The Devil is a Part-Timer!

  • ️Sat Sep 10 2022

The Devil is a Part-Timer! (Literature)

"I swear...I will be the one who breaks the sales record for black-pepper fries!"

Maou Sadao (Satan)

Ente Isla, a parallel universe of magic and the supernatural, was once on the brink of being conquered by the "Devil King" Satan Jacob. That is, until a Hero united the armies of the world to thwart him, forcing him to escape through a magical portal with his most loyal general Alciel. With his parting words, Satan vowed to return and finish what he started.

Alas, both men are dumped by the portal into modern-day Earth (specifically, Japan) and discover that this universe's lack of magical energy has Brought Them Down To Normal. Completely broke and nigh-powerless, they are forced to adjust to life in this unfamiliar world. While Alciel (under the alias "Shiro Ashiya") investigates a way to regain their powers, Satan (now "Maou Sadao") gets a part-time job at a fast food joint to pay for their rent and daily expenses. Maou takes to his new role with enthusiasm and competency, quickly becoming an ideal employee and gaining the admiration of his cute co-worker, high-school girl Chiho Sasaki.

But Maou's past is quickly catching up to him: Emilia Justina, the Hero who defeated him, has followed him to Earth and is set on finishing what she started...except she too has lost most of her powers, and finds herself reduced to a call-center agent under the name "Emi Yusa." Hilarity Ensues.

The Devil is a Part-Timer! (Hataraku Maou-Sama! or "Overlord At Work!") is a Light Novel series written by Satoshi Wagahara and illustrated by 029 (Oniku), which was published under the Dengeki Bunko imprint from February 10, 2011 to August 7, 2020, for 21 volumes (excluding side volumes). It has two separate manga adaptations and, as of Spring 2013, an anime adapting the first two books in the series. Ten years after its original publishing, a second season of the anime was announced in March 2021, and began airing in July 2022.

Spin Offs include:

  • The Devil Is a Part-Timer! High School! (はたらく魔王さま!ハイスクール!, Hataraku Maō-sama! Hai Sukūru!) (2012-2015): A High School AU with Maou as an ambitious high school student and Ashiya taking over as the fast food worker.
  • (4コマ公式アンソロジー はたらく魔王さま!, Hataraku Maou-sama! "4koma Koushiki Anthology) (2013-): A Yonkoma series.
  • (はたらく魔王さまのメシ!, Hataraku Maou-sama no Meshi!) (2019): A short story compilation centering on the main characters.

Emi Yusa was chosen to represent The Devil is a Part-Timer! in the Ignition update of the Fighting Game Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax by Sega, with Maou Sadao as one of the support characters.

Provides examples of:

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  • Actor Allusion: Jessie James Grelle mentioned in a commentary that they used to work in Sonic in Clifton, Texas as a part-timer before they became an actor. And like Mao, they also ran into the broken appliance at one point, which in this case was the griller. Jessie also added that their classmates were trying to make fun of them.
  • A-Cup Angst:
    • Emi, but subtler than most other examples. Every time Chiho shows off her...pair of one-pound hamburgers, expect the Great Hero to develop Dull Eyes of Unhappiness. The first thing she does when she meets Suzuno? Stares at her chest portion before sighing in relief.
    • In a later volume not covered by the anime, Suzuno also becomes distraught by Chiho's endowments.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: In the first light novel, when Emilia confronts Maou about killing her father, he says he was too busy dealing with internal affairs to watch over what his forces were doing, which is why he takes responsibility for Lucifer at the end. However, the only part the anime kept was him saying he "didn't really understand" humans, taking him from a beleaguered ruler into Blue-and-Orange Morality territory.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The anime adds in a lot of content, much of it comedic like the entire incident at the zoo. Both villain groups also get longer fights and Suzuno has several flashbacks that portray her going about her work. The anime also adds Olba and Lucifer's involvement in the fight against Sariel.
  • Adaptation Explanation Extrication: Those orange orbs the store clerk throws at Emi's masked attacker in episode 7 aren't fruit, as might be assumed from the way they splatter. The light novel exposits they're anti-crime balls that stain a thief's skin and smell terrible for days. However, this explanation was discarded from the anime, meaning that viewers unfamiliar with the (very real) "anti-crime balls" will mistake Sarue's overly large aviator shades and heavy cologne use as weird personal quirks.
  • Agony Beam: Sariel uses this on Emi in episode 12 in an attempt to retrieve her holy sword. Although there are no visible wounds on her, she screams in pain every time it's used on her.
    • Interestingly, in a sort of reverse 'Pragmatic Adaptation', Sariel's beams are said to be painless in the Light Novel. Emi merely suffers slight discomfort. However, in the anime, she is obviously being tortured and in great pain as Sariel uses his beam on her all day long.
  • Alien Sky: Ente Isla is depicted as having two moons in the anime.
  • All Just a Dream: Both Emi and Chiho have these in episode 13:
    • Chiho sees Maou leaving Earth for Ente Isla, and he refuses to let her go with him.
    • Emi, meanwhile, sees everyone at her workplace disappear, followed shortly by Maou appearing in the sky, having taken over the city. He then announces plans to conquer Greenland, referencing a joke from an earlier episode where he'd be sent there if their store failed against the SFC store.
  • All There in the Manual: The character files (presented in the resume format) in the light novels reveal some interesting personal details (amongst some funny annotations) about the characters of the series:
    • Ashiya and Maou are really old. In fact, Ashiya is so old that he was already active in the demon army before Japan adopted the era calendar scheme (in AD 645).
    • Emi scored 700 (out of a maximum of 990) in the TOEICnote .
    • Chiho holds a 1st dan rank in kyūdō, or Japanese archery, which is referenced by her brief archery scene in the OP animation. This becomes useful in Volume 5 when Laila, at least partially possessing Chiho, forged an energy bow to take advantage of Chiho's archery skill, or in Volume 16 when she enters an archery competition in Ente Isla.
    • Suzuno passed the level 1 (the highest possible) Kanji Aptitude Test.
  • Amusing Injuries: In episode 12, after rescuing Emi with her dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, Maou comments on it. She turns bright red, and in a couple of scenes later, he has a red handmark on his face, presumably from having gotten slapped rather hard.
  • And Then What?: Happens in Volume 6 when Emi and Suzuno confront Maou in front of MgRonalds. Emi is conflicted from past revelations and Maou's seeming 'Heel–Face Turn' into a nice guy in Japan. When Maou tries to say he's going to go back to world conquest, Emi then points out not only how he'd never do it now, but then what would he do after? What were his goals after his conquest. However, before Maou can answer with an angry tirade, he is trapped in a dimensional bubble by Farfarello and Erone which effectively ends the discussion.
  • Anti-Magic: The manager of Sentucky, revealed to be the Archangel Sariel, has the ability to nullify Emi's sacred magic, allowing him to overwhelm and capture her in episode 11.
  • Apocalypse How: The roles of Sephirahs are to prevent these from happening to species they're shepherding. One also happened to the Angel's original civilization, where a world war destroyed everyone after they fought each other over the immortality cure that would prevent their deaths from a global epidemic. The Sephrahs tried to attack the research base and destroy the immortality research, but Satanael's intimate familiarity with their genetic structure means they're eventually overpowered by him and Camael (though they managed to kill a lot of the staff). And the news of the attack ends up triggering the world war that destroyed the civilization due to information mutation.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
    • When Emi rants to Rika about why she hates Maou, she says that he is cruel, greedy, thoughtless, lacks common sense, and that he acts like giving her an umbrella is a big deal.
    • Lucifer kidnapped Chiho, shot Ashiya, and destroyed a city block during the battle. However, having looked in Emi's wallet to find out where she lived is "really low."
  • Armor-Piercing Question:
    • Chiho does one to Suzuno. After finding out that she is from Ente Isla and Suzuno states that Maou has done horrible unspeakable things. Chiho asks her if she actually ever met him back in Ente Isla to prove these horrible actions. Suzuno is completely stumped. It turns out that the group only met Maou only twice, and one of that is the battle and sends him to Japan.
    • Maou hits Emi with one after she assumes that all of the demons in Ente Isla have been wiped out now that their leader is gone.

      "Does every human become a soldier when your people wage war?"

  • Art Shift:
    • Happens to Chiho briefly in episode 8 when Suzuno says she's looking for a job, and Maou innocently suggests she work with him and Chiho at MgRonalds. During the transition, she also develops Dull Eyes of Unhappiness. The scene basically plays out such that the quality of art by which she's drawn drops each time she hears something that makes her unhappy.
    • In episode 9, the art style changed to sketch-like shots when Ashiya is "explaining" to Rika about he and Maou's relationship with Emi.
  • Ascended Demon: All of the main demons eventually grow to be very kind, genuinely nice people, who only use their supernatural powers for the good of others.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Before Maou came along, diversionary tactics and tactical retreat aren't in demons' fightbook. Nor is forming alliance.
  • Badass Bystander: The convenience store clerk who helps to chase away the mysterious assailant cornering Emi in episode 7.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Subverted. You'd think that being an ancient and powerful demon literally powered by fear would be difficult to translate into heroics, but as is quickly made apparent, fear is abundant in any situation where people would need somebody like Maou to save them.
  • Battle Strip: Maou decides to fight Suzuno and Sariel in just his undies to prevent damaging his work uniform. It's a practical decision, given what happened to his clothing the last couple times he had to transform.
  • Beach Episode:
    • Well technically they're at a theme park with a giant pool in episode 10, but Emi, Chiho, and Suzuno are all clad in swimsuits for most of the episode.
    • Played more straight in volume 4, in which Chiho, Emi and Suzuno all help the demons tasked with running a beachfront store.
  • The Beastmaster: Maou uses this trope once in episode 10 to control the alligators which escaped their cage earlier and keep them from attacking anyone. Suzuno, who witnessed it along with Emi and Chiho, is shocked that he's using his powers to help people instead of for his own selfish use.
  • Beat:
    • Used several times when Alciel and Satan first arrive on Earth. Alciel tries to use some powerful magic or something with a dramatic pose. The scene then pulls back slightly to show that nothing happens. The second time this was preceded by some ominous music, which cut out during the beat to further play up the silliness.
    • When Maou finally reveals the second deck of the lunch box to Chiho, everything goes dead quiet.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Played with between Maou and Emi. Whether actually real or, as Emi keeps objecting, definitely Not What It Looks Like is up in the air.
  • Berserk Button: Emi has two.
    • Anytime a reference is made to her bra size, she promises to brutally murder an archangel for just this reason.
    • She doesn't like it when people ask if she and Maou are, or have ever been, in a relationship.
  • BFS: The giant sword Maou uses to defeat Sariel. It's actually a push broom that he transformed using magic.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Maou pulls this off a couple of times, first with the fight against Lucifer, later at the amusement park when he took control of the alligators to prevent them from attacking humans, and against Sariel in episode 12.
    • During Volume 4, the demons are working at a beach house but Maou grossly underestimates the amount of manpower required to run it. Emi, Chiho, and Suzuno save the day by showing up to help in swimsuits.
    • In Volume 10, Maou and Acieth managed to pull this off with a scooter, of all things, in order to break up Emilia and Alciel's fight.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Both Emi and Suzuno in episode 8 quite loudly after the former realizes that the latter is also from Ente Isla and the latter realizes the former didn't know till now.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Apparently demons have multiple hearts.
  • Bland-Name Product:
    • Uniclo (for Uniqlo).
    • Lucifer calls Maoh using Skyphone (Skype).
    • Lucifer owns and values his Pasta (Vita). He's seen buying a copy of Devil's Souls for it online. He's also waiting for the next Monster Catcher to come out.
    • Apparently Lucifer was also looking at a C4D (3DS) game on the internet
    • Emi's Relax Bear wallet is a play on stationery company San-X's bear mascot, Rilakkuma. Maoh teases her for having a cuter wallet than the younger Chiho, who carries a Louis Vuiddon.
    • The online shopping site that Lucifer frequents is called Jungle, an expy of Amazon.
    • Lucifer also uses a search engine called "Wahoo!".
    • Emeralda is seen enjoying her Bocky (Pocky) in her lab.
    • Moonbucks coffee!
    • Sugiya, the restaurant Maou frequently buys pork bowls from to feed Lucifer, is based on the Sukiya restaurant chain.
  • Blank White Eyes: Chiho displays some when she asks Maou to open the second layer on the lunch he brings to work in episode 7.
  • Book Ends:
    • In the first episode, Maou gives a girl, who later turns out to be his arch-nemesis Emi, his umbrella. In episode 13, she returns the favor to him after he's caught in the rain without one, on the opposite side of the corner where he first gave her his umbrella.
    • The season both begins and ends with a bowl of "khatsu-dum" being eaten.
  • Boring, but Practical: In episode 5, Olba shoots Maou with a gun. He then explains that he has to conserve his magic power to reopen the gate back to Ente Isla. HE doesn't screw around either, he just shoots people around the heart area and in the leg and tries to pull off pot shots from behind them. In contrast, Lucifer shoots Maou with a beam that creates a large hole in his torso. Which likely would've killed him had Maou not had the foresight to teleport himself and Emi into a large crowd of people to restore his powers through their fear.
  • Bothering by the Book: Emi uses the fact Lucifer is "technically" eighteen on his papers in Japan and Maou is his legal guardian to help Maou void a contract Lucifer signed costing them 128 thousand yen by applying the cooling-off rule.
  • Brain Bleach:
    • Miki-T sends Maou a photo of herself in a bikini. Maou and the audience are spared from the horror, but Lucifer faints upon seeing it and Ashiya vomits uncontrollably. Maou scolds them for being weak, but when made to see it himself he takes it out of the envelope with slow zoom-in and ominous music more befitting for an eldritch abomination's artifact. Then he decides to change the subject.
    • Ashiya attempts to weaponize it against whatever enemies may await them in the forbidden classroom scene, but fortunately he never gets the opportunity to do so.
    • Another letter with a photo arrives from the landlady through Suzuno. When she mentions it and starts pulling it out to give them, time slows down (with her voice getting distorted) and colors fail as we switch to Maou's and Ashiya's growing horrified expressions.
      • The subbers even lampshade this by showing only part of the sentence when she starts and revealing the rest only when she actually says the words and reveals the letter. The end of the sentence is even translucent and faded where its spoken equivalent is distorted by time slowing down.
    • In Volume 4 it's revealed she had sent a video tape to the apartment, however due to a combination of fear and lack of a VHS player it was wrapped up and hidden away, only to be found again some time later. When he eventually watches the video it appears to simply be Miki-T informing them about the situation, at which point he phones the number she gave him. After the phone call, however, it's revealed the tape was left running, and she proceeds to demonstrate a dance form she's been learning in Egypt: belly dancing.
  • Breather Episode:
    • Episode 6, in stark contrast to the high paced action previous episode, is largely filled with a lot of comedic hijinks.
    • Episode 13 has nothing too serious occur, and is fairly light-hearted compared to the previous episode where Maou was once again in a fight for his life.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: When Maou, Emilia, and the rest go to help on the farm operated by Chiho's aunt and uncle, one of the things they help with is catching a team of thieves. To Emilia's disgust, one of the thieves completely loses bladder control when caught. In fairness, Suzuno had effortlessly lifted the front half of the thieves' SUV off the ground, and Emilia had a flaming aura as she ripped the roof apart with her bare hands.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Magic doesn't flow on Earth as in Ente Isla, and so the visitors have to get by as regular humans until they figure out how Earth's magic works.
  • Butt-Monkey: Urushihara gets a fair amount of abuse from Alciel and Maou (and Emi naturally)
  • Cardiovascular Love: Heart Symbols are interpreted by this by Chiho in Episode 7, as the second layer of Suzuno's bento for Maou.
  • Cast from Lifespan: On Ente Isla, Holy magic is being powered by both the lifespan of Tree of Sephirot and lifespan of human species itself, and the overuse of holy magic is resulting both declining birth rate (and more unhealthy babies) and the Tree of Sephirot dying. With the confinement of Tree of Sephirot by angels causing Medieval Stasis by making humans rely on magic, if humans on Ente Isla faced extinction-level events in the future when the Tree dies, they will have no magic, no Sephirahs defending them, no technology to fall back to, nor population growth rate to help repopulate the species. This is something Laila is trying to fix.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: During the fight with Lucifer, Maou and Alciel argue about money.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: Whenever Alciel regains his powers, he returns to Castle Overlord to retrieve his mantle. This causes him to miss most of the action.
  • Cerebus Retcon: The early scene where Maou suffers from malnutrition after 3 day's worth of Post-Victory Collapse and realizes that the human body needs food is the point when Maou realizes how badly he messed up his invasion of Ente Isla.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Random earthquakes that aren't so random. They were sonar pings used by Emi's companions in order to locate her on Earth. They later explain in episode 5 that it was specifically targeting those who were thinking about the Dark Lord, hence why Chiho was subjected to them as well.
    • The string of muggings. Maou deduces that the muggings were to put fear into people that Lucifer could then feed off of to regain some of his powers.
    • Emi's missing wallet. Lucifer is the one who finds it, and is able to use her contact information to his advantage.
    • While looking at Chi's school for some magic, Chi spots a package of noodles on the ground. The school is also where Lucifer and Olba came through. This hints that Suzuno came through there too and how she would try poisoning Maou and company.
    • At one time when Emi was visiting the Devil's castle, Lucifer handed her her purse. He put a tracker in it to know her whereabouts at all times.
    • Holy Vitamin B helps Olba regain enough magic to bring the moon closer for Sariel in episode 12.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Pretty much the main weapon of the Corrupt Church. They will backstab anyone so as to put all the blame on them and keep their hands clean.
  • "Clichéd Villain" Accusation: When Lucifer is about to reveal how he survived after Emilia supposedly ran her sword through his chest, Maou smugly reveals that he knew that it was due to Olba Mayer, one of the head priests, and that he'd promised Lucifer a return to Heaven if he'd help get rid of Maou (Satan). He calls it a B-Movie plot. He doesn't just reserve his criticism for Lucifer and Olba, though. When Emilia makes her Rousing Speech, he calls it lame and demands a rewrite.
  • Cliché Storm: An Invoked Trope. The setting and conflict during the introduction in Ente Isla, an evil dark lord who wishes to conquer the world and is opposed by a great hero, is one of the most commonplace fantasy storylines. However, this establishes the dynamic between the cast when they enter our world, since they retain their orginial personalities, abilities, and conflicits; which is constantly played for laughs.
  • Clothing Damage: In episode 12, while facing off against Suzuno, Maou dodges some of her attacks, then starts to take his work uniform off, leaving only his socks, shoes, and a pair of shorts on. She is understandably embarrassed by it and asks why he'd do that, but he tells her that if his work clothes get damaged in a non-work environment, then he has to pay for it.
  • Cloud-Clearing Burst: Played for Laughs when Maou is punishing Lucifer for all the damage and trouble he's caused. We see a series of power-enhancing sigils appear in the sky behind Maou's clenched fist, then cut to an orbital show of a bright light and the clouds being swept away from Japan. Cut back to Lucifer's very bruised face (which speaks to his own power, as he could take a punch that cleared clouds for hundreds of miles and survive).
  • Color-Coded Eyes: Apparently, purple eyes are a racial trait for Angels. Becomes an actual plot point, as later books reveal that angels who are originally humans before the death of their civilization and their immortality treatment keeps their original eye color, while 2nd generation angels and beyond gets purple. Laila notably has red eyes instead - a trait she passed to Emi.
  • Color Failure: Happens to Maou at the end of episode 6 after he sees the picture of the landlady in a bikini which Chiho picked up when he dropped it in the science lab the previous night.
  • Comically Missing the Point: In episode 10, Chiho visits the theme park that Maou is asked to work at for the day to help with the busy schedule. She's wearing a revealing swimsuit, and asks how it is. He then tells her that it's a lot busier here than in the store they normally work at, and as he goes on about the work, she increasingly becomes irritated at his Oblivious to Love mentality (which Emi calls him out on moments later), showing off some Dull Eyes of Unhappiness shortly afterwards.
  • Companion Cube: Dullahan, Maou's trusty steed and most certainly not just a cheap bicycle. Starting to reach insistent terminology levels.
  • Cool Starship: The Devil's Castle (the one on Central Continent, not Villa Rosa Sasazuka) is actually a spaceship that Satanael stole from Heaven when he rebelled. Maou used it to crash into the Central Continent during his invasion, and it's being repaired to operational capacity when he agrees with Laila to invade Heaven.
  • Corrupt Church: The Holy Church of Ente Isla turns out to be one. Their plan was to raise Emilia as a Tyke Bomb and secretly sabotage the war effort so that the fate of the world fell on the shoulders of their chosen "Hero". Then after Emilia defeats Satan, the Church quietly gets rid of her (by faking a Heroic Sacrifice) so that they can take the credit and political influence. They even used Inquisitors to act as their own personal secret police and eliminate anyone who stood in their way. Though High Priest Olba is the chief architect of this, the other higher-ups aren't much better. Things only start to get better after Suzuno took control of the Church at the end of Volume 10.
  • Crapsack World:
  • Crash-Into Hello: How Maou and Kamazuki meet, thanks to the seemingly cursed stairs.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: The Church. It's heavily steeped in Medieval Catholic traditions, but they worship multiple "gods", have an incompetent angelic bureaucracy, and borrow the Jewish Sephirot for their creation myth.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Implied with Chiho. She doesn't fall much onscreen, but she is introduced to us with lines from both Maou and their boss saying that she trips and drops fries on the floor at least once every couple days.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • Maou vs. anyone once he gets serious. Special mention goes to Maou vs. Sariel, the aftermath of which could be seen from space.
    • Emi is on the receiving end of this fighting Sariel, who can cancel any holy powers.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: If Maou and Ashiya are anything to go by while on Earth.
  • Date Peepers: Emi and Ashiya do this in episode 3 while Maou is out on a date with Chiho.
  • Death Glare: Sadao has a rather terrifying one while in his demon form. One of his subordinates, Lucifer, practically turns white when he appears before him, wearing this expression.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Once Maou defeats Lucifer, he takes him in. Thus Lucifer stays at Maou and Alciel's home, so he doesn't cause further trouble, and helps them searching for sources of magic on Earth. Averted with Sariel, though, who the cast continues to despise even if they no longer view him as an enemy, nor is Gabriel.
  • Diving Save: Maou protects Emi in this way when they're unexpectedly fired on.
  • Double Standard Abuse: Female on Male:
    • After Maou catches Emi when the latter falls down the stairs at his apartment, he calls her clumsy, prompting her to viciously punch him, followed shortly by a brutal kneeing to his face. However, in this case, Emi doesn't escape unscathed, as he was holding her at the time, and when he drops her, she lands on her upper back and head in a rather painful manner. Though her hitting him has less to do with gender, and more to do with him being a demon who conquered her homeland.
    • In Vol 3., Emi tries to chop Maou to pieces because he mocked her for being flat-chested. He's only saved when the golden apple he's clutching sprouts arms and blocks it. It Makes Sense in Context.
  • Dream Intro: The last episode opens with both Emilia and Chiho having bad dreams involving Satan. In Emilia's dream, Satan regains his full power and declares his intentions to resume his world-conquering ways, while in Chiho's dream, Maou Sadou informs her that he has to return to his own world.


  • Embarrassing Rescue: In episode 12. Emi's too spent from torture to properly complain about it, though - even having her ripped-open blouse pointed out barely warrants a reaction.
  • Emotional Powers: On Earth, demonic powers are powered by fear, despair and sadness while sacred powers are powered by love. It's rather difficult to restore sacred powers as a consequence.
  • Emotion Eater: Supernatural Ente Islans can gain magical power from human emotions.
  • Enemy Mine:
    • When confronted by the traitorous Lucifer and a power hungry Olba Emi, Maou and Alciel work together to bring them down. They constantly bitch about it during and after the event.
      • Subverted in episode 12, when Olba awakens from a coma and attempts to re-recruit Lucifer, who has taken to filling the role of the token goth roommate since getting his butt handed to him. Lucifer pretends to go along with him in his attempt to give Sariel immense power by summoning a portal to the moon, Sariel's energy source, knowing the sudden sight of the moon being only 100 meters away would cause enough panic to re-energize Satan. After completing this goal, he promptly curb stops Olba's white, wrinkled ass.
    • In episode 8, Suzuno suggests this to Emi, but the latter refuses for a variety of reasons, such as Maou saving people's lives in an earlier attack.
  • Epic Fail: The masked assailant who attacks Emi at the convenience store in episode 7. He rushes at her...only to slam into the sliding glass door. Made funnier when the identity of the masked man is revealed. It's Sariel. The archangel Sariel fell for a closed glass door.
    • Even worse, he's a first generation angel- he was born & raised on a modern/sci-fi world. Unlike most of our Fish Outof Water cast. He knows what a dang automatic door is!
  • Even Evil Has Standards: You do not look in a lady's wallet without permission!
  • Everybody Knew Already: Turns out Maou and his roomies all knew from the beginning Suzuno was actually from Ente Isla. They just didn't bug her about it because it's free food and not a big deal to them. Lucifer even remarks on how the food tastes a little Sacred for his liking.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Satan and Alciel's Demon forms were bigger than the Hero Emi. Their human forms are much smaller, though, so when Maou temporarily regains his form, his clothing is instantly stretched to the breaking point over his frame.
  • Evil Is Petty: In addition to the whole 'conquer the world' thing, Ashiya says he would steal the keys of someone who had done him a favor, while Maou seems to feel it's his job as an overlord to annoy Emi. They even prank call her at work to test Lucifer's hacking skills (her expressions during this scene are hilarious).
  • Evil Overlord: Maou was one, but now he's just an employee at a fast food restaurant. This doesn't stop him from retaining his old dramatic tendencies, however.
  • Evolving Credits:
    • The series initially had a placeholder opening as well as ending, despite having the accompanying songs for both. The first two episodes have no opening. The third episode starts with the cuts taken from the light novel covers, before transitioning to using flashbacks and scenes from the first two episodes, to finally showing the fully-animated version in episode 05. Even the "real" opening animation features slight changes between episode 5 and 7, like going from showing just Maou, Ashiya, Emi, and Chiho during the walking sequence, to including Lucifer and Suzuno, incidentally spoiling the latter's identity as the Church Inquisitor. All this is because the studio, for whatever reason, couldn't complete the actual opening on time.
    • The ending placeholder, on the other hand, is initially a reverse replay of the first episode, then transitions to a basic animation taken from the light novels, then goes to a slow pan-up of Chiho while wearing a bikini, sun hat, and semi-transparent sundress (which had been drawn by the director). The final ending sequence that appears in Episode 06 still retains that particular pan-up, but shows a whole lot more montages — including Chiho sitting seemingly naked covered only by a round cushion, as well as wearing a bunny-girl outfit. It's still very much Chiho-centric however.
      • The pan-up in Episode 06 now shows multiple but faint clocks appearing on Chiho's body.
      • The ending credits change again for episode 13, showing slice-of-life moments for the main cast after everything's wrapped up.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: Chiho figured that supernatural entities would be a bit more impressive. Emi concedes her point.

    Chiho: I'm sorry! I always thought angels and demons and stuff would be more... like, imaginary and amazing.

  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: While fighting against Emi in episode 11, Sariel took the time to explain his unique ability to nullify her sacred powers to Emi. Justified in that he had absolute confidence in his powers. Since his power couldn't be blocked, nullified, or taken away, simply knowing he can do it does absolutely nothing to help Emi to overcome it.
  • Faith in the Foe: Sauriel has captured Chiho and Emi, and is torturing Emi in order to reclaim her Celestial sword, Better Half. Despite being his enemy, Emi explains that Sadao will show up to rescue Chiho, as she's a MgRonald's employee under Sadao's care.

    Emi: You hurt that girl and you will literally have the Devil to pay.

  • Fallen Angel: Lucifer is the main one, but there's implied to be others.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: The later light novels start to devolve more into Ente Isla and we see:
    • The Western continent is based on medieval Europe with their more advanced magic and constant fights power struggles with the church.
    • The Eastern continent is based on dynastic China with the word dynasty used and even fireworks and firecrackers used by the citizens.
  • Fantasy Gun Control: Not straight example but related: one part of the Analysis/FantasyGunControl page mentioned a justification for that trope by saying that guns aren't common due to prevalence of magic...but what if that extends to all ranged weapons and not just guns? We get Ente Isla. The prevalence of defense-boosting magic which makes bows hard to pierce, and that the level training required to be good at bows takes mostly equivalent amount of time to learn holy magic, which has more firepower and flexibity, means that conventional ranged weapons are rendered obsolete on Ente Isla. Even the best of Northerner archers, who use them the most both for hunting and warfare, still have their skill level much lower than Chiho, who is mererly a skilled amateur on Earth, let alone professional hunters or sport shooters. After Chiho's participation in the competition in the Northern Continent, Din Dem Urs decides to intensify the archery training for Northerners, since when Maou and Emi finished releasing the Sephirahs, magic will be either mostly or completely gone, and they will have massive head start in post-magic ranged warfare.
  • Fantastic Racism:
    • DEFIED by Maou. The only reason he fought humans in the first place is because they were in the way in his goals. It also help that he's in the situation where he has to work with humans if he is to succeed in world domination.
    • Played straight by Emi. Justified that she lost her father in the war against the demons. Things get complicated when her father is revealed to be alive.
  • Featureless Plane of Disembodied Dialogue: The light novels, in their English translation, do not use dialogue tags. A reader must parse the following paragraph and figure out who the speaker is. Sometimes, however, there is no following paragraph, leaving the reader confused and bewildered who is talking. One egregious example happens at the beginning of book 3, when Maou and Suzuno are trying to impress each other with their knowledge of the Obon tradition. Halfway through, Chiho enters the conversation, but we don't find that out for another page and a half, making the back and forth utterly incomprehensible to attribute.
  • Female Angel, Male Demon:
    • The three demons of the cast are male (with the Fallen Angel being the most feminine-looking of the trio) while the half-angel hero is female with her angel half stemming from her mother.
    • Subverted in the case of Archangel Sariel, though he still looked rather feminine as well, and later Gabriel, Raguel, and Camael.
  • Fictional Counterpart:
    • The fast-food joint Maou works at is called MgRonalds.
    • Emi works at the Docodemo Phone company (for the biggest phone company in Japan, DoCoMo).
    • Nobody does chicken like Sentucky Fried Chicken.
  • Filler: Apart from Suzuno's arrival at the end, the majority of Episode 6 is an anime original.
  • Fish out of Water: Everyone from Ente Isla adapts quite fast to life in Japan, and not in the Villains Blend in Better or Like a Duck Takes to Water ways: they go completely native. It helps that there are time skips during their adjustment phase but it's implied they do take well to their new lives (albeit with a naivety concerning subtle details of daily modern life).
    • Played very straight with Suzuno, who is not only a fish out of water but a fish out of temporal water as well. This severely complicates her adjustment compared to the others. She argues with a train station gate insistently blocking her way and stereotypically freaks out about a flatscreen tv having "tiny people" in it. Even after being corrected, she's shown to be hard-locked into some habits such as speaking Japanese in a very old, formal and traditional style and wearing kimonos (she still buys more kimonos during a shopping spree when told about western clothes and given magazines about them). This just seems to be her personal preference however. This is partly justified since, in order to prepare herself for Japan she studied historical dramas.
  • The Fog of Ages: Volume 18 throws a curveball in the Invasion of Heaven scheme by revealing that all angels on Maou's sides seems to have problems remembering the past clearly, given how long each of them lived, when they tried to compare each angels' testimonies for accuracy. This means informations used for the planning are most likely inaccurate.
  • Food and Body Comparison: In the Pool Episode of the anime, Maou has been sent to a MgRonalds outside of an amusement park, and is serving up meals, while the female members of the cast go to the park itself. While changing into their swimsuits, Emi spies Chihyo in her swimsuit, just as Maou is serving up "Two Big Migs, extra sauce!"note  and are treated to a visual of two huge double-decker burgers side by side. Then Emi looks at her own chest, and we're shown Maou serving up, "Two small burgers, hot and fresh!" for a visual of two much smaller single patty burgers side-by-side on the tray.
  • Food as Bribe: In episode 9, Ashiya makes himself known after hearing Emi insult Maou inside the SFC restaurant. At first it seems things are going to end up in a very heated argument, but then Emi offers to buy him some dinner if he'll tell Rika about Maou. He immediately accepts and sits down, proclaiming that there's nothing he wouldn't do for Maou and to save on their money.
  • Foreshadowing: Often but very subtle
    • In episode 7 Emi drops several hints during her first encounter with Suzuno including considering the possibility of her being an assassin from Ente Isla, which she is.
    • Also hinting at Suzuno's identity, in the original Japanese script Emi asks Suzuno "are you after Maou" which she interprets to mean after him to kill him resulting in a pretty big misunderstanding. In the English dub however, the line was changed and the misunderstanding removed causing a minor inconsistency later.
    • Still in episode 7, Urushihara looks at one of Emi's energy drinks and says if she keeps drinking that stuff she will wind up like Ashiya who is sick with what appears to be heatstroke. Since the bottle actually contains Celestial Force, this hints at the true cause of Ashiya's illness, as well as the fact that Urushihara already figured out the bottle's contents.
    • In a more petty example, at the back end of Volume 6 of the Manga, one of the gag comics has Suzuno wanting to buy a TV as the punchline. At the start of Volume 7... Maou is thinking of buying a TV.
  • Four Is Death: Satan's Four Generals. At least one has turned traitor.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus:
    • In episode three, if you go frame by frame through the collapsing tunnel scene you see magical barriers going up around the people as Maou protects them.
    • In episode eleven, during a casual attempt to get out of work, Urushihara stops for a moment to pick up his shoes but instead is shown picking up Suzuno's sandals. If you pause during the brief shot of the pile of shoes by the door you can see a small tracking device in Urushihara's hand.
    • The gestures and body language of the characters is well animated. Some of these occur in less than half a second. During the lunchbox scene, pay attention to Chiho's expressions and how she throws herself across the table to grab, yank and then shake Maou. Emi is a powerhouse of expressions to the point where you can read the escalating stages of "pissed off" she's going through in a single moment.
  • Friendly Enemies: "You are a ruler of demons! You cannot party the night away with some hero."
  • "Friends" Rent Control:
    • Maou's apartment is pretty small, but of the two (later three) people living in it, only one is employed, and he has a part-time job at a fast food restaurant. Possibly justified when it's revealed that the landlady knew what they were from the beginning and was sympathetic to their plight. In fact, Laila also gets discount rent just like the trio in another one of Miki-T's apartment.
    • Emi's apartment is much nicer than Maou, and while her job pays better than Maou's it still shouldn't be enough for the rent. Volume 14 justifies by saying that her apartment complex was caught in a substandard construction scandal that results in the company slashing price to try and pull in customers who had lost their trust.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Essentially this is Maou's plan. The novels reveal this is how he got to be the Lord of Demons back on Ente Isla in the first place; he was actually a low ranking foot soldier for decades that worked his way to the top through hard work and wits.
  • Funny Background Event:
    • When Emi tries storming Castle Overlord (read: knocks on the door of their one-room apartment and begins yelling at them to come out and fight) Alciel locks the door and begins discussing the situation with Maou while in the background Emi first rants at and threatens them before beginning to cry in frustration.
    • Later, she tries to pick a fight with Maou at work, which he willfully misinterprets as her ordering food. When she walks out, she's carrying the food he decided she had been ordering.
    • When Emi and Suzuno go to Moonbucks, Suzuno copies Emi's gestures - being out of touch with modern Japan, she sees Emi as being more experienced. When she copies Emi spilling some cream for her coffee, she makes a triumphant fist for a brief moment at having gotten it 'right'.
    • Suzuno again in Sentucky. After taking their seats, look at her face for the entire length of the scene while Rika and Emi bicker. She takes a small sip of her drink and then just stares at it the entire time as if it's the nectar of the gods.
    • Lucifer often complains about how poorly he is treated by the other characters, who, of course, ignore his rants, relegating him to background noise.
  • Genre Shift: The revelation of angels' history shift the story considerably toward sci-fi rather than just pure fantasy. However, given that the angels mastered both technology and magic, things goes on more Science Fantasy route, with demons mostly able to repair a spaceship using magic.
  • Gilligan Cut: In the first episode when Satan and Alciel arrive on Earth they encounter a pair of police officers who try to make them get in the police car. Alciel leaps back and attempts to use magic on them, loudly proclaiming that he'll never go with them. After his spell fails, there's a Beat and the scene cuts to the pair in the back of the police car.
  • Girly Run: Emi pulls it off during the opening credits sequence.
  • The Glomp: Rika does this to Chiho in episode 9 after being smacked by Cuteness Proximity.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Apparently, powerful heroes and demon lords spend their time chatting and snarking at each other when they're not working.
  • Gratuitous English: Emi's "Relax Bear" wallet.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: Emi and her closest allies are genuinely heroic while Maou's greatest moral failing is his inability to lead his forces properly, causing them to go out of control against civilian targets. There are very few genuinely bad people in the cast. Even the church can be argued to be just trying to keep order in Ente Isla. The worst character would probably be Olba, given his lust for power in order to become an angel. Even the Big Bad Ignora is an Well-Intentioned Extremist.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Emilia is the daughter of a human man and an angel woman. Deconstructed when Gabriel points out that hybrids are only possible when both parents are genetically close, paving the way for the reveal that angels are empowered humans.
  • Ham-to-Ham Combat:
    • Both Emi and Suzuno in episode 8 after they both realize that they're both from Ente Isla. Their heated debate gets the attention of some passersby.
    • Most of Emi and Maou's arguments start out as or devolve into this eventually.
  • Handy Emotional Cues: When Sauriel is torturing Emellia and Chiyho is being Forced to Watch, Sauriel orders Crestia Bell to kill Sadao Maou as he approaches. Emellia lays into Crestia with a scathing "The Reason You Suck" Speech, and we're shown a close up of Crestia's fingers twitching as each point of the speech hits its mark. She draws her Hyperspace Mallet to attack Maou, but in truth has already decided that she wants Maou to save Emellia and Chiyho, and her attacks are half-hearted at best.
  • Harem Genre: The second book/second half of the anime gets increasingly haremesque—not only does Maou have a Clingy Jealous Girl pursuing him and bucketloads of Belligerent Sexual Tension with his sworn enemy, but a stately and demure young woman named Suzuno moves in next to him and essentially becomes his cook. Subverted Trope. Suzuno is an assassin trying to kill Maou and is worming her way into his good graces. Thanks to his Obfuscating Stupidity, Maou realizes this right away and quips that that sort of thing never happens in real life, yet he lets Suzuno cook for him anyway. However, by Volume 16 this trope is being played a lot straighter, with Suzuno not giving up on her feelings for Maou even if he preemptively shut down her confession back in Volume 9, and Emi is starting to act on her feelings and even secretly gives Maou Valentine chocolate. Chiho is still Chiho, and would continue her quest even though she knew that Emi and Suzuno are also on the same path.
  • Hate Sink: Olba Mayer. He's perfectly willing to sacrifice innocents to achieve his goal, is a Dirty Coward who doesn't pose a serious threat to the heroes, and he's not funny at all.
  • Haunted House: Emi, Chiho, and Suzuno visit one in episode 10. Despite having probably seen much worse, it scares all three girls. Emi later wonders who would create such a thing, while Suzuno thought she was prepared for stuff like that. All three are holding their face, probably in tears afterwards.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Lucifer was originally one of Maou's generals, then shows up with Olba on Earth to kill him. After Lucifer's defeat, Maou accepts him back rather easily. Once Olba returns, he goes to Lucifer to team up against Maou again, and Lucifer appears to agree at first. However, Lucifer turns on Olba after using him to help Maou gain the upper hand in his own fight, making this a subversion of this trope.
  • Hero Stole My Bike: In episode 8, while walking Chiho home, Maou brings his bike along to go to work afterwards. After she gives him a Love Confession, they realize Suzuno was watching them. Chiho then grabs his bike and starts taking off with it, and apologizes profusely later for it.
  • He Was Right There All Along: The angels didn't find Tree of Sephirot on their moon's homeworld during their initial scan because the area the Tree's in is on the opposite side of the moon base, and doesn't have enough underground resource to warrant further exploration. It's only after the epidemic research begun that serious Holy Magic scanning finally found it.
  • How Much Did You Hear?: To Chiho's dismay, Suzuno heard everything after "I'd already fallen for you, Maou-san."
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl:
    • Albert and Emeralda.
    • Also, Maou and Emi - there's not much of a size difference (if any) when he's human, but as a demon...
    • Also Maou and Chiho - the latter is already much shorter than even human Maou, but in his demon form...
  • Human Aliens: What angels really are. They're a small city of scientists, support staff, and security personnel from a technologically and magically advanced human civilization that flee their homeworld via city-sized spaceships after their research into immortality to help solve worldwide epidemic crisis triggered a world war between nations that wanted to seize the immortality treatment for themselves. Technically Ente Isla humans also serve as this to Earth humans too, given that Ente Isla isn't in different universe, but rather a different planet in the same universe as Earth.
  • Humanity Ensues:
    • The rules of Earth's reality don't give much leeway for the cast to keep their demonic/angelic traits and powers.
    • Emi is especially taken aback when Maou mentions that he couldn't help but acquire empathy for humans after living as one for a year.
  • Humanity is Infectious: A despotic Demon Lord and a Half Angel Cold-Hearted Heroine are no match against the everyday kindnesses of Present Day Earth. Same goes for a sociopathic backstabbing Fallen Angel.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • During the fight in episode 5, Ashiya knocks Olba into a building. He then asks why Emi teamed up with a demon, and is immediately called out by the others as he's working with Lucifer. Even Lucifer called him out.
    • In episode 6, Emi pays a visit at Maou's restaurant, saying she wants to talk to him. He tells her that disturbing him at work is extremely rude, which causes her to immediately call him out on this, as he had called her while she was at work the day before.
  • I Don't Pay You to Think: Stated by Olba to Crestia, who questions the Church's decisions.
  • I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Considering Laila's manipulation of events in order to keep the Sephirot out of Ente Isla's version of Heaven's hands, it's not surprising that Emi doesn't have the best opinion of her mother anymore. Lucifer is this to a lesser extent: he resented his mother Ignora for abandoning him in Demon World, however, that happened so long ago that he didn't consider it to be that important anymore. Still, he won't mind if his mother is killed during invasion of Heaven, the operation which he eventually joined willingly.
  • I Lied: In episode 12, Lucifer runs into Olba again. The latter offers to work together again, and Lucifer agrees to it. However, he tricks Olba into summoning the moon closer to get Sariel into a false sense of security, and helps Suzuno cause panic on the streets to give Maou some magical power, then knocks out Olba and ties him up once he's got Emi's bag back.
  • Ignored Enemy: Confronting Lucifer is not as important as lecturing Maou on his movie expenditures. This gets deconstructed as Lucifer gets bored very quickly and decides to shoot Alciel while he's distracted.
  • Improbable Age: Hazel Rumack is general of a knight order and Suzuno becoming the de facto leader of the Church in their 20s.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: There's been a few name spelling difference between the fan translation of the novel/manga and Yen Press' translation, with the most notable being Erone/Iron and Hazel Rumack/Heather Lumack.
  • Indignant Slap:Implied in episode 12. Maou has just rescued Emilia from Sauriel, She's woozy and groggy. He informes her that her shirt is open. She flushes bright red, and slowly closes her shirt. The next time we see Maou, he has a bright red handprint on his cheek.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Maou does this often with his Oblivious to Love with Chiho.
  • Invading Refugees: The demons are this due to situations described in No Blood for Phlebotinum. Later Maou used Alciel and Azure Emperor's plan to focus more on the refugee part by integrating the demons into Ente Isla human society in the nations willing to take them in.
  • I Take Offense to That Last One:
    • Emi and Chiho call Sariel a pervert numerous times and he angrily denies the Panty Thief accusation.
    • In the dub, when Alciel forces Maou to buy new clothes for a date with Chiho, he describes Maou as dressing like a dowdy transient bum. Maou only objects to being called a transient bum.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifter: When Satan and Alciel come to Earth, they become human with very little magic. They can become their true demon form again when they get enough magic, like when Maou grows to his true size in episode 3. Camio had it worse in the novel, being transformed into a black bird/chicken.
  • Ironic Echo: In episode 6, the demons experiment with hacking and use it to bother Emi at work, which she tells them off for. Later she storms into McRonalds to talk to Maou, and he repeats her previous complaints, albeit in a deadpan.

    Maou: I'm working right now and you know it. What do you think you're doing?

  • Is It Something You Eat?: Suzuno asks this when they are about to visit the reptile house in episode 10. She then relates to Chiho a story of how she was invited to eat some down south. Her story is of dubious accuracy, raising questions as to why she would even want to try eating lizards again. This is actually inverted in the novels where Suzuno is actually a big fan of lizard cuisine, enough to weird out Olba.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Sariel and to a lesser extent Suzuno. Both their arrivals mark the part where the comedic nature of the story is toned down a little and things get serious. Volume 8 serves as this later in the novel, but even then it didn't stop the comedy, at least on Maou side. Emi's side not so much.
  • Large Ham: Basically everyone. They might be fast food cashiers, tech support, and so on now, but they still talk like Satan, his Dragon, and The Hero. This plays a large role in the comedy aspects of the series, especially when they start to get hammy in public...
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo:
  • Letting the Air out of the Band: When Emi reveals her true identity and confronts an aghast Maou, and threatens him with death, she pulls out a knife to show she means business. An unimpressed Maou then recognizes it as being a dollar-store (and very small) knife bought from nearby and the music slowly fades out before getting back into gear as she regains her composure and charges at him full tilt with it. Hilarious in that his reaction is not smug or sardonic, he's blank and completely unthreatened by its presence.
  • Light Is Not Good: Everyone we've seen aligned with Ente Isla's Corrupt Church has been a Knight Templar at best and a power-hungry monster at worst. These people wield explicitly divine power.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: The confrontations between Emi and Maou, much to her chagrin. Lucifer even name-drops this trope in the English dub.
  • Locked Out of the Loop:
    • Rika, in episode 9, attempts to pry some information out of Emi regarding her exact relationship with Maou. Ashiya ends up explaining the gist of the history between Maou, Emi, and himself as though they were longtime professional rivals and Emi was partly responsible for the failure of a company he and Maou tried to start together - an explanation which is accurate enough to satisfy Rika's curiosity.
    • Chiho to a lesser extent. Although she knows a little about Ente Isla from Maou and Emi, she's initially unaware that Suzuno is also from there.
    • Status Quo Is God: Things stay like this for eight books, until Rika finally forces the issue when Emi suddenly disappears without a word, apparently taking Arras Ramus with her.Then Emi suddenly sent and Idea Link to her. Much like Chi-chan, she takes the revelations quite well.
  • Loophole Abuse: In episode 13/a short story in Volume 7, Lucifer ends up buying a lot of items which Maou's apartment has no use for, nor can he fit inside, such as seven beds. He tries to return the items, but the business owner refuses to take them back, since they were legally purchased. As Maou and Ashiya try to figure out what to do since he now owes a lot of money for those items, Emi asks how old Lucifer is considered in human years. After Maou tells her, she gives him a way out, by telling him about "cooling off". Since Lucifer is technically under Maou's guardianship, he's not allowed to spend that much without Maou's approval, so they utilize that loophole to get the business owner to take the items back and not owe him any money.
  • Louis Cypher: Maou Sadao (真奥貞夫) is one of the most blatant ever, although he's never called on it by anyone except Ashiya. A semi-literal translation would be "John Secretlythedevil" and the official English translation is "Jacob Satan".
  • Love Triangle: Chiho is in love with Maou and thinks that Emi is her rival despite all of her strong objections to the contrary.
    • After that gets settled to Chiho's satisfaction, she finds out about Suzuno, who she assumes has a crush on Maou.
    • Later this turns into quardrangle when it turns out Suzuno does have feelings for Maou and Emi starts to realizing her own feelings too.
  • Male Gaze: Episode 7 gives us a shot of Emi's sweat-soaked shirt and the bra she's wearing underneath.
  • Medieval Stasis: There has not been much technological progress in Ente Isla. Becomes a plot point when it was revealed that the angels messing with the Tree of Sephirot is stunting technological development on the planet.
  • Miser Advisor: Ashiya. He is extremely obsessive about the Demon Castle's finances, and very much a penny-pincher.
  • Missing Steps Plan: Emphasized; Maou's Evil Plan? Climb up the employee ladder at MgRonalds, Take Over the World. This is in fact a running gag, each raise and promotion a step forward to his goals. When he becomes assistant shift manager, Chiho (who knows of their origins at this point) even brings up the fact that he technically has human underlings now under his power (with added hilarity from Emi appearing and saying she'll never allow it in typical hero fashion... for a mundane situation).
  • Mistaken for Gay: Maou and Ashiya with some frequency. Half the time Ashiya acts like a harassed housewife and Maou like a henpecked working husband. Also they've started to get much closer (in a bro-ship manner) and their relationship, while retaining the general undertones, has long since progressed past the boundaries of a regular villain and his loyal dragon.
    • This starts really early on in the manga, when Ashiya and Maou are setting up their family registry. The old couple watching them thinks they're getting married.
  • The "Mom" Voice: A rare male example of the "Mom" voice comes from Shiro Ashiya/General Alciel, whenever he has to lecture Urushihara/Lucifer on proper etiquette, not wasting the limited funds of "The Devil's Castle", or just generally telling him not to be a pain in the ass.
  • Moment Killer:
    • Emi stops Chiho from an attempted Love Confession to Maou in episode 3.
    • While it's not a romantic moment for them, Chiho and Ashiya interrupt the argument Maou and Emi were having just moments earlier. However, it's played straight for Chiho, who suspects Emi is really dating Maou when she finds the two at his apartment.
  • Mood Whiplash:
    • During the fifth episode, the story takes a much more serious turn, but to keep things from getting too heavy the story makes sure to pull out its usual humor every now and then, flipping the story between drama and comedy quite quickly.
    • In episode 11, the masked attacker shows up again, and delivers a Curb-Stomp Battle to Emi. Suzuno also seems to be helping him, although all she seems to do is keep Chiho from interfering/getting hurt.
    • Episode 12 is heavy on the action and drama, first with Ashiya being attacked by Olba, then Emi being tortured with an Agony Beam, and later Maou getting beat up rather badly first by Suzuno, then Sariel, before getting some power back and returning the favor to the latter. Like the fifth episode however, it also has its comedy in between to keep the mood from getting too dark, such as Maou taking off his work clothes before fighting to avoid damaging them and having to pay for a replacement pair.
    • Volume 15 is this incarnate. The Prologue shows Chiho and Rika coming to a completely empty Villa Rosa Sasazuka, with Chiho tersely and depressingly stated that everyone went back to Ente Isla in order to fulfill Laila's plan, and given that every room is completely empty, it seems like everyone left for good, with Rika even crying. Then the Epilogue comes, Chiho suddenly rips apart tatami mat in Maou's room and made a Gate, drops herself and Rika into the Gate and ends up appearing in Ente Isla. Then Chiho and Maou revealed that Laila and Gabriel made everyone a feather pen so they can freely travel back and forth between Earth and Ente Isla (accounting for 40 minute one-way travel time). And the reason why Chiho sounds terse and depressed earlier? She was sleepy from waking up early, and it got quite cold in Japan. Rika is so exasperated by this she demands her tears and serious feelings back.
  • Muggle Best Friend: Chiho, Maou's Smitten Teenage Girl co-worker is this for most of the cast. Emi also has her co-worker at her job at a call-center, Riki, and even Gabriel regularly interacts with a man named Satou at the internet cafe he lives in.
  • Mundane Made Awesome:
    • Ashiya attempts to use magic when he and Maou first land on Earth. Although he tries to make it dramatic, to the cops, it just looks like he's cosplaying.
    • Emi threatens to take down Maou when they first have a serious conversation in a very Large Ham fashion. She then pulls out a really tiny knife, which he isn't threatened by in the least (he even blankly reveals that he knows where she bought it: at the local Japanese equivalent of a dollar store).
    • Maou talking about incinerating and enjoying eating something at the beginning of episode 6, only to then reveal that he and Ashiya were at a restaurant. The latter points out that the former's weirdness was freaking out the other customers.
    • The intro has an over-animated scene of Ashiya chopping vegetables and shaking dirt out of a pair of boxer shorts.
  • Named Weapons: Emi's holy sword is named "Better Half". This is also a Meaningful Name as well — "Better Half" can only be used by a half angel, half human hybrid.
  • NEET: When Lucifer winds up moving in with Ashiya and Maou, it takes him almost no time at all to go from a feared Fallen Angel and general in the Demon Lord's army to a lazy layabout.
  • Never Be a Hero: Chiho is discouraged from learning combat magic for self-defense, because her status as a noncombatant protected her, and she can't learn it fast enough to protect herself from the attention she would receive as a potential threat. She is still taught Idea Link so she can call for help.
  • No Blood for Phlebotinum: Ultimately why Maou led the invasion of human kingdoms: food. Him uniting the demons inadvertedly leading to massive decrease in the feeling of fear in demon population. Since demons survived by converting magic into nutrition and magic is generated by fear, demons would eventually starve in roughly 5 centuries due to amount of magic available decreasing, and since demons don't have their own agricultural program much less them knowing that they can survive with conventional food...thus the focus on conquering human population: they hope that ruling over the humans would have them generate enough fear to solve the issue.
  • No Ending: The anime lasted for a single season and concluded with a relatively innocuous episode about Maou and Emi tidying up after Lucifer's bad spending habits, with a bit of Ship Tease thrown in. There's no real conclusion to the character arcs or the situation in Ente Isla. Internet reviewer Arkada opines this was intentionally a "Read the Manga Ending", and the anime was essentially just a marketing tactic for the light novel series. The start of the second season two years after the light novel ended only adds onto this belief.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: When working at the theme park, Chiho shows up hoping to catch his attention by wearing a new bikini. Much to her frustration he doesn't even bat an eye, and thinks she means working at the park when she asks if he likes her swimsuit (while pushing her chest together with her arms no less).
  • Not the Fall That Kills You…: An unconscious Chiho is tossed carelessly to the side by Lucifer from quite a height. Emi manages to catch her and she's fine. Oddly enough, though, the impact breaks Emi's legs.
    • Considering how far away she was and how fast people fall, Emi probably boosted her speed to catch Chiho and didn't think about the effect the impact would have on her human knees.
  • Not What It Looks Like:
    • Maou and Emi tend to get into a lot of public spats (usually due to the latter freaking out over one thing or another), which make them look like a couple having an argument. As noted by one of the other entries on this page, Emi usually blushing immediately afterwards only helps strengthen the impression for bystanders.
    • Chiho walks in on them talking in his apartment and runs away crying and the landlady misunderstands the situation.
    • In episode 8, Suzuno inquires more about what Emi's exact relationship is with him. She's shocked to find out the hero doesn't want to outright kill Maou after hearing that he saved a lot of people from Olba and Lucifer's attacks in earlier episodes.


  • Obfuscating Stupidity: At least in the anime, Maou seems like a typical oblivious-to-love Slice-of-Life/Harem series protagonist. However, he was Genre Savvy enough (due to B movies, primarily) to avert Talking Is a Free Action during major fight scenes. And while he acts oblivious-to-love, after Chiho makes an active declaration of how she feels about Maou he thinks to himself that he can't continue playing dumb (although he does still obfuscate some stupidity). Thirdly, he ties his genre savvy into his life by realizing shortly after their meeting that Suzuno is actually from Ente Isla because that sort of Contrived Coincidence doesn't just happen. He learns quickly, and keeps those lessons close to his heart even if he continues to present himself as a typical anime idiot.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Lucifer has this expression in episode 5 when a fully powered Maou appears right in front of him.
    • Emi and Suzuno have a dual one when they realize they had a One Dialogue, Two Conversations moment.
  • One Dialogue, Two Conversations: Emi and Suzuno's exchange in episode 7/the start of Volume 2. Emi thinks another girl has a crush on Maou while Suzuno assumes her cover is blown. Which doesn't happen until they do the same thing the next episode.
  • One Head Taller: Maou is generally this compared to Chiho and Suzuno.
  • Our Angels Are Different: While the angels in this series look like the general depiction of angels, mostly humanoid with large white wings. Angels don't particularly care about humans, only caring for themselves. And that angels are really just humans with greater magic and longer lives.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Ente Islan demons are the descendants of Ente Islan humans that Ignora's angel race experimented on when they first arrived trying to discover how to make themselves immortal. One reason why Maou and Ashiya took human forms on Earth. They also tend to be uninterested and oblivious to sexual depravity and lust, or even romantic attractions. Also, Ente Islan demons tend to be poor, bad with money (with the exception of Alciel) and dislike duplicity. They'd rather be upfront in their evil and fight a good fight face to face.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Emi's attitude towards Maou.
  • Perpetual Molt: Any character with wings.
  • Periphery Demographic: In-Universe. Volume 3 mentions both the large adult fanbase of "Pretty and Pure" and references the "Odagiri effect"NOTE, though not by name.
  • Perpetual Poverty: Maou and Ashiya, unfortunately. Emi's only a little better off (to her initial chagrin when she realizes her day is about the same as theirs).
  • The Plague: The Angel civilization was hit by a bad case of this after series of extreme bad luck: nearby supernova carried harmful substances to their planet during the time of low solar activity, which means solar wind that would normally protect them wasn't available. Said substance then cause a highly virulent disease outbreak. The research for the cure eventually morphed into Ignora's research for immortality, which ends up being the impetus of the death of original Angel civilization.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: In episode 12, Maou begins to strip off his work clothes when confronting Suzuno, causing her to blush and cover her eyes. He then explains that if his work clothes get damaged outside of work-related use, he has to pay for replacements. He also ends up fighting Sariel with just his boxers, socks and shoes on.
  • Potty Emergency: Ashiya spends much of episode 10 locked in the bathroom because he ate too many noodles from Suzuno due to trying to finish them off before they expired the next day and said noodles being tainted with sacred power by Suzuno who is really an assassin from Ente Isla in an attempt to poison Maou and co isn't helping him as well.
  • The Power of Love: In the manga, Emi guesses that magic on Earth may come from the human heart, be it love (for her) or fear (for demons).
  • The Quisling: The Azure Emperor is quite cooperative with demons conquering his realm in the Eastern Continent. This proves to be a positive example where he and Alciel hammered a plan to shift demons' plan from conquering human realms to help integrate them into human society, a plan which Maou eventually adopts. This would also benefit the Empire (and other nations that adopted the plan): the demon influx would mean that those nations would have better means of matching the Church and the Western Continent's powers. Meanwhile, they would also send manpower to help Maou invade Heaven.
  • "Rashomon"-Style: Very briefly. We see the original war at the very start of the series from largely human perspective: Demons fighting humans and demons killing villagers. Emi has a flashback about how her father's village was destroyed. However, we later get a different interpretation from Ashiya's perspective as he relates a mundane version of the situation to Rika. To him, the demons were the underdog struggling to survive while Emi represented a larger, stronger group that eventually crushed them with resources. From his perspective, Emi's group had no malice but his group was doing nothing wrong, making them more rivals than anything. His view of events can be rather telling when it comes to interpreting his actions and attitudes.
  • Reactive Continuous Scream: Chi was blushing about Maou for a moment when Emi's friends tease her, then he walks into the room and she begins hilariously screaming in surprise. Maou and then Alciel then scream just as hilariously in response.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: The police in this show are not useless, but they seem really lax on the uptake! The police officers in the first episode think that Satan and Alciel are tourists who were mugged and only want to help, and later on, another one thinks they're actors rehearsing a play and laments his own failed pursuit of acting.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Maou's manager talks about this after a former coworker was sent to a remote MgRonalds for letting business slip after a rival restaurant chain opened up nearby. She then threatens Maou with it as well.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated:
    • As part of the Corrupt Church's plans, they proclaimed Emi died in the final assault on Maou. Emi's friend Emeralda, after meeting up with her, has been spreading word to many people this report is false.
    • It runs in the family, apparently. Despite Emilia being driven to avenge her father, it turns out he's not dead after all. Her (literally) angelic mother rescued him and shipped him off to Japan.
  • Running Gag:
    • When not on her job, Emi is determined to carry out her vigil (read: stalk) on Maou and co. She constantly runs into him performing mundane or innocent actions with the assumption that he's up to no good. Wherever Maou goes, it's safe to assume Emi is not too far away.
    • Alciel acting like a harassed loyal housewife. He saves money secretly, does the housework, avoids spending for his own leisure, manages expenses and purchases, often scolds Maou and Lucifer for wasteful spending, actively seeks opportunities to save (even at the cost to his honor and pride without hesitation) and even keeps an eye on all the bargains and discounts that are both active and seasonal. Even when gravely wounded from a gunshot to the chest, his last words for Maou before passing out are to take advantage of the month-start bargains were he to expire.
    • Chiho's misunderstandings about women going after Maou. Justified because to an outside observer, Emi looks like a stalker, and that bento Suzuno gave him was certainly well-prepared.
    • Maou may be empathetic, good-natured, caring and dedicated but he can't help occasionally indulging in his Overlord tendencies when given the least bit of opportunity. Emi and Ashiya are only a little bit behind him in this regard. Ashiya even goes as far to retrieve his attire as Maou's general after being healed from near-death and bestowed a level of magic power before launching into the fight. They do come from a world where Hammy behavior is the norm (and serious business) for people of their status and ability.
    • People falling down the stairs of Maou's apartment.
    • Emi's envy of Chiho's larger endowments crops up every few episodes
  • Safety in Muggles: When they're being fired on by an unknown and otherworldly assailant, Maou and Emi race to the nearest train station with the assumption that there will be more people around there.
  • Satan Is Good: The original Satan (who the main character is named for) seems to have been an angel who rebelled against his wife, the current leader of the angels and the apparent Big Bad. He failed to stop her, but was such an intimidating figure that among angels he's basically an Un-person and even fragmentary knowledge about him is enough to mark one for death.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Both Ashiya and Maou do this in episode 6 when Chiho tells them about some urban legends at her school, including one with a cell phone that rings when you find all seven mysteries there. They both try to disregard it at first, but then Maou's cellphone rings, hilariously causing both of them to freak out.
  • Sealed Evil in Another World: The whole premise has the Devil King escape his Standard Japanese Fantasy Setting, only to wind up powerless and stranded in Modern-Day Japan.
  • Serious Business: Competing fast food restaurants. To Maou, his part-time fast food job. Every raise and promotion is a major victory.
  • Settled for Gay: After praising Maou and supporting her daughter's interest in him, Chiho's mother points out that everything she said could apply to Emi too, adding "Take your own path, and as long as you don't do anything to embarrass yourself...I won't say anything."
  • Shout-Out:
    • Besides being a Bland-Name Product stand-in, Docodemo (meaning "wherever/anywhere" in Japanese) is usually associated with a certain robotic cat called Doraemon and his pocket space-time gate.
    • Episode 1 of the anime features an bilboard for something called Holy Potter.
    • In the English dub of episode 7, when Suzuno is helping make a meal at Maou's loft, she and Lucifer have this exchange.
    • Happened before in episode 4, when Emi tells off Maou when he's trying to help her, eliciting an understated "Excuse me, Princess!"
    • An annoyed Alciel complains about the idea of their meals being MgRonalds leftovers for the rest of the month and mentions Super Size Me when going on about how unhealthy that is.
    • While standing outside of Chiho's school in episode 6 of the anime English dub, Alciel warns Maou that "one does not simply walk into a high school one does not attend and start exploring the place."
    • After Lucifer betrays Olba rather than betraying Maou he says "Heaven is a Place on Earth" and rejects the offer to be allowed back into Heaven for helping the priest.
    • When Emi, Suzuko, and Rika are eating in the MgRonald's, Emi starts ranting about how bad Maou is. Ashiya, eavesdropping nearby, slams his fist on the table and shouts "I WOULD NOT SAY SUCH THINGS IF I WERE YOU," straight from The Princess Bride.
    • In Episode 10 A circus Monkey causes havok when he steals the keys at a zoo, similar to Dexter in Night at the Museum
    • The shop window that shows Chiho reflections of all of the Ente Isla characters near the end of the second end credits sequence is a facsimile of the Gutiok Panja bakery from Kiki's Delivery Service, complete with Kiki's distinctive circular sign between the window and the door. It's difficult to make out without pausing the video because the sign is virtually edge-on to the viewer.
    • Maou at one point in the English dub calls the Internet a magical series of tubes.
    • In Volume 4, when Alas Ramus is chasing a demon stuck in chicken form around a room, the author mentions a "certain Great Dane and his lanky pal pursuing a spooky space alien around a haunted house."
    • In Volume 4, Urushihara greets an opening portal with the line, "They're heeere!"
    • Volume 5 compares Urashihara uncharacteristically leaving a room in a hurry with Jabba the Hutt leaving his lair and becoming a triathlete.
    • In Volume 5, Suzuno makes a quip about "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune."
    • When chiding a demon lackey in volume 6, Maou compares the demon lackey's speech patterns to Smithers and then, when their conversation about baseball goes awry, laments that it's going to turn into Who's on First?.
    • In the second season of the anime, Alciel calls out Urushihara for playing a game featuring animals on a deserted island.
  • Slice of Life: Volume 7 and 14 focus on this, being collection of short stories set in various parts of the timeline focusing on the gang's more mundane life that isn't tied into the larger story.
  • Slow Life Fantasy: The work's premise is a humorous inversion; the protagonist is the Maou who once terrorized a fantasy world but finds himself stranded on Earth with low power reserves. Finding himself enjoying life here, he resolves to stay and live the normal life a part-time worker. However, this trope becomes ZigZagged when The Hero follows Maou to this world and asks if he just plans to live a normal life. Maou proclaims that his plan is to somehow work his way up the ladder at his fast-food job and gain enough influence to Take Over the World. However, he remains a normal human in the finale.
  • Smug Snake: The SFC manager across the street from the MgRonalds store Maou and Chiho work at gives off this vibe, which irritates both of them. He later does this to Emi and Rika as well, and both women also get disgusted by his actions.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: The anime loves playing really dramatic music. Given who the characters are and what was going on before the story got going, you can tell it's music that would fit the war that was going on beforehand. Now? Now it's when Alciel attempts to cast magic and instead calls a taxi or when Maou boasts about his plan to conquer Japan by becoming a full time employee at MgRonalds.
  • Stab the Salad: Grilled innards have much to fear from Maou.

    Maou: How does it feel to be helplessly incinerated by the flames? Your flesh, your guts, and even your bones will be consumed to fuel my ambitions! Let the feast begin! The first sacrifice I shall accept... will be you!

  • Staircase Tumble: The staircase of Maou's "fortress" evidently bears a massive grudge against all of humanity, especially Emi.
  • Standard Fantasy Setting: Ente Isla.
  • The Starscream: How Lucifer is introduced. He gets better after being pummeled by Sadao... mostly.
  • Supervillain Lair: The demon king might have to settle for a six-tatami apartment, but that isn't gonna stop him from dubbing it Castle Maou. As mentioned above, the stairs to their room could easily be classified as a death trap after the amount of damage it's done to visitors. This gets hilarious in Volume 15 when the whole room is transported into his castle in Ente Isla, resulting in them now living in a 6 tatami mat the middle of a giant throne room.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Since Emi and Maou's are not humans in their world (half angel in Emi's case) and possess many abilities such as superhuman speed, strength, and durability among others; becoming humans had led to such shocking revelations as:
    • In the anime, Maou, forgetting that he is human, neglects to eat anything throughout his first day in Japan and ends up passing out from hunger. In the light novel, he has a Post-Victory Collapse and sleeps for three days and nights, and has to be hospitalized because he didn't eat or drink anything.
    • There is no such thing as Talking Is a Free Action and evil monologues are just plain stupid.
    • Emi can't even knock down a door, breaks both her legs catching Chiho as she falls from a great height and learns that if you fall down even 3 feet upside down onto the back of your head it is going to hurt so terribly bad that you will squeeze into a fetal position, hold your head tight with both arms and squeal like a pig. Welcome to being a human in our world.
    • Having no earth education or even papers, you end with low-end jobs and living in medium-low (or sometimes plain poor) salaries after months of hard work.
    • Out of the things Maou learns, the most notable is that BULLETS HURT LIKE HELL and wondering how is it possible for humans to handle so much pain. As a demon he can have holes through his body and not even be bothered.
    • Also, Emi gets fired after being AWOL for one month after she was kidnapped to Ente Isla. Rika can cover the 2 weeks that Emi initially planned to be absent, but a month is just too much.
  • Sympathetic P.O.V.: The more serious part of the series is drawing back from a standard fantasy setup, showing that while Emilia is really heroic, not all her allies are, and Maou, her arch nemesis, is roughly morally equal to her. From the demon point of view, as explained by Ashiya, they viewed humans more like rivals than enemies and were struggling to survive.
  • Take a Third Option: Shows up as early as the second episode: Emi tells Maou the second time they meet that she's willing to let him live if he promises to stay on earth since he seems to be fitting in so well here. Naturally Maou has to reject this in the hammiest way possible.
  • Take That!:
    • Most characters regard Maou as having very bad fashion sense. His favorite brand is named after Uniqlo, known for making very basic clothing.
    • A dub-only example. After Emi begrudgingly shows her face when she take a photo alongside Maou and Alas Ramus, a carnival attendant secretly replies "geez what a Karen".
  • Talking Is a Free Action: Usually subverted. If you keep talking for too long, someone is going to blow a hole through you. At one point, after Maou regains his power, Emilia sits there thinking about how he plans to deal with Lucifer. In the background, you can hear Maou futilely trying to get her attention while she completely fails to pay attention until he starts outright yelling at her to listen since they have more important things to worry about.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: Suzuno poisons some wine to kill some heretics with in a Flash Back during episode 11 as part of her job as an Inquisitor for the Church. Maou also reveals in episode 12 that he knew she had put holy magic into the free food she gave them, hence why Ashiya was always sick in much of the second half of the anime, since he ate much of her food to ease their food budget.
  • Tap on the Head: Subverted: Rika hits her head when coming out of the Gate to Ente Isla in Volume 15. It looks like this trope happens when she wakes up without injury, but the other characters said that if Suzuno wasn't there to heal her things might have gotten more serious.
  • Team Mercy vs. Team Murder: Crestia Belle, aka Suzano, is following the orders of the church and wants to eliminate Sadao Maou, known to her as Satan Jacob from Ente Isla, as she believes he must be eliminated to secure peace and security for Ente Isla. Chihyo argues that Maou is a good person who helps people, someone who takes responsibility for his subordinates, as he did when he repaired the damage caused by a battle with Lucifer. Emelia, aka Emi Yusa, understands both points of view, having hated Maou for the murder of her father and village, and having seen firsthand the horrors that Satan's armies unleashed on Ente Isla. But she has also seen him hard at work as a regular human working a menial job at MgRonalds and helping people with genuine and intentional goodwill, such as when he used magic to corral a group of escaped crocodiles at a zoo exhibit. She vows to find a way to secure peace without having to sacrifice anyone.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Lucifer's attempts this to Emi by burying her and hundreds of other people underneath rubble. Maou later returns Lucifer the favor by giving him a Megaton Punch with layers of magic circles reaching far beyond his magic barrier.
  • This Is Gonna Suck:
    • Lucifer's expression as Maou is about to punish him with a very BIG windup, followed by a Megaton Punch so powerful that the impact can be seen from orbit.
    • Archangel Sariel also experiences this as Maou uses his Demonic Blade to drive him into the concrete. The impact can also be seen from orbit.

      Sariel: O God, save this lost little lamb...note 

  • Time Skip: After Satan and Alciel arrive in Japan and make their false Maou and Shiro identities, there's at least a three month gap before we see them again, fully acclimated.
    • There's a two month skip between episodes 5 and 6.
  • Thought They Knew Already: During Suzuno's introductory arc, Emi is left confused over her ignorance of modern technology and questions where she came from. Suzuno bluntly responds she's from Ente Isla, and is taken aback to discover that Emi genuinely didn't know beforehand.

    Emi: Okay... just to clarify, you're saying you're from Ente Isla?

    Suzuno: Yes, of course I am. Did you not know?

    [cue both girls screaming in surprise]

  • Today, X. Tomorrow, the World!: Mao actually does have a plan to take over our world; the first step is getting promoted to manager.
  • Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe: Of all the places Satan landed, it has to be Shibuya! This goes double for the others like Laila, who has been in Tokyo for far longer than Maou or Emi, and still had the two end up in the same city. Nord and Acieth at least has an excuse that Laila sent them to Tokyo since she already lives there and has enough resource set up for the two.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Although generally rather intelligent, Ashiya definitely comes off as this after The Reveal that he knew who Suzuno was. He and the other demons all knew she was from Ente Isla, and they quickly figured out she was preparing their food with celestial force, which is poisonous to demons. But while Maou and Urushihara tried to avoid the food and ate only enough to seem polite, Ashiya willingly ate so much of it that he ended up in the hospital... because he didn't want to waste food.
  • Translation Convention: For the first section of the first episode, Satan and Alciel still don't know Japanese, but the dialogue still switches to that rather than the cyphered English they were speaking before. When attempting to lease an apartment you can hear Satan's actual attempts at Japanese: His accent is awful. After this, he apparently becomes completely fluent in the language.
  • Trapped in Another World: Inverted Trope. The magical beings are the ones who end up mostly trapped in the normal world of muggles with limited access to their once mighty magical powers.
  • True Companions: While the group refuses to admit it, especially Emi and Maou about each other, the group does care about each other due to working together to protect Japan from the various forces of Ente Isla invading. This is shown when Emi goes missing in Ente Isla, not only are Suzuno and Chiho depressed but even Maou and Ashiya are worried as well.
  • Unbuilt Trope: The series, about an all-powerful demon overlord from a vaguely European fantasy realm who gets teleported to Earth and tries to gain ultimate power by working hard as a minimum wage schlub, feels like an Inverted parody of the late New Tens glut of Isekai wish fulfillment stories, except it started in 2011 alongside Trope Codifier inspirations for the genre like Sword Art Online and Log Horizon.
  • Undead Tax Exemption: Maou uses his limited magic to get the paperwork, so does Emi, Sariel, Gabriel, and Nord. Laila is an exception, since that person has Miki-T's help and the process realistically takes a long time given that the person is using immigration visa to Japan.
  • Undying Loyalty: Alciel is so loyal to Maou that he is prone to breaking down into crying fits whenever he believes he has failed him in some way, even when Maou himself doesn't think so.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: When a nurse comes across a collapsed Alciel in the hall, she instantly starts fussing over him for what she assumes are more issues with his food poisoning. Directly across from him is a collapsed, unconscious police officer, whom she completely ignores, as well as Alciel's protests and attempts to tell her about the newly awoken Olba.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom:
    • Emi's mother, Laila. Much of the problems affecting Ente Isla in the present day can be traced directly or indirectly to something she did. The foremost example being her saving the life of a lowly footsoldier in the demon armies, whom she then educated in politics, diplomacy, and warfare. The same lowly footsoldier would soon rapidly rise up the demonic hierarchy, eventually turning into the greatest threat Ente Isla had seen in three centuries: Satan Jacob.
    • The Sephirahs' attack on the Angel research base, meant to destroy the immortality treatment research in order to defuse global tension, ends up triggering the death of original Angel cilivization because the news of their attack got mutated and the supporting nations thought the other nations attacked the base in order to sieze the research for themselves, triggering a world war.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: The primary source of contention between Emi and Suzuno in Episode 11. Suzuno wants to erase Chiho's memory and destroy all traces of Ente Isla in Japan, but although she agrees to some extent, Emi sides with Chiho against Suzuno because she believes that whatever their ultimate goal may be, it's not worth hurting the people they care about to do it, reasoning that she has to find a way to make everyone happy because that's what heroes do.
  • Vertigo Effect: A False Camera Effect on Emi when she finds out that she's been betrayed by Olba.
  • Villain Decay: For the sake of comedy, villains tend to start out as Knights of Cerebus only to become complete jokes after they are defeated.
  • Villains Blend in Better: Maou, the Demon Lord, ironically takes to life on Earth a lot easier than the righteous hero Emi does.
  • Villains Out Shopping: The premise of the series, basically. Satan and two of his generals, rather than rampaging and trying to Take Over the World on arriving on Earth, instead settle down and find a cheap place to live. Satan's stated goal is still world domination, but he intends to do that by climbing the corporate ladder, which starts with being a part-timer at a fast food restaurant.
  • Visual Innuendo: In Episode 10, when Chiho appears in her bikini, the scene cuts to Maou serving two one-pound hamburgers (with pickles conspicuously topping the meal for extra innuendo). When Emi is shown in her bikini, the scene cuts again to Maou, this time serving two regular burgers.
  • Was Once a Man: Demons and Angels are humans that underwent the Angels' immortality treatment, with Angels using Yesod's genes while Demons using Malkuth's genes. They are still genetically compatible with normal humans, however, with the most notable example being Emilia.
  • We Named the Monkey "Jack": A mischievous monkey at the amusement park happens to be named "Sadao." Emi takes no restraint in taunting Maou Sadao about it.
  • Wham Episode:
    • Episode 4, when Lucifer, one of Satan's generals, reveals himself on Earth.
    • Near the end of Episode 7, Emi is attacked by a cloaked assailant, who also gains the upper hand on her by nullifying her magic sword.
    • Episode 11, when the aforementioned assailant, revealed to be the Archangel Sariel, overwhelms, and captures Emi, with Suzuno following his orders.
    • Volume 8: Emi, who is supposed to only be away to Ente Isla for 2 weeks, doesn't return. Then an angel and a demon attack Chiho's school and another angel and the Heavenly Regiment attack Villa Rosa Sasazuka.
    • Volume 15: The gang decides to help Laila invade Heaven, causing living situation in Japan to change considerably due to most occupants in Villa Rosa Sasazuka moving back to Ente Isla with the primary exception of Maou and by extension Acieth Alla. Most of the former occupants are now more like guests who come over once every few days.
  • Wham Line:
    • Played for Laughs when Chiho calls Emi at the end of Episode 7. She sounds extremely distraught, and tells Emi that Maou did something terrible. Emi goes into Hero "time to kill him" mode and inquires about it...

      Chiho: He brought a lunchbox with a heart drawn on the rice! Hand made! From a girl! A double decker lunchbox! A double decker!
      Emi: (same serious face but now frozen with an added, understandably confused, look on her face) Huh?

    • The final line of Volume 3. Sariel asks Gabriel where the other half of the Sephirot Yesod is. Gabriel replies it's with "Nord Justina. Emilia's father."
  • What Could Have Been: In universe. Both Maou and Emi occasionally muse on how their lives might have been different if they were born in the (relatively peaceful) mortal world, instead of being thrust into war in their world. They note how well they seem to get along with each other, and speculate that they might have been able to be quite close if they weren't driven to fight each other in their native worlds.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Downplayed when Maou is vehemently threatened by Emi, due to the particular contents of the threat, he responds "That's not very heroic."
    • Played for Laughs in Episode 5, when Maou claims some lines Olba says wouldn't even be mentioned in a B-movie anymore. Ashiya immediately asks him where he had money to spend on movies, and Maou quietly pouts that he can do whatever he wants with his pocket money, which causes his friend to threaten cutting off his pocket change for that month since he's been working hard, saving money, and hasn't spent a dime on himself like that since they've been on Earth.
    • Reversed as What the Hell Villain? Emi is at her wits' end as Maou is more like the good guy than the bad guy, even goes out of his way to make certain others are safe, even helping her, his sworn enemy. She's been raised to hate and kill him, yet he's doing more good on Earth than she (the supposed Hero). He's supposed to be the BAD GUY! What's going on?!
    • Lucifer gets called out on this too in Episode 6, when he has Maou and Ashiya investigate Chiho's school about a rumor that they could restore their magical power in an abandoned classroom. Turns out that it was where Lucifer and Olba stayed for a while. He had simply forgotten his handheld game console there, and wanted them to pick it back up for him. Ashiya suggests selling it to make some money, but they ultimately give it back to him, on the condition that he can only play it one hour a day.
      • Emi gets called out after destroying a health class mannequin with her sacred sword.
    • Chiho and Suzuno have a heated argument in Episode 11 regarding Maou. Suzuno wants to kill Maou, but Chiho is against it, and they both argue about the various things he did, such as: Controlling the alligators to prevent them from attacking humans in Episode 10, fixing the highway in Episode 5, or had his armies do, in the case of Ente Isla. Emi intervenes as well, but ultimately sides with Chiho rather than Suzuno.
    • Maou gets more upset at Suzuno in Episode 12 that she destroyed his bike accidentally than the fact that she was trying to kill him, or at least stop him from interfering with Sariel.
    • During Mao, Emi and Laila's first meeting, Emi attacks Laila, who hides behind her husband. Emi storms off in anger and Mao refuses to listen to anything she has to say until the two make up, pointing out that Emi wanted her mother to face her head on and honestly for once, but she ruined it by taking cover behind someone else.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Gabriel described life in Heaven as being completely without any drive. With immortal life comes people who lost any drive to work. He described it akin to Nauru people getting money from the government during their phosphate boom, so they didn't need to work in order to live, but after the economy crashed due to running out of phosphate deposit, the people still didn't start to work again, because they lived too long with luxury.
  • Why Can't I Hate You?:
    • Having spent the majority of her life either preparing or actively attempting to slay him and avenge her father, Emi is very annoyed that Maou isn't acting remotely evil enough to justify slaying. And it turns out that not only did Maou not kill her father, he isn't actually dead at all.
    • Suzuno starts having second doubts about her mission to kill the demon king as well when she starts to notice Maou doesn't act like a bad guy at all on Earth.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: In Episode 10: Chiho, Emi, and Suzuno visit a reptile house. Chiho says she doesn't like them because of how they appear out of nowhere sometimes, and we see a brief Flash Back of her seeing a tiny reptile on her family's screen door. Emi doesn't like them either, but her Flash Back shows her fighting against a gigantic basilisk which has petrified some of her companions.
  • World Tree: The Tree of Sephiroths are this. They're giant space trees that wander space until they found a planet with advanced enough lifeforms. They then set up shop on the planet's moon, living in symbiotic relationship with their selected species where they fed on the spiritual power of the chosen species while fostering civilization and give protection against extinction-level events to their chosen species. Eventually each Tree will create the final Sephirah, who launched themselves into space, possibly becoming a new Tree.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: One of Chiho's friends at school gets rather excited when she finds out that Maou and Ashiya are roommates, and wonders if there's only one bed, much to Chiho's chagrin (she's already got more than enough potential competition to misunderstand / worry about)

    Chiho: Wh— You're wrong! It's not like that! Why are you imagining that kind of stuff?!

  • You Don't Look Like You: What causes much strife for Emi and Suzuno towards Maou. As they have been informed over and over again, that he (and by account all demons) are horrible creatures that only find joy in death and bloodshed of humans, only to see Maou (and any other demon with him) being upstanding citizens, caring to the people around them, using their magic to help others instead of selfish gain, and that he volunteers for neighborhood clean up. Both Emi and Suzuno have had freak outs as they suffered from Black-and-White Insanity.
  • You Watch Too Much X: In the manga, after Maou shows that he believes in Hollywood Hacking, Urushihara remarks "You don't even own a TV, but you still talk like a kid who watches it too much."

"Lame! Rewrite!"