Concerned - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Dec 17 2013
This is a Lampshade Hanging page for Concerned which is known for Lampshading everything. For example...
- Flashbacks to the days at Black Mesa
Frohman: I can prove [I worked at Black Mesa] by fondly remembering it aloud.
- Along with the fact that he's the only one who can see the flashback
Rebel: Frohman? If you're having a flashback, you've got to narrate for us, we can't see it in your head.
- Along with the fact that he's the only one who can see the flashback
- The Insurmountable Waist-High Fence and Locked Door are lampshaded by Frohman
Frohman: Here's a good example. He's using my Gravity Gun to punt a car out of our way. But a wooden door, well. Let's just run 8 miles through soldier infested, mine-littered streets to avoid it.
- Medkits are provided with instructions that lampshade not only the fact that they can heal anything, but the fact that bloodstains on clothes to indicate injury also instantly disappear, along with the medkit itself.
- The connection between
the Sprint Meter and Ten-Second Flashlight.
- The fact that Frohman is Too Dumb to Live but hasn't actually died yet is silently lampshaded by Dr Breen.
Breen: Then it's over. Sheez, that was easy. Take the men off high alert.
Henderson: Is that such a good idea, sir?
Breen: Freeman is clearly an idiot, Henderson. How long do complete idiots usually survive?
(Beat Panel as they both notice Frohman, who makes another idiotic comment)
Breen: Keep the men on high alert. - Frohman finds Video Game logic a little odd.