Video Games - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Feb 04 2013

Four Temperament Ensemble

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  • Ace Attorney: The four main protagonists of the series can be considered this, particularly in the final episode of Spirit of Justice, where they all team up. Phoenix Wright is phlegmatic (relatively laid-back and easygoing, often takes abuse from annoying witnesses without retaliating, but is also very selfless and kindhearted); Miles Edgeworth is melancholic (reserved, rational, values finding the truth above all else); Apollo Justice is choleric (Hot-Blooded, passionate, never gives up); Athena Cykes is sanguine (enthusiastic and optimistic).
  • Assassin's Creed:
    • The protagonists of the five first games:
      • Altair: Melancholic (He is an introverted perfectionist who upgraded the Assassin's techniques).
      • Ezio: Choleric (The passionate maverick who rose to be the de facto leader of the Assassins).
      • Connor: Phlegmatic (The Nice Guy).
      • Arno: Sanguine (The cheerful maverick who was more devoted to Elise than the Assassin's Order).
    • The Templars of Assassin's Creed Rogue:
      • Shay Cormac: Melancholic (The turncoat who valued trust and despised injustice the most).
      • Christopher Gist: Sanguine (Charming and one of Shay's closest friends regardless of allegiance).
      • George Monro: Phlegmatic (One of the most sympathetic and admirable Templars of the series).
      • Haytham Kenway: Choleric (An ambitious leader who was uncompromising towards the Assassins).
  • Baldur's Gate II: Your party in the initial dungeon.
    • Sanguine: the cheerful, light-hearted, impulsive Imoen.
    • Choleric: the hot-headed, highly motivated, rage-harnessing Large Ham Minsc.
    • Melancholic: the cautious, sarcastic, grieving widow Jaheira.
    • Phlegmatic: the easy-going yet reserved Yoshimo.
  • BlazBlue:
    • The four protagonists:
      • Sanguine: Noel Vermillion. Of the Murakumo Units/Saya clones, she's the one most like the original, lacking in self-confidence and depending on others. When she finally meets Ragna she's the one most concerned about supporting and learning mroe about him and their connection. Even though she does end up as a pawn briefly for the villains and mind-broken into becoming Mu-12, she grows out of it and regains her ability to access her inner power on her own terms, with renewed determination to never waver in her optimistic outlook.
      • Choleric: Ragna the Bloodedge. Even before Terumi ruined his life Ragna was cocky, rude, and abrasive to most people who weren't close to him. Once the church incident happens, however, he becomes dead-set on taking revenge and lashing out at the world that, in his viiew, had abandoned and scorned him. It takes a lot to finally get him to stop obsessing over his revenge against Terumi, and start focusing on the bigger picture of the world's problems, especially since his hate not only fuels Terumi but ends up easily manipulated in order to make those same problems worse.
      • Melancholic: Jin Kisaragi. Before he gained his status as the NOL's most decorated war hero, Jin was an insecure boy who worshipped his brother Ragna and grew jealous of his sister Saya taking the attention he felt he deserved. The church incident, in which he was used as an Unwitting Pawn by Terumi, left him brokken and aimless, eventually winding up adopted by the Kisaragi clan, one of the 12 noble houses of the Duodecim. He eventually became seen as The Ace of the NOL, but in reality he's a Broken Ace and a Fake Ultimate Hero propped up by the antagonists whose experiences have left him bitter, cynical, and dead inside. That is, until the day he learns his brother is alive, reigniting his deep-seated longing for his existence to have some sort of purpose and setting his destiny into motion.
      • Phlegmatic: Rachel Alucard. A powerful Observer who sees the world from a higher perspective beyond the boundaries of mortal existence, Rachel acts as the dignified head of the vampiric Alucard estate. Despite being leagues above most others in the setting, Rachel nevertheless still cares for the world's wellbeing in her own way, and seeks to change the state of stagnance that it has been trapped in for eons.
    • Also applies to the four main antagonists, who fittingly are mirrors of the protagonists.
      • Sanguine: Hades Izanami. She appears to lead the world into a new era as the Imperator and always conducts her business with a smile on her face, but is secretly very unstable and overly-passionate about her desire for a world of death. She's eventually revealed to be the negative counterpart of Noel, being all the negative thoughts and desires of the first Prime Field Device given physical form, and the despair to Noel's hope.
      • Choleric: Yuuki Terumi. He's openly psychotic and hostile to anyone who he sees as inferior to him, easily irritable, and a bloodthirsty sadist who enjoys utterly destroying his enemies just because they pissed him off. Even when he returns to his true form as Susano'o, he still craves destruction and lives to see others cower in fear before him. Ironically, this makes Terumi closer to his nemesis Ragna than he himself would ever admit.
      • Melancholic: Relius Clover. He's The Archmage, one of the world's leading scientific minds, and also a high-ranking military official. However, he sees no value in human life whatsoever, having turned his wife and daughter into machines in the name of scientific progress, and desires to recreate the world in his own perfect image. His nihilistic outlook and earned status serves as a contrast to Jin, who despite his apathy still seeks purpose in his life and had his repute exaggerated.
      • Phlegmatic: Hazama. As a vessel created for Terumi to inhabit he was specifically designed by his creator Relius to be malleable enough to Terumi to easily control. Once Terumi is no longer able to possess him and he's free to do as he pleases however, it's shown that Terumi's tendencies rubbed off on him, turning him into a twisted sociopath and a sadist who likes screwing with people and making them suffer strictly because doing so amuses him and it's the only thing that makes him feel truly alive. He's also exceptionally cunning, effortlessly acting in secret beneath anyone's notice until the last possible moment. Unlike Rachel who seeks to better the world through her scheming, Hazama is only out to satisfy himself and doesn't care what outcome occurs from his antics.
  • The Colour Tuesday: Alex is the hotheaded driver of the story (choleric). Kyle is the determined and selfless (melancholic). Bella is a slightly airy Cloudcuckoolander (sanguine). Chadd, the last permanent cast member, is a born follower (phlegmatic).
  • Dead In Vinland has the Badass Family at the center of the story:
    • Phlegmatic: the quiet, gentle Eirik (though he also has melancholic tendencies, being something of an Eeyore with a Guilt Complex).
    • Sanguine: Blodeuwedd is caring, mature, optimistic, and the pretty, charismatic face of the group.
    • Choleric: Kari is impulsive, foul-tempered, easily bored, and physically active and aggressive.
    • Melancholic: Moira, the smartest and most educated member of the group, who has a pessimistic attitude, tendency toward depression, and fondness for messing with everyone.
  • The Napoli Family in Delicious: Emily (melancholic), Evelyn (choleric), Edward (phlegmatic), and Angela (sanguine).
  • Detroit: Become Human has the three main characters when supporting character Alice is involved:
    • Choleric: Markus (Ambitious, hard-working, and an effective and passionate leader to his people determined to achieve his goal)
    • Melancholic: Connor (Aloof, analytical, conflicting and heavily dedicated to accomplish his mission at all costs)
    • Phlegmatic: Kara ( Idealistic, docile, and kind-hearted.)
    • Sanguine: Alice (being a child, she hopes that both Kara and her can live their "happy ending.")
  • Deltarune:
    • Chapter 1 main characters fit this dynamic:
      • Kris (Melancholic): Quiet, determined to finish the task at hand and implied to be a bit of an emo teen.
      • Susie (Choleric): Violent, agressive, brash, short-tempered.
      • Ralsei (Phlegmatic): Kind-hearted, peaceful, polite, calm and patient.
      • Lancer (Sanguine): Energetic, eccentric, hyperactive and gullible.
    • The latter two get Out of Focus and are respectively replaced by Noelle the phlegmatic Shrinking Violet and Berdly, the sanguine one with the Small Name, Big Ego, during Chapter 2.
  • The girls from Doki Doki Literature Club!: Monika is the phlegmatic Brainy Brunette, Sayori is the sanguine Rose-Haired Sweetie, Yuri is the melancholic Aloof Dark-Haired Girl, and Natsuki is the choleric Tiny Tyrannical Girl. Except for the latter, this changes a lot over the course of the game: Sayori reveals her depression to the player (melancholic), Yuri is more comfortable around the protagonist (phlegmatic), then dangerously obsessed with him (sanguine), and Monika reveals to be the one behind all their troubles and begins to be more teasing with the player themself (sanguine).
  • The four survivors in Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive fit this to a T.
    • David is the phlegmatic, generally being a pretty considerate person, as well as the most level-headed among the group.
    • Cate is the choleric, being the most prickly and task-oriented member of the group.
    • Cody is the sanguine, being the most cheery and optimistic member of the group.
    • Barry is the melancholic, being the most depressive and pessimistic of the group.
  • The party in Dragon Quest VIII: Hero (phlegmatic), Yangus (sanguine), Angelo (melancholic), and Jessica (choleric).
  • drowning, drowning: Maia and the three nymphs she befriends.
    • Maia herself is melancholic, being withdrawn, unemotional, and apparently depressed.
    • Amphithoe, the impulsive Genki Girl, is sanguine.
    • Clio, the serious and uptight Only Sane Woman, is choleric.
    • Eudora, the gentle lady who balances out Am and Clio, is phlegmatic.
  • Fallout 4:
    • Among the faction leaders, Maxson is the driven hard-charging choleric, Preston is the sociable sanguine, talking to everyone, Desdemona is the phlegmatic who acts as the Railroad's Team Mom, while Father is the cold logical melancholic.
    • Between the female companions: Piper is the meddling yet honest sanguine, Cait is the tough and troubled choleric, Curie is the concerned and caring phlegmatic, with Ada acting as the typical, objective-driven robotic melancholic.
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake:
    • Sanguine: Aerith, eternally playful and funny and a Blithe Spirit.
    • Choleric: Barret, an Avalanche leader, a community organizer, and an overwhelming hothead.
    • Melancholic: Cloud, cool and aloof, lives in a world of his own head, restrained, brooding, and self-conscious.
    • Phlegmatic: Tifa, empathetic and level-headed, always the first to look after the others, choose to stay with the group out of loyalty even when disagreeing with their moral actions.
  • Fire Emblem:
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening: The first four party members:
    • Fire Emblem: Three Houses has the four main characters.
      • Sanguine: Claude. The most openly social of the four and the least burdened of the three lords.
      • Choleric: Edelgard. The most stubborn and driven of the four.
      • Melancholic: Dimitri. The most weighed down by his issues and the most empathetic.
      • Phlegmatic: Byleth. An Emotionless Boy/Girl who tends towards being a Nice Guy.
  • Forum Warz has the five classes.
    • Camwhores (sanguine): Flirty camgirls that rely on their charm and attractiveness to mess with threads.
    • Emo Kids (melancholic): Whiny depressed individuals who constantly share their pain with the world.
    • Trolls (choleric): Aggressive troublemakers that rely on hurting the target as much as they can.
    • Hackers (phlegmatic): Laid-back nerds who use their computer knowledge to mess with the forum's interface.
    • Re-Res/Permanoobs (eclectic): Stupid and persistent, they tend to be less common than the other four.
  • Freedom Planet has this with the core cast.
    • Choleric: Lilac (the brave leader, loyal to her friends, and stubborn to a fault at times)
    • Sanguine: Carol (the cheerful joker, always full of energy, naive about a lot of things)
    • Phlegmatic: Milla (the shy but friendly supporter, always willing to lend a hand, but not as brave as her friends)
    • Melancholic: Torque (in the first game — the genius of the group, ready with what's necessary for the challenges ahead) and Neera (in the second — the reserved soldier, normally tolerates nothing less than order)
  • Genshin Impact:
    • The main four Knights of Favonius who are the first companions the Traveller meets in Mondstadt:
    • The short girls (commonly depicted together in fanon):
      • Sanguine: Klee. The most excitable and energetic of the four, often seen throwing bombs hyperactively.
      • Choleric: Diona. The most determined (especially to destroy the alcohol industry), confident and somewhat condescending at times.
      • Melancholic: Sayu. Task-oriented and emotionally distant, but still levelheaded and thoughtful.
      • Phlegmatic: Qiqi. The most indecisive, passive, and forgetful, and arguably the kindest/sensitive.
  • Hi-Fi RUSH: The Resistance:
    • Chai: He is an easygoing, lazy, and witty. (Sanguine)
    • Peppermint: She is spunky, determined, smart, and temperamental, if a bit hotheaded and unsympathetic at times. (Choleric)
    • Macaron: He is friendly, gentle, smart, and a bit shy and passive. (Phlegmatic)
    • Korsica: She is brave, short-tempered, but strong-willed, and levelheaded. (Melancholic)
    • 808 and CNMM: both are loyal, and blunt when it comes to words. Though this isn’t the case for 808. (Eclectic)
  • Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders: The four playable campaigns' heroes, fittingly in the recommended order:
    • Sanguine: Gerald — A passionate commander in the making who easily lets his heavily-developed relationships get in the way of the long-term goals of his missions, sometimes making him willingly disobey critical orders.
    • Choleric: Lucretia — Arguably the most boisterous and rude character of the series, entertains very chaotic relationships with her lieutenants to say the least.
    • Melancholic: Kendal — The trusted leader of the crusade, never deters from his immediate duty. Can quickly analyze what the best course of action is, even in completely unexpected situations such as the engulfment of the world into darkness once Encablossa is awakened.
    • Phlegmatic: Regnier — Constantly calm and collected, with greater knowledge than every single character in the game. Humbly accepts his impending mortality once the Ancient Heart is destroyed by Ecclesia and bears no ill will towards Gerald for vigourously hating him for killing his surrogate family in battle.
  • The King of Fighters:
  • Kirby has this with the playable quartet from Kirbys Return To Dreamland onwards:
    • Kirby is Sanguine, a happy-go-lucky All-Loving Hero always trying to do the right thing and make friends. However, he is also pretty immature, and his naivety is often exploited by villains such as Marx and Magolor.
    • Bandana Waddle Dee is Choleric, a hard-working Waddle Dee soldier who continuously strives to be as strong as his friends, and on occasion can be quite defiant.
    • Meta Knight is Melancholic, an anti-social warrior who focuses heavily on his work, often not participating in the goofy antics of his partners, and has pretty bad self-image issues. There was also that one time he invaded Dream Land for being too lazy.
    • King Dedede is Phlegmatic, a greedy and sometimes lazy king who doesn't do much "ruling" over his people. However, he's got some Hidden Depths and has been shown to have an ultimately good heart.
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has the four Champions chosen to pilot the Divine Beasts. Gentle and compassionate Mipha is phlegmatic, jovial and friendly Daruk is sanguine, brash and arrogant Revali is choleric, and calm and wise Urbosa is melancholic.
  • Little Tail Bronx:
    • Tail Concerto's main hero and Terrible Trio:
      • Waffle Ryebread is Phlegmatic, being a non-confrontational All-Loving Hero who tries to talk things out with others when possible. Generally plays the level-headed Only Sane Man to all the chaos and eccentric personalities surrounding him.
      • Alicia Pris is Choleric, being the feisty leader of the Black Cats Gang and a Tsundere with a Hair-Trigger Temper. Compared to her two younger sisters, she has an actual personal plan and ambitions behind her actions against the Dog-People.
      • Stare Pris is Melancholic, being the quiet middle sister of the Black Cats Gang willing to criticize Alicia's actions when needed. Despite her snarky attitude and approachable demeanor, she's loyal to Alicia and is perfectly willing to help her in her plans.
      • Flare Pris is Sanguine, being the hyper youngest sister of the Black Cats Gang with an excitable personality. She lacks any real hatred towards the Dog-People and only goes along with Alicia's plans out of pure familial loyalty.
    • Solatorobo: Red the Hunter's Power Trio and Sixth Ranger:
    • The Berman Imperial Army from the first Fuga: Melodies of Steel game:
      • Major Generals Von Stollen and Von Baum are Sanguine, being a pair of Evil Old Folks who treat war as if it were a competitive sport between them.
      • Lieutenant Colonel Flam Kish is Choleric, being a fanatical Fiery Redhead who despises everything outside of her home country. She also wishes to do right by her late father, causing her to desire lethal and insatiable retribution against the children of the Taranis.
      • Doktor Blutwurst is Melancholic, being a Boomerang Bigot who attempts to mask his self-loathing for his Felineko heritage through a Mad Scientist demeanor, but nevertheless has a strong commitment to seeing his twisted experiments through.
      • General Colonel Shvein Hax is Phlegmatic, being a Faux Affably Evil military leader motivated by Patriotic Fervor, with his ultimate goal being to use the Vanargand's power to attain godhood and become a god to the Berman Empire.
  • Lonely Wolf Treat: The four youngest wolves in Treat's pack have this dynamic.
    • Trick, being the extroverted Pollyanna, is sanguine.
    • Fennel, being the foul-tempered Tsundere, is choleric.
    • Powder, being the introverted Eeyore, is melancholic.
    • Treat is a mix of melancholic and phlegmatic, being quiet and withdrawn, but still willing to show kindness to her friends. She becomes a full-blown phlegmatic after she Took a Level in Cheerfulness.
  • Due to the author being interested with the subject, MARDEK RPG does this. The author believes everyone has a primary and a secondary temperament, though. Perhaps the clearest in-game example is Legion: a construct created by an inventor. It was animated with dark magic, with the inventor saying the incantation — due to his stuttering, though, four souls entered the body instead of one — one for each temperament.
  • The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen: The protagonist is phlegmatic, being fairly laid-back and diplomatic but also fairly lazy. Hannah is melancholic, very introspective and moody. Victoria is choleric, being very hot-tempered and impatient. Lastly, Gabriel is sanguine, being very encouraging of his friends and doing what he can to help them out.
  • In the Mass Effect series: The four council races fall into these types. Humans are the impatient git'er'done cholerics, Turians are the rigid, structured melancholics, Asari are the diplomatic consensus seeking phlegmatics, while the Salarians are the always inventive, always curious sanguines.
  • Mega Man Battle Network: Dex and his Navi GutsMan.EXE (choleric), Chaud and Glyde.EXE (melancholic), Mayl and MegaMan.EXE (phlegmatic), Yai and her Navi Roll.EXE (sanguine), and Lan (eclectic).
  • Mega Man X Maverick Hunters of X5 onward: The fast-action Anti-Hero Zero (choleric), the conscientious defender X (melancholic), the father-figure Signas (phlegmatic), the flamboyant Axl (sanguine), and Douglas (eclectic).
    • Lady reploids of X8: Alia (choleric), Palette (phlegmatic), and Layer (eclectic).
    • The lone X-hunter (in his own right), X2's X-Hunters, and the Big Bad Sigma: Vile (super choleric), Agile (melancholic), Serges (phlegmatic), Violen (sanguine), and Sigma (eclectic).
  • Mega Man Zero:
    • Combo Ensemble counting the Four Guardians and the data-storing boss: The leaderly and loyal Phantom (eclectic), the indeterrable and Trigger-Happy Fefnir (chol-sang), the virtuous and serious Harpuia (mel-chol), the calm-but-playful Leviathan (phleg-mel), and the Gadfly Maha Ganeshariff (sang-phleg).
    • Other bosses in 1st game: Copy-X (chol-mel) note  and Herculious Anchortus (phleg-sang).
    • Bosses in 2nd game: fiery Phoenix Magnion (choleric), Hyleg Ourobockle and Poler Kamrous (melancholic), Burble Hekelot (phlegmatic), electric Panter Flauclaws and Elpizo (sanguine), and Kuwagust Anchus (eclectic).
      • X-Series enemies holographed by Phoenix Magnion in Zero 2: Vile (choleric), Agile (melancholic), Bit (phlegmatic), and Colonel (sanguine).
  • The "Themes" of each main Metal Gear coincides with the Four Temperaments peculiarly well:
    • Metal Gear Solid: The beginning of Solid Snake's lifelong mission as a spy, where he's at his peak potential yet mature enough to understand the situation. (Melancholic)
    • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: The sequel in which Snake passes the torch to Raiden, a much younger and sensitive successor. (Sanguine)
    • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: A prequel that is set during the Cold War. It unravels the brutal events of Naked Snake/Big Boss, who went through great pain and sacrifice, to uncover a sinister Russian plot. (Choleric)
    • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: Set during the near-end of Solid Snake's life. Where futuristic technology and war devastate the world. Iconic characters have aged considerably, leaving the story to reminisce often on past events. (Phlegmatic)
    • Metal Gear Solid V (Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain) are also Phlegmatic, focusing on change and relying on others for aid.
  • Mortal Kombat X: The second generation.
    • Sanguine: Cassie Cage (snarky, arrogant, carefree and lacks authority)
    • Phlegmatic: Takeda Takahashi (kind, calm, diplomatic and possesses a witty sense of humor)
    • Choleric: Kung Jin (insensitive, reckless, cynical and constantly challenges Cassie's leadership)
    • Melancholic: Jacqui Briggs (loyal, serious, critical and vengeful towards the likes of Ermac and Quan Chi)
  • The Neptunia series:
    • Among the main four CPUs, there's Neptune (Sanguine; a cheerful, extroverted, and friendly Genki Girl), Noire (Choleric; a responsible, stubborn, and prideful Tsundere), Blanc (Melancholic; soft-spoken, stoic, and snarky with a Berserk Button and a Hair-Trigger Temper), and Vert (Phlegmatic; a polite, gentle, and kind Team Mom).
    • Among the Candidates, there's Nepgear (Melancholic; responsible, intelligent, prone to self-doubt), Uni (Choleric; Noire's younger sister and basically a clone of her), Rom (Phlegmatic; soft-spoken, shy, and friendly), and Ram (Sanguine; similar to Neptune, but also a childish prankster).
  • New Super Luckys Tale: The remnants of the Guardian Order:
    • Lyra Swiftail (Melancholic): Lucky's overprotective big sister and the Guardian Order's de facto leader.
    • CH1P (Sanguine): Host of the Test of Spirit; always exuberant and positive (Lucky would qualify as well after passing the three trials).
    • Anna Lyd (Phlegmatic): Host of the Test of Mind; calm, calculative, and quite intelligent.
    • The Penultimate One (Choleric): Host of the Test of Body; powerful, boisterous, and strong-willed.
  • Among the main characters in Night in the Woods:
    • Sanguine: Gregg (optimistic, excitable, emotionally unstable and a reckless risk-taker).
    • Choleric: Mae (the leader of the group (whether the others agree with that or not), rebellious and hot-headed).
    • Melancholic: Bea (depressed, emotionally distant, hard-working, and intelligent).
    • Phlegmatic: Angus (kind, socially awkward, and reserved to the point of appearing emotionless).
    • Eclectic: Germ (the only one who has no personal demons eating away at him; he even has a good family in the Weird Autumn Edition).
  • Nintendo Wars:
    • The CO's from Yellow Comet certainly follow the temperaments, with the honorable and reckless Kanbei as the choleric, the strategist and serious Sonja as the melancholic, the eccentric yet calm and good-natured Sensei as the Phlegmatic and the boisterous and fun Grimm as the sanguine.
    • The Quirky Mini Boss Squad from Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rises also have this dynamic.
      • Flak (Choleric): Simle-minded brute who relies on blunt force and is very straightfoward.
      • Lash (Sanguine): Giggling mad genius who only cares about having fun with the destruction.
      • Adder (Phlegmatic): Narcissistic commander who relies on underhanded methods and it's rather self-centered.
      • Hawke (Melancholic): The Dragon of the Black Hole army, who is the most serious and competent of the team and is very self-composed.
  • Octopath Traveler: Each of the eight travelers are divided into two groups of four: the Noble characters and the Rogue characters:
    • The Noble Characters:
      • Sanguine: Tressa Colzoine (The bubbly merchant seeking adventure)
      • Choleric: Alfyn Greengrass (The passionate and extroverted apothecary)
      • Melancholic: Olberic Eisenburg (The warrior haunted by his past and looking for a purpose in life)
      • Phlegmatic: Ophelia Clement (The calm and kind-hearted cleric)
    • The Rogue Characters:
      • Sanguine: Cyrus Albright (The optimistic scholar who is passionate about sharing his knowledge)
      • Choleric: Primrose Azelhart (The dancer bent on revenge for the murder of her father)
      • Melancholic: Therion (The snarky antisocial thief)
      • Phlegmatic: H'aanit (The emotionally reserved hunter who respects nature)
  • Octopath Traveler II: The male and female travelers each form a quartet of this trope.
    • Male travelers:
      • Partitio is an outgoing and charismatic individual with a strong sense of justice (Sanguine).
      • Osvald is an analytical man with a kind heart beneath his aloof exterior (Melancholic).
      • Hikari is a brave and determined warrior who is firm in his beliefs (Choleric).
      • Temenos is a Brilliant, but Lazy cleric who conceals much of his true emotion (Phlegmatic).
    • Female travelers:
      • Agnea is compassionate and has high ambitions as a dancer (Sanguine).
      • Ochette is impulsive and energetic, especially when she wants something (Choleric).
      • Throné is strong-willed and stoic to a fault (Melancholic).
      • Castti is a selfless woman with a desire to help whoever she can (Phlegmatic).
  • Onmyoji: The four protagonists until one of them defects: Seimei (melancholic — suffering Amnesiac Hero), Kagura (sanguine — typical child), Hiromasa (choleric — hot-blooded Challenge Seeker) and Yaobikuni (phlegmatic — nice White Magician Girl who is the traitor we were talking about).
  • Judging by their programmed natures, the ghosts from Pac-Man:
    • Choleric: Blinky (chases and ambushes)
    • Sanguine: Pinky (cocky, always chases)
    • Melancholic: Inky (cautious)
    • Phlegmatic: Clyde (indifferent and random)
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has the party members:
    • Male members:
      • Sanguine: Mario. The happy go lucky hero out to save the day as always.
      • Choleric: Yoshi Kid. A Yoshi that just hatched with an incredible fighting spirit.
      • Melancholic: Bobbery. An old Bob-omb mourning the death of his wife Scarlette.
      • Phlegmatic: Koops. The timid but still friendly Koopa looking to get stronger.
    • Female members:
      • Sanguine: Ms. Mowz. The playful Mowz who frequently flirts with Mario.
      • Choleric: Goombella. The temperamental Goomba full of snark.
      • Melancholic: Vivian. Beldam's sister who Apologizes a Lot and joins Mario out of gratitude for his kindness.
      • Phlegmatic: Madame Flurrie. A wind spirit looking to grace the stage once more.
  • Persona:
    • Persona 3:
      • Among the male party members, Junpei Iori is the immature, optimistic, and reckless Class Clown (sanguine); Akihiko Sanada is serious, determined, and somewhat aggressive (choleric); Ken Amada is mature, polite, and vengeful (melancholic); and Makoto Yuki is apathetic, quiet, and levelheaded (phlegmatic).
      • Among the female party members, Yukari Takeba is the cheerful Plucky Girl (sanguine); Mitsuru Kirijo is the confident, strict Student Council President (choleric); Aigis is outwardly emotionless and socially awkward, but also caring and loyal (melancholic); and Fuuka Yamagishi is shy, kind, and very forgiving (phlegmatic).
    • The main cast of Persona 4 fits this perfectly.
      • Among the male party members, Teddie is carefree, childish, and compassionate (sanguine); Kanji Tatsumi is decisive, easily angered, and impulsive (choleric); Yu Narukami is the stoic, intelligent leader (melancholic); and Yosuke Hanamura is easily bored, perceptive, and something of a pushover (phlegmatic).
      • Among the female party members, Rise Kujikawa is cocky, jovial, and kind (sanguine); Chie Satonaka is extroverted, temperamental, and outspoken (choleric); Naoto Shirogane is analytical, resolute, and self-conscious (melancholic); and Yukiko Amagi is courteous, dependable, and proper (phlegmatic).
    • Persona 5:
      • Among the male party members, Morgana is arrogant, snarky, and feisty (sanguine); Ryuji Sakamoto is proud, aggressive, and blunt (choleric); Yusuke Kitagawa is artistic, sensitive, and critical (melancholic); Ren Amamiya is indifferent, teasing, and stubborn (phlegmatic).
      • Among the female party members, Ann Takamaki is friendly, happy-go-lucky, and sympathetic (sanguine); Makoto Niijima is judgmental, irritable, and overbearing (choleric); Futaba Sakura is anxious, straightforward, and reclusive (melancholic), and Haru Okumura is gentle, benevolent, and reserved (phlegmatic).
  • Intentionally invoked in Planescape: Torment. In the end game, you meet up with three copies of yourself, who are the good incarnation (melancholic), crazy incarnation (sanguine) and pragmatic incarnation (choleric). The character of the protagonist depends on how you've been playing him, but he does start out as phlegmatic.
  • Pokémon:
    • The Rivals.
      • Trace, Brendan, May, Barry, Serena, Tierno, Shauna, Hau (Sanguine). The most energetic and outgoing rivals.
      • Blue, Silver, Bianca, Hugh, Bede and Nemona (Choleric). The passionate and Hot-Blooded rivals.
      • Wally, Calem, Gladion, Marnie, Penny, and Kieran (Melancholic). The most introverted and perfectionistic rivals.
      • Cheren, Trevor, Hop, and Arven (Phlegmatic). The nicest and most mellow rivals.
    • The Champions:
      • Blue and Lance (choleric)-Competitive, Passionate and more than a bit hotheaded.
      • Red, Cynthia and Diantha (melancholic)-Mature, focused and always looking at the big picture.
      • Steven, Alder and Geeta (phlegmatic)-reserved, empathetic and not afraid to help.
      • Wallace, Iris, Prof. Kukui and Leon (sanguine)-Outgoing, fun-loving and can be rather hammy.
  • The Big Bads:
    • Ghetsis, Lysandre and Lusamine (choleric). Grandiose, selfish and over-the-top.
    • Giovanni, Cyrus, Chairman Rose and Sada/Turo (melancholic). Visionary, depressive and always has a plan.
    • Maxie and Cassiopeia (phlegmatic). Even-keeled, rational and quick to understand.
    • Archie, Guzma and Volo (sanguine). Charismatic, can be charming and prone to mood swings.
  • Each of the partner characters in the main entries of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fit together as this:
  • Pokémon Red and Blue, the Legendary Birds, their Galarian counterparts, and the Mew Duo.
    • Articuno and Mew are phlegmatic, being reserved and mysterious but also known to help others in need.
    • Zapdos and Galarian Zapdos are choleric. being territorial and combative.
    • Moltres and Galarian Moltres are sanguine, being free-spirited and proud of their power.
    • Galarian Articuno and Mewtwo are melancholic, being cold, aloof, and without mercy.
  • Pokémon Gold and Silver, the Legendary Beasts and the Tower Duo
    • Raikou, representing thunder, is sanguine. Free-spirited and carefree, only willing to help others who help it in turn.
    • Entei, representing fire, is choleric. Bold, imposing, and unrestrained.
    • Suicune, representing water, is melancholic. Serious, but heroic and compassionate.
    • Lugia and Ho-Oh, representing the sea and sky, are phlegmatic. Immensely powerful, but both dislike conflict and hide themselves from the world so as to not cause discord.
  • Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the Weather Trio and Deoxys:
    • Groudon (sanguine): Easily the most sensitive and short-tempered of the legendaries. Constantly roaring and throwing it's weight around.
    • Kyogre (melancholic): More detached than Groudon, but still very sensitive and intolerant of intruders, human or pokemon alike.
    • Rayquaza (choleric): Intimidating and disciplinary towards both Groudon and Kyogre. A creature that demands respect and won't reveal nor yield itself, to just anyone.
    • Deoxys (phlegmatic): An alien-like creature who remains aloof and uninvolved with the world. It is very stoic and mysterious in nature, it is unknown where it came from.
  • Pokémon Sun and Moon has the four Guardian Deities of the Alola region:
    • Tapu Koko is Choleric. It enjoys a good battle, has a strong sense of curiosity, and has little reservation about appearing before those that catch its interest, and it will not hesitate to help those in need if it chooses to do so. While still capricious, it is overall the most sociable and outgoing of the guardians; even its temple reflects this, as it has no strength puzzle.
    • Tapu Lele is Sanguine. While it presents itself as innocent and carefree, it tends to have little in the way of morality and as such is very unpredictable, as it can bless others with good health or just as easily bring them to ruin for amusement.
    • Tapu Bulu is Phlegmatic. It tends to stay out of the affairs of other people and Pokémon and avoids confrontation if possible, largely keeping to itself, and has been theorized to be lazy. However, it's still capable of putting up a very good fight if provoked.
    • Tapu Fini is Melancholic. It is largely emotionless and tends to avoid putting itself in danger, preferring to make its enemies destroy themselves. It tends to have a cynical opinion of humans, thus hiding itself away and making them prove themselves worthy of its aid.
  • Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has the five bosses of Team Star:
    • Giacomo and Mela are Choleric being the most Hot-Blooded and passionate members of the team.
    • Eri is Melancholic as she's kind and protective underneath her aloof and perfectionistic exterior.
    • Atticus is Phlegmatic with is relaxed and friendly attitude.
    • Ortega is Sanguine as he's a Spoiled Brat albeit with a Hidden Heart of Gold.
  • In Puyo Puyo, the Fever era's ARS trionote  + Klug (who frequently hangs out with them) are a spot on example of this.
    • Amitie — Sanguine: Friendly, cheerful and optimistic, but also scatterbrained and disorganized with her life.
    • Raffina — Choleric: Short-tempered, rude and very haughty, but also hardworking and determined to prove her worth.
    • Sig — Phlegmatic: Gentle, quiet and compassionate, but his lack of energy and interest on most things make him come off as lazy and yielding to the will of others.
    • Klug — Melancholic: A rational and perfectionist genius student who's not afraid of harshly criticizing others, yet becomes easily embarrassed when he's proven wrong or made a fool of, which happens very frequently.
  • Phil and his friends in Riddle School:
    • Phil (Choleric): The stalwart leader and brave puzzle-solver of his four friends.
    • Smiley (Sanguine): The optimistic token female who loves learning.
    • Zack (Melancholic): A boy who suffers from being constantly cold and later constantly hot and is rather apathetic.
    • Phred (Phlegmatic): Phil's best friend who is classified as being constantly bored and willing to do a little as possible.
  • Saints Row:
    • The crew in Saints Row 2 match up with this perfectly:
      • Sanguine and choleric: Johnny Gat — he's happy when he's killing people or going to kill people.
      • Choleric and melancholic: The Boss, very much so, regardless of the voice you use — tends to explode when questioned or messed with.
      • Melancholic and phlegmatic: Pierce — humour involving him tends to make fun of his elaborate plans and high professional standards clashing with the extreme personalities of the rest of the group.
      • Phlegmatic and sanguine: Shaundi by far, as an archetypical laidback stoner.
    • While in Saints Row: The Third, the group shift in some unusual ways:
      • Shaundi shifts radically from eclectic to choleric, running on pure anger from start to finish.
      • Newcomer Oleg has some strong phlegmatic and eclectic elements, but is mostly melancholic, becoming the key planner and thinker of the group.
      • The Boss is left, oddly enough, as the phlegmatic one; unlike in Saints Row 2, The Boss spends much more of the game haplessly reacting to the wild fortunes of fate thrown around them.
      • Pierce has become significantly more sanguine, a happy-go-lucky gladhander.
  • Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall has this among your team members: Blitz the sanguine Playful Hacker, Dietrich the choleric Blood Knight, Eiger the melancholic Cold Sniper, and Glory the phlegmatic Stoic.
  • Shantae:
    • The main character and her friends & family fit these categories well:
      • Sanguine: Rottytops — bright and cheerful, silly and naive at times
      • Choleric: Sky — loyal and brave, yet not as tolerant as her friends
      • Melancholic: Bolo — unlucky most of the time, but more capable than he lets on
      • Phlegmatic: Mimic — a more reserved and calmer Big Fun; kind and supportive, but usually plays a passive role
      • Eclectic: Shantae herself — more reserved than Rotty, but more cheerful and outgoing compared to Sky or Bolo
    • In addition, the fellow Half Genies from Shantae and the Seven Sirens have their own take on the temperaments:
      • Sanguine: Vera — a kindhearted soul who specializes in healing and refreshing organic life
      • Choleric: Zapple — strong willed, takes trust and loyalty very seriously, and specializes in electricity
      • Melancholic: Harmony — the oldest Half Genie and the Cool Big Sis of the group, intelligent, resourceful, and specializes in pyrokinetics and earthquakes
      • Phlegmatic: Plink — the most quiet and a bit shy compared to everyone else and specializes in finding hidden and invisible objects
      • Eclectic: Shantae, once again — when grouped with the other four, she shows the most balanced temperament, being more open than Zapple and more outgoing than Plink, but willing to learn from Vera's wholesome nature and Harmony's life experience
  • The main characters of Sly Cooper form this:
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: The main four heroes.
  • Splatoon: The members of the Squid Sisters and Off The Hook are arranged like this:
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon: Spyro's four newcomer companions.
    • Sheila: An easy-going, phlegmatic Action Girl from the alps.
    • Sgt. Byrd: The choleric Rebel Leader of the Hummingbird Resistance Movement against the Sorceress.
    • Bentley: The melancholic older brother to Bartholomew, with a love of serenity and the fine arts.
    • Agent 9: An unhinged, sanguine Blood Knight who loves battling Rhynocs and cracking jokes.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando: The four Clone Commandos of Delta Squad are this. Delta-38, "Boss", is choleric, showing good leadership instincts. Delta-07, "Sev", is melancholic, being the Cold Sniper of the group and showing great care to place each round for maximum effenciency. Delta-40, "Fixer", is phlegmatic, being, as Taun We put it, "A pure and uncomplicated soldier." Delta-62, "Scorch", is sanguine, showing much enjoyment in blowing the CIS forces apart.
  • Street Fighter:
    • The Four Kings of Shadaloo: Balrog (choleric) is a brutish, aggressive boxer who will take any dirty job so long as he gets paid for it. Vega (sanguine) is a narcissistic man who paints himself as a haughty nobleman by day, yet is a violently insane assassin, underground cage fighter, and serial killer by night. Sagat (phlegmatic) has his own set of principles and only joined Shadaloo because he was lost and confused with thoughts of revenge against Ryu. M. Bison (melancholic) leads the organization and plots to rule the world with an iron fist. After Sagat's eventual departure from Shadaloo, F.A.N.G takes his place as the phlegmatic one of the group. Interestingly, he's an inversion of Sagat's traits, having no real set of standards beyond what will advance Bison's ambitions and being slavishly devoted to him purely because he spared F.A.N.G's life after defeating him, making it clear it would be foolish to oppose him further.
    • The Four Apprentices of Master Goutetsu: Gouken (melancholic, being serious-minded and rejecting the legacy of Ansatsuken, seeking to refine it as a true martial art instead of just a killing technique), Akuma (choleric, Gouken's polar opposite: a proud warrior who seeks to honor his master's legacy as the "Demon" of Ansatsuken by surpassing him), Ryu (phlegmatic, noted as being the least "talented" of the four but possessing the most potential, with his story involving him slowly developing and getting over his insecurities in order to discover his own reasons for fighting), Ken (sanguine, Ryu's polar opposite: comes from a rich background and was taught the style as a means of self-discipline, he eventually refines it and gains fame as both a champion and the CEO of a major corporation, but he secretly harbors insecurities of being left behind in Ryu's shadow, a flaw that ends up getting exploited by the likes of JP, costing him everything and leaving him wrecked emotionally).
    • The four main antagonists of each story arc: M. Bison (choleric) is the Card-Carrying Villain of the franchise who makes no attempts to hide just how evil he is and how much he enjoys it. Gill (melancholic) is a Dark Messiah with altruistic goals of creating a paradise for those who wish to live freely in it, yet commits shady and heinous actions that many consider to be evil, seeing such actions as a necessary price to pay for what he sees as something that will benefit the world long-term. Seth (sanguine) is Bison's Bastard Understudy, seeking to surpass his creator and assert that he is his own person with his own existence, to murderously insane and fervent degrees. JP (phlegmatic) is The Chessmaster, having formerly served under Bison but became so interested in the man's legacy that he was granted a portion of his Psycho Power and now strikes out on his own as the leader of a new terrorist group called Amnesia.
  • Super Mario Bros.:
    • The four plumbers:
      • Mario: Sanguine — the cheerful and humble, but overly confident average joe.
      • Luigi: Phlegmatic — the patient and brainy brother.
      • Wario: Choleric — the loud and overly emotional hothead.
      • Waluigi: Melancholic — the neurotic and snarky prankster.
    • The four prominent women:
      • Peach: Phlegmatic — the refined, dainty and feminine princess.
      • Daisy: Sanguine — the joyful, excitable and spirited princess.
      • Rosalina: Melancholic — the mother of the Lumas and the protector of the cosmos.
      • Pauline: Choleric — the adept, business-minded mayor of New Donk City.
    • Some of Mario's friends and acquaintances:
      • Yoshi: Sanguine — Mario's cheery, loyal friend; often described as an embodiment of kindness.
      • Toad: Phlegmatic — Peach's friendly and amicable steward.
      • Birdo: Choleric — the passionate wild card whose loyalty lies with whoever captures her heart.
    • The Koopalings:
      • Larry, Iggy and Lemmy: Sanguine, Iggy and Lemmy are the most hyperactive and erratic members of the group. As far as Larry goes, he's simply the youngest of the bunch and the most carefree.
      • Wendy and Roy: Choleric, both of them are short-tempered and bossy;
      • Ludwig: Melancholic, the mature but introvert leader of the group;
      • Morton: Phlegmatic, kind, calm, submissive and the Extreme Doormat to Bowser Jr.'s antics.
  • The four prominent members of the Mishima bloodline in Tekken:
    • Sanguine: Lars Alexandersson. As The Leader of the rebel force Yggdrasil and an illegitimate child of Heihachi, Lars is the White Sheep of his family who is openly against their bloody history and desire for world conquest, fighting so that the world can remain at peace.
    • Choleric: Heihachi Mishima. Cynical, prideful, and hot-blooded to the bitter end, Heihachi is a Self-Made Man who is true to himself and applies his love of martial arts to his life as the CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Ever seeking a challenge, he dares his opponents to face him head on in his ambitions for more power and won't let anyone get in his way, even his own family. Even so, he abides by his own personal set of rules. Tragically, his mindset leads him to make a series of horrible decisions that result in him killing his own wife Kazumi and abusing Kazuya as a result, leading to him being killed by his own son, and all the while he never bothers explaining why he did what he did knowing full well it's too late and that he had dug his own grave long ago. After his apparent death, his illegitimate daughter Reina fills this position among her fellow Mishima relatives...until more story details about her are revealed, at which point she becomes more of an eclectic. This becomes more apparent once Heihachi himself is revealed to be alive, as he is shown to treat Reina surprisingly decently and Reina herself is shown to have traits from multiple temperaments.
    • Melancholic: Kazuya Mishima. Once a kind-hearted boy who loved his family, everything went to hell when he discovered that his father killed his own mother and his beloved grandfather, and then said father betrayed him by throwing him off a cliff to die. Embittered, Kazuya resolved to live for the sole purpose of spiting Heihachi. becoming the monster his father believed him to be. When he eventually gets control of the Zaibatsu and later G Corporaton, he delves into his own ambitions, proving to be far more monstrous and ruthless than Heihachi and growing powerful enough to nearly Take Over the World and dominate others.
    • Phlegmatic: Jin Kazama. Although raised outside of the Mishima clan by his mother Jun, her sudden disappearance forces him into his grandfather Heihachi's care, setting him up to nearly go down the same path as his father Kazuya. Unlike the paternal side of his family, however, Jin has little ambition for power and after he's betrayed becomes instead consumed by thoughts of hatred for what he believes to be the root cause of all his problems: the Devil Gene and those who carry it, including both his father and himself. His reckless desperation to end his curse and sacrifice himself for others' sake kickstarts a chain of events that results in him starting World War III to awaken the source of the Devil Gene and destroy it, only to end up failling and cause things to become even worse than he already made them, forcing him to correct his mistakes and confront his fears and insecurities.
  • The five possible party members in TinkerQuarry fit these archetypes:note 
    • Phlegmatic: Adeline. Although her personality is mostly up to the player, she is quiet, and she seems to be doing her best to help the other toys, or at least Peter.
    • Melancholic: Peter. He's stoic, serious, reserved, and actively tries to avoid being slowed down by the other toys in favor of completing his mission as quickly as possible.
    • Sanguine: Whiskers and Skid. They're both outgoing and kind. Just the sweetest toys you'll ever meet.
    • Choleric: Clint. Although he does a good job of hiding it, his desire to be with Adeline forever makes him downright psychotic.
  • The four main personality types in Tomodachi Life: Outgoing (sanguine), Easygoing (phlegmatic), Confident (choleric) and Independent (melancholic).
  • The five playable characters in Touhou Project fit this better than a Five-Man Band:
  • Undertale:
  • Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodhunt uses this trope as for the basis of the blood-drinking mechanic, where the player gets different abilities based on the blood type of the mortal they're drinking from (and gets a random one if drinking from an Entity soldier or another player). Melancholic reduces the cooldown of your clan's active ability, phlegmatic reduces the cooldown of your archetype's active ability, sanguine increases your health regeneration, and choleric increases your melee damage.
  • The main characters of Vampyr:
    • Johnathan Reid (Melancholic): The Doctor-turned-Vampire, determined to solve the mystery of the Vampire Epidemic that subsequently ruined his life. He's very much inquisitive and blunt in asking questions.
    • Elizabeth Ashbury (Phlegmatic): Serves as both Johnathan's Mentor and love interest. She is mostly innocent in intentions, working to give vampires a better reputation. Though she herself is a mystery, one of which gets revealed more overtime.
    • Edgar Swansea (Sanguine): Leader of Pembroke Hospital, who despite his great appreciation for Johnathan's work. Made many serious mistakes, in an attempt to cure the Spanish Flu. He's naive and reckless in his medical procedures, but does so only for the greater good.
    • The Red Queen (Choleric): Big Bad and main instigator of the Vampire Epidemic. A vengeful, wicked spirit, who would exterminate all mortals in England, and replace them with vampires. She was responsible, for many real historical tragedies that befallen the world such as the Black Death. Through blood she is awaken, but also is defeated by it.
  • The Four Horsemen, both versions, in World of Warcraft are this as well. Though each version plays the tropes a little differently.
    • Original:
      • Sanguine: Thane Korth'azz. He has a penchant for colorful insults and dark humor, while the other characters are much more classically brooding. Also, he has fire powers.
      • Phlegmatic: Alexandros Mograine. The most level-headed of the group.
      • Melancholic: Sir Zeliek. Actually he's straight up suicidal, but that's understandable enough under the circumstances. The others don't feel the same way only because they're pretty much insane.
      • Choleric: Lady Blaumeux. She more eagerly embraces her role as a champion of the Scourge than the others. Even in life it seemed she had a bit of a sadistic streak.
    • New:
      • Sanguine: Nazgrim. Retains his honorable and generally easy-going personality, also enjoys his new abilities more than the others. Like most orcs, he has a penchant for crude humor.
      • Phlegmatic: Darion Mograine. He shares his father's level head though he's a bit more of a Knight in Sour Armor.
      • Melancholic: Sally Whitemane. When she is raised she realizes that she and the Scarlet Crusade screwed up really really bad. She sees serving the Ebon Blade as a kind of weird and twisted redemption.
      • Choleric: Thoras Trollbane. In life, this mainly manifested as extreme racism (he left the Alliance because they refused to execute their orc POWs). In death, he's understandably pretty mad about what happened to his Kingdom and about being killed by his son Galen. His sword Trol'kalar is an infamous artifact of a genocidal campaign, from whence the family got their name "Trollbane".
      • Their respective creators, Kel'thuzad and the Lich King, both qualify as Eclectic. They're both a bit all over the place: though Kel'thuzad is more Phlegmatic while the Lich King is more Sanguine. Incidentally, this trope is further evidence that the Lich King never intended Tirion Fordring to be in the group. Tirion's personality was Choleric: idealistic, brash and vengeful.
  • In Yandere Simulator, the members of the Student Council currently implemented in the game fit this: Kuroko (Melancholic — the most responsible one and formal at all times), Akane (Sanguine — friendly, gentle and ditzy... or not), Aoi (Choleric — prefers to use intimidation and violence to achieve her goals) and Shiromi (Phlegmatic — eccentric, perpetually calm and always smiling).