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  • ️Mon Feb 04 2013

Four Temperament Ensemble

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Films — Animated 

Disney Animated Canon

  • The main characters in The Emperor's New Groove: Kuzco as the sanguine, due to his energetic, confident, but self-absorbed behaviour; Yzma as the choleric, being ambitious and hardworking but vindictive; Pacha as the melancholic, playing the Only Sane Man to Kuzco and occasionally snarking at the latter's expense; and Kronk as the phlegmatic, being a sweet-natured Minion with an F in Evil.
  • Encanto has Felix as the protective, happy-go-lucky Team Dad (sanguine); Pepa as a hot-tempered Mood-Swinger with perfectionistic tendencies (choleric); Julieta as the doting Team Mom who balances the family out (eclectic); Agustín as an Endearingly Dorky and devoted father (phlegmatic); and Bruno as an self-isolating Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold who's prone to Brutal Honesty (melancholic).
  • Frozen has very upbeat, active and optimistic Anna as the sanguine; her elegant and ridden-with-fear sister Elsa as the melancholic; laid-back, snarky-but-staunchly-moral Kristoff as the phlegmatic; and ambitious, hard-working, do-whatever-it-takes-to-get-my-goal Hans as the choleric.
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
    • Frollo is choleric (the control-obsessed tyrant), Phoebus is melancholic (the morally conflicted knight), Esmerelda is sanguine (the upbeat and defiant rebel) and Quasimodo is phlegmatic (the empathetic recluse).
    • Quasimodo also has this when interacting with his gargoyle friends, again with him as the phlegmatic: Hugo is the loud and energetic Fat Comic Relief (sanguine); Laverne is snippy and hot-tempered but caring (choleric); and Victor is the neurotic, cerebral Cowardly Lion (melancholic).
  • The Lion King: Mufasa is choleric (the extroverted leader who has a bit of a temper and is the most badass character in the film), Scar is melancholic (the introverted villain who is always unhappy), Simba is sanguine (the adventurous and cheery heir to the throne) and Nala is phlegmatic (the reasonable and Only Sane Man of the cast).
  • Tarzan (1999): The human characters follow this pattern, with Kind-Hearted but conflicted Tarzan (Melancholic), prim and sweet though also naive Jane (Phlegmatic), eccentric and absent-minded yet affable and passionate Archimedes Porter (Sanguine), and determined and brave yet greedy and cruel Clayton (Choleric).
  • The main characters of Wreck-It Ralph: Ralph is the melancholic, being a Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold who is sad about his social exclusion by his game-mates as the bad guy of his game and wants something better out of life; Vanellope is the sanguine, being an energetic and brash Bratty Half-Pint; Felix is the phlegmatic, being the most sweet-natured of the four and is initially really gentle and docile to the point of being spineless,;and Sgt. Calhoun is the choleric, being very task-oriented and emotionally distant, but nevertheless bold and diligent.


  • The Parr family from The Incredibles: Bob (choleric, prone to losing his temper and impulsively participates in vigilante work), Helen (phlegmatic, the calm, responsible matriarch of the family), Violet (melancholic, a painfully shy moody teenager), and Dash (sanguine, a cheerful, energetic prankster).
  • Turning Red: Mei and her friends. Mei is sanguine (cheerful, friendly, and optimistic, but also submissive to her mother's discipline). Abby is choleric (hot blooded, bold, and assertive). Priya is melancholic (mature, stoic, empathetic, but also has a hidden sensitive side). Miriam is phlegmatic (the most patient and levelheaded of the girls, befitting her role as Team Mom).


  • Kung Fu Panda:
    • Po is the Sanguine to the three characters that become the most important people in his life: Tigress (melancholic), Shifu (choleric) and Mr. Ping (phlegmatic).(Oogway was phlegmatic as well.)
    • The four other members of the Furious Five: Monkey (sanguine), Mantis (choleric), Crane (melancholic) and Viper (phlegmatic).
    • The villains, as well. Tai Lung: the vengeful ambitious Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy is Choleric, Lord Shen: the brilliant, dour Broken Ace is Melancholic, General Kai: the Laughably Evil soul-stealing ghoul is Sanguine and The Chameleon: the reserved but vengeful Dark Action Girl is Phlegmatic.
  • From Shrek, we have Shrek as choleric (grouchy but surprisingly brave when he puts his mind to it), Fiona as melancholic (often the Only Sane Woman to the other characters, mostly calm, sensitive and responsible), Donkey as sanguine (ridiculously talkative, fun-loving and a surprisingly loyal and open minded friend) and Puss as phlegmatic (cool-headed, suave, somewhat easily swayed).

Other studios

Films — Live-Action 

  • Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy: Ron Burgundy (sanguine, a charismatic and beloved newsreader), Champ Kind (choleric, an obnoxious, misogynistic Jerkass), Veronica Corningstone (melancholic, driven, focused and a Consummate Professional), Brick Tamland (phlegmatic, a friendly, lovable, Kindhearted Simpleton), and Brian Fantana (eclectic, usually calm and rational put prone to crazy and outlandish ideas).
  • Black Adam (2022): The Justice Society. Passionate to a fault and a natural-born leader, Hawkman is choleric, the introspective and deadpan Doctor Fate is melancholic, perky and adventurous Cyclone is sanguine and the lovably dorky Atom Smasher is phlegmatic.
  • The Charlie's Angels (2000) movies: Plucky Girl Natalie (sanguine), Good Is Not Nice Dylan (choleric), Brainy Brunette Alex (melancholic), and Servile Snarker Bosley (phlegmatic).
  • The five main villains of The Dark Knight Trilogy in order of their appearance:
    • Ra's Al Ghul (phlegmatic). Batman's Trainer and misguided Mentor, who's ambitions set in motion the later disasters.
    • Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (melancholic). A corrupt and highly sensitive Psychologist, who used fear as tool for his sick experiments. But couldn't handle his own medicine, when it was turned against him.
    • Joker (sanguine). The Monster Clown who played sick games with his victims. Only to be made the fool in the end, when Batman got the better of him.
    • Bane (choleric). A well-spoken Brute who was both physically and philosophically powerful. Came the closest to destroying Batman and Gotham, but ultimately failed due to his own hubris.
    • Talia Al Ghul (another melancholic). A ruthless and sadistic socialite who intends to finish her father's work from the shadows, taking things to an even further extreme than he did.
  • Descendants: The four villain kids:
    • Mal (melancholic) shows the most leadership skills, has no problem being dark but yet a current ally, and is notoriously determined.
    • Evie (sanguine) is Mal's lancer, being much more bubbly, kindhearted, and passive.
    • Jay (choleric) is tough, charming, and reckless.
    • Carlos (phlegmtaic, sometimes melancholic) is the most shy member of the group but arguably the most logical thinker.
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Newt and Tina are the introverts, and Jacob and Queenie the extroverts. Relatively to each other, Tina is more of a thinker and for justice (melancholic), and Newt is more of a feeler and for mercy, and he fits the "humble, thoughtful, compassionate" character (phlegmatic). Queenie is charming and quirky (sanguine), Jacob is a hard worker and goal oriented (choleric).
  • The Godfather: The brothers Corleone are a perfect example: the Hot-Blooded Sonny is choleric, The Chessmaster Michael is melancholic, Nice Guy Fredo is sanguine, and The Consigliere Tom is phlegmatic.
  • Independence Day: The four main protagonists: Russell Casse (sanguine), the eccentric ex-pilot and Bumbling Dad, Captain Steven Hiller (choleric), the Hot-Blooded Military Maverick, David Levinson (melancholic), the Brilliant, but Lazy cable repairman and Almighty Janitor and President Thomas Whitmore (phlegmatic), the evenhanded president and ex-military man who was criticized for his meek approach to leading.
  • Villainous example from Kill Bill: The Ax-Crazy and spiteful Elle Driver is (choleric), The depressive but elegant Lady of War O-Ren Ishii is (melancholic), The Affably Evil Big Bad Bill is (phlegmatic), The regretful Retired Badass Budd (sanguine), and Action Mom Vernita Green is (eclectic).
  • Mad Max: Fury Road: The wives.
    • The Dag (sanguine), the Large Ham Cloudcuckoolander.
    • Splendid Angharad (choleric), the confident, charismatic leader of the wives.
    • Toast (melancholic), the cynical, snarky, practical wife.
    • Capable (phlegmatic), The Stoic, the kindest and most softhearted wife who manages to win over Nux.
    • Cheedo the Fragile (eclectic), the youngest, regarded as Everyone's Baby Sister who is Prone to Tears.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:.
    • Guardians of the Galaxy:
      • Sanguine: Peter Quill (goofy and immature but overall one of the group's nicer members).
      • Melancholic: Gamora (a stoic and ruthless assassin).
      • Choleric: Rocket (loud-mouthed and obnoxious).
      • Phlegmatic: Groot (communicates only in Pokémon Speak and is The Heart of the team).
      • Eclectic: Drax (quiet and reserved one minute, a Laughing Mad Boisterous Bruiser the next).
    • Ant-Man and the Wasp: Team Pym:
      • Choleric: Hank (a Jerkass Grumpy Old Man).
      • Melancholic: Hope (a capable and no-nonsense Action Girl).
      • Sanguine: Scott (cheerful and friendly).
      • Phlegmatic: Janet (who's time in the Quantum Realm has made her very peaceful and empathetic).
  • The Marx Brothers in almost all of their films:
    • Sanguine: Groucho (talkative, charmer, quirky)
    • Choleric: Chico (cynical, loyal, strongwilled)
    • Melancholic: Harpo (childlike, mischievous, non-verbal)
    • Phlegmatic: Zeppo (calm, polite, easy-going)
  • Mrs. Doubtfire: The four main adults:
    • Daniel Hillard/Euphegenia Doubtfire (sanguine): The playful, comedic dad who learns the importance of responsibility, in and out of disguise.
    • Miranda Hillard (choleric): A stern, no-nonsense mom, who is the involuntary Workaholic.
    • Stuart "Stu" Dunmeyer (melancholic): A successful, rich entrepreneur with a low opinion on Daniel.
    • Mr Jonathan Lundy (phlegmatic): The tired yet open-minded CEO, who accepts Daniel's ideas, despite the actor's previous deception.
  • Oliver!: The adults who influence, Oliver's life:
    • Fagin & Nancy (sanguine): The playful, light-hearted pair who lift Oliver's spirits.
    • Bill Sykes (melancholic) (with hints of choleric): The Big Bad master thief who is greedy and short-tempered.
    • Mr. Bumble (choleric): Oliver's former master who serves as his caretaker, whenever trouble arises.
    • Mr. Brownlow (phlegmatic): The kindly rich Gentleman, who adopts Oliver like a father figure to his missing daughter.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Pirates of the first three movies:
    • Sanguine: Jack Sparrow (Quirky, charmer)
    • Choleric: Barbossa (No-nonsense, goal-oriented) and Elizabeth (Strong-willed, brash)
    • Melancholic: Will (Less expressive than the above two, quick thinker)
    • Phlegmatic: Gibbs (The most meek of the five; kind-hearted)
  • Predator 2: The four main cops: wisecracking Jerry Lambert (Sanguine), aggressive Cowboy Cop Lieutenant Mike Harrigan (Choleric), levelheaded yet occasionally stubborn Leona Cantrell (Melancholic) and Danny Archuleta, the least abrasive and most reasonable (Phlegmatic).
  • Prom Night (1980):
    • The four targets: Jude is a bubbly Cute Bookworm (sanguine), Wendy is the domineering and scheming Alpha Bitch (choleric), Kelly is an uptight and nervous Catholic schoolgirl (melancholic), and Nick is reflective and levelheaded, the only one who shows any remorse for killing Robin Hammond (phlegmatic).
    • The background male students: Hormone-Addled Teenager Drew (sanguine), bully Lou (choleric), uptight and vengeful Alex (melancholic), and Slick is the laid-back stoner (phlegmatic).
  • Schindler's List:
    • Oskar Schindler (Sanguine): The lavish, deeply caring Entrepreneur who loves his drink, smoking and women.
    • Amon Goeth (Choleric): Easily the most violent character, a Nazi Commandant with a short temper and shorter patience.
    • Itzhak Stern (Melancholic): The worrisome Jewish Accountant, who convinces his boss to make the morally good decisions.
    • Helen Hirsch (Phlegmatic): An innocent Maid, who witnesses The Holocaust firsthand. Selected by Amon and later abused by him, only to be spared the usual fate of his victims.
  • The four leads of Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) fill these roles:
    • Sonic (Sanguine): the carefree daredevil who loves living life to its fullest and longs for true friendship
    • Tom (Melancholic): the competent officer who is great at what he does but wants to prove himself more
    • Maddie (Phlegmatic): the caring veterinarian who is willing to sacrifice her conveniences to help others
    • Robotnik (Choleric): the brash, arrogant, and eccentric super-genius who cares only for his machines and inventions
  • A case could be made for this in Star Trek (2009):
    • Sanguine: Kirk, the fun-loving fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants tactical genius.
    • Choleric: "Bones" McCoy, the grumpy-but-compassionate healer.
    • Melancholic: Uhura, the perfectionist omniglot with a nurturing side.
    • Phlegmatic: Spock, the calm, rational Vulcan scientist unless someone insults his mother.
    • Eclectic: The neutral Scotty, who loves his job as Chief Engineer aboard the Enterprise.
  • V for Vendetta has this with the main opposition to the Norsefire government: V (choleric, the charismatic leader and face of the revolution who doesn't care who he has to hurt to get what he wants), Finch (melancholic, a Reasonable Authority Figure police officer who just wants to uncover the truth), Evey (phlegmatic, V's kind but shy and insecure protégé who is slowly hardened by the events of the film), and Gordon (sanguine, a popular and jovial TV presenter).
  • Valentine: The four remaining friends after the opening scene: Genki Girl Lily (sanguine), brash and sexually forward Paige (choleric), nervous and insecure Dorothy (melancholic), and levelheaded and kindhearted Kate (phlegmatic).
  • Whiplash explicitly illustrates this dynamic with how the main/secondary characters feel about Andrew's quest for musical greatness:
    • Andrew himself is melancholic. He begins the film as quizzical of the directions of Nassau Band, while also construing any impertinent relationships with the other band members as his own fault for prioritzing emotional guile over practicing and being able to be on time without worry. After joining Fletcher's band, he becomes far more uptight, easily angered, and disregards the importance of personal relationships as detrimental to what he sets out to accomplish.
    • Fletcher is choleric. Unlike Andrew, his own ear for music is a passing fancy, being far more concerned with his own students' ears for music and subjecting them to ridicule and ridiculously rigid standards that no one can realistically achieve. Firmly decisive but lacking the inherent ability to psychoanalyze his students first and break them down later, his experiences with music are completely static, merely ignoring how far past his prime he may be because imagined sabotage and his own anger are the only things that need to clash in his teachings as far as he's concerned.
    • Andrew's father Jim is phlegmatic. He won't stand for being in between jobs (having quickly moved from being a writer to a high school teacher), but for him it's merely a matter of principle, and no amount of unambitiousness can wrong any rights. When his son is growing apart from him in favor of honoring the very person whose approval is not only meaningless, but actively abusive, he struggles to understand where his son would least want to be retroactively defiled, and having already supported Andrew suing Fletcher earlier on, he joins him in working without a net, striving to take away any False Reassurances that Fletcher may apply but otherwise avoiding looking for hope in any of the wrong places.
    • Andrew's ex-girlfriend Nicole is sanguine. Andrew's approval flatters her and she waits for him to warm up to her, trying to blend in as a bubbly girl from Arizona while also reading his shyness and warmly giving him the chance to just act like himself. When she sees Andrew's shift in personality, she immediately knows that his dismissiveness is going to be more wired in his brain each time he interacts with someone, and calls him out for not letting her stop him from going down the wrong path, reluctantly parting with him while happily getting a new boyfriend, not bothering him unless it's something he wants her to be there for.note 
  • X-Men: First Class: A villainous example: The pragmatic Emma Frost (choleric), the somber and competent Azazel (melancholic), the quiet, silent Riptide (phlegmatic), and The Faux Affably Evil Sebastian Shaw (sanguine).
  • Zombieland: Tallahassee, the loud, short-tempered, wacky, and enthusiastic zombie hunter, is sanguine. Wichita, a smart and savvy con-artist girl who will do anything to survive, is choleric. Columbus, the quiet and nerdy, but secretly personally idealistic, former Hikikomori and Combat Pragmatist, is melancholic. Little Rock, Wichita's reliable little sister/side kick, is phlegmatic.