The Librarian

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The Librarian (Film)

The Librarian films are an action-adventure/fantasy series of TV movies made for the TNT cable network in the United States. The concept is fairly simple: all the world's greatest and most dangerous treasures (including the literal Goose That Laid the Golden Egg, H. G. Wells' time machine, the Golden Fleece, the Spear of Longinus and the real Mona Lisa (yes folks, the one in the Louvre is apparently a very good fake) are kept in a secret and generally highly secure library, hidden behind a secret door in the Metropolitan Public Library (previously the Library at Alexandria, Egypt, but later moved to the United States), and guarded by the world's smartest and most knowledgeable person... known, of course, as The Librarian.

Very light and tongue-in-cheek but with a surprisingly high budget for a TV movie (they're heavy on both stunts and special effects), the movies take the world's biggest geek, and make him into a bumbling but surprisingly capable action hero who must often travel the world in search of secret or stolen treasures, and retrieve them for The Library, of which he is also the chief guardian. Typically the adventures of course feature a large number of traps and other situations that require ridiculously obscure knowledge and good perception in order to beat or bypass... such as figuring out that an arrow-spewing trap is in time to a waltz (causing the hero and heroine to dance their way across the ancient Mayan death trap), or exactly where they are in the gigantic Amazon rain forest based entirely on the fact that they're within view of a particular endangered species of condor's territory (after they escape by parachute from a commercial passenger plane and land in it... which happens right after Carsen figures out how to read an ancient text after translating the long-lost Language of the Birds in a matter of hours in-flight).

The films are, in short, action-adventure comedy that parodies action adventure movies, with the world's biggest nerd as the action hero. Basically, Indiana Jones meets Warehouse 13.

ER veteran Noah Wyle stars as the title character, Flynn Carsen, a sort of cute but very geeky boy-next-door who lives with his mother in New York, and is a perpetual student with over two dozen degrees; precisely why he's offered the job in the first movie. He's accompanied in each movie by a tough-as-nails companion, who's always an attractive woman in a deliberate subversion of the "brawny man, weak woman" stereotype (Carsen himself can't fight worth a damn when it comes to throwing kicks and punches). Due to actresses' schedules (the one who played the bodyguard Nicole Noone in the first movie took a job as a regular cast member on Boston Legal around the same time), the female companion seems to change in every film, from a bodyguard appointed for his first year, to an archaeologist who happened to be searching for the same thing, to a woman that he was drawn to by destiny. This ends up giving the movies a sort of subversion of a Bond Girl who ends up at least as competent as the Librarian at the action.

The first film (subtitled Quest for the Spear) covers the Spear of Longinus. The second (subtitled Return to King Solomon's Mines) covers the lost mines of Solomon (specifically the magic tome at their heart), and the third (subtitled Curse of the Judas Chalice) involves Dracula and the goblet supposedly made after Judas Iscariot hanged himself, using the thirty silver coins that he was paid with. The second and third films were directed by Jonathan Frakes, who also has very short cameos in each.

The story continued with The Librarians, which has Wyle reprising his role (initially in a recurring capacity) and is led by Rebecca Romijn as his Guardian, Eve Baird. The series premiered in 2014 and ended in 2018.

Tropes include:

  • Action Girl:
    • Carsen's companions. All of them. It just happens that every of the Guardians of the Librarian happens to be female, and they kick more ass than every other character in the movie.
    • There is also the hot henchwoman from the first movie, fittingly being a mirror of a Guardian of the Librarian to Edward Wilde's former Librarian turned villain.
  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Flynn Carsen is a mix of an actual, (if amateur) archeology and this trope. While his main asset is his knowledge and studying old sources to locate the artifacts he's after, he then goes into the field Indiana Jones-style, having the craziest adventures and visiting at least one Temple of Doom per movie.
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Excalibur acts like a guard dog, then becomes a friendly dog, then whimpers and hides behind Judson when Flynn looses his temper in the third movie.
  • All Myths Are True: As far as the in-story universe is concerned, within the three movies Excalibur, Longinus, the Golden Goose and, Pandora's Box are all true and very real.
  • Arrows on Fire: After surviving The Walls Are Closing In, Flynn and Nicole encounter a corridor of arrows, pendulum blades, and these.
  • Artifact Collection Agency: The Metropolitan Public Library is effectively a front to a centuries-old organisation that collects semi-legendary (and outright mythical) artifacts and protect them from whatever meddling villain that wants them this time around.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Flynn Carsen used to dream about becoming The Librarian.
  • As You Know: Flynn pulls this a lot in general. Emily from the second movie frequently gets annoyed with him as she is usually more informed about the historical subject in question. Simone interrupts Flynn's explanation about the pirate Lafitte because she was there, she knew the man personally.
  • Ask a Stupid Question...: When Flynn leads Edward to the last piece of the Spear, it's locked behind the puzzle of "What is the name of God?". Edward demands he open it.

    Flynn: It's the name of God! It's the ultimate puzzle! People have been trying to figure it out for the last 4000 years and you want me to answer it in 15 seconds?
    Edward: [cocks gun, points it at Nicole's head]

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Flynn passes his interview to be Librarian not by answering incredibly obscure questions, but by figuring out a lot about his interviewer thanks to observational skills.

    Charlene: Don't waste my time. What can you tell me that nobody else out there can tell me?
    Flynn: You have mononucleosis, your marriage broke up two months ago,you broke your nose when you were four, and you live with three cats. [Beat] Is that what you had in mind? Swollen parajugular lymph nodes and distended eyelids are clearly mono, it takes about three months for an indentation on the ring finger to completely disappear; yours is approximately two-thirds gone, your plastic surgeon gave you a terminus paralateral scar, which is usually only given to children under the age of six, and I can clearly see three distinct types of cat hair: a white Himalayan, a tortoise shell, and an orange-striped tabby.
    Charlene: I didn't break my nose 'til I was five.

    • He pulls the same on Nicole. Her response? "I could do the same to you. ... Nerd."
  • The B Grade: Flynn is unsurprised to learn that his former teacher, Prof. Harris, is a member of the Serpent Brotherhood, because he once gave Flynn an A-minus.
  • Badass Bookworm: Flynn Carsen.
    • Also, generally a requirement for the post of the Librarian. The movies seem to be pointing out that there's plenty of badasses, and plenty of bookworms, but not everyone can be both and still be a good guy.
  • Badass Normal: Arguably most of the characters, in a weird sort of way. The Librarians rely entirely on brainpower and observational skills, which are absurdly good, but still technically humanly possible, one would suppose; the bodyguard, Nicole Noone is tough and capable, but not magically tough and not as clever as her charge, etc. Meanwhile, Bob Newhart's character is a man who has inexplicable powers like walking through dreams, solid objects, reality, etc. He's one of the few folks with outright supernatural powers in the films. He is also the warrior librarian from thousands of years earlier who first founded the Library.
  • Bluff the Imposter: Flynn thinks Emily is doing this to him. He's wrong.

    Emily: "Where did you say you're from again?"
    Flynn: "I'm from the Geological Institute"
    Emily: "So you must know John Binder over there, tell me how's old John doing these days?"
    Flynn: "Very good. It's a trick question, there is no John Binder."
    Emily: "He's the head of the institute"

  • Bodyguard Crush: Nicole starts out as Flynn's bodyguard and falls for him. She also loved the previous librarian.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Instead of killing Flynn and Emily right away, Samir just locks them in a cystern and starts flooding it. Then the ceiling covered with spikes starts to come down...
  • Book Smart: This is Flynn's (and by extension the rest of the Librarians) defining characteristic. They have to be the Omnidisciplinary Scientist.
  • Brick Joke: Flynn's mother, trying to set him up with three random girls at a café says he could be so much more than a Librarian, he just needs the right woman to "give him a push". Yeah, Nicole pushed him out of an airplane and off a cliff.
  • Busman's Holiday: The third movie, Flynn is supposed to be on holiday. A dream from the Girl of the Week, however, leads him to something much more exciting.
  • The Cameo: From Jonathan Frakes (who directs the second and third movies). In the second film he's the scowling ex-con fiance of the girl Flynn's mom tried to set him up with in the first movie, and in the third movie he's a trombone player that Flynn and Simone walk past.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Repeatedly invoked by Flynn to keep the bad guys from killing him.
  • Catfight: Between the aforementioned hot henchwoman and Nicole Noone in the first movie.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The replica of the Pyramid of Giza in the first movie.
  • The Chosen One: Excalibur allows Flynn to draw it from the stone at the end of the first film.
  • Comes Great Responsibility: The previous Librarian before Carsen is the baddie of the first film, who uses his brains for selfish gain... and subsequently gets outwitted and defeated by the new Librarian.
    • Flynn's bosses are adamant about not using artifacts for personal gain. They won't even use the Philosopher's Stone to help their budgeting issues.
  • Connected All Along: Simone turns out to have known Professor Lazlow the whole time. He's actually Dracula, and the vampire who turned her.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: in Return to King Solomon's Mines the heroes have to traverse a bridge over a lava river, fed by a lava waterfall. It's high over the lava, but they should still be dead.
  • Cool Sword: Flynn gets swordfighting lessons from Excalibur.
  • The Corruption: The Chalice of Judas in the third film is like catnip to vampires. It's difficult, but not impossible to resist.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: The vampires of the third film have glowing blue eyes.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Samir hunts Emily in the dark through King Solomon's Mine, holding up a lighter to see. She splashes him with liquor, lighting him on fire. After some screaming, he manages to remove his flaming jacket and swear he's going to kill her (weren't you already going to do that, bud?), he gets swarmed by vampire bats. He doesn't survive that.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Simone briefly sports some after The Reveal.
  • Crystal Skull: Flynn retrieves one (a lost treasure of Atlantis, apparently) at the beginning of the second movie.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Flynn and Scary Librarian Charlene who hires him. Flynn's mom also snarks at him, asking him if the books tell him to set fires.
  • Deadly Dodging: Flynn doesn't even try to fight Edward. He spends the entire fight barely avoiding Edward's attacks with the Spear, baiting him into smacking various support stones out of place, causing the pyramid to destabilize enough that the capstone falls, crushing Edward.
  • Death Trap Tango: In Quest for the Spear, Flynn and Nicole find themselves trapped in a Mayan temple, the only exit at the end of a hallway full of arrow-shooting walls. When Flynn picks up on the perfect rhythm the arrows are moving, the two of them manage to waltz their way through. Literally.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Between Nicole and the villain's Dragon in the first film. Lana has a Villainous Crush on Flynn and tries to offer him a We Can Rule Together, only for Nicole to show up and start the fight.

    Nicole: Get your own geek.

  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: In the second film, a set of self-playing pan pipes started playing the film's theme while Judson was scolding Flynn.
  • Dirty Communists: They're the main antagonists in the third movie.
  • Dismantled MacGuffin: In Quest for the Spear, the Spear of Destiny has been broken into three parts which are hidden in different places around the world, one of which is the Metropolitan Public Library. Flynn's first assignment as the titular character is to locate the other two parts before the Serpent Brotherhood can find and reassemble them for their evil plot to take over the world. Since Judson tells him Hitler had risen to power with only one piece in his possession, the quest is urgent indeed.
  • Disposable Love Interest: The lead seems to always get a new love interest for each movie with the previous woman disappearing for no reason other to just have him find a new girlfriend.
  • Expy: Nicole Noone, snarky, world-hopping, British-accented Action Girl. Hmm....
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: The Serpent Brotherhood have members of all races and genders.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: A concise as possible example in Curse of the Judas Chalice (when Flynn was aiming at a steam pipe behind the bad guy).

    Baddie: Missed.
    Flynn: Didn't.

  • Excalibur: A magical self-aware flying sword who's Flynn's best friend.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: In the first movie, after the Serpent Brotherhood get the final piece of the Spear of Destiny, Judson explains that the only way to reforge said spear is with a high-powered EM Pulse, the likes of which would only occur from the light of a peak full moon striking the capstone of the Pyramid of Giza, and since the Egyptian government had said capstone removed and refuse to replace it, Flynn thinks they don't have a problem... until he remembers how the museum now has a scale replica of the Pyramid, complete with capstone.
  • Extranormal Institute: Particularly in the third movie, when the magic of working in the Library has completely worn off for Flynn. Also Jane Curtin's character throughout all three—her most pressing concern is that Flynn saves his receipts while he's off saving the Crystal Skull or whatever he's been sent to retrieve.
  • Failed a Spot Check: The Russians in the third movie note that several of their men have disappeared after they kidnapped Flynn, but it never occurs to them to be concerned. They're just annoyed that they can't get reliable minions.
  • Feet-First Introduction: Nicole reveals she's Flynn's bodyguard by kicking the syringe out of the baddy's hands.
  • Flynning: Pun aside, the sword fight in the third film follows the classic parry-high parry-low parry-lunge routie.
  • For the Evulz: After gaining the power of the intact Spear of Destiny, Edward stabs The Dragon, absorbs his life force, then throws him into the full power of the moon channeled through capstone of the Great Pyramid to be disintegrated.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Flynn tells Judson to call in the marines. No need, Flynn, you just did.
    • In the third movie, Simone is introduced singing a love ballad where she talks about wanting to feel the sun on her face again. Then, as they escape the Russians in the monastery, she effortlessly leaps across an alley. She's a vampire.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: At the auction in the opening of Curse of the Judas Chalice, who else is seen standing next to Flynn but Matt Frewer, who would go on to play Dulaque, head of the Serpent Brotherhood in The Librarians!
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampires: Simone from the third movie.
  • Gaussian Girl: Nicole shows up this way in the first film with curtains thrown open with a dramatic flair of light and saxophone.
  • Geniuses Have Multiple PhDs: Flynn starts the first movie with 22 degrees. His professor kicks him out (with six months before he can start another program) by giving him his 23rd.
  • Ghostapo: According to Judson, having one third of the Spear of Destiny contributed to Hitler's rise to power.
  • Graceful Loser: Dracula in the third movie. After Flynn shanks him with a yew branch, he seems more impressed by Flynn's knowledge of history than pissed at his own demise.
  • Hair Flip: Flynn's mother finally meets "the mysterious Nicole" when the latter rides a motorcycle over a wall, brakes by their table, pulls off her helmet, and shakes her hair loose. Sorry to interrupt, Flynn, but the Deadly Scorpion Gang have gotten hold of H. G. Wells's Time Machine.
  • Hates Being Touched: Charlene stiffly removes herself from Flynn's group hug at the end of the first movie.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: After Kubichek is turned into a vampire by Dracula, his main henchman kills him and himself with a grenade.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: Sergei Kubicheck is the one chasing Flynn around in the third movie, planning on resurrecting and controlling Count Dracula. Sergei ends up bitten and controlled by Dracula, who turns out to be the old, crippled professor that Sergei had dragged along with them after kidnapping him near the beginning of the movie to help find the Judas Chalice.
  • Historical In-Joke: A number of them, mostly in the form of the objects kept safe in The Library, but also notable is the retconning of the Library at Alexandria into the original Library where ancient treasures were stored, until the Seprent Brotherhood rallied the mob that burnt it down.
  • The Holy Grail: The Judas Chalice is a blasphemous parody of the Holy Grail, a cup that was forged from the thirty pieces of silver paid to Judas which will turn anyone who drinks from it into a vampire.
  • Hot Librarian: Noah Wyle. As a librarian. Duh.
    • And very good with the ladies — he ends up sleeping with all three of his companions. In one case on the first night they meet!
    • The apprentice librarians of the show are also all gorgeous.
  • Hunter of His Own Kind: In the third movie, Simone has spent centuries hunting the vampire who turned her. With him dead, she allows herself to die.
  • Idiot Ball: When Flynn picks it up, he starts jumping up and down on an unstable bridge of made of rotted wood.
    • Or mixes his own gunpowder out of old damp materials to use a 200-year-old cannon and Newton's Third Law to bust down a thick reinforced door... as opposed to going out the perfectly ordinary glass windows we can see right behind him.
    • After surviving The Walls Are Closing In and another Durable Deathtrap, Nicole just about grabs the second piece of the Spear and objects strongly when Flynn stops her, even though "These things are always trapped.".
  • I Minored in Tropology: Flynn has studied just about everything you can imagine and everything he could possibly need to know (plus a good deal that he presumably doesn't need). He refers to Master's and PhD theses, rather than the more standard "I minored in 'X'" line, but the principle's the same.
    • Justified, as Flynn is in his thirties, and has been a perpetual college student for long enough to have a total of 22 degrees, 12 bachelors, 6 Masters, and 4 PhDs according to King Solomon's Mines, but who's counting .
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Flynn is all too eager to hit the sauce when his mother not only springs a surprise birthday party on him (one that includes karaoke), but also tries hooking him up with his own 3rd cousin.
  • I Never Said It Was Poison: At the end of the second movie, Flynn asks Judson if he inserted himself into the vision that he'd experienced earlier. Judson denies having the power to such things... but he mentions a detail of the vision in the process. Flynn notices this immediately.
  • I Owe You My Life: Flynn and Emily rescue Jomo from where he's buried in the sand. In return, he proclaims a life debt to them. They send him away after he saves them from the hippos, claiming the debt is paid despite his arguments. He comes back in the Mines to rescue them from a death trap, and then claims that his debt really is paid.
  • Jungle Opera: This is something of a satire of this.
  • Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy: In the third movie, we get Andrew, a taxi driver who has a cousin for everything.
  • Large Ham: Kyle MacLachlan, the villain in the first movie, is clearly having a lot of fun. Coincidentally, the movie gets considerably sillier as soon as he shows up.
  • Leap of Faith: At least for the Action Girl — but not for Flynn, who calculates exactly where they have to jump.
  • Living Weapon: Excalibur can fly and won't accept just anyone as Librarian.
  • Lovable Nerd: Flynn Carsen, the eponymous Librarian. Having 23 degrees is only enough to get you an interview; you need a lot more to get the job. And the girl. And the next one. And the one after that.
  • Magical Library: Not only does it contain legendary and magical books, but also all the world's greatest and most dangerous treasures.
    • It's also mentioned at one point that the Library is as "large as it needs to be."
  • The Matchmaker: Flynn's mother is constantly trying to set him up with a girl because of his sheltered awkwardness, to the point she even tries to hook him up with his 3rd cousin.
  • Mistaken for Badass: One member of the Serpent Brotherhood keeps thinking Flynn is impossibly awesome, when really it's Nicole pushing him out of an airplane without a parachute or pulling him off a cliff into a river.
  • Ms. Fanservice: All of Flynn's companions are gorgeous, but Simone is introduced as a lounge singer in a skimpy dress, who starts... caressing herself when Flynn walks in and removes a key from under her garter a few minutes later, taking her time to do so.
  • Museum of the Strange and Unusual: The Library. It's full of mysterious tomes and dangerous artifacts, like Excalibur and the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg (Flynn juggles some).
  • Not Staying for Breakfast:
    • Nicole disappears during the night after she and Flynn sleep together. Turns out she and the Spear were snagged by the Serpents without waking Flynn.
    • Simone in the third movie. There is a reason for it. She's a vampire
  • Offscreen Breakup: Flynn breaks with Nicole at some point after the first movie, before the second one...
  • Oh, Crap!: Flynn gets up to go to the airplane bathroom in the first film, only to get stopped by a Serpent. He recognizes the tattoo and has a moment. Then he looks around and sees that everyone around him has stood up and is staring at him. Honestly, he gets a lot of these.
  • One-Liner: Guardians and the villains of each story are very fond of those. Flynn gets one in the finale, after coming victorious - and those tend to be pun-based.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Vampires in the third movie can get sick with human diseases. They also temporarily die when killed before coming back to life. They're also tied heavily in the tale of Judas, who was the very first vampire, which used to explain things like the traditional weaknesses to silver and a stake through the heart (it has to be aspen wood, the same type of tree Judas hung from).
  • Pandora's Box: Flynn discovering the Box as one of the artifacts at the beginning ... and promptly opens it. Thankfully, Judson quickly closes it before anything happens.
  • Philosopher's Stone: Flynn recovers it at the beginning of "Curse of the Judas Chalice".
  • Pretender Diss: When Edward discovers that the clue to the last piece of the Spear of Destiny is written in the Language of the Birds, he angrily notes that no one can read that. Nicole replies, "No one except a real Librarian.".
  • Primordial Tongue: Quest for the Spear features a book written in "The Language of the Birds" which is stated to be the language spoken before the Tower of Babel.
  • Public Domain Artifact: The Library has a huge collection of these, including HG Wells' time machine, Jason's Golden Fleece, Excalibur (which is apparently a Living Weapon), the Holy Grail, Poseidon's Trident, Pandora's Box, The Ark of the Covenant, and a whole slew of others. Basically? You name it, they have it. Also among which is a working jetpack. Apparently it's a rite of passage for each Librarian to come across it, try to use it, and spend the next several minutes chasing the thing down.
  • Punny Name: In the first film, Nicole Noone = "no-one".
  • Putting on the Reich: The Serpent Brotherhood crowd at the end of the first movie are wearing red armbands, have taken hold of the Spear of Destiny, and chant "Snake! Snake!" while just barely avoiding throwing the Nazi salute.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Nicole Noone doesn't appear as a character in the second film because the actress was working on Boston Legal.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Jerry's eyes turn red when he's on the verge of gaining the power of Solomon.
  • The Reveal: Each film sports one.
    • In the first, we learn that Flynn's predecessor as Librarian didn't pre-decease. He faked his death and wanted to use his knowledge to conquer the world.
    • In the second, Uncle Jerry, Flynn's father's best friend, killed Flynn's father and wants to use the magic tome in the Mine to rewrite history so he got Flynn's mother himself.
    • In the third, vampires are real, Simone is one, and the professor is actually Dracula.
  • Seen It All: Judson, to a degree. He doesn't seem surprised at half of the questions Flynn has, and notes that it normally takes a new Librarian a while to find the jetpack and set it off. Flynn did it in record time.
  • Semper Fi: Judson is a Marine and can handle an entire army of Serpent Brotherhood mooks on his own.
  • Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains: The villain's henchwoman has a more midriff revealing outfit compared to Nicole's more practical one in the first movie. This is swapped around in the second, where Emily spends nearly the entire movie with exposed midriff.
  • The Shangri-La: The heroes (and villain) search for and visit Shangri-La in the Himalayas during their quest to find the other two missing parts of The Spear of Destiny.
  • Sherlock Scan: This is part of how the main character gets his job - he scans his boss, determining that she was recently divorced from the depth of the ring-line on her finger and noting that she had three cats by being able to tell their hairs apart on her jacket. He occasionally does this to other characters as well.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The end of the second film, a goodbye kiss in front of a small airplane, is a shout out to Casablanca, lampshaded by Flynn saying "Of all the gin joints in all the world, she had to walk into mine."
    • Flynn's vacation to New Orleans was a love letter from the director to the restored city, severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina two years prior.
    • Driving the point home, during a montage of Flynn and Simone's first evening together, exploring the delights of the French Quarter, briefly appears a musician on a trombone — the movie's director, Jonathan Frakes, (who does play the trombone in real-life), with a out-of-universe shout out to his character, Commander Riker, from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
    • The ending of King Solomon's Mines is a big one to the ending of Casablanca.
  • The Smart Guy: The entire premise is that the world's most important and dangerous position outright requires occupation by the ultimate Smart Guy, or on occasion, the ultimate Smart Girl.
  • So Proud of You: Though Flynn objects that he can't be expected to answer the ultimate puzzle (The name of God) in fifteen seconds, he... does. ("'M - E'. 'Me'. God is in all of us."), the lead monk of the Buddhist monastery he's in smiles proudly and bows his head. A few minutes later, Judson expresses his shock that Edward, the former Librarian, faked his death and joined the Serpent Brotherhood, but is so glad that "We have a better one now.".
  • Soft Water: In the first movie, Nicole and Flynn fall a few hundred metres down a cliff then seconds later down a waterfall without injury.
  • Something Else Also Rises: In the first movie, Nicole leans against a bathroom doorway in a robe and not much else. Flynn pops the champagne bottle he's holding.
  • Stages of Monster Grief: Simone hates having been made a vampire.
  • Strong Girl, Smart Guy: The default dynamic between Flynn and his Guardian - whoever she might be. The majority of gags from the first movie relied on how competent and resourceful Nicole Noone was vs. Flynn's great theoretical knowledge and utter lack of on-hand experience
  • Sucks at Dancing: Flynn broke the toes of every girl he danced with at his prom. Even his mother wouldn't dance with him. Too bad they're facing a rhythm-based puzzle that requires a waltz.

    Nicole: You took your mum to prom?

  • Suicide by Sunlight: With the vampire who sired her dead, Simone feels at peace and watches one last sunrise at the end of the third movie.
  • Tastes Like Purple: In the third film, Flynn rushes into a London bar looking for his girlfriend. He describes her as blonde and American. The bartender clarifies the description as, "Would she have an air of lingering disappointment, like she just had to make a difficult, but necessary, decision?"
  • Thirty Pieces of Silver: The MacGuffin of the third film is the vampire equivalent of the Holy Grail, said to be forged from Judas' thirty pieces of silver.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the second and third film Flynn is portrayed to be smarter and stronger than he was in the first movie, especially how he defeats his opponents.
  • Underestimating Badassery: The Russians laugh when Simone tells them to leave before there's trouble, not realizing they're dealing with a vampire.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Not only does no one in a hotel seem unduly surprised when Carsen walks up to the front desk in a bedsheet, but two gentlemen who are watching TV don't bat an eye when Judson pre-empts their program to have a two-way conversation with him via the lobby's television set.
  • Villainous Crush: One of the Serpent Brotherhood in the first movie doesn't realize Flynn's best stunts are forced on him by Nicole and keeps talking about how amazing he is. When they finally meet, she gives him a shy smile and tells him "I love your work.".
  • The Walls Are Closing In: When Flynn and Nicole fall into a Mayan death chamber, they're met by an advancing wall pushing them toward a pit full of spikes.
  • We Can Rule Together: The Dark Action Girl for the bad guys tries this on Flynn towards the end of the first movie. It was probably genuine, considering she spent much of the movie praising him as one heck of a Librarian to her fellow henchpersons (and at one point while Flynn is captured sitting next to him in a helicopter and smiling fondly at him).
  • You Are Better than You Think You Are: Flynn's professor kicks him out (by giving him his 23rd degree) to force him get real world experience. It's the middle of the semester, so Flynn won't be able to sign up for another course for another six months.

Alternative Title(s): The Librarian Quest For The Spear, The Librarian Return To King Solomons Mines, The Librarian Curse Of The Judas Chalice