Paintings - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Mar 04 2022
Images taken from painted works of Art.
- The Three Faces of Adam (The Allegory of Time Governed by Prudence by Titian)
- Seven Heavenly Virtues (fresco at the Palazzo Pubblico
, Siena, Tuscany, Italy)
- Absurdism (Sisyphus by Franz Stuck)
- Administrivia.Just A Face And A Caption (3rd, Italian Sacred Heart by Heiliges Abendmahl Zabateri)
- Afterlife Tropes (The Ramparts of God's House by John Melhuish Strudwick)
- The All-American Boy (Building a Treehouse by Henry Hintermeister)
- Allegorical Character (Painting of Godzilla by Noriyoshi Ohrai)
- Alternate Landmark History (Easter Island by Chris Foss)
- Amazing Technicolor Index (Rythme, Joie de vivre by Robert Delaunay)
- Anachronistic Animal (Portrait of the dog Busse by David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl)
- Ancient Astronauts (by Boros Attila)
- Ancient Rome (Caracalla and Geta by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema)
- Angel Unaware (Angel at the Door by Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale)
- Animated Tattoo (by Lauren K Cannon)
- Arcadia (A Childhood Idyll by William-Adolphe Bouguereau)
- Archangel Gabriel (Annunciation by Anton Raphael Mengs)
- Archangel Michael (The Archangel Michael and the Rebel Angels by Giuseppe Cesari)
- The Ark of the Covenant (Moses and Joshua in the Tabernacle, James Tissot)
- The Armies of Heaven
- Art Imitates Art (top half: The First Thanksgiving 1621 by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris)
- Artistic License – Physics (Waterfall by M.C. Escher)
- At the Opera Tonight (At the Opera by Mary Cassat)
- Awesome Art (The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt)
- Awesome Art.Video Games (left-column:Fantastic Series by Zdzisław Beksiński)
- Awesome.Classical Mythology (Hercules and the Nemean Lion by Peter Paul Rubens)
- Babies Ever After (Our Princess by Carl Larsson)
- Baby and Dog Bond (Sleeping Child Guarded by a Dog by Michel Honore Boneau)
- Back from the Dead (The Raising of Lazarus by Rembrandt)
- Bar Brawl (A Barroom Brawl by Anton Otto Fischer)
- The Bard (A Tale from the Decameron by John William Waterhouse)
- Barrier Maiden (Atlas by Boris Vallejo)
- Bizarrchitecture (Relativity by M.C. Escher)
- Black Index, White Index (Mechano Faktur by Henryk Berlewi)
- The Blind Leading the Blind (The Parable of the Blind by Pieter Bruegel the Elder)
- Blue Blood (Call to Arms by Edmund Blair Leighton)
- Blue Tropes (I never dared to dream by Ben Shahn)
- Bluebird of Happiness (Maiden Song by Emma Florence Harrison)
- Body Language (Unconsolable Grief by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi)
- Bookworm (The Bookworm by Carl Spitzweg)
- Boulder Bludgeon (Cain Kills Abel by Giacomo Palma the Younger)
- Breaking and Bloodsucking (Croglin Vampire by Les Edwards)
- The Burlesque of Venus (top third: The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli)
- Burn the Witch! (from The Lost Abbeys witch's wit beer, label art by Sean Dominguez)
- Burning the Ships (Hernan Cortes scuttling his fleet off the Veracruz coast, attributed to Miguel Gonzalez)
- Byronic Hero (Wanderer above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich)
- The Cabin Boy (Cabin Boy by Thomas Rowlandson)
- Cain and Abel (detail from The Ghent Altarpiece by brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck)
- Call That a Formation? (bottom half: 300 Spartan Warriors by Robert Basham)
- Capitalism Is Bad (Anti-Capitalist Propaganda by Adam Harvey)
- The Captivity Narrative (The Abduction of Daniel Boone's Daughter by the Indians by Charles Ferdinand Wimar)
- Card Sharp (The Cardsharps by Caravaggio)
- Cattle Drive (Cattle Crossing by Jan Hendrik Scheltema)
- The Cavalier Years (The Wounded Cavalier by William Shakespeare Burton)
- Cavalry Officer (Hussar by Jan van Chelminski)
- Celestial Paragons and Archangels (The Seven Archangels in Adoration of the Trinity by Frederico Zuccari)
- The Chain of Harm (Anger Transference by Richard Sargent)
- Chandler's Law (edit of Jesus at the Door by Del Parson)
- Chariot Race (by Rubik Kocharian
- The Charmer (The Spider and the Fly by Eugen de Blaas)
- Chiaroscuro (The Denial of St. Peter by Gerrit van Honthorst)
- Child Eater (Saturn Devouring One of His Children by Peter Paul Rubens)
- Child Prodigy (Mozart by Thaddäus Helbling)
- A Child Shall Lead Them (Vox Populi or A Little Prince Likely in Time to Bless a Royal Throne by Edmund Blair Leighton)
- Children Are Innocent (Garden of Angels by Laurie Snow Hein)
- Chivalric Romance (The Past by Thomas Cole)
- Chokepoint Geography (300 Spartans on Thursdays by Louis S Glanzman)
- Christmas in July (Sun, Surf and Santa by Tom Browning)
- Circassian Beauty (A Circassian Girl by Henry Hall Pickersgill)
- Circuit Judge (Circuit Judge by Olaf Seltzer)
- The City (Der Besuch des Landesvaters/The Visit of the Country Father by Carl Spitzweg)
- Classical Music (collage)
- Cockroaches Will Rule the Earth
- Cold Cash
- Color-Coded Patrician (Mosaic of Emperor Justinian and his court, Church of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, circa 547 AD.)
- ComicBook.Disney Ducks Comic Universe (Holiday in Duckburg by Carl Barks)
- Confessional (La Confessione by Giuseppe Molteni)
- The Conqueror (Mehmed II Entering Constantinople by Fausto Zonaro)
- Contrapposto Pose: (Bottom-left: Leda and the Swan by Leonardo da Vinci)
- Cosmic Egg (Cosmic Egg Theory by Carol Phillipson)
- Crazy Jealous Guy (Gianciotto Discovers Paolo and Francesca by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres)
- Creator.Charles Addams (Charles Addams homage by Pete Von Sholly)
- Creator.Hieronymus Bosch (The Hell panel of The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch)
- Creator.Lawrence Alma Tadema (A Coign of Vantage by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema)
- Creator.Norman Rockwell (Triple Self-Portrait by Norman Rockwell)
- Creator.Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Peasant Wedding by Pieter Bruegel the Elder)
- Creator.Sandro Botticelli (Adoration of the Magi by Sandro Botticelli)
- Creepy Changing Painting (Mona Lisa, La Gioconda or La Joconde, or Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo by Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci)
- Crucial Cross (The Triumph of Christianity Over Paganism by Gustave Doré)
- Currency Tropes (The Moneylender and His Wife by Quentin Massys)
- The Cycle of Empires (top-left: Battle Scene with a Roman Army Besieging a Large City by Juan De La Corte; bottom: The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole)
- Dainty Little Ballet Dancers (Two Dancers on a Stage by Edgar Degas)
- Damsel Errant (Una and the Red Cross Knight by George Frederic Watts)
- Dances and Balls (The Dance in Cupid's Alley by Arthur Rackham)
- Darkness and Shadows Tropes (Night Shadows by Edward Hopper)
- Dead Artists Are Better (The Skeleton Painter by James Ensor)
- Death and the Maiden (Death and the Maiden by Adolf Hering)
- Death by Childbirth (The Birth of Benjamin and the Death of Rachel by Domenico Chiesura)
- Death by Irony
- Death Is Dramatic (Lamentation over the Dead Christ by Sandro Botticelli)
- Death Tropes (Witness My Act and Seal by Edmund Blair Leighton)
- Demonic Possession (St Francis Borja at the Deathbed of an Impenitent by Francisco de Goya)
- Den of Iniquity (A Rake's Progress by William Hogarth)
- Dining in the Buff (Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe by Édouard Manet)
- Dirty Old Monk (A Monk and a Nun by Cornelis van Haarlem)
- Discord Tropes (War (The First Discord) by De Scott Evans)
- Distinguished Gentleman's Pipe (The Red Beret (Dog) by Dan Craig)
- Divine Date (Cupid and Psyche by Benjamin West)
- Divine Right of Kings (Louis XIV Dressed In Roman Style by Pierre Mignard)
- Don't Fear the Reaper (Angel of Death by Evelyn De Morgan)
- The Dragonslayer (St. George and the Dragon by Girard Master)
- Dramatic Sit-Down (Depressed Man by Vincent Willem van Gogh)
- Dream Weaver (Bubble Blower by Josephine Wall
- Droit du Seigneur (Le Droit du Seigneur by Vasily Polenov)
- Drums of War (Spirit of '76, Archibald Willard)
- The Drunken Sailor (wood engraving, American, late 19th century)
- Eagleland (From Concord to Tranquility by Norman Rockwell)
- Earth Mother (Abundantia by Peter Paul Rubens)
- Eerie Anatomy Model
- Eerily Out-of-Place Object (Big Ben by Marksart)
- Elders (The Eve of Peace by George Frederic Watts)
- Electronic Telepathy (Silent Warrior by Sam R Kennedy)
- Embarrassing Tattoo (The Tattoo Artist by Norman Rockwell)
- The Emperor (Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres)
- English Rose (Girl With Lilac by Alber Henry Collings)
- Envy and Jealousy Tropes (Envy, Hatred and Malice by Briton Rivière)
- Everybody Loves Zeus (top half: Jupiter and Thetis by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres)
- Evil Lawyer Joke (Counsel Approaching Bench by Jef Leedy)
- Eye Motifs (Jellyfish Eyes by Takashi Murakami)
- Faerie Court (Arrival of the King and Queen of Fairyland by E Stuart Hardy)
- Fainting (A Delightful Waltz by John Brandard)
- Family Tropes (The Royal Family in 1846 by Franz Xaver Winterhalter)
- Fanservice with a Smile (Diner Waitress or Diner Girl by Greg Hildebrandt)
- Finish Him! (Pollice Verso by Jean-Léon Gérôme)
- First Kiss ([[Psyche and Cupid (Bouguereau) Cupid and Psyche as Children by William-Adolphe Bouguereau)
- Fixing the Game (Dogs Playing Poker – Waterloo by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge)
- Fleur-de-lis (Maria de' Medici (1573-1642), Queen of France since 1600 by Frans Pourbus the Younger)
- Fluffy Cloud Heaven (Heaven's Gate by DannyHahlbohm
- Flying Dutchman (The Flying Dutchman by Howard Pyle)
- Foregone Conclusion (Titanic by Gordon Johnson)
- Forging Scene (The Forge of Vulcan by Luca Giordano)
- Forgiveness (The Return of the Prodigal Son or Le retour de l'enfant prodigue by James Tissot)
- Forty-Niner (Colorado Gold Rush 1859 by Alfredo Rodríguez)
- Franchise.Donald Duck (Lavender and Old Lace by Carl Barks)
- Friendship Tropes (Horae Serenae by Sir Edward John Poynter)
- Fruit and Vegetable Tropes (Still Life with Strawberries by Adrian Coorte)
- Full-Frontal Assault (by Angus Mc Bride)
- Fusion Dance (Fusion ya!! by Alexandre Deviers Pandaluna)
- The Gambling Addict (The Hazard Room by Thomas Rowlandson)
- Garden of Love (Herzengeheimnis by Ludwig Knoefel)
- Gender-Blending Tropes (Louis Joseph Xavier by Marc Nattier)
- Ghibli Hills (The Glen by Maxfield Parrish)
- Giant Squid (by Pierre Dénys de Montfort)
- God (The Four and Twenty Elders Casting Their Crowns Before the Divine Throne by William Blake)
- God Couple (Zeus and Hera, inspired by The Presentation of the Portrait [detail] from the Marie de' Medici Cycle by Peter Paul Rubens)
- God in Human Form (Jesus & Krishna by EDDANIMA
- God Is Good (The Creation of the Animals by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino)
- Good Samaritan (The Good Samaritan by Joseph Brickey)
- Good Wings, Evil Wings (variation on The Archangel Michael by Guido Reni)
- Gorgeous Greek (Helen of Troy by Evelyn de Morgan)
- Götterdämmerung (Valhalla in Flames by Max Brückner)
- Graceful Ladies Like Purple (detail from Lady White Todd by Philip Alexius de László)
- Grandpa God (Creation of Adam by Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni)
- Gray Tropes (Early Summer by An Gyeon)
- Green Tropes (The Japanese Footbridge and the Water Lily Pool by Claude Monet)
- Guardian Angel (Guardian Angel and Children Crossing Bridge by Lindberg Heilige Schutzengel)
- Gulliver Tie-Down (Gulliver in Lilliput by Chris Beatrice
- Hanover-Stuart Wars (The Battle of Culloden by David Morier, 1746)
- Happiness Tropes (A Birthday by Emma Florence Harrison)
- Heat Wave (Heat Wave by Carl Barks)
- Heaven (Ascension of Christ by Dosso Dossi)
- Heaven Above (The Temptation of Christ by the Devil by Félix Joseph Barrias)
- The Hermit (variation on Einsiedels Abendlied / Christoph von Grimmelshausen by Adria Ludwig Richter)
- High-Class Fan (Miss F by Ernest Lee Major)
- The High Queen (Queen Victoria by George Hayter)
- Hollywood Drowning (Drowning Girl by Roy Lichtenstein)
- Holy Burns Evil (Dracula: The Cross #69 by Greg Hildebrandt)
- The Holy Grail ("The Last Supper", by Leonardo da Vinci; top left)
- Horned Humanoid (Horned God's Daughter by *michalivan)
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Four Horsemen of Apocalypse by Viktor Vasnetsov)
- Hula and Luaus (Aloha by Kerne Erickson)
- Humans Are Bastards (Dante and Virgil in Hell by William Bouguereau)
- I Kiss Your Hand (Ask Me No More by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema)
- Impressionism (left-to-right, top-to-bottom: Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet, Bal du moulin de la Galette by Pierre Auguste Renoir, La Recolte des Foins, Eragny by Camille Pissarro, Basket of Apples by Paul Cezanne, The Star by Edgar Degas, Tea by Berthe Morisot)
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness (The Temptation of Christ by Ary Scheffer)
- An Index Orange (Combing the Hair by Edgar Degas)
- Indian Maiden (Peace by Lee Bogle)
- Industrial Ghetto (Sheffield, England, 1884)
- The Ingenue (The Ingenue by Pierre Auguste Renoir)
- Injury Tropes (The Order of Release by Sir John Everett Milais)
- It Came from the Fridge (Expired by Jessica Lanan)
- It Sucks to Be the Chosen One (Christ Carrying the Cross by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto)
- Judgement of Paris (The Judgment of Paris by Jacques Wagrez)
- Judgement of the Dead: (The Last Judgement by Viktor Vasnetsov)
- Judgment of Solomon (Fresco in Pilgrimage church of Frauenberg, Austria)
- Just for Fun.Anaprotestantism (1st image: The Battle of Vienna, after 1683 by Pauwel Casteels)
- Just for Fun.Anaprotestantism (2nd image: Christ & Young Women, Mormon Art)
- Knight Errant (The White Knight by Walter Crane)
- Knighting (The Accolade by Edmund Blair Leighton)
- Lady and Knight (A Knight and His Lady by William G Mackenzie)
- The Lady of Shalott (The Lady of Shalott (Waterhouse))
- The Lady's Favour (God Speed! by Edmund Blair Leighton)
- Last Kiss (The Meeting on Turret Stairs by Frederick William Burton
- "Leave Your Quest" Test (Ulysse et Calypso by NC Wyeth)
- Legion of Lost Souls (by Peter Dennis)
- Let's Duet (Duet by Hendrick Jansz ter Brugghen)
- Light Is Good (A Pilgrim by Arild Rosenkrantz
- Literature.Kenilworth (Amy Robsart and the Earl or Leicester by Richard Parkes Bonington)
- Literature.Quo Vadis (Domine quo vadis? by Annibale Carracci)
- Literature.Rainbow Bridge (Rainbow Bridge by Ginger Jamerson)
- Literature.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (The Headless Horseman Pursuing Ichabod Crane by John Quidor)
- Lonely Funeral (The Old Shepherd's Chief Mourner by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer)
- Looks Like Jesus (Portrait of King Charles I, National Portrait Gallery, unknown artist)
- Love Goddess (Eros by Jacques Clément Wagrez)
- Love Imbues Life (Pygmalion and Galatea
by Jean-Léon Gérôme)
- Lover and Beloved (David och Saul by Julius Kronberg)
- Loyal Animal Companion (Una and the Lion by Briton Rivière)
- Macho Masochism (Mucius Scaevola Before Porsenna by Peter Paul Rubens and van Dyck)
- Madonna Archetype (Charity by William-Adolphe Bouguereau)
- Magic Carpet (Riding a Flying Carpet by Viktor Vasnetsov)
- Magical Barefooter (The Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse)
- The Man Is Sticking It to the Man (Destroy Capitalism by Banksy)
- Mars Media (Life on Mars by Ivan Onnellinen)
- Masquerade Ball (The masked ball by Georges Jules Victor Clairin)
- Matron Chaperone (A Stolen Interview by Edmund Blair Leighton)
- Meaningful Funeral (Funeral March by Charles Carol Coleman)
- Medicine Show (The Snake Oil Salesman by Morgan Weistling)
- Midnight Snack (Midnight Snack by CF Payne)
- Mind Screw (Time Transfixed or La Durée poignardée by René Magritte)
- Moral Dilemma (Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach the Elder)
- Moses in the Bulrushes (Båden med Kong Skjold by Herman Siegumfeldt)
- The Muse (Artist and Muse by Jacek Malczewski)
- Music.Johann Sebastian Bach (Portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach by Elias Gottlob Haussmann
- Music.Ludwig Van Beethoven (Portrait Beethovens mit der Partitur zur Missa Solemnis by Joseph Karl Stieler)
- Music Soothes the Savage Beast (Orpheus by Tadeusz Styka)
- Music Tropes (The Music of a Bygone Age by John Melhuish Strudwick)
- Music.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart by Barbara Krafft)
- Mystery Cult (Artistic reconstruction by Alan Sorrell for the Museum of London)
- Myth.Celtic Mythology (The Children of Lir by Jim Fitzpatrick)
- Myth.Classical Mythology (The Twelve Olympians by Nicolas-André Monsiau)
- Myth.King Arthur (King Arthur by Charles Ernest Butler)
- Myth.Lilith (Lilith by John Collier)
- Myth.Norse Mythology (Thor's Fight with the Giants by Mårten Eskil Winge)
- Myth.Paul Bunyan (Dug the Grand Canyon When He Dragged His Axe Behind Him by Ron Borresen)
- Myth.Saint George (St. George Killing the Dragon by Bernat Martorell)
- Myth.The Lady of the Lake (Lady of the Lake by Diana Van Damme)
- Narcissist (Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse)
- "Nighthawks" Shot (top half: Nighthawks by Edward Hopper)
- NightmareFuel.Art (The Premature Burial, by Antoine Wiertz)
- NightmareFuel.Classical Mythology (Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco de Goya)
- NightmareFuel.Mythology And Folklore (Divine Insect from the Extermination of Evil)
- Nobility Hennin (bottom-left: "Young Woman with a Pink" by Hans Memling)
- Noble Savage (Painting of Native American by NC Wyeth)
- Offered the Crown (Battle of Guadalete by Salvador Martinez Cubells)
- Older Than Dirt (Magdalenian painting in Lascaux Cave, c. 17,000 BCE)
- Older Than Feudalism (Ancient Roman Floor mosaic at Dougga
in Tunisia, 3rd century AD)
- Older Than Steam (Der Gaukler by Hieronymus Bosch)
- Ominous Latin Chanting (edited Camaldolese Friars in Choir by Zanobi Strozzi)
- Open Shirt Taunt (The Execution of Marshal Ney by Édouard Armand Dumaresq)
- The Ophelia (Ophelia by Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan Bouveret)
- Oral Tradition (Grandfather Telling a Story by Albrecht Anker)
- Orientalism (A Royal Palace in Morocco by Benjamin Jean Joseph Constant)
- OurAngelsAreDifferent.The Bible (Archangel Michael by Darko Topalski)
- Our Sirens Are Different (The Sirens and Ulysses by Willia Etty)
- Out-of-Character Moment (Expulsion of the Money-Changers from the Temple by Creator}}/Giotto di Bondone}})
- Outliving One's Offspring (Death of the Pharaoh's First-Born Son by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema)
- Paint the Index Red (Untitled (Space Fantasy) by Dennis Ray Blalock)
- Painters (Claude Monet Painting by the Edge of a Wood by John Singer Sargent)
- Paintings (Vincent van Gogh palette)
- Paper-Thin Disguise (Little Red Riding Hood by Scott Gustafson)
- Parasol of Prettiness (Oriental Girl with Parasol by Marty Noble)
- Pardo Push (Pardo's Push by SW Ferguson)
- The Parent Trope (Queen Blanka by Albert Edelfelt)
- Past Experience Nightmare (Ivan the Terrible and the Souls of His Victims by Mikhail Clodt)
- Patron Saint (Wilton Diptych [left panel], unknown artist, original in the National Gallery, London)
- Picaresque (El Lazarillo de Tormes by Francisco Goya)
- Pimped-Out Dress (Empress Elisabeth of Austria by Franz Xaver Winterhalter)
- Pimped-Out Dress.Real Life (Portrait of Elizabeth of Austria, Queen consort of Charles IX of France by Joris van der Straeten [Georges van der Straeten, Jorge de la Rúa or Gregorio de Gant])
- Pink Tropes: (The Roses of Heliogabalus (detail) by Lawrence Alma-Tadema)
- The Pioneer (I Shall Never Forget the Sight... by NC Wyeth)
- Pirate (Captain Sam Bellamy and the Whydah by Don Maitz)
- Pirate Tropes (Capture of the Pirate Blackbeard, 1718 by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1920))
- Pocket Dimension (art by Dan LuVisi
- Pooled Funds (Sport of Tycoons by Carl Barks)
- Postmodernism (La Trahison des images by René Magritte)
- Pre-Climax Climax (When the World Ends by Amanda Rene Bussell)
- Proper Lady (A Lady with a Parasol Showing How to Make a Strawberry Barrel by Percy Tarrant)
- Prospector (The Old Prospector by Alfredo Rodríguez)
- Public Domain Artifact (bottom-right: The Golden Fleece Dream by William Prosser)
- Purple is the New Trope (Petunias by Georgia O'Keeffe)
- Putto (top: The Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel; middle: Charity by William-Adolphe Bouguereau; bottom: Putti Making Music by François Boucher)
- Pygmalion Plot (Pygmalion and Galatea by Jean-Léon Gérôme)
- Racing the Train (Porsche/Mille Miglia by James Dugdale)
- Rain Dance (Rain Dance by Tom Phillips)
- Rasputinian Death ("In the middle of the Indian forest, a man waits for the train" by Achille Beltrame)
- "Reading Is Cool" Aesop (Boy Reading Adventure Story by Norman Rockwell)
- Reclaimed by Nature (The Course of Empire: Desolation by Thomas Cole)
- Reclining Venus (top third: Sleeping Venus by Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco; middle third: The Nude Maja by Francisco de Goya; bottom third: Odalisque by Jules Joseph Lefebvre)
- Red Index, Blue Index (Amaryllis by Piet Mondrian)
- Red Index, Green Index (Schokko with Red Hat by Alexej Jawlensky)
- Religious Robot (by Sunflowerman
- Removing the Head or Destroying the Brain (Warning: Zombie Infestation by Doug P'Gosh)
- Rescued from the Underworld (Orpheus Tries to Rescue His Wife Eurydice from the Underworld But He Mustn't Look Back as They Go by Briout)
- Resurrection Tropes (The Resurrection by Carl Heinrich Bloch)
- Revenge (Retribution by Edward Armitage)
- The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified (Liberty Leading the People by Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène Delacroix)
- Revolving Door Revolution (by Pawel Kuczynski)
- Riddle of the Sphinx (Oedipus and the Sphinx of Thebes, c. 470 BCE, by the "Oedipus Painter")
- Rogue Juror (The Jury Room by Norman Rockwell)
- Romanticism Versus Enlightenment (1st image: Paganini by Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène Delacroix)
- Rouge Angles of Satin (top half)
- Royally Screwed Up (König Karl II. von Spanien (1661-1700) by Juan Carreño de Miranda)
- Royalty and Nobility Tropes (Portrait of Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1811-1890), Queen consort of Prussia by Franz Xaver Winterhalter)
- Rule of Symbolism (Vanitas by Pieter Claesz)
- Ruling Couple (Catholic Monarchs Administering Justice, by Victor Manzano y Mejorada)
- Sad Clown (Old Sadface, Craft Master paint-by-number painting)
- Sadness Tropes (All Souls' Day by William Bouguereau)
- Samba (Roda de Samba by Carybé)
- The Savage Indian (The Death of Jane McCrea by John Vanderlyn)
- Scullery Maid (A Scully Maid Preparing a Chicken by Williem Joseph Laquy)
- Seasonal Baggage (The Seasons (1897) by Alphonse Mucha)
- Seasonal Index (Birds and Flowers of Four Seasons by Araki Jippo)
- Second Coming (The Second Coming by Harry Anderson)
- Seppuku (Ukiyo-e woodblock print by Kunikazu Utagawa)
- Serenade Your Lover (The Serenade by Federico Andreotti)
- Servant Tropes (Dressing the Queen by Warwick Goble)
- Sexbot (art by Hajime Sorayama)
- Shoe Shine, Mister? (Shoeshine Boy by Karl Witkowski)
- Shot at Dawn (The Third Of May 1808 by Francisco de Goya)
- Sibling Rivalry (She's My Girl by J.C. Leyendecker)
- Siren Song (Odysseus and the Sirens by Alexander Bruckmann)
- Sirens Are Mermaids (Siren's Lament by Anne Stokes)
- Sistine Steal (The Immaculate Jim by Dave Hulteen)
- Slain in Their Sleep (Jael and Sisera by James Northcote)
- Sleep Paralysis Creature (Incubus by Carolyn Arcabascio)
- Smile Tropes (Brita and I by Carl Larssen)
- Snake Oil Salesman (Rural America: Traveling Salesman of "Cure-All" Tonic, unknown artist, 1940s advert; original in the Peter Newark American Pictures)
- Social Ornithopod (Iguanodon Herd by Douglas Henderson)
- Socialist Realism (The First Tractor by Vladimir Krikhatsky)
- Soiled City on a Hill (The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by John Martin)
- Somewhere, a Mammalogist Is Crying (Elephant by Jacob van Maerlant)
- Son of Trope, Daughter of Index (Penelope Unravelling Her Web by Lamp Light, by Joseph Wright of Derby)
- Species-Specific Afterlife (All Dogs Go to Heaven 4 by Jim Warren)
- Spooky Painting (The Hands Resist Him by Bill Stoneham)
- Standing Between the Enemies (The Intervention of the Sabine Women by Jacques-Louis David)
- Star-Crossed Lovers (tanabata4 by Yuko Hamasaki)
- Starving Artist (The Poor Poet by Carl Spitzweg)
- A Storm Is Coming (The Storm or L'Orage by William-Adolphe Bouguereau)
- Street Urchin (Tokai by Rafiqun Nabi)
- The Strongman (Louis Cyr, Strongest Man on Earth, 1898 vintage poster)
- Suave Sabre (The Charging Chasseur by Theodore Gericault)
- Summoning Ritual (Tiresias Appears to Ulysses During the Sacrificin by Henry Fuseli)
- Supernatural Scandinavia (The Troll at Karl Johan Street by Theodor Kittelsen)
- Surrealism (Indefinite Divisibility by Yves Tanguy)
- Survivor Guilt (Reflections by Lee Teeter
- Swing Low, Sweet Harriet (The Swing by Fragonard)
- Sword of Damocles (The Sword of Damocles by Richard Westall)
- Symbolic Wings (Husaria's Attack by Aleksander Orłowski)
- Tank Goodness (Landkreuzer P-1000 Ratte by Ivan Troitsky
- Tearful Smile (Crying Girl by Roy Lichtenstein)
- The Teetotaler (No! by Victor Ivanovich Govorkov)
- Theatre.Macbeth (Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth, by John Singer Sargent)
- Theatre.The Massacre At Paris (Henri III poussant du pied le cadavre du duc de Guise by Charles Durupt)
- Theatre.The Recruiting Officer (Robert Wilks as Captain Plume from George Farquhar's 'The Recruiting Officer', artist unknown)
- Theatre.Troilus And Cressida (Troilus and Cressida by Edward Henry Corbould)
- Theatre.Two Gentlemen Of Verona (Two Gentlemen of Verona by Alfred Elmore)
- Things That Go "Bump" in the Night (Bogeyman by Michael Whelan)
- This Index Is Brown (Brown Still Life by Stuart Davis)
- Thousand-Yard Stare (The 2000 Yard Stare by Thomas Lea)
- Threads of Fate (A Golden Thread by John Melhuish Strudwick)
- Time Crash (Soft Watch at the Moment of First Explosion by Salvador Dalí)
- Time Tropes (Three Curious Cats by Arthur Heyer)
- Top God (The Olympus by Luigi Sabatelli)
- Town with a Dark Secret (by Neko Pilarcik)
- Tragic Bromance (Orvar-Odd and Hjalmar Bid Each Other Farewell by Mårten Eskil Winge)
- Trojan Horse (Le Cheval de Troie by Henri Paul Motte)
- Troll (Cybertroll by Lemon Art)
- Tropes in White (Sita and Sarita by Cecilia Beaux)
- Tropes of Innocence (Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose by John Singer Sargent)
- Truth in Television (left half) (Portrait of Marie Leszczynska by Charles-André van Loo)
- Underwater Base (from The Venus Project
- Underwater City (Underwater Cities by Kenneth Fagg)
- Unicorns Prefer Virgins (A Virgin with a Unicorn, by Domenico Zampieri)
- UsefulNotes.Alchemy (Der Alchemist by Joseph Leopold Ratinckx)
- UsefulNotes.Alexander the Great (Alexander and Porus by Charles Le Brun)
- UsefulNotes.Barbary Coast Wars (Burning of the Frigate Philadelphia in the Harbor of Tripoli by Edward Moran, 1897)
- UsefulNotes.Battle Of Lepanto (The Battle of Lepanto (7th October 1571), Italian School)
- UsefulNotes.Christmas in America (Merry Christmas, Grandma by Norman Rockwell)
- UsefulNotes.Cossacks (Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire by Ilya Repin)
- UsefulNotes.French Wars Of Religion (Henri IV à la bataille d'Arques, 21 septembre 1589, artist unknown)
- UsefulNotes.Germanic Wars (Battle of the Teutoburg Forest - Furor Teutonicus by Paja Jovanović, 1889)
- UsefulNotes.Indian Rebellion (Lieutenant William Alexander Kerr, 24th Bombay Native Infantry, winning the Victoria Cross near Kolapore, July 1857 by Chevalier Louis William Desanges, circa 1859)
- UsefulNotes.Ireland (2nd image: [Brian Cowen nude] by Conor Casby)
- UsefulNotes.Jesus
- UsefulNotes.Joan of Arc (Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres)
- UsefulNotes.Napoleon Bonaparte (The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries by Jacques-Louis David)
- UsefulNotes.Orthodox Christianity (Jesus Christ Pantocrator [detail from deesis mosaic] from Hagia Sophia)
- UsefulNotes.Paul Revere (Portrait of Paul Revere by John Singleton Copley)
- UsefulNotes.Richard The Lionheart (Richard I the Lionheart, King of England by Merry-Joseph Blondel)
- UsefulNotes.Sapphism (Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene by Simeon Solomon)
- UsefulNotes.Siege Of Vienna (The Turkish Siege of Vienna, unknown artist, original in the Vienna Museum)
- UsefulNotes.Stock Dinosaurs Mammals And Protomammals (untitled paleoart by James Havens)
- UsefulNotes.Thanksgiving Day (Freedom from Want by Norman Rockwell)
- UsefulNotes.The Chincha Islands War (An artist's depiction of the battle of Callao, artist unknown, 1867)
- UsefulNotes.The Crusades (Procession of Crusaders Around Jerusalem by Jean Victor Schnetz)
- UsefulNotes.The Delaware (Penn's Treaty with the Indians by Benjamin West)
- UsefulNotes.The French Revolution (Storming of the Bastille and Arrest of the Governor M. de Launay, July 14, 1789., Museum of the History of France, unknown artist)
- UsefulNotes.The Knights Hospitallers (Portrait of Knight of Malta by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio)
- UsefulNotes.The Pope (St. Lawrence Receiving the Treasures of the Church from St. Sixtus [detail] by Fra Angelico)
- UsefulNotes.The Protestant Reformation (Luther Hammers His 95 Theses To The Door by Ferdinand Pauwels)
- UsefulNotes.The River War (Death of General Gordon at Khartoum by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris)
- UsefulNotes.The Roman Republic (Cicero Denounces Catiline in the Roman Senate by Cesare Maccari)
- UsefulNotes.The Second Boer War (The Relief of Ladysmith, 1900 by John Henry Frederick Bacon, 1900)
- UsefulNotes.The Seventh Cavalry (Charge Of The Seventh Cavalry by Frank Feller)
- UsefulNotes.The Sound Of Martial Music (Cuirassiers autrichiens by Rudolf Otto Ritter von Ottenfeld)
- UsefulNotes.The Spanish Inquisition (The Inquisition Tribunal or Auto de fe de la Inquisición by Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes)
- UsefulNotes.The Teutonic Knights (The Teutonic's Charge at the Lake Peipus by Guiseppe Rava)
- UsefulNotes.The Thirteen American Colonies (Pilgrims Going to Church by George Henry Boughton)
- UsefulNotes.Thirty Years War (Wallenstein: A Scene of the Thirty Years' War by Ernest Crofts)
- UsefulNotes.Timur the Lame (Sultan Bayezid imprisoned by Timur by Stanisław Chlebowski)
- UsefulNotes.Tsarist Russia (Tzar Mikhail Fedorovich Holding Council with the Boyars in His Royal Chamber by Andrei Ryabushkin)
- UsefulNotes.War Of The Spanish Succession (The Battle of Ramillies, 23 May 1706. The 16th Foot charging French infantry by Richard Simkin, 1900)
- Utopia (The Prologue and the Promise by Robert Mc Call)
- Valkyries (The Ride of the Valkyries by William T Maud)
- Viking Funeral (The Funeral of a Viking by Frank B Dicksee)
- Vikings In America (Leif Erikson Discovers America by Hans Dahl)
- Violence Tropes (The Death of Athaliah by Gustave Doré)
- Walk, Don't Swim (Underwater March by Francesco Francavilla)
- Walk on Water (painting of Peter and Jesus on the Sea of Galilee, Greek Catholic Cathedral of Hajdúdorog, Hungary, unknown artist)
- Walk the Plank (Walking the Plank by Howard Pyle)
- Wallet Moths (by Franz Scholz
- Wandering Minstrel (Young Man Playing the Lute by Frans Hals)
- War Is Glorious (Le Trophée by Jean-Baptiste Édouard Detaille)
- Warrior Prince (Portrait of Edward, Prince of Wales (1330-76), "The Black Prince" by Benjamin Burnell)
- We Help the Helpless (The Rescue by Arthur Hughes)
- White Is Pure (Song of the Angels by William-Adolphe Bouguereau)
- White Stallion (Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David)
- Widow Mistreatment (Witwenverbrennung by Bernard Picart)
- The Wild Hunt (Åsgårdsreien by Peter Nicolai Arbo)
- The Wild West (Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World, poster circa 1898)
- William Telling (Anonymous artist, lithograph from picturebook circa 1850)
- Wine Is Classy (Self portrait with a glass of wine by Arnold Böcklin)
- Winter of Starvation (Hungry Years in Petrograd by Ivan Vladimirov)
- Wooden Ships and Iron Men (Battle of Trafalgar by Justin Sweet)
- Working-Class Hero (Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell)
- Working-Class Werewolves
- World War II.War in Asia and the Pacific (3rd image: The Battle of Midway by Howard David Johnson)
- Would Hurt a Child (Medea by Artemisia Gentileschi)
- The Yellow Index (Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh)