that, were Mephisto to lose the duel, he would have to return to "the bad place" upon loss, Mephisto relying on the fact it was so vaguely worded since it meant he could go to any "bad place" should he lose and didn't have to stay there, hence his simply going to Las Vegas upon his loss and coming back like it was nothing.
- Luz reneges on her side of the deal with her and Bill because as a minor, any contracts involving her aren't legal without a parent or guardian present.
- Love Epiphany: Luz guesses that she likes Amity when she realizes how much she enjoys spending time with her. She knows she likes Amity when her thoughts turn to how calling the Avengers hotline to get Doctor Strange's help with Grom would necessitate exposing that she lied about going to summer camp but that she's still willing to do that for Amity's sake.
- Loved by All: Luz is someone with the power to bring out both the best in people and get even those once cruel to her to become her cherished companions. Her willingness to accept and forgive is unmatched, and has allowed her to befriend numerous people including literal gods. Professor X lampshades this when everyone comes together to free Luz from Belos and Carnage's possession, noting how large the group is as everyone calls out to Luz and reassures her that she is better than those monsters.
- Loving a Shadow: During the confrontation with Luz's ex-crushes at the graveyard, Luz admits in hindsight that she doesn't know why she liked any of them, and upon further reflection comes to the realization that she asked them out because they were normal, and part of her was hoping that if she could get them to like her other people would too.
- Mama Bear:
- Eda quickly takes Amity under her wing during her time as a runaway, and later makes it clear to Alador that if Odalia drives her away again, Eda's outright keeping her. She also threatened to run Principal Bump through a woodchipper if Luz was named Grom Queen.
- Camila beats the snot out of Jacob Hopkins with La Chancla for kidnapping Luz and also tasering her while keeping her prisoner.
- When the heroes come through the portal on the Day of Unity, Camila is the first one through, punching Belos hard in the face.
- Manipulative Editing: Dipper notes that the version of Journal 3 Luz got had most of the information on Bill removed or altered.
- Made of Magic: In addition to the canonical example of palismen, Hunter makes this observation regarding grimwalkers.
- Master of Your Domain: When infected by the Phalanx transmode virus, Luz is able to force it out near effortlessly. According to Bill, absolute control of their own flesh and blood is a signature ability of Kings and Queens in Black and a sign of her ascension; nothing can usurp Luz's control over her body unless she lets it now.
- Mayfly–December Romance: Luz worries about outliving and possibly forgetting her friends and other loved ones after learning about her Titanic lifespan, but Amity is near the top of the list. Luckily, Thor turning Amity into a Valkyrie solves this issue.
- Meaningful Name:
- Invoked regarding the future Odalia's Oracle spirit foretells as likely to happen, as the second stanza of the fortune reads "Where famished friend shall meet the unyielding light". The name "Amity" is derived from the latin amicus, meaning "friend"; the word "Blight" refers to a deadly disease that causes famines; the name "Luz" in Spanish means "light"; the name "Noceda" in Spanish means "never give up" or "unyielding". So the stanza is quite literally referring the meaningful names of Amity and Luz and referring to when the two meet. "Where famished friend (Amity Blight) shall meet the unyielding light (Luz Noceda)".
- Future Luz (the Mother from The Hecate Sisters) mentions that hers and Amity's child is called Sabrina, as a Shout-Out to Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996). The author says they dislike the
Fandom-Specific Plot of Luz and Amity naming their child Azura because Luz's narrative is about choosing her own destiny, while part of Amity's is about asserting her own identity and deciding what kind of person she wants to be and it doesn't seem right that they'd name their kid something with that much baggage in that light.
- Missed Him by That Much: When Ford ended up in the Isles, he went looking for Eda since he heard that she had a portal back to Earth, but he couldn't find her. Apparently, she was with Stan in Vegas at the time.
- Mistaken for Cheating: When Alador is explaining to Amity why he's filing for divorce with Odalia, he says he overheard Odalia has already been seeing another "business partner" before he even made the decision, making him believe she's been carrying an affair in addition to the abuse she's put the family through. She's actually referring to her business with Mephisto, which has no indication of being anything sexual.
- Moment Killer:
- When Hunter is giving a big speech to set up Luz and Amity's duel, Luz ends up interrupting to exclaim in shock when he mentions Eda and Lilith being related. This throws Hunter off, causing him to forget what he was going to say and decide to just start the duel.
- Clara and her cronies arrive in Chapter 21 to ruin a perfectly tender moment between Luz and Amity for them to make fun of her. It seems they were put off about how a weirdo like her was having a good time while they weren't.
- Monster Organ Trafficking: The Titan's body has five Humours, each with useful magical properties for the people of the Isles, and which are technically renewable (though some have been overharvested and are rarer, like Titan's Blood), which combined with the lack of said Humors on other Titan remains, which are less intact than the Isles, and the Heart reportedly still beating, leads some to believe that the Titan is still alive. Besides the aforementioned magical energy powerhouse of Titan's Blood there's Titan Earth, a highly effective fertilizer, Titan Bone (or more precisely marrow), a powerful magic source second to only Titan's Blood and useful when creating something meant to be extremely durable, Titan Bile, similar to Witch magic bile but far more potent and used in high-level spells when filtered, and Titan Breath, used as both a power source and as a reagent for spells meant to "breathe life" into inanimate objects.
- Monster Progenitor: Discussed in Chapter 85, when Malphas admits to being old enough to have been around when the first witches evolved on the Boiling Isles, and having had an affair with an early one, so there's a fifty-fifty chance that all modern witches are descended from him.
- Mood Whiplash: Chapter 73 is initially more of a light-hearted chapter, with Luz and Amity competing in a dance competition to raise money for cancer research, but at the end of the chapter when they take the stage after winning, someone shoots Luz in the chest.
- Mr. Exposition:
- Mephisto, when talking to his co-conspirator Odalia, explains several things to them, like Luz's heritage, Knull, and how magic is classified.
- Later, the Titan contacts Luz and explains to her about Knull, the categories of magic, the history of the Titans, and the origins of the Archivists.
- Doctor Strange later repeats this explanation of magic for Camila, Masha, Vee, and Amity, and gives a history lesson on Kulan Gath.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg: While praying to every pantheon he can while trying to save Luz's life, Doctor Strange makes very eloquent prayers to the deities he's praying to... except Eternity, who he just yells out owes him one.
- My Skull Runneth Over: When Luz accidentally absorbs the Palisman monster in "Hollow Mind", they gift her all the knowledge of magic they have, which hurts her head.
- Mythology Gag:
- Amity's initially comparing Clara to herself is one to the fact that, early in the shows production, Clara's design was meant to be Amity, before being repurposed as a Recurring Extra that would become Clara.
- When Bill Cipher is summoned, he makes reference to numerous events in Marvel comics that happened in canon but not here, in particular trying to get a rise out of Peter by referencing One More Day, remarking to himself when Peter doesn't react that it must not have happened in this timeline. This of course being a reference to how Bill canonically can see "a kaleidoscope of temporal probability with fluctuating range", i.e. see multiple timelines and realities all at once.
- Naked People Are Funny: Eda describes a magic-strengthening ritual that she's pretty sure that the author of the book she found made up, because supposedly only female witches can do it, and while she doesn't explicitly say as such, and Luz doesn't get it, it's pretty clear that the "ritual" is supposed to be done nude.
- Named In The Adaptation: The blonde cheerleader at Gravesfield is given the name "Clara" here.
- Nazi Hunter: Camila notes that according to rumor, Magneto still does this for a living long after his Heel–Face Turn.
- Never My Fault: As noted for the author's notes in this AU's version of "Hollow Mind", in keeping with the logic behind the witch hunts in the first place, Belos can never admit that he was wrong. He even fights off a Penance Stare showing him his many sins, and only begins to realize how much he screwed up when he actually ends up in Hell and Mephisto rubs it in that Caleb made it to Heaven because Belos killed him a day after he repented enough to get to Purgatory.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Rivals!: During a fight to keep the Golden Guard from taking away the portal key, Luz ends up accidentally cracking it and causing Titan Blood to seep out which she ends up absorbing with painful consequences.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!:
- When the Golden Guard's absence was noted, Belos said that he was on an undercover mission, apparently assuming that he'd come crawling back or die without his artificial magic staff, and when he found out that Hunter was with the heroes he couldn't admit the truth. This lets Hunter just bluff his way into Blight Industries to see Alador about the master remote they need.
- The Coven sigil that was plaguing Luz for so long only gets burnt out after Belos possesses her, his using the sigil while burning her lifeforce burning it out.
- Nightmare Fetishist: In addition to canon examples, Masha is a literal case: They openly admit that they do, in fact, find Vee's true form to be more attractive than her human form, that they are attracted to monsters in general, and that they are "totally into this stuff."
- No Biochemical Barriers: In addition to the canon aversion regarding witch vs human diets, it's mentioned that Luz probably can't receive a blood transfusion from a witch and that spells and potions meant to treat bloodloss were invented because of rejection issues between witches and some types of biped demon.
- No Endor Holocaust: It's noted that there were only a couple hundred casualties from Knull's invasion.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: When Camila finds Jacob and learns that he tazed Luz, she takes out her chancla and starts beating him to a pulp with it.
- Non-Heteronormative Society: As in canon, the Isles, to the point that they don't even have words for different orientations.
- No Social Skills: Played with regarding Darius, as while he gives the impression of being sociable and put together, he's actually rather emotionally dense in regards to where the metaphorical line is and whether or not he's crossed it, particularly when dealing with teenagers. While he does care about the Boiling Isles and the people he interacts with, years of being forced to work from within the corrupt Coven System while being hurt by those he cared about have left him jaded and bitter, making it a lot easier for people to think he's being genuinely cruel compared to his actual habit of being Cruel to Be Kind or a tsundere, a Running Gag being everyone in the vicinity holding him at metaphorical sword point as if he were a threat when he first reveals to them his true colors.
- The Nose Knows: Wolverine still has his impressive sense of smell, as demonstrated when Amity refutes being a mutant by pointing out she's not human, and Wolverine smells her and says she smells human, unintentionally validating the idea that witches are a Human Subspecies.
- Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Belos is certainly a powerful being in comparison to the residents of the Demon Realm, having spent over 400 years studying Glyphs and consuming countless Palismen to stay alive. He's just another dime a dozen genocidal tyrant to the rest of the Marvel universe however, to the point that the Avengers sending a team of secondary members is seen as suitable, and Belos giving them a problem is more attributed to his Healing Factor making any damage they deal him negligible, and his being too consumed by rage to notice the pain. Once he escapes to the Human Realm like in canon, he sees for himself how outmatched he is compared to the rest of the multiverse, and subverts this by taking the body of Cletus Cassidy/Carnage, before then setting his sights on [[spoiler:taking Luz's body, and the power of the Titan with it.
- Not Afraid of You Anymore: In her confrontation with her bullies, Luz no longer shows any desire of seeking approval from jerks like Clara or anyone else who mistreats her as a misfit. Especially now that she has real friends who support her, a girlfriend who loves her for her, and a mother who understands her.
- Not So Above It All: Rather than his usual bombastic and egotistical demeanor, Doom is left increasingly exasperated the longer he interacts with Luz and Amity, particularly once they start ignoring him in favor of discussing anything else, sounding more awkward and frustrated that he's being ignored. He is likewise completely baffled and left sputtering over seeing Kamala Khan as both a Mutant and an Inhuman at the same time, getting distracted ranting about the biological impossibilities.
- "Not So Different" Remark: Part of why Amity gets so riled up about Clara's mean behavior towards Luz, even discounting her dislike of how they've been mean to her girlfriend, is that the girl reminds her of what she was like before she met Luz and started her Character Development, like particular parallels in how Clara treats Luz to what Amity was like with Willow. Her realization that the trio doesn't have any real friends or romantic interests also derives from her own experiences.
- Not So Similar: Doom tries to identify with Luz by noting the similarities between their backgrounds and seeing in her a desire for power, tempting her with the offer of being a true mentor to her. Luz however rebukes him, pointing out he only looked at the surface level details and mischaracterized her: she doesn't want power, she wanted people who'd accept her, which she now has, so she declines his offer. Doom wasn't giving her a choice though.
- "Not Wearing Pants" Dream: When Bump is explaining to Luz that a big part of why students fight Grom is that their fears tend to be a lot simpler and easier to deal with, specifically citing the fear of this trope as a particularly common one.
- Oblivious to Love: As in canon, about the only person close to them that hadn't noticed the crush Amity had on Luz by Grom was Luz herself.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome:
- During Knull's invasion of Earth, President Fiddleford McGucket fought off the attack on DC using a mecha made out of the White House, with the city only suffering minor damage as a result.
- Sadly, Gus defeating Adrian, and Hexside defending against the Illusion Coven members trying to force them to get sigils, doesn't get shown at all, just the aftermath.
- Gus and Sprite's defeat of Mysterio is also sadly offscreen, but within ten minutes they reduce the villain to a sobbing wreck, outright begging Spider-Man to get him away from them.
- While Luz is journeying on the Witch's Road, Clea imprisons her uncle Dormammu in the Theraprism once more.
- Oh, Crap!: In Chapter 91, Anne and Sasha react this way when they realize that the Core is alive and coming after Marcy again.
- Omniglot: After Luz becomes part-Titan, she's possibly gained the All-Speak, as she's able to understand Groot's questions.
- One-Steve Limit: Subverted. All of the Golden Guards were named "Hunter" by Belos as a form of sick joke, Belos himself explaining to The Collector how it's only fitting he call the clones of a witch hunter "Hunter". This causes some confusion when Darius tells Luz he became a rebel the moment Belos killed "Hunter" in cold blood, Luz briefly panicking at the idea Belos killed the Hunter she knew, until he clarified he was talking about Hunter's immediate predecessor and his close friend/mentor. He also mentions it was seeing a toddler with the same name and alleged Strong Family Resemblance turn up so soon after his mentors death that clued him in to something going on.
- Lampshaded by Mayhem regarding Miles, who she calls "Kid Arachnid" instead of "Spider-Man", finding it weird to call him the latter.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
- Luz, who never swears, refers to Wakanda as "bastards" for not sharing the cure for cancer (implicitly because of her father's death from it). Amity even notes that it sounds wrong for her to say something like that.
- Invoked by Amity, who specifically calls her empathic ability a mutant power despite her issues coming to terms with the fact that the accepted theory of her race's origins is a lie in order to drive in how serious she's being regarding what she's sensing from Luz in Chapter 47.
- It says a lot that Luz immediately uses Stringbean to blast the Belos-Carnage with a massive magical attack when he reveals himself, and shows no guilt over doing so, even saying that he had it coming when April lampshades how oddly calm she is for someone who apparently just killed a man. To drive it in further, she shows more hesitation when facing off against Carnage in her mind, if mainly due to the mental torment he was inflicting on her, while she blasts the essence of Belos that was inside of her as soon as it comes out.
- One Curse Limit: A variant, the bullet Bullseye shot Luz with contained hyper-distilled versions of numerous curses and other corruptive/infectious forms of dark magic, like vampirism, lycanthropy, etc., but they're all "getting in each's other's way", as the Titan puts it, and the only reason that her symbiote side doesn't just eat them up is because it's also trying to heal the damage from Belos's Possession Burnout, but can't handle both at once.
- Only the Chosen May Wield: As is tradition in Marvel Comics, Mjolnir can only be wielded by someone deemed worthy of possessing the power of Thor, and will otherwise be an immensely heavy chunk of metal. Thor gets a gut feeling about Amity after she threatens him should he not let her go back to help Luz against who they believe is Carnage attacking her, Thor saying he'll let her go if she can lift Mjolnir. She easily does so, proving his feeling right: Amity is worthy of the power of Thor, and gains her own set of armor that she uses to rejoin the fight.
- Our Demons Are Different: While their realm may be called the "Demon Realm", none of the demons there actually qualify as demons by the standards of the Marvel universe. According to Mephisto, they would more accurately qualify as "Elderspawn", due to being the offspring of the Elder God that was The Titan. This becomes important when Doctor Strange is trying to locate the reality Luz is in, since he notes that "Demon Realms" are a dime a dozen in the multiverse, but analyzing Vee and learning she's more accurately an Elderspawn makes his job a lot easier.
- Our Fairies Are Different: Boiling Isles fairies are explicitly non-sapient, and like in canon are both beasts that like to eat skin and a food item.
- Our Vampires Are Different: In contrast to Earth vampires, Demon Realm vampires are witches with a genetic condition that gives them canine fangs larger than the norm for witches, and a predisposition to hemophilia that can be managed with monthly medication. Katya is one such vampire.
- Our Witches Are Different: There's a lot of focus on the terminology that the Demon Realm uses for magic users and how they define "witch" versus how Earth defines what a witch or warlock is.
- Out-Gambitted: In Chapter 98, Bill takes advantage of Luz's depression to talk her into a deal wherein he'll give her everything she needs to know about making a portal to the Demon Realm in exchange for her helping him get his body back, which he takes as permission to possess her until he can get back to his original body in Gravity Falls... only for Chapter 99 to reveal that Luz, able to see his double-cross coming, took the precaution of surrounding her body with a binding circle that Bill can't break without access to her powers, which she is using her total self-control to keep him from using until he holds up his end of the deal. Bill reluctantly tells her what she needs to know — at which point Luz cites how deals with minors aren't binding as an excuse to cheat him.
- Out of Focus: Due to a lot of the events that happened nigh-identical to canon being glossed over, a couple characters end up having their focus in the fic reduced as a result, most notable with King and Gus, and to a lesser extent Eda and Willow. Gus in particular is acknowledged by Rater202, lamenting how Gus was accidentally Demoted to Extra due to most of his plotlines being skipped over due to nothing changing about them. Even his defeat of Adrian gets skipped over.
- Paper Tiger: For all of Clara and her cronies' bluster upon finding out they are mutants (an Omega level one in Suzy's case), it did not take much for them to immediately back down when faced with heavy resistance.
- Parental Neglect: Edric and Emira note that while Amity endured Odalia's abuse, they suffered this instead, with Odalia ignoring them because she had no use for them.
- Parental Substitute: As per canon, Eda is a second mother to Luz, even calling her the daughter she never had and with Luz returning the emotion. Similarly, Owlbert becomes a father figure to Stringbean, who calls him "Papa Owlbert".
- Pet the Dog:
- The Golden Guard sincerely congratulates Luz and Amity on their relationship when Luz told him they are dating. He also feels some pity for Luz when she fell unconscious after absorbing too much power from Titan Blood from the portal key, and chooses to take her back home. And he even tracks down Piniet and forces him to give Luz the money she earned from that book she and King wrote together.
- Back then when he was principal, Faust saves Bump from being killed by Grom as it paralyzed him with illusions of all his dead students. Bump mentions it was one of the few good things the insufferable disciplinarian did with his life.
- After Luz makes his maid Helga serve Doom first to prove that the tea isn't drugged or poisoned, clearly frightening the woman, Doom gives her the rest of the day off once everyone is served.
- Pity the Kidnapper: To annoy and stall Jacob until Ford can get there, Luz starts singing songs from The Pirates of Penzance.
- Point of Divergence: On the Marvel side of things, the main point of change would come towards the beginning of the events of Civil War (2006), following Peter Parker unmasking himself as "Spider-Man" and May Parker being shot by an assassin hired by Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin. May succumbed to her injuries immediately, her death having coincided with Peter's unmasking causing everyone on both sides of the Superhero Registration Act to stop and think for a moment, aided by discovering that one of the chief proponents for the act in the Senate was possessed by Mephisto and had been manipulating everything to force Peter into a Deal with the Devil. Mephisto is caught and exorcised before he can continue his scheme further, resulting in the events of One More Day never coming to pass. The "Civil War" never escalates to violance, the SRA itself is rendered dead on arrival, the Superhero community never schisms, and the leaders of both sides step down so they could readjust themselves. May remains dead, and "May's Law" is passed in her memory forbidding Supervillains from targeting the loved ones of Superheroes. Peter and Mary Jane remain married and have two kids, both being enrolled at the Jean Grey Institute for their protection and Peter taking a job there as a teacher.
- Politically Correct Villain:
- Downplayed. While Philip's hatred of witches, fueled by the witch-hunting attitude of Gravesfield when he grew up there, means that he is far less racist towards those of African-American descent than you'd expect of someone from that era, according to the chapter notes his speech to Hunter on the subject is full of his usual Self-Serving Memory on how he viewed such things back then, and that with no witches or demons around he'd probably devolve into White Man's Burden-type racism, trying to educate the "savages" and getting mad if they reject his beliefs, because he's the kind of person that needs someone to hate, which shows in his rant when the Avengers and other heroes attack him during the Day of Unity. Luz herself dislikes Belos's perspective on her and what she would have been like in the 1600s when Hunter mentioned it to her. She bluntly says slavery has been abandoned for hundreds of years and that it is highly offensive to boil down people's identity to their racial backgrounds. In "Hollow Mind", she's also enraged by him calling her relationship with Amity a "vice".
- When Strange summons Bill's spirit, he quickly clarifies to Masha that he uses "he"/"him" pronouns in the latter's dimension, and shows no issue with Masha using "they"/"them" pronouns.
- Doom offhandedly mentions that same-sex marriages have been legal in Latveria for decades now, and that while there aren't any laws forbidding child marriages he personally disapproves of them. While it's clear he's saying this to entice Luz and Amity into willingly joining him after he can no longer strongarm them once Magnus shows up, the fact that Doom more often than not canonically does truly care for the people of his nation and is in turn beloved by them lends credence to his feelings on those matters being genuine.
- Politically Incorrect Villain: In addition to his Fantastic Racism towards witches from canon, Phillip/Belos also looks down on superpowered humans (whom he dubs "witchbreed") and is homophobic (referring to Luz's relationship with Amity as a "vice").
- Polyamory: When Luz meets the Calamity Trio, she asks if they're a polycule, and they're not exactly opposed to the idea... They later officially start dating each other.
- Poor Communication Kills:
- Gus creates an Old Man Henderson illusion to distract the coven scouts and keep them away from Eda's petrification ceremony, but doesn't tell Amity this, so when she hears that they've dealt with "the insane human", she thinks that Luz is captured or dead. The only reason that he avoids being thrashed by her is that witch puberty hit him like a truck and she figured that the after-effects of his growth spurt were painful enough.
- The Titan didn't tell Luz about the Stable Time Loop to avoid a time paradox, which is understandable, but he also failed to mention that King was his son because he wasn't sure how much Luz would remember through her common mold delirium (assuming that she didn't think it was just a dream) and knew that King likely wouldn't believe it if she did tell him. He admits later that if he knew that Strange would give her confirmation that it was real by giving a similar explanation of magic to what the Titan told Luz in the dream he might have tried it.
- Luz, not wanting to risk getting someone else involved and desperate to get the portal open again, makes a deal with Bill without talking to the Pines siblings first about him.
- Possession Burnout: Belos's possession works like this, Carnage avoiding the side-effects because of a combination of how Kassady was already dead and the Healing Factor of his symbiote. The reason the Titan has to pass down his power to Luz is because the damage was severe enough that her symbiote side, already dealing with the hyper-distilled curses Bullseye shot her with, couldn't handle them and heal her at the same time.
- Power Dyes Your Hair: Inverted, when Amity's fury at Odalia trying to break her and Luz up causes her to go Abomination like Darius, the dye Odalia forced on her falls to the ground, returning her locks to their natural brown.
- Power Gives You Wings: After Amity becomes a Valkyrie, her Abomination form now has wings.
- Power Misidentification:
- When Luz fully unlocks her symbiote powers, Belos assumes that she's a "witchbreed" (an archaic term for "mutants"), not knowing that she lacks the mutant gene or that there are multiple kinds of superhumans on Earth. He also initially assumes that Luz's shadow aura is a result of some kind of unusual glyph combo, when in reality she hasn't figured out that combos exist by that point in time.
- Later, Lilith speculates that Belos might have a symbiote or be a hybrid like Luz himself, when in actuality he's a human Witch Hunter that became what he is from eating Palismen to extend his life.
- The Power of Rock: Following her learning of rock music in the Human Realm and beginning to multitrack in the Bard track, Amity constructs a custom electric guitar to use with her Bard magic, creating it using a mixture of Bard, Potion, Plant, and Abomination magic. It has a built in amp and can switch to a Bass guitar with the flick of a switch, aided by the strings being composed of Abomination slime, and she later modifies it to allow her to install Ghost at the head, doing so letting her deploy the bass on her back and generate her own drumbeat, turning her into full on Musical Assassin. She wields it in her and Luz's Musical Duel with Mephisto and eventually names it "Dulzura".
- Prison Riot: Instead of just freeing a couple of prisoners and them fighting off Warden Wrath, Luz ends up freeing enough to cause one of these.
- Psychic Nosebleed: As she starts to develop her abilities as The Empath, Amity starts getting nosebleeds.
- Psychological Projection: As Chapter 49 makes clear, a lot of Belos's behavior towards Luz is because he's projecting his brother Caleb onto her.
- Doom, during his meeting with Luz, is notably projecting some of his circumstances and motivations onto her, like assuming that her desire to become a witch and learn magic was for power instead of Luz wanting to be loved and appreciated (and cool).
- Queer Colors: It's noted by Masha that Luz's symbiote form has the colors of the Bi Pride flag.
- Rage Breaking Point:
- Luz hits hers during the fight with Belos when he takes Owlbert from her, leading to her symbiote powers fully unlocking, at which point she delivers a Curb-Stomp Battle on him.
- Darius explains that a moment like this is key to Abomination witches mastering their monster forms, pure anger unlocking the transformation, and calling on the memory of that feeling allowing you to master it. For him, it was rage over his mentor's death, while for Amity it's any threat against Luz.
- While Luz had been trying to keep her calm while being faced by the Inner Belos, she loses it once he calls her and Amity's love a "shared vice", blasting him with a massive fireball out of sheer rage.
- Thanks in part from hormone inbalances from her symbiote side, Luz devours Bill after he tries to go after King despite her having just threatened to do just that to him if he did that.
- Read the Fine Print: Odalia Blight, ever the shrewd businesswoman, makes a deal with Mephisto. However, she was too drunk to fully read the contract, which states that she would be signing over her immortal soul and those of her family in return for him helping Luz and Amity reach their full potential.
- Really 700 Years Old: Malphas is at least 18,000 years old, having been summoned to Atlantis before its fall by Varnae. He also states that he's old enough to remember when the first witches evolved on the Boiling Isles.
- Reasonable Authority Figure:
- Principal Bump as in canon, even outright praising Luz for the positive impact that she's had on Hexside.
- Principal Hall tries to be this, as even if he clearly doesn't really understand Luz he still tries and wants to help her, even being genuinely glad that she's happy at Hexside and saying that it'll be fine if she takes an equivalency test.
- Wolverine proves to be rather fair as Headmaster of the Jean Grey Institute, not wanting to see Clara, Scott, and Suzy get arrested for being dumb teenagers, but also wanting to do right by their victims, expressing leniency with them while still giving them a fair punishment after hearing from Luz and Amity. He likewise offers Luz and Amity a place at the school and respects their decision not to go, offers Camila and Vee his support when Camila makes known how Vee needs legal aid, and is nothing but supportive while trying to ease Amity into the idea she's a mutant.
- The Red Mage: While she's still primarily an Abominations user, Amity branches out after the failed petrification. She starts learning Bard magic after seeing what it can do in the hands of the BATTs, signs up for some Potions classes, both to reconnect with Boscha and because of the overlap between potion-making and creating Abominations or raw slime from scratch instead of conjuring it via magic, and Plant magic classes both for a similar reason with Willow, because she already knew a little, and to take advantage of the ideas Jerbo has.
- Resistant to Magic: When Luz awakened her symbiote form during the petrification ceremony, it absorbed her witch's wool cloak, so now it's a part of the form and said form protects her against magic like witch's wool does.
- Restraining Bolt: Lilith uses Luz's sigil to restrain her at the castle.
- The Reveal:
- Chapter 23 explains what the deal was with the imposter Coven scout who branded Luz: he was doing so on behalf of Mephisto, who is working with Odalia to manipulate events to make Luz become the Queen in Black.
- Chapter 84 reveals that Doctor Doom's entire effort to force Luz into his apprenticeship was because he'd cut a deal with Bill Cipher, who is trying to undermine Mephisto's plan, for his own amusement.
- Reverse Psychology: In a deliberate Call-Forward to Sasha becoming a therapist for troubled kids like she herself once was during Amphibia's epilogue, Sasha employs the trope on Luz after hearing her fear the Hexsquad would hate her if they learnt she unintentionally helped Belos rise to power and cause the Day of Unity, insulting the Hexsquad and making it sound like they're a group of ungrateful bastards if they'd turn on her for that after all they did to her yet were
Easily Forgiven by Luz. This prompts Luz to vehemently defend them, eventually reaching the point of saying they'd never treat her like that, Luz realizing at that point how that was exactly what Sasha was trying to get her to realize.
Luz: They are all wonderful people who I am lucky to call my friends and there's no Titan taken way they'd hold it against me! (Beat) Oh, you're good.
Sasha: Yeah, I've always been the manipulative one. I saw a chance to use it for good and I took it.
- Rhetorical Question Blunder: Lilith asks Luz if Eda being Luz's second mother makes Lilith her aunt, Luz quips that it does now, calling her "Aunt Lilith", prompting Lilith to shout that she was being rhetorical.
- Right for the Wrong Reasons:
- Odalia postulates that Luz's mother would have no objections to her relationship with Amity because the Blights are old money and a commoner should feel honored that someone of wealth noticed their child. Camila doesn't actually learn that Amity comes from money until well after they meet, she supports the relationship unconditionally, but because Luz and Amity clearly care for each other and seem to be good for each other instead of for financial reasons.
- Luz states that Belos is lying to Hunter about having been to the Human Realm, because his knowledge regarding slavery and race relations is outdated by centuries, and since witches have the same average lifespan as humans (80 to 100 years), he'd be long dead if he'd been to the Human Realm back when that information was up to date. Unknown to Luz, while Belos is lying to Hunter about a lot, in this case he thinks he's telling the truth because he's been prolonging his life artificially with palismen for centuries, so he's simply ignorant of how things have changed on Earth in his absence.
- Belos attributes Amity's good nature solely to Luz's influence, in that she "saved" Amity from her inherently "sinful nature", due to his inherent bias' for humans and against witches. He is correct in that Luz did influence Amity to change for the better, but Luz more accurately aided Amity in breaking free from the abuse Odalia put her through, with Amity being inherently good natured but forced to deny it for so long, only able to embrace her truest self thanks to meeting and falling in love with Luz.
- Rock Me, Asmodeus!: Mephisto accepts Luz's challenge of a music battle where if she wins, he forfeits his claim to the Blight family's souls. But if he wins, he would be claiming hers instead.
- The Runaway: After Edric and Emira successfully post her diary at Hexside, Amity runs away, ending up at the Owl House when she goes to return Luz's Azura book and Hooty owl pellets her.
- Running Gag: Eda rewarding Luz's successes by teaching her how to commit crimes.
- Luz undergoing some kind of change and finding out that she's still lactose-intolerant afterwards.
- Luz and company lampshading that they're terrible at sharing information with each other.
- Sadly Mythtaken: In-Universe, it turns out that the Lesser Key of Solomon is just a bunch of summoning spells slapped together with made-up lore that isn't accurate. For example, the Malphas listed as a President of Hell and right hand of Satan is actually just Malphas the Bonesborough librarian, who never met Solomon and isn't from Hell at all.
- Satellite Love Interest: Invoked by Belos and Odalia regarding Amity, but subverted. While Luz may be a big part of her life due to her helping her get it back, Amity is shown regularly to be plagued by insecurities like low self-esteem or a sense of otherness upon discovering she's a mutant, a desire to maintain or repair her friendships like with Willow and Boscha, overall mixed feelings regarding her family to the point Alador actually divorcing Odalia causes her emotional turmoil, and a desire to be free to be who she really is. Despite Amity being shown to be defined by more than just her love for Luz though, Belos and Odalia don't consider her her own person, but instead just an extension of Luz, all while demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of their relationship and who Amity really is. Belos may "respect" Amity following her and Luz defeating Mephisto in a musical duel, but he only considers Amity to be Luz's pet, believing all her positive traits to be a direct result of Luz "saving" her soul while still considering their love to be a vice, only caring enough to spare her from the Draining Spell in the sense it would help his argument to convince Luz to join him. Odalia meanwhile only considers Amity a tool in her and Mephisto's plan at turning Luz into the next King in Black with Amity as her consort, acting as a Shipper on Deck and encouraging Amity's feelings if only so the Blight family, Odalia more specifically, can reap the rewards their relationship with bring. Driving the point home, Luz is hurt and offended by Odalia treating her relationship with Amity like a financial trasnaction, and is absolutely disgusted by Belos treating Amity as some kind of object to tempt her with.
- Scars Are Forever: Lampshaded by Luz about Doom, noting that with the magic and resources at his disposal, he could probably easily heal his scars if he wanted to.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Grom was once sealed in the old school that Hexside conquered, but was accidentally released during said conquering, and since the knowledge of how it was sealed the first time was lost, they have to simply stop it every time it tries escaping once a year.
- Serious Business: Vee and Amity modifying the Parker family wheat cake recipe (which Vee got from April at their clone support group) ends up triggering the whole family's spider-sense, and has April warning that Peter will probably be challenging them Iron Chef style. Luckily, prep work for the Halloween Superhuman Poker charity event took precedence, so April later tells Vee that she's probably off the hook.
- Shipper on Deck:
- As part of her I Want My Beloved to Be Happy stance, Boscha immediately makes herself Amity's wingman in regards to hooking up with Luz.
- Hooty is also revealed to be a Lumity shipper even more than the rest of the Owl House crew, even trying to come up with a ship name for them. He's later revealed to have done the same with Raeda back in the day.
- Amity and Luz both briefly wonder if they should help Vee with Masha after realizing the basilisk's crush, but Vee ends up asking Masha out on her own.
- Camila makes it clear that, after seeing how much Luz and Amity care for one another, that she supports their relationship unconditionally.
- Shipper with an Agenda: Odalia of all people actually pulls some strings to ensure Amity and Luz remain together as a couple. Not because she actually cares about her daughter's happiness, but because she foresees a future where the human is ruling over the Boiling Isles as the Queen in Black with Amity as her consort. And Odalia is looking forward to the Blight family reaping the benefits of such a union.
- Shut Up, Hannibal!: After Belos reveals himself and takes over Luz, everyone, from the Avengers to the Calamity Trio, call out how much of a massive delusional hypocrite he is, decrying everything he hates as "witches" and "satanic" when, even by puritanical definitions of the term, he's the one those words fit most. While he's able to brush it off when it looks like he has the upper hand, once the Calamity Trio kick his ass and he's at the mercy of the heroes and Luz breaks free from him, he easily breaks, breaking completely after Johnny Blaze sends his soul to Hell and he runs into Mephisto again, being made aware Caleb went to Purgatory and got to ascend after atoning for his own sins, and that Phillip is unambiguously damned.
- Simple Solution Won't Work: For a given value of simple. After the attempt at burning it out doesn't work, Luz considers flaying her arm if it meant finally getting rid of the Emperor's Coven sigil. Hunter however points out it's not skin deep, the literal sigil appears on the skin but the effects itself goes down to the bone and spreads throughout the nervous system, meaning the only way to truly get rid of it would be to sever the arm at the elbow.
- Sinister Surveillance: Since the Emperor's Coven symbol was based on the Eye of Providence, Bill Cipher is able to spy on anyone with an Emperor's Coven sigil. He even notes that Belos clearly had no idea that he was giving Bill a front-row seat to his schemes.
- Sleep Cute:
- Chapter 7 opens with Luz, Amity, and King piled up in Luz's sleeping bag, and when Amity manages to wiggle her way out without waking them up, the other two start cuddling as well.
- To keep Luz calm and make her get some much-needed rest after Odalia kidnaps Amity, the Hexaquad has their Palismen climb onto her.
- Slippery MacGuffin: Strange mentions that the oil lamp that can permanently restore three lost powers or abilities every thousand years, even if the source of the abilities doesn't exist anymore, wants to be used and he's worried that he can't contain it for long, hence why he lets the Calamity Trio use it to regain their Calamity powers and save Luz from being possessed by Belos.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Clara and her cronies turn out to be this, acting like they are better than everyone else when they don't really have much worth bragging about, Scott acting like some jock without being on any teams and occasionally parroting his uncle Jacob’s conspiracy ramblings, Suzy criticizing other people's clothing, and Clara acting like every mean girl stereotype and overreacting to everything.
- Spit Take: Amity chokes on her tea when she hears how Doctor Doom summoned Malphas to interrogate him for information on Luz.
- Spotting the Thread:
- While Belos killing the previous Golden Guard, aka his friend and mentor, was more than enough reason for Darius to turn rebel, it was the sudden appearance of Hunter as a toddler that clued Darius onto the idea something was going on, since not only did Hunter call Belos his uncle just like the previous Golden Guard, he had the same name as him too, and conveniently showed up right after Belos killed the previous one.
- When meeting the Titan Trappers and initially thinking that they're King's tribe, Hunter immediately notes that their body language is wrong for their physical appearances. Hooty also picks up on how odd it is that they're wearing clothes, since King always complains about clothes feel on his fur, and Luz admits that their views on the Titans don't match what she heard when speaking to the Titan himself.
- The Starscream: While Mephisto may have freed him from the Theraprism, Bill Cipher holds no loyalty towards him, instead actively seeking to undermine his goals both to make things more "fun" and so he can hijack whatever plans Mephisto has for himself so he can restart Weirdmegeddon, intending on bribing Luz with sparing the Demon Realm for her to rule over as it's "Queen in Black" if she stays out of his way. To this end he makes an unofficial deal with Dr. Doom, offering to reveal to him how he can finally best Reed Richards if he can push Luz to his limit and then force feed her magical material like shoggoths, presumably to further accelerate her transition into a Queen in Black faster than Mephisto would like.
- Stating the Simple Solution: When Tiny Nose explains about Tibbles' scam with the doctored Azura books, Luz points out that he'd probably make more money selling them as genuine human artifacts instead of trying to pass them off as native Demon Realm books, especially since Amity is the only one who buys them.
- Stations of the Canon: Played with. Rater202 acknowledges there are a lot of events that happened nigh-identical to canon, but has little interest in simply rehashing canon, so more often than not the event in question will be skipped over and instead alluded to by other characters as occurring still. This comes with the unintended side-effect of several characters being rendered Out of Focus and not having any presence in the fic original material, most prominent with Gus who Rater laments was accidentally Demoted to Extra, but also present with King and, to a lesser extent, Eda and Willow.
- Stealth Pun: Near the end of chapter 36, Owlbert literally takes Stringbean under his wing.
- Stop Worshipping Me: In Chapter 42, the Titan admits to Luz that while he may be what humans would consider a god, an Elder God even, that was simply the norm for his people, like with Asgardians. He doesn't mind praise or thanks when he's used his remaining power to do things like push a boiling rainstorm away from a city, but if he still had skin Belos's cult would make it crawl.
- Strange Soda: In Chapter 91, Luz tries the "Blam Berry Blitz" drink Anne suggested to her, and it has more of an effect on her than her normal coffee. It doesn't help that Luz drank the whole bottle, which consists of five servings, at once, but still.
- Sucky School: Downplayed, but Gravesfield High just doesn't have the resources to help a kid like Luz properly, even if they want to. Luz also mentions that at one point she did a report on Quentin Trembly after Loki declassified the information on him, but got an F because the teacher only cared about the textbook's information, even if Luz could prove that it was wrong. When Camila learns that Luz was teased and harassed without the teachers doing much if anything about it (Luz mentioning that Principal Hal was the best, but she still feels that only maybe half of her escapades should have gotten her in trouble) when Luz's ex-crushes pick it up again during the Hexaquad's visit to the Jean Grey Institute, she insists that Vee wear an audio recorder just in case.
- Summon Bigger Fish: Discussed when Luz offers to go back to the human realm and call the Avengers Hotline in order to get Doctor Strange's help dealing with Grom. Amity shoots it down on the grounds that it'd look like she was running away from her duties and that he probably wouldn't get there in time.
- Super Drowning Skills:
- Amity never learned to swim, as she was always sneaking away with Willow during her lessons, so she might have drowned in the graveyard if Vee hadn't rescued her.
- Witches in general have muscles and bones that are more dense than normal humans, so they sink more easily.
- Sure, Let's Go with That: As it turns out, Sveta's bunk suspension was "merely" because the vice principal was homophobic, having not mentioned that her girlfriend Sophie was a mutant at the time. Sophie just let the news draw their own conclusions from the matter.
- Synchronous Episodes: Luz's meeting with the Calamity trio takes place at about the same time Gus meets Sprite and defeats Mysterio.
- Take That!:
- Even a Demon Realm Conspiracy Theorist like Tiny Nose thinks that anti-vaxxers, or their Demon Realm equivalents, are nuts.
- When Luz is telling Amity about the Superhero Civil War, she explains how it was all engineered by Mephisto as part of his plan to manipulate Spider-Man into giving up his marriage. She writes it off as a petty act by a "complete loser", with Luz speaking dismissively of his ranting about "Spider-Man being more relatable when he was single", which was the official explanation given for One More Day by Marvel.
- According to Luz, shipping real people is "cringe." This gets subverted later on when Hooty calls her and Amity's ship "Amluitzy", and she immediately says their name is "Lumity", before backtracking and trying to reiterate the idea, Hooty clearly not buying it while making clear she's not above doing it.
- Disney briefly used "Luzity" as a ship name for Luz and Amity instead of "Lumity", which Hooty uses as as suggestion when trying to come up with a ship name himself, Eda saying that it sounds like an herbal supplement from a 3 am infomercial.
- When Luz and Masha are telling Amity and Vee about the various power players of the Marvel Universe, the fact that Wakanda is withholding all its advanced technology because the rest of the world doesn't "deserve" it is presented in a fairly negative life.
- Luz refers to fanfiction involving marriage contracts, an epidemic in some fandoms, as "cringy."
- Ford is not a fan of Rick Sanchez, considering him a Composite Character of his own and Stan's traits without any depth, who could change the world for the better but is too busy being The Hedonist rather than accept help for his problems.
- The author clearly isn't a fan of how the Harry Potter books handle Harry's PTSD in book five, and how it's brushed off entirely in book six.
- Luz stopped reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books because she wasn't a fan of how the author handled Percy's ADHD and dyslexia.
- There Are No Therapists: Subverted. Numerous characters make note of the fact that the Hexsquad, more specifically Luz, are in desperate need of therapy as a result of all they're experienced at such a young age, and are ready to give them a support system. Steve gives Luz the number for his therapist for her to use once the Day of Unity is averted, Magneto makes clear he's always there for them if they need him, Doctor Strange officially recommends the Hexsquad get counseling once they're in the Human Realm with the X-Men inviting them to the Jean Grey Institute to receive it, Magik gives Luz a number for a support group she runs dedicated to helping kids who were Trapped in Another World, Peter offers to talk to Luz regarding her Symbiote issues whenever she needs to, and Mabel is able to identify with and help Luz with her guilt for being manipulated into helping a madman cause an apocalypse.
- This Is Gonna Suck: While Doctor Strange is normally all for helping with magic related incidents, and normally loves going to small towns to help out since he finds it relaxing, the sheer level of nonsense Gravity Falls gets into on a weekly basis has left him annoyed. This isn't helped by his second cousin Tad giving out his number, nor Mayor Tyler calling up for every little thing and then Guilt-Tripping him by pointing out his absence from "Weirdmageddon", despite Doctor Strange's insistence he was dead when that happened.
Doctor Strange: You aren't there for one borderline apocalypse and you never hear the end of it...
- When Squirrel Girl shows up to the Latverian Embassy, you can tell that Doom is resigned to her handing him another beatdown.
- Tomato in the Mirror: Amity is rather rattled when Cerebro confirms that she's a mutant as well as a witch like Luz had theorized, proving that witches are indeed a Human Subspecies, and that the accepted theories about her race’s origins are a lie.
- Too Dumb to Live:
- Principal Faust apparently died because he ignored the Beast Keeping Professor's instructions when a dangerous Beast Demon predator was in the pen.
- Despite being told exactly what she'll do to him if he doesn't stay away from King, Bill still tries to have him sacrificed so he can achieve his "eternal glory". Luz makes sure to slaughter the Titan Trappers as a result by giving into her Symbiote side.
- Odalia. Even disregarding her trusting Mephisto and taking the Day of Unity at face value, she keeps trying to set things up so that Luz and Amity will ascend to the throne of the Boiling Isles, so the Blight family (namely her), can benefit from their association with them, but she keeps alienating them in the process as it becomes clear that she doesn't actually care about them beyond this, even after she keeps seeing how powerful and dangerous the two of them (especially Luz) are becoming, like when Amity barely stops Luz from killing Odalia and the older witch thinks that it's a good idea to then use her Oracle spirit to take control of Amity as a hostage and threaten to stop her heart if Luz doesn't give herself up to Belos, clearly not considering how the two hating her so much from these actions will backfire on her even if her plans succeed. Her blindly trusting Belos despite knowing about the Draining Spell, if not the true purpose of it, because her sigil being fake means that she's safe from it, ultimately gets her killed when Belos sees said sigil is fake because Odalia couldn't be bothered to fix her sleeves even though Amity could clearly tell that the sigil was fake after tearing them, and he petrifies her on the spot.
- Trapped in Another World: Like canon, Luz ends up more or less trapped in the Demon Realm as a result of the portal door being taken out of commission, albeit here its initially because Hunter got the key rather than Belos taking the door itself. The Hexsquad are likewise trapped in the Human Realm following the Day of Unity. Magik actually gives Luz her number specifically due to running a support group for kids who went through this, wanting to give them the help she couldn't get herself as a kid. So far, the only ones she's managed to get are Luz herself and Marcy Wu, though Doctor Strange offers to pass the info along to Anne Boonchuy and Sasha Waybright after learning that Marcy is in the group.
- Turn the Other Cheek: Even though Luz has every reason to hate her bullies and former crushes for tormenting her in the Human Realm, trying to ruin her date with Amity, and almost causing her to drown in a river, Luz pleads for leniency on their behalf to Wolverine who has half a mind to expel them from his Academy before the semester even starts.
- Traumatic Superpower Awakening:
- Luz fully unlocks her symbiote form out of panic and anger towards Belos taking Owlbert from her.
- Crossing over with Rage Breaking Point, the Abomination transformation is fueled by anger, though it only requires the memory of the emotion after the first couple times. Darius unlocked the ability fully when the previous Golden Guard, his mentor, was killed, and Amity unlocks it when Darius threatens Luz to get her mad enough to do it deliberately.
- Trespassing to Talk: The Golden Guard shows up in the Owl House uninvited to straight-up ask them to hand over the portal door; they refuse and Hunter tries to take the portal by force. While they manage to keep the portal, he still manages to steal the key even though it got broken from his and Luz's scuffle.
- Uncertain Doom: After Bill still tries to have King sacrificed to The Grand Huntsman, Luz has Hunter take King and Hooty back through the portal they used to get there, afraid they'll get caught in the crossfire of her giving into her Symbiote side. When she returns, she claims she did monstrous things to the Titan Trappers, but doesn't elaborate on what, just saying the Titan Trappers should have "gotten the message" but that they should destroy the portal "just in case". Considering she threatened to eat Bill's brain if he didn't back off and Symbiotes having a propensity for eating brains in general, it's all but said Luz slaughtered as many of the Titan Trappers as she could, Bill chief among them, Bill's death being confirmed by Rater202 in the comments, with no one else apparently getting eaten at least.
- Unequal Rites:
- Eda insists that human magic users like Doctor Strange, or even Wanda Maximoff despite her hero name, are Sorcerers, not real witches like herself, and that they can't just learn what they do when Luz expresses her desire to stay and be a witch. After their duel, Amity assumes that Luz had to have bargained with some spirit for her powers. Amity in particular has a dim view of Sorcerers, comparing their bargaining for power to cheating, which Luz agrees with when she thinks about it from a witch's perspective. Because of this, Amity is initially uncomfortable with Masha when the latter reveals that they're a Sorcerer, but tries to not let her prejudices taint their interactions. It's also shown that at least some of this is based on faulty information, like Amity assuming that a Sorcerer Supreme must eat other magic users and beings to gain power, because she got it from a book in the library that described all Sorcerers as if they were Kulan Gath or from that same era.
- Then there's "abnormal talents", which Luz theorizes are the equivalent of mutant powers in witches (which is confirmed when Cerebro registers Amity as a mutant). They can fall roughly into one of the nine main types of magic or align with the basic spells anyone can use, but aren't sealed by sigils and don't require spell circles or use bile, though a user can still tire themselves out with them. Despite this, for some reason most witches who have them only really use them much if they're aligned with the type of magic they specifically use, with Amity keeping her own abilities as The Empath secret so Odalia won't try to force her into the Oracle track just so she'll be more like her mother, since she likes Abomination magic.
- This comes up again when several of Earth's magic users take offense to some things said during the charity dance competition regarding Luz having earned being called a witch by Boiling Isles standards.
- Ungrateful Bitch:
- Despite Amity quite literally stopping Luz from tearing her apart, Odalia doesn't hesitate to force her Oracle Spirit into Amity and use her as a hostage to protect herself and force Luz to go the Titan's Skull.
- Played with. Despite Luz advocating for leniency despite what they did to her, Clara and Suzy remain hostile towards her when they run into each other at the Jean Grey Institute, having the gall to blame her for Carnage killing Jacob Hopkins, even attempting to antagonize the rest of the Hexsquad despite Camila being right there. Scott at the very least seems to have changed for the better, not blaming Luz for his uncle's death, appreciating her coming to offer her condolences to him, and being the only one of her former bullies to seem remorseful for what they did to her and Amity.
- Unnecessarily Cruel Rejection: It's noted that Luz's ex-crushes were rather mean in their rejections of her feelings, making fun of her and calling her things like "creepy" or "cheesy".
- Unreliable Expositor: Bill. For instance, he deliberately phrased what happened with Star in the worst possible way to see how Luz would react.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: After already experiencing Luz's symbiote abilities firsthand, the Hexsquad aren't particularly phased at seeing April Parker become "Mayhem", Gus instead commenting more on her color palette while Amity says she thinks Luz's symbiote form is cuter.
- Unwitting Pawn: As revealed in Chapter 23, it turns out that Amity is this for Mephisto. Her plans of using the Titan's Humours to make Luz strong enough so they can protect each other only serves to forward Mephisto's schemes of turning Luz into the Queen in Black and taking over the Boiling Isles.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: If Darius is to be believed, Odalia used to be more of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold when they were in Hexside with Alador. Towards their final years however, Odalia wanted to start up a business like her parents and Alador, who Darius had helped convince to date Odalia, offered to use his trust fund to give her capitol she needed to start. From there, Odalia's ambition and greed changed her, leading her to overwork and emotionally abuse Alador, something Darius noticed and tried to stop, only for Alador to end their friendship instead, leaving Odalia uncontested in her treatment of him. Alador's comments later on support this, stating that Odalia used to be like Amity currently is, but ultimately changed for the worse.
- Valkyries: When Amity is stabbed by Belos in Luz's body, Thor makes her a Valkyrie to save her life, not only doing so and increasing her power, but extending her lifespan all but indefinitely in the process, allowing her and Luz to be together without the latter's Titan lifespan making her outlive the former.
- Victory Is Boring: After someone busts him out of the Theraprism, Bill pays Luz a visit in her dream, both to thank her for being the reason Belos is dead now, and to give her a cryptic warning about someone else that was sprung with him. When asked why he was warning her, he admits it would be boring if the one who sprung them won without an issue, so he's giving Luz a chance to figure out his hint and stop them since that would be more entertaining.
- Villain Takes an Interest: After her ascension to an Elder Goddess, Doom takes an interest in Luz and tries to force her to become his apprentice.
- Villain Team-Up:
- In Chapter 23, it's revealed that Odalia is working with Mephisto to manipulate events to make Luz become the Queen in Black. For the former, it's to gain power for her family (through Amity being Luz's consort), while the latter initially appears to only be doing it For the Evulz, though it's later made clear that he's working towards an unknown bigger plan.
- During the post-Day of Unity part of the story, Mephisto breaks Bill Cipher and the Core out of the Theraprism and allies with them for the furtherance of his master plan.
- Villains Want Mercy: After having its main body and Phalanx forces destroyed, the Core attempts to plead Marcy for mercy, trying to convince the girl to join its side, as if it hadn't tried to steal her body a couple of hours earlier, only for Marcy to stomp on its helmet, killing it for good.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend:
- Amity turns Abomination form and threatens to strangle her mother for trying to make Luz feel bad about herself and manipulate her into breaking off their relationship.
- When Amity hears about just how much bullying Luz suffered at her Human Realm school, she starts making plans to burn the building down.
- Amity tells off the bullies who were mean to Luz for being creepy and cheesy, defending her and talking about what a great person she is who deserves all the love and appreciation she has been denied before.
- In Chapter 23, we learn that in some of Odalia's visions Luz or Amity have gone on a rampage if something happened to the other, with one showing Amity standing over a razed castle and another showing Luz in the same position with an army of monsters, presumably symbiotes.
- In Chapter 38, Darius gets Amity mad enough to successfully unlock her Abomination form by threatening Luz, prompting Amity to try and kill him to protect her.
- In Chapter 39, upon hearing about the emotional turmoil Darius put Amity through as training, Luz bluntly states that she's going to kill him.
- Wave-Motion Gun: In Chapter 75, upon faced with the Belos-possessed Carnage, Luz immediately uses Stringbean to fire a massive beam of magic at them, seemingly reducing Carnage to bones, but Belos burrows underground and possesses her when she lets her guard down.
- Wham Episode:
- Chapter 23 reveals that Odalia is working with Mephisto to manipulate events into Luz becoming the Demon Realm's Queen in Black, replacing the Titans (who are explained to have been the Demon Realm's Elder Gods).
- Chapter 25 confirms Luz's earlier speculation that Amity has the mutant gene when Amity gets picked up on Cerebro, thus proving that witches are a Human Subspecies like Eda said.
- Chapter 29 has Hunter steal the portal key, and has Luz gain magic due to her symbiote side absorbing some of the Titan's blood in it when it spills during their struggle over it.
- Chapter 42 has Luz talk with the Titan while sick with the common mold after absorbing Titan Bone, and Eda and King end up bringing Hunter back to the Owl House with them from Eclipse Lake.
- Chapter 45 has Eda officially adopt Luz due to Camila wanting her to have an actual legal guardian while on the Isles, Luz signing the papers as "Luz Noceda-Clawthorne", and thanks to Philip throwing a jar of Titan Bile at Luz when she and Lilith were in the past, Luz has become part-Titan now, gaining a bile sack and other trace elements of Titan physiology, expanding her magic ability.
- Chapter 49 has Luz and Hunter learn that Eda is descended from Evelyn and Caleb in addition to learning that Philip is Belos, and Luz accidentally absorbs the Palisman souls, who pass on their magical knowledge and remaining power before they pass on after being freed from Belos's mind.
- Chapter 60 has, in addition to Bill being summoned briefly from the Theraprism, the revelation that Carnage is hiding out in Gravesfield.
- Chapter 74 reveals that the one who shot Luz was Bullseye, who is immediately killed by who everyone initially believes is Carnage, but is actually Belos possessing Cletus.
- Chapter 77 reveals that the distilled curse essences were in the bullet that Luz was shot with, and the Titan gifts Luz the remainder of his power and lifeforce to save her, after catching her up on what is happening in the Isles with the Collector. Meanwhile Belos is tracked down by the Ghost Rider and is finally sent to Hell, where Mephisto reveals that Caleb managed to get to Heaven and reunite with Evelyn before possessing Belos for a plan of his.
- Chapter 80 not only has Bill confirm to Luz that someone busted him out of the Theraprism, along with what is heavily implied (and later confirmed) to be the Core, but Doom invites Luz for a meeting.
- Chapter 91. Despite starting as a lighthearted chapter, it takes a twist by the end as the Core, now controlling a fleet of Phalanx robots and ships, starts to invade Earth, and soon Luz, Anne and Sasha realize the Hive Mind is going after Marcy.
- Chapter 98. Luz's depression flares up and she makes a deal with Bill for knowledge on the portal door and gets possessed.
- What Is This Feeling?: Amity doesn't know why she was nervous asking Luz if she wanted to hang out and feels possessive anger and a sour-sick feeling when Luz admits that she thinks Ed and Em were hitting on her but doesn't know what to call it beyond a "new emotion."
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: When Amity hears that one of the three mutants who gained their powers in Gravesfield during Knull's invasion has the ability to mentally control the clothes she's wearing the witch clearly thinks this, with Masha lampshading that a lot of mutants can have overly specific powers, like simply being blue. The aforementioned clothes mutation becomes a subversion as Suzy was classified an Omega level mutant for a reason, being able to make herself fly and strong enough to carry others.
- White Man's Burden: Chapter 33 has Belos discuss slavery on Earth with Hunter and saying that it was justified with that kind of logic. The notes at the end drop the trope by name, saying that while Philip's focus on hating witches due to what Gravesfield was like back then means that he never really developed much racial prejudice towards other human ethnicities, he's remembering himself as better than he was in that regard, and that with no witches and demons he'd likely fall into the mindset of educating the "savages".
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Discussed. After being scanned at the Jean Grey Institute, Luz discovers that she is effectively immortal now as a result of gaining Titan physiology from consuming the Titan's humors, and is afraid that she will succumb to The Fog of Ages and forget everyone she loves over time, the thought of forgetting them, Amity in particular, only adding to her depression, directly comparing it to how the Bat Queen has forgotten who carved her due to living for so long. After confiding her fears and desire to form as many memories as possible so she won't forget them to Amity and Willow, the two reassure her she'll never truly be alone. Not only will the Palismen always be with her since they too are effectively immortal, but there are ways for witches to extend their lifespans, and both Amity and Willow admit to entertaining the idea of finding their own means of immortality or at least longevity so that Luz won't have to lose them, and that she doesn't need to worry about that right now when they have time.
Amity: The point is, you don't need to worry about the future that much We have plenty of time and if I have anything to say about it we'll have plenty more.
- Whole-Plot Reference: Downplayed, but the pavilion Luz and Amity go to for their first date is one to part of the Chibi Tiny Tales episode "Lumity Date", down to Tinella providing the music with her harp.
- Why Didn't I Think of That?: After Hooty puts Luz in an owl pellet and brings her to Amity's so she can get Luz to take a break by taking her on a date, Amity asks Luz why, if she was having so much trouble getting the echo mouse to reveal the information she needs on the Portal, she didn't just ask Amity for advice. Once Luz realizes that she was stressing herself out over something that could have been resolved so easily, she admits that she does need a break.
- Worf Had the Flu:
- Mephisto explicitly states that while the transcendent slaying properties of Luz's symbiote side might let her stand a chance against Mephisto under normal circumstances, especially since he's also weaker than normal due to the Isles being outside of his normal area of operations, her weakness due to the sigil's reaction to absorbing Titan's blood means that she lacks the stamina for a proper fight.
- Part of the reason the Avengers have such a hard time with Belos in Luz's body is that they're holding back to not hurt the girl whose body he's hijacking, or to reassure Amity, which Belos mocks them for.
- A World Half Full: Masha expresses this belief on her world as much as Amity finds it terrifying. Masha admits that while Earth has numerous threats, there are heroes like the Avengers and X-Men who always put a stop to it before it is too late. And as bad as things were in the past, humanity has been progressing quite nicely and are fundamentally good for the most part.
- Written by the Winners: The paintings in the Latverian Embassy show events from Doom's life, but all suffer from this to make Doom look better and/or others worse, like one that makes the Thing smaller than he is and has Reed sport a stereotypical look of idiocy on his face, another that shows him saving his mother's soul from Mephisto, but without Doctor Strange's help, etc.
- Xanatos Gambit: As a backup in case she and Amity couldn't win the musical challenge, Luz worded her deal with Mephisto in such a way that he wouldn't be able to take her soul anyway by pinning him between two deals — if he took her soul as replacement for the Blights, he wouldn't be fulfilling the original deal to help her and Amity to reach their full potential.
- Year Inside, Hour Outside: For Luz, her trip on the Witch's Road was at least a few hours, including maybe half an hour in Amphibia. From the perspective of everyone else back on Earth, it was just half a minute or so.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: A literal example, as just prior to the duel with Amity, Luz and Eda get the idea to see if something happens if Luz activates or draws a light glyph with her shadow powers active, and find out that doing so causes the glyph to turn into a miniature explosive that can apparently disrupt magic, as Amity is unable to use any magic immediately after her Abomination is destroyed by them. The other glyphs similarly explode, but besides Ice and Fire glyphs blowing up bigger than Light and Plant being more like firecrackers than a grenade there doesn't seem to be any noteworthy differences in the blasts. She loses the ability after gaining her full symbiote form, and theorizes that it was a reaction between the aerosolized symbiote goop she suspects made up her "aura" and the magic.
- You Are a Credit to Your Race: Following her and Luz facing and defeating Mephisto in a music duel, Amity has become the one witch Belos can genuinely respect, but that "respect" only exists in the sense that he thinks Luz "saved" Amity's soul and convinced God to grant them His blessing, still seeing Amity as inherently lesser than Luz due to her being a witch and misattributing any of her own positive qualities to being from Luz's influence. His decision to spare her from the Draining Spell likewise isn't born from any genuine altruism or thinking she "deserves" to live, but more from equating her to a pet of Luz's that his sparring will allow him to convince her to listen to "reason", all while continuing to disparage Luz and Amity's love as a "vice" and that Amity's behavior will need to be "restricted" should they return to the Human Realm following the Day of Unity.
- You Are Better than You Think You Are: Due to her Chronic Self-Deprecation, Luz has to get speeches on this subject from her loved ones multiple times:
- A mutual example during the Gravesfield Arc: Luz starts self-deprecating and calling herself "not a real witch" after realizing that the glyphs don't work in the human realm when she tries to show Camila what she's learned, prompting Amity to start hyping up her accomplishments in regard to magic and in general, finishing with how Luz has made a lot of lives better. At the end of the arc, when Camila asks Amity about herself, the witch reflexively downplays her talents and emphasizes her flaws, prompting Luz to note how she's too humble and hype her up in turn.
- When Luz gets sick with the Common Mold, the Titan manages to contact her and gives her a speech to this effect.
- A minor example, but when Doctor Strange is revealing to the Nocedas, Masha, and Amity the requirements needed to take up the role of a dimension's Sorcerer Supreme, and mentions that they need to have the "widest breadth of knowledge of magic in that dimension", Amity suggests that Luz could fit that point, or could soon enough, bringing up her being in every magic track at Hexside, the first student to officially do so even before Belos came into power, and soaking up the knowledge like a sponge, that she's memorized most of Eda's salvaged books on wild magic, and her skill with the glyphs and glyph combos in response to Luz's self-deprecatory comment that she's still got miles to go, finishing off by saying that if she's not already there, that Luz has two years tops to go before she reaches that point.
- After this AU's version of "Hollow Mind", when Luz is beating herself up over helping Philip/Belos in the past, feeling like it's her responsibility to stop him now as a result, Lilith, Eda, Hunter and King all reassure her, pointing out that a manipulative witch hunter like Belos would have found someone to help him even if Luz hadn't been there, and that Luz has done so much good in the present.
- After Luz loses control of her Symbiote side in a rage and eats Bill for threatening King, the Titan reassures her that she isn't a monster, and that Bill absolutely deserved his fate. Spider-Man further reassures her when she gets back to Earth.
- While explaining her situation to Agatha Harkness, Luz tries to brush off any notion that she's special and it just being the result of the circumstances. Her mom, Vee, and the Hexsquad immediately remind her of all the things she's done for them, making it clear that she is special.
- You Are What You Hate: While calling Belos out on his hypocrisy after he refers to them as witches Marcy points out that by the puritanical definition of witch was a human who made deals with malevolent beings and sacrificed the innocent, especially children and small animals, for power used to harm others, often becoming something inhuman in the process of meddling with unnatural powers beyond mortal understanding. This description fits Belos to a T.
- You Can't Thwart Stage One:
- Despite the Earth heroes doing everything that they can, they and the resistance are unable to stop Belos from starting the Draining Spell.
- While he is forced to reveal himself early due to Bullseye shooting Luz, and is seemingly obliterated by Luz blasting him with Stringbean, Belos survived and managed to possess her.
- You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Luz's reaction to learning she was hit with Titan Bile, the fifth and final humor she needed to absorb, yet still has the Emperor's Coven Sigil on her wrist when the entire point was to try and burn the thing out is incredulity.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After Odalia brings Amity to him on the Day of Unity to use as bait for Luz, Belos decides that he doesn't need her anymore and petrifies her, before shattering the statue.
- You Remind Me of X: In this AU's version of "Hollow Mind", Belos admits that Luz partially reminds him of Caleb, saying that she could almost pass for him in his younger days in silhouette. The author's notes make it clear that at least part of this is Belos projecting Caleb onto Luz, and her apocalypse outfit making her more resemble Caleb is likely what influenced him to seemingly accept Luz's deal to spare her friends in canon.
- Your Soul Is Mine!:
- As part of his plan with Odalia, Mephisto acts like he plans to take the souls of the Blights save Amity for Odalia failing her contract, and possibly Luz's when she offers hers up as collateral.
- When the one Gravesfield witch that was actually supernatural was hung, her dying words when written phonetically formed a Caesar Cipher praising Bill Cipher and committing her soul to him, though whether or not he actually got it is unclear.