How to Kill a Character - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Aug 13 2012
How to Kill a Character »
Just For FunNeed to have a character buy the farm? It's easy! Just:
- Put them in red clothes: For throwaway characters and warriors and young girls a fatal choice of fashion.
- Inflict them with Genre Blindness.
- Or with too much Genre Savviness.
- Get 'em laid.
- ...preferably by the main character.
- Put them on "point".
- Let them be completely happy for a minute.
- Hire Tim Minear. Or Joss Whedon. Or both. (If German, Kai Meyer is recommended.)
- Make them do something — anything — noble.
- Make them more interesting than the lead.
- Have a ratings slump.
- Convince the actor to leave filming.
- Make it very plain that the character can not die.
- Announce that they are retiring from a life of public service in two weeks.
- Let them goof up when they're working for the Big Bad.
- Alternatively, let the Big Bad decide that they have outlived their usefulness.
- Let them have a change of heart and switch sides to fight with the heroes.
- Send them out of doors on a partly cloudy day, especially near sunrise or sunset.
- Let them show a picture of their sweetheart (or their baby) to the rest of The Squad.
- Flash forward to their deathbed, years later.
- Cast a very old or infirm actor, and wait for them to die.
- Give them critical information to deliver to the main characters.
- Offer them some Schmuck Bait.
- Have them chase the heroes across a Rope Bridge.
- Get them a job at a Dangerous Workplace with No OSHA Compliance.
- Let the hero come and visit their boss.
- Assign them to operate the Explosive Instrumentation.
- Protect them with lots of safety equipment.
- Introduce them to the Bolivian army.
- Throw a sixteenth birthday party for them.
- Cue up a Really Dead Montage.
- Relocate them to Tokyo...
- ... or to a town where nothing exciting ever happens.
- Have them go out of their way to be mean to everyone.
- Cast them as the villain in a Disney film.
- Give them that secret potion, the one that turns you into a monster. Because What Measure Is a Non-Human?, really?
- Let them fall below the Bishōnen Line.
- Enlist them in the armed forces in a monster/disaster movie.
- Draw them a bath, and to make sure it's fatal, make it candlelit).
- Send them down a river.
- Make them the Sacrificial Lamb used to establish a unique reputation for your show.
- Chase them into the street without giving them time to Look Both Ways.
- Have another character curse their existence.
- Write when you're having a bad day.
- Hire Ron Marz. (Though this is hit-or-miss. You might just end up with the hero's girlfriend stuffed in a refrigerator.)
- Have them uncover the Masquerade or discover the hero's Secret Identity when the plot doesn't make it convenient for them to do so.
- Make them a main character's double from an Alternate Universe.
- Cast them as the main character's pilot or chauffer.
- Make them a mentor who is more powerful than the hero.
- Have them visit the hero's hometown after the hero refuses the Call.
- Become a writer for the franchise, and write that character's death.
- Become an executive for that franchise, and order that character killed off.
- Make them reveal their homosexuality.
- Sign them up for the sequel.
- Assign them the job of mentoring a hero.
- Put them "in the way" of your One True Pairing.
- Stop selling their toy.
- Hire Yoshiyuki Tomino.
- Alternatively, hire Gen Urobuchi.
- Ask George R. R. Martin. He seems to know what he's doing.
- Send them to a place that gets snow.
- Hit them with everything from every direction.
- Hire R.A. Salvatore. With Troy Denning and Karen Traviss on backing vocals.
- Have them say "I'll be right back." Might not kill them, but it will make a liar out of them at least.
- Have someone say words to the effect of "We couldn't do without him."
- Have them be the hero's best friend.
- Or even better, a love interest.
- Make them be a Mook. Especially one without a name or wearing a mask.
- Write them as a bland, cliched OC that the audience demands they be killed off as a pointless annoyance, then bring in a Mary-Sue Hunter.
- Make them a Mary Sue and then alert the PPC.
- Have them kidnap someone's kids.
- Have them betray the hero. They won't survive that, right?
- Get them pregnant. (Sometimes works even if it's a man.)
- Trip them.
- Have them decline to participate in the Big Bad's evil scheme when he offers them the chance. Alternatively, choosing to play along can be fatal too.
- If they're on the verge of death, have someone hold them in their arms.
- Make them a pure girl. Especially a Delicate and Sickly one.
- Destroy their hometown with a nuclear bomb.
- Make them a Crazy Survivalist.
- Cast them in an anti-war film.
- Show how unbeatably badass they are, then have the new guy come in...
- Have them delay a conversation with somebody until later.
- Have a lawyer ban them from returning.
- Give them a pointless cause to die.
- Put them in Game of Thrones.
- Make them cute and aim for a Newbery medal.
- Cast them as the only black person in a group.
- Give them a disability.
- Give them a cough.
- Diagnose them with anything, but especially cancer.
- Make them a small pet, such as a goldfish or a hamster, in a black comedy or a children's cartoon.
- In one way or another, kill them before they're even a character.
- If they're semiconscious or unconscious, tell them to Please Wake Up.
- Have the doctors do all they can, and then say so. Alternatively, have the doctor look serious or apologise for no apparent reason.
- If someone asks if they're dead, make them unable to finish their sentence ("Is he...?").
- Take them swimming at night.
- Avoid giving them a personality.
- Exploit the Video Game Cruelty Potential.
- Hook them up to an electrocardiogram.
- Eliminate them to the TLC. Sure, they'll survive, but it will keep them out of the show for a while…
- Make them parents of the main character.
- Have them look up at a large falling object directly above them.
- Have them summon dark forces (demons, devils, eldritch abominations, etc.)
- Have Sean Bean play them.
- Rewrite the show to make it more dangerous / raise the target audience.
- Have a flashback of them during a life or death situation.
- Make them a Decoy Protagonist. Especially one without a name.
- Make them a naked alien, exposing them to germs and water.
- Have them walk on thin ice.
- Roll the credits while the character is in a life-or-death situation.
- Make them a news reporter in a life-threatening situation.
- Take their powers away if said powers are literally keeping them alive.
- Have them murder a dog, and John Wick WILL destroy them no matter how overpowered or unkillable they are.
- When the character is in a life-or-death situation, have other characters talk and look worried. Even if the character has survived far worse beforehand, said situation will suddenly become dangerous.
- Make them a Final Boss in the Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force timeline. Mr. King, the only Big Bad to be fought directly, is the only one who dies.
- Make them so powerful that they have to be removed from the picture quickly to maintain conflict.
- Declare that they died offscreen, then cut to a legal document that prevents them from ever returning.
- Make them a grandparent, especially if it's an educational work.
- Cast them as the hero in a Cormac McCarthy story.
- Cast them as the Final Boss in a Stylish Action game.
- If they're a secondary character, give them a sudden emotional scene.
- Have them threaten Morty Smith, causing Rick Sanchez to end them.
- If their entire existence is a Forever War against a single villain, don't let them make plans for a life outside of said villain. Then revoke said villain's Joker Immunity.
- Cast them as one of the main girls in a Key/Visual Arts visual novel.
- Make them The Big Guy.
- Subject them to the De-Mat Gun (or another weapon or attack with similar capabilities), then have the fans pretend to not recognize, remember, or notice them.
- If they're an Ancient Evil that was previously sealed away, destroy the means of sealing them, forcing the heroes of the present to destroy them for good.
- Give them a good luck charm and/or religious medallion in a war movie, making their dead body identifiable by it.
- Have them wear nail polish and/or non-powering rings that they can easily be identified by if there is a villain known for severing hands, feet, fingers and/or toes, making the character's death identifiable by the nail polish and/or ring.
- Have them pick up a custom nickel-plated pistol which has "For [My Squad Leader's Name], Brothers in Arms" engraved on the side.
- Cast them in a tank crew.
- Have them pick up a handheld camera.
- Casually mention that they will die.
- Have them feel a bit sleepy for no apparent reason. Won't necessarily kill them, but there's a high chance.
- Give them the chills.
- Wound them in the stomach.
- Grind their head to a pulp.
- Blur their vision.
- Give them a nosebleed.
- Send them out in the rain.
- If they were Eaten Alive, have the one who did it burp.
- Put them on the phone. Especially a pay phone.
- Have them fall to their knees (though that's not reliable; it could just lead to them resigning).
- Give them too much knowledge.
- Put them in a zipped-up bag.
- Have a bell toll.
- Have a vulture appear.
- Make them friendly or cute.
- If female, make her the tomboy in a Tomboy and Girly Girl situation.
- Have them cheat death.
- Make them a mentor.
- Put them in a sequel.
- If their car crashes, have their car horn honk.
- Have them walk into a dark alley with no source of artificial lighting.
- If they are in the process of being Eaten Alive, killed, or dragged to their doom, have them kick or flail their legs in the empty air.
- Cast them in a series with the word "Kill" in the title.
- Cast them as a remnant of a long-dead ancient world.
- Hire Jun Maeda.
- Leave their throat exposed when the opposition uses knives and/or swords.
- Give them a normal gun when the opposition is Immune to Bullets.
- Leave their head exposed when the opposition uses normal guns.
- Have them threaten to make the heroes' lives so miserable that they'll beg for death to save them.
- Make them a Glass Cannon.
- Make them a Magical Girl resembling Madoka Kaname.
- Make them a celebrity who hasn't accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- Have an in-universe live-action show filmed with a chimpanzee, have a whole family crowd around said chimp, have the entire studio audience make eye contact, and have balloons fly into hot lights and pop.
- Name them Ofelia, Titanic, Hindenburg, Ziggurat, Jericho, or Icarus.
- Have them pound on a door while trying to run away from something.
...but really, Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him?