Vic and Frank: Necromancers
- ️Sat Feb 09 2019
Vic and Frank: Necromancers is the first novel in the Phantasmagoria Verse series by author, R.W. Snyder. An homage to classic horror stories like Frankenstein and Herbert West–Reanimator, the novel explores two scientists who revive an old experiment to bring someone back from the dead, only this time, it actually works.
Victor Fritz and Frank Whale get their body parts from a medical college, but the Reanimated Woman starts to remember how she died; she was murdered by a skull-faced serial killer known as The Necromancer. Are Vic, Frank, and The Reanimated woman safe?
Vic and Frank: Necromancers contains examples of:
- The Adjectival Man: Gender flipped with "The Reanimated Woman"
- Affectionate Nickname: Mary calls Frank "Frankie"
- Appropriated Appellation: Downplayed with Frank as The Necromancer. No one gave him the name specifically, but people close to him use the name to describe the character in a painting he designed his look from.
- Anachronic Order: Many chapters take place in the past, and the date and time are listed at the start of each chapter.
- Anyone Can Die: Every named character, save for possibly Shelly ends up dead. However, the end implies that not all of them will stay that way.
- Applied Phlebotinum: Vic's serum and Frank's mechanism
- Ax-Crazy: The Necromancer who is revealed to be Frank.
- Bland-Name Product: Several examples, like the UV97 video game console, Ubermensch Burger and Fries, and Chat Noir Whiskey.
- Character Name Alias: The Necromancer, whose appearance and name are taken from the painting "Skullface" which in turn was based off a boss from the Dead Walketh video game.
- Creepy Basement: Frank's basement, er- lab.
- The Dead Have Eyes: The illusion the Necromancer mask creates.
- Deadly Doctor: Frank, who is a surgeon and serial killer
- The Dog Bites Back: After Frank consistently abuses The Reanimated Woman, and she learns that he was the one who originally killed her, she kills him by setting the windmill they're in ablaze.
- Dr. Fakenstein: Vic and Frank, which is fitting considering that they're scientists raising the dead. Downplayed with Vic's sister, Mary, and The Reanimated Woman, Shelly
- Earn Your Title: Frank is truly The Necromancer
- Evil Sounds Deep: The Necromancer is said to have a deep voice.
- Flashback Nightmare: The reanimated woman has a nightmare of her past after playing the Dead Walketh game.
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: When Mary, Mae, and Shelly, albeit in her dream die, they address the reader directly, questioning them for wanting to read about their deaths.
- Frankenstein's Monster: The Reanimated Woman is this, as she is a reanimated corpse made from the parts of other corpses. She retains the memories and consciousness of Shelly Evans, the "head donor".
- Given Name Reveal: The Reanimated Woman's name is Shelly Evans
- Haunted Heroine: The Reanimated Woman
- Large Ham Title: "I am a god! I am the Necromancer!"
- Mad Doctor: Frank, The Necromancer, a surgeon and serial killer.
- Malevolent Masked Men: The Necromancer.
- Name Amnesia: The Reanimated Woman suffers from this, much to her chagrin.
- Names to Run Away from Really Fast: He's not just a Necromancer, he's The Necromancer.
- The Most Dangerous Video Game: Partially subverted with the Dead Walketh game.
- Naked on Revival: Shelly is brought back without any clothes. Frank, being the objectivist that he is, doesn't understand Vic's issue with this.
- Necromantic: Part of Frank's motivation for picking Mary, Vic's sister, as the first test subject.
- Resurrection Sickness: Shelly spews a mix of black and green bile out of her mouth during her resurrection.
- Secret Identity Vocal S Hift: Frank makes his voice deeper when he's dressed as the Necromancer. This is in part to conceal his identity, but also to separate himself from the murders he commits.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Every. Single. Character. Often as a shout out to the names of fictional characters in Frankenstein or Herbert West–Reanimator, or the cast in the film adaptations of the two novels.
- Spell My Name with a "The": The Necromancer.
- Spooky Painting: Skullface, the painting Mary made.
- Switching P.O.V.: Done constantly, some characters only get one chapter to themselves while others get multiple.
- Tattoo as Character Type: Mae has a smiley face tattoo on her thigh, that she got with a friend who wanted to make one last bad decision. Her legs end up getting removed and given to the Reanimated Woman.
- Unnamed Parent: Several characters speak of their parents and their relationships with them incredibly often, as a theme of people's upbringing is often a plot point. Despite this, none of these parents are ever named.
- You Can Talk?: When The Reanimated Woman speaks, both Vic and Frank are surprised, considering her mental state isn't the best