Call of the Undead

  • ️Wed Apr 14 2021

Call of the Undead (Film)

Call of the Undead (original title Zombie 108) is a Taiwanese Action Zombie Horror Movie by Joe Chien.

A zombie virus has been released in Taipei, and the military and SWAT teams have been sent in to deal with the evacuation. However, a local cartel doesn't like having the police in their turf, and make it known with their guns. Of course, with the zombies indiscriminately eating both of them, they're all going to have to work together to survive and exit the city.

While this has happened, a serial rapist and murderer has just kidnapped a woman and her infant daughter. The kid he's content to let play with some toys, but her mom is now his newest plaything.

The film was released in Belgium on April 6th, 2012.

Call of the Undead contains examples of:

  • Advertised Extra: For the film's Taiwanese release which bears it's local title, Zombie 108, Chloe is featured prominently in the center of its posters, DVD and assorted promotional materials, despite being a minor character with barely any actual screentime.
  • Body Horror: When the Mob Boss finally turns, his right arm grows and becomes covered in tumorous lumps and red blood vessels hanging loose.
  • Catapult Nightmare: The Mob Boss wakes up with a scream from a nightmare where he and his gang are battling the zombies and get overwhelmed.
  • Censored Child Death: Chloe's death is implied, but not shown at any point. Given she's last seen in an apartment infested with the undead though...
  • Glasgow Grin: The rapist/murderer has a huge slash mark running up the side of his face from the left side of his mouth.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: At one point, a couple of people are trying to get into the rapist/murderer's apartment to get away from some zombies, one of which is cut in half and just crawling on the ground.
  • Mêlée à Trois: Cops vs. Mobsters vs. Zombies.
  • Missing Child: The movie starts with a woman unable to find her daughter, Chloe, after waking up in a Zombie Apocalypse. When she finds her, they try to get away, and are picked up by a serial murderer and rapist. When she gets loose and demands to know where her daughter is, he reveals he left the door open one time and she ran out, where she was likely eaten by a zombie.
  • Screaming Woman: One of the women gets pretty scream-happy at one point of the movie.
  • Undeathly Pallor: The zombies tend to have a pale white complexion.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: This one's in Taipei.
  • Zombie Infectee: After the serial rapist/murderer is killed, one of the cops notices a wound on his leg, which he hides from the others. Not surprisingly, he turns.