
  • ️Mon Aug 23 2021

Sharkenstein (Film)

Throughout the ages, one legend has survived the span of time. Never dying, never stopping, and always terrifying.

The FRANKENSTEIN monster, born of mankinds' greed and desire to play God...

to create life from parts of the dead...

The monster has been killed and reborn over the centuries, its' heart and brain indestructible.

No one could have predicted the most bizarre experiment yet

Intro texts.

Sharkenstein is a horror movie by Mark Polonia.

In the winter of 1942, a German scientist's research was co-opted by The Third Reich for the Furher's own purposes. Of course, the war ended, the Allies won, but the research didn't stop there.

Fast-forward to the present day, and the town of Katman's Cove is now experiencing some rather unfortunate events. For weeks now, beach goers have been disappearing, and the town's had to close the beaches to the public as a result. Three people, Coop (Titus Himmelberger), Skip (James Carolus), and Madge (Greta Volkova) have come to Katman's Cove for some fun in the sun, and take a boat out onto the water.

They decide to swim to an island when something hits the boat, and discover that a former Nazi scientist (Jeff Kirkendal) has created a deadly shark by combining the body parts of several different sharks (including Great White, Hammerhead, and Mako) and is close to completing his experiment.

The film was released on August 16th, 2016.

Sharkenstein contains examples of:

  • An Arm and a Leg: A fisherman gets eaten by Sharkenstein early in the movie. All that's left of him is his feet.
  • Brain in a Jar: The brain of Frankenstein's Monster is kept in a jar full of liquid, with wires plugged into it. Then it gets put inside Sharkenstein.
  • Brain Transplant: Klaus has Coop, Skip, and Madge help him put the brain and heart of Frankenstein's Monster into Sharkenstein.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: The prologue of the movie is shot in black and white.
  • The End... Or Is It?: After Sharkenstein and Duke are blown up in the lighthouse, Madge walks to the dock and sits in a chair. Then Sharkenstein leaps out of the water at her.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: After Klaus puts the monster's brain and heart into Sharkenstein, the shark becomes a lot harder to control. He decides to shock Sharkenstein to make it more complacent, and it eats him.
  • Flipping the Bird: After Duke, Coop, and Madge get away from Sharkenstein at the dock, one of them flips it off.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Duke lures Sharkenstein into the lighthouse, knowing that when it blows up with him inside it, it will kill him. Madge begs for him not to, but he says it's the only way to kill Sharkenstein.
  • Hidden Depths: Madge is revealed to know the name of all Universal Horror and Hammer Horror Frankenstein movies ever made. She also knows that the ending of the movie deviated from the ending of the original novel.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: Klaus used lightening to bring Sharkenstein back to life after the brain and heart transplant, and another lightening strike allows Sharkenstein to grow arms and legs to move on land.
  • Mad Scientist: Klaus, a former Nazi scientist who created Sharkenstein.
  • Murderer P.O.V.: Before killing Coop, we see Sharkenstein's P.O.V. as it lurks through the trees.
  • One-Word Title: Naturally.
  • Rimshot: One can be heard from this conversation.

    Bonnie Boom Boom: I thought you said this was a private shooting. I can't have my fans finding me.

  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: After Duke save Coop and Madge from Sharkenstein, while they converse, he assumes they're a couple, which they both deny.
  • Shout-Out:
  • The Silent Bob: Hoskins doesn't speak. Rather, he speaks with hand gestures.
  • Torches and Pitchforks: After a farmer finds Sharkenstein attacking her cattle, she forms an angry mob to take it down. They actually go along with it in spite of her claiming that it was a shark monster.