Psychic Wars

  • ️Wed Jul 17 2019

Psychic Wars (Literature)

Psychic Wars, known originally as Bestial Soldier: Psychic Wars, is a Science Fantasy book series by Japanese author Yasuaki Kadota. Published from 1987, it received an OVA adaptation by Toei Animation, nothing less, in 1991.

A stoic and incredibly manly Japanese doctor, Ukyo Retsu, is hired by an old woman in order to surgically remove an alleged demon that is killing her from inside. Although the woman dies, Ukyo finds the object to be effectively an unknown, malign creature, which heralds a demonic invasion of Earth.

But those demons don't come from Hell but from the ancient past of Japan. Empowered with both physical and psychic abilities by mysterious forces, Ukyo will be forced to travel 5,000 years back to the Jomon period, where a civilization of dark creatures threatens the future of mankind.

The OVA is licensed in the USA and United Kingdom by Manga Entertainment.

This series provides examples of:

  • Antagonistic Offspring: It is implied that at least some of the demon children buried in the temple must be Retsu's children, as Fuyuko was his lover for some time, but this is never mentioned, and it's pointless because they are all dead.
  • Became the Mask: The demon queen adopted the identity of Fuyuko to seduce Retsu, but it turns out she fell in love with him.
  • Big Bad Friend: Fuyuko, Retsu's lover, is actually the demon queen and final villain of the novels.
  • Big Good: The Five Goddesses form a sort of backing party for Retsu from the beyond, and actually intervene personally in his favor against the demon queen.
  • Dying as Yourself: The demon queen elects explicitly to die as Fuyuko, even although this was not her original personality.
  • Fights Like a Normal: Retsu uses often a hunting rifle even although his powers allow him to punch monsters very hard.
  • Genius Bruiser: Aside from a doctor, Retsu was a former boxer while in college.
  • Glad-to-Be-Alive Sex: When Retsu manages to return to the present, he is rescued by Fuyuko. Afterwards, they have a nice, steamy sex scene which cleans away their past pains and worries.
  • Hope Spot: After Retsu returns to the present timeline and is found by Fuyuko, everything seems finally sorted out and our hero spends a night with the beautiful woman he loves. However, the Five Goddesses appear and reveal the demon queen is still out there.
  • Left Hanging: It's implied that more demon parasites like the one Retsu extracted at the prologue might be taking over other people in present time, but it's never addressed.
  • Monster Progenitor: The demon queen attempted to be a time-traveling variation of this, but her offspring died every time she attempted to send them back due to the time barrier.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: It turns out Retsu had already been unknowingly seduced by the demon queen since before the start of the story and had been giving her his seed all along, as she is not other than his lover Fuyuko. Only the barrier trumped her plan.
  • Out-of-Clothes Experience: After Retsu and Fuyuko find a break to have sex, he has a blissful dream where they are both nude and enjoying a flowery dimension. It is silently lampshaded after the Five Goddesses intrude in it, as Fuyuko covers behind Retsu's body as if to prevent them from seeing her naked.
  • Psychic Powers: As the title says, those are the specialty of most characters in the work, although loosely defined as powers.
  • Shapeshifting Seducer: A (male) monster takes the form of a beautiful naked woman in order to lure in Retsu. The demon queen also adopted a human form to seduce him.
  • Stalker with a Test Tube: The demon queen intended to beget strong children with modern humans and send them back to the past. Unfortunately for her, this is rendered futile by the barrier.
  • The Stoic: Ukyo doesn't get easily disturbed, not even after his own lover is revealed to be the demon queen.
  • Time Loop: Retsu participates in one by traveling back in time and helping destroy a civilization whose remnants he had to investigate in his own time.
  • The Vamp: Sex is repeatedly used as a weapon by demons in female form, including their queen.