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- ️Thu Jul 05 2012
Launcher Of A Thousand Ships
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- Barbie (2023):
- Stereotypical Barbie has been shipped with almost every other character in the film, including Beach Ken, Gloria, all of the other Barbies, and and the rest of the Kens. She has even been shipped with J. Robert Oppenheimer from Oppenheimer.
- Beach Ken is shipped with a lot of other characters. He has been shipped with Stereotypical Barbie (despite them not being a couple in the film), Allen, and Gloria, as well as every other Barbie and Ken.
- Camp Rock: Mitchie Torres is shipped with almost every other character from the films, including her boyfriend Shane, his brothers Nate and Jason, her friend Caitlyn, and her rivals Tess and Luke. However, she has also been part of multiple crossover ships, including Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place, Joe Lucas from Jonas, Miley Stewart and Mikayla from Hannah Montana, and Carter Mason from Princess Protection Program, just to name a few.
- The Dark Knight Trilogy: DeviantArt is filled with fanfiction and fanart pairing The Joker with Scarecrow, Commissioner Gordon, Batman, Ramirez, Harley Quinn and the Riddler (neither of whom appeared in the film series), random Mary Sues, Two-Face, and Rachel Dawes.
- DC Extended Universe: As the breakout superheroine of the franchise, Wonder Woman has been shipped with Steve Trevor (her canonical love interest), all of the Amazons including her aunt and mother, all of her fellow Justice Leaguers, Lois Lane, Etta Candy, Mera and Harley Quinn. Outside of the DCEU, she's often been paired with Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, and Lena Luthor.
- Charlie Dalton from Dead Poets Society.
- The Devil Wears Prada:
- Andrea "Andy" Sachs is shipped with almost every character from the film. The most popular overall is her with Miranda, but a lot of fans also ship Andy with Emily, Serena, Christian, Lily, and, while less popular, her actual boyfriend Nate. Andy also has popular Crossover Ships with Cat Grant from Supergirl (2015), Patty Hewes from Damages, and Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians (1996). There are also OT3 pairings that have her with both Miranda and Emily or Miranda and Cruella.
- Miranda Priestly is most often shipped with Andy, but also has pairings with Emily, Irv, Stephen, and Jacqueline. Miranda has also been shipped with Jules Ostin from The Intern (2015), Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians (1996), and Baroness von Hellman from Cruella. There are also ships for her with both Andy and Emily or Andy and Cruella.
- Here's a fun exercise: go to a Ghostbusters (2016) fanfiction site and try to find a story which doesn't ship Jillian Holtzmann with another female character, either from the movie or an original creation. Oh, and remember to take lots of water, otherwise you're likely to perish of dehydration before you find one.
- Inception
- Arthur is paired with everyone, the most popular being Arthur/Eames, Arthur/Ariadne, and Arthur/Cobb. Or Arthur/Eames/Ariadne.
- Ariadne serves this function for het pairings, given her role as the only female in the team. The most popular pairings for her are the aforementioned Arthur/Ariadne, Dom/Ariadne, and Ariadne/Fischer.
- Jupiter and Caine from Jupiter Ascending. If something or someone stands in a room with them, they get shipped with them.
- Kate from A Knight's Tale is paired with every guy character in fandom, especially since she doesn't hook up with anyone in canon and is perfect for both Fan-Preferred Couple and Pair the Spares.
- Just about every character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is this. More specifically:
- Steve Rogers, partly because he's played by Chris Evans, and partly because he's either viewed with a lot of "uke" traits (being younger, old-fashioned, and relatively innocent compared to his fellow heroes) or a paragon of manhood who can be strong, protective, and sensitive to other people's imminent emotional breakdowns. His portrayal depends on whoever he's being matched up with (i.e., Peggy Carter, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Loki, Howard Stark, Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanoff, etc).
- Brought to the nth power after the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, for obvious reasons. There, Sam Wilson and Sharon Carter were brought into the fold, while the amount of people who shipped Steve with Natasha went up significantly. Then there's Bucky, where the amount of Fan Fiction and fanart shipping them together skyrocketed. Prior to The Winter Soldier, Steve/Tony was the most popular slash ship in the MCU fandom, and as the years have passed since that movie's release, Steve/Bucky has thoroughly outpaced it, with the over 45,000 fics depicting the latter to nearly 28,000 for the former.
- Case in point: AO3 now boasts nearly 100K fics tagged with Steve Rogers (for comparison, Tony appears in 80K fics, Bucky in 60K, Loki 30K.)
- Probably a combination of being portrayed by Tom Hiddleston and his tragic origins, but Loki has become this since Thor. A brief trip through FanFiction.Net will turn up stories shipping him with Thor, Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Coulson, The Hulk, Sif, Jane, Darcy, Angrboda, Sigyn, Fandral, Baldur, Tyr, Pepper, Valkyrie, Amora, Lorelei, Mobius, Sylvie, and even Nick Fury. He's also been shipped with characters he never met like the Ancient One, Ayesha, Carol Danvers, and Scarlet Witch if only because Tom Hiddleston previously starred alongside the actresses playing those MCU characters. He's even shipped by some with his own actor. That's what happens when you say your character needs a hug...
- On a similar note, Tony Stark, who, due to his relationships with all of them in The Avengers, has been shipped with not only with his Love Interest Pepper Potts, but also Steve Rogers, Loki, Bruce Banner...
- Darcy, with a healthy side order of Ships That Pass in the Night. She's frequently shipped with Loki, Hawkeye, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, JARVIS, and Coulson, only one of whom she's even met. On the slash side, she and Natasha are getting shipped together increasingly more often. This seems to be largely due to her status as a very easy author/reader insert, since her gender, personality, and status as an ordinary but intelligent and good-humored human makes her the closest to the general stereotype of an MCU fanfic reader. At the height of her popularity, it was something of a fandom meme to pair Darcy with anyone to see if the sparks would fly. Trying to ship Darcy with everyone retains a small, fervent following, despite her being in only two films and not appearing at all in the eight-year gap between Thor: The Dark World and WandaVision, though it lost some of its luster after her main purpose as a Pair the Spares target vanished. Ironically, the one person she's almost never paired with? Ian Boothby, her actual canon love interest.
- Black Widow, stemming from having a lot of this in-universe. Her flirty personality and the fact that she's the most prominent superheroine helps, but she's had some degree of Ship Tease with a large amount of the male cast. In addition to Fan Preferred Couples like Clint and Steve, other popular pairings include the rest of the Avengers, Loki, Bucky, Sam, Pepper, Maria Hill, and of course Darcy. (And after the sequel, Bruce Banner).
- Following Avengers: Age of Ultron, Wanda Maximoff is shaping up to be this with her current ships being Clint, Steve, Vision, Agatha, and... Pietro, although the last one has very small support. Probably because she is such a massive Woobie that people just want something going right in her life for once.
- With his first appearance in Civil War and the release of his own film, T'Challa/Black Panther has gotten this. Common ships for him include his actual Love Interest Nakia, his enemy Erik Killmonger (which also counts as Kissing Cousins), Steve, Bucky, Sam Wilson, Everett Ross, and M'Baku.
- Steve Rogers, partly because he's played by Chris Evans, and partly because he's either viewed with a lot of "uke" traits (being younger, old-fashioned, and relatively innocent compared to his fellow heroes) or a paragon of manhood who can be strong, protective, and sensitive to other people's imminent emotional breakdowns. His portrayal depends on whoever he's being matched up with (i.e., Peggy Carter, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Loki, Howard Stark, Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanoff, etc).
- Oppenheimer: Along with the very popular aforementioned Oppenheimer/Barbie Crossover Ship (and the slightly less popular Oppenheimer/Ken pairing), he's also been shipped with a treasure trove of male characters, most notably Ernest Lawrence, Leslie Groves, Edward Teller, and Lewis Strauss—basically, everyone except for his canonical love interests Jean and Kitty. And that's not even mentioning all the reader self-insert fics.
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow. Not at all helped by Jack himself flirting with almost everyone.
- It's a recurring joke in the Repo! The Genetic Opera fandom that every other character is trying to seduce Shilo. Even her own father.
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show has Dr. Frank N. Furter, who has been paired with nearly everyone. Justified, in that it's strongly hinted he has slept with everyone except the Criminologist and maybe Dr. Scott.
- Sherlock in Sherlock Holmes (2009). He's got Watson, Irene and matches up with Lord Blackwood.
- Star Trek (2009):
- Pavel Chekov
, aka Ensign Jailbait. Along with Captain Kirk, naturally, but not to the same degree.
- Gaila, Uhura's Orion roommate, is a fan favorite despite having only a couple of minutes onscreen. In fanfiction and fanart, she's paired with Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, Kirk, and even Spock - especially Spock Prime.
- Pavel Chekov
- Star Wars tends to have at least one per era.
- In the prequel era, Anakin's Single-Target Sexuality doesn't stop all the Anakin/Obi-Wan, Anakin/Ahsoka, Anakin/anybody who's not Padmé fics. To say nothing of Anakin/Palpatine...
- Obi-Wan gets a bit of this as well, despite being a Celibate Hero in canon. Anakin/Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan/Cody, Obi-Wan/Padme, Obi-Wan/Siri*, Obi-Wan/Satine, Obi-Wan/Vos, and Obi-Wan/Bail are all popular pairings.
- In the Rebellion and New Republic eras, it's Luke. It would be Han (because he's sexy), but everyone likes the Han/Leia ship too much. This doesn't stop Luke/Han slash, though it's overshadowed in the fandom by Anakin/Obi-Wan.
- Rey has become the source of many ships. Although she is mostly paired with Kylo Ren, it is also common to see her paired with Finn, Poe, Rose, Snoke (despite, or sometimes because of the Squick factor), and more obscure characters such as Jessika, Kaydel Co Connix, and even Captain Phasma. Not to mention her involvement in popular OT3 ships such as Finn/Rey/Poe and Rey/Kylo/Hux.
- General Hux too, curiously enough. As with Rey, he is most frequently paired with Kylo, but there are definitely some following for Phasma/Hux, Rey/Hux, Poe/Hux, and Rose/Hux as well. This is despite him only having one scene together with Rose, one phone call with Poe and none at all with Rey.
- Rose Tico is a frequent source of Pair the Spares to tie up all romantic loose ends and make way for a fan's OTP. Most commonly, she has been shipped with Finn, Rey, Hux, Kaydel Co Connix, and Jannah. Notably, most of the aforementioned characters have had little to no interaction with her.