Zero vs Kira - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Aug 07 2020
"I am Kira, and I have come to answer the grievances of the people of Japan against the Britannian Empire. For seven years, Japan has been brutally oppressed to satisfy the greed, ambition, and imperialistic tendency of Britannia, but now I am putting an end to that oppression. The Britannian Empire must pull their forces out of Japan in 52 hours from now. If they do not, I will kill the Emperor and his children. And to demonstrate my power, I will take the lives of two of Britannia's agents of propaganda. They will die for spreading lies and misinformation for the sake of the occupation and to make it clear that even the Emperor is defenseless against my power."
Zero vs Kira by Crossover Maniac is a Code Geass and Death Note crossover where Light Yagami is teleported to the Code Geass world when a Britannian world-breaching experiment Goes Horribly Right. Furious that the Britannians tried to kill him and enslaved his country, Light introduces the power of Kira to the Code Geass world when he declares war on Britannia. Also seeing no immediate way of returning home, Light feels he may as well create the New World he envisions here. Meanwhile, Kira's activities have put a Spanner in the Works for Lelouch's plans and as Zero he intends to do everything in his power to bring Kira down...
Provides Examples Of:
- Affably Evil: Light is apparently "the best roommate a guy could have!"
- Arch-Enemy: Light and Lelouch are this to each other.
- Arson, Murder, and Admiration: Lelouch is admittedly jealous that Kira has accomplished what he set out to do.
- Batman Gambit: Light controlled some Britannian bullies to attack Tarou while on the train so he would be saved by and befriend Suzaku for the sake of The Plan.
- Butterfly of Doom: Inverted, many positive changes have been happening to Lelouch and his world since Light's arrival...
- Contrived Coincidence: Somehow, a portal Rem opened and a portal the Britannian military opened connected, sending Light to the Code Geass world.
- Dead Person Impersonation: Light Yagami alters the records of a dead man in this universe with a similar name to his and takes over his identity.
- Death by Racism: Colonel Taurus like all of the Brittanian military is horribly racist against the Japanese. He is killed moments after mocking Light Yagami because of his race.
- Decadent Court: Like in Code Geass canon the Brittanian royal family. After killing the Emperor and his heirs Light has a hard time finding someone competent enough to serve as his puppet.
- Devil in Plain Sight: Light. He seems to realize this when Tarou is enthusing about him to Suzaku, about how his roommate is a genius and awesome and manages to affect some modesty.
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: Cecile upon realizing that the guy In the Hood she just got a glimpse of was Kira and that he is offering them protection in exchange for her and Lloyd's obedience.
- Do Not Adjust Your Set: Light sends a message to the media informing everyone that if the Brittanian forces don't leave Japan Kira will kill the royal family. Lelouch realizes afterwards that since there was no chance of Brittania ever bowing to such a demand the message was actually meant for him and his Black Knights. Kira was letting them know when to strike-in other words Kira used them.
- Due to the Dead: This trope gets invoked when both the Britannians and the Black Knights are LOOKING REALLY HARD (cutting up corpses) to find the cause of the mysterious heart attacks.
- Faking the Dead: When Light kills the royal family he misses Lelouch and Nunnally because they are listed as dead.
- Fate Worse than Death: Marianne seals V.V. in concrete.]]
- Fish out of Temporal Water: Light, lampshaded by Tarou "Sometimes, you act like you've been living in another world or something."
- Fix Fic: for Code Geass Light's presence creates a ripple effect preventing a certain Deus Angst Machina from ever coming to pass...
- Full-Circle Revolution: In chapter 6, Zero holds a press conference telling Kira that he has simply "substitute(d) the tyranny of the Britannian Empire with your own."
- It does settle an years-old argument: Lelouch is morally superior to Light because he truly believes "Only those who are willing to be killed should be allowed to kill", while Light just kills whoever annoys him.
- In addition, the Black Knights come to the conclusion that, ultimately, Kira's "justice" is draconian, does not allow the Japanese people to judge their own in a fair trial, and may even extend to death for the least serious of crimes. Even Kallen, who was originally a staunch supporter of Kira, changes her view when she realizes that her own mother, whose only crime was drug abuse, is at risk of being killed by Kira.
- It does settle an years-old argument: Lelouch is morally superior to Light because he truly believes "Only those who are willing to be killed should be allowed to kill", while Light just kills whoever annoys him.
- General Failure: Colonel Taurus and Emperor Lloyd. Luckily for the people of Britannia, Light takes responsibility of the actual ruling and policy-making- Evil is Competent.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: when two Brittanian thugs attack him at once, Suzaku smashes them into each other.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Zero and the Black Knights, after Zero declares war on Kira, "Japan's liberator," the people begin to turn on them.
- Lack of Empathy: Lampshaded
Ryuk: Your girlfriend killed herself.
Light: Oh.
- Last Request: "Could you at least tell me your name?"
- "Magic A" Is "Magic A": Lelouch and C.C. are puzzled because they had attributed Kira's powers to Geass but they don't seem to be following the rules...
- The Man Behind the Man: Kira to Emperor Lloyd and the newly restructured Britannia. Also Kira manipulated Zero and his Black Knights into attacking-much to Lelouch's rage when he realizes it.
- Morality Pet: Tarou, Light's roommate (he was in desperate need of one...)
- Mugging the Monster: "Damn uppity Eleven, you think you're somebody because you can speak English and wear a suit." Also the Brittanian thugs that pick a fight with Suzaku.
- Named Like My Name: Light finds records of a "Light Yagami" that died some time ago during the Britannian occupation and assumes his identity.
- Not Me This Time:
C.C.: No, I never made a contract with anyone named "Kira"... I don't know anyone by that name, and I don't know anyone with an instant death Geass, either.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: with the rest of the royal family dead, Lelouch feels cheated out of his revenge.
- Original Character: Tarou, Light's roommate.
- Otaku: Ryuk has gotten into reading manga ever since "Zero cut the cable."
- Out of Character:
"I HEARD THE FIRST TIME! NOW SHUT YOUR TRAP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Lelouch shouted in annoyance of Nunnally's persistence.
- Outside-Context Problem: Light, thanks to the Death Note, is this to the Britanians and Black Knights alike.
- Patriotic Fervor: Light is very upset that his country is enslaved in this universe.
- Red Shirt: the first Britannian military characters to come into contact with Light Yagami... but that wasn't much of a spoiler, was it?
- Revenge: Nina wants revenge for Euphie
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Kira against Britannia, Nina against Kira, and Lelouch feels cheated out of his revenge.
- Say My Name: "Ki...rrrraaaa"
- Shout-Out
- Tarou was the name of the original Death Note user in the Death Note Pilot chapter.
- Spanner in the Works: Light to Lelouch's "tasks at hand" by killing off the royal family before he gets a chance to question them and get his revenge for his mother's murder. Later Lelouch to Light's plans by causing a localized communications blackout so he can't continue to punish criminals unless he wants them to pinpoint his location... Also because Ohgi disobeys Zero's order about suspending recruitment, information leaks to Kira.
- They Would Cut You Up: When the Brittanian soldiers are beating up Light the scientist cautions that they don't be too rough with him... because he wants to dissect him.
- Too Dumb to Live: Emperor Charles declines an offer of immortality even after a mysterious force has threatened his life...
- Transplant: Light and Ryuk in the Code Geass world.
- Unexpected Successor: All hail Emperor Lloyd!
- Unwitting Pawn: Lelouch and is he ever PISSED when he finds out.
- Wham Episode: pulled off on the part of the author where it looked like Light spared Euphie... but...
- You Kill It, You Bought It: Kira killed off the Brittanian royal line and he now controls the Brittanian government.
- You Remind Me of X: "Looks like your fighting L all over again. Hyuk hyuk."
- Zeppelins from Another World: Or rather "Giant Mecha From Another World".