Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity
- ️Tue Nov 28 2023
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity is a 1987 sexploitation film that is "The Most Dangerous Game" In Space, setting it on an alien world and populating it with bikini-clad space prison escapees and weird space monsters. It was directed by Ken Dixon and stars Elizabeth Kaitan, Cindy Beal, Brinke Stevens, Don Scribner, and Carl Horner.
Lovely and resourceful Daria and Tisa are a pair of slave girls who escape a space gulag in a shuttlecraft. The shuttle mysteriously malfunctions and the girls crash land on a nearby habitable world where they become the guests of Zed, a man with a scarred face who lives in a large fortress. He is the planet’s sole sentient inhabitant and is guarded by two robots who also act as the fortress' keepers. Zed turns the girls and another guest loose in his jungle preserve to serve as the prey in a mad hunt. Armed only with knives and their wits, the girls must battle their way across the jungle to a hidden arms cache before Zed catches and kills them.
Slave Tropes from Beyond Infinity:
- All Webbed Up: While running through the jungle, Rik gets trapped in a giant spiderweb; making him easy prey for Zed.
- Arm Cannon: The Alien Mutant is a hunchbacked alien with a laser rifle for an arm.
- Big Guy Rodeo: During their escape from the space gulag, Tisa leaps on to the back of one of the guards and starts choking him with her Handy Cuffs.
- Chest Blaster: Zed's robots can fire lasers from their chest; an ability only seen in the final battle.
- Draw Aggro: Shala sacrifices herself to save Tisa from Zed; deliberately making herself a target and drawing Zed's fire so Tisa can escape.
- Egomaniac Hunter: Zed has dedicated himself to hunting, believing it to greatest accomplishment a man can achieve. Having hunted the most dangerous beasts the galaxy has to offer, he has now turned to Hunting the Most Dangerous Game.
- Enter Stage Window: Daria and Rik sneak out of Zed's fortress to set booby traps by climbing down the vines outside Zed's bedroom window—it being the only window without bars on it—and get back in the same way.
- Fake-Out Make-Out: Zed goes up to check the rooms himself. As Rik and Daria are coming in the window, they hear Zed approaching, strip, and jump into bed, pretending to have been having sex. Once Zed leaves, the pretend sex becomes real lovemaking.
- Faux Affably Evil: Zed initially appears to be a gracious host to the various travellers who wind up wrecked on his planet. However, he is just keeping them off-guard until he uses them as the quarry when he is Hunting Themost Dangerous Game. He is also a rapist.
- Fur Bikini: Daria and Tisa escape from the space gulag clad only in rough-cut rabbit skin bikinis. Later, Zed re-dresses them in these outfits—and dresses Shala in an identical one he got from somewhere—before releasing them into the jungle to be hunted.
- Go-Go Enslavement: When Daria and Tisa arrive at his fortress, Zed gives them lingerie to wear. Later, when he releases them into the jungle so he can hunt them, he dresses them in Fur Bikinis.
- Groin Attack: When Zed has Daria pressed up against the wall, he draws a knife from his boot. Before he can stab her, however, she drives her knee into his groin.
- Handy Cuffs: When escaping from the space gulag, Tisa uses the chains of her shackles to choke one of the guards.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Shala sacrifices herself to save Tisa from Zed; deliberately making herself a target and drawing Zed's fire so Tisa can escape.
- Human Head on the Wall: The walls of Zed's trophy room are lined with the heads of dozens of Zed’s previous guests whom he hunted for sport.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Two slaves in a distant galaxy escape prison and crash-land on a strange planet. They meet Zed, whose hospitality attempts to hide the fact they are to be hunted for sport.
- It Works Better with Bullets: Zed gives Rik a laser pistol to defend himself with before releasing him to be hunted. Rik immediately attempts to shoot Zed with it, but nothing happens. Zed then tells him that there is a timer on the gun which will unlock it in ten minutes; which is the Mercy Lead he is giving him.
- Mercy Lead: Zed gives those he hunts a ten minute start.
- Ms. Fanservice: The dinner scene is pretty much the only time that Daria and Tisa are fully dressed. They spend the rest of the movie in bikinis, lingerie, or topless.
- Playing Drunk: Rik pretends to be drunk at Zed's dinner (and is implied to have been doing so for a few days beforehand) so that Zed will not select him to become his next quarry in Hunting the Most Dangerous Game.
- Recycled In Space: "The Most Dangerous Game" In Space.
- Reflecting Laser: Tisa is able to snatch a breastplate of the wall and use it to reflect a laser beam back at the robot that fired it; destroying the robot.
- Skinny Dipping: Zed sends an android to ensure the guests are in bed where they're supposed to be, but Rik and Daria are still out. Tisa intercepts the android on its way to check the rooms and distracts it by going skinny dipping.
- Slow Laser: The laser weapons in this film are slow enough that Tisa is able to snatch a breastplate off the wall and use it to reflect it back at the robot who fired it.
- Touch of the Monster: The robot who catches Daria on the beach brings her back to Zed's fortress in the 'Rape of the Sabine Women' fashion.
- Trophy Room: Zed has a trophy room that houses both the heads and skins of the animals he has hunted, and the preserved heads of the people he has hunted.
- Villainous Rescue: Zed returns with Tisa to his fortress where he attempts to rape her. Daria interrupts and fights him; the monster that was pursuing her shows up, mortally wounds Zed, and attacks the women.