Bloody Summer Camp

  • ️Sun Oct 16 2022

Bloody Summer Camp (Film)

Bloody Summer Camp is a 2021 Slasher Movie written and directed by David Kerr.

While setting up for the summer, the staff of Camp Trustfall is targeted by a Serial Killer wearing a devil mask.

This film contains examples of:

  • Accidental Murder: While trying to defend Tiffany from Michael, Todd ends up being pushed onto a rake.
  • Asshole Victim:
    • Larry is violent and confrontational with everyone he meets, especially Tiffany whom he sexually harasses. When Todd tries to get him to back off, Larry threatens to kill him. Thankfully, he's one of the first to die.
    • Zach, the Jerk Jock with anger management issues.
    • Kim isn't a very nice friend to Tiffany, makes fun of Donnie for being in a wheelchair, and is very materialistic towards marijuana.
    • Felicia, Todd's jealous ex-girlfriend who sneaks into Tiffany's room while she's showering and starts cutting up her clothing.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Devilface kills most of the staff and gets away, hitching a ride with Tiffany and her mom, whom he likely will kill as well.
  • Bad Samaritan: A female hitchhiker flags down a truck, but unlucky for her, the truck is driven by Devilface, who stabs her with a crowbar.
  • Batter Up!: As Zach is exercising in the middle of the forest, Devilface shows up and knocks him out with a baseball bat.
  • Big Bad: Donnie is Devilface.
  • Big Damn Heroes: The janitor, Alain saves Tiffany from being killed, and when he's about to be killed himself, she returns the favor by bludgeoning the attacker.
  • Caught with Your Pants Down: Larry decides to have a wank in the kitchen and is soon interrupted when Devilface shows up behind him. The former doesn't seem to mind the latter's presence... at least until a machete is plunged through his back.
  • Cool Mask: The killer's devil mask with its unique color and lack of facial features.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Hampton gets a hot curling iron shoved into his mouth which burns the inside and causes him to choke on his own blood.
  • Cut Phone Lines: Devilface does this with a pair of wire cutters to keep the police out of his hair.
  • Dwindling Party: By the end, only four of the staff remain. At the beginning of the film, there were seventeen.
  • For the Evulz: Devilface is given no motive and simply seems to kill because they enjoy it.
  • Frying Pan of Doom: The real Donnie is bludgeoned to death with one.
  • Gasoline Dousing: Devilface kills the two counselors in the opening by pouring gasoline on their tent and setting it alight with matches.
  • Groin Attack: After being knocked out, Zach has been tied up with his arms above his head and his exposed genitals on a pedestal. When he wakes up, Devilface shows him a sledgehammer and uses it like a Test-Your-Strength mallet, with Zach's genitals being the target.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: After the above Groin Attack, Devilface starts hacking away at Zach's midsection with an axe and leaves him in two pieces.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Immediately after lecturing his deputy about "profiling", Sheriff Roman Wilmore makes a clearly racially motivated false arrest of Cornelius.
  • Improvised Weapon: Before using a machete, Devilface utilizes some interesting weapons. (a crowbar, a fire extinguisher, a curling iron, and a frying pan). Also, Tiffany picks up a wrench to save Alain from Michael.
  • Jerkass: Sheriff Roman Wilmore is already pretty unpleasant, but then you find out he's also a racist who plants a knife on the black cook, Cornelius, in order to arrest him.
  • Kick the Dog: Devilface murdering the real Donnie, since he's in a wheelchair. To make things worse, while trying to get away, Donnie yells for his father, whom Devilface had already killed.
  • Machete Mayhem: Most of the staff fall victim to Devilface's very fake-looking machete.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Devilface fakes his death and later when Michael finds his body, he wakes up and tells him that Tiffany is the killer. This leads to the ending confrontation where both Todd and Michael end up getting killed.
  • Off with His Head!: Devilface decapitates Larry and later cooks the severed head to lure Tiffany into the kitchen.
  • Red Herring: A couple.
    • Mickey McGlyn, a crazy woman that blames the camp for her son's death. She randomly shows up later during Devilface's massacre and tries to cut the fuel lines on the camp director's sports car. It doesn't end well for her.
    • Alain Marche, a mentally disabled janitor who shows up with a shirt and knife covered in blood or red paint.
    • Michael Deturris, a camp counselor who will be let go next summer due to being too old for the job. Devilface decides to make him their scapegoat.
  • The Reveal: Devilface is Donnie, but not really. The man calling himself "Donnie" murdered the real Donnie, his father, and the clerk at the gas station that Tiffany and Kim stopped at and used the wheelchair to assume Donnie's identity.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: The black cook, Cornelius decides to just leave after seeing the murder of his co-worker. For some reason, Devilface doesn't stop him.

    Cornelius: (drops ladle) Nope, fuck this. You can have 'em. Spoiled-ass white kids. Nope.

  • Silent Antagonist: While they can talk in their civilian persona, Devilface doesn't speak a word while disguised.
  • Summer Campy: The film is called "Bloody Summer Camp" after all.
  • Throat-Slitting Gesture: The killer does this at one point with a machete to show Felicia that they're not kidding around.
  • Would Hurt a Child: It's implied that all the people on the missing posters shown throughout the film are victims of Devilface. One of which is an 8-year-old girl.