- ️Mon Mar 23 2020
Honey is a 2003 hip-hop dance film starring Jessica Alba as Honey Daniels. It had three Direct-to-Video sequelsnote that didn't star Jessica Alba. The only cast members from the original to appear in any of the sequels are Lonette McKee and Laurieann Gibson both in Honey 2. But all four films have the same director (Bille Woodruff).
The film provides examples of:
- 555: Honey's number is 555-9720.
- Armor-Piercing Question: When Honey comes to visit Benny in jail, he keeps being rude to her despite her attempts to help him out. Before leaving, she asks if any of his “homies” have come to see him since his arrest, leaving him completely speechless.
- As Himself: Missy Elliott, Jadakiss, Sheek Louch, Ginuwine, Tweet, and many other hip-hop/R&B musicians and dancers appear as themselves in the movie.
- Black Best Friend: Honey's closest friend is Gina.
- Dolled-Up Installment: All three sequels are unrelated films that just have the name "Honey" labeled on the title.
- Friend to All Children: Honey is friendly to children, particularly Raymond.
- Plot Hole: Honey and Raymond see Benny entering a restaurant, but later encountered him seconds later as he is eating a plate of food.
- Ms. Fanservice: Honey Daniels is played by Jessica Alba, so it naturally happens. Also applies to Gina, played by the gorgeous Joy Bryant, who proudly shows off her figure throughout the film.
- No Smoking: There is a no smoking sign by the record store.
- Shout-Out:
- Gina's first words are "Hey hey hey".
- Missy Elliot mentions Driving Miss Daisy.
- Missy Elliot calls her driver a Men in Black wannabe.
- A DVD of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is at a record store.
- A billboard for the then upcoming Van Helsing can be seen.
- With Friends Like These...: As Honey points out,when she asks Benny if any of the "homies" from his crew even remotely came to visit him.