Video Games - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Jul 20 2021

GentleGiant / Video Games

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons introduces Wardell in its 2.0 update, a manatee character who works with Lottie at the Paradise Planning resort and is one of the series' biggest NPCs to date. He also has a very quiet, introverted, but friendly personality and likes to go to the beach to take in the sounds of nature.
  • Minsc from the Baldur's Gate series. Easier to provoke than most of these examples, though.
    • It's rare to have a Boisterous Bruiser who fits this trope, but then again, few examples of any trope get distracted from a lecture on serving nature with dignity by the sight of squirrels playing.
  • Baldur's Gate III has Karlach, a tiefling barbarian who stands easily taller than most of your other party members, is built like a a brick house, and is definetly someone you don't want as your enemy. She's also among the friendliest and most pure-hearted allies you can recruit, however, being an Endearingly Dorky Genki Girl.
  • Clanker from Banjo-Kazooie is a giant metal shark and a pretty nice guy.
  • Double H from Beyond Good & Evil is a Gentle Giant to the letter. He's an archtypal Big Guy (albiet one without a Five-Man Band) with an insane dedication to his military code of actions and morals, yet he cares like crazy about his allies, he has an almost boyish love of hovercraft racing, and he plays with the orphaned children at the shelter the heroine Jade runs.
  • The Big Daddies of BioShock are enormously gentle and overprotective of the Little Sisters they've been programmed to safeguard, to the point where the Little Sisters consider them close friends, and the worst they'll do to anything not a direct threat to it or the Little Sister (including you as long as you don't attack it or the Sister) is either shove it out of the way or try to intimidate it by basically shouting at it. This makes the immensely violent and destructive shift they undergo when the Little Sister is in danger all the more shocking and disconcerting. The Alpha Series Big Daddies are a downplayed version of this; one Daddy mourned the loss of his Little Sister as noted by Gil Alexander, but overtime they became crazed and started attacking anything and everything they feel is a threat (read: everything that moves).
  • BlazBlue has Iron Tager. Similar to Potemkin of Guilty Gear (which BlazBlue can be considered a Spiritual Successor to), Tager also has Genius Bruiser leanings, with the added fun of SCIENCE! He's a rather easygoing person with dislike for needless conflicts.
  • Mr. Torgue of Borderlands 2: Testosterone Poisoning out the whazoo, YELLS ALL THE TIME, thinks Stuff Blowing Up is the greatest f*cking thing since sliced bread, Friend to All Children (including Tiny Tina), and a firm believer that "THERE IS NOTHING MORE BADASS THAN TREATING A WOMAN WITH RESPECT."
  • In Coffee Talk, Gala the biggest customer among the café regulars, but his heart is just as big as him as long as he manages his Fury, or his monthly werewolf transformations. However, young children are still scared by him because of his size.
  • Dark Souls has the giant blacksmith of Anor Londo, who is better at smithing than talking, but he's happy about the company and perhaps the nicest NPC in the game.
    • Yhorm the Giant from the third game used to be one, protecting the humans of his kingdom, entrusting them with a sword that was extremely effective against Giants in order to prove his good will, and sacrificing himself to the First Flame in order to stop the Profaned Flame that was destroying his kingdom. Then he is resurrected by the First Flame as a Lord of Cinder, and sees that his original sacrifice caused the total destruction of the very kingdom he swore to protect. No wonder he actively refuses to sacrifice himself again to the Flame.
  • Victor von Gerdenheim of the Darkstalkers series is a kind-hearted Frankenstein's Monster who loves his "father" and his dead sister Emily. Basically, the only reason he fights is to find a way to revive Emily, which he eventually does by sacrificing his own life.
    • Huitzil/Phobos also has traits of this. On the first game he's often seen with birds perching on him, while on the second game he looks after a little boy named Cecil.
  • Luther in Detroit: Become Human may be a towering brute in android form, but once he went deviant against his former master Zlakto, he is this towards Kara and Alice, even going so far as to being a father figure to Alice.
  • Frankenstein's Monster in Die Reise ins All is this, especially when it's about Fräulein Eleonore.
  • Doshin the Giant, star of the Gamecube game of the same name. Doshin helps the villagers of the island expand their villages and build new ones, and grows bigger and stronger by absorbing their love for him. Of course, there's also Jashin, who averts this trope entirely.
  • Chunky Kong and K. Lumsy of Donkey Kong 64. Chunky has a rather childlike demeanor, and yet he's the biggest and burliest of the playable Kongs. A further example of his gentleness is the fact that his musical instrument is the triangle. K. Lumsy is a giant Kremling who King K. Rool locked up for refusing to smash up Kong Isle because he couldn't harm the "cute monkeys".
  • To some extent, Sten in Dragon Age: Origins. While on the outside he's a Stoic Deadpan Snarker he's shown to have a definite soft side, such as a love of baked goods, an appreciation of art and a tendency to pick flowers and play with kittens when no one is looking. However he's also atoning for the massacre of a family in a fit of rage over his own failure of duty.
  • Golem, Seere's pact-partner in Drakengard, is under this category. He only becomes angry if anyone ever threatens his kid with the remote control.
  • Xu Zhu in Dynasty Warriors 5. In his ending he is shown to be tossing a giant boulder away from some land for some farmers.
    • In real life too. He was nicknamed "stupid tiger/tiger fool/other translations", because he was simple-minded and honest outside of battle, but he was as ferocious as a tiger in it.
  • The Elder Scrolls:
    • The series has a race of Giants who generally play this trope straight. Giants typically keep to themselves and don't interact much with the other races. As long as they are not provoked (by attacking them directly, attacking their mammoth herds, or by entering their camps) they generally will not attack. That said, they do provide aversions in the form of Offscreen Villainy. Giants are known to raid farms, steal livestock, and attack settlements. However, outside of a few exceptions with justifications, Giants have not been seen attacking unprovoked in-game. Additionally, there are mentions of Giants attacking and even forming armies in the backstory. The ancient Giant Clan led by Sinmur the Terrible is one such example. Sinmur led an army of hundreds of Giants against the forces of the Atmoran Ysgramor and his 500 Companions. Both sides suffered massive casualties, but the war ended when Ysgramor personally slew Sinmur.
    • Skyrim provides examples with some NPCs. Being the first game in the series that doesn't simply use the same body model for all members of the same race, some individuals are bigger and more muscular than others. Farkas, a member of the Companions, is a big Nord with a claymore and can turn into a werewolf, but is quite gentle when not out on a mission. Some of the blacksmiths also qualify, such as Balimund in Riften. This is a logical Truth in Television since blacksmithing requires great patience and provides a hell of an upper-body workout.
  • Fallout
    • Fallout 3 gives us Uncle Leo, one of two friendly Super Mutants. He's such a friendly guy that if you choose to mug him, he'll give you a set of clothes, and even laments that he can't give you something nicer.
      • The other is Fawkes, who isn't as gentle a giant as Uncle Leo, but is still much nicer and more articulate than your average Super Mutant; while he's more than willing to fill someone in with his signature Super Sledge, he'll only do so when provoked.
    • O'Hanrahan from Fallout: New Vegas, as one of the tallest humans in the game he states that his mother used to tell him, "You're the biggest and strongest of us, so you mind yourself", and also cites this as the reason behind his tendency towards pacifism and diplomacy. Easily one of the politest NPCs in game, his method for solving the quest he's in (IE, giving his squad a morale-boosting pep talk) yields the best results in the epilogue. Also, there's Mean Sonofabitch, the Super Mutant protector of Westside.
      • Companion Lily Bowen is a Nightkin (a Super Mutant specialized in stealth) who despite being a massive blue mutant has a soft and grandmotherly personality due to being mutated when she was an elderly grandma and is notably one of the few West Coast Super Mutants who hated serving The Master. Nonetheless, she also possesses a Split Personality in her head named Leo who urges her towards violence and will take over when she's at low health.
  • Guy from Final Fantasy II is the original Gentle Giant in the Final Fantasy series. He's simple-minded, doesn't talk much, and can talk to animals. Most significantly with beavers.
    • Also there's Ward from Final Fantasy VIII who, after losing his voice, only conveys his thoughts through his emotions. Apparently Laguna and Kiros understands what he tries to say.
    • Kimahri Ronso from Final Fantasy X. Despite rarely expressing his emotions and being of few words, he is extremely loyal to Yuna, and is more than willing to lay down his life for her.
    • Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII. A tall, strong man with an athletic build, he is very compassionate and loves his fiancee with all his heart. He likes to consider himself a 'hero' to those in need.
    • Sabin is a Bare-Fisted Monk, and well-muscled enough that Terra initially mistakes him for a bear; yet he's easily one of the most upbeat and forward-thinking characters in the party.
  • Generally in Fire Emblem, the characters belonging to the Fighter, Warrior and/or Berserker classes (all of them axe users) are all sort-of different versions of the Gentle Giant. The closest are:
    • The Knight Arden and General Hannibal (Genealogy of the Holy War)
    • The Knight Bors, the Bandit Gonzales, and the Warriors Geese and Bartre (Binding Blade)
    • The Berserkers Hawkeye and Fargus, the Warrior Geitz, Dart the Pirate, a young Bartre and his best friend Dorcas (both Axefighters), and the Hot-Blooded Lord Hector (actually one of the main characters) (Blazing Blade)
    • Garcia the Axefighternote , his son Ross the Journeymannote , and Dozla the Berserkernote  (The Sacred Stones)
    • Nolan is the philosopher and is Team Mom of La Résistance. Brom is a close-to-earth farmer who is also heavily decked in armor when he's forced to fight, and his daughter Meg is a kindhearted girl who follows in her father's footsteps. (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
    • Kellam is an extremely tall Armored Knight who is as sweet as he's big (despite being continually forgotten by the rest of the cast) and Gregor is a cheerful, good-natured mercenary who's a mixture of The Ahnold, Boisterous Bruiser and Cool Old Guy. (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
    • Benny is a scary-looking Armored Knight with huge in-game Strength and Defense growths, plus a quiet and thoughtful nature. He also loves animals, which comes up in multiple support conversations. His son Ignatius is just as big and gentle. Like Benny, his love of cute things comes up a few times, too. (Fire Emblem Fates)
    • Fire Emblem: Three Houses:
      • Raphael is a brawler whose immense appetite is only eclipsed by his love of exercise, which culminates in a brutishly powerful warrior and a real terror on the battlefield. Thankfully, he's one of the warmest, friendliest characters in the series, and is both a good big brother to his sister as well as a supportive big brother figure to a number of people in his support conversations.
      • Dedue is the tallest playable character and easily dwarfs most of his classmates, and he by default goes through the Armored Knight line. While his intimidating stature makes it difficult for others to talk to him, once they get to know him, Dedue is actually very calm and gentle.
      • After his Character Development post-timeskip on the Azure Moon route, Dimitri becomes this. While he is one of the tallest characters in the game and sports a good deal of muscle on top of scary black armor, he's also regained his pre-timeskip kind nature.
    • Fire Emblem Engage:
      • Prince Diamant is one of the tallest and imposing men in the army. However, despite his intimidating appearance, he is a kindhearted man who detests war and unnecessary violence.
      • Boucheron is both one of the largest and gentlest men in the army. He is a big softie that is very prone to tears and would much rather fish and read novels than fight.
  • Grim Fandango: Glottis is a demon that towers over pretty much every human character (with the possible exception of Hector) and yet he's energetic and friendly by nature.
  • Guilty Gear provides an example with the series' resident Mighty Glacier Potemkin, who stands at a rather imposing 8'0''/240 cm, and is a loyal soldier with the strength to send a man flying with one punch, but at the same time, he's a kind soul who enjoys art and prefers to solve his problems diplomatically. He also has mild Genius Bruiser leanings, being highly intelligent and rather philosophical, although sometimes rather naive.
  • Haiku, the Robot has Mundo, the elevator in the Factory Facility. He's one of the largest machines you'll meet in the game, but is completely harmless and has some words of support for Haiku if you talk to him. Apparently, he's too large to be affected by the virus like most of the other robots.
  • Halo:
    • Halo: Reach: Jorge, the huge SPARTAN-II member of the team, is also the nicest and most amicable member of the group, especially towards civilians. He's also the Team Dad. Played with in that he's still a killing machine. This stands also as a commentary on the differences between Spartan-IIs and IIIs. While Jorge is clearly regarded as the most dangerous and toughest soldier in Noble Team, he is also the most clearly emotionally stable, and shows the most humanity. The Spartan-IIIs are all a little off, especially Emile.
    • Spartan-IIs in general come off as as gentle (if rather Stoic) giants, as long as you're not Covenant trying to destroy or take over their planets, or Insurrectionists trying to overthrow the UNSC.
  • The Old Stag in Hollow Knight is one of the largest characters in the game, easily five times as tall as the protagonist. He's also a kindly, polite old bug who is happy to share stories about the Hallownest of old and provide fast travel between stations.
  • Horizon Zero Dawn: The Tallnecks are the tallest machines in the game, looking like giant, mechanical giraffe-sauropod hybrids with satellite dishes for heads. They're also the only machines that won't attempt to attack you un-overridden, and you can climb them to get data for your maps.
  • Incredibox - Express: McDee and Judith are both gigantic in size, but they are friendly towards others, and the two of them have relationships. McDee is a Best Friend to Daziel while Judith is dating Klaus.
  • Zhong the Ox carrier from Jade Empire, an ogre — a member of a normally brutal and territorial race — that ran away from home because he accidentally killed one of his master's oxen. Another example is Chai Ka; a demon that inhabits the body of a little girl.
  • MASK De Smith of Killer7. A huge, burly man in a suit, cape and wrestling mask, armed with two grenade launchers that burn his enemies to the ground, but he's a surprisingly nice, mellow guy under the mask.
  • Aganos of Killer Instinct looks like a typical Rock Monster, but the clue to its nature lies in its name ("gentle" in Greek). It is quite polite and peaceful, and was given free will and thinking by the king it served under, but do not mistake it for being soft in battle. Even then, at the end of its victory animation, it will always top the impromptu rock grave it makes for its opponent with a flower (including, intentionally or not, its Arch-Enemy Kan-Ra).
  • From The King of Fighters:
    • Goro Daimon. The guy is peaceful by nature, usually fighting only to help out Kyo, Benimaru, and Shingo if they require his aid. He also finds time to immerse himself in nature and teach younglings the secrets of Judo. His warm heart was probably why his very hot wife Jokyojo fell in love with him, and he's a devoted husband and father outside the ring.
    • Maxima, the Lancer to K' during the NESTS Saga. Standing at an absolutely massive 204cmnote , he's definitely the Nice Guy in his and K's Rude Hero, Nice Sidekick dynamic. Oh, yeah - he's also a bloody Cyborg that can fire LAZORS out of his chest and hits harder than the force of five freight trains combined.
    • The newest member of the bunch, Antonov, stands at an impressive 214cmnote  and, next to Chizuru and Adelheid, is probably the nicest host KOF has had since Wolfgang Krauser. In fact, one cutscene in XIV even has him Taking the Bullet for a young fan he barely met, after taking his defeat in stride. While he may not be the host in XV, he's still rebounded pretty well in the form of his own wrestling troupe - Galaxy Anton Wrestling.
  • Zaalbar from Knights of the Old Republic is a painfully shy and quiet fellow, despite being two meters of very intimidating walking fur. His partner-in-crime refers to him as a "big ol' softie." It seems his only Berserk Button is if someone harms Mission. Unless you get him to do it himself.
  • Shigen of The Last Blade series is extremely large and powerful, and, with his stone abilities, he can partially become an even more powerful Living Statue. Despite his fearsome appearance, he's a dutiful father to his adopted daughter Kotetsu.
  • League of Legends:
    • Blitzcrank is a massive steampunk robot. He was built to clean up toxic waste, and gained sapience by going beyond his programming and saving people.
    • Braum is a massive wall of solid muscle. He's also a Warden whose job is to block enemy attacks before they hit his squishier allies. In lore, he's a Friend to All Living Things with the title 'The Heart of the Freljord'.
    • Galio is good-natured, friendly, and lives to protect his comrades. He's also a massive living statue, the Demacian equivalent to the Statue of Liberty.
    • Ornn is the Freijlordian demigod of craftsmanship, an artisan who's built some of humanity's greatest tools. While a bit grumpy and antisocial, he genuinely values the people of the Freijlord and will gladly share his passions with human smiths and creators.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • Yeto, the mountain-dwelling cook and snowboard enthusiast in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, is shown to be one of these. His wife Yeta also fits the bill, when she isn't possessed by the soul-eating powers of a piece of the Mirror of Twilight.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:
      • Yunobo, like all Gorons, is twice as tall and wide as Link, but is a Cowardly Lion who must be actively guided in his and Link's battle against Vah Rudania (in contrast to the other Guest Star Party Members, who are far more proactive in fighting the Divine Beasts).
      • Hestu has the same gentle and childlike personality as all the other Koroks despite being abnormally large for one — normal Koroks are the size of human children, but Hestu's around three times Link's height.
      • The Zora also have two characters, Prince Sidon and King Dorephan, who are twice and ten times as big as Link respectively but are two of the nicest characters in the game.
      • Kass is one of the tallest and bulkiest Rito characters, and nonetheless a Non-Action Guy.
      • Tabantha moose are the second-largest animals in the game, but will turn and flee if startled by Link — they won't even charge him down if approached from the front like other herbivorous animals will.
  • The Longest Journey has a former circus performer, Q'aman. Not surprisingly, his official circus nickname is "The Gentle Giant." It could not be more appropriate.
  • Love & Pies: Sven is a huge, Viking-looking man who towers over every other character. He's also a very nice and friendly guy who makes toys for needy children.
  • Lusternia:
    • Tae, the Bear God. Hulking and powerful but simple-minded and little-appreciated by his peers, his relationship with his best friend/mate Bollikin is one of the most Sweet Dreams Fuel-inducing of the otherwise bleak Elder Wars. When Tae splinters his essence, the mortal race that results — the Tae'dae, or bearfolk — carry this trait on, known as much for their compassion and charisma as their legendary strength and girth.
    • Also, the Igasho race. The tallest (averaging nine feet or more) and hardiest mortal race, they tend to be solitary wanderers, but are generally courteous in their dealings with the outside world.
  • Mass Effect:
    • The elcor are an entire species of Gentle Giants. Walking on four limbs for stability due to the high gravity of their homeworld of Dekuuna, they are notably one of the few species that are bigger than the krogan. Regardless of their colossal size, the vast majority of elcor prefer to tend to their business in peace and are more than happy to establish diplomatic relationships with the other races in the galaxy. Of course, the elcor, like any species with sapience, have more than a few outliers among their species; the turian party-member, Garrus, ends up referring to a particularly terrifying aversion of this trope by citing an elcor serial killer. Hell, we even meet two atypical elcor in Omega, with one being a bouncer who enjoys his job a bit too much, and a particularly skeezy elcor merchant who cheated out a quarian in one side-quest. Despite these exceptions, though, most elcor have a natural tendency to the stable and benign, and would vastly prefer any sort of alternative to conflict if at all possible.
    • The krogan seem like an archetypical Proud Warrior Race, but given they're sapient just like any other race in the setting, there have been plenty of documented cases of the species having much more depth to them than just being mindless killers. One particularly amusing case of this is Charr, who fits this trope perfectly: wanting to win over the affections of an asari named Ereba, he ends up endearingly reciting poetry as his way of trying to woo the feelings of said asari.
    • Notably, one of the most recurrent themes of the krogan race's character arc across the trilogy is the fact there's much more to them than just bloodshed, and the real reason for their declining population on top of the Genophage is their nihilism pidgeonholing themselves into the mindset of warriors, serving as an effective Deconstruction of the common stereotypes of the krogan. It's to the point Wrex, the krogan party member of the first game, actually takes a bit of offense from Kaidan implying he thinks of them in terms of hats:
  • According to his entry in the Mega Man & Bass robot database, Mega Man's Guts Man is one of these. Specifically, it states that he is sentimental, hates arguments, and likes karaoke.
  • Steel Massimo fills this trope nicely. He's a massive reploid from Mega Man X: Command Mission in equally massive armor, wielding an equally massive beam-axe. Though not "dumb", his primary function (was?) is combat, but he has a great personality, once you get past his scaredy-cat nature. Notable acts range from hurling a Maverick larger/denser then Flame Mammoth across a room with one arm, as well as using his body as a shield to cover a covert- and nurse-type reploid from a really really big gunship's heavy laser cannons. Despite acts of great strength and defense, he's oftentimes heard whining about how things can't be done peacefully.
  • The Iron Golems in Minecraft. They are neutral by nature and will go apeshit if anyone attacks them or a villager, but can be occasionally seen giving villager children a red rose.
  • Though most of Monster Hunter's eponymous megafauna either fly into a rage at the mere sight of a Hunter or keep their distance unless provoked, there are a few beasts that fit for this trope.
    • Monster Hunter (2004): Lao-shan Lung is a titanic Elder Dragon that mostly stays away from settlements, munching on rocks underground in peace. Since it's so big, it can only move one slow, wobbling step at a time. However, the ones encountered in game are running away from Fatalis, and that one-foot-at-a-time gait is its version of running for dear life. It won't stop until it's far away from Fatalis, and its escape route unfortunately means it usually has to go through (and over) a few villages in the process. It's not trying to cause any harm, it's just that it's too big to not be a problem, and so it must be killed when this happens.
    • Monster Hunter 2 (dos):
      • Shen Gaoren is a gargantuan Carapaceon that's usually just content to just dodder around and do crab things. However, its enormous legs that every step it takes pulverizes everything beneath it, which is bad news if it comes near a human settlement. Interestingly, it's so big that it has to wear the skull of the aforementioned Lao-shan Lung as a shell.
      • Yama Tsukami is a gigantic octopus-like Elder Dragon that floats around like a hot air balloon, powered by rotting biomatter within its stomach. It sucks up huge swathes of land beneath it to eat. However, it also just goes where the wind takes it, and if said wind just happens to take it above something important, down the hatch it goes. All of it.
    • Monster Hunter Frontier: The Espinas is noteworthy for being the only monster that not only doesn't try to kill you on sight, but continues to ignore you even if you hit it, only harming you accidentally if you're too close to its feet or tail while it's moving around, minding its own business. However, if you harass it long enough, it literally Turns Red and goes ballistic on you. Even then, with enough time, it'll calm down and go back to being peaceful. Espinas is capable of killing Elder Dragons when angry enough, as Kushala learns the hard way in Monster Hunter: Rise Sunbreak.
    • Monster Hunter: World: Kulve Taroth is an Elder Dragon resembling a cross between a lizard and a nanny goat, and covers herself in a golden coat. She just waddles around the Caverns of El Dorado most of the time, not even bothering to look down at the gang of Hunters pummeling her. Once her coat is destroyed enough, that's when she gets pissed.
  • The Dragos from Mother 3 are essentially full-size tyrannosaurus rex, and they're one of the gentlest and most playful of friendly creatures you'll find. It comes as a huge shock to the people of the island when a mechanized drago becomes aggressive, and is a massive Tear Jerker played akin to Old Yeller when you are forced to bring it down.
  • Seishi Bosatsu in Namu Amida Butsu! -UTENA- is a big, strong, 190cm tall Hunk who can crack the ground with his fist and a sweet, peppy Manchild who engages in Big Brother Worship.
  • Vigk Vagk the Troll in Ninety-Nine Nights is a massive beast captured by the Orcs and a miniboss in the other characters' campaigns. When he becomes unlockable, he's actually shown as a gentle creature at nature who befriends a weak-willed Goblin soldier.
  • Kintoki from Otogi: Myth of Demons is very kind and soft spoken. This is despite being a 7 foot tall behemoth of a man, with enough raw strength to grab and pick up demons twice his size with one hand and throw them through buildings. Not to mention his BFS sized axe which he swings around with ease. He is by far the physically strongest member of the good guys, but he only fights in order to save the land and help his friends.
  • In Papo & Yo, Monster plays this role to the hilt... Most of the time. Unfortunately, if he gets his hands on some frogs, that ends and he becomes quite aptly named.
  • Pokémon:
    • Snorlax is enormous, but is also said to be so gentle (unless if it's hungry) that small children can actually play on its massive belly.
    • Dragonite is a large, towering dragon that can learn powerful moves like "Outrage" but is quite docile and friendly. Its Pokédex entries often say that it helps guide people who are lost, especially those who were involved in shipwrecks.
    • Aggron. Incredibly aggressive, extremely territorial and will beat intruders into a pulp without hesitation, but will go out of its way to restore any part of its own territory damaged by nature through planting trees and hauling in topsoil.
    • Torterra is a giant turtle that looks intimidating at first, but its Pokédex entry states that it lets smaller Pokémon live on its back.
    • Tangrowth is essentially a heap of vines that happens to very stupid and very friendly.
    • Abomasnow, the "abominable snowman" of Pokémon, is usually only described as shy, not gentle. (Although it does like snow flowers.) However, one particular Abomasnow in Pokémon X and Y qualifies; after you rescue it from Team Flare (and it gives you the Mega Stone needed for an Abomasnow's Mega Transformation) a guy outside of Dendemille Town tells you that years ago, it rescued a baby Swinub who was wounded and brought it into town. (The same Swinub is now a fully evolved Mamoswine, and before you rescue the Abomasnow, the Mamoswine is restless and upset because it knows that the current bad weather means its friend is in trouble.)
    • Regigigas, once you befriend it after waking it up.
      • In fact, in one game, it's only Level 1 when you encounter it, which makes capturing it a problem. (Defeating it is easy, but to capture a Pokémon, you have to weaken it as much as possible without defeating it.)
    • Haxorus, a ferocious-looking dragon with axes for tusks that are unbreakable and can slice through steel beams with one blow. However, its Pokédex entry states that it is a kind Pokémon, albeit territorial.
    • Lapras, an eight foot tall plesiosaur-like Pokemon, is also known for being very friendly and likes carrying people on its back. Unfortunately, its trusting nature made it endangered.
    • Golurk is a nine foot tall Golem that resembles a giant robot. It was originally made to be a protector of people and Pokemon.
    • Goodra has an incredibly friendly and cuddly personality, and is even stated to be the friendliest dragon. When it grows close to its trainer, it will lovingly embrace them, leaving them covered in slime. However, if it is ever left alone, it will ooze gooey tears.
    • Drampa, one of the new Pokemon introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon, is a nearly-ten-foot Dragon-type described as being "very gentle". It likes to play with children at parks and playgrounds, and is fiercely protective of them.
    • Rillaboom are usually peaceful, valuing harmony in their group. Hurt one of their friends, though, and they'll turn their full strength on you.
    • Heck, due to the Nature (i.e. personality) aspects added to the more recent games, it's possible to get any large Pokémon with a "Docile" or "Gentle" nature. Examples include Dialga, Lugia, Onix, and yes, even your Skitty-loving Wailord.
    • As far as human characters go, there's AZ from Pokémon X and Y. He wasn't always gentle, however; three millennia ago, he was a violent warlord who built a dangerous Doomsday Device that threatened humans and Pokémon alike, and cost him the friendship of the Pokémon he cared for most dearly. The weapon also made him immortal, and thousands of years of wandering in self-imposed exile changed his outlook.
  • Psychonauts:
    • Edgar is a gigantic bearded Spaniard with bigger arms than Chris Redfield. He's also pleasant and soft-spoken, loves art and is in fact a painter, and wouldn't need to refer to his sensitive side as a side. He only breaks away from being possibly the second nicest character in the game when he's pissed. Fittingly, he has a bull motif going on.
    • Linda the lungfish turns out to be this way as well. It turns out her kidnapping of children was a result of mind control.
  • Rift's bahmi are basically the draenei of Telara.
  • Boman Delgado from Rival Schools. He looks like a Scary Black Man at first, but the game reveals he's actually religious and hates unnecessary fighting.
    • If you get to know him, Gan Isurugi becomes this too. The Gedo ending in the first game has him cheerfully carrying Akira on his shoulder, and according to his profile he's a Country Mouse with a very large family.
  • Talos from RosenkreuzStilette. From what Freudia told Spiritia, dragons are kind, gentle creatures, and this dude is no exception. After being freed from his seal by Tia (and Grolla), he agrees to take them to Iris, as he wasn't happy with her enslaving him and making it look like she was kidnapped by him to accomplish more portions of her plans, and he rescues Tia when Iris self-destructs her own palace in an attempt to take Tia down with it, and returns her home to everyone.
  • In Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse we have Sal, a hulking man-sized cockroach who wouldn't hurt a fly and is probably the nicest, most easy-going guy in the game. This unfortunately also makes him the game's Butt-Monkey.
  • The Custodians of The Secret World are Humongous Mecha with the power to flatten virtually anything in their path when annoyed. However, most of the time they aren't used for attack or even security: in Agartha, they're commonly used to maintain and repair the branches of the World Tree, and occasionally provide directions for lost travelers.
  • Shadow of the Colossus has Phalanx. It is the only Colossus that will never attack Wander, even when he begins shooting arrows at it and stabbing its weak spots. Avion might also qualify, since it will not attempt to attack Wander at all unless he provokes it first.
  • Claude from Shining Force II is a golem that served the ancients even before you get the chance to add him to your party, the turtle pet you can get can also evolve into a "monster" that's actually kind and helpful... and has a gamebreaking fire-breath attack.
  • In SIGNALIS, the MNHR units (or Mynahs) are the largest model of Replika encountered in the game: hulking, heavily-armored giants built for industrial mining and other physically demanding, dangerous tasks. In-game documents describe them as having gentle, motherly personalities and a love of stuffed animals, and the one uncorrupted Mynah you can encounter is certainly friendly toward the player character. This doesn't apply to the corrupted ones, alas, as they are hellbent on murdering you with their mining lasers.
  • Subverted in the game Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. During the preceding game, Murray was quite fond of destruction, being a big bruiser. Now, he has taken to the path of peace... until his friends help justify destroying things (here, pumps that spew sludge into Venice's canals).
  • Sonic the Hedgehog:
    • Bark the Polar Bear is the largest character in Sonic the Fighters, and one of the strongest. His official bio describes him as "blunt and quiet, but gentle, shy and with a kind heart".
    • Big the Cat is one of the biggest and strongest characters in the Sonic franchise, and yet he is one of the most easy-going, preferring to spend most of his time fishing with Froggy, his pet frog. He is also good friends with Amy and Cream in Sonic Heroes, serving as the Power member of Team Rose.
  • Street Fighter:
  • Struggling: Amadeus the Firstborn is quite large and, according to Pandora, a being of "unprecedented kindness".
  • In Subnautica, Reefbacks are so gigantic that whole ecosystems live on their backs and they are also completely harmless filter-feeders. Their only threat would be as obstacles to accidentally crash a Seamoth into and the occasional aggressive plant living on their backs. The Sea Emperor, which dwarfs every other creature in the game, is despite its size and threatening appearance not only very gentle but also intelligent and philosophical, and capable of telepathically communicating with the player character. She's also the key to curing the Kharaa.
  • Subverted with The Heavy from Team Fortress 2:

    Like a hibernating bear, the Heavy appears to be a gentle giant. Also like a bear, confusing his deliberate, sleepy demeanor with gentleness will get you ripped limb from limb. Though he speaks simply and moves with an economy of energy that's often confused with napping, the Heavy isn't dumb, he's not your big friend, and he generally wishes you'd just shut up before he has to make you shut up.

    • Technically a Double Subversion, if Poker Night at the Inventory is to be believed, which reveals several aspects of his personality not previously seen in his game of origin. For instance, as a child, he buried a dead sparrow out of sorrow for it after another kid had killed it with a throwing knife at a training camp.
    • The same can be said for the comics, where Heavy insults a child for expecting free candy on Halloween. When the kid starts to cry, Heavy frantically apologizes and gives him money.
    • In-game, the Heavy is more of a Boisterous Bruiser. He also enjoys telling his teammates that they are "credit to team" and is often heard saying "I love this doctor!" when a Medic heals him.
  • King from Tekken is a pro-wrestling priest who is gentle and kind to the children of his small town in Mexico, despite his massive size and intimidating jaguar mask.
    • This carries over into his appearance in Namco High: during Meowkie's route, he's one of the only people besides the Cousin to befriend her.
    • His successor with the same name since Tekken 3 (King II) took up the mantle and the trope, seeing that he was one of the children raised by the first King before his untimely death against Ogre. He resumes being the Face for the wrestling industry and be an idol for the children watching him while resuming to donate the money he got from wrestling to the orphanage that raised him, and other orphanages.
  • Hank from Trauma Team is The Big Guy who loves flowers, has a soft spot for a young patient of his, and performs operations requiring precision and caution rather than speed.
  • Undertale uses the trope for Asgore, the King of Monsters. Asgore is easily the largest character in the game, wears some badass armor that has a Badass Cape to go with it, has a manly beard, and wields a trident that is taller than he is. While Asgore is capable of kicking ass when push comes to shove, he is actually quite the pushover as certain characters will tell you about him since he loves to garden, make tea, and had gained an Embarrassing Nickname of "Lord Fluffybuns" which he decided to roll with. Not only that, but a message left by him in his home shows that Asgore is willing to listen to people if they have a problem they need to talk about. That being said, Asgore can be challenging to fight and while he doesn't want to take your life and will try to delay the inevitable, circumstances dictate that he must kill you.
  • 18-Volt from the WarioWare series is one of the largest characters in the cast (despite being only in the fourth grade), but look no further than his stage in WarioWare Gold if you want an example of his kind nature — he doesn't hesitate for a moment to put his own passion for video games on the line in order to win back the games of a kid he doesn't even know in a rap battle against the girl who stole them, and he is shown both in the level conclusion cutscene and his character trailer to hold no ill will against said girl whatsoever afterwards.
  • World Of War Craft':
    • Tauren are nearly an entire race of Gentle Giants. The uncorrupted draenei introduced in The Burning Crusade are sort of Alliance tauren, really. Only both more humanoid and weirder-looking. And blue. Both races, however, can be fearsome in battle, especially against a foe like the Burning Legion or the Scourge. On the whole, neither group is looking to start a fight, but they know how to finish one if it finds them.
    • Ancients also fit (the ones who aren't undead and/or corrupted) as are dryads, who also count as Friend to All Living Things.
    • Arguably the most amusing is Lunk, an ogre and Actual Pacifist you encounter in the Searing Gorge. He really gets upset if the player kills anything, and tries to convince you to complete quests in nonviolent ways. (Not as easy as it sounds.)
  • A community-origin case in World of Tanks is the TOG II. The Land Ship is enormous, slow and not generally considered to be much good, competetively. However, the gargantuan size and huge hitpoint pool plus a good gun earn it some love as being interesting, and it has broadly been characterised as a massive Kind Hearted Simpleton.