The Case Files of Ibrahim Helsing

  • ️Thu Sep 23 2021

"The character of Ibrahim Helsing is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Ibrahim Helsing, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."

—The license for Ibrahim Helsing

The Casefiles of Ibrahim Helsing is an ongoing Web Serial Novel by Matt Eldritch over on Ao3, inspired by such work as the Wold Newton Universe by Philip José Farmer, Kim Newman's Anno Dracula series, and Alan Moore's The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series.

The titular protagonist is Ibrahim Helsing, one of the many, many, many members of the Van Helsing family tree. A young queer Palestinian-Canadian world traveller, he's recently taken lodge in Ticky Tack Estates and renting a room from Cassandra Cartwright, a woman who, while thankful to him for saving her life, often wishes that he'd move out due to attracting villains to the neighbourhood.

Wherever Ibrahim goes, trouble always seems to follow. Whether it be vampires, Lovecraftian deities, malicious time travelers or a self described paladin and religious fanatic hellbent on "divine retribution" towards the supernatural, Helsing won't back down from a fight.

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Tropes about the series as a whole:


  • 20 Minutes into the Past: The series takes place in 2019.
  • All There in the Manual: The final chapters in each story detail every reference used within them.
  • Asexuality: Ibrahim's canon orientation.
  • Big Bad: Mason Frogg and his bride serve as this in The Vampyre Apostles
    • The trio of cultists, Pater Zutter, Frater Felix and Soror Kaitlyn are this for The Miskatonic Affair
  • Cryptic Background Reference: Frequently pop up through the series.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Both Ibrahim and Cassandra are alluded to have these.
  • Handicapped Badass:
    • Ibrahim has a prosthetic right leg and still is able to fight the forces of evil.
    • Cassandra's no slouch here either, as she has clinical depression and is able to kill Mason Frogg by herself.
  • Last-Name Basis: Used often towards Ibrahim.
    • Also used with Abba Kaatz in The Miskatonic Affair.
  • Shout-Out: The neighborhood Ibrahim and Cassandra live in is taken from the song "Little Boxes" by Melvina Reynolds.

Examples specific to The Vampyre Apostles:


Examples specific to The Miskatonic Affair: