Literature - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Feb 04 2013
Four Temperament Ensemble
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- 4 Kids in 5E and 1 Crazy Year: Destiny (Sanguine), Maximo (Choleric), Willie (Melancholic), and Giovanni (Phlegmatic).
- Animorphs: Jake is melancholic (shrewd, calculating); Rachel is choleric (aggressive, driven); Tobias is supine (aloof, timid); Cassie is phlegmatic (the peacemaker); and Marco is sanguine (the cheerful jokester).
- In The Armadillo with No Heart, one of these is formed when the armadillo protagonist, Kuro, joins a group of three hedgehog bandits. Kuro is fearful, shy, and lacking in self-esteem (melancholic); Morty is a kind-hearted Gentle Giant who adopts a protective attitude towards Kuro (phlegmatic); Gus is playful and childlike (sanguine), and the group leader, Clyde, is rough and abrasive (choleric).
- The Bad Guys series has the five main members of "The Good Guys Club": Mr. Wolf, as the open to change leader that believes the others can become good (sanguine), Mr. Snake as the sarcastic doubter that still can't shake his evil side (choleric), Mr. Piranha as the realistic and dry member that's hiding obvious stress (melancholic), Mr. Shark as the threatening-looking, yet warm hearted and able to blend in with others (phlegmatic), and Legs, the optimistic tinkerer that doesn't let others' opinions affect him (eclectic).
- The Beginning After the End:
- Seris and her lieutenants. Seris — an analytical and calculating Warrior Therapist with a surprisingly affable and compassionate side — is the choleric, Cyrit — a stoic individual who follows his mistress without question — is the melancholic, Caera — an assertive individual driven by her Undying Loyalty to her adoptive family, her mistress, and Arthur himself — is the sanguine, and Lyra — a calm and supportive individual who was Just Following Orders and is easily swayed to the right side when given the opportunity — is the phlegmatic.
- The four main students in Arthur's Melee Enhancement Tactics class in Central Academy. Seth Milview — a introverted nerd left alone after the loss of his family — is the melancholic, Mayla Fairweather — a calm and friendly girl — is the phlegmatic, Enola Frost — a genial and kindhearted individual — is the sanguine, and Valen Ramseyer — the haughty and arrogant grandson of the academy's director — is the choleric.
- In Bridge of Clay, the Dunbar brothers: Matthew is eclectic — reasonable, responsible, not prone to any outbursts; Henry sanguine — most cheerful of the family, talkative and very good at haggling; Rory choleric - hard-working (that is, once he is expelled from school and gets "real" work), rude, loves drinking and brawling; Clay melancholic — introverted, emotional, talks very little; and Tommy phlegmatic — thoughtful, sympathetic and compassionate.
- Chocolate: The Consuming Passion by Sandra Boynton divides chocolate lovers into four categories, mirroring this trope: The Pastoral Chocolatist ("Pensive, pleasant, somewhat shy" — phlegmatic), the Genteel Theobromian ("Affable leader, secretly cynical" — choleric), the Refined Palate ("Artistic, intellectual, reclusive" — melancholic) and the Sensuous Chocophile ("Moody, impulsive, self-indulgent" — sanguine).
- Fallon Swift and her three half-brothers in Nora Roberts's The Chronicles of The One series:
- In the ColSec Trilogy, Fiery Redhead Nature Hero Cord (eclectic, leaning towards choleric); level-headed, empathic Wrench Wench Samella (phlegmatic), Tsundere Action Girl Heleth (pure choleric), Genki Boy gadfly Jeko (sanguine), and laconic Deadpan Snarker Rontal (melancholic).
- The main characters of The Fire-Us Trilogy fit into the ensemble, first in the original four-person arrangement, and later into the five-person setup.
- The loud, headstrong, strings-the-little-kids-along-in-an-hour Angerman (sanguine).
- The focused hardworker, taking on most of the physical work, is Hunter (choleric).
- The devoter of almost all her time to studying and taking care of the Book, pragmatic with few people skills, is Teacher (melancholic, of course).
- Phlegmatic Mommy is hugely loving and devoted to her friends, but unstable and sometimes very weak, psychologically.
- Later, Cory takes on the role of eclectic when she joins the group.
- Hannibal Lecter:
- Wicked Cultured Hannibal Lecter himself and Action Girl Clarice Starling (melancholic), Broken Ace Will Graham (choleric), and Knight in Sour Armor Jack Crawford (phlegmatic).
- The Nazi looters who eat Lecter's sister: Grutas (choleric), Dortlich (sanguine), Kolnas (phlegmatic), Grentz (melancholic), and Milko (eclectic).
- The Verger family in Hannibal: The Sociopath Mason (choleric), Sour Outside, Sad Inside Margot (phlegmatic), and Greater-Scope Villain Molson (melancholic).
- Harry Potter has the main Death Eaters:
- Choleric: Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle, the power obsessed tyrant who uses his knowledge of Dark Magic to become immortal and has a volcanic temper.
- Sanguine: Bellatrix Lestrange, Ax-Crazy sadist who only cares about Voldemort and the blood purity.
- Melancholic: Barty Crouch Jr., the Evil Genius of the Death Eaters who managed to fool everybody including Dumbledore and was instrumental in the resurrection of Voldemort. Severus Snape would be also melancholic, being the reserved, grumpy and sarcastic teacher who is highly smart and arguably the most competent Death Eater, although he's also Dumbledore's spy and Good All Along.
- Phlegmatic: Lucius Malfoy, Upper-Class Twit who has a suave if codescendent behavior to mask his loyalty to the Death Eater cause, although his deep love for his family makes him defect from the dark lord.
- Eclectic: Peter Petigrew, Dirty Coward who only sides with the strong and has no real agenda of its own outside of survival.
- Applies to the four friends in The Hike:
- Joni is Sanguine. She's an impulsive, charismatic and fun-loving rock singer who likes making others happy, but she doesn't always think before she acts, has some self-destructive habits and a tendency to run away from her problems until she crashes and burns. She sometimes hurts or offends people with her thoughtlessness, but never does so with malicious intent and will make amends if it's pointed out.
- Helena is Choleric. She's a methodical, extroverted and practical event organiser, prone to sarcasm and bluntly honest. She can be stubborn and resentful, especially if she feels hurt or let-down, and has some issues with her sense of self-worth (especially when it comes to relationships). At the same time, she's also good at picking other people up or saying the right thing to encourage them.
- Liz is Melancholic. She's a caring, hardworking and introspective GP. She is usually the most responsible and level-headed of the group, but she can sometimes come off as bossy or self-righteous to the others despite meaning well. She also tends to keep her worries and insecurities to herself, not wanting others to see her under strain but then failing to explain why she's acting a certain way.
- Maggie is Phlegmatic. She's a kind, introverted and highly sensitive artist, who gets anxious easily and often doubts herself. She can be submissive with a dislike of conflict; she's easy to get along with and a great listener, but not too good at standing up for herself.
- The D Squad in The Homework Machine: Kelsey (sanguine), Snik (choleric), Judy (melancholic), and Brenton (phlegmatic).
- In Jackie and Craig, Amy is phlegmatic, Will is sanguine, Jackie is choleric and Craig is melancholic. This shifts in the sequel, where Amy becomes melancholic, Will becomes phlegmatic and Craig becomes choleric.
- The Borejko sisters in Jezycjada:
- Bite Me of the Legends of Laconia series:
- Sanguine: Bunny Ears Doctor Nat Silver, cause he's a cheerful vampire.
- Choleric: Dianne Anghel.
- Melancholic: Ferdinand Anghel.
- Phlegmatic: Selene Davidson Anghel.
- Looking for Alaska: Pudge (phlegmatic), the Colonel (melancholic), Alaska (choleric), and Takumi (sanguine).
- The Lords of Discipline: Will (melancholic), Tradd (phlegmatic), Pig (sanguine), and Mark (choleric).
- Loveless: Shy and anxious Georgia is Melancholic, stubborn and hot-headed Pip is Choleric, outgoing and bubbly Rooney is Sanguine, calm and gentle Jason is Phlegmatic and responsible and easygoing Sunil is Eclectic.
- The BCDC from Meddling Kids (2017):
- Andy is extremely choleric with her Hair-Trigger Temper.
- Kerri is melancholic, especially in her recurring episodes of clinical depression, although she gets better with Andy's help.
- Nate is, for the most part, phlegmatic (with his Spirit Advisor hallucination of Peter giving voice to the emotions he can't let himself feel).
- Peter was apparently the sanguine one among the group when he was alive, and Nate's hallucination of him still acts this way, which makes his being Driven to Suicide that much more shocking to those who didn't know him well. His Suspiciously Similar Substitute, the gang's former bully Joey Krantz, acts much the same (partly because he was never around for any of the BSDC's childhood traumas).
- Miss Prince:
- Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai: Snarky and calm Nice Guy Sakuta is phlegmatic, note (and kind, compassionate and quiet Shoko is phlegmatic as well especially her slightly shy young version; older Shoko mixes it with sanguine as she's more outgoing); levelheaded and witty yet kind Mai is eclecticnote ; calm and rational but secretly troubled scientist Rio is melancholic, and outgoing, too much people-oriented Tomoe is sanguine. Saki Kamisato, who isn't one of the main characters, is choleric.
- The Roman Mysteries: This is actually explicitly stated in the books, which is justified because it takes place during a time period when doctors still believed in the four humors.
- Carmen, Tibby, Bridget, and Lena spend their first summer apart in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Carmen snaps and gets mad (choleric) so she comes home expecting Tibby to understand because Tibby walks around screaming, "Screw the world" because that's easier than feeling something (melancholic). Carmen and Tibby visit Bridget who talks about her mother and she tells her friends that she just wants to feel good and happy and alive (sanguine). The last one to join them is Lena who feels so sad that people like Kostas and Bridget who have lost everything can still be open to love while she, who has lost nothing, is not (phlegmatic).
- A Song of Ice and Fire:
- Tywin Lannister and his brothers: Gerion, the cheery Plucky Comic Relief (sanguine). Tygett, the angry and resentful Master Swordsman (choleric). Tywin, the cold and ruthless patriarch (melancholic). Kevan, the prudent, dutiful Number Two to Tywin and the Only Sane Man (phlegmatic).
- Ned Stark and his siblings before the books: Blood Knight womanizer Brandon (sanguine), Hot-Blooded Bully Hunter and Tomboy Lyanna (choleric), grim but kind-hearted Ned (melancholic) and cheery and easy-going Benjen (phlegmatic).
- The Spectrum Game:
- The four male Spectrums can be divided in this manner. Silas is Sanguine, being cheerful, clownish and thick-skinned, Iago is Choleric, being arrogant, ambitious and a massive chatterbox, Inigo is Melancholic, being analytical, rational and pessimistic, and Makoto is Phlegmatic, being timid, idealistic and highly ethical.
- The four females can be sorted accordingly, too. Scarlett is Sanguine, being perky, flirty and fun-loving, Azurine is Choleric, being confident, hardworking and quick to anger, Minori is Melancholic, being stoic, snarky and remorseful, and Valerie is Phlegmatic, being indifferent, lazy and internally-conflicted.
- Sword Art Online
- The four main heroines: Asuna (Sanguine), Suguha/Leafa (Choleric), Shino/Sinon (Phlegmatic) and Alice (Melancholic)
- The main villains
- Nobuyuki Sugo (Choleric): Domineering, selfish and cruel.
- Akihiko Kayaba and Death Gun/Sterben (Melancholic): Aloof, driven and more than a bit self-righteous.
- Quinella (Phlegmatic): Reserved, Faux Affably Evil and very people smart.
- Vassago "PoH" Cassals (Sanguine): Hot-Blooded, fun-loving and knows how to manipulate people.
- Gabriel "Subtlizer" Miller (Electic): Stoic, professional, yet hides hidden madness.
- Team LPFM from Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online
- LLENN (Phlegmatic): As Karen she was very introverted and had few friends, but all in all was still quite a kind person. Her reasons for playing GGO actually stem from wanting to become more confident in real life.
- Pitohui (Choleric): Favors the game above all else and the thrill she gets from it. With a few exceptions (such as LLENN), she cares little for people and does not value human life.
- Fukaziroh (Sanguine): Easily the liveliest and most sociable out of the four, taking a carefree, live life to the fullest approach.
- M (Melancholic): Very cold and difficult to work with initially, and is constantly forced into the game against his better judgement.
- In Teenage Wastelands, the four leads make up the four temperements: Craig is choleric, Will is phlegmatic, Haley is sanguine, and Amy is melancholic.
- The main cast of mercenary nobles in The Traitor Son Cycle:
- The Captain: melancholic (reserved and brooding, but attentive to details);
- Bad Tom: choleric (bloodthirsty and quick tempered);
- Sauce: sanguine (snarky but cheerful and a bit flirty);
- Michael: phlegmatic (rational, calm, generally good natured).