Rocky III

  • ️Thu Jul 17 2014

Rocky III (Film)

So many times it happens too fast
You Trade Your Passion for Glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive!

The one where Rocky fights Hulk Hogan and Mr. T.

Rocky III is a 1982 American film written and directed by, and starring Sylvester Stallone as the title character; the third installment in the Rocky film series.

At the end of Rocky II, underdog Rocky Balboa defeated Apollo Creed to become the world heavyweight champion of boxing. Five years and ten title defences later, Rocky's reign remains intact and he has become a major celebrity, though at the cost of becoming complacent.

In a reversal of Rocky and Apollo's roles in the first film, Rocky is challenged by a young up-and-comer named Clubber Lang (Mr. T). Rocky neglects his training compared to the passionate and aggressive Lang, and quickly loses the title in a stunning and decisive upset.

Forced to confront his own failings and the sudden death of his beloved trainer Micky, Rocky falls into depression until he is approached by the now-retired Apollo Creed. Apollo wishes to settle a grudge with Lang by training Rocky for a rematch, instilling Rocky with the technique and expertise that characterised Apollo's ability as a highly-trained and well-rounded fighter. The two rivals bond throughout their training and become close friends, leading to a final climatic showdown with Clubber Lang.

This was the film debut of Mr. T; and of professional wrestler Hulk Hogan, as the supporting character "Thunderlips". The film's main theme "Eye of the Tiger", was written by the group Survivor and became a smash hit single, topping the U.S. Billboard charts and received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song.

The fourth installment in the series, Rocky IV, was released in 1985.

This film has the examples of:

  • Actor Allusion: Rocky's appearance on The Muppet Show is taken from Sylvester Stallone's actual guest appearance on the show. Jim Henson re-recorded Kermit's intro dialogue to say "Rocky Balboa" instead of Stallone's name.
  • All There in the Manual:
    • The novelization gives Clubber Lang a backstory. As an orphan at an early age, he spent most of his childhood on the streets of Chicago's Southside, as well as time in orphanages and juvenile facilities. Later as an adult, Clubber was sent to prison for five years, for one possible count of a felony and/or assault charge. During his time being served he discovered boxing as a way to let out his frustrations and find his true talent.
    • The novelization also names the three bikini models accompanying Thunderlips — Dora, Doreen and Daphne.
  • Animal Motifs: Clubber's bizarre haircut, leather jacket, and feather earrings make him look like an animal; he paces in the locker room like a caged tiger, he roars when he throws a punch, and during the intro, a tiger's roar is played several times while the camera is on him.
  • Artistic License – Martial Arts: The Boxer vs. Wrestler match is treated like a real life vale tudo-esque match in the vein of Muhammad Ali vs. Antonio Inoki. The announcers even lampshade that kind of match by claiming that usually, when the wrestler grabs the boxer, the fight is over. However, the match itself, while certainly a real brawl in-universe, is choreographed like a professional wrestling bout, with the wrestler hitting all sort of "worked" moves and even receiving a chair shot from a cornerman.
  • Artistic License – Sports: Lang repeatedly hits opponents who are already on their knees (considered legally knocked down) without getting disqualified, even shoving the referees out of the way to do so. Both these actions would have resulted in instant disqualifications and losing the fight, while shoving the referee would have seen him permanently banned from fighting.
  • Ask a Stupid Question...: Just before the first title fight, there's a scene where sports commentator Stu Nahan asks former Heavyweight Champion and guest commentator Apollo Creed for his prediction in the Rocky/Clubber Lang bout. When Creed (who famously lost the title to Balboa) picks Rocky, we have this exchange:

    Creed: "I predict the champ's gonna take it."
    Nahan: "Do you really think [Balboa] can hit that hard?"
    Creed: "Why do you think I'm out here with you?"

  • Badass Boast: Two very different examples.
    • Thunderlips the wrestler shouts one mid-match before nailing Rocky with a kneeling backbreaker.

      Thunderlips: "If I can't break your spirit, I sure enough can break your back!"

    • When asked his prediction for his second match with Rocky, Clubber responds thusly:
  • Berserk Button: Rocky doesn't respond to Clubber Lang's taunts until the latter makes a crude pass at Adrian. Cue Rocky flipping out and trying to fight Lang right there.
  • Big Bad: Clubber Lang, who dethrones Rocky as the champion at the start of the film, leading him to spend the rest of the movie training in order to take it back.
  • Big Guy Rodeo: Thunderlips walks around, with Rocky clutching his neck from behind, while trying to break Rocky's hold.
  • Black Boxer Stereotype: Clubber Lang is a brutal Jerkass of a boxer played by Mr. T, as a southpaw From Nobody to Nightmare, he acts as an Evil Counterpart to a Rocky himself.
  • Book Ends: The film begins by showing the end of Rocky and Apollo's fight for the belt from Rocky II and it ends with the two former rivals having a friendly sparing match.
  • Boxing Lessons for Superman: An interesting version of this trope as the protagonist is already a boxer. Throughout Rocky and Rocky II, despite Mickey's coaching, Rocky had a very simple fighting style. While he had lots of talent, endurance and physical ability, he wasn't a refined pugilist and basically an Unskilled, but Strong Mighty Glacier with a Damage Over Time approach. After his loss to Clubber, Apollo (who is stated to be extremely skilled and up until he fought Rocky never had a fight last after 3 rounds) took Rocky and drilled him in all of the aspects of boxing Mickey left out such as footwork, feints, timed punches, effective jabs, etc. After his training, Rocky went from an Unskilled, but Strong Mighty Glacier to a Lightning Bruiser Master of All.
  • Break the Haughty: Downplayed As Rocky didn't become that arrogant nor into an obnoxious person, but it's clear that success went to his head after winning the world championship and as he kept defending his title, becoming overconfident and neglecting his training nor paying attention to his potential contenders, while failing to see that he got softer and that his ten title defenses were against boxers who didn't have the level to threaten him. Rocky gets a first blow to his pride when Mickey reveals to him that he handpicked the boxers he faced after Apollo Creed, and gets a harsh wake up call when facing Clubber Lang who demolishes him in their first match. He goes through Heroic BSoD through the second act of the film as a result.
  • Bring It: When Rocky and Clubber touch gloves at the beginning of the rematch.

    Clubber: I'm gonna bust you up.
    Rocky: Go for it.

  • Bullying a Dragon: Clubber does this to Apollo- twice. The first time he merely insults him by slapping away an outstretched hand. The second time, Lang gets physical and shoves the former Heavyweight Champ when Apollo turns his back on him, nearly causing a full brawl to break out- just before Lang's title defense!
  • Chairman of the Brawl: Thunderlips gets a wooden folding chair broken on his back courtesy of Paulie.
  • Color Motif: The film puts a twist on Rocky's signature colors. In the previous movie, he wore black trunks with gold stripes. After he becomes champion, finds success, and loses his edge, he switches to flashy gold trunks with black stripes, as well as gold gloves and yellow shoes.
  • Contrast Montage: The opening montage explicitly contrasts Rocky's rich lifestyle with Clubber Lang's rough and tumble rise to the top.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Clubber is focused solely on getting fast knock-outs with hard hooks (he rarely uses any other punch and doesn't throw a single jab). His style seems to be keyed solely on destroying Rocky's old style, and once Rocky starts outfighting, Clubber is outclassed and decimated in three rounds. It's very likely that the retired Apollo Creed, who specialized in outfighting and was much better at it than Rocky, and whom Clubber repeatedly insulted, threatened, and even attacked, would have beaten or even humiliated him in the ring. (Which would also correspond to the inspirations for the 3 characters. Rocky primarily borrows from Rocky Marciano and Joe Frazier, Creed from Muhammad Ali, and Lang from George Foreman. In real life Frazier won his first bout with Ali, then was brutally destroyed by Foreman in two rounds, and Foreman was then outclassed, knocked out, and demolished mentally, physically and psychologically by Ali.)
  • Cross Counter: The movie does a Pastel-Chalked Freeze Frame and fades out on a similar shot (Apollo and Rocky simultaneously connecting, but with identical punches).
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • The first fight between Rocky and Clubber is one, as Clubber demolishes an overconfident and ill-prepared Rocky in two rounds, although Rocky does manage to get a few good blows. The rematch is also one, this time with Rocky defeating Clubber, although like the first bout Clubber does have his moments and gives both Rocky and the audience some scares.
    • Clubber's matches against other aspiring fighters as he works his way up the ranks are another example. The montage at the start of the film shows his demolishing his opponents one after another.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: Both of the fights between Rocky Balboa and Clubber Lang have elements of this. In the first bout Rocky starts strong, and at one point seems to have Lang in trouble, but Lang manages to cover up and then quickly comes back to crush Rocky in the rest of the fight. In the rematch, Rocky outclasses Lang in round 1 by using Hit-and-Run Tactics and later knocks Lang out in round 3, but during the second round, Lang seemed to be on the edge of winning and manages to knock Rocky down twice.
  • Death Glare:
    • Apollo gives Clubber one when the latter rudely rebuffs his handshake. Not that Clubber is intimidated...

      Clubber: "And you better get that bad look off your face 'fore I knock it off!"

    • Before the first fight when the boxers touch gloves and the referee reads the rules Clubber gives a distracted Rocky one, who keeps on looking away uncomfortably. Before the second fight, now in shape and determined to win, Rocky returns the glare.
  • Deconstruction: Largely of the previous two movies and their climactic fights. While Rocky is a talented fighter, he won his title largely because of an almost supernatural ability to take a beating for fifteen rounds until Apollo wore himself out. Due to the very real possibility of Rocky suffering a Career-Ending Injury using this approach, and combined with his relatively advanced age for a boxer and tendency to lose focus on his training that was seen in the second film, Mickey had to choose Rocky's opponents carefully to prolong Rocky's career rather than setting him up with top contenders. It's also shown that Rocky's style has a major vulnerability, which is that if he's up against someone who can actually hit hard enough to significantly hurt him (which Clubber Lang can), it completely derails the approach he used against Apollo and, due to Rocky's lack of versatility, leaves him with no backup plan. Apollo has to rebuild Rocky from the ground up in a completely different style for him to become a truly great champion.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: One of the more famous examples of this trope, starting when Apollo decides to become Rocky's trainer.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: A high school marching band plays "Gonna Fly Now" at Rocky's statue unveiling ceremony. Later on a lounge band performing at Rocky's public training plays the theme. An annoyed Mickey yells "Shut up back there! Change your tune."
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Rocky isn't the smartest guy (he thought condominiums were something you wear, for example) but when Mick tries to chew out Rock for agreeing to the match with Thunderlips, on the grounds that "no one would do this much for charity", Rocky counters "Bob Hope would." Mick has to concede that that's probably true.
  • Dumb Muscle: Clubber's 220 pounds, heavily built, and hits like a truck, but he's actually a rather bad fighter. After Rocky starts exploiting his weakness, Clubber has no answer and is easily defeated. He also chooses to train alone and not even try to patch over his weaknesses with a skilled instructor. Outside of the ring he's shown to be dim and clearly has poor impulse control (see for instance him snubbing Apollo before the match for no reason); it's implied that this is because of his upbringing, as he dropped out of school and lived in various orphanages and juvenile halls for most of his life. However, it is notable that, while not too smart in many areas, Clubber is savvy enough to realize how Rocky is fighting hand-picked opponents and thus can be beaten.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: For Mr T. While his persona and well-known "Pity the fool" catchphrase were first popularized in Rocky III, the movie has Mr. T hitting on Rocky's wife to antagonize him, far removed from the Mr. T who would become well known for telling kids to stay in school and to not do drugs, and being very respectful to women.
  • Embarrassing Statue: Early in the film, an event is held to unveil a statue of Rocky with his arms triumphantly in the air. He doesn't say anything, but his expression when he sees it shows he's pretty self-conscious about it. Later, when he's at a low point after losing the title to Clubber Lang combined with Mickey's death, he actually starts yelling and throwing things at it.
  • Evasive Fight-Thread Episode: At the end of the film, there's a private, untelevised match between Rocky and Apollo. Ultimately averted years later in Creed when, though the fight is still not shown, Rocky admits that Apollo won.
  • Evil Virtues: Clubber is not a pleasant fellow to be sure, but the film makes it clear that he took his training seriously for his first bout with Rocky, while his overconfident opponent squandered his preparation with a glorified circus with endless distractions.
  • Exact Words: When a dying Mickey asks Rocky how the first match with Clubber Lang went, Rocky, to spare Mickey's feelings, says that the fight ended in a knockout in the second round. He declines to mention that he was the one who got knocked out.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Lang is first seen in the opening montage, watching some of Rocky's title defenses and then leaving disgusted, as the first hint that the matches were against unworthy opponents... and Lang knew it.
    • Distressed by the prospect of Rocky getting hurt during his brawl with Thunderlips, Mickey clutches his chest and seems to have extreme trouble breathing...
    • Clubber's own fights in the opening montage show him quickly destroying one opponent after another on his way up the ranks, a hint as to how his first match with Rocky will go...and his potential weakness, which Apollo figures out.
  • Funny Background Event: During the pre-fight interview, Paulie is peeking out over Rocky's shoulder and waving at the camera.
  • Genius Bruiser: During the rematch against Clubber at the end, Rocky goads him into throwing punch after punch, which Lang does full force. While the blows do hit Rocky, he's not just standing there, taking the shots; he uses his gloves to guard against the head shots and moves his body to lessen the impact of the body shots, at the same time, letting Lang wear himself out.
  • Glass Cannon: Clubber. On one hand, uniquely among Rocky's opponents, he actually knocks the Italian Stallion out, in the second round. On the other hand, he's also the only one of Rocky's challengers to suffer an early KO, as in their rematch, rather than a dramatic fifteen-round battle, Rocky manages to fell him in three.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Rocky had Paulie cut his gloves off during the Boxer vs. Wrestler match so he can use his unpadded fists against the clearly more powerful Thunderlips.
  • Graceful Loser: Thunderlips. Even though he acts crazy in his match against Rocky, which ends in a draw, he has a good match with him and is perfectly willing to take a picture with him for charity.
  • Handshake Refusal: Apollo Creed offers Clubber Lang a handshake, only for Lang to slap his hand away and angrily yell at Creed to get out of his face and that Creed is nothing but a has-been.
  • Hated by All: During Clubber's brief tenure as World Champion it's clear nobody likes him. The audience boos him, the commentators are unflattering and someone even tries to heckle him, due to a combination of his jerkass personality - including needlessly antagonizing the still-popular and beloved former champion Apollo Creed - and having knocked out the extremely popular Balboa. It's worth mentioning, however, that Lang could not care less that nobody likes him. All he cares about is being champion.
  • Heel: Thunderlips antagonizes the crowd before his charity match with Rocky, and acts like a dangerously violent lunatic in the ring.
  • Heroic Rematch: Rocky's newfound cockiness leads to newcomer Clubber Lang beating him; the rest of the movie consists of Rocky getting his head back into the game to win the rematch, with Apollo as his trainer. At the end, Apollo and Rocky face off for one last, friendly fight to see who's really the best. Creed (2015) reveals that Apollo won.
  • He's Back!: Pretty much the entire third act of the movie.
  • Heroic BSoD: When Rocky finds out his ten title defenses were "hand-picked" by Mickey to be relatively easy wins, Rocky goes bonkers for the entire second act of the film. He thought he was fighting and defeating the best, but the realization that he was fighting only people Mickey knew Rocky could beat made him question his skill and achievements. This leads to him legitimately fearing fighting a destroyer like Clubber.
  • Hidden Depths: While he may not be a smart guy and a rather bad fighter outside his power, the opening montage establishes Clubber as a savvy student of the game. He seems to be the one person who takes in Rocky's fights and realizes Rocky's opponents, while good, are not on the level of being able to actually defeat him. Before anyone else, Lang knows Rocky is more vulnerable than he seems to fuel his quest to face him.
  • Hit Me, Dammit!: Rocky taunts Clubber Lang into hitting him repeatedly during the match to get Lang angry so he would lose control. Of course, unlike a real boxer, Rocky is Made of Iron, so it works and he wins. Note that the Rocky fight is based on a real bout. Muhammad Ali suspected that stamina was a weakness for George Foreman, so in their 1974 bout Ali taunted Foreman, blocked most of Foreman's blows, then taunted him some more. Foreman tired quickly, and Ali knocked Big George out for the only time in Foreman's career. Similarly, Rocky is trying to defend against all of Clubber's big punches, although just like with Ali-Foreman, some get through.
  • Hoist Hero over Head: During their "fight", Thunderlips gorilla presses Rocky above his head, struts around the ring, delivers a Badass Boast, and then chucks the Italian Stallion over the top rope and into the crowd.
  • Hypocritical Humor: When they go to Apollo's old gym in L.A., full of African-American boxers:

    Paulie: [referring to African-Americans] I don't like these people.
    Rocky: You don't like 'em? Well maybe they don't like you either, Paulie.
    Paulie: [taken aback] What'd I do to them?

  • I'll Kill You!: During their rematch, when Rocky gets the better of him in Round 1, Clubber Lang screams, "I'll kill you, man!"
  • Impending Clash Shot: The film ends with Rocky and Apollo about to punch each other in an unofficial match either to see who'd win or just for the sport.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: Rocky, just after Mick dies.
  • I Shall Taunt You: When Rocky sees Clubber's wearing out, he starts mocking his punches ("My mother hits harder than that!"), daring Clubber to hit him, and even playfully smacking Clubber on top of the head with his glove.
  • Jerkass: Clubber is arrogant, cocky, and disrespectful to just about everyone he comes across throughout the film
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Lang may be a massive jerkass, but he was indeed right about initially being denied his title shot. He fought his way to being ranked #1, and was deserving of the same chance that Rocky got (and Rocky didn't even have to fight for his first chance). Meanwhile, Rocky, while he wasn't fighting tomato cans, was fighting hand-picked boxers that Mickey figured would not win. Mickey outright admitted to protecting him to keep him champion. Which was not only unfair to Rocky, but also to Lang. Like him or not, Lang earned his title shot.
  • Kayfabe:
    • Once the match is called, Thunderlips breaks character and thanks Rocky for the bout. Rocky, who is unfamiliar with kayfabe, asks Thunderlips why he acted the way he did, which Thunderlips responds that is the name of the game.
    • The movie interestingly zig-zags how it breaks kayfabe, as kayfabe was still the law of the land in wrestling at the time. While Thunderlips (played by Hulk Hogan) gives away that his character is all an act when he goes from violent and arrogant heel to friendly affability once the show's over, the match between him and Rocky is portrayed as a genuine competition, with no suggestion that wrestling as a whole is staged. note 
  • Let Them Die Happy: Mickey has a heart attack just before Rocky and Clubber Lang's first match. As a result, he doesn't see Rocky get the tar beaten out of him, and is simply told that the match "ended in the second round with a knockout". While technically true, it wasn't Lang who got knocked out. However, Mickey interprets it as Rocky's win, and with that, he dies with a smile on his face.
  • Lighthearted Rematch: Apollo takes over as Rocky's trainer after Mickey dies, in exchange for a favor. That favor turns out to be a friendly rematch in an empty gym, just to settle it once and for all. Rocky and Apollo exchange friendly quips before throwing a punch; fade to credits. This received a Call-Back in Creed, where Apollo's son Adonis asks Rocky who won their legendary secret rematch. According to Rocky, Apollo did (though without a formal judge present, Rocky's probably just being kind to Apollo's memory).
  • Lightning Bruiser:
    • Thunderlips is a full head taller than Rocky and able to pick him up and throw him around with ease, yet as Rocky himself notes, very fast for his size. Sylvester Stallone said the first time he and Hulk Hogan got into the ring, he told Hogan to try a wrestling move to counter a punch. Stallone threw a hook, and the next thing he knew, he was on the mat, as Hogan had grabbed his hand and armdragged him down.
    • This is Clubber Lang's entire fighting style - he throws a high volume of brutal, very hard punches, relying on the power and speed of his blows to overwhelm and knock out his opponents. The problem is that Lang doesn't have the endurance to fight for long at that pace.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Rocky, who obviously focused more on his mediatic appearances and personal life, and has long stopped looking at his potential opponents, is unaware of both Clubber Lang and how he's the top contender and how dangerous he is, and of how Mickey has been handpicking his challengers ever since becoming world champion, choosing only boxers that didn't pose a threat to him.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: Thunderlips is revealed to be quite of a nice guy. He spends the entire match playing the Heel to the hilt, but afterwards he breaks Kayfabe to shake Rocky's hand, congratulate him on a good match and take some promotion photos, and goes to great length to ensure that there are no hard feelings. There's also the fact that the match was a charity bout that raised nearly $75,000.
  • Meaningful Name: It's not easy to catch, but when the announcer chants Thunderlips' name, the wrestler does a kissing pose with his lips. Combined with his own description of himself as a ladies man, you can see what his ring name is supposed to mean. It doesn't make the name any less awkward, however.
  • Mirrored Confrontation Shot: One cover for the movie has Rocky and Clubber Lang staring at each other just before their fight.
  • Ms. Fanservice: The three ladies in bikinis accompanying Thunderlips.
  • My Defense Need Not Protect Me Forever: By the third round in his rematch against Clubber Lang, Rocky uses rope-a-dope techniques on him once Clubber's exhausted.
  • My God, You Are Serious!: Rocky tries to friendly talk some theatrical spots with Thunderlips in midst of the match, but he then gets clubbed down and he realizes that it is a competitive fight and not some sort of exhibition.
  • My Grandma Can Do Better Than You: Rocky says "My mother hits harder than that" after taking multiple punches from Clubber Lang.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: CLUBBER LANG! He also has quite a personality to match. Even Mickey doesn't want to mess with him. (According to sources outside of the movie, his birth name is James.)
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Mickey protected Rocky's title by hand-picking opponents. Rocky clearly had no idea who Clubber was at the statue unveiling, and a champion not even recognizing the top contender for their title shows how deeply Mickey buried any real competition. When Rocky learns what Mickey did, he starts questioning everything in his life and loses all confidence in his abilities. He immediately loses the title, and legitimately fears the rematch.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Training under Apollo's guidance gives Rocky the skills to defeat Lang in their rematch; Lang's disrespect toward Apollo in the first match surely gives Creed the extra motivation to help Rocky out.
  • No-Sell: Paulie smashes a wooden chair on Thunderlips' back and the only reaction he gets is a glare and then being put into a headlock and punched by Thunderlips. The attack, however, is enough to distract the wrestler and allow Rocky to hop on his back and lock an unlikely sleeper hold.
  • Nothing Personal: Clubber Lang is a vicious boxer in every way possible. After humiliating Rocky Balboa in their first match, he's eager to do it again. But for all his hostility, Lang has no real grudge against the former champ. He's driven to reach the top of the boxing world, and Rocky is in his way. No more, no less.

    Clubber Lang: No, I don't hate Balboa. But I pity the fool, and I will destroy any man who tries to take what I got.

  • Oh, Crap!: Rocky gets a pair of them, one comedic and the other both tragic and plot relevant. Thunderlips has one as well during his charity match with Rocky.
    • During the charity Boxer vs. Wrestler match, Rocky has to get clubbed on the back of his head before he realizes that his larger and stronger opponent is taking the bout seriously.
    • During his first match against Clubber Lang, Rocky is honestly shocked at how aggressive he is and how woefully unprepared he was to face him after the first round. Coupled with Mickey collapsing at ringside, his game is thrown off enough for Clubber to decisively end the fight in the second round.
    • Thunderlips gets one after Rocky strips his gloves off and lands an extremely hard punch on his solar plexus. He doubles over in pain and it's clear from his facial expression that he was neither expecting nor prepared to be hit that hard.
  • Our Founder: Philadelphia unveiled a Rocky statue on the museum steps. Paulie later comments on the statue being taken down, which also happened in real life (it was moved to the base of the steps).
  • Pretty in Mink: Adrian gets a couple furs. Even spoofed in a short review of the films.

    "Rocky gets his own pinball games. Pet Store Lady starts wearing fur coats."

  • Product Placement: Nike. You see the swoosh everywhere in the movie.
  • Properly Paranoid: During the opening montage, Mickey is seeing observing several of Clubber's matches, being clearly afraid and worried about Clubber's boxing prowess, which only increases with each of Clubber's crushing victories. As such he does everything to prevent Rocky from having to face Clubber in a match, and when Rocky confronts him Mickey outright tells him that he can't win as Clubber is a wrecking machine and hungry while Rocky has become soft. Mickey's fears turn out to be totally justified when Rocky gets absolutely demolished by Clubber in their first match.
  • Pro Wrestling Is Real: The film treats Thunderlips and professional wrestling altogether (or at least the Boxer vs. Wrestler match) as real stuff, because the match is not shown to have any kind of rehearsal, and features quite brutal action and an actually panicked Rocky. The only thing which is revealed to be an act is Thunderlips's berserk façade.
  • Punch! Punch! Punch! Uh Oh...:
    • Rocky does this to Clubber in the climax of their rematch, where he no sells the increasingly panicking and frustrated Lang's devastating blows. Unlike many other examples of this trope note , though, it's not a result of Rocky being tough enough to No-Sell Lang's punches, which are clearly shown to be devastating; Rocky is using defense and movement to take the effect out of Lang's blows until Lang simply became too tired to swing with full force.
    • Done comedically in Rocky's bout with Thunderlips; Rocky hits Thunderlips in the abdomen with a few light jabs, trying to make things look good for the crowd's entertainment, but once the wrestler smashes Rocky to the mat with a forearm across the back, Rocky realizes that he's in for a rough night.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: the fact that Mickey hand-picked opponents he knew Rocky could beat seems odd. But in fact boxing was, and pretty much still is, the only sport where everyone simply picks their opponents. The champ in any class has a lot of control over who they are going to fight.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Clubber Lang believes that Rocky has been ducking him out of fear and has been only fighting setups as champion, with his title defenses being only against boxers he was sure to beat. Though Rocky wasn't aware of nor responsible for it, it turns out that Mickey did indeed choose weaker opponents for Rocky to keep him winning and healthy, while also preventing the match between Rocky and Lang out of fear of how badly Lang would beat an overconfident and weaker Rocky.
  • Ripped from the Headlines:
    • Case 1:
      • Real life: Joe Frazier, a tough boxer from Philadelphia who was famous for his left hook, did his roadwork in the city (including the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art) and used meat carcasses as makeshift punching bags, reached the pinnacle of his career with a victory over the quick, brash and charismatic Muhammad Ali. After a few defenses against less than stellar opposition that was clearly outclassed by him, Frazier then faced the hard-hitting (but relatively unheralded) George Foreman, and was knocked out in two rounds. A year later Foreman faced Ali, and in that bout Ali made a tactical decision mid-fight to stop using the Hit-and-Run Tactics he was famous for, and instead adopted the rope-a-dope strategy of lying on the ropes, blocking, parrying, and in some cases absorbing all the punishment Foreman could dish out and more, taunting Foreman all the while for Foreman's inability to knock Ali out. The result was that Foreman exhausted himself trying to KO Ali, and Ali then knocked him out. (Link)
      • Rocky III: Rocky Balboa, a tough boxer from Philadelphia famous for his left hook who does his roadwork in the city (including the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art) and uses meat carcasses as makeshift punching bags, reaches the pinnacle of his career with victory over the quick, brash and charismatic Apollo Creed. After a number of defenses which his manager eventually admits were handpicked and posed no threat to Rocky, he then decides to defend his title against hard hitting slugger Clubber Lang, and is knocked out in two rounds. Afterward, Apollo Creed, (who is the analogue for Muhammad Ali) trains Rocky to fight in a different way, mirroring Apollo's own style. Rocky begins his rematch with Clubber doing very well by boxing and using Hit-and-Run Tactics, but when Lang finds a way to start getting to him, Rocky makes a mid-fight switch, starts using Stone Wall defense to defend against the worst of Lang's punches while taunting Lang for his inability to knock Rocky out. Lang quickly exhausts himself trying to KO Rocky, and then Rocky comes back and knocks him out. (Link)
    • Case 2:
      • Real life: Muhammad Ali, an ultra-famous boxing champion, was brought to a Boxer vs. Wrestler bout against a similarly popular pro wrestler, Antonio Inoki. He initially thought the match would be worked in the pro wrestling tradition, but before the match Inoki revealed to him it was going to be a real fight, and Ali's camp had to intervene to save him from a more than likely defeat (by pressing Inoki's promotion into imposing all sorts of ridiculous rules for him only). After the match, Ali and Inoki became friends.
      • Rocky III: Rocky Balboa, an ultra-famous boxing champion, is brought to a Boxer vs. Wrestler bout against someone who is implied to be a similarly popular pro wrestler, Thunderlips. He initially thinks the match is going to be worked in the pro wrestling tradition, but at the beginning of the match, Thunderlips reveal it is going to be a real fight, and Rocky's camp has to intervene to save him from a more than likely defeat (in this case, by having Paulie hit the wrestler with a stool). After the match, Rocky and Thunderlips have a friendly exchange.
    • Chuck Wepner, the inspiration behind the original Rocky, capitalized on his fame the following year with a heavily publicized match against a professional wrestler (André the Giant) that was the main event of a card that ended with a live telecast of the mentioned Ali-Inoki fight. Both matches involved someone being thrown out of the ring, although in the movie Rocky also throws Thunderlips, while in real life it was only Andre giving Wepner the heave ho. Inoki would "win" a match against Wepner a year later.
  • Rule of Pool: Balboa pulls a fully-clothed Paulie into the pool during the training montage, mostly For the Funnyz.
  • Scary Black Man: Clubber Lang absolutely plays this role to the hilt, as an ex street fighter turned ruthless, knockout machine of a boxer who trash talks and attacks anyone around him on a moment's notice. Look at the look on Mickey's face at the end of Clubber's training/fight montage at the beginning of the movie. Mickey is clearly terrified by the prospect of Rocky getting in the ring with this challenger!
  • Slow "NO!": A Slow No occurs from Duke (Apollo's trainer) in which, near the end of the rematch, Balboa is making Clubber Lang angry enough to KO him
  • Sincerity Mode: During an interview with the upcoming rematch against Rocky, Lang admits that he doesn't hate the guy, but he "pities the fool!" When he was asked about his prediction for the match, he tones down his usual attitude and simply responded with "pain."
  • Throw It In: An in-universe example. When Rocky is training to fight Clubber Lang, he gets a kiss on the cheek by one of his fans while Mickey is trying to motivate him. After Mickey shoves said fan away, he improvises his speech a little without skipping a beat.

    Mickey: Get outta here! Will ya? This is like fighting in a zoo. This is a zoo, you know? Is that the way you train for Clubber? He ain't gonna kiss ya! He gonna kill ya! Ya know that?

  • Time-Compression Montage: The movie starts with a montage set to the song "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor showing the first three years after Rocky wins the championship title and becoming a world famous celebrity.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After Rocky's defeat by Clubber Lang, Apollo decides to help Rocky and train him in the more-refined and complex aspects of boxing. Suddenly Rocky goes from Unskilled, but Strong to a Master of All with speed and power, capable of reading his opponents and reacting properly and quickly raining down devastating punches.
  • Trade Your Passion for Glory: Rocky Balboa got so caught up in the fame and money that he lost his edge. His rival Clubber Lang paints himself as the hungry new star and Rocky of being a "paper champion" living on past glory. Heck, the theme for the movie even includes the trope name.

    Mickey: The worst thing that happened to you, that can happen to any fighter: you got civilized.

  • Training Montage: Part of the opening sequence features Clubber Lang training hard by himself and crushing his opponents while Rocky becomes complacent. Rocky gets a few training scenes while he's preparing for the first bout with Clubber, but mostly it shows how distracted and unfocused he is. Later he gets a proper one when being trained by Apollo.
  • Trash Talk: Clubber par excellence. In fact, it was his trash talking that got him a shot at the title, since Mickey made sure the match wouldn't be made and Rocky was about to retire before Clubber's trash talking caused Rocky to lose his cool and make the match.
  • Unknown Rematch Conclusion: Perhaps the Ur-Example in all of pop culture is Rocky's third fight with Apollo Creed, which is witnessed by no one but the two fighters involved. It isn't until Creed that we learn that victor is Apollo.
  • Victory by Endurance: Rocky beats Lang in their rematch simply by tanking Lang's powerful punches. With Lang too exhausted from going full power, Rocky capitalizes on this to earn a 3rd-round knockout.
  • Villain Has a Point: Clubber Lang is outraged that Rocky won't allow him a shot at the heavyweight championship title and publicly accuses him of only ever taking easy matches. He's actually right: it turns out Mickey has quietly been refusing all challenges to the title except those he knows Rocky can beat.
  • Villainy-Free Villain: Clubber may be a Jerkass but he trains hard and fights clean, and all he wants is a legitimate shot at the title.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Rocky is pissed when he finds out that the ten title defenses he had were against opponents Mickey handpicked.

    Rocky: Setups?

    Mickey: Naw, they weren't setups. They was good fighters, but they wasn't killers like this guy.

  • Writers Cannot Do Math: The characters refer to the events of Rocky II as happening three years prior. While that matches the real world time span between the releases of the two movies, Rocky II took place immediately after the first film, which ended in 1976. Based on this, the absolute latest Rocky III could take place would be very early in 1980. However, Mickey's gravestone indicates that the film takes place in 1981, which is supported by a picture of Rocky with Ronald Reagan, who became president that year. That would make the gap between films closer to five years.
  • You Are Better than You Think You Are: Adrian's speech to Rocky.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: The movie restores the drama by having the now-champion Rocky lose his title at the beginning of the movie to Clubber Lang, from whom he eventually regains it.

Rising up, straight to the top

Had the guts, got the glory

Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop

Just a man and his will to survive!