The Green Goblin's Last Stand
- ️Wed Feb 21 2024
The Green Goblin's Last Stand is a Spider-Man fan film. Made in 1992 on a budget of less than 400 dollars, the 46-minute film retells the infamous The Night Gwen Stacy Died storyline, including Gwen's death and the Green Goblin's death in its immediate aftermath.
Peter Parker, AKA the Amazing Spider-Man, balances time catching crooks and hanging out with his girlfriend Gwen Stacy and his best friend, Harry Osborn. Unbeknownst to anyone but Peter, Harry's father Norman was once the supervillain Green Goblin, until their latest battle left him with amnesia. When Norman's memory begins to resurface, however, Peter finds that even the girl he loves isn't safe.
The film can be seen here, and a documentary about its production can be found here
This film contains examples of:
- Actionized Adaptation: The film is more action-packed than the source comic, with Spider-Man webbing up some crooks, Norman Osborn getting attacked by thugs, and a more evenly-matched final battle between the Goblin and Spider-Man in addition to their canonical fights.
- Adaptation Deviation: In the comic, Spidey's battle with the Goblin after Gwen's death was a complete Curb-Stomp Battle that had him nearly beat a helpless Norman to death. Here, it's much more even-handed until the Goblin brings up Gwen, after which Spidey loses it.
- Adaptation Expansion: The film dwells on Norman's amnesia more than the comic storyline did, as he suffers hallucinations, blackouts, and missing time until his memories recover.
- Batman Cold Open: The film opens on a typical day Spider-Man has as he stops some crooks and is late meeting Gwen as a result.
- Bloodier and Gorier: The final battle is much more brutal than depicted in the comics, with Peter's mask half-torn and his face bleeding, and the Goblin sliding down a bloody wall after being impaled whereas the comic portrayed it with Bloodless Carnage.
- Chewing the Scenery:
- James "Jimi" Kinstle's performance as Norman Osborn. As may be expected from a classically-trained actor playing a homicidal maniac, this is genuinely frightening at times.
- Dan Poole as Spider-Man is no slouch either in the final confrontation with Osborn, where he pins the Goblin against the wall
and starts screaming "YOU TOOK MY GWEN!" in his face with visceral anger.
- Hearing Voices: Norman hallucinates Spider-Man is chasing him, leading him to get beaten and left for dead by thugs.
- Loves Me Not: Gwen is introduced playing "he loves me, he loves me not" with a flower before changing it to guessing whether or not Peter will be there at all.
- Neck Snap: Like the comic, Spider-Man does this accidentally when the whiplash from catching Gwen with his web snaps her neck.
- Self-Disposing Villain: Just like the comic, the Green Goblin dies at the hand of his own glider.
- Spoiler Title: Defied by using the second part of the storyline's title as opposed to the first part's very spoiler-filled "The Night Gwen Stacy Died".