King of Kings: GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman

  • ️Fri Jul 16 2021

King of Kings: GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman (Literature)

“The story and mythology of the Braves has ended, but their star-spanning fable begins...”

"Will made manifest! The phantom of destruction! The purifier! The conqueror! Is born!
The providence and precepts of the universe... The dimensional King of Kings!
The! The! The! The! The King of Kings!!"

— Opening Theme

The King of Kings: GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman (覇界王~ガオガイガー対ベターマン~ / Hakaioh: GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman) is a Web Serial Novel serialized from September 30, 2016 to March 17, 2021 directly by Sunrise's creative contents team under their House Pseudonym, "Hajime Yatate" and released as a website free-to-read through their collective publishing branch, "Yatate Bunko." It acts as the novelization of the planned but ultimately unproduced Brave Series anime, "Project Z," and the official crossover sequel to both The King of Braves GaoGaiGar: FINAL and Betterman.

8 years after the finale of GaoGaiGar Final, the former Kid Heroes of Gutsy Galaxy Guard, Mamoru Amami and Ikumi Kaidou, are now young adults piloting a new King of Braves, GaoGaiGo to defend Earth with newly employed members from the Betterman cast as part of the newly formed GGG: the Gutsy Global Guard. The new GGG is on the mission to research, develop, and use the mysterious and unstable energy source known as "THE POWER" to rescue members of the original GGG, who were rendered M.I.A. in Another Dimension at the end of GaoGaiGar FINAL. However, this mission is foiled by a massive EMP originating from Jupiter, with the team discovering a constantly burning Genesic GaoGaiGar sitting above Jupiter that heralds the emergence of the greatest threat to humanity yet.

GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman gained an ongoing free-to-read Webcomic adaptation drawn by Naoyuki Fuijisawa, and serialized since September 25, 2018 with one drama CD recorded as a premium package with the manga’s first Tankobon release. A new version of GaoGaiGar's opening theme for a hypothetical GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman animated release, "A King of Braves is Born! Juvenile Version" was also included in the release of the 20th anniversary box set for Betterman. This title is also a rare "Video Game First" by debuting, and solidifying many aspects of the project; including animations, character designs, mecha designs, and colorings in Super Robot Wars 30.

Tropes in King of Kings: GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman include the following:

  • All There in the Manual: While everything absolutely essential to reading the novel is present in GaoGaiGar, Betterman, and GaoGaiGar FINAL, there are extremely frequent references to events that took place in none of these, but rather in side materials. The original text often includes footnotes directing readers to where specifically these occurred, and fan translations add even more. (Lacking full details of these allusions never prevents one from understanding what's going on.)
  • All Your Powers Combined:
    • Betterman Cataphract – the fusion of seven Bettermen formed from Rakan's Pectofores Sanctus ability.
      • Later in the last chapter they form the King of Superbeings Betterman Cataphract Evo, which consistes of all the Somniums empowered by Triple Zero with Lamia eating a seed of Ortus (which itself is three seeds of Forte combined), a seed of Aqua and a seed of Nebula at the same time.
      • Rakan also sometimes uses this ability to turn Bettermen into armor for GGG mecha, culminating in all the Bettermen that form Cataphract fusing with GaoGaiGo or GaoGaiGar to form Musou GaoGaiGo or Musou GaoGaiGar respectively.
    • Final GaoGaiGar is essentially Genesic GaoGaiGar with Mamoru, Ikumi, Renais, Mikoto, Keita, and Hinoki subbing in for Galeon and the Genesic Machines' damaged AI cores. Later even more so when the G-blocks and Goldymarg enter the equation to give Final GaoGaiGar the Goldion Armor and the Goldion Finger respectively.
  • Alternate History: When both GaoGaiGar and Betterman originally aired, they were set 20 Minutes into the Future: 2005/2006 as imagined in the late 1990s. GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman was both originally released in 2016 and takes place in 2016. The "Invisible Burst" of 2010 has caused the setting to lose most of the resemblance to the real world that still remained, with strong EM fields originating from Jupiter rendering real-world information/communication technologies inoperable with fictional technologies taking their place.
  • And the Adventure Continues: Gai sets off to Jupiter to research, and come up with preventive measures to block Trinity-Zero from affecting Earth.
  • Antagonist Title: However one translates "Hakai-Oh", it's clearly a dark twist on the Badass Boast "King of Braves" part of the title of GaoGaiGar. In-universe it refers to a sinister manifestation of Triple Zero. Out of universe, it's used to clever effect in the new version of "Yuusha Oh Tanjou" to shift it into a Villain Song in its climactic verse.
  • Apocalypse How: At the beginning of the novel an event known as the "Invisible Burst" occurs: Earth being hit by strong EM fields originating from Jupiter, which results in complete global disruption, as radio, telephones, TV, the Internet become completely unusable (and that's only mentioning communications technologies). This proves to be more disruptive than the Class 1 in GaoGaiGar FINAL. GGG and society at large spend most of the 6 year Time Skip dealing with its consequences.
  • Artistic License – Physics: Actually plot relevant and lampshaded in the discussion of Triple Zero's "motives", insofar as a Pure Energy force-of-nature could be said to have "motives": Energy must follow cosmic law. Cosmic law includes the law of physics. Triple Zero is trying to stop anything that flouts cosmic law, and ipso facto, is trying to stop the frequent violations of the laws of physics committed by humanity in general and GGG in specific in this setting.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: Like the fights against the Zonders in GaoGaiGar, this applies in fights against the Conqueror's Thralls— with the twist that these fights are all against the former protagonist mecha, who will keep regenerating until purified. The part of the mecha that needs purification is the head. Robot Conqueror's Thralls also tend to carry the human Conqueror's Thralls, turned into "Zero Cores", in what would be the "driver's seat" of the vehicle mode— as human shields. Our protagonists therefore need to 1) tear the cores out of the "drivers seats" then 2) tear off the heads of the robots. This leads to a lot of detailed consideration of how these transforming and combining mecha are actually constructed, which one wouldn't normally think about in story context (rather than e.g. a toy context). For example, TenRyuuJin has robot heads hidden in her knees.
  • The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best in People: The Invisible Burst and then the Triple Zero threat overwhelmingly bring the world's population together, with wars and terrorism halting and little to be heard from groups such as Bionet. These crises also result in better regard of GGG themselves, contrary to the expectations of many of the protagonists, who remember the exile in GaoGaiGar FINAL and consider that the vilification they faced then could be more easily justified now. In particular, first Mamoru worries if the connection between Genesic and the King of Ruin were public knowledge the public backlash against GGG would be used justify abandoning any rescue attempts. Later, when Gai and the Triple Zero-corrupted GGG's presence on Earth is publicly revealed, Gai readies himself to face public outrage and denunciation. He and GGG Green are overwhelmingly forgiven, even as the still-corrupted members have occupied a full 20% of the world's landmass with Zero Robos and caused great loss of life. That said, there is explicitly a fearful minority of people that mistrusts GGG and sees the war-torn world as now fully embodying a Beware the Superman type setting— but these are treated as fringe.
  • Bag of Spilling: At the beginning of the novel most of GGG's equipment is lost in the other universe, with those on Earth attempting do with alternatives (which ultimately prompts things such as development of Neuronoid-based mecha). Then we learn Genesic GaoGaiGar has been lost in the Orange Site incident, downgrading Gai back to piloting GaoFighGar. Some of this equipment is simply replaced (like the Dividing Driver), whereas others are used by Conqueror's Thralls and are retrieved in the course of battles (like the Goldion Crusher).
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: Subverted. Initially the Somniums seem to act unbothered by the vacuum of space, which stretches the limits of their established powers— they're better at adapting to hostile environments than humans, but are still a type of primate related to humans and need to breathe. They turn out to have their own versions of space suits; they can endure space only just well enough, they're willing to put them on after already being out in the void.
  • Beware the Superman: In-universe, paranoia about this scenario becoming an actuality lead the UN Council to develop counter-GGG strategies and technologies to use against GGG if they ever returned for revenge from their exiles. These are actually used, though against those corrupted by Triple Zero, so not in the exact scenario originally imagined.
  • Bloodier and Gorier:
    • Some Somnium powers— particularly Sara's powers— are described as far gorier-looking than anything ever shown in Betterman. This is largely allowed because we're never actually shown the gore when it's in text format. The manga returns things to about the level of Betterman.
    • At the climax of the novel, in the fight between Final GaoGaiGar and the Somniums, we're treated to scenes of the entire cast except for Lamia, Gai and Mamoru meeting particularly bloody deaths. It is then revealed that the Somniums are tricking Gai, and the audience, into believing this is happening and saving everyone at the last second. Everyone survives, though everything implied to have been happening is far beyond the violence that could even be implied in the previous entries in the series.
  • Bookends:
    • For King of Braves GaoGaiGar:
      • The story begins with Galeon sending the infant Latio to The Amamis to become their son, Mamoru. By the closing of GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman, The Amami Clan reunites with Galeon at that same location to bid it farewell, with Mamoru—now as a new father who choses to stay on Earth to raise his family, and give his blessings to Galeon in hopes it would be the best partner for Gai.
      • Gai achieves his original dream of heading out to Jupiter as a researcher—personally piloting a spaceship in his ordinary spacesuit. This time, he has Mikoto, J, Renais, and Galeon accompanying him on the journey.
    • For GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman:
      • The story starts with a married Hatsuno—Ayame Ushiyama giving birth to a son named Hajime, with the meaning of "First." By the closing of the story, Hana Hatsuno—now as an Amami, gave birth to a child named Tsubasa, with the meaning of "Flight/Wings."
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: After Gai's return and the reveal that the Gutsy Galaxy Guard technically never disbanded, it's soon realized that there are now two similar organizations with similar names that share an acronym. So to avoid confusion, the Gutsy Galaxy Guard and the Gutsy Global Guard are called "GGG Green" and "GGG Blue" respectively after the respective organizations' uniform logo colorings.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: The Planetary Masters sought to flout cosmic law by trying to stop the cycle of death and rebirth of universes even at the expense of other universes, so their solar system could last forever. Triple Zero, though not a living thing that can be said to have "motives", acts as if to enforce cosmic law to perpetuate this same cycle, and will destroy universes to do so.
  • Cross-Cultural Kerfluffle: Similar to how "mythology" is the arc word for Final, this series uses the word "juvenile" as the arc word. Unfortunately, while the word meant "young adult fiction" in Japanese, it's mostly associated with "childish and immature" in English.
  • Crossover Finale: Serves as one for Betterman and GaoGaiGar.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: The ending here is much more uplifting than how things were left in GaoGaiGar FINAL, even if it wasn't easy getting there.
  • Family Business: GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman employs new members from the Shishiohs and the Ushiyamas—the core clans who became pillars of the GGG program.
    • The Shishioh Clan:
      • Chief of Gutsy Global Guard, Shigeru Akamatsu—late of Betterman—is the son of Liger Shishioh, half-older brother of Renais Cardiff Shishioh, nephew of Leo Shishioh, and cousin of Gai Shishioh.
      • Shigeru’s daughter, Sakura is also part of GGG. Due to Shigeru had her later in age (like his dad and uncle) Sakura’s age is close to her Uncle Gai and Auntie Renais.
    • The Ushiyama Clan:
      • 2nd eldest brother Tsuguo—also originally from Betterman—and youngest brother Sueo followed their eldest brother, Kazuo’s footsteps in becoming maintenance operators for GGG.
      • Hana’s cousin, Ayame became an Ushiyama through her marriage with Tsuguo.
  • Find the Cure!: Algernon is 100% fatal. Because of it, several GGG employees end up completely doomed to die and nearly doom the rest of GGG with them. Finding a cure is one of the primary concerns of Hinoki, who is now a biomedical engineer and the foremost expert on the disease.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Used at the beginning of Volume 2 of the novel to terrifying effect: The lost members of GGG are already known to have secretly returned to Earth's Universe corrupted by Triple Zero. They're known to survive their trip through the Orange Site. Volume 2 opens with a flashback, where they're shown in the Orange Site, which completely restores them to full health after escaping the Trinary Solar System universe. They're at the peak of their powers, and reiterate they can accomplish ''literally anything with courage'', including generating infinite energy— which is PERTINENT since they now literally need to fix the Big Bang. The reader, unfortunately, knows this doesn't turn out well, with everyone becoming Conquerer's Thralls. These boasts underscore how utterly terrifying a corrupted GGG seeking to annihilate all life will be.
  • Fully Absorbed Finale: While this is a sequel to GaoGaiGar FINAL, it also gives some proper closure to Betterman.
  • Gravity Sucks: Subverted. The King of Ruin seems to be compressing the planet Jupiter down to a tiny size, and Mamoru is warned he has limited time to act before it becomes a black hole. He immediately assumes the danger of this is that it will suck up the entire Solar System, Earth included. He is corrected by Yang and Alouette pointing out that even if Jupiter becomes a black hole, this will be because it dramatically changed in density, but this will add no mass to the solar system. Instead the danger is simply: what is this mysterious entity that can create black holes going to use one for?
  • Greater-Scope Villain: It's speculated by Liger that Triple Zero caused Z-Master to go berserk through the Galeorea Comet, causing it to destroy the Trinary Solar System and launch a war against life itself. This would have made Triple Zero this for the original series.
  • Human Aliens:
    • Revealed in their home series, Mamoru is the last member of the species that lived on the Green Planet, while Ikumi is a clone of Mamoru created on the Red Planet.
    • Gai and Mikoto evolved into Evoluders by the ending of their home series. Contrary to the belief that they are similar to Mamoru, revealed in FINAL’s novel, Evoluders are genetic fusion of humans with a type of alien inorganic compound, which renders them similar to Zonders.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: The "Hakai-Oh" title has the common issue of the meaning of the kanji put together not being the clearest: 覇界王 means "Supreme," "World," and "King" respectively. This was, historically, an informal title often given to great conquerors, so you could also translate it as "King of Conquerors". The linguistic twist, though, is that in spoken language, it's a perfect homonym for 破壊王, or "King of Destruction" (which links back to certain themes surrounding GaoGaiGar as an idea in FINAL), and it is very intended that the reader is meant to think of both readings when hearing the title. This trope would have been even more prominent if Project Z had become an anime, with spoken dialogue allowing interpretation as "覇界王" or "破壊王".
    • The title has, variously, been fan translated as "Overlord" or "King of Ruin" in attempts to capture the full nature of the title in English. In its official English language debut in Super Robot Wars 30, the title is translated as "King of Kings", with "Conqueror King" being used in other places when the alternating connotation of "supremacy" versus "destruction" is necessary.
  • In-Series Nickname: Ushiyama brothers Tsuguo and Sueo share the same Affectionate Nickname of “Ushii.” The brothers probably know which of them gets called via the person who is calling out on them. It’s good they’re assigned to different posts to avoid confusion.
  • Ironic Echo: The final verse of the opening theme produced for the story has the Big Bad hijacking the lyrics that are usually about GaoGaiGar's Hot-Blooded bravery with ones that play up its own Evil Overlord Destroyer Deity identity just like it hijacked Genesic GaoGaiGar to serve as its vessel.
  • Kid Hero All Grown Up: Both Mamoru and Ikumi are now young men, and pilot the GaoGaiGo together.
    • To a lesser extent, this also applies to Hinoki and Keita, though they're much less active here (Keita in particular) until the Battle of G-Island City.
  • Last of His Kind: Yaginuma as the sole member of the Gutsy Galaxy Guard as elaborated under Oddly Small Organization.
  • Manchurian Agent: The final act reveals that Gai was one, as it turns out he does in fact have Triple Zero in his system – it was just being suppressed by his G-Stone. It's only when the Bettermen enrage him that it manifests. It turns out this was the Bettermen's intention so that they could rid him of the "Root of Evil" once and for all.
  • The Mole: Anyone within GGG who contracts Algernon.
    • Kamuy Pauvre Saginomiya contracts Algernon, which takes hold of his emnity with GGG over the death of his brother during the battle with the Primevals.
  • Oddly Small Organization: After Gai's return, it's revealed that while all of the Gutsy Galaxy Guard's duties and staff (apart from those left in the Trinary Solar System) had been folded into the Gutsy Global Guard (later retroactively titled GGG Blue to avoid confusion), Chief Yaginuma hadn't retired as was commonly believed, but had stayed on as Chief of the Galaxy Guard (similarly dubbed GGG Green). And since all the other members (apart from Mamoru and Ikumi) were officially MIA, he was technically the only remaining member of GGG Green until Gai came back. The trope still applies after Gai's return, as while Taiga is reappointed the GGG Green's Chief, with the rest of the group incommunicado, the UN hands over the reins to Gai as "Gutsy Galaxy Guard’s Acting Chief-slash-Mobile Corps Captain-slash-only member."
  • Place Beyond Time: The Trinary Solar System existed in a universe that existed before Earth's universe, which ended in a Big Crunch. Characters travel between the Trinary Solar System and Earth by time-travelling an interval of 15 billion years. The "Orange Site" is a more abstract one of these and is part of the setting's purely made-up physics (though there are some parallels in some real speculative cosmology). It's a Cosmic Egg or Primordial Chaos without space or time, and exists in some sense "after" a Big Crunch and "before" a Big Bang, "between" the Trinary Solar System's universe and Earth's universe. It's made up of or contains all the matter of the universe that died and all that will make up the new universe that will be born. Characters nevertheless somehow go there and do things, using the power of courage. They experience it as an endless void of Pure Energy.
  • Power Fist: The Goldion Armor's G-Block 07 is a massive hand the size of GaoGarGar itself, with Goldion Hammers for fingers. And yes, Goldymarg is installed in it.
  • Practically Different Generations: The Shishioh Clan.
    • Patriarchs Liger and his late brother Leo have the penchant for May-December romances due to being married to their jobs, with Liger being the troublemaker of living the lifestyle of a Casanova; which made him go through 7 marriages and fathered 28 offsprings. Shigeru and Renais are only two of his 28 kids; no wonder the two of them went Nom de Mom.note 
    • Due to being born in a much more average parent-to-child generational time-frame, the age gap between Shigeru in comparison with his half-sister Renais, and cousin Gai are pretty wide in length; with Shigeru already in his middle ages.
    • Shigeru’s daughter, Sakura is in the same age group as Mamoru, Ikumi, Hana, Alouette, and Sueo.
    • Gai is in the same age group as Renais due to his father Leo marrying late in age under May-December romance, with his mom giving birth to him in average settings.
  • Production Foreshadowing: The four Ushiyama brothers played the important role of weaving the GaoGaiGar and Betterman projects together. Sueo was established in GaoGaiGar (1997) as the “last boy” of Kazuo (first boy)’s brothers, Tsuguo (second boy) then was introduced in Betterman (1999), then Tsuguo and Mitsuo (third boy)—now understood as the one wearing glasses, both appeared in FINAL (2000) with Sueo, albeit a blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moment, where the three younger Ushiyama brothers huddled each other in a city shelter as Earth was affected by The 11 Planetary Masters of Sol; signifying the two storylines has been planning to merge since the development of Betterman.
    • The Ushiyamas' meaningful Numerical Theme Naming also chronologized all major projects within the GaoGaiGar / Betterman universe:
      • Kazuo—The first boy, representative of King of Braves GaoGaiGar. (1997)
      • Tsuguo—The second boy, representative of Betterman. (1999)
      • Mitsuo—The third boy, first appeared in GaoGaiGar: FINAL (2000) shown united with Tsuguo, Sueo, and active in GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman as one of the key characters in pulling Betterman hero Keita Aono back into action; represents the official merge of the GaoGaiGar / Betterman story lines.
      • Sueo—The last boy, active in GaoGaiGar vs. Betterman; represents the final project of the original GaoGaiGar / Betterman generation.
      • Tsuguo's firstborn son, Hajime has the meaning of "First," which hints on the reset of the GaoGaiGar / Betterman project to a whole new generation in the future.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The first time GaoGaiGo is deployed is to stop a space station, referred to as Island Four, from dropping onto Australia. An O'Neill cylinder, also called an Island Three design, falling onto Australia is the instigating event of the One Year War of Mobile Suit Gundam.
    • GaoGaiGar's new ultimate attack: GOLDION FINGER!
  • So Last Season: Given a distinct twist in that it's not simply our heroes' attacks and powers that drive this. Rather, GGG, as our heroes' support team, act as an encyclopedic repository of knowledge of how past attacks were countered, and quickly remind those fighting how to most efficiently counter enemies they've seen before. Mamoru or Kaidou may strictly use Gai's old tricks against an enemy that itself uses only old tricks, but won't be hindered, like Gai was, by having to figure out those tricks in the first place. This drives a lot of the story's All There in the Manual references.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Nichiryuu, Getsuryuu, and their fusion Seiryuujin are easily comparable to Kouryuu, Anryuu, and their fusion Tenryuujin. Likewise, Porc-Auto has many similarities to Volfogg.
    • On the Somniums side Yewya, Gajumaru and Hiiragi are similar to Seeme, Bodaiju and Lord Palkia respectively, they even consume the same Animus Seeds as their counterparts.
    • On the villainous side, Zero Robos are acknowledged as very similar to Zonder Robos.
  • The Corruption: Triple Zero (also known as Oath Over Omega), the main antagonist of the story, originates from the Orange Site, the egg for the new universe that exists between the end of a universe in a big Big Crunch and the birth of a universe in a Big Bang. Every intelligence touched by its energy, whether organic or inorganic, has their values rewired to help it bring about the end of the current universe.
  • Temporal Mutability: The specific rules are laid out for the setting, whereas previous instances of time travel were left ambiguous— Timelines branch if the past is changed in a way that creates an inconsistency with the time traveller's original time. If a branch is created, the old timeline still exists, but the time traveler who created the change is now trapped in the new timeline with no way to return to the old one. In this way You Already Changed the Past holds true for a single timeline. The mere presence of a time traveler is not enough to change the timeline— the Somniums manage to prevent a branch by hiding their presence with memory-wipes and destroying any physical evidence. Yang speculates at some point that the rules involve a Delayed Ripple Effect and a timeline that gets overwritten, which would explain the ancient Hyo Ryu and En Ryu being dug up only after they were sent into the past. This is contradicted by the Somniums, who are stated to be better informed than Yang.
  • There Is No Cure: The continued reality of Algernon. Characters who get it are irreversibly insane and doomed to die and sprout an Animus Flower. The events of Betterman didn't result in a discovery of a cure, strictly speaking; rather, the epidemic stopped because new cases stopped with the disappearance of Kankel. Triple Zero, which the Somniums call a "Kankel beyond Kankel", triggers new outbreaks of the disease, and it is just as 100% fatal as it ever was. Near the end of the novel this changes. Hinoki finds a cure. However, this is only because she had the opportunity to study the corpse of Kamuy after he died of Algernon, and characters up to and including him who get it were doomed.
  • Time Skip: Central to the premise. Much of the story follows the lives of the previously child-age or teenage characters of GaoGaiGar and Betterman nearly a decade later.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Normally, Triple Zero would have stayed dormant until the universe dies in the Big Crunch. However, when the 11 Planetary Masters of Sol tried to rebuild the Trinary Solar System by absorbing massive amounts of dark matter, they ended up disrupting the fabrics of the universe and causing Triple Zero to leak into our dimension through Jupiter.
  • Versus Title: As the name implies, the story has various characters and tech from GaoGaiGar facing off against their counterparts from Betterman, with GaoGaiGo being made using neuronoid tech and being supported by members of the cast from Betterman facing off against the demonically possessed heroes and mechanoids from GaoGaiGar, and Lamia seeming to have some kind of umbrage with Gai as well. However, it's not until the final act that the Bettermen and GaoGaiGar itself actually face off.
  • Wainscot Society: What Somnium society is revealed to be like. They live in "Sepulchrums" inaccessible and imperceptible to humans, but the entrances to which are often surrounded by human society. A Sepulchrum may even predate the human settlements that surround it. One of the most populated Sepulchrums is in Yokohama.
  • Year Outside, Hour Inside: GGG was inside the Orange Site for some moments but when they returned to Earth almost a decade has passed.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: The finale has the Bettermen attack the UN base on the moon and then (seemingly) annihilate all of GGG's mobile unit except Final GaoGaiGar, and then go after the parts of it that are controlled by Gai's human allies until only Gai and Mamoru are left in Final GaiGar (in reality they've all been sent to a pocket dimension). This turns out to be a ploy to get Gai to awaken the last bit of Triple-Zero within him so he can become the final King of Ruin. This done, they hope to defeat him and allow an Animus Patria seed to grow from Gai's G-Stone, which would allow the Bettermen to move to a new world.

"Follow the path of Patria!
Burn the ancient future!
Light up the mourning universe!
O dreamers, tell the tale forever!"

This is the tale of those hot-blooded dreamers...