House of Robots: Robot Revolution

  • ️Thu Jan 07 2021

House of Robots: Robot Revolution (Literature)

House of Robots: Robot Revolution is a 2017 children's novel by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein. It's the third entry in the House of Robots series.

Sammy's mom has a brand new top secret project that she's been working on, and has been holed up in her lab for days now working on it. She won't say what it is because she doesn't want to jinx its chances of success. Thing is, she's been in her lab for so long that she's been kind of neglecting the upkeep of her house's robot residents. They haven't had tune-ups or new coding for a while now. And they're not happy about it. In fact, they're kind of considering going on strike. Plus, given how E seems to spend more time with the family than them, they've taken a disliking to him as well, thinking Dr. Hayes is playing favourites with him.

Meanwhile, at school, the science fair is coming up, and Sammy and Trip are working on a secret project of their own they hope will help Sammy's sister Maddie live a normal life. Also at school, a snobby new student named Randolph R. Reich has shown up, and made it clear he has the perfect track record for success.

How can the Hayes-Rodriguez household deal with all this?

The book was published on January 12th, 2017.

House of Robots: Robot Revolution contains examples of:

  • Alliterative Name: The new student's name is Randolf R. Reich.
  • Automated Automobiles: This book introduces the SUV-EX, or "Soovee" as Sammy calls it. It's an SUV with an AI that's capable of driving itself, to the point that it tends to retract the steering wheel whenever Noah tries taking it (much to his chagrin).
  • Bilingual Bonus: This particular entry in the series has characters such as Sammy's dad and his Spanish teacher speak to him in Spanish sentences.
  • Manipulative Editing: When Randolph posts a video of Soovee's rampage through the neighbourhood in the middle of the night, he leaves out the part where Soovee does a complete 180-degree turn before hitting his house, and calmly goes to the convenience store for milk.
  • New Job Episode: E tries giving the other robots new assignments around the house to see if breaking up the monotony of their programmed routines might improve their moods. He puts Hayseed on cooking duty, makes the Breakfastinator do the laundry, assigns Brittany 13 to grocery shopping, has the Groomatron be Sammy's personal advisor, assigns Blitzen with fixing the damaged SUV, and put Mr. Moppenshine on gardening.
  • One-Wheeled Wonder: Groomatron is drawn as having a single wheel for mobility.
  • Over 100% Completion: In chapter 31, Mrs. Kunkel congratulates Randolph R. Reich on scoring a score of 103% on his test.
  • Science Fair: Sammy and Trip are making a project for the science fair that their school is holding. It happens near the end of the book.
  • Slogan-Yelling Megaphone Guy: Hayseed is shown shouting through a megaphone in chapter 43.
  • Waving Signs Around: The robots start doing this in chapter 43.