The Wrath of Avelina - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Nov 11 2022
The Wrath of Avelina is an Encanto fanfic penned by NoonboryKedabory, which began publication on November 10th, 2022 via Archive of Our Own. On December 16th, a sequel titled When Hope Goes Against Vengeance
was released.
It tells of the Madrigal family suddenly being targeted by an angry young woman with a strange curse.
From The Wrath of Avelina
- Affectionate Nickname: Bruno refers to Stefanie as "mariposa".
- Agony of the Feet: After Avelina curses Camilo, she steps on his foot on purpose while fleeing.
- And This Is for...: "That's for cursing my husband."
- Antagonist Title: Avelina is the antagonist of The Wrath of Avelina.
- Big Bad: While Encanto didn't have one, this fic does in the form of Avelina, who is putting curses on the Madrigals.
- Brought Down to Normal: Avelina + Charging up a super curse + Lightning = Losing the curse.
- Chore Character Exploration: Stefanie opens up a bit to Alma about missing her mother while cooking breakfast.
- Death Glare:
- Avelina gives Mirabel one while she is bringing an ailing Isabela home.
- Dante gives Avelina one when she acts rude to him.
- Dwindling Party: More and more Madrigals become cursed as the story continues; first Julieta, then Isabela, then Camilo, then Bruno, then Mariano, then Pepa, then Felix and Agustin, and finally Luisa and Stefanie.
- Engineered Public Confession: Casita gives Dolores a little miracle in the form of sound bubbles that she spreads all over town, letting everyone in the village know what Avelina did.
- Even Bad Women Love Their Mamas: And their papas; part of Avelina's rage towards the Madrigals is because she accidentally cursed her own parents.
- Fainting: Julieta, the first curse victim, faints into Agustin's arms. Isabela followed suit when she gets cursed as well.
- Fatal Flaw: Avelina's is selfishness. Her desire for a Gift of her own led her to try and open one of the doors at Stefanie, Sierra, and Sabrina's ceremony, which instead led to her being given a curse.
- Green-Eyed Monster: The first chapter notes Avelina's extreme jealousy of the Madrigals, and she later mentions wishing she had Isabela's Gift.
- In-Series Nickname:
- Avelina is usually referred to by other characters as "Lina".
- Some characters refer to Julieta as "Juli", and to Stefanie as "Estefanía".
- Letting Her Hair Down: In Chapter 4, Alma wears her hair down instead of in her usual Prim and Proper Bun to appear more approachable and calm.
- Meaningful Name: Sra. Pezmuerto's fish is named Decimita, or "little Decima". The name "Decima" means "ten", implying this is the tenth fish Pezmuerto is on.
- Mood Whiplash: In Chapter 2, Isabela joyously celebrates creating a rare plant with Mirabel...then suddenly faints into her arms, having been cursed.
- Named by the Adaptation: Several background characters are given names.
- Man covered in cacti waiting for one of Julieta's bunuelos = Javier Vivares
- "Maybe your Gift is being in denial" kid = Gabriela Sanchez
- Kids trying to climb the stairs at Antonio's ceremony = Lorena and Braulio
- Never My Fault: Avelina blames the Madrigals for her curse, even though she brought it on herself for trying to take one of the Sisters' Gifts.
- Nightmare Sequence: Chapter 5 begins with Sierra having a nightmare where Casita crumbles, all her family is dead, and Avelina comes to curse her.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "You. Are going. Down."
- Shout-Out: When Stefanie designates Mirabel as "Queen Bee", she gives her a red scrunchy.
- Silence of Sadness: Avelina's parents note that she's been very quiet and gloomy since the most recent Gift ceremony.
- Stepford Smiler: Avelina forces smiles to pretend she likes the Madrigals.
- The Stinger: In the end note of Chapter 3, Statler and Waldorf appear to make their thoughts known:
Waldorf: Do you believe in illness curses?
Statler: If I wanted to get sick from Miss Kedabory, I'd read her stuff from middle school! - Tempting Fate: Alma tells Antonio that Avelina cannot hurt them while they are at Casita. Immediately after she says this, Bruno gets cursed while still at Casita.
- Un-person: In Chapter 7, Avelina claims there are sixteen Madrigals. There are actually nineteen; she purposefully left out Stefanie, Sierra, and Sabrina.note
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: When Bruno's vision reveals to the Madrigals that Avelina is behind the curses, Agustin notes that he used to watch her playing when Luisa was a child, and is shocked she would do such a thing.
- Visual Pun: Bruno says the thought that someone is behind the illnesses is eating him up like a rat nibbling his ear. Luisa then points out that Queso the rat is literally nibbling on his ear.
- Would Hurt a Child: Avelina has no qualms with cursing Dolores' baby triplets. However, she never gets to do it.
From When Hope Goes Against Vengeance
- Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: Sierra is about to finish her story, saying it doesn't matter because...but before she finishes, Mirabel bursts in saying that Camilo won't wake up.
- Noodle Incident: Sierra describes an unclear event that made her starting carrying a hair tie everywhere she goes.
- Pain to the Ass: In the prologue, Pepa accidentally strikes herself in the butt with her own lightning.