A Dog Named "Dog" - TV Tropes
- ️Fri May 27 2011
"If I'm Beetle and you're Monkey, why isn't he called Boy?"
Some completely uncreative owner has decided the family pet will be known as Dog. Or, perhaps, a similarly uncreative author names their feline character Kitty. Alternately, the creature in question does have a less Shaped Like Itself name, but for whatever reason, Alice the Pig prefers to go as Piggy. Usually but not always applied to animals; robots imaginatively named Robot and the like are part of this trope, too. Remarkably common in children's shows, despite the obvious problems it should theoretically cause.
One might show a touch more flair by naming something what it is in a foreign language, like a lion named Leo.
A subtrope of Shaped Like Itself. Sister trope to A Dog Named "Perro" where a thing is named after what's it called in a foreign language. Pokémon Speak is a closely-related trope where something's named for the sound it makes. Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" is another closely-related trope where a character is only known by their job title. Race-Name Basis is when someone thinks every dog is named "Dog". See also Species Surname ("Dog Smith" is A Dog Named "Dog", "Bob T. Dog" is Species Surname), Namedar, A Lizard Named "Liz", A Pig Named "Porkchop", A Dog Named "Cat" (if the animal is named after a different species than its own), and Fur Pattern Naming (if the animal gets its named that’s based on their fur). Compare and contrast Egocentric Team Naming. If the cast is full of these, it's Animal Theme Naming. If a character's species is named after the character's name, it's A Kind of One.
Note that robots also have their own trope.
Example subpages:
- Anime & Manga
- Films — Live-Action
- Literature
- Live-Action TV
- Video Games
- Webcomics
- Western Animation
- Real Life
Other examples:
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- The mascot of Froot Loops cereal is a toucan named Toucan Sam.
- Peko-chan and Poko-chan, the mascots of Japanese candy company Fujiya, have a dog named Dog. Of course, it is a Japanese company and Dog's name is in English, so it probably sounds cool and exotic.
- One of the KCL Productions' Nintendo Commercials is a Kirby: Canvas Curse promo with Kirby and a giant finger. The finger is just called "Finger" by the company.
- Gamestop and EB Games have a mascot named "Buck Wild", better known as "Buck the Bunny". A "buck" is what male rabbit is called, but it's also likely a Punny Name based around money.
- Many of the lesser McDonaldland characters have names like this. The policeman whose giant head is made out of a Big Mac is named Big Mac, the bird is named Birdie, the orange juice tree is named the Orange Juice Tree, etc..
- Messin' with Sasquatch: A sasquatch named Sasquatch is the mascot.
- The mascot of Mug Root Beer is a bulldog named "Dog".
- Nipper & Gramophone's Christmas Tales: From the website:
Gramophone is a gramophone. The really nice old sort, with a shiny brass horn, and a big wooden base.
- The Playhouse Disney mascot Clay is a talking blob of clay.
- One animated advertising campaign for Taco Bell featured the characters Nacho (a cat) and Dog (a dog), invoking and averting this trope at the same time.
Asian Animation
- The main character of 3000 Whys of Blue Cat is a blue cat named Blue Cat.
- Boonie Bears: In the original Chinese, Briar is known as Xiong Da ("big bear") while Bramble is known as Xiong Er ("second bear").
- In Doby & Disy, one of Doby and Disy's recurring friends is a panda known as Panda.
- Happy Friends: Huo Haha owns a pet owl named Mau, whose name is a shortened form of "maotouying", the Chinese word for "owl".
- The Pakdam Pakdai movie Ocean Attack featured a yeti as a character. The yeti's name is simply Yeti.
- Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf:
- In the English dubs, the wolf serving as the show's villain is named Wolffy. In the original Chinese version and a few other dubs, the other characters are also named after their species (Pleasant Goat, Lazy Goat, etc.).
- Paddi owns a pet egg named Eggy.
- Almost all the Anthropomorphic Food characters in Simple Samosa are named like this. Nearly every samosa in the show is named "[x] Samosa", including Simple Samosa himself; besides that, though, you have characters like Dhokla, Jalebi, Vada, and Cham Cham that are a dhokla, a jalebi... well, you get the idea.
Comic Books
- The Adventures of Peter Wheat: One of Peter Wheat's friends is a Beetle named... Beetle.
- The undead dog from The Amazing Screw-On Head is called... wait for it... Mr. Dog.
- In Archie Comics, Jughead's dog is named Hot Dog. This is probably a nod to Jughead's liking for frankfurters, hamburgers, and pretty much everything else that's edible.
- The character Vargen in Bamse is a wolf who was originally the main antagonist and eventually became the de-facto fourth ranger to the Power Trio of the comic. His name is Swedish for "the wolf", and while it might seem like a case of Species Surname for the first name, it is closer to this trope: he was orphaned at a very young age, and his rather abusive step-parents never bothered to actually name him, only calling him "little wolf".
- In Eight Billion Genies, all of the genies respond to the name, "Genie". No mention is made of how they don't get each other mixed up, but they can be summoned for advice or to make a wish simply by calling their name.
- Jane Foster: Valkyrie: In the third issue, Jane gets a talking horse as part of her new job, who states his name is "Horse" ("Mister Horse" if Jane's feeling formal).
- Journey Of The Diplodocus Dragon: Diplodocus is a sauropod belonging to the Diplodocus genus whose name is... Diplodocus.
- In the graphic novel Jonah Hex: No Way Back, Jonah adopts a dog (or, rather, he allows it to follow him around and feeds it occasionally), that he names 'Dawg'.
- Owly: The eponymous character is an owl. His best friend is a worm named Wormy. However, his other friend, Scampy the chipmunk, averts this trope.
- In Red Hood and the Outlaws, Jason finds a dog in an abandoned prison, which he adopts and proceeds to name Dog. He admits to said Dog that he's "not good at names".
- Samurai Grandpa: One of Ojichan's old friends is a kitsune known as... Kitsune.
- In Spirou & Fantasio, Spip, their squirrel, have a name that literally means "squirrel" in Walloon dialect (and so does Spirou, by the way).
- Sub-Mariner: "Sub-Mariner" was originally the name for Namor's race. The full title of "Namor the Sub-Mariner" simply referred to the fact that Namor happened to be a Sub-Mariner. Eventually, during the Silver Age, the Sub-Mariners became associated with Atlantis and started being referred to exclusively as Atlanteans, resulting in Namor's "Sub-Mariner" title becoming The Artifact.
- The Big Bad of Super Agent Jon Le Bon! is known as Big Beaver. One guess as to what he is.
- Usagi Yojimbo takes place in a World of Funny Animals, though only a few characters have names that are really just the Japanese words for their species:
- The titular character, Miyamoto Usagi, whose given name "Usagi" means "rabbit". It also works as a Punny Name due to "usagi" having the same vowel placement as "Musashi".
- Kitsune the fox, though a flashback reveals that it's not her real name.
- Yagi the assassin, a goat whose name means "goat".
- This was originally where Wonder Woman's name came from. There are many instances of the Amazons being referred to as 'Wonder Women' by the narration and themselves, and it was not until later that it became a title conferred to the one Amazon who became the ambassador to the world of men.
- Double Subverted by Wonder Woman's Amalgam Universe counterpart, Amazon, who is, well... an Amazon, but initially averted this because it was only the name of her comic - she was known in-universe (with the exception of one continuity snafu in Spider-Boy) as Wonder Woman, as well. After the resulting I Am Not Shazam, though, she eventually started being called "Amazon" in-universe, too. Could also be a Zig-Zagged Trope depending on your perspective, as Amazon was actually adopted into the Amazon tribe and is presumably from Cairo like her other half, Storm.
Comic Strips
- The proto-dog wolf that hangs around the main characters in the post-Johnny Hart B.C. strips is just named "Wolf".
- The Family Circus features a cat named Kittycat.
- The main protagonist in Footrot Flats is a dog called The Dog; his actual name, "Potty-Pooh,"note disgusts him and he will attack anyone who tries to say it. (Usually Auny Dolly, the sweet old biddy who gave him the name. Oddly enough, the Anti-Villain Horse is... a cat.
- Garfield:
- Invoked in a strip where Lyman says that he grew up with four cats all named Cat. When Jon asked him why, Lyman said there was no point in giving a name to an animal that won't come when you call it.
- This trope applied to Odie in an early Norwegian translation (it seemed to be a running theme — Jon had no name either). Later translations settled on a more personalized name.
- Hi and Lois have a dog named Dawg.
- Often lampshaded in Pearls Before Swine. The four main characters are a rat, pig, zebra and goat named "Rat", "Pig", "Zebra" and "Goat". At one point, "Goat" is revealed to be a stage name — his real name is Paris.
- About half the cast of Pogo don't have names beyond their species (or some approximation of it) and maybe a title. Porky Pine, Deacon Mushrat, Rackety-Coon Child, Miz Beaver, etc. Even some characters who technically have a name are usually just referred to by their species, like Beauregard aka Hound-Dog.
- In Scary Gary, Leopold calls his favorite lab rat Lab Rat. Since "Lab Rat" appears to have perished or otherwise mutated beyond recognition at several points, "Lab Rat" seems to be the name of his current favorite lab rat.
Eastern Animation
- The bear from Masha and the Bear is named "The Bear".
- The Polish stop-motion children's series Miś Uszatek, about a kindergartener bear and his friends. Nearly everyone is named simply "Hare", "Piglet", etc. Lampshaded in one of the episodes, where Hare mentions that most other hares have more imaginative names (though they're all puns on something hare-related.)
Fan Works
- (Sort of) human example in the Avantasia Protag AU series. Entity is a half-human, half-unknown...entity. He usually goes by the nickname Enty though.
- Zelda in Blind Courage names her daughter "Baby".
- The one-time character Monkey from Calvin & Hobbes: The Series.
- In the Supernatural fanfic "Castiel and Canis", Castiel has a dog named Canis.
- In The Change
Harry names a snake Kigyo, which is Hungarian for "snake."
- Citrine Isles: A common theme with Pokémon/Maiju on the Citrine Isles. Some have names (such as Scholar Aspen), while others like Zorua just go by Zorua.
- In Damaged Raven
Harry has a raven named Raven.
- Peter Chimaera's trilogy of Digimon fanfics revolve around the adventures of a Digimon named Digimon. In his own words: "Auithors notel Digimon is a new Digimon because there is not actual Digimon that is called Digimon he is a new one that I invented"
Susan has a winged horse named Pegasus.
- In The Elements of Friendship, the country of Zebras is called Pundamilia, the Swahili word for... 'zebra'. Similarly, the Zebra Queen, Malkia, bears the Swahili word for 'queen' as a name.
- In Fixing It
a mentally-challenged Harry insists on naming the new foal "Horse." Lucius compromises by calling it Cheval Noir, which is French for "black horse."
- In A Game for the Fool, Wei Ying inherited his mother's donkey, which has the graceful name of Donkey.
- In The Games We Play, Jaune adopts a puppy he calls Tiangou, Gou for short. Gou is Chinese for dog.
- In A Gift Given Too Soon
Ron had a pet turtle named Turtle.
- In Harry and Luna Meet the Big Blue Giants
Luna adopts a nantang as a pet and decides to call it Tang.
- In Harry Gets Help With The Diary
the basilisk is called Ormr, which is Old Norse for "serpent".
- In The Hater Good, Wally adopts a small robin-like bird he names Robin.
- In The House That Harry Built
Snape has a cat named Cat.
- Junior Officers:
- A fox named Kitsune.note
- A short-nosed sea snake named Shorty.
- A fin whale named Finn.
- In Not His Year
Snape decides to call Harry's winged lion Animagus form Félin, which is French for "feline."
- The eponymous character of the Pokémon fanfic Lucki nicknames her Flareon Flare and her Electrike Tryke, though she changes the latter's name to Raiden once he evolves. Her other Pokemon's nicknames aren't much better, referring to their color or body type.
- A Subverted example shows up in Oogway's Little Owl. In the Kung Fu Panda world, it's explained that kung fu Masters do have unique names when they are born (for example, Tigress' original name is Mulan). However, if they master the kung fu form associated with their respective species, they traditionally adopt their species' name as their own when the become Masters. This is also why Shifu didn't adopt "Red Panda" as his name when he became a Master; he mastered several forms instead of just one.
- The Peer Gyntening:
- Popcorn is a possessed piece of popcorn.
- Savior Circle is a circle that saves the player from Amused.
- In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: What Came After, all Pokémon are referred to by their species names with the sole exception of Alesia the Eevee since she was formerly human. The author's desire to be accurate to the games enforces this trope.
- In RWBY AU: Birds, Blake keeps a pet sparrow named "Bird". Weiss lampshades the originality of the name.
- RWBY: Scars:
- In RWBY, Fox has an Edible Theme Naming and is named after fox hunter's pie. In the rewrite RWBY: Scars, his name is a bit more literal. He's now a fox Faunus.
- There's a dog Faunus with the surname "Akita".
- In the One Piece fanfic "Second Wind", Luffy brings a Kung Fu Dugong with his crew on their adventure…and names him Seal.
- In The Sorting Hat's Stand
Harry picks up a black cat which he decides to call Neko.
Harry: I know, it means cat, but hey, it is gender neutral and descriptive.
- In This Time Around
the Hogwarts Sorting Hat is called Galerus, which is Latin for "hat."
- In Too Important To Die
the snake portrait outside the Slytherin common room is called Serpens.
- True Potential: Hanabi's Animal Companion is a snake named Hebi, whose name means "snake" in Japanese.
- Inverted in Turnabout Storm. When Fluttershy hears Phoenix Wright's name, she jumps to the conclusion that he's an actual phoenix who's in his "shedding his feathers before bursting into flame" stage. Nick tries to correct her, but as Twilight Sparkle points out, at least this way Fluttershy is actually talking to him. Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder takes it one step further.
- Twelve Red Lines: Albeit as a Bilingual Bonus, but "Geier", Miss Friday's real name, is German for "vulture."
- In What Is Right: Year Two
Harry and Sirius decide on Canis as the public name for Sirius' dog Animagus form.
Films — Animation
- Aladdin (1992, Disney): The film's MacGuffin is a magic lamp, in which a genie lives. And his name is Genie.
- An American Tail: Fievel Goes West has Cat R. Waul and Miss Kitty, whose species should be obvious.
- Thomas O'Malley from The Aristocats is a tomcat named "Thomas". In this case, his full name is actually Abraham De Lacey Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley.
- Barnyard has a pig named Pig, which is what everyone calls him.
- The cat from The Black Cauldron is named Cat.
- In Brambletown, all the characters are named after their species, such as Fox, Badger, Raccoon, and Possum.
- The cast of The Brave Little Toaster except for Kirby, the vacuum. It's a subversion, however, as he's named after a real-life brand of vacuum cleaners.
- Mack from Cars is a rare non-animal example, a big rig named after the Mack line of trucks. Same with Doc Hudson, a Hudson Hornet whose real name actually is Hudson Hornet.
- The Big Bad in Cat City is a cat named Mr. Gatto.
- In Dot and the Kangaroo and its sequels, this is a recurring theme, as most of the animals Dot encounters are only referred to by the names of their species, with the odd exception such as Funny-Bunny the rabbit and Bruce the koala.
- Encanto: The family's Sapient House is named "Casita". It also happens that "Casita" is spanish for "Little House".
- Finding Nemo:
- Many of the characters in Finding Nemo are named after something found underwater, but are rarely named after their own species. For example, Marlin is actually a clownfish. The one exception is the minor character Mr. Ray, a stingray.
- The trope's also used as a joke:
Marlin: So, Mr. Turtle—
Crush: Whoa, dude! Mr. Turtle is my father.
- The main villain of Flushed Away is a toad named "the Toad," who has a French frog cousin named "Le Frog."
- Tod and his girlfriend Vixey from The Fox and the Hound. Tod actually gets his name from the word used to describe a male fox note , while Vixey gets her name from the word vixen, a female fox.
- Goat Story - Old Prague Legends has a goat named Goat.
- Hercules has a Pegasus named... Pegasus. However, in this case, it is justified since this pegasus is supposed to be the mythological one from which the fictional species as a whole derives its name from.
- Kubo and the Two Strings. Kubo's two companions, a monkey and a beetle-man, are called Monkey and Beetle. This is lampshaded when Beetle asks why Kubo isn't called "Boy". Their true identities as Kubo's mother and father reveal their names to be Sariatu and Hanzo.
- Kung Fu Panda:
- The Furious Five, Mantis, Tigress, Viper, Monkey and Crane. It's both a reference to their species and to the kung fu style they use.
- Several of the other kung-fu masters are also named after their species, sometimes with added adjectives like "Thundering Rhino". Though considering how Po is occasionally referred to as "Panda" it could be they're on a Race-Name Basis.
- Master Oogway's name is just the Chinese word for Turtle.
- The main antagonist of Kung Fu Panda 4 is a chameleon sorceress named "The Chameleon".
- Simba the lion in The Lion King, getting his name from Swahili.
- The famous Cowardly Lion of Lion of Oz is just called "Lion".
- The main villain of Mulan, Shan Yu, has a falcon named Hayabusa. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for such a falcon. Well, Shan Yu's own name is the human equivalentnote .
- Mavka: The Forest Song: "Mavka" is used as the character's name in the film. In Slavic Mythology, the word is used for her species
- Little Blue Dragon from Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf - Mission Incredible: Adventures on the Dragon's Trail is a... dragon.
- Ringing Bell has a wolf named Wolf.
- The two main characters in Robot Dreams are Dog and Robot, who also are, respectively, a dog and a robot. Also applies to secondary characters Penguin and Snowman.
- The Shrek franchise:
- The main series has Donkey (a talking donkey), Puss in Boots (a pussycat) and Dragon (a dragon).
- Puss in Boots introduces Puss' female counterpart, a declawed cat named Kitty Softpaws. In the sequel, The Last Wish, Puss and Kitty are joined by an unnamed dog companion, whom they usually call perrito (Spanish for "doggy"). In the ending, the dog decides that he wants to be called "Perrito", as that's how his friends have been referring to him. In addition, Puss is hunted by an unnamed wolf, who is only ever called "the Wolf" in-universe (or The Big Bad Wolf in promotional materials, though Shrek already had one). He eventually reveals himself to be the Shrek universe equivalent of Death, however.
- Cù in Song of the Sea; "Cù" is simply Irish for "dog."
- The main character in Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is usually called "Mustang" until he gets properly named at the end.
- The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run features the character Sage, who is a sage made of sagebrush.
Patrick: Hey, Sage. Good name.
Sage: Thanks. I'm made out of sage, and I am a sage. So it works out pretty well.
- In The Swan Princess, there's a puffin named Puffin.
- Toy Story:
- An interesting variation: rather than being named for their species or occupation, most of them are named after the brand of toy they are. Thus, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are a Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Barbie and Ken are a Barbie and Ken, etc. Also applies to characters not based on real toys: Woody is a Sheriff Woody doll and Buzz is a Buzz Lightyear action figure (one of hundreds, as we're shown).
- The few examples that aren't directly named after their brand are nicknames derived from what kind of toy they are: for instance, Mr. Mike is a microphone toy (specifically a Playskool Rockin' Robot), and RC is a radio-controlled car.
- The straightest examples of this trope would be Dolly the doll from Toy Story 3, Angel Kitty (a Christmas tree ornament of a cat dressed as an angel) in Toy Story That Time Forgot, and Ducky and Bunny (a plushie duck and rabbit respectively) in Toy Story 4. (Forky could also count — given he's a plastic fork — but he was given the name by a kindergartener.)
- Trolls World Tour has an Animate Inanimate Object pennywhistle named Pennywhistle.
- From the same studio as Song of the Sea above, in Wolfwalkers Robin's falcon is named Merlin, the name of a variety of falcon.
- Zootopia features a pop star gazelle named... Gazelle. According to Word of God, the jaguar child in the opening play is named Jaguar, as well.
- Once there was a band. They were called The Band.
- The British band Fire has a song called "Father's Name was Dad."
- Metallica is a borderline example, metallica being the Latin phrase for "of metal" (the name was to go for a fanzine of a friend of Lars Ulrich's way back in 1981, but he repurposed it for the band).
- Played with, in several various ways, in the song "The Name Of My Frog" by Bryant Oden:
I have a bunny named Bunny and a rat named Rat
A bird named Bird and a cat named Cat
A ferret named Ferret and a dog named Dog
So you can probably guess the name of my frog:
Francis Felix Fenton Fabian
Finley Farnsworth Falco Fallon
Flannigan Fairfax Freddy McGrog
Farley Fernando the Frog
- It gets even sillier later.
Mythology & Religion
- In the first part of the Book of Genesis, the first person created is usually called "Ha'Adam" (literally "the person"), but a few times Adam (person) is used as a proper name.
- In the earliest version of The Qur'an, the angel who guards Hell is named "Malak", which simply means "angel" in Arabic. Later versions changed it into a proper name, "Maalik".
- Subverted with Dog from Residents of Proserpina Park. She is actually an alien who takes the appearance of a dog as a form of glamour.
Pro Wrestling
- Tree the tree, companion of Gateway Championship Wrestling and St. Louis Anarchy's Johnny Greenpeace, which was of course a potted tree.
- Nancy Sullivan used the name "Woman" in WCW. She was a woman named "Woman".
Puppet Shows
- Professor Yaffle the woodpecker in Bagpuss, "yaffle" being an archaic term for the green woodpecker.
- Bear of Bear in the Big Blue House. Shadow as well.
- The Big Garage: The taxis' mentor is a gas pump. The name of this gas pump? Pump.
- Don't Eat the Neighbours: The main adult characters are simply named after their species. When Wolf is briefly convinced he's no longer allowed to call himself a wolf, he realizes he'll have to change his name to something normal like "Steve".
- A star-shaped puppet appears on The Good Night Show. His name? Star.
- Iris, The Happy Professor: Piano, Skeleton, and Plant are all named after what they are.
- The Muppets: Miss Piggy.
- Rod Hull's violent to the point of borderline psychotic puppet sidekick Emu.
- Sesame Street: Big Bird. Lampshaded in the episode "Roy".
- The short-lived Mexican Teletubbies knock-off series Tele Chobis had a tree named Arbol.
- The French-language series Téléfrançais! has a pineapple named Ananas.
- Juanín Juan Harry in 31 Minutos. The Big Damn Movie reveals that Juanín is the name of his species.
- There's also Huachimingo the Huachimingo
Tabletop Games
- In the Dungeons & Dragons Dark Sun supplement the Thri-Kreen of Athas, thri-kreen legends include a human woman named "Drasna". Drasna is the Kreen word for female human, presumably because they forgot her name over the centuries.
- One of the Renegades from GoBots was named Zero. His alt-mode? A Mitsubishi Zero.
- Similarly, one Japan-exclusive G1 Transformer was named Browning
and turned into a Browning M1910 handgun.
- Laserbeak and Ravage were referred to as Condor and Jaguar respectively in Japanese.
- Similarly, one Japan-exclusive G1 Transformer was named Browning
- Gogo's Crazy Bones has a few examples of this, such as Eggy, a Gogo who is, well, an egg.
- Fisher-Price names the puppy in their Laugh and Learn line... Puppy. The monkey is named Monkey, the frog is named Froggy, the duck is named Ducky, and puppy's sister? Sis. And these are only the organic examples, the franchise also runs with this trope with the inorganic objects department like Cookie Jar, Soccer Ball and Mail Box. Granted that the line is targeted at infants, but it gives you the perception that they're shaping up children to name their pets using this trope.
- In the Tamagotchi toys, the aliens you raise are collectively known as Tamagotchi. One species featured on a companion device, the Deka Tamagotchi, is named... Tamagotchi
. It even looks like the egg-shaped handheld you raise them on!
- Transformers: BotBots: One of the BotBots is named Tool Bag. Guess what they transform into.
- V-Tech also does this to some extent. The blue dog's name is Puppy as well.
Visual Novels
- In Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsunari named his pet cat "Kitty" because of his forgetfulness about names.
- Drakan the half-dragon from Sable's Grimoire. It turns out that her real name is Naziel.
- In Silver Crisis, Lucario goes by the name of his own species, confusing Lucas on why he would call himself that. It's later revealed that the reason for this is because Lucario wanted to isolate himself from others after losing faith in humanity when he was betrayed by his former trainer that he dedicated his life to, the one who gave him his actual name, "Laiyu".
- In Tavern Talk, Baya calls their friends, the Banshee and the Mari-Morgan, by their species names, implying those really are their names.
- Trapped with Jester: Played with for Jester, which is very indicative for his jester-like appearance, but he's actually a demon.
Web Animation
- Acroboxle
is an acroboxle. Whether or not Fuzzy
is a fuzzy remains to be seen.
- An Adventure of Sheep and Chicken: The Hiker. The Hiker never reveals his real name, and Sheep and Chicken don't feel the need to give him a nickname.
- In Algicosathlon Camp, the characters are all named by their colors. Black is a black-colored stickman, White is a white-colored one and so on.
- A majority of characters from Object Shows like Battle for Dream Island and Inanimate Insanity are named after the Animate Inanimate Objects they are. If they're not, it's a case of A Lizard Named "Liz".
- Puppycat from Bee and Puppycat who is a mixture of a puppy and a cat.
- The Champions: Lionel Messi's football-shaped Hand Puppet is named Pelota, which is Spanish for "ball".
- The nerdy character in A Day With Bowser Jr is called... guess what? Nerdy!
- Dreamscape:
- Megalania is a talking megalania, although he is never explicitly referred to as "Megalania".
- Despite Mechelly sounding like an actual name, that is the name of the product line.
- DSBT InsaniT: Just about every non-human character falls under this. From the main cast, there's Frog, Bear, Duck, Snake, and Balloon. Averted with Knobs, a talking door.
Asia: So of all the talking inanimate objects, you are the only one who isn't called what you are?
- In Happy Tree Friends, among the cast of Woodland Creatures, there's a bear cub named Cub, a mole named The Mole, a disco-dancer bear named Disco Bear, and a frozen prehistoric marmot named Cro-Marmot.
- The Cheat of Homestar Runner is apparently a The Cheat.
- Hunter: The Parenting
- Big D's favourite child is Horse, who is a horse (probably).
- There's also Boy, whose father is the relentlessly Literal-Minded Door.
- If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device:
- In the podcast sub-series, one character is a small boy who holds up the vox-caster mic for the podcast. He is called "Boy" when he couldn't get his name out fast enough.
- When Rogal Dorn is asked to run a tabletop RPG, the party starts in a castle called Castle and a town called Town. GM priviliges are swiftly revoked.
- JaidenAnimations: In Jaiden's video on Amazing Island, "Pokemon But Ugly"
, Jaiden celebrates unlocking the "kid" body-type by creating a child-like monster called "Child".
- Llama the black llama from Kiss Wood.
- Kurzgesagt's mascot is a black duck named Duck.
- Spider from Monster School. Guess what Minecraft mob he is!
- The flower from Plancy's World is named, well, Flower.
- Pony & Boy is about an unnamed boy and his pony, who he just refers to as "Pony".
- Puppy, Cat, Donkey, Bunny, and Hamster from Retarded Animal Babies. Guess what animals they all are!
- Robotbox and Cactus has a cactus named Cactus P. Cactus, the son of Seamus P. Cactus II.
- Storm Gray Sheep from Sakura the Angel Sailer God is well, a sheep that's storm gray in color. no wonder she prefers to be called "Storm."
- Shape Buddies: With the exceptions of Gem and Bean, a decent chunk of the show's characters are named after their shapes. For example, Circle is an anthropomorphic circle.
- Yamucha's: In Japanese, Miko is officially named Shaomai, after the kind of food he is.
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