Video Games - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Dec 03 2010
Oh no! Bear Grylls is in real trouble!
Played for Comedy
- In an April Fool's League of Legends Special, Master Yi gets distracted by Katarina's cleavage. Katarina, furious that Master Yi won't stop staring at her, walks up and delivers every woman's most feared ultimate on his balls, instantly downing him
- In Crash: Mind Over Mutant's intro, Crash stalks a Grimly and proceeds to "scare" him by kicking him as hard as he can in the balls
. Crash, of course, finds this incredibly hilarious. Ironic, considering Grimly wanted to scare Crash as well. Who knew ghosts had those between their legs?
- In the same intro, after the intro ends and everyone leaves, it cuts back to the poor, recently nut-shotted Grimly, holding his balls, unable to walk and whimpering in pain
. Quite the kick!
- In the same intro, after the intro ends and everyone leaves, it cuts back to the poor, recently nut-shotted Grimly, holding his balls, unable to walk and whimpering in pain
- The Ur-Example of this trope is Yie Ar Kung-Fu, one of the first ever Fighting Games, from 1985. It is possible to strike opponents in the groin, with one character, Buchu, reacting to it with a unique animation. When he gets hit in the crotch, his eyes bug out and the game says "Nǐ hǎo!" (which is Mandarin Chinese for "hi" or "hello") with a heavy emphasis on the first syllable much like someone might go, "HELL-o!" on encountering something surprising.
- A selectable move from the movelist in WWE SmackDown VS. RAW. It is also part of what is known in earlier versions of the game as a "super dirty" move where your character scratches the opponent's nose getting him to turn around in pain, then your character delivers a painful-looking punch to the nuts. If you're playing a one-on-one match, the super dirty finishing move can go into slo-mo and adds to the pain with an appropriately loud THWACK!, which, to a lot of people, will sound significantly more painful in the 2008 version. You can even do the same to the referee if you have the right moves equipped. You Bastard!. (*giggle*)
- Since then they have introduced Create a Finisher, where it is possible to have a finisher consist of 9 groin shots followed by a Stunner or some other move.
- Starting from WWE '12, the series has an on-again, off-again feature letting you create your own highlight reels to save for posterity. Cue the sepia-tone, slow motion montage of devastating nutshots set to triumphant music!
- In Wrestlemania XIX for the Nintendo GameCube, as well as Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy for the Nintendo 64, no groin shot is illegal, and every hit to the groin is accompanied by an audible [DING!].
- Johnny Cage's signature attack in Mortal Kombat, other than his trademark Shadow Kick, is essentially a special move version of this, in which he does the splits and plants his fist directly into his opponent's balls. He can't do this on female opponents from MK1 to 2 though since they don't have balls to break (except in Shaolin Monks and MK9), though.
- Cage also pulled this move on Goro in the movie... Which is even funnier as it's subverted just the tiniest point when Johnny runs from the ring, up the stairs, and has to pause, wincing in pain and shaking off the hand he punched with, and hissing "Damn! That hurt!"
- This scene might have been a reaction to the disappointment of players everywhere that the move couldn't be performed on Goro in the original game.
- In Shaolin Monks, the move is extended to a fatality. He punches them in the groin several times, mugs for the camera, punches the groin for a bit like a speed bag, and then does one final monster punch that pulverises the entire pelvic region, effectively cutting the opponent in half. It can be seen here
and here
- Returns in all of its nut-smashing glory in Mortal Kombat 9, where it is also incorporated into his X-Ray move. Behold, as his punches rupture his enemy's groin muscles! As a plus, the regular version and the X-ray even work on the ladies now! No more gender discrimination!
- There are also other characters who deliver Groin Attacks in 9, so it's not just restricted to Cage this time. Smoke's death in Story Mode even is preceded by one.
- Jade's x-ray move includes a hit to the groin with her staff, followed by one to the spine.
- Kung Lao's Razor's Edge Fatality counts as this. In the following example, he drags the screaming Sonya into a spinning blade starting with her lady parts, completely shredding her crotch to bits.
- Mileena's Rip Off Fatality is a more minor variation, but it still counts. In the example, Mileena takes a firm grab on her "sister", Kitana's, privates before using all her strength to separate the princess' torso from her legs, with all of the force being applied to Kitana's intimate area.
- Mileena gets two more in her gameplay reveal trailer for Mortal Kombat 11. In it, she knees Kitana right in her privates.
Then, for her Fatality, she rotates in the air with her sai out, cutting Kitana in two, but she starts by slicing her in two at the princess' lady bits.
- Freddy's Welcome to my Nightmare Fatality was probably meant to target the stomach area in design, but shown here on Jade, he just brutally impales her crotch with his claws
- Johnny’s daughter, Cassie, inherits his tenacity for giving people nut shots in Mortal Kombat X. Her x-ray move, in which she smashes them to a pulp, gives her opponent a Pistol Whip then shoots out their eyes is so brutal even the developers forbid it being shown. In addition, one of her Brutalities is a punch to the groin so hard and so painful, the victim's head pops off of the shoulders like a piece of cork on a bottle of champagne. In Mortal Kombat 11, she not only has a personal drone that will tackle itself into an enemy's groin for her grab move but one of her fatalities is a running groin kick so hard their spine pops out of their body.
- Johnny’s future wife Sonya had a QTE in which she repeatedly stomped on Quan Chi's groin after the latter stabbed Johnny, this weakened the Necromancer enough for Raiden to simultaneously save Johnny and resurrect Jax, Sub-Zero and Scorpion from Quan Chi's magic. This became some Memetic Mutation as fans assumed the only way to save Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, Nightwolf, Smoke, Kabal, Stryker and Sindel from being Revenants was to crush Quan Chi's nutsack.
- In his reveal trailer for Mortal Kombat 11, RoboCop's fatality is to bounce a grenade off his opponent's head, then wait until it falls low enough that he can shoot them through the groin and set the grenade off.
- He has another one in a Brutality. He shoots his opponent right in the crotch and blows it off, leaving them to die. Normally, it can only be done on male opponents, but the PC version can be modded to have it be done on the women. However, it's not any different when done on the female characters. Their girl parts just get blown off and they die the same way.
- Johnny Cage's Quitality in Mortal Kombat 1 has him perform his signature move on himself, causing him to puke blood and keel over.
- Cage also pulled this move on Goro in the movie... Which is even funnier as it's subverted just the tiniest point when Johnny runs from the ring, up the stairs, and has to pause, wincing in pain and shaking off the hand he punched with, and hissing "Damn! That hurt!"
- In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Catwoman's grab contains one. In this example of the grab, she shoves her claw blades into Zatanna's crotch, reminding her that she's a girl in the most painful way possible.
- Codename Eagle grants you a flamethrower as a weapon, and one of the available death animations have mooks getting burnt down there, at which point they simply run around in circles with their gonads burning up.
- In Combat Arms, on April 13-22, 2009 - shooting someone in the groin would kill them in one-hit, but was later nerfed to only occur when the fatal bullet (or melee attack) would hit the groin. Male characters cause a humourous death animation in which they squirm on the ground, holding their crotch, complete with a groan of pain. The game notifies you of this by having two walnuts pop up on screen, one having been broken, and the kill is shown to other players as the killer's name, the weapon which killed, a picture of a squirrel chewing on a nut, and the victim. The killer even laughs a bit after they get the kill. Female characters will be killed in one hit also, but lack a humourous notifiers to anyone. Read up on it here.
- Fight Night an '80s boxing game from ' Accolade'' has the opponent named Dip Stick. Dip Stick is a weak opponent but he has a vicious special move, he'll bend over and stretch out to punch you in the groin for huge damage. This will also cause you to face the screen and hold your crotch as your eyes bug out.
- A Renegade Interrupt in Mass Effect 2 to obtain information in an interrogation for Thane's loyalty mission has a colourful threat to do this and a bit more.
I'm done being patient. Give me a name, or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a Krogan! note
- When you run into Conrad Verner on Illium, he's parading around in a cheap copy of Shepard's N7 armor. If you think being a Paragon lets him off easy, but don't want to go full Renegade and shoot him in the foot, there's a very satisfying midpoint - knee him in the groin.
Matriarch Aethyta: Ha! Kick him in the quad! Sorry, my father was a krogan.
- Garrus does this to 'Fade' upon interrogation in his loyalty mission.
- Mass Effect 3 has this inadvertently in multiplayer. The Enforcement Gauntlet item replaces a character's normal melee attack with the one used by batarrian characters, a Megaton Punch that destroys the target's head on a kill. If the item is equipped on a Volus character, who's half as tall as most PC races, the result is that they deliver a vicious, head-exploding punch to a Cerberus trooper's crotch.
- This is one of Sophitia's grapple moves in the Soul Series. "I'm sorry!" (She can use it on other women, but she aims for their abdomen rather than their groin and doesn't apologize afterwards.) The attack is called "Widow Maker".
- Seong Mi-Na can do a groin strike with her spear. This comes in two variations; the first is simply an attack, the second is an attack throw where she then proceeds to lift the character up and throw them behind her.
- Then there's a very special throw, from the right, where she knocks her opponent down, jumps on top of them, and plunges the zanbatou into the nether regions. She even addresses this in the third game. "Bye bye."
- Not as bad, but Kilik can do this with his staff too.
- He also has a move where he swipes his staff into their knees to knock their legs apart then jerks it upwards.
- Astaroth in several games has an attack throw where he slides his axe between his opponent's legs, then rests the hilt over one knee before smashing down on the high end, which sends his opponent flying into the air.
- The latest games separate the two attack animations (the male and female) into different inputs.
- Dampierre from Broken Destiny has his back throw, the "Distinguished Il Capitan", where he pushes the opponent to the ground, raises his/her legs, then repeatedly mashes him/her there before delivering one strong kick to that same area.
- Scarface: The World Is Yours plays up allowing the targeting of the groin. In a sub-mission, a hotelier asks Tony Montana to find tranvestite hookers moving in on his territory. Found a suspect? Time for a knee to the crotch!
- Numerous wrestling games allow this as an option, from punches, kicks, and headbutts down there to specific groin claws.
- One of Isabella's stealth kills in Velvet Assassin has her stabbing Nazis in the balls.
- Of the Oddworld series, the second game, Abe's Exoddus has Abe catapulted from an exploding building, landing on a mammoth-like creature's tusk. The pain is obvious from his facial expressions.
- Deadly Creatures has one of the most horrible, cringe-inducing versions of this. You, the player, are a scorpion. The enemy target is a human being named Struggs and an abominable excuse for a person. To defeat Struggs, you have to crawl into his pants and sting his boys. Three times. Combine the fear of arachnids with the Groin Attack, and shiver with the consequences.
- Tekken:
- Played straight and subverted in Tekken Tag Tournament. Combining various guys with Nina Williams (whose in-game crotch-kick actually has this effect if it manages to hit as a counter) causes this scene to play out between them... but if you couple her with Bryan Fury, she'll perform the kick, only to have him laugh it off. Seeing as Bryan Fury is a reanimated cyborg ex-cop, it's possible that he's got 'Balls of Steel'...
- In every game since Tekken 3, wrestler King has also had one of these: on a downed opponent (male, female, animal, machine, whatever), he can grab the ankles, lift and open, and dive. Head first. He's also got the Manhattan Drop as part of his chain-throws. Supposedly, it's a knee strike to the tailbone, but...
- Anna Williams also has a standard throw where she flips an opponent over her and performs a groin kick as they land. She also has an anti-ground move where she stomps on the opponent with her Combat Stilettos. If she hits their groin region, she'll grind her heel in.
- Kazuya has a Groin Punch, which inflicts major hitstun.
- Asuka can do a knee kick that, if done up close, stuns the victim (no matter the gender) and causes him/her to stumble back in pain, bending over with his/her hands on the stomach.
- A non-gameplay example is found in Paul's ending in Tekken 6; both he and Marshall Law team up to compete in a tournament, making their way to the finals where they would intentionally throw the fight and share the prize money. However, they accidentally knock themselves out at the same time via Cross Counter, with Paul's side of the attack landing directly in Law's crotch. In-gameplay, Law has a throw that has him tangle himself around his opponent so their legs are spread followed by a quick punch to the junk.
- Because of the relative positions of the characters, it is common for anti-air moves in fighting games to visually hit the airborne character in their nether regions, often looking hilarious when there’s a KO pause or replay. The same happens with juggle combos: a typical juggle combo in, say, Tekken, usually consists of launching the opponent to the air and striking them repeatedly in the groin.
- The arcade version of Battletoads features a rat-like Giant Mook called General Vermin who is easily double the height of the playable Toads. Unfortunately for him: his crotch is right at eye level of the enterprising amphibians, and they defeat him by grabbing a big ol' handful of his tobacco pouch (causing his one good eye to open very wide) and hammering away at it until he goes down
. (Another type of Mook is named Gonnad, but this is just a coincidence.)
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
- The battle against a giant, living boiler with balls of brass, if only because Conker replaces his normal frying pan attack with a pair of cinder blocks and only uses the frying pan as part of the finishing blow where he smacks his balls off of him.
- While fighting Buga the Knut, Conker has his newly tamed therosaur tackle him in the groin. This gets him to drop his loincloth so the aforementioned therosaur could bite his butt about 3 times, to the point where has removed enough flesh not to allow Buga's loincloth to come back on. This exposes his biggest secret-namely, the fact that he actually has a very tiny "bone."
- Done very, very often in God Hand. One of the main character's Roulette attacks is "Ball Buster", which can only be used on male opponents (and doesn't work on a castrated male early in the game), but does a good amount of damage and stuns them. Villains can also do the crotch shot, however - one boss's ultimate attack is a combo targeted at the hero's groin. The game's mood, one may surmise, is "silly", with a laugh track usually accompanying the blows (though to be fair, how often does a hero pull off a groin shot on a luchadore gorilla?).
- In the MMORPG Kingdom of Loathing, Turtle Tamers can learn this as one of their special attacks, the "Kneebutt" (viz. "Headbutt"). The can-can dancers can kick you in the can, can, can. You're going to be walking funny for a week.
- One of the distinctive features of the Fallout series is the ability to target attacks at specific regions of an opponent; one of these is the groin (which elicits all sorts of silly comments from characters). If this attack is used on a Super Mutant, it will respond with "Ha ha ha, we do not share that weakness!".
- Interestingly, at least one super mutant in Fallout 2 is susceptible to groin shots. Snipe Marcus the (friendly) super mutant in the groin from the edge of the map, watch him say "Oof!" and fall face-down, leaving the scene (thereby freezing it), roam around on various errands for several game-days, and return to find Marcus, still face-down in brokencrotched agony. Good times.
- Note that aimed attacks that hits women's groins are almost exactly as effective as on men, prompting the messages "Her childbearing days are in trouble as she collapses in a limp heap" or "She takes it like a man. That is to say, it hurts."
- Found also on the "wanamingo" alien monsters in Fallout 2, where the location is designated the "groin socket." Due to the creature's Bizarre Alien Biology, a crit there actually does little damage and "impairs its air(?) intake?"
- This move actually serves a useful purpose, as a Critical Hit on the groin almost always bypasses armor, deals significant bonus damage, and has a good chance of rendering the victim unconscious.
- Fallout: New Vegas' 9 iron and its unique variant have a special move called "Fore!", where this happens. Adding to its effectiveness, it's also the weapon's power attack (so you charge at the enemy and do more damage when you use it). You can also cripple the enemy's torso with such a blow, leaving them reeling from every additional hit they take. Finally, the attack knocks enemies down when it connects for understandable reasons, which means you can stand above your stunned and twitching enemy and tee off using their groin until they die from having their pelvis hammered into paste.
- If Cass is traveling with you, NCR and Powder Gangers comment that she looks a lady who "aims for the balls".
- In the quest "How Little We Know", if you choose to exonerate Troike for supposedly murdering a prostitute, you have to find a tape revealing that he was set up by the Omertas. On it, he's mentioned to have been so strung out on a spiked supply of Jet that they "could have stabbed him in the balls and he wouldn't have said daisy".
- In a similar vein one of Cait's random commments in Fallout 4: "Next person who asks me to shag is getting a well placed kick, if you know what I mean."
- In Bulletstorm, the "Mercy" skillshot consists of shooting an enemy in the nads, then shooting or kicking them in the head while they're stunned.
- The Def Jam Fighting Game series has Redman's Blazin' move, wherein he grabs the opponent by the throat, hoists them up, and lands about twenty punches to the groin. He then drops them, looks around, and kicks them there once more. (It works on male and female opponents.)
- The balls are just one of the many places that you can shoot people in the John Woo game Stranglehold, either with your normal crosshair or with Precision Aim. Too bad there isn't an achievement
based on it, though. At least there's a trope image...
- Oni
- Konoko learns an attack called the "Willow Kick," a thrusting kick to the groin (which probably wouldn't count as comedic if the struck villains didn't do the classic "Crotch Clutch" reaction). The attack, however, is so slow (and easy to block or interrupt) that it's nearly worthless.
- Female enemies take damage from willow kicks. However, they do not perform the crotch grab reaction and do not suffer the stun effect.
- There is also another attack in which when you get on top of a downed enemy you can kneedrop him in the groin. That's Gotta Hurt.
- Not even a Mario game is safe from this: in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, after you gain the ability to cause your partner to be buried into the ground or be shrunken by smacking them over the head with a hammer, you can do the above to Mario and then attempt to perform a high jump, which involves Luigi jumping on top of Mario and using him as leverage. Naturally, since Mario is shrunken, this'll fail, but during the brief moment while Luigi is on top of Mario's head, you can make him jump with the expected results. Not only is this hilarious in itself to begin with, but you can also keep juggling poor Luigi for as you like AND also get coins out of it for as long as Luigi has more than 1 HP left, which he keeps losing as his brother lovingly pounds the everloving crap out of his crotch hard enough to keep him suspended in midair.
- This is how you defeat Digga-Leg in Super Mario Galaxy 2. The Power Star is contained within his crotch, and you have to smash the glass dome located where his crotch would be.
- In Super Mario Odyssey, the Bowser fights consists of you punching Bowser in the groin repeatedly with a giant top hat with boxing gloves.
- Street Fighter
- Ken Masters gets one of these in one of his endings... More specifically, the III one — and he got it courtesy of his five-year-old son Mel. And boy, did poor Eliza freak out when she saw this.
- What makes it so hilarious is how effectively the whole scene is shown and paced. Ken is seen telling someone named "Mel" to attack, but we can't see this "Mel" and it's also the first time that someone named "Mel" is mentioned in the SF canon. Then the scene changes and we see Ken look as if he had been fatally injured, followed by Eliza's horrified screams... and only THEN we see who this "Mel" exactly is: the tiny little kid who barely reaches Ken's knees — and has punched his dad in the nuts. The punchline in itself is worth several lulz.
- Makoto does this as the opening part of her ''Seichuusen Godanzuki''
Super/Ultra move, then punches them before sending them flying. This one's a bit more serious since the focus of the move is really more on the power of the attack than getting hit in the no-zone.
- And now you can learn to count to 10 in Japanese with her help!
Also subverted at the end when it has no effect on Akuma.
- And now you can learn to count to 10 in Japanese with her help!
- Poison has one with her super move "Poison Kiss", up close she blows her opponent a kiss to distract them, then bitchslaps them twice before winding up and driving her foot way up the opponent's crotch.
- Not a case of being intended by the developer (one would suppose, at least) but if you go to any gaming forums and ask how to beat Chun Li's defensive helicopter kick (her EX Spinning Bird Kick, or EX SBK for short) when you jump at her in Street Fighter IV, the usual advice is to time and space your jump so that you aim a downward attack specifically at her vagina. Since she's spinning upside down with her legs spread out, an off-center attack is likely to be intercepted by her legs, but a centered attack will hit her unprotected tender bits and disrupt the move. Like-wise, while less frequently discussed, this is also a common advice for how to beat her spread eagle jumping kick. In this move Chun Li jumps vertically and she spreads her legs in a full split to kick both directions. The move has a hefty hitbox to the sides, so the instructed way to beat it is to get under her and hit her directly from below with a move aimed at her groin.
- Before she became well-known in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Kisarah Westfield, who came from an old ADK fighting/beat-'em up game called Aggressors of Dark Kombat, had two nasty groin-bruising attacks from within her fighting arsenal in AODK. Her first attack is an inverted atomic drop, in which she lifts her opponent up into the air before bringing them back down so that her right knee can strike their...sensitive place. Her second attack is a back mule kick and that she usually initiates it if an opponent tries to grab her from behind. Either way, both attacks hurt real bad and that they easily represent Kisarah's personality in being a tomboy.
- Hong Yuli and Yoko Cindy Matsudaira, who come from the classic Konami PS1 fighting game, Kensei: Sacred Fist, had specialized in groin attacks, in which Yuli had a special move that enabled her to first strike an opponent in the groin with her own two feet while lying on the ground before attacking their stomach and face with a rapid assault of fast kicks while Cindy had a special move in which she would grab and lift an opponent's legs while they were on the ground so that she could then stomp on their family jewels with her own right foot. Strangely enough after the special move, Cindy would grab and hold herself from within a hug while making a sexual-like moan as if she had enjoyed it. Perhaps she has some sort of ballbust fetish?
- Nearly any video game where you can target individual body parts will let you do this, like first person shooters. Perfect Dark in particular gave mooks a rather long death animation if you finished them with a shot to the pills, consisting mainly of them lying doubled over on the floor.
- Metal Gear:
- Starting with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, it's possible to punch held-up soldiers in the groin, which is an instant KO. Shooting them there is an instant kill (or an instant knockout with the tranquilizer pistol).
- If you bully EVA too much in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, she will eventually kick Snake in the groin - fatally. Naked Snake also gets shot in the groin by Ocelot in the very funny Secret Theater "Catlike Behavior". Why Ocelot was aiming at Snake's crotch (even in the actual game) in the first place does bring about many questions though. Seriously, give the guy a break - he's already sterile.
- Using the Patriot's melee attack will randomly cause enemy soldiers to react as though they've been hit in the goolies. Not useful in the least, but very funny. Also, if the player decides to actually shoot a soldier there, they'll return in the Ghost River of The Sorrow, blood spurting, going "Ooooh! I'm worthless now!"
- Volgin kicks EVA in the crotch when he's got her helpless on the floor after catching her trying to steal the Philosopher's Legacy. Obviously not played for laughs here, and it's definitely shown to be painful.
- When you disguise Snake as Raikov in MGS3, you have Colonel-level clearance. This means all enemy soldiers will stop what they were doing to salute you whenever you come by, and their scrotes aren't gonna punch themselves while they're standing at attention. The fact they don't raise the alarm (and actually thank you for making them more alert) implies Raikov does this often - especially since if you actually come up to Raikov while wearing the scientist outfit, before knocking him out for his outfit, he'll grab your junk then knock you over.
- Naked Snake ends up getting one of these from Cunningham when being tortured in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, namely with Cunningham placing his artificial leg directly on it.
- Old Snake in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots gets a groin-mangling death-grip to finish patting down soldiers for items, combining this trope with a fair amount of Ho Yay. Trying this on Ocelot's FROGs will get you an angry response, a smack across the face, and an alert. Strangely, the Gekkos (which are machines) seem to have this vulnerability as well, as there is a plate right between its legs that say "please do not strike this surface."
- In one mission of Sly 2: Band of Thieves, you are playing as Bentley trying to lead a villain, using noisy sleep darts, to some Indian watermelon so you can make him go to sleep and steal his blueprints. Well, you can hit him in the crotch, and he'll usually not even come after you, or respond for that matter. Hilarity Ensues.
- You get bonus points and messages such as "Sausage Stew" and "Nutcracker" if you hit your ragdoll's groin in PAIN. On ragdolls of both genders. (???)
- While it doesn't deal any extra damage, the wide difference of heights between player characters and NPCs in City of Heroes often results in characters getting hit in the groin with everything from fists to baseball bats to swords and axes! There's endless amusement to be had out of making Stalkers at minimum height, what with their signature Assasin's Strike abilities ...
- Prier of La Pucelle gets this as her very first Special Ability, euphemistically called Coup de Grâce. She also uses it in a cutscene in order to determine if a person looking like Father Salade is in fact Father Salade (he isn't) on the reasoning that the real Salade would know her well enough to dodge.
- The ridiculously Darker and Edgier platform game Vexx has a large, goblin-like creature in one level who taunts you by holding a Plot Coupon out of your reach. A targeting reticule appears over his groin. No prizes for guessing what you have to do. After getting punched in the crotch, he doubles over and starts to whimper pathetically. Vexx is a jerk. This Let's Player
, though, thinks the goblin deserved it.
- In Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D the melee Finishing Move of Claire Redfield involves her bringing her foot down on the fallen opponent in a stomp, sometimes it's the enemy's skull but all other times she clearly aims below the belt
- Although it won't actually damage them, firing a projectile at the groins of the guards in Beyond Good & Evil will result in them clutching at their crotch and squirming in pain, since their Powered Armor doesn't seem to include a codpice.
- In Aliens: Extermination, the Renegade Loader's weak spot is his crotch. It's supposed to be his arms but this works just as well. Video here
- Heavenly Sword's heroine has a whole subset of super attacks that target her (mostly male) mooks, including doing a jumping downward slash with her gigantic title weapon onto the delicate area, and grabbing a mook, leaping into the air, and dropping the mook down in a piledriver maneuver on their head with her hands on their ankles, their legs spread and her foot planted firmly on the man's crotch as she rams him into the ground. These attacks cause all the surrounding soldiers to fall down, clutching their groins in sympathy pain.
- And the one where she slams a giant morning star into a soldier's crotch as he tries to crawl backward. *cringe*
- Also there's part of the combo she does on the final boss, where she does a piledriver that ends with both her elbows in his crotch.
- There's also a lampshade by Kai wherein she extracts a password from an enemy by pointing a crossbow at his groin and actually saying, "Maybe I'll hit your weak point for massive damage!"
- Speaking of Kai, in some of her segments, she actually gets additional points if she shoots enemy soldiers in the junk.
- Strangely, the groin is the "weak spot" of the final boss of Far Cry (PC version). He can take a few clips of assault rifle fire to the head, but shoot him in the groin and he kneels over dead after only several bullets.
- There is a fight sequence in one of the Half-Life 2 episodes where Gordon and Alyx run into headcrab zombies in an underground room. Observant players might notice Alyx grabbing one of the unsuspecting zombies and bringing her knee up sharply between its legs.
- In Dead Rising, one of grab animations from a female zombie shows her dropping to her knees and biting Frank's groin. If you let a male survivor die while you are in the same zone, it will sometimes show a death animation where a female zombie attacks his crotch and comes up with bloody chunks of flesh in her mouth.
- In Dead Rising 2, if Chuck is knocked down during the fight against Amber and Crystal Bailey, one of the girls will approach and stomp on his groin.
- In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Wario's grab attack appears to be a low-blow. Fits him.
- Being the kind of game it is, the instruction manual for The House of the Dead: OVERKILL makes note that nut-shots won't work well on mutants. This is seemingly played straight for the Screamer boss though as her weak points are her head and chest-groin area.
- Happens twice in Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice, with Almaz as the unfortunate target in both times. This is because the universe apparently hates him.
- Etna tells Flonne about an incident where she kicked a guy in the groin in chapter 5 of the first game.
- One skit in Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance has Red Magnus challenging Seraphina, Usalia and Christo for the sake of toughening all four of them up. When he orders them to attack, he manages to endure Sera's gunfire... only to go down when Usalia repeatedly hammers the jewels.
- One of the Joker's fatalities in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe is punching his opponent to the ground and slamming the heel of his shoe into his opponent's groin. Ouch!
- Never actually seen, but this is the community-held standard attack area of a Gnomish Warrior or Death Knight in Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMORPG.
- In Another World, at one point when you walk off the right side of the screen (it is a screen-at-a-time platform game rather than a scrolling one), an enemy punches you, causing you to drop your gun. The enemy then lifts you by your shoulders. If you press the action key/button, your character knees the enemy in the groin, which gives you time to retrieve the gun before the enemy can shoot you.
- Faith's slide kick in Mirror's Edge is, in essence, a blow to the nuts. It even stuns the enemy for a few seconds as he stands there doubled over in agony. When the slide kick doesn't work on a miniboss, it's a clue that it's not a man that you're fighting.
- Bully (2006):
- Jimmy abuses the... well, jimmies of some of his assailants. Got that bully in your grasp? Shove him up against the wall and KNEE. Thrown him to the ground? Rear back up and drop that knee between the posts. This is learned in gym class. And trying to evade the grapple of local law enforcement? One method is the testicular vise. Add onto that the fun phenomenon that when shot by the spudgun, enemies sell it as a groin hit if hit in the front (usually). The game does discourage you from kneeing (or even grappling) the girls in the game (they instantly escape) so you can't test that particular move out on them. You can, however, use precise aim on the slingshot to effect a groin attack on a girl; simply enter aim mode, zoom in on a girl's groin and shoot her. The girl will scream and grab her crotch, collapsing to the ground, where she will writhe in pain with her hands in between her legs.
- It's also pretty funny early in the game if you choose to fight Russel in the junkyard — there is a conveniently placed soccer ball, you kick the ball to him, it nails him in the groin, and he shouts in a higher voice "You hit Russel's special place!".
- The famous cutscene of "Slingshot" with Gary and Petey:
Gary: Don't lie, Petey. Don't you lie. Because you know what happens to liars?
Petey: No, no. I'm not lying.
Gary: We kick them in the balls. [kicks Petey in the balls]
- Fight Night Round 3: Low blows are unblockable, but often it takes several of them before the ref disqualifies you from the fight. So it becomes a valid (if unbelievably cheap) strategy to knock out the tougher fighters by punching them in the sack. The slow-motion shot replay (and crunching sounds) are either horrific or a Funny Moment, depending on your maturity level. To make it worse, it is possible to grind the achievements of the game by turning off Illegal Blow Disqualifications, which allows you to fight your way all the way to the international championship by throwing nothing but haymakers into your opponents' crotch.
- In Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon, One of the bosses is a giant creature that resembles a Tripod from The War of the Worlds. Pox suggests attacking it in its External DNA Collection Recepticles, or "Those big hanging things between its hind legs!"
, After which Crypto replies "You mean get him in the family jewels? Euah, That's just wrong!"
- Also applies in Battlefield 2142, where player-drivable gigantic walkers are normally as heavily armored as a tank. Except in one vital area, where they are vulnerable to almost anything more powerful than a knife.
- Specifically, there are vents on the underside of the torso-slash-waist, but using your pistol still results in Cherry Tapping. A rocket launcher or some C4, on the other hand...
- In Ghost Squad (2004), successfully completing Mission 3's first Hand-to-Hand Combat scene yields a cutscene of your character beating up his opponents, one of which he punches in the groin.
- Fighter Maker 2 on the PS2 allows you to design your own movesets from scratch for the characters. Things like this
are possible with it. And they say user-created content has no innate value...
- In Saints Row 2, when you dual wield and melee-attack someone, you will hilariously kick your target in the crotch. It's a shame there is no "ball-kicking" diversion when this particular attack exists...
- It's worth noting that this also works on female characters. There's also a "nut shot" skill shot the player can perform with firearms, although this doesn't seem to work on females.
- You can hit a female enemy in the groin, and she'll do the special animation, but it doesn't count as a skill shot, nor does it count towards the achievement "Aww, Nuts!"
- Behold: The trailer
for Saints Row: The Third.
- On a further note, the player can swing the butt of their sawed-off shotgun into an attacker's crotch enough times to get a kill called "Testicular Homicide."
- As a matter of fact, you can do this with almost any firearm, with unique animations for nearly every class of weapon. Especially gratifying when Dual Wielding pistols or SMGs: the Boss footsweeps the enemy, then drops an elbow right onto their crotch. The crowner, though? Slamming the rocket launcher payload-first into the enemy's balls. Once you've built up enough damage resistance, it's entirely possible to wade into a gang operation and take it down by smashing every single enemy in the dick.
- Even more surprising, an achievement can be gained, too, appropriately named: "Ow My Balls!!!"
- Sadly, Saints Row IV no longer allows you to do the weapon-specific groin attacks while you have super powers. The tradeoff is that now a single punch or kick to the crotch will send an enemy flying through the air.
- Early in IV, you are confronted with an obnoxious legislator and offered two choices: "The Low Road (Punch a Dickhead)" and "The High Road (Punch A Dick In The Head)". If you pick the first option, you go straight for the nuts.
- It's worth noting that this also works on female characters. There's also a "nut shot" skill shot the player can perform with firearms, although this doesn't seem to work on females.
- An esoteric example occurs in Splinter Cell Conviction, where the always-lethal melee attack is visually translated as Sam, Archer, or Kestrel grabbing the enemy's weapon hand, holding it safely away from themselves, and deliberately booting the mook in his uprights to incapacitate them.
- Possibly played less for laughs, considering the immediate after-action is the aforementioned victim being shot in the face. Cold-blooded, or merciful?
- In Grand Theft Auto IV, depending on how close you are to an opponent you have locked onto, Niko will either kick or knee them in the crotch. However, the enemies can also do this back, and some do it a lot faster than the player can.
- In Grand Theft Auto V, during a torture scene in one of the missions. Sometimes, when using the massive wrench, Trevor will exclaim "Nut shot!" and delver a painful blow to the victim's groin. To make the scene look even more painful, the crotch of the victim's pants starts absorbing blood shortly after.
- Medal of Honor: Frontline (and possibly its sequels) counted the number of hits in various areas at the end of each mission - head, body, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, and groin. Strangely, enemies could take 2 shots to the groin before dying. (The best level for groin shots is the submarine one - no distant snipers that are hard to aim at.)
- In Clive Barker's Jericho, the Cultists (the regular, Flying, and Exploding variants) tend to have huge, gaping holes where their genitals should be (to name just a few of their horrific mutilations). Also, there is an implied groin attack when Lichthammer threatens to "tear (Rawlings') manhood from (him)".
- Rubi in WET is rather inordinately fond of these. If you kill an enemy by shooting or slashing him in the balls, not only do you get bonus points, but you also get a "BALL-BREAKER!" notification next to your score multiplier. In addition, Rubi usually finishes off Elite Mooks with a short series of Action Commands that ends with Rubi's katana slicing up from between the poor bastard's legs. And she seems to have quite the Psychotic Smirk whenever she does this too, which doubles the creepy factor.
- Persona:
- For her critical hit animation in Persona 3, Mitsuru delivers a rapid series of blows before finishing with a groin kick that knocks the target over.
- Persona 4 has Yosuke on the receiving end of one of Chie's kicks for carelessly breaking a DVD he borrowed: "Critical hit to the nads." Immortalized in a certain Hiimdaisy comic (TRIAL OF THE DRAGONNNN
- In Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman has a few take-down combos that involve a rather brutal strike to the jewels. In the downloadable Joker maps, one of Joker's stealth takedowns is a kick to the pills from behind.
- Somewhat subverted by the fact that, while there's no contesting the impact to the nuts, Bats actually seems to be looking to break or fracture the pelvis... which will force the mooks to stay down for considerably longer by making it practically impossible for them to stand. Then again, this subversion could simply be playing it straight with more dakka.
- The takedown strikes were supposed to be universally directed at the face, but the modelling didn't quite work the way they planned, leading to the Bat-Wince-Inducing-Ground-Pound.
- Batman: Arkham City brings back all of Batman's groin attacks from the first game and adds a few more. Perhaps the most brutal is, if timed correctly, Batman will do a ground takedown by leaping into the air and coming down with both fists on his prone opponent. Bad enough when he does that to their face, but if the model is flipped...
- In the same game, Penguin accidentally hits a Mook with his umbrella.
- Nightwing does the worst, however, as his ground takedown often involves driving a charged electric baton directly into the opponent's groin. It was as if millions of sperm suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
- The FPS Codename Eagle allows you to collect and use a flamethrower in several levels... whose snout is angled lower than other weapons. When used, you automatically burns enemies in the gonads.
- In Dragon Age: Origins, one attack a rogue gets is called "Below the Belt," and at least comes close to invoking this trope if it doesn't do so outright. Using this on a frozen opponent will sometimes shatter and kill them outright.
- Probably unintentional, but dwarves who are dual-wielding blades can do this as a random finishing move. Anyone dual-wielding has a chance of finishing a humanoid opponent by stabbing them in the gut with one blade and then decapitating them with the other. Bioware, however, used the same finishing animations for dwarves as for taller races, so their first stab tends to be a little bit... lower.
- In Assassin's Creed, Altaïr can use this as part of his many bastardly counter attacks. However, the guards are also well versed in groin-fu.
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood adds a kick attack as a way to stun guards who constantly deflect Ezio's sword strikes. The developers probably intended this as a gut-kick but it sure does look like a bona-fide groin attack. And it does do a small amount of damage in addition to stunning so it can be used to kill a guard. That's right, people. You can potentially go through the entire game crotch-kicking everyone to death.
- Considering Ezio's way of fighting, it was probably entirely intentional.
- A particularly painful example occurs in some of Ezio's axe counters. After parrying a guard's sword, Ezio swings downward and drives it through the groin, leaving the axe embedded somewhere near the kidneys. What's worse is that the guard is lifted a foot into the air, and Ezio just leaves the axe stuck in there.
- One of the random thoughts one could read in The World Ends with You is the following: "Man, I really screwed up that trick. Glad you only need one of them to have kids."
- In Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, the villainous character Doronjo has a special attack called "Punching Bag Fiesta." Her two lackies grab hold of the opponent and beat them senseless until Doronjo delivers the final blow, a swift vertical kick. While it may not be the intentions of the attack to directly be a groin attack or a cunt punt, most often the positioning of the characters results in her knee landing right where it hurts the most.
- In Psychonauts, the second channel on the TV shows some sort of ninja or martial arts practitioner repetitively punching another in the groin. Also, using the clairvoyance power on Bobby Zilch shows that he sees Raz on a punching bag...with a target over that particular area.
- Daxter unintentionally does this to Jak in the intro of Jak II: Renegade. And in Jak X: Combat Racing, Ashelin suggests this as a way of dealing with Mizo.
- In Target: Terror, you earn a "Nut Cracker" medal for shooting a certain percentage of mooks in the junk.
- In Battle Fantasia, if Marco uses his grabbing move on Face, it results in this, complete with a bell sound.
- In the web game Pico's School on Newgrounds, you have to do this to Casandra's monster form in the final battle in order to damage it.
- Groin shots in Command & Conquer: Renegade are tracked, and groin shots that kill will cause the afflicted to double over in pain. This goes even if that final shot was delivered by a flamethrower, chem sprayer, or a tank shell.
- Hilariously recreated in this
◊ Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire parody.
- At the end of the music video
for the DJMAX song "NB Rangers: Returns (sic)", NB Red gets kicked in the groin. By all four of his teammates.
- Similar to the Battletoads example above, the difference in height between Mega Man X and Flame Mammoth in Maverick Hunter X puts Mammoth's crotch about level with X's Buster. The game doesn't pay any attention to this fact at all, but when you down the giant elephant with a Hadouken to the jewels...
- Donkey Kong Country Returns: During the first phase of the fight, Colonel Pluck's robot is damaged by slamming the underside between its legs
. It's a robot, but still...
- The Pokémon Attack "Low Sweep" hits several Pokémon including Fraxure squarely in the crotch. Extra points when it's an elemental weakness.
- In Anarchy Reigns, playing as Mathilda, you can kick boys and girls between their legs.
- In Way of the Samurai 4, you can learn a grab skill which is a ball grab, it hurts to see, but it works even against females, also, if you fail when trying to pair with a girl(or a guy) and fail, she will punch you in the crotch.
- In Alpha Protocol, if Michael does well enough on Mina's shooting range, she gives him the opportunity to participate in an "Advanced" Shooting Range in which he must shoot Sean Darcy, who's busy trying to beat Mike's score, with a tranquilizer pistol. Mina will award Mike extra if he really makes it count...
- At the end of "Shadow of the Colossal Donut" in The Simpsons Game, when Bart and Homer take down the Lard Lad Donuts mascot statue, Homer continually pounds the fallen statue in the crotch, with Bart telling him to show some dignity in victory.
- X-Men: Next Dimension: This can result from a minor programming oversight. Mystique's grab move and level one super both involve her grabbing an opponent, placing her rifle to their chest, and firing (nonlethally). However, there are several opponents — Juggernaut, Sentinel A, and the Blob — who are at least two feet taller than the average character. They didn't alter these moves at all, meaning that... well, you should be able to guess where the rifle ends up from the page you're on.
- One of the moves that Rift's Assassin class is able to learn is "Foul Play
", which is described as "an unfair maneuver that stuns the enemy", and the skill icon none-too-subtly implies that this is the maneuver they have in mind.
- In No More Heroes, one of the grunts' taunts includes "I'll kick you in the nuts!".
- One of the many melee finishing moves in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception involves Nathan Drake sliding between the legs of his enemy and punching up. Hard. Nathan can also hang on a ledge, reach up to punch an enemy above him in the groin, and pull him down by the collar as he grabs his crotch.
- In Brain Dead 13, after Lance jumps from the tower when Moose becomes blown up by becoming overloaded by lightning, he lands on a statue by the groin.
- This will also occur if you press left twice to run away from Moose after Fritz pulls you and him both up to the top of the lightning tower.
- In the indie brawler BANZAI PECAN: The Last Hope for the Young Century, the game's titular heroine can perform a Stylish Finisher where she knees a Playboy Bunny-girl in her crotch, accompanied with a broken taco displayed on screen as she falls over in pain, and at the same time, the audience in the background are laughing.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: An ability picked up from level progression for the Smuggler class if appropriately named, "Dirty Kick", dealing a significant amount of damage and stunning the target for about 4 seconds. Usually, the animation of a smuggler kicking an enemy's nads apply to sentient targets, but there have been times the animation is shown to be the same one of the ability used on mechanical enemies, which is similar to a trip.
- In the Dating Sim National Lampoon's Blind Date, making a sexist comment to your date while she's holding a pool cue will make her stab you in the crotch with it.
- Whenever you interact with something in McPixel, McPixel's default animation is a kick to the groin. Though this usually leads into something different if there's an interaction available.
- In Yakuza 3, the main character Kazuma observes a boy in a batting cage trying to show off to a girl. The automatic pitching machine launches the ball, it glances off his bat, rebounds off the floor and hits him firmly in the crotch. He collapses and the girl cracks up laughing. "While any guy can understand how painful it is, it's just a hilarious scene to girls," comments Kazuma.
- Groin Attacks are also a frequent element in some Heat Actions, such as Majima sidestepping a mook so he punches his buddy in the face before Majima sweeps the guy's leg right into the other mook's crotch, or Kiryu pulling an enemy to the ground before a friendly dominatrix steps up and drives her stiletto heel into his groin.
- In the intro to The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures, the Nerd gets dragged into TV Land by the balls, a reference to his Action 52 review. The sequel, The Angry Video Game Nerd IIAS Similation has an inversion of the trope where one level has you riding the back of a huge tanuki that has pair of massive balls that are on fire and said balls can be used to smash enemies.
- BlazBlue: Chronophantasma descends to this level of humor in CP Ep 9. After their encounter with Tsubaki, Kagura and Makoto shoot the breeze on what's happening to her, with Kagura making a few comments about Makoto herself (though he really does like her when she's calm). Since Makoto's arms and chest are bound (which Kagura actually jokes about), she uses the limbs available to her to get the point across three separate times.
Kagura (on third acorn shot): Still... worth it... *collapses*
- Most of the time, defeating bosses in Duke Nukem Forever means more than just shooting them up. Often, you have to perform some gruesome finishing move on them as well. There are these fifteen-foot-tall brutes called Battlelords. Once you take one of them to the brink, you're encouraged to get up close and use their sacks as speed bags. The end result is most satisfying.
Duke Nukem: Right in the jewels...
- In Bayonetta 2, Jeanne nearly drives the front wheel of her motorcycle right into Enzo's groin in an early cutscene.
- It's not the first time this has happened to him either — during the angel fight in the opening cutscene of the the first game, an angel getting smacked into a gravestone sets off a domino chain reaction that nearly results in poor Enzo's balls getting crushed by the last gravestone.
- Also, in the first game, when igniting a stream of gas from a peeing cherub statue falls far short of its target, Bayonetta pops a round into the statue's spout. Cue explosion and crying statue.
- Happens if a player selects "No" on the game over screen. Doubles as a Breast Attack, since out of all the hands that will grab Bayonetta, two of them go over her boobs and one goes right on her crotch. She effectively gets dragged down to Inferno by her boobs and lady parts.
- In classic Battle Chess, an attacking Pawn capturing a Knight will kick the defender in the junk with a very loud, metallic clank. The Knight drops his gear, holds his groin and groans as he falls over. Done for laughs, of course, given the game's slightly dark comedy.
- The main character of Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge flies across multiple galaxies in order to punish a galactic prince for disparaging her on social media. When she confronts and defeats him, she finishes him off by booting him in the royal family jewels. During the True Final Boss fight, the weak spot on the prince's Humongous Mecha is a giant plate right between its legs.
- Accidentally invoked in Phantasy Star IV with the fight against the 3rd Darkforce. The boss's sprite is so huge most of your attacks are seemly aiming at its crotch. This got lampooned in the Let's Play archive.
- Final Fantasy:
- In Final Fantasy VII, this comes up during the infiltration of Don Corneo's mansion shortly into the game. Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa threaten Corneo with increasingly more painful ways of removing "them" until he caves and spills the beans on Shinra's plot.
- Final Fantasy VII Remake: In addition to the scene with Don Corneo, Aerith kicks Corneo's mook Scotch in the groin, making him whimper in pain right before Tifa knocks him out.
- There is a fan-made (Japanese) game that consists entirely of Yuffie of Final Fantasy VII fame going around kicking guys in the crotch. It is called "Yuffie the Hunting: Testis Crush!!"
- Final Fantasy X-2 - after the mission to Mt. Gagazet, the party returns to find Brother lying in pain on the floor of the deck of the Celsius airship, injured after having jumped ship because he thought Yuna was in danger. If you choose the option to comfort it, Yuna thanks him and tells him not to strain himself, but he says that "a leader must be tough" and tries to pull Yuna, who he has a notorious crush on, in for a kiss. Rikku runs up, kicks him in the groin and calls him a "sicko," leaving him moaning on the floor again.
- In Overwatch, one of Junkrat's Highlight/Play of the Game intros has him accidentally hitting himself in the crotch with a dud grenade from his grenade launcher, complete with dramatic zoom-in on his pained expression. Fittingly, the intro is titled "Unfortunate".
- Oh so many in South Park: The Stick of Truth...
- One of the Fighter's abilities is Roshambo, which, after a rock paper scissors setup, has the New Kid boot their victim in the groin, not only stunning them, but (if you have the right upgrades) grossing them out (causing them to take damage every turn and blocking healing) too. With the final upgrade, the attack will gross out every other enemy with the sound of crushed balls.
- The Jew has the Circum-Scythe ability which removes shields and halves armour and inflicts bleeding, defense down and, if you have the right upgrade, grossed out. Yes, it's every bit as cringe-inducing and agonising as it sounds.
- Fairly late into the game, the New Kid has to pose as an abortion doctor, and perform an abortion to prove it. The issue is that Randy Marsh is the one receiving it. Mess up at the final point, and one of his balls gets ripped off up the vacuum. If that hurt to read, that's perfectly normal.
- Throughout the game, you're repeatedly told to never ever fart on another man's balls. This isn't just a random joke either. At the end of the game, you're forced to break this oath by farting on the Final Boss' balls. This ends up undoing the Nazi Zombie plague's effects... somehow.
- The game features an inversion partway through. While doing battle with the Underpants Gnome Warlock, you are tiny and fighting him underneath your parents... as they have sex. Occasionally, an attack called "Hanging Low" will happen, where you have to QTE your way out of getting hit in the face by your father's balls. And at the end of the fight, you end up getting crushed by his balls anyway.
- HuniePop: When Audrey's hungry and you try to talk to her, you may get this hangry threat, depending on your Player Character's gender:
If I don't get some food right now, I'm gonna punch somebody in the cunt/dick.
- Leisure Suit Larry 2: Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places): After Larry gets seduced by one of Dr. Nonookee's henchwoman, she takes him to the base and tells him to lay on the bed, before turning on a laser that splits him in half. It goes groin first, and as the narrator says, it brings a whole new meaning to the term "dismemberment!"
- In Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, Crash's winning podium animation while wearing his Biker Crash skin features him hitting himself in the groin with his yo-yo, though he's quick to shrug it off.
- In ESWAT The Cyber Police, the second level boss was a really tall guy with a boomerang and a hostage. Normally you had to jump to shoot him when he stood up to attack you, but if you were out of bullets you could instead walk straight up to him and kick him in the family jewels for an instant win.
- In Super Snail from QCplay Limited this is the origin of a very unhappy hitman going after Super Snail. He was originally Galford's ninja dog, but after Galford shacked up with his girlfriend she complained about the dog humping her leg. So Galford took a pair of scissors and snipped off the dog's testes. After that the dog killed them in revenge and is working as a contract killer.
- Totally Accurate Battle Simulator sometimes does this by accident due to the wobbly models resembling clay people and the procedurally generated physics and combat. Even units ostensibly designed around armed melee combat will occasionally defeat an opponent by means of a vicious punt in the jimmies
- Far Cry Primal includes a scene where Wogah the crafter (basically The Blacksmith for cavemen) is presented with his grappling claw by Takkar, whereupon he cheerfully swings it around, but thanks to only having one arm, Wogah accidentally swings the claw into his family jewels. Thankfully, Wogah doesn't accidentally puncture his privates with the iron hooks, and seems more winded than anything else.
- It is common to see pitchers in the Super Mega Baseball games take line drives right to the crotch.
- In RoboCop: Rogue City, shooting enemies in the groin is considered a critical hit and typically results in the enemies holding their crotch in pain as they fall to their knees. It's an effective tactic against the armored mercenaries introduced later in the game, since they leave their lower bodies unarmored.
- Lethal Company: The Nutcrackers are dangerous shotgun-wielding enemies that walk around from place to place in the search of targets. Anyone who walks too close to one will be instantly killed by a high kick to the groin.
- Rushing Beat series is a bit unusual as it's the largest of your heroes getting this ability (typically in games it's the girl or the little guy doing this). They'll grab an enemy and kick them in the groin causing them to grab their crotch and hop around.
- Vendetta (1991): Your heroes can knee enemies in the groin causing them to hop around in pain, unfortunately those punks can do the same to you.
Played for Drama
- In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, a bunch have been added in the form of executions, which were also put in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) in its Warzone mode. Not gender exclusive either, as someone like Mara is just as susceptible to getting kicked in the privates so hard that she gets some air,
◊ getting her crotched brutally stomped on so hard it kills her,
◊ taking a fist between the legs before getting her neck snapped,
◊ and even getting an axe in her delicate area
◊ as the boys.
- One that is exclusive to the Cold War multiplayer isn't an execution, but a reaction to being shot. Shown on Helen Park here,
◊ she gets her lady parts filled with bullets, cupping her womanhood in agony before she dies.
- One that is exclusive to the Cold War multiplayer isn't an execution, but a reaction to being shot. Shown on Helen Park here,
- In Dead or Alive, there aren't any true dedicated low blow attacks like there are in other fighting games, but certain attacks will result in a low blow depending on positioning. Like NiCO being brutally and repeatedly punched in her groin.
◊ Ouch.
- One of Altair's counter-attacks in Assassin's Creed involves a kick to the groin before stabbing his opponent in the neck. His descendant Ezio has a similar move, but unfortunately for him, Elite Mooks use it as a melee counter as well.
- In the multiplayer component of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, the Buccaneer has a brutal one. As shown here
, he swings his hook between the legs of the Puppeteer, getting the point right in her genitals. As she grabs her newly-maimed lady bits and screams in agony, he dumps her over his head, killing her and mercifully completing the contract.
- In the multiplayer component of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, the Buccaneer has a brutal one. As shown here
- In Scarface: The World Is Yours you can score hits on enemies' nuts.
- In Dragon Age: Origins the Below the Belt attack has the ingame description: "The rogue delivers a swift and unsportsmanlike kick to the target."
- Cassandra Pentaghast comes close to doing this to Varric Tethras in Dragon Age II during the introduction when she shoves a sword through his book to make him start talking about the Champion of Kirkwall.
- In Fable II, subtargeting allows for headshots and groin shots. Depending on your weapon, you don't usually need more than one or two groin shots to kill an enemy.
- Blood Omen 2
- The Enemies will occasionally, when weakened, crawl away from Kain on the ground. Kain can then attack them to finish them off, and if he is fighting unarmed, this will be done as a kick. Very frequently, because the enemies crawl directly away from you, it will look like Kain is finishing his enemies by very gleefully kicking them in the groin. With a vampire's strength the lethality is actually believable.
- Kain has an attack where he picks someone up by the neck and beats them with a weapon. His target is between the legs when he's wielding a mace.
- One of the achievements in Dead to Rights: Retribution is obtained by performing a "groin takedown" as Shadow. The achievements name? Scrotality.
- In Manhunt an execution involves ripping off a mook's testicles with a sickle. Up to eleven in the sequel where it keeps this and will make any man squeamish with a few more genital torture including slicing the groin with a shovel, yanking it off with a pair of pliers and sawing through it with a length of barbed wire. Though it pops up as an Amusing Injury before the player stabs their neck with a syringe violently.
- At the end of the third episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two, Troy is shot in the dick by Jane to attract the walkers over to him as he dies whimpering and screaming. It's implied that she was sleeping with him to stay in good standing with the group's leader, Carver, and she doesn't bat an eye as she leaves the sleazy shmuck to rot.
- In the original Soldier of Fortune, a shot to the crotch is instant death.
- Geralt of Rivia can deliver these during quicktime brawls in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.
- The trailer for Lollipop Chainsaw has the protagonist take a chainsaw to a zombie's groin and cuts them in half.
- In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, one of the finishers you can do to a Dwarven Centurion is this.
- Link, of all people, seems to do this in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess whenever he uses a finishing stab on a Bokoblin.
- Possible in Sniper Elite V2, complete with slo-mo cam of testicles exploding. Dooley!
With the DLC mission, you can do this to none other than Adolf Hitler himself
— although that might be a body double since Hitler lost a testicle in a WWI gas attack and the x-ray kill cam clearly shows two.
- Sniper Elite III brings back the Hitler mission, with the possibility of body doubles. But the real Hitler is there, and yes, you can shoot him through his one testicle(indeed, that's the best way to know you got him instead of a double).
- Probably unintentionally hilarious, but one of the attacks Asura from Asura's Wrath uses in the DLC lost episode chapter against Evil Ryu is a grapple move that looks like the Kinniku Buster that ends with Asura's Knee in Evil Ryu's groin.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution: one of the lethal takedowns looks like it really hurts. Well, actually, they all hurt, but this is the worst.
- In Syndicate (2012), a groin attack is one of the possible melee attacks.
- Self-Defense Training Camp (Xbox 360), a well-programmed yet poorly-designed piece of software, seems to end every one of its 'training' drills with an instruction to boot the offender in the jimmies, and not even in a funny way. Ahoy disparages it as 'little more than a genital kicking simulator.'
- The Ties That Bind, the anime film that shipped with the collectors edition of Street Fighter IV, had a rare female version that is not exactly Played for Laughs during the very brutal brawl between Crimson Viper and Cammy. After parrying an attack from Cammy, Viper charges her knuckle weapon with electricity, then punches Cammy directly in the crotch. Given that all Cammy wears is a leotard, there would have been only a single layer of fabric in between Viper's electrically charged fist and Cammy's underparts, meaning that Cammy most likely suffered massive damage to her genitals. Needless to say, the fight ends rather quickly after this.
- Heavy Rain has Madison squeezing a man's testicles for nearly a minute as a means of torture. What comes around goes around, however, as in one of her scenes with the Doc, failing a quicktime sequence will cause him to pin her down, pull her legs open, rev up a power drill and plunge the drill bit into her crotch, undoubtedly ripping her genitalia apart. This attack kills Madison quickly, but not before she screeches like a gutted monkey and writhes pretty violently, the blood from her private parts spraying all over.
- Fallout plays it both for comedy and drama. Groin attacks have a lower penalty to aim than headshots, so if you are moderately skilled in your weapon, you will aim there to waste less shots, and still get more chances to score a Critical Hit than a standard attack. Said critical hits have effects ranging from doubled damage to unconsciousness. Though the game has Bloody Hilarious comments for every critical hit in the game adds a comical effect to the whole tactical decision of where to shoot.
- Golden Axe: Barn's grapple
◊. Not to mention she can do this up to THREE TIMES in one grapple attack!
- Also chicken-leg's attack from the first game is seemingly this. Especially if it's done on Ax Battler and Tyris Flare, the attack looks like whipping their lower body, close to their sensitive area
◊. It's perhaps slightly easier to be seen in PS2 remake. And that attack even knock down your character despite the damage is quite weaker than any Mook's normal combo attack, the attack took about 7 hits to lose your life bar by one.
- In second game, lizardmen's tail whip may also counts, considering their tail's location is in the same height as the groin of Ax Battler and Tyris Flare. And it's actually strong enough to make you lose one life bar in two attacks!
- Skeletons in third game are quite short compared to the heroes. So their low attack may also counts (and considering their low attack is also one-hit knock down despite the damage is slightly weaker than their combo attack).
- Also chicken-leg's attack from the first game is seemingly this. Especially if it's done on Ax Battler and Tyris Flare, the attack looks like whipping their lower body, close to their sensitive area
- The Last of Us: In the final chapter, Joel takes this trope up to eleven by actually shooting a Firefly soldier in the testes. Twice.
- Digimon World 3: There are two variants of Numemon, purple and icy blue, whose only attack is biting your Digimon right in that spot, especially if you fight them as Angemon, HolyAngemon, or Angewomon. The purple ones' attack will also reduce your Digimon's defense, so it's pretty dangerous.
- In No More Heroes, this can happen during the fight against Bad Girl: if she overwhelms Travis at close range (with her bat and his saber crossed), she'll kick him in the balls. Given that she uses spiked stilettos, he takes a moment to recover.
- Outlast: Whistleblower has Eddie Gluskin, aka "The Groom", a misogynistic Serial Killer made even more Ax-Crazy by Mind Rape, has this as his MO. He thinks his (male) victims are women he wants to marry, but given certain dimorphism-related issues, he can't consummate his marriage. So he... "solves" that issue via crude impromptu operations, including this. Waylon Park comes very dangerously close to being on the receiving end of such an operation until he's saved at the last possible second.
- Outlast II has Marta, a seven-foot-tall killing machine working for Sullivan Knoth. She wields a huge pickaxe, and if she manages to kill Blake Langermann with it, she'll almost always use her weapon to completely decimate his genitals.
- Not to be outdone, The Outlast Trials has some death animations such as a machete chopping a player's groin if they get executed by an enemy. Another one has the berserker beating a player's crotch with their heavy gauntlet before finishing them with an Ass Shove.
- Far Cry 3 does not use this for comedy. One of Jason's many brutal takedown options involves leaping out of the water and stabbing an unaware guard squarely in the balls—the animation actually shows the guard reaching down in slow-motion reflex for his groin before collapsing.
- In Far Cry Primal, protagonist Takkar first meets Batari, priestess and leader of the Izila slavers, as she cuts the genitals off of an Udam warrior and laughs as he bleeds out. Batari also has a fondness for grabbing Takkar's genitals while complimenting his strength, and then twisting them if she doesn't like his response.
- The Matrix: Path of Neo has this as both a regular attack of both Neo/Enemies and for just Neo as a Recovery Attack.
- Silent Hill 3: Several monsters will attack Heather's crotch if they get close enough. The consensus is that the rape symbolism is entirely deliberate.
- 1985's The Way Of The Exploding Fist also had some special animations for its (pretty brutal) nut shots.
- Dwarf Fortress: While genitalia don't exist without modding, this is definitely implied whenever a strike to the lower body turns out to have been "A gelding blow!". It's not entirely certain what decides if a blow can qualify, as it's been observed in both armed combat with weapons blunt and sharp and Bar Brawls where someone got punched in the abdomen.
- This appears to be the only thing that you do to the final boss, an ancient god of destruction, Malpercio, from Baten Kaitos. Considering he looks like a demon that about 4x taller than the protagonist and his friends but squats really low with his knees spread out wide as a spread eagle his jewels are at just right height for Kalas and co. to abuse them. The targeting reticle is even aimed right for the poor guy's demonly manhood, so every spell, slash, strike, and item only hits his unlucky crotch. It almost looks as if the developers did it on purpose for fun. I guess if the fate of the world depends on whether you win in a fight against an evil, ancient, 20 something foot tall god of destruction it would make sense to go for his 'vital' parts, he definitely won't be getting back up for quite some time.
- One of Jason's killing animations in Friday the 13th: The Game involves him driving a bladed weapon into the victim's crotch area first before putting them out of their misery.
- Crusader Kings lets you castrate prisoners if you're playing as the Byzantines. Point being, the Byzantines viewed their emperors as Gods, and God is perfect so being physically maimed would nullify any claim you had to the throne, plus the double whammy that they can't produce any heirs. You can even castrate little boys - doing so will give you a special message. If you have the Game of Thrones mod which recreates Westeros, you can play as Joffrey, crush the Stark rebellion and treat Jon and Bran to this.
- In Fate/EXTRA, Tamamo-no-Mae has a martial arts technique called "Polygamist Castration Fist", which she designed to punish her Master if he cheats on her. It does extra damage to male opponents. This carries into her appearances in Fate/Grand Order.
- Fate/Grand Order:
- Saber Lily blasts Caliburn's Sword Beam into her opponent's groin. In the Saber Wars event, she trains by repeatedly blasting Blackbeard in the groin.
- Material books say Artemis has an attack where she hurls Orion into her opponent's groin.
- Berserker Jeanne d'Arc Alter and Himiko kick their opponents in the groin as one of their attacks.
- Euryale shoots her opponent in the groin with an arrow as one of her attacks.
- The Crysis games multiplayer gives bonus points for landing groin shots.
- In The Outer Worlds, you can use Tactical Time Dilation to shoot enemies' weak spots, which includes the groin. You even get an achievement for shooting 30 enemies in the junk.
- In Dead by Daylight, The Hag's Memento Mori is this on some of the shorter characters. Normally, she plunges her claw into the Survivor's midsection, but on the shorter Nancy Wheeler
◊, she plunges her claw into Nancy's girly bits before finishing her off.
- In Kio's Adventure, one of the many violent death scenarios has one. Kio gets impaled by a bunch of spikes, with one going right through her crotch. And the camera's main focus is on said section.
- Naughty Bear: Naughty Bear can kick other bears in the crotch... or whack them there with an axe during a kill animation. It even works on robots.
- So uh, a spaceship crashed in my yard.: When using Trouser Space to store a Jellyfish:
- When you pick it up the first time:
You pick up the jellyfish and stuff it in your pants.
Mark: Ow, the burning. - When returning it to your pants after slapping it on ARIA:
You return the jellyfish to your pants.
Mark: Ow, more burning.
- When you pick it up the first time:
- Friday Night Funkin': Fail a song and The Boyfriend gets blue-balled so bad that his skeleton cracks.
- Project Downfall: Not only you can get bonus points for shooting an enemy's nuts (described as Nut Shots in-game), but it can also lead to a one-hit kill, just like a headshot would.
- Henry Stickmin Series:
- In the Pure-blooded Thief route in Airship, Henry has the option to use a Magic Pencil to try and cross a gap. He tries to draw a glider, but the drawing instead stands up and hits Henry in the nuts before hopping away. The FAIL screen asks "Why did you draw a Nutshot Crawler?"
- In the Presumed Dead route in Complex, Henry has the choice to eat a Sandwich which turns him into a hulking, muscular man in order to take out the three guards standing between him and freedom. Henry takes out the first two guards, but reverts to his normal size before he can take out the third guard, who proceeds to kick him in the crotch.
- Total War: Warhammer: An ambient dialogue in combat between Imperial and Dwarf troops is an Imperial state trooper saying "He headbutted me in the groin!"