Video Games - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Jan 17 2024

HairOfGoldHeartOfGold / Video Games

  • Baldur's Gate II: Aerie is a lawful good avariel (an elf with wings), who lost her ability to fly when she was captured and imprisoned until her wings got infected and had to be removed. She was later freed by Quayle, who she sees as a foster father and deeply loves. She often suffers because she can no longer see the world from above, but she's still kind-hearted, sweet, and willing to do good things and help people. In Throne of Bhaal she grows more confident and capable of standing on her own and look for herself.
  • In BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm, Tyalie has bright blond hair to match her equally bright and sunny personality.
  • Chrono Trigger: Ayla is a beautiful and athletic blonde cavewoman who is very friendly and kind to anyone she meets and fights to protect her friends and tribe.
  • The Dark Parables version of Rapunzel, first encountered in the seventh game, very much falls into this category. Her long golden hair is, of course, the stuff of legends, and she has healing magic which makes her a Friend to All Living Things, as well as a sweet disposition which leads everyone to love her (even her younger half-sister, Belladonna, who hates just about everyone). Judging by some memorials found in the game, it's apparently In the Blood; her mother, Queen Violante, was the same way.
  • In Devilish Hairdresser, the Angelic Hairdresser is (usually) blonde. Fitting for an Angel, she's gentle and kind, and disapproves of the Devilish Hairdresser's tricks.
  • Dragon Quest V: Bianca Whitaker has blond hair and she's a very kind, spunky lady who is willing to go into a haunted castle and fight ghosts to save a kitten when she is eight.
  • Far Cry:
    • Daisy Lee, Grant Brody's girlfriend from Far Cry 3. A friendly blonde woman and the second-kindest character after Jason's brunette girlfriend Liza Snow, she's the main force holding her traumatized friends together and finding a way for them to get off the Rook Islands while Jason's off killing pirates.
    • Far Cry 5:
  • Final Fantasy:
    • Aria Bennett, one of the Guest Star Party Members in Final Fantasy III. She's a priestess of the water crystal and a white-clad White Mage. Whenever you talk to her, she says very nice things about how the party is blessed with the light.
    • Krile of Final Fantasy V is a cute and sweet young girl who is a Friend to All Living Things with the ability to speak to them. She can also communicate with benevolent ghosts and plays the medium for her friends. She also becomes the youngest member of the party.
    • Terra/Tina from Final Fantasy VI, though her sprites have green hair, her concept art has her with blonde hair note  she's a young, innocent, motherly, young woman who hates fighting, though she will fight to protect her friends and family. The game also has Celes, who is described as having a spirit as pure as snow, in spite of being a battle hardened soldier.
    • Cloud from Final Fantasy VII after he gets over his cocky "in for the money" attitude and becomes the compassionate (even occasionally goofy) leader for his friends; heck, the jerk mercenary act is just a cover for how much he wants to be accepted and loved (plus he has Fake Memories). Cloud, like Aeirth, also has some Messianic traits i.e being raised by single mother with no father and being the chosen hero of the Gaia (the planet).
    • Zidane from Final Fantasy IX is very outgoing, generally friendly to those around him regardless of being a thief. Though he does lean towards being a Handsome Lech at times, though considering his otherwise good nature that makes Zidane more of a Chivalrous Pervert than anything else. Like Cloud, he also tries to conceal his insecurities and fight them alone.
    • Final Fantasy X has Tidus and Rikku, who are the most childish and tender-hearted members of The Team. Tidus, like other male examples above, hides pains behind a mask of cheeriness, but when the situation turns sour, Tidus goes above and beyond to protect his loved ones. Rikku, though she is a Yuffie-esque thief type, is highly compassionate and sabotages Yuna's pilgrimage only because Rikku knows it will result in the Summoner's death.
      • Worth noting Tidus technically bleached his hair blonde, but since his character is meant to represent the Sun anyway, the trope is still in effect regardless.
    • Subverted in Final Fantasy XIV. Honey has golden hair and is the nicest of the contestants during first impressions at the start of the Ascension Aracadia tournament. Several lyrics of her theme music play this up, referring to her as someone whose "heart is pure as lace and laced with purest pride". But her behavior in the ring shows that she is an Attention Whore and a casually murderous Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, making her little better than Brute Bomber in terms of showing respect for her opponent.
    • Cosmos from Dissidia Final Fantasy and its prequel. As part of her image as a deity of harmony, she is kind, beautiful, and vaguely motherly.
  • Fire Emblem:
    • The bishops Lady Edain of Jungby and Father Claude of Edda from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War: both blonde, both calm, gentle and caring.
    • The bishop Lucius of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade has long, blond hair (as well as Innocent Blue Eyes), and he's one of the gentlest, most compassionate Nice Guys in the series, to the point that he immediately forgives the man responsible for killing his father and getting him sent to an Orphanage of Fear.
    • Continuing the trend, the cleric Natasha of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is also blonde (it seems a common hair color for people from Grado), and is noted by other characters for her kindness and compassion, sometimes even in detriment of herself, since she can't turn a blind eye to people who need help.
    • Libra the warpriest from Fire Emblem: Awakening may carry an axe, but he is as kind and gentle and thoughtful as a Lucius expy ought to be.
    • Chrom's sisters, Lissa and Emmeryn, of Awakening. Emmeryn's kindness as exalt is so well-known to even outsiders like Panne. Lissa is often described as one of the nicest people around and is down-to-earth despite her status as royalty.
    • Princess Elise from Fire Emblem Fates. Sweet, cheerful, innocent, and one of the army's best healers. She's also the only royal sibling who never appears as a boss or an enemy on any of the three given routes, and during Birthright she defies her father and her siblings to help the player character and the Hoshidans by guiding them through the underground city and trying to convince Xander and Garon to lay down their arms. It fails miserably and she ends up dead.
  • The first Galaxy Angel trilogy features Lushati, the administrator of Library in Planet Juno. She's sweet and soft-spoken, and due to her sheltered life she's also rather naive at times. This makes her easy prey for Wein's manipulations.
    • On the sequel trilogy, Galaxy Angel II, there's Kahlua Marjoram, who is also blond-haired and perhaps the kindest among the Rune Angels, always showing herself caring and generous with everyone. She heavily contrasts with her Sexier Alter Ego Tequila, who is more assertive (and has purple hair instead of blond).
  • The Lawful Good Ky Kiske in the Guilty Gear series. Especially in the "youthfully naive, angst-ridden and clueless" department.
  • The Hero from Half-Minute Hero. His nobility earns him respect from a Time Beast (and an extra 10 seconds on a stage where you can't reverse time).
  • Injustice 2: Much like her comic book counterpart, Supergirl is kind, sweet, pure and blond-haired, which makes her stand out among other Regime members, who happen to be dark-haired and are brutal and cynical. She initially serves as the Token Good Teammate for the group since she is Locked Out of the Loop about their previous crimes, but after learning about them, she promptly turns on them and joins the actual good guys.
  • Ventus from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a personality to match. Justified, however, since the darkness in his heart was taken by Master Xehanort.
  • Last Duel: Inter Planet War 2012: Queen Sheeta has blonde hair and praises the heroes for stopping the Galden Tribe's conquest of Mu; her home planet; and for restoring peace between it and its Twin Planet Bacula. She also shows no anger at them for seeing her in the nude when they save her.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • Naturally, Link is a steadfast example, as he's The Hero of Hyrule and chosen wielder of The Master Sword; which only the pure of heart may draw from its pedestal. In all incarnations besides the original two NES games, Link is a blond.
    • In most incarnations, Princess Zelda is the fair-haired benevolent ruler of Hyrule, and often aids Link in his quests to save the kingdom. In some appearances, such as Twilight Princess, she's a near brunette shade of dirty blonde; but she fully retains her nobility.
    • Also from Twilight Princess is Ilia, who's Link's childhood friend. The game portrays her as selfless and giving—from tending to Epona for Link, acting as a surrogate 'big sister' figure for the other village kids, to saving Prince Ralis when she found him collapsed on the road leading to Hyrule Castle Town.
  • In Love & Pies, Sven has long, flowing blond hair and is more than willing to help his niece Amelia in restoring the café. He's such a kindhearted man that Amelia feels bad for him since he's one of the suspects of the arson.
  • Antoine Hardmeat from Max Gentlemen Sexy Business! is one of the most unambiguously kind, compassionate, and gentle executives on your company's board, whilst having a hair of rich gold.
  • Eltariel in Middle-earth: Shadow of War plays with this trope: she is a female elf with blonde hair (though obscured by her hood) that serves as an enforcer to Galadriel and devoted to fight against Sauron and his armies. She has light-associated powers granted by her lady just like you'd expect from a character such as this. With that said, she does some morally questionable things in the name of her mission such as willingly becoming Celebrimbor's host to defeat Sauron and dooming Talion because he refused to follow his own plan to take over Middle-Earth after defeating their enemy, but to her credit, she deeply regrets this and seeks to atone for these deeds.
  • Paz in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker acts exactly like this character type for 80% of the game. The last 20% reveals that she is a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing consciously exploiting this trope for all it is worth.
  • Lucas from Mother 3 has gold hair, an innocent personality, a pure mind, and, unlike Claus, stays good. Claus' hair, orange, could possibly be that way because of red (evil) mixing with blonde (purity).
  • Subverted by Vert in Neptunia. On one hand, she has the requisite golden hair, many NPCs admire her grace and charm, and her subjects paint her as a good ruler. On the other, her appearance (blonde hair, blue eyes, big breasts) is a deliberate Phenotype Stereotype, she's politically aggressive (Ultradimension Vert is the only CPU to take shares by military action or directly convert people of interest to her side), and on a personal level she's a very open Yaoi Fangirl and her work ethic suffers from horrifying motivation issues. Re;birth1 dials some of her personality traits down a notch, though, and makes her play this trope straighter than her past incarnations.
  • Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, the Player Character of Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, is a blond, blue-eyed child who strives to build a kingdom where everyone can have a Happily Ever After.
  • Octopath Traveler:
    • Ophilia Clement is a kind, modest and self-sacrificing cleric with long golden hair, which provides her as a good foil to seductive odalisque Primrose Azelhart.
    • Alfyn Greengrass is also blond, and he's a kind, cheerful, and selfless apothecary whose goal in life is to help the sick and injured, just like his childhood hero helped him, to the point that he often sells his medicines for extremely cheap (if he charges for them at all).
  • Octopath Traveler II has Castti, who has blonde hair and is the kind, selfless Team Mom of the party. Several characters point out how she goes out of her way to look after everyone.
  • Omen of Sorrow has Zafkiel, an female Fallen Angel that descended to Earth specifically to fight monsters and has blonde hair.
  • Another male example: Teddie from Persona 4 in his human form, where he appears as a blond, blue-eyed Bishōnen. Despite being very perverted and flirtatious, he cares a great deal about his friends.
  • Pokémon:
    • Bianca from Pokémon Black and White is pretty, kind, heroic, and idealistic.
    • Lillie from Pokémon Sun and Moon is another blonde character with an idealistic nature. The game opens up with her rescuing a mysterious Pokemon from the clutches of an organization. She initially hates the idea of Pokemon battles because she doesn't like the idea of them getting hurt.
    • Gladion from the same game comes off as tough and edgy at first, but he also shows great concern for others. It turns out that both Gladion and Lillie are siblings.
  • In Potion Permit, Bubble has blonde hair and genuinely tells the Chemist to take care on their adventures outside Moonbury Town. She's also loving and caring towards her pet rabbit and diligently tends to her garden.
  • In Puyo Puyo, blonde-haired Amitie is easily the kindest out of the trio of protagonists, being the most likely of the three to be nice even to her enemies and showing sadness when she thinks of forgetting, not being able to see, or otherwise being distanced from her friends.
  • Bonnie McFarlane, a blonde, is perhaps the only outright decent major character in both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. There are a lot of characters too.
  • Resident Evil:
    • Sherry Birkin fits this trope like glove (especially compared to her Mad Scientist parents), she is also an example of Children Are Innocent in RE2 being a Shout-Out to Newt from Aliens. Sherry is so pure that Derick Simmons the Big Bad of RE6 found her "overly-kind and ultimately naive, charitable nature" disgusting.
    • Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4 while a little spoiled and childish is still a good person caught in a very bad situation, she's also more importantly innocent and quite caring.
    • Jill Valentine's hair is turned blonde in RE5 thanks to being put in cryostasis once she gets over the Brainwashed and Crazy status Wesker put her into, Jill can be considered this trope as her kind nature returns. It's still unknown if she got her brown hair back however.
  • Candy from the Richman series has blonde twintails that goes down on her shoulder, and she's one of the nicest characters in the series. For example, in her ending in Richman 7, she buys a beautiful island with her money and invites all other contestants, including the snooty ones, there to have a vacation!
  • Roots of Pacha:
    • While the blonde members of Croll's family (himself, Ibon, and Ata) are nice enough, Ata is the sweetest of them all, as she's a Cheerful Child who likes helping her mom out in her smithing work.
    • Both Tare and her son Nokk are kindhearted blondes who love cooking.
    • Krak is a laidback man with golden hair and not a single mean bone in his body.
  • Spiritia Rosenberg from RosenkreuzStilette has flowing gold hair held in a huge ponytail and is a straightforward, honest, and kind girl whose moral convictions are second to none and who is greatly respected by others, including other soldiers of the Holy Empire. Iris also has gold hair, but unlike Tia, believe it or not, she only pretends to be kind and innocent to disguise her true, evil intentions. Both characters are reincarnations of the legendary Magus Rosenkreuz, after whom the organization of RKS is named; Tia got his soul and his ability to tap into the strength of others', and Iris was blessed with his magical prowess and the abundance of knowledge he had acquired over the course of his life.
  • Wendy from Rule of Rose could have her picture describing this trope; a quiet, sickly little girl with a pretty smile and a blue sundress. Unfortunately, she's also a manipulative Yandere.
  • Kiel from Rune Factory 4 is a male example. He's a little Cute Bookworm and Ditzy Genius with Innocent Blue Eyes and a sweet Nice Guy personality to match. His sister Forte also has blond hair and a bit of Chronic Hero Syndrome (she'll accompany the protagonist into dungeons whether she likes them or not, while everyone else in town will only go if they're your friend), but has enough of a tough shell to disqualify her from the straight trope.
  • Heather from Silent Hill 3 while is on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge after the death of her father, is still characterised as a compassionate girl and even forgives Douglas after learning he was was working with Claudia the Big Bad. Subverted though Heather aka Cheryl’s true hair colour is actually black same as her Evil Twin Alessa and she only dyed it to hide from The Order. Though she deicides to stay blonde at the end of game symbolising how she’s a different person from Alessa.
  • Skies of Arcadia: Legends: Fina is a fair-haired Silvite madien and gentle soul, who's been tasked with gathering the six Moon Crystals and returning with them to the Silver Shrine, so their power to summon the Rains of Destruction can never be used again.
  • Inverted in the Sly Cooper franchise. Penelope is the only major blond character in the series, but she's a sociopath with a fetish for money and power.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog has Maria Robotnik, the granddaughter of Dr. Gerald Robotnik and cousin of Dr. Eggman. She was the only non-evil member of the Robotnik family and a surrogate sister to Shadow who's only wish was for the people of Earth to be happy; she also qualifies as being Too Good for This Sinful Earth since she's deceased before the start of the series.
    • Tails has gold fur and is probably the nicest of the big three.
  • Soul Series: Sophitia Alexandria is blonde and the epitome of gentleness and purity. She'll even say sorry when she knees you in the stones - gentle and kind as she is, she's a bona-fide Action Girl on a holy mission and she's not going to let you stop her.
  • Super Mario Bros.: Princess Peach is constantly described as having the purest heart. In terms of coloring, however, she doesn't always fit the trope; her first appearances in the three NES games gave her deep red hairnote , and it's only in the more recent incarnations that she's depicted as blonde.
  • Super Robot Wars J: Among the main subpilot trio, the blonde Melua Melna Meia is the most demure, sweet and innocent, compared to the levelheaded black-haired Katia or the Hot-Blooded redhead Festenia. In terms of gameplay, she increases the mech's defensive stats, matching her Shrinking Violet personality.
  • Tales Series:
  • Three the Hard Way has Kanna, whose distinctive blonde hair and incredible beauty has been frequently commented on. And while she occasionally behaves in a suspicious manner, she's very gentle, helpful, polite, and is overall nicer than pretty much everyone else in the party.
  • The Trails Series has Arianrhod. She has long, flowing blonde hair and despite being a member of Ouroboros, has a saint-like personality and is one of the society's nicest members.
  • The Uncharted series has Elena Fisher, an Intrepid Reporter who's the most idealistic person in a cast full of cynics and criminals, and who also happens to be the only blonde. That said, Beware the Nice Ones applies to her: Elena is a Violently Protective Girlfriend/wife who's willing to use lethal force to defend Nate, and in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, she becomes a One-Woman Army when going up against Shoreline, an organization of South African mercenaries threatening to kill Nate and his brother.
  • Undertale plays with this with one character whose actions affected the whole story. Asgore, the King of Monsters, has hair and a beard that are a golden yellow and he is the sweetest person anyone could ever meet. When his children were killed by humans, he was filled with raged and stated that he'd have any human that fell into their world be killed so he could harvest their souls to gain power and break the barrier keeping his people imprisoned, thus they can get revenge. Asgore eventually calms down and realizes he doesn't have the heart to do the deed because he doesn't want to kill anyone, yet not going through with the plan would put his people in deep despair, so he has other people do the killing so he doesn't have to. In the end, he never wanted to kill anyone because he was too kindhearted to do so, but the circumstance he put himself in left him with no choice. In the Golden Ending, which is the only ending that he is alive in, he vows to redeem himself and make up for what he did.
  • Jaina Proudmoore in Warcraft is a blondie with a heart of gold, as she continued to be one of the promoters of peace between The Alliance and The Horde. Until she broke due to the destruction of Theramore, in which her hair got bleached into 90% white and then she lost her peaceful attitude and becomes a warmonger out of grief. When she appears at Heroes of the Storm, they picked the time before that destruction and bleaching happened, and she's still 100% this trope.
  • Valkyria Chronicles: Squad 7's medic, a young woman who dashes onto the battlefield to bring wounded soldiers to safety. The personnel tab says she's well-liked for her "gentle touch and selfless determination".
  • The Wonderful 101: The team's leader, Wonder Red, has short blond hair, and he fits the The Hero archetype to a T. He cares heavily about his team, even when they insult or demean him and his first order of business when the GEATHJERK invade is to make sure all of his students get to safety.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles:
    • Shulk and Fiora from the first game. Shulk is The Hero and is a level-headed Nice Guy who proves himself to be the Messiah, while Fiora is a Plucky Girl who cares deeply about her friends to the point of sacrificing herself very early on in the game's story, only to be resurrected as a Mechon later on.
    • Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 plays with this trope. Her visual design is clearly meant to evoke this trope, with her appearing very angelic, but she's something of an antisocial tsundere whose abrasive and snarky attitude turn others away and make it hard for her to get along with people. This is especially prevalent when comparing her to her other half Pyra, who is a very sweet and kind Nice Girl (and who also defies archetypes by being a redhead with fire-based powers but not a Fiery Redhead). However, Mythra gets better by bonding with people twice throughout her lifetime, and in keeping with both this trope and most tsundere archetypes, is caring and kind behind her harsh facade.