The Gore Gore Girls
- ️Sun Aug 05 2018
The Gore Gore Girls is a 1972 American Slasher Movie directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis. It concerns a private eye investigating the gruesome murders of a bunch of strippers.
This film contains examples of:
- Advertising by Association: The poster says "Special effects by the same perverted madmen who brought you Blood Feast — Two Thousand Maniacs! — The Gruesome Twosome"
- Big Bad: Marlene is the killer.
- Conspicuous Trenchcoat: The killer wears one along with black gloves.
- Deadpan Snarker: Abraham Gentry, like any good private eye, spouts quips every other sentence.
- Disney Villain Death: The killer falls out a second-story window while trying to escape and gets her head run over by a car.
- Disposable Sex Worker: All the killer's victims are strippers.
- Eye Scream: One of the victims has their eyes ripped out and another's are burned when the killer disfigures their face with a clothes iron.
- Facial Horror: Where to begin?
- The opening victim gets her face repeatedly bashed into a mirror, then mutilated with a dagger.
- The second victim's face and head are chopped to mush with a meat cleaver.
- The 4th victim's face is burned with a clothes iron.
- The 4th victim's roommate gets her face shoved into a hot bowl of grease.
- Fanservice: There are a lot of strippers in this movie. Becomes Fan Disservice when several of them are brutally murdered while still naked.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Part of the killer's motive is jealousy over the strippers' beauty and the attention that her ex-fiancé gives them.
- Insane Troll Logic: Since Abraham Gentry won't get paid as much if he doesn't find the murderer himself, he uses some insane troll logic to throw off the police officer who is also investigating the case: The officer takes Gentry's claim to be "witnessing" to one of the strippers the night of her death as an actual alibi rather than a sarcastic joke, and points out that there was no bible at the scene of the crime. Gentry tells him that this is because the killer is a religious fanatic who stole the bible. Later on, the officer does find a bible among another victim's belongings and asks Abraham about it; this time he claims the killer stole the woman's bible, then replaced it with another.
- Pun-Based Title: "The Go-Go Girls"+"Gore".
- Retired Badass: Marlene used to be a wrestler named "Betty the Beautiful".
- Revenge by Proxy: Marlene is killing the strippers because her fiancé, the manager of the club, abandoned her after her head and chest were burnt in a fire.
- Slashed Throat: Two of the killer's victims have their throats slit with a dagger.
- Sociopathic Soldier: Grout, the cook at the strip club, used to be this. He liked to bash in the heads of both sides' corpses after battles.
- Straw Feminist: A group of these harass the strip club the murders are taking place in, with signs like "Lewd is Crude" and "Quit the Tit," due to considering stripping to be an insult to womanhood. In the modern day, they'd be considered examples of sex worker exclusionary radical feminism
- There's No Kill like Overkill: All of the death scenes are extremely long, drawn out, and feature pointless post-mortem mutilations. The most egregious example is the second victim who is killed with a simple throat slit, then has her head hacked to mush with a cleaver. Perhaps justified, in that the killer is disfigured herself and is jealous over her victims' beauty.
- Villain Opening Scene: The killer attacks a woman in her dressing room.