Blood Junkie
- ️Thu Dec 07 2017
" A harmless trip finds harm's way..."
''Blood Junkie' is a 2010 Slasher Movie from Troma.
Laura is a teenage girl stuck babysitting her brother while her parents are gone for a weekend. Bored out of her skull, she bribes the boy to not tell while she takes him camping with her friends. Everybody is having fun, there's just one problem. You see, in a nearby abandoned building, a killer stalks. A killer who injects blood like it's heroin...
This film contains examples of:
- All Just a Dream: The film's events are shown to be a concoction of Andy's imagination, to cover up the fact that he was the real killer.
- Antagonist Title
- Ass Shove: The Creature gets
a machete shoved up his ass as a diversion tactic.
- Big Bad: Andy is the true killer, with the Creature being a lie he concocted.
- Cruella to Animals: Andy, Laura's kid brother, is first seen luring a group of ants for unknown purposes, though he does call them "prey," implying that what he wants isn't good, and is later seen impaling a frog. This is foreshadowing that he's the true killer.
- Gas Mask Mooks: The Creature wears a gas mask at all times.
- Genre Throwback: To 1980s slashers.
- The Hero Dies: Laura has her throat torn out by Andy.
- Ms. Fanservice: Rachel is introduced with a close-up of her breasts, appears nude in a sex scene and wears skimpy outfits throughout the film.
- Our Vampires Are Different: This one is a living, albeit Ax-Crazy, person who injects blood like it's heroin.
- Shout-Out: Night of the Living Dead (1968) and Nosferatu are shown on a television set in the very beginning. The former's "They're coming to get you, Barbara!" line is also paraphrased in another scene.
- Villain Opening Scene: The Creature attacks a hitchhiker who investigated his lair.