The Age of Zeus

  • ️Wed Jan 03 2024

The Age of Zeus (Literature)

Age of Zeus is a 2010 Military Science Fiction novel by author James Lovegrove. The second in his Pantheon Series.

Over a decade ago, the Olympians appeared. The seemingly true incarnations of the Ancient Greek Gods were here on a mission to bring permanent order and stability to the world. Resistance proved futile, and now humankind is under the jackboot of divine oppression.

However former London police officer, Sam Akehurst, receives an invitation too tempting to turn down, the chance to join a small band of guerilla rebels armed with high-tech weapons and battlesuits. They call themselves the Titans as they square off against the Olympians and their ferocious mythological monsters in a war of attrition which not all of them will survive!

This would be followed by Age of Odin (released the same year) in the Pantheon series.

This work contains examples of;

  • Code Name: All members of the Titan project use the names of the original Titans when in the field as callsigns Sam = Tethys, Ramsay = Hyperion, etc
  • Crapsaccharine World: The world under the rule of the Olympians. With war essentially outlawed, money that went to military budgets now goes to other social services and areas of society. However the remaining governments of the world exist at the pleasure of the Olympians, who themselves are not subject to any laws and reactive overwhelmingly punitively to any sign of dissent.
  • Foreshadowing: One one of the walls in the Titan's base is a Renaissance mural of Uranus being castrated by Chronos. Hinting early on of the father-son rivalry between Regis and Xander, and what Regis (who uses the Chronos armor) ultimately does to Xander.
  • God Guise: All the Olympians.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Sam's full name is Samantha.
  • Home Base: The Titan project operates out of an old WW2 government bunker on a small island off the coast of Britain.
  • Order Versus Chaos:
  • Sherlock Scan: Sam, a detective for the London Metropolitan Police force, is able to figure to out all of the invitees to Landesman's project have military or police backgrounds from picking up their body statures, hair styles, and other inferences.
  • Shout-Out: One of the members of the Titan project is Kerstin Harryhausen. She's aware of the irony and doesn't find it amusing.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Zeus or Xander, has one when confronted by Landesman. Going full breakdown when Landesman begins to castrate him, only able to cry out "daddy!" while beginning him to stop.