Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

  • ️Tue Sep 27 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Film)

"Harry Potter... 'The Boy Who Lived'... come to die."


The one that is two.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the Grand Finale of the Harry Potter film saga, based on the eponymous book. The book was split into two films (Part 1 and Part 2) to include as much of the material as possible, comprising the seventh and eighth installments of the film series. Both films were directed by David Yates and written by Steve Kloves, respectively released in 2010 and 2011.

Harry, Ron and Hermione are on the run as Voldemort has infiltrated the Ministry of Magic and taken over the British wizarding world, including the wizarding school of Hogwarts. Their only hope to defeat Voldemort lies in destroying all his Horcruxes. Nowhere is safe, most of their previous support is gone, and no short of Hell on Earth at Hogwarts.

The split between Part 1 and Part 2 is after chapter 23 of the book.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Parts 1 and 2 contain examples of:

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Both films 

  • Adaptation Distillation:
    • In the books, Harry pulls a It's Not You, It's My Enemies on Ginny as he sets out for the Horcruxes at the end of Half-Blood Prince, which leads to a bittersweet reunion in the Deathly Hallows novel where they clearly still have feelings for each other but cannot act on it and leaves Ginny in a rare state of tears (and Ron angry, feeling Harry is toying with Ginny's feelings). Harry spends some waking moments throughout his journey wondering if Ginny would move on and eventually marry someone else. Since all of that has no ultimate bearing on their Official Couple status, the films remove this entirely, where they simply remain a couple. Their interactions are quite passionate to leave no doubt, and instead of an angry Ron interrupting their kiss at the Burrow, George interrupts them for his own amusement.
    • In the book, the trio visited Xenophlilius Lovegood during the Christmas break, were captured sometime in the beginning of April, spent a couple of weeks at Bill and Fleur's and return to Hogwarts for the final battle in the beginning of May. The film has them captured by the snatchers right after visiting Lovegood, stay at Bill and Fleur's for about a day, and the final battle happens that night. About four months of book action are compressed into about two film days.
  • Adaptation Explanation Extrication: This film can be somewhat confusing as a result of explanations being adapted out of the six films that precede it; examples of this can be found on their own page.
  • Adaptation Induced Plothole: Also has its own page.
  • Elemental Motifs: The destruction of each Horcrux is accompanied by one of the four classical elements: Earth for the locket, Water for the cup, Fire for the diadem, and Air for Nagini.
  • Extremely Short Timespan: Due to the Adaptation Distillation listed above, about the final forty-five minutes of the first movie through the final movie (not counting the epilogue) take place over about two days.
  • Grand Finale: Deathly Hallows is essentially one film with a double-length running time that sees nearly every character return for the final battle between Voldemort and Harry as the world of the past six movies is forever changed.
  • Multi-Part Episode: Deathly Hallows is broken up into two parts, released theatrically at different times, to allow for the seven-hundred page book to be adapted without radical departures from the source material that the previous books suffered.
  • The '90s: A majority of the films takes place during the 1997-1998 school year.
  • "Wanted!" Poster: Voldemort and his Death Eaters have taken over, so the above posters are gone, but now there is a new poster - "Harry Potter - Undesirable No. 1" stating that there is a 10,000 galleon price on his head and that failure to report a sighting of him will result in imprisonment.

Part 1

"I have to start finding these Horcruxes. They are our only chance to beat him. And the longer we stay here, the stronger he gets."

  • Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene: The scene where Hermione talks about visiting the Forest of Dean with her parents when she was little.

    Hermione: Maybe we should just stay here, Harry...grow old.

  • Actionized Adaptation:
    • The Battle of the Seven Potters has been expanded in the film, including a chase between Hagrid and a Death Eater, taking place over a Muggle freeway, with cars and other vehicles being overturned or thrown at Harry and Hagrid. The chase continues through a tunnel, where Hagrid is upside-down as he drives along the tunnel ceiling, with Harry hanging from the sidecar, having to run across the roofs of the oncoming vehicles.
    • A chase scene is added where the trio attempt to flee from the Snatchers after being found.
  • Adaptational Consent: Several characters who were coerced to help Voldemort in the book instead do so either voluntarily, or by means other than coercion. Most notably Pius Thicknesse, who was under the Imperius curse in the book, and Gellert Grindelwald, who spills all the information about the Elder Wand immediately, whereas in the book Grindelwald flat out tells Voldemort that he has no intention of helping him and tells him he can go ahead and kill him if he likes, to which Voldemort obliges.
  • Adaptational Context Change: The interrupted kiss in the book is a minor Tear Jerker, as Ron intentionally breaks it up in anger (because he feels Harry is leading Ginny on by kissing her when he's broken up with her already). In the film it's played for comedy, with George walking in on them (and actually trying to keep quiet).
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: Due to their omission from the previous films, Bill Weasley and Mundungus Fletcher introduce themselves to Harry when they arrive at Privet Drive. This is also the first time Aberforth Dumbledore is mentioned and Harry says he never knew Dumbledore had a brother. In the books, Harry knows about Aberforth as early as the middle of Goblet of Fire.
  • Adaptational Modesty: The "Magic Is Might" throne has a foundation of muggles on the bottom. In the book, it's briefly described as a mount of naked bodies "with rather stupid, ugly faces"; the ones in the movie are fewer and fully dressed.
  • Adaptational Skimpiness:
    • Hermione's dress for the wedding was lilac in the book and presented as a sweet She Cleans Up Nicely moment. In the film it's a red dress and Ron is seen gazing lustfully at her.
    • The images of Harry and Hermione conjured up by the Horcrux are actually naked, as opposed to the book.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • Unlike his counterpart in the books, who was definitely under the Imperius Curse, Pius Thicknesse is implied to have joined the Death Eaters and Voldemort of his free will. However, he seems very tense compared to the other Death Eaters in the room, so it could be inferred that he may have been coerced into cooperating against his will, while not actually being under the Imperius Curse.
    • In the book, Grindelwald refuses to tell Voldemort what the Elder Wand's location is, and Dumbledore and Harry later speculate this was some sort of final penance before his death. In the movie, he happily tells Voldemort where it is.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The audience is shown Hermione modifying her parents memories' in the film, while in the book Hermione only mentions having wiped her parents' memories. Where Hermione and her family live is never confirmed in the books, just that her parents are rich, moreso than the middle-class Dursley family. Hermione's home in this film is in Hampstead Garden Suburb, London. There is a deleted scene where Yaxley arrives at the Grangers' house, only to find it empty due to Hermione's parents' modified memories.
  • Adapted Out: This is the first and only Harry Potter film where Minerva McGonagall, Argus Filch, and Dean Thomas don't appear.
  • Artifact of Doom: The locket; the locket caused Harry and Ron's tempers to flare and tried to tempt Ron into killing Harry when it was opened by preying on his fears and jealousy.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Of all of the many hundreds of Ministry of Magic workers the trio could have used for polyjuice potion, Hermione becomes a petite brunette, Harry becomes an average height guy with black hair, and Ron is, wait for it, a tall ginger. The trio are implied to have scouted the Ministry before going in and picked which people they were going to impersonate, though arguably the sensible thing to do would've been to find people who looked nothing like them.
    • In an example of Fridge Brilliance, though, it is established in both the books and the film that when the polyjuice potion starts to wear off, for a few minutes you get a blend of the real and disguised features. By picking people that look like them, they can squeeze a few extra minutes out of the potion. Also, since they only get one shot at this, they need to be as comfortable as possible — they need a form they can quickly adapt to. This is noted in the books by Hermione when she polyjuices into Bellatrix, and by Harry when he polyjuices into a plump red-haired boy to resemble the Weasleys.
  • Ax-Crazy: Continuing from the last two movies, Bellatrix Lestrange.
  • Badass Boast: Dobby gives an epic one.

    Dobby: Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf.

  • Bait-and-Switch: We see the back of a man with a long hair and a flowing black cape marching towards the Burrow while ominous music starts to play. The man strongly resembles Snape, assumed at that point to be Voldemort's right hand. No, it's not him, it's the Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour.
  • Beard of Evil: Since the film has Pius Thicknesse join Voldemort on his own volition, he obviously needs to look the part.
  • A Birthday, Not a Break: Hermione remembers that it's Harry' birthday after the Power Trio has just escaped a Death Eater attack at Bill and Fleur's wedding.
  • Bling-Bling-BANG!: Voldemort contemptuously snaps off the ornate silver handle of Lucius Malfoy's wand when he "borrows" it to use against Harry Potter.
  • Breather Episode: This film notably takes a break from frantically trying to cram as much plot as it can into the movies, instead focusing on long, atmospheric shots of the characters and scenery. It really emphasizes how the Power Trio are now on their own.
  • Brick Joke: After Ron leaves, Hermione ties her scarf to a tree just before she and Harry disapparate. They apparate back into the same location and run into a gang of Snatchers. The leader is wearing Hermione's scarf. It is also the same Snatcher who smelled her perfume while walking through the woods.
  • Broken Heel: While rushing to aid Harry in Godric's Hollow, Hermione trips over a pile of books on the floor (ironically for her).
  • The Cameo: Frances de la Tour returns for a quick one as Madame Maxime at Bill and Fleur's wedding.
  • Chekhov's Gun: When the Power Trio is attacked in the café, Ron uses the deluminator to put out the lights. This is the light in the deluminator that he later uses to find Harry and Hermione when he wanted to come back to them.
  • Cliffhanger: At the end, Voldemort obtains the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Bellatrix's torture of Hermione is far more barbaric than in the book, where she simply tortures Hermione with the Cruciatus Curse. In the film, she uses her knife to engrave the word "Mudblood" into her arm. Also, in the book Hermione ended up with a scar on her throat where Bellatrix started cutting her. In the films she only has scars on her arm.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • When Harry and Hermione arrive in Godric's Hollow, Hermione says she still thinks they should have used polyjuice potion. (In the book, they do use polyjuice potion, but in the film it's cheaper and more moving for the graveyard scene, to use the actual actors.)
    • In the movie continuity, Harry didn't meet Bill until this movie, which is why Bill properly introduces himself here. (In the book, they first met in the fourth book.)
  • Crapsack World: Seen when the Golden Trio are wandering through Britain, with Scenery Porn of beautiful yet cold and empty fields and highways, the scorched remains of a caravan park where the Death Eaters have struck, and their dark contrails overhead.
  • Dance of Despair: Harry and Hermione dance a slow waltz to deal with their best friend Ron's disappearance.
  • Dance of Romance: Subverted. Harry gets Hermione to dance with him just to cheer her up, but it's strictly platonic. The scene does hint that it could be heading that way - as it occurs after Ron leaves them thinking Hermione chose Harry - but nothing comes of it.
  • Danger — Thin Ice: Harry is nearly drowned by the horcrux in Slytherin's locket when he breaks open a hole in a frozen pond in the Forest of Dean and jumps in to retrieve the inconveniently placed Sword of Gryffindor.
  • Death Glare: Right before the six others transform into Harry, Mad-Eye Moody does this to one of the Weasley twins when the former states that Polyjuice Potion tastes like Goblin piss.

    You've had experience with that, Mad-Eye? (receives death glare) Just trying to defuse the situation.

  • Decomposite Character: In the books, Ron interrupts Harry and Ginny's kiss, because he disapproves of Harry giving Ginny false hopes and then going on a Horcrux hunt. In the film that role is given to George.
  • Demoted to Extra:
    • Details of the Dursleys talking to Harry before leaving Privet Drive are omitted, and the Dursleys are briefly seen but without any spoken lines to Harry. Dudley does not show warmth towards Harry, nor does Petunia seem to. However, it had been filmed and is included as a deleted scene in the Blu-ray combo pack release.
    • Viktor Krum, Gabrielle Delacour, Apolline Delacour, Monsieur Delacour and possibly Charlie Weasley are all present at the wedding, as they are in the book, but their roles are reduced to extras in the film. Olympe Maxime also attends the wedding in the film, whereas she was not said to have attended in the book.
  • Did They or Didn't They?: Harry and Hermione. Part 1 builds up as much Will They or Won't They? tension as possible between two characters who are in love with other people; both dancing together in the tent, Hermione fondly caressing Harry's hair telling him "Don't ever let me give you a haircut again", notably, Hermione is close to having a Heroic BSoD at one point after a litany of setbacks and muses to Harry about simply staying on the run and growing old together, "Maybe we should just stay here, Harry. Grow old." Then Part 2, with its coy references to Harry talking in his sleep, seems to invite the audience to ponder what's likely to happen between them when left alone for weeks thinking they're going to die.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Dobby dies in Harry's arms at the end of the film.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation:
    • Harry lets Hedwig go free before leaving Privet Drive, and she returns while Harry and Hagrid are being pursued. She then blocks a Killing Curse that a Death Eater cast at Harry, which gives him away during the Battle of the Seven Potters. In the book, Hedwig remains in her cage the whole time, eventually being killed by a stray curse. The give-away in the book is when Harry uses a Disarming Charm on Stan Shunpike.
    • Dobby's death scene is longer and more dramatic in the film than in the book. In the book, he dies very shortly after arriving at Shell Cottage, only having enough life in him to mutter Harry's name one last time. In the film, he is able to talk to Harry properly, telling him that he is happy to be with his friends, and managing a weak smile before he dies. Also, Bellatrix stabs him in the book, while in the film, she just throws the knife after him.
  • Diegetic Switch: "O'Children" starts out playing crackling on the radio, then fades into clear background music when Harry and Hermione start dancing.
  • Diner Brawl: A fight scene in a cafe between Harry, Hermione and Ron on one side and two Death Eaters on the other side.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Three major ones:
    • The effects the locket Horcrux has on Ron closely resembles a depressive episode. He gradually isolates himself from Harry and Hermione, starts thinking in black and white terms, and becomes much more irritable and angry. Hermione pointing out that Ron wouldn't be acting this way if he wasn't wearing the locket all day also alludes to how high stress can induce depression.
    • The scene where Hermione is brutally interrogated by Bellatrix Lestrange. It happens offscreen in the book, but you get to see plenty of it in the film adaptation, and it strongly resembles rape.
    • The Nazi-esque posters and pamphlets being printed from the same film. Another Nazi-esque bit of symbolism is Bellatrix carved Hermione's arm with "Mudblood", which is reminiscent of the serial numbers tattooed onto the forearms of interns in concentration camps.
  • Downer Ending: Although our heroes have escaped from Malfoy Manor, they are broken by the setback (especially poor Hermione, who was brutally interrogated by Bellatrix) and Dobby is dead. Also, to top it all off, Voldemort has found the Elder Wand, which apparently guarantees that Voldemort will triumph over Harry and his friends. Oh, and the Ministry of Magic is still under the control of the Death Eaters.
  • Double Vision: The scene "The Seven Potters", when seven identical Potters are created, using Polyjuice Potion.
  • Driving Up a Wall: During the "rescue Harry from Privet Drive" sequence, as Hagrid and Harry are being pursued by Death Eaters, Hagrid briefly drives his motorcycle onto the roof of a tunnel.
  • Dying Candle: During the story of the Three Brothers, the eldest brother is killed in his sleep, as the nearby candle is snuffed out.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Dobby is killed by Bellatrix with a knife while Disapparating to get the gang to safety.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: When Pius Thicknesse is shown taking charge of the Ministry, both Mafalda and Runcorn can be seen among the employees with him and Umbridge - while Reg Cattermole can be seen in the crowd listening. This foreshadows the trio impersonating them later when they infiltrate the Ministry.
  • Eat the Camera: Voldemort kills Charity Burbage, a professor at Hogwarts whom he considered repugnant for supporting Muggles. He tells his huge pet snake: "Nagini, dinner," and she slithers across the table, until the camera enters her mouth as she starts devouring Burbage's corpse.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Hermione gets one while she's cutting Harry's hair.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: As Nagini is about to eat Charity Burbage's corpse, you can see a few Death Eaters are visibly terrified, although more vicious Death Eaters like Bellatrix and Dolohov seem fascinated instead.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: The trio's hair is shown growing longer as they spend more time on the run. Harry gets a haircut from Hermione midway through, but the other two are quite shaggy.
  • Eyedscreen: The first film begins with this view of a pair of eyes telling the audience that these are dark times. The eyes are then revealed to belong to Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic.
  • Fanservice: The nude kissing scene created by the Horcrux showing Riddle-Harry and Riddle-Hermione is this to male and female fans alike. Especially to the fans who like shipping the characters together even if those are just visions and not the characters themselves. There's also Harry in his underwear diving into a pool of water.
  • Fascinating Eyebrow: Emma Watson finally managed control over her infamous overacting eyebrows to be able to just raise one to punctuate the joke of Ron trying to win Hermione over by "voting" for her idea to see Xenophilius Lovegood.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Voldemort has shades of this, during the meeting at Malfoy Manor.
  • Follow the White Rabbit: The doe Patronus.
  • Foreshadowing: Harry thinks that there might be a Horcrux made in Godric's Hollow.
    • During the "Tale of the Three Brothers" segment, the Elder Wand resembles Dumbledore's Wand.
  • Glasses Curiosity: Six other characters have to turn into Harry and consequently also have to wear his glasses. Hermione puts on a pair of Harry's glasses before transforming. Once she sees how much they adjust her eyesight, she criticizes his.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Inverted and played straight with the discovery of Bathilda Bagshot's body in Deathly Hallows – Part 1. While you don't see her body, as it is being used by Nagini like a suit, the indication that Bagshot was brutally murdered is the rather large and gruesome pool of blood dripping from the ceiling of her house.
  • Gotta Catch Them All: Part of the Trio's quest involves gathering the Hallows.
  • Gotta Kill Them All: ...and the other part involves destroying all of Voldemort's Horcruxes...
  • Green-Eyed Monster: The locket turns Ron into this by inflaming his insecurity about his relationship to Hermione, which sparks jealousy over her appearing to dote on Harry. Part of his motivation for abandoning them is seeing them coming back from the close call with the Snatchers and thinking they've been doing... something else.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: The snatchers fail to confiscate Ron's Deluminator and Harry's piece of mirror, despite the fact that one is a magical device and the other a potential weapon. Perhaps justified in that the wizarding world tends to focus on spells and wands, rather than the vast number of different weapons that Muggles use.
  • Hammerspace: Hermione's bag. Justified by the 'Undetectable Extension Charm' she placed on it, mentioned in both book and film.
  • Headphones Equal Isolation: The waitress at the diner is in the kitchen with her back turned and headphones playing music on, and doesn't hear the loud and destructive wand battle between the Trio and a pair of Death Eaters.
  • Heaven Above: Death, as he appears in The Tale of Three Brothers, sports a pair of wings which he can use to bring his victims up into the afterlife.
  • Hippie Parents: Xenophilius Lovegood has this aesthetic.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: What ultimately drives Ron to destroy the locket is the soul fragment presenting itself as Harry and Hermione mocking him and then making out, the very thing it was driving him to think was happening earlier on.
  • Hotter and Sexier: Two scenes in the film — Ginny and Harry in the Burrow and the Horcrux's vision of Harry and Hermione — are more fanservice-y than the books described.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Scabior, the head Snatcher. After he captures Hermione, calls her "My lovely" and sniffs her hair. The actor Nick Moran told Entertainment Weekly that they cut out his line: "You're going to be my favourite."
  • Insistent Terminology: When Dobby refers to Mundungus Fletcher as a thief, he insists that he is instead a "purveyor of rare and wondrous objects."
  • Infodump: Scene Two, when Bill Weasley introduces himself, his injury from Grayback and his impending wedding, as well as Tonks and Lupin already being married. Partly justified, in the sheer number of subplots left to die in the previous movies. Particularly notable because none of those characters pop up again during that specific film.
  • Ironic Echo: Harry taunts Umbridge with the very phrase she forced him to carve into his own hand during his detentions/tortures in Order of the Phoenix.

    You're lying, Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies.

  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Kreacher, after capturing Mundungus, pretty much used this trope to force him to reveal to whom he sold Slytherin's Locket, and then (although by accident rather than deliberately, due to the shock of the revelation of who he sold it to) scalded him.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: Never mind the fact that his brother just had his ear cut off; Fred is disgusted beyond belief that, with the world of ear-related humour before him, George went with holey. This may also be a Stealth Pun on St George, patron saint of England.
  • Lampshade Hanging: When they arrive in Godric's Hollow, Hermione says they should have used Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves. They did do this in the book, but in the film it would clearly detract from the emotion of the scene to have different actors standing in for them.
  • "Leave Your Quest" Test: Depressed after Ron walks out on them and Voldemort's forces are all-powerful, Hermione suggests that she and Harry just stay hidden by the river where they're camped out and grow old together. It's doubtful she's serious, but it's a telling moment for this normally driven character.
  • Medium Blending: An animated segment for "The Tale of the Three Brothers", the legendary story of the Deathly Hallows. It's CGI that looks like the cut-out animation style Lotte Reiniger created for The Adventures of Prince Achmed.
  • Mugged for Disguise: During their infiltration of the Ministry, they stunned three Ministry workers to become them. In the end, one of them came back.
  • Musical Spoiler: Whenever the Slytherin locket is influencing someone's behavior, there is a characteristic, high-pitched noise. The noise appears when Harry talks to Bathilda Bagshot in her home, hinting early that she is in fact Nagini.
  • Nightmarish Nursery: When Harry and Hermione are visiting Godric's Hollow, Harry finds himself alone with Bathilda Bagshot (actually Nagini impersonating her); before long, the snake reveals herself and tackles Harry through a wall into a nursery. The bright ceiling light and colourful toys make a jarring contrast to the nightmarish snake trying to constrict the life out of Harry.
  • Non-Answer: During the Death Eater meeting where Voldemort and his followers are discussing where and how to dispose of Harry Potter, the Dark Lord asks Pius Thicknesse, a member of the Ministry of Magic who is collaborating with them, his opinion. Voldemort even lampshades it.

    Pius Thicknesse: One hears many things, my lord. Whether the truth is among them, is not clear.
    Voldemort: Spoken like a true politician! I think you'll prove most useful to us.

  • Oblivious Janitor Cut: While the hero trio is attacked at the diner, the waiter/cook is in the kitchen, blithely listening to music on her headphones.
  • Offhand Backhand: While escaping from the Ministry, Ron successfully disarms Yaxley without looking at him.
  • Perma-Stubble
    • Harry gets one while wandering around, away from civilization, for weeks at a time. At one point, we see Hermione cutting his hair (manually, with a pair of scissors), so he may also have shaving equipment that, because of his circumstances, he can't use daily. Or maybe Daniel Radcliffe didn't want to grow his facial hair out further, but the director wanted another visual indicator of Harry's "on the run" status.
    • Lucius Malfoy from both Hallows films, his dishevelment symbolizing how far he's fallen from Voldemort's graces.
  • P.O.V. Cam: As Harry is dragged out of the frozen pond.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: In the book, Harry at the wedding and him and Hermione in Godric's Hollow use Polyjuice Potion to take on the appearance of other people, as they do in the Ministry in both the book and the film. In the film, however, they appear as themselves. This is more effective, particularly in the case of the latter scene, as the visit to his parents' grave is a very emotional scene for Harry, and it wouldn't quite be the same with a balding, middle-aged man in place of Daniel Radcliffe.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: As his polyjuice potion off of Mr. Runcorn wears off and with barely contained fury towards the object of his distemper, Harry invokes Dolores Umbridge's hypocrisy relating to her punishments at Hogwarts before nailing her in the face with a Stunning spell.

    Harry-as-Runcorn: You're lying, Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies.

  • Properly Paranoid: Hermione modifying her parents' memories and sending them under assumed identities to Australia turned out to be a wise precaution: a deleted scene from Part 1 shows that a Death Eater party led by Yaxley went to the Grangers' home searching for them.
  • Removed from the Picture: Hermione does this to herself when she wipes her parents' memories of her.
  • Sacrificial Lion:
    • Mad-Eye Moody and Hedwig are the first casualties of the film. Mad-Eye's death proves that not even the toughest of the heroes are safe, and like in the book, Hedwig's death represents the end of Harry's childhood for good.
    • Dobby, though to a lesser extent than in the book. In the book, his death convinces Harry to focus on the Horcruxes over the Hallows. Meanwhile in the film, while his death is no less tragic, there's no mention of this epiphany taking place.
  • Schrödinger's Cast: Peter Pettigrew's death is omitted. He doesn't return in Part 2, and it's never mentioned if he dies. Also a case of Karma Houdini.
  • Shoot the Dog: At the start, before the crew are about to fly off, Harry lets Hedwig go. She comes back and attacks one of the Death Eaters chasing Harry during the Battle for Little Whinging, and ends up taking a Killing Curse.
  • Sleep Cute: Ron and Hermione are asleep next to each other, with their hands lying so they appear to be reaching out for each other. Given a horrifying echo in Part II when Remus and Tonks' bodies are laid out in the exact same way.
  • Sneaky Departure: Harry tries to make one from the Burrow until Ron talks some sense into him.
  • Spared by the Adaptation:
    • Somewhat subverted with Hedwig. Readers of the book would get a bit of a Hope Spot by watching Harry release her from her cage before parting rather than keeping her with him. As in the book she dies when a stray curse hits her while Harry holds her cage with him they would assume the movie decided to spare her life. But then she shows up minutes later in the middle of the fight with the Death Eaters to save Harry from a killing curse by taking it for him.
    • Non-fatal variation. The waitress gets stunned in the fight in the café, along with the Death Eaters. In the film she misses the fight and is told to run off by Hermione upon returning to find the place in ruins.
    • Gellert Grindelwald. Voldemort just teleports away as opposed to killing him in the book.
    • Wormtail is stunned by Dobby when he comes down to the cellars (while saying "Ow" before fainting), instead of strangled by his own hand. He does not appear in Part 2, however, which has led to the belief that Voldemort killed him when he next arrives at Malfoy Manor.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: In a deleted scene from Hallows, Part 1, Arthur Weasley echoes Ron's comment that Yaxley should try an umbrella if it's raining in his office.
  • Take That!: Among the list of witches and wizards who have died to Voldemort's regime that is being read out on the radio, one of them is named "Ebony Way", in reference to the protagonist of the infamous Harry Potter fanfiction My Immortal.
  • Toilet Humour: Mad-Eye's comment about Polyjuice Potion, in the Seven Harrys scene.

    Mad-Eye: For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning, it tastes like goblin piss.

  • Took a Level in Badass: Ron takes a small but noticeable level between Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows – Part 1, possibly in response to some fans criticising how he was made into a bit too much of a comic relief in the previous six movies. In Hallows he becomes a more mature and reliable sidekick, and some of his greatest moments in the last two movies even have him acting more confident and determined than in the books. After destroying the locket in the book, Ron is understandably upset and is comforted by Harry, while in the film he's rather upbeat about it, and casually quips that there are now "only three to go!"
  • Toy-Based Characterization: As he is about to leave Privet Drive forever, Harry revisits the toy soldiers that he played with in the first film, showing that, despite his sad childhood there, he feels strange to be leaving that part of his life behind.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After being deprived of a wand, Lucius Malfoy is prone to snapping at lowly grunts that disrespect him and his hands seems to be glued to a glass of wine.
  • Whip of Dominance: In the first part of the finale, Bellatrix Lestrange starts violently attacking a bunch of Snatchers with a whip conjured from her wand, just to punish them for not giving them the Golden Trio's wands as she ordered. For bonus points, Bellatrix is Dressed Like a Dominatrix with her tight black leather dress. Notably in the books, she simply punished them via a stunning spell, making it clear this adaptation gave her a whip just for the dominatrix/sadism aesthetic.
  • Wrong Insult Offence: When the villainous Bellatrix says that the heroic Dobby nearly killed her by saving his friends:

    Dobby: Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure.

  • Zip Me Up: Ginny to Harry.

Part 2

"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, those who live without love."

  • 20 Minutes into the Past:
    • The film events take place in 1998 and ends with the epilogue 19 years later in 2017.
    • Harry's looking at the Pensieve of Severus Snape's memories qualifies as this.
  • Actionized Adaptation: In the book, the final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort consists of a terse conversation followed by each of them casting one spell. In the film, it's a multi-scene, full-contact Wizard Duel, some of which takes place in midair after Harry throws them both off the castle walls.
  • Adaptational Heroism:
    • It takes much less to convince Aberforth to help out than in the book.
    • The Prince's Tale segment leaves out Snape first asking to only save Lily, not caring if Harry and James die, and has him beg for everyone's safety from the start.
      • That section also takes out all of James' jerkass moments. In fact, his first meeting with Lily is very cordial rather than in the book where James and Sirius are teasing and taunting Snape in front of Lily, who grows so angered with them that she suggests they leave. She doesn't get over her first impression of him for the next five years.
    • Almost with Draco. A scene was filmed where he breaks ranks with the Death Eaters and throws Harry his wand after it's revealed he's still alive - but it was cut from the final film.
  • Adaptational Modesty: Harry is naked when he wakes up in the Afterlife Antechamber. In the film he's already wearing clothes.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: The film adds a scene of Snape holding Lily's dead body in his arms while baby Harry looks on, making Snape appear more sympathetic, while at the same time, leaves out Snape calling Lily a "mudblood" in a moment of humiliation and fury, and then descending into his obsession with Dark Arts and signing up with Voldemort. In the final film, Snape immediately asks Dumbledore to protect the entire Potter family. In the final book, Snape does ask Dumbledore to protect the entire Potter family, but after Dumbledore is angry with Snape when he gets him to admit that he tried bargaining for just Lily's life in exchange for her son and husband. Also, when Dumbledore asks Snape if he has grown to care for Harry, he only produces Lily’s patronus in response, implying that he cares for Harry since he is Lily’s son. In the books, Snape explicitly states that he only protected Harry for Lily’s sake. In the final scene between Snape and Harry, Snape explicitly states that Harry has his mother's eyes whereas in the novel, Snape's final words to Harry are, "Look at me," with only the implication he wants to see Lily's eyes before he dies.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • The book made a point about all underage students being evacuated regardless of house. Aberforth suggests holding Slytherins hostage, and when Harry counters that Albus wouldn't approve, it's another major factor in rallying him to help out. Here, McGonagall orders the Slytherins locked up in the dungeons after Pansy tries to get Hogwarts to surrender Harry, and the students aren't evacuated at all.
    • Though just as smug and unpleasant as he was in the book, Griphook betrays Harry here out of petty spite, while in the book it was due to a sense that Harry wouldn't keep his word in handing over the Sword of Gryffindor.
  • Adaptation Expansion:
    • The final fight between Harry and Voldemort. In the book, Harry appears from beneath his invisibility cloak in the midst of the battle to deliver a Shut Up, Hannibal! to Voldemort, just before the Dark Lord tosses a killing curse at him, which backfires horribly. Again. In the film, the fight sprawls the entire breadth of the castle, from Voldemort stalking Harry in the hallways, battling in the Astronomy Tower, and pulling a Freefall Fight before landing in the courtyard, where they engage in a Beam-O-War duel which Harry wins after Voldy is weakened by the last Horcrux's destruction when Harry's Expelliarmus reaches Voldy. And yes, it is just as epic as it sounds.
    • To a lesser degree, the fight between Neville and Nagini. In the book, Neville decapitates Nagini without resistance from her in a moment of surprise, albeit whilst on fire. In the film, he decapitates her mid-launch at a helpless Ron and Hermione. Yes, also extremely satisfying.
    • We also get to see Ron and Hermione enter the Chamber of Secrets and destroy the cup horcrux, showing a scene only referred to in the books.
    • Additionally, we see more of the preparations around Hogwarts for the battle, like Kingsley stationing people at the towers to fend off the Death Eaters.
  • Adapted Out:
    • Vincent Crabbe doesn't appear in the film (due to the actor who played Crabbe being arrested for cannabis possession). Instead, Blaise Zabini is present in the Room of Requirement with Draco Malfoy and Gregory Goyle, and Goyle dies in the Fiendfyre. Consequently, Crabbe's fate is unknown.
    • Grawp, the Centaurs and the Legion of House-elves led by Kreacher are omitted.
    • The role of Teddy Lupin (played by Luke Newberry) was filmed but ultimately cut. Also the role of Victoire Weasley was not in the film.
  • Anti-Climax: Averted in the film - in the book the climax takes about three pages or so. In the film, however, Harry and Voldemort have an epic duel for five minutes, with Voldemort flying around all over Hogwarts and Harry holding on for dear life. Then their wands induce a Priori Incantatem-like Beam-O-War, and they duel for almost a minute before Neville cuts Nagini in two, which causes Voldemort to disintegrate due to all the Horcruxes being destroyed and his strength weakening to the point where his killing curse slowly rebounds on him.
  • Asshole Victim:
    • Griphook agrees to help the trio get into Bellatrix's Gringotts vault in exchange for the Sword of Gryffindor. When he gets them there, he forces them to turn over the sword before they can use it to destroy the horcrux, then abandons them, claiming he promised to get them in; he never said he'd get them back out. He's killed by Voldemort almost immediately, still holding the sword.
    • Also Goyle, who is incinerated by the Fiendfyre he cast against Harry.
  • Attack! Attack... Retreat! Retreat!: Ron goes apeshit on Goyle for attempting to use Avada Kedavra on Hermione in the Room of Requirement. The next time we see him he's running back, screaming "Goyle set the bloody place on fire!"
  • Back for the Finale: Pomona Sprout, Ollivander, the Sorting Hat, even the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk (though only in skeletal form).
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Harry invokes this to Voldemort before chucking them both off of a cliff.

    Harry: C'mon Tom. Let's finish this the way we started it. Together.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Neville jumping out to kill Nagini with the Sword of Gryffindor.
  • Big Damn Kiss: Between Ron and Hermione after destroying the Hufflepuff's Cup Horcrux and being engulfed in a torrent of water caused by it.
  • Big "NO!": Happens a lot. Ginny Weasley cries a couple of rather impressive ones when it is believed that Harry is dead.
  • Bitch Slap: Lucius suggests Voldemort stop the battle and seek Harry himself, hoping that will give him the opportunity to find his son. Voldemort has none of it and slaps him.

    Voldemort: How do you live with yourself, Lucius?
    Lucius: I don't know.

  • Bond Villain Stupidity:
    • While Voldemort has insisted that he has to be the one to kill Harry, evidently that does not extend to personally making sure he's absolutely dead.
    • In the climax, Voldemort has Harry tied up in his robes. When we get back to the duo after a cut to the hunt for Nagini, he is just slapping him. Harry, the boy he had set out to kill, is defenceless in front of him, and he's resorting to slapping when he could kill him at any time with the Elder Wand. This may, however, qualify as a result of his Villainous Breakdown.
  • Breaching the Wall: When Voldemort's Death Eaters attack Hogwarts, the professors conjure up an impenetrable protective bubble around the castle that incinerates anyone who tries to breach it. It only gives the Hogwarts crowd a brief reprieve before Voldemort shows up in person with the Elder Wand and singlehandedly destroys the shield spell. However, it's obvious that Voldemort overtaxed the Elder Wand in the process, which begins to show visible cracks.
  • Call-Back:
    • When Sirius points out that "we're here" - meaning Harry's heart - it's a call back to when he said the same thing at the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
    • Similarly, a darker version of this trope is done with the Grey Lady (the tower ghost Luna takes Harry to see), who mimics a lot of Moaning Myrtle's gestures to Ron back in the second film, while a Horcrux was the topic of discussion in both situations, a Horcrux moreover that directly relates to the character on an important and personal level (the diary's personal thing being that Myrtle's death is how it was created), possibly showing that a Horcrux is extremely disturbing to the dead.
    • The image of Voldemort, said to be the piece of his soul that was trapped in Harry, looks suspiciously like Voldemort that Pettigrew revives in "Goblet of Fire."
    • When Snape cast his Patronus for Lily, Dumbledore said, "After all this time?" Snape replied, "Always." Later, when Harry meets with the spirit of Lily.

      Harry: You'll stay with me?

      Lily: Always

    • While in the Afterlife Antechamber, Duumbledore tells Harry that "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." This is exactly the same thing Dumbledore said in the second movie while trying to give a message to Harry and Ron while they were hiding under the invisibility cloak. Dumbledore then changes it adding " those who deserve it." at the end.
  • The Cameo: During an aerial shot of the outdoor Hogwarts battle, Oliver Wood flies in on his broom shouting "Come on!" and leads a few others (presumably his professional Quidditch teammates) flying into the battle below them.
  • Cleavage Window: On Hermione during the gang's mission in Gringotts, due to her wearing Bellatrix's clothes.
  • Clothing Combat: During the final fight between Harry and Voldemort, Voldemort briefly uses the longer parts of his robes to ensnare Harry.
  • Cowardice Callout: Like in the book, McGonagall screams "Coward!" when Snape Disapparates in the midst of their duel before it can turn deadly, although it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it sound. And like in the book, it's subverted when Snape's true colors are revealed, subtly implying upon re-watching that he fled to save McGonagall as well as himself from being seriously injured by such a duel.
  • Deadly Force Field: In the final battle, the teachers create a magic force field around the school. When a couple of Death Eaters run into it, they disintegrate.
  • Death by Adaptation: Scabior, Griphooknote , Gregory Goylenote  and Pius Thicknesse. Likely Fenrir Greenback as well. Lavender's death was confirmed by Word of God.
  • Death by Depower: When Voldemort's last Horcrux, his snake Nagini, is killed, he loses control over his wand and gets disarmed by Harry. Shortly afterwards, he turns into ash.
  • Death by Irony: Voldemort slits Snape's throat using Sectumsempra, a spell that Snape himself created when he was young.
  • Deflector Shields: Hogwarts is surrounded by one as a preemptive measure when McGonagall decides to make a fight out of the situation.
  • Demoted to Extra:
    • Aside from the major characters, the rest of the characters included during the Battle of Hogwarts such as Percy Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks who played a supporting role in the book are reduced to background characters with no dialogue. However, Tonks is shown in a deleted scene and with a little bit of dialogue. She is seen arriving at the battle with Remus, Kingsley and Fred and George.
    • Dumbledore (posthumously) can arguably be an aversion of this, considering he has an entire five-minute scene with Harry (taking place in Harry's mind) as well as appearing prominently in flashbacks, and more lines than most of the other characters.
    • Hagrid in particular only appears near the end of the movie, where he is found captured by the Death Eaters without an explanation and carries Harry back to the castle after Voldemort supposedly kills him. Then, after the battle, he reunites with Harry.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation:
    • The film retains Fenrir Greyback's attack on Lavender Brown, however, the outcome is considerably different. In the film, Hermione blasts Greyback out a window where he falls into a ravine and to his death, while in the novel he is only stunned. The film also strongly implies that Lavender was killed by Greyback, whereas her fate in the book is ambiguous.
    • Nagini doesn't die before the battle resumes, but instead dies during Harry and Voldemort's duel. While trying to strike at Ron and Hermione, she is decapitated by Neville with the Sword of Gryffindor. When killed, Nagini disintegrates into black smoke in the film.
    • In the book, Voldemort's dead body hits the ground, showing that for all his claims of being great and attempts at immortality, he was just a man. In the film, he disintegrates into papery flakes while screaming, probably to symbolize that his crimes against the natural order of life and death rendered him even less than a man, and that he was reduced to a hollow shell that crumbled into nothingness.
  • Disney Villain Death:
    • Goyle falls to his death from the top of a pile of junk in the Room of Requirement. Into the fiendfyre but still.
    • Fenrir Greyback is blasted out the window by Hermione after he kills Lavender.
    • Kingsley uses a spell that freezes a Death Eater mid-Apparition and pushes the guy back out the window, presumably killing him in the subsequent fall.
    • The Death Eaters and Voldemort's Army who were on the bridge when Neville triggered it to collapse.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Neville gets this after waking up from Voldemort's knock-out blow. It's so bad, he's actually completely oblivious to another fighter being thrown back not more than 3 feet from where he is. Did we mention that the guy getting thrown back was on fire?
  • Exact Words: In Bellatrix's vault:

    Griphook: I said I'd get you in. I never said anything about letting you out!

    • Luna invokes this after Cho tells her that no one alive knows where the Ravenclaw Diadem was. Luna eventually tells Harry that instead of looking for someone alive to ask, they should look for someone who was dead (Helena's ghost).
  • Extremely Short Timespan: Aside from the flashbacks and the epilogue, this film takes place over about twenty-four hours. In stark contrast to the other films, which each take place over about a year.
  • Eyes Always Averted: Griphook refuses to make eye contact with Harry and the others, highlighting the animosity between wizards and goblins.
  • Face Death with Despair: Voldemort is killed by his own Killing Curse spell when it rebounds after his final Horcrux is destroyed. But unlike in the novel, where he instantly drops dread, Voldemort lives long enough to see his body disintegrating into dust and his final emotion is one of pure fear and agony as he realizes his worst fear coming to life.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death:
    • Snape's death scene, with Voldemort slashing Snape's throat open with Sectumsempra then having Nagini Finish Him!, with blood splattering on the walls. And this is coming from filmmakers who cut Wormtail's death scene due to "suicide" (which it technically wasn't) being too "graphic."
    • Bellatrix's death. In the book, Molly simply hit her with an unidentified spell that killed her instantly (according to Word of God it was a Stunning Spell that was cast so strongly it caused a heart attack). In the film, a spell causes her corset to tighten (likely crushing her internal organs and ribs) and she is hit by another that blows her into embers.
  • Finish Him!: After slashing Snape's throat open with Sectumsempra at the boathouse, Voldemort issues the command, "Nagini...kill."
  • Flashback-Montage Realization: An In-Universe example: when Harry learns through the Pensieve that Snape was good the whole time and that he had loved Harry's mother since childhood, both new and old scenes are shown in this light.
  • Foreshadowing: The music that plays at the very beginning while Snape is looking over a decrepit Hogwarts is Lily's theme.
    • When Professor McGonagall attacks Snape, notice how Snape doesn't fire back, and actually knocks out Alecto and Amycus Carrow by reflecting the blast into them.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Filch brought the Slytherins down to the dungeons and locked them behind some bars despite the fact that every Slytherin had their wand and knew multiple spells to break out, yet no one did. It took someone on the outside to bust the wall around the lock to get them out.
  • Full-Name Ultimatum: Luna:

    "Harry Potter, you listen to me right now!"

  • Glass Cannon: The Elder Wand. It's the most powerful wand ever made, yet Harry can snap it like a pencil after killing Voldemort. Then again, it had started to splinter when Voldemort used it to blow out the shield around Hogwarts, and since Harry was its master, it may have obeyed his unspoken wish and allowed itself to break.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: When Harry and Voldemort are fighting in the Astronomy Tower, Voldemort is so angry that he resorts to slapping Harry around and kicking him as he tries to recover.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Severus Snape's death. Even then it's a Nothing Is Scarier moment as we see only a view through a dirty window, but can hear clearly the sound of the snake striking him again and again.
  • Hooked Up Afterwards: We never really see Harry and Ginny have a proper relationship in the films - they do towards the end of the book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry breaks it off for Deathly Hallows because he doesn't want Ginny involved in the danger. However in the films we just see longing glances and essentially two kisses, which while pretty obvious didn't make them official onscreen, leading to a Hooked Up Afterwards for the time skip.
  • Horrifying the Horror: As Voldemort converses with Nagini in parseltongue at Malfoy Manor after violently rage killing a number of Gringotts employees, Bellatrix can be seen in the background sitting against the wall covering her head and cowering in fear.
  • Hysterical Woman: Helena Ravenclaw is portrayed this way, in contrast to her proud and haughty description in the books. Justified, given what happened to her; downplayed in that she's not so much hysterical as coldly angry (and when Harry alludes to Voldemort, she loses her composure quite terrifyingly.)
  • I Always Wanted to Say That: Said by Professor McGonagall of all people, after using the Piertotum Locomotor spell. Considering what it does, can you blame her? Especially cute is the schoolgirl giggle she gives after delivering the line.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: The Gringotts' Dragon, poor thing.
  • Ineffectual Death Threats: Ron to Harry, after Harry goes back to save Draco in the Room of Requirements.

    Ron: If we die for them, Harry, I'll kill you!

  • Jerkass Has a Point: When Hermione in disguise as Bellatrix is too nice greeting someone else in Diagon Alley, Griphook takes her to task. While Ron tries to calm him down, Hermione agrees that she wasn't acting how the sadistic Bellatrix would react.
  • Lampshade Hanging:
  • Literally Shattered Lives:
    • An enraged Molly Weasley casts a curse on Bellatrix that freezes her in place and dessicates her... followed by a blast that shatters her into a million pieces.
    • And later, after Neville destroys the last Horcrux and Harry defeats Voldemort in a Beam-O-War, Voldy slowly disintegrates like burned paper into the wind, faintly screaming like he's had the wind knocked out of him as he dies.
  • Lock-and-Load Montage: Before the Battle of Hogwarts. Flitwick, Molly, and Slughorn cast protective charms around the castle until they form full-blown Deflector Shields while Kingsley stations wizards at key positions.
  • Loophole Abuse: Done by Griphook after he double crosses the trio during the raid on Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts.

    Griphook: I said I'd get you in. I never said anything about letting you out!

  • May It Never Happen Again: After Harry had successfully defeated Lord Voldemort, he gains possession of the Elder Wand. But he breaks it in half and throws the pieces off a bridge so nobody in the Wizarding World can use it again.
  • Million Mook March: Averted; when Voldemort's men think they've won they just shuffle wearily across the bridge to Hogwarts, exhausted after fighting all night. They only regain their arrogant bravado after Neville pretends he's going to join them. Then there's the reaction when Harry reveals to still be alive, forcing many of them to Screw This, I'm Outta Here! to avoid the inevitable consequences once Harry and Voldemort's final face-off ends.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: The way the movie handles Neville killing Nagini. If it wasn't for the slow motion, lack of sound, and the visual effects, it probably would have turned out much more embarrassing than it looked.
  • The New '10s: The epilogue scene takes place on September 1st, 2017.
  • No Body Left Behind: Nagini, Bellatrix, and Voldemort.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Voldemort vs. Harry in the expanded fight scene. As Voldemort's wand won't work, he retorts to using his fists to give Harry a pummelling.
  • No Man Should Have This Power: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry decides that the Elder Wand is so powerful, no one should ever use it. In the book, he returns it to Dumbledore's tomb, intending that its power should end once he dies without being defeated in combat. Here, he breaks the wand in half and throws the pieces off the bridge.
  • Noodle Incident: Ron opens the Chamber of Secrets by imitating Harry's Parseltongue, even though he can't speak it himself:

    Ron: (Speaking Parseltongue and opening the door) Harry talks in his sleep. Have you noticed?
    Hermione: (flustered) No, of course, not!

  • No-Sell: Nagini powers through a Blasting Curse from Harry (that deflects off her and hits several Death Eaters) and a Killing Curse from Ron.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • The students gasp when Snape pulls out his wand but back away, screaming at the sight of Professor McGonagall; they back away even more when she fires her first spell, for they can see that shit has hit the fan and will not be coming off of it for a while.
    • A quite boastful Neville promptly shuts up when the school's protection charm breaks, leaving him face to face with scores of Snatchers. He runs and kills them all by destroying the bridge behind him, and just barely avoids the same fate himself.
    • When Voldemort states aloud that he can't truly master the Elder Wand until he kills the man who killed its previous owner, Snape (who killed Dumbledore a year earlier) realizes that his usefulness -- along with his life -- has just ended.
    • Voldemort has this look on his face when Harry reveals he's still alive. The Death Eaters also have this, with several of them Apparating away while Bellatrix screams at them to come back. Voldemort then has a few more when he senses Nagini has been killed, rendering him mortal, and then when he sees the Elder Wand is turning against him.
    • An understated but no less powerful one: when Molly confronts Bellatrix and actually begins to fight back with the Killing Curse. The look on Bellatrix's face shows that she knows that she's a dead woman.
  • One-Woman Wail: Lily's new leitmotif.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Kelly MacDonald plays the Grey Lady with an English accent but when she becomes enraged, her natural Scottish accent comes out. This is also a cunning sly move on the casting agents' part; Rowena Ravenclaw is from "the glens" which are in Scotland, so it makes sense that her daughter would, in turn, be Scottish.
  • Perfect Disguise, Terrible Acting: Hermione uses Polyjuice Potion to take on Bellatrix Lestrange's appearance in order to break into her vault at Gringotts. Although the potion makes her physically identical to Bellatrix, Hermione struggles to act like Bellatrix; she's far too polite and friendly, and her attempts to be intimidating come off as awkward. This raises suspicions and Harry has to resort to Imperius Curse to get them past the checkpoint.
  • Pietà Plagiarism: Snape cradling Lily's dead body.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: The climactic battle between Harry and Voldemort is expanded from the wordy confrontation in the book, since that would have had the characters simply circling each other, arguing and info dumping on Harry's part for upwards of about five minutes. Instead Voldemort chases Harry around Hogwarts and they claw and tear at each other as they Apparate, before ending up back in the grand courtyard for their final duel.
  • Precision F-Strike: Molly Weasley's line to Bellatrix from the novel is kept intact.

    Not my daughter, you bitch!

  • Previously on…: The opening scene before the Warner Bros. logo features a replay of the final scene of Part 1 of Lord Voldemort robbing Professor Dumbledore's grave of the Elder Wand.
  • Promoted to Love Interest: Neville and Luna, which wasn't in the books. Matthew Lewis claims it was "a summer fling" before they moved onto their canon partners.
  • Prophecy Twist: Both Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom fit the bill for the prophecy about Voldemort's demise, but it was alluded to probably be an either/or case; it turns out both were directly instrumental in the final moment. Neville was in the right place at the right time to destroy the last horcrux, just as Harry was locked in a deadly duel against Voldemort.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
    • Harry delivers an impressive one to Snape before the latter's dual with McGonagall.

    It would seem that, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster, and I’m afraid it’s rather extensive. How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it was that night. Tell then how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you... and killed him. Tell them!.

    • Neville gives one to Voldermort during Harry's Disney Death before Harry reveals that he's still alive, this one also doubles as a Rousing Speech for the protagonists.

    It doesn't matter that Harry is gone. People die every day. Friends. Family. Yes, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, here — And so is Fred and Remus and Tonks and... all of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will. And you and you and you will. And so will you. Because you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. All of us... This isn't over..

  • Redemption Rejection: In the film, Draco is called by his parents to join the Death Eaters, and he gets several long seconds of worry before siding with them. "Them" being his parents, not the Death Eaters. During the final battle, he and his parents flee Hogwarts instead of staying and fighting for Voldemort.
  • Scenery Gorn: Hogwarts is half-destroyed by the battle.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!:
    • As the final battle of Hogwarts begins, Narcissa and Draco calmly, but quickly, walk away from Hogwarts, with Lucius following behind making sure they aren't noticed.
    • Several of Voldy's more savvy mooks instantly disapparate the moment Harry turns out to be Not Quite Dead, knowing full well that when the battle is over, Voldemort will be dead, and they will either face incarceration in Azkaban again for eternity, or worse.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Skyward Scream: Voldemort does this in his death scene. The effect of the rebounding death curse starts to disintegrate him, and he lets out a last, haunting scream as he turns to the sky and breaks up into nothing.
  • Smooch of Victory: Ron and Hermione.
  • Special Effects Evolution: In all previous films, the Hogwarts exterior was an elaborate miniature filmed in front of a green screen. In order to accommodate all the battle damage and whatnot, this film made the switch to a CGI Hogwarts.
  • Spider-Sense: Harry uses this to recognize horcruxes. This plugs the Plot Hole caused by cutting out the dialogue where Dumbledore theorized what they might be.
  • Stunned Silence: Harry "coming back to life" shocks both sides long enough that he has enough time to blast Nagini and make a break for it before Voldemort has the time to properly react.
  • Suddenly Shouting: When Harry is talking to the ghost of Helena Ravenclaw, they are having a normal conversation, but suddenly after Harry mentions that Voldemort had been a smooth talker when he was a student, she starts to yell regarding what happened to her mother's diadem.


  • Symbolic Weapon Discarding: In the Dénouement after defeating Lord Voldemort, Harry snaps the Elder Wand and throws away the pieces, as he doesn't want the unmatched power it offers or the doom it inevitably brings its masters.
  • Tempting Fate: After Griphook abandons the Power Trio, Ron comments that at least they still have Bogrod. Bogrod is then burned to death by a dragon.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Hinted at with the train scene in the first part, here we get to see that Neville Longbottom took all the levels of badass for himself.
  • Theme Music Powerup: The whole movie, we've gone without that iconic music playing even once. When Neville unveils him to Dumbledore's Army in the Room of Requirement, guess what plays? Bonus points if you guess what plays after Snape is ousted from his position as Headmaster.
  • Threaten All to Find One: Snape does this as a pre-emptive move, after Harry has been sighted in Hogsmeade. He warns the assembled students of punishments for if anyone attempts to aid Harry, or if anyone fails to declare any knowledge of this. This is played for laughs, as Harry himself then appears in the school.
  • Three-Point Landing: After casting the Piertotum Locomotor spell, the Hogwarts statues descend from their plinths and land in this way just before the final battle.
  • Tranquil Fury:
    • Professor McGonagall looks like she would have gone straight to the fireballs against Snape if there weren't bystanding students around after Harry reveals that Snape murdered Dumbledore during the student quorum call. As it was, she calmly and silently completely overwhelms the Carrow siblings as well as Snape at the Great Hall, knocking out the former and forcing the latter to flee.
    • Harry's basic resting-state throughout the movie. Beware the Nice Ones indeed.
  • Trash the Set: Hogwarts gets utterly destroyed. One of the biggest laughs is, after the final battle, whilst all the main characters are resting and congratulating themselves, Argus Filch, a Squib with no magical ability, decides to start trying to clean up the mess with a push broom.
  • Un Evil Laugh: Voldemort has an evil, spiteful chuckle after announcing Harry's "death" to a crowd.


  • The Un-Hug: Draco is on the receiving end of the Awkward Voldemort Hug. His "I'd rather be anywhere else right now" face is entirely appropriate.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Harry is able to stand toe to toe with Voldemort by the time the eighth film rolls around due to this, though without Voldemort's knowledge and experience he is left running away much of the time. This is notable because up until this point anyone Voldemort has battled has been slaughtered, like the goblins and workers in Gringotts, or the human guards at Azkaban. Dumbledore, described by most characters as the most powerful wizard alive (for awhile, anyway) is only able to fight him to a stalemate, making Harry's strength all the more remarkable. Explained by the fact that six of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes were destroyed by that point, therefore making him very weak. Although prior to Neville beheading Nagini, Voldy still manages to withstand Harry's attack with difficulty, but effectively.
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Lampshaded. After Harry says there's a Horcrux at Hogwarts, Hermione responds by saying they need to plan first. He then snaps back, "Hermione, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose!"
  • Urban Fantasy: The entire series takes place in 1990s Britain, a fact which is clearest in this movie: After spending 6 years at Hogwarts, away from the wider world, Harry, Ron, and Hermione go across Britain (and away from the magical world for long stretches) in order to finish their quest to defeat Voldemort.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • This happens to Voldemort as the film progresses as his Horcruxes are destroyed. This results in him randomly killing Pius Thicknesse when he asks Voldy if he's alright. Of course, the murder is completely in line for the guy. By the end of the night even Bellatrix is tip-toeing around him.
    • When Voldemort thinks he's won after presumably killing Harry, when Harry reveals that the Avada Kedavra failed to kill him again, Voldemort goes ballistic, while many of his Death Eaters chose to disapperate for their lives, knowing the battle is lost now because Harry still lives. At one point during their final fight, Voldemort resorts to punching and kicking Harry because he's so frustrated.
  • Voice of the Resistance: One student(Nigel Wolpert, Colin Creevey’s replacement) acts in this role to notify the Order of the Phoenix about Harry's return to Hogwarts: "We've a new weather report. Lightning has struck! I repeat, lightning has struck!"
  • Wasn't That Fun?: After Minerva casts a spell to bring the statues and suits of armour to life, she giddily says to Molly, "I've always wanted to use that spell."
  • Wham Shot: In one scene during the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione encounter Fenrir Greyback killing an unknown student. After Hermione defeats him, the camera cuts to the victim's face; it's Lavender Brown.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?:
    • Wormtail's death is cut from Deathly Hallows – Part 1, but Wormtail doesn't appear at all in Part 2. Timothy Spall was originally intended to reprise the role in Part 2, suggesting that he was intended to be killed off anyway, but his part ended up being cut. Some believe Dobby's attack killed him, or that he is among those killed by Voldemort at the beginning of Part 2 after the Gringotts scene.
    • Crabbe fits this trope when he doesn't appear in Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (where Goyle does), although there was a reason the filmmakers cut him out (his actor, Jamie Waylett, was arrested for possession of drugs).
    • Parvati Patil is also noticably absent having previously always been with her twin sister Padma in the films. Padma also happens to take on a few traits Parvati had in the books, such as being friends with Lavender Brown and Professor Trelawney.
    • Nigel Wolpert shows up at the beginning of the film as the radio messenger informing the Order that Harry has resurfaced, but disappears once the actual battle starts. His character was originally going to have Colin Creevey’s death but it was not filmed due to the actor being too old and unrecognisable for the viewers.
  • Why Won't You Die?: Voldemort's reaction after everybody finds out Harry has survived the killing curse again. At this point he pretty much goes on a psychotic rampage to end Harry's life once and for all, until Nagini is killed and renders him mortal.
  • You and What Army?: Neville completes his transformation into a badass when he says this to taunt the Death Eaters when they try to get past the protective enchantments and three of them end up disintegrating. It's all the more awesome considering Neville says this to about a thousand Death Eaters who are inches away from attacking.
  • Zerg Rush: Voldemort essentially uses this as a strategy to attack Hogwarts, simply relying on hundreds of Death Eaters to swarm Hogwarts.

"Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started it: TOGETHER!"

Alternative Title(s): Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2