Acid Attack - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Mar 19 2019
Yes, we all know pests need to be controlled one way or another, but this is a little much.
"How does Brundlefly eat? Well, he eats very much the way a fly eats. Brundlefly breaks down food with a corrosive enzyme. He regurgitates on his food, it liquefies and then he sucks it back up. Ready for a demonstration, kids?"
While not one of the classical four elements, and not quite as common a "secondary" as electricity or ice, acid and the manipulation and control thereof is far from a rare inclusion in the roster of Elemental Powers and Stock Superpowers.
Acid tends to be very closely tied to poison — indeed, some works may not even draw a distinction between the two at all. When acid and poison are present in the same setting or game system, rather than being one and the same, the difference between the two tends to be that poison is treated similarly to disease and other status conditions — i.e., it is more a form of constitution and lingering damage that keeps sapping health rather than a true attack — while acid attacks deal direct, one-off physical damage like other elemental attacks do.
When not tied to poison, acid may instead be linked with water.
Power over acid is rarely associated with pleasant or benevolent figures: even when used by a heroic character, acid tends to be associated with harsher, darker heroic archetypes than other elements are. It's very rare indeed to see the Ideal Hero wielding acid as a weapon. Control over acids tends to also be associated with reptiles, likely due to their own ties to poison and less than stellar reputations; after fire and ice, acid is possibly the most common Breath Weapon for dragons. Acid, particularly acid spit, is also often associated with arthropods and arthropod-like monsters and aliens, while Blob Monsters, slimes, and similar creatures often possess acidic secretions.
Specific acid-based powers can take a number of forms. One common variation is for a character or creature to be able to create and release acid from their mouth, usually in the form of acidic Super Spit or a corrosive Breath Weapon. Another, more passive possibility is for the acid to be secreted from the skin, either constantly, at will or in response to certain stimuli, creating a caustic coating that damages anyone making direct contact with the acid's user. Acid can also be portrayed as dealing Armor Piercing damage, to represent it eating through enemy armor; acid attacks in a game with Breakable Weapons and Armor will often damage them much more heavily for this same reason.
Note that, in real life, corrosive substances come in two distinct kinds: acids (low pH) and bases (high pH). As the differences between the two may not always be obvious to someone without some chemistry training, fiction tends to fold bases into acids and treats any reactive, corrosive substances as a nonspecific acid.
See also Hollywood Acid, for unrealistic depictions of acidic substances in general, and Zombie Puke Attack, which often uses this as its justification.
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Anime & Manga
- 3×3 Eyes: Koko wields the powers of the water from the Water General's Tomb. In layman terms, his very body is partly composed of deadly corrosive water he can regurgitate at will. Said location is also guarded by a Guardian made of highly corrosive water, which proves almost fatal to Yakumo, despite his immortality (or because of said immortality...).
- Digimon: Common to pretty much every Digimon at Fresh and In-Training is that they can spit acidic bubbles, which are not very effective.
- Hoshin Engi:
- An earthworm Youkai Sennin wields the Paopei Kojueki (Liquid Crinsom Orb), which allows him to emit splashes of acidic liquid to melt his enemies.
- One of the Four Demon Generals uses the living Paopei Kakoten, whose insides are filled to the brim with acid, which can be used to consume anything swallowed or as a defense mechanism (destroying Kakoten will result in a flood of acid).
- Leader of the Juttenkun Ohtenkun uses the Paopei Kosuijin (Red Water Formation), which uses his own blood to cover the entire area in a mixture of corrosive mist and rainclouds.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
- Diamond is Unbreakable: Bug-Eaten's Stand, Ratt, fires toxic barbs, which melt anything they hit into blood gelatin for it to eat later.
- Stone Ocean: D an G's Yo-Yo Ma can disperse a saliva that functions as acid that dissolves parts of a body whenever he gets flunged around.
- My Hero Academia: Mina Ashido has the ability to generate acid from her body and can control its corrosiveness and viscosity.
- Naruto:
- One of Mei Terumi's attacks, Boil Release, involves her breathing out a cloud of acidic gas.
- The Six-Tailed Beast can produce a highly corrosive acid both as a gas-based Breath Weapon and as a corrosive slime covering its body. Its host, Utakata, is thus himself able to secrete a film of highly acidic liquid.
- Katsuyu, the slug that Tsunade summons, can spit acid strong enough to melt rock.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: The angel Matarael oozes a powerful acid from the eye in the bottom of its body.
- One Piece: While Magellan's Devil Fruit technically grants him power over poison, one of his attacks performed through his detachable horns is shown to melt stone.
- One-Punch Man:
- Deep Sea King can spit globs of powerful acid, which is capable of melting through Genos's body.
- Groribas touts that he has acidic breath which doesn't get shown before he is defeated.
- Vomited Fuhrer Ugly has the most devastating acid in the manga. A single spit has the force to plow immediately through a normal human's head, and it manages to break through Superalloy Darkshine's extremely-durable skin, leaving him with permanent scars.
- Queen's Blade: The resident amoral Slime Girl Melona demonstrates in the first episode that she can squirt acid from her breasts. It instantly dissolves clothing and armor.
- Rave Master: Requin of the Six Guards holds the Dark Bring Acid Rule, which allows him to melt anything that touches his body (safe for his tailored clothes) and turn his body in a living mass of acid to move around or avoid physical damage.
- Sailor Moon: In Codename Sailor V, in a rare instance of where the ideal heroine uses acid, Sailor Venus uses acid from the atmosphere of Venus against a swarm of mosquitoes. She said she gave them a low dose. Venus's atmosphere is at 460 degrees Celsius, is mostly carbon dioxide with sulphuric acid mixed in as well, at 93 times the pressure of the atmosphere of Earth.
- The Seven Deadly Sins: One of Hendrickson's attacks, Acid, corrodes and eats away at the flesh of his opponents.
- Toriko:
- Devil Orochi is a monstrous, demonic serpent who can puke his own gastric juice on his prey. Usually while holding it still in his claws, abusing his Healing Factor.
- Coco ability to produce poison allows him to create corrosive acids and gases as well. For example, he won his first battle against a G.T. Robot by oozing a small amount of metal-corroding Aqua Regia inside its core.
- Yuu, Base Chief of the Gourmet Corps, can cover his opponents in a special salt which can corrode them.
- Area 8 of Gourmet World is called the "Rain Area" for the many types of unusual rains all over the continent. A specific region, the Poisonous Meadows, are washed by poisonous rain, with cases of highly acidic hailstorms now and then.
- Ushio and Tora
- A flashback reveals that ages ago, when Hakumen no Mono was still in China, one of her tails could transform into a living mass of acid to destroy her enemies.
- One of Hakumen avatars, Shumuna, is a monster made of living, corrosive mist that consumes her victims by melting them alive.
- One of the monsters captured by the organization H.A.M.M.R. is the american monster "Sodom", a cyclopic monster with partly rotten skin able to breathe out a stream of corrosive gas.
Comic Books
- The DCU:
- The Corrosive Man from Batman oozes a chemical fire that can eat through walls and floors or maim human flesh. His powers can be neutralized by contact with a powerful alkali, such as quicklime.
- Scare Tactics (DC Comics): Jimmy's reptilic mutation comes with acid spit as shown in "Blitzkrieg Bop", but the boy isn't one for ranged combat. Rather, the acid spit enhances the pain he inflicts when he bites someone.
- In Justice League Elite, Menagerie's blood turns acidic when she is merged with her alien creche. She uses this to her advantage, getting in close enough for opponents to cut her, and then letting the acid spill and burn them.
- Hack/Slash villain Acid Angel can secrete acid when she gets sexually aroused — in both the corrosive sense and the LSD sense.
- Marvel Universe:
- The Incredible Hulk: Vapor of the U-Foes can transform into any type of gas, including acidic gas. She once accidentally melted the metallic skin of her teammate Ironclad.
- Man-Thing is scary enough for the unwary as a shambling plant monster, but the fact that he secretes a deadly corrosive substance when he encounters fear scares the hell out of people who know about him too.
- Spider-Man: The Scorpion has a stinger that can shoot acidic sprays.
- X-Men: Legion's 762nd personality can breathe out a cloud of acidic green fog.
- X-Statix: Anarchist can sweat acid and shoot blasts of acidic liquid from his hands.
- Paperinik New Adventures: Evronian spores look harmless, if disgusting, but can and will react to the slightest offense with a spray of deadly acid, capable of melting metal and severely poison anyone who breathes them.
Fan Works
- Cycles Upon Cycles: In addition to the normal acid-spewing monsters that the Zerg employ, they've also developed two new Nydus Worm variants: the Aggressive, which sprays the area with acid to soften up the enemies before releasing their payload, and the Destroyer, which hoses down the area with acid at the cost of its own life. Both were developed after the Swarm assimilated the essence of a Thresher Maw.
- The Emerald Phoenix: Mina can create acid that will eat through anything, but it's both very tiring and too dangerous to use in a training exercise.
- Fruit Of Madness: The zombie Argentinosaurus demonstrates the ability to vomit caustic bile, not to mention that its blood is also corrosive.
- Half Past Adventure: The Grass Dragon possesses an acid Breath Weapon capable of making tree stumps look burned. Eventually, Macy tricks it into KO'ing its own Plant Mook using said attack.
- All Might gains it in the I Am…
series as part of the quirks All for One forced on him. It’s mostly just annoying though because of the nasty acid reflux due to not having a stomach to help with absorbing the secretions and the fact that if any gets on his clothes, it eats holes in them. It’s linked to a quirk called devour that lets him eat just about anything. Recovery Girl takes to making him special antacids to counteract the heartburn and giving him alkaline wipes to get any spit off his hands. Of course it also makes vomiting rather annoying too.
- KibblesTasty: One of the first Upgrades a Fleshsmith can get is to give themselves an Acid Gland, which can be used to spray corrosive acid onto a single target or over a whole area.
- The Night Unfurls: The Hunter fights a huge ogre which can gurgle and spew out acid in Chapter 14 of the original.
- Silent Ponyville Chronicles: The "wrapped-up" monsters spray acid from their chests.
- Vow of Nudity: Averted with the Island Oozes that Haara encounters in one story. In stark contrast to their usual D&D stats, these rely on their sticky bodies to "grapple" their prey and are weak to water. Lorewise, it's because these originate from a now-abandoned dwarven laboratory that was genetically modifying them into docile livestock, until releasing them in an emergency to defeat a besieging Genasi platoon.
- The Wrath of The Earthling Saiyan: The Saibamen are able to open their heads to expel a strong acid capable of dissolving a person.
Films — Live-Action
- Alien: The titular xenomorphs have extremely corrosive blood. This seems to be a defensive adaptation as anything capable of puncturing them is quickly dissolved, and in a pressurized space like on a spaceship trying to take them out directly could cause catastrophic decompression.
- Attack of the Killer Donuts: The killer donuts have the ability to spit acid. They use it twice against Luther's friend, and Officer Rogers.
- Buddha's Palm has the rival fighters called the guardians, an adult and a teenager. The teen carries a sac that ejects high-pressure acid that can melt people's faces, and tried using this weapon in his battle against the Action Girl heroine only to drench an unlucky mook with acid.
- The Fly (1986): Jeff Goldblum's character Seth Brundle uses his stomach acid in the Cronenberg remake, both to externally digest food and, in one stomach-turning scene, as a weapon. It's actually specified as containing digestive enzymes.
- The Man Who Could Cheat Death: When Bonnet's elixir starts to wear off, his touch becomes acidic. He hideously scars Margo when he claps his hand over her mouth in an attempt to shut her up.
- Pacific Rim: Otachi can spit a corrosive blue acid that makes short work of any type of metal, which it uses to help kill the Russian jaeger.
- Python: The giant python sprays corrosive acid on its victims before eating them. Because of this, the police at first suspect the main character, who works at the only chemical plant in town.
- Starship Troopers: The Tanker Bugs, which take the place of human mechanized armor in the Arachnids' Hive Caste System, are able to secrete a highly corrosive acid from their mouths that melts enemies within seconds.
- Fengshen Yanyi:
- Of the Ten Deadly Formations/Traps, two of them have corrosive effects: the Blood-Altering Formation employs black sands which, on contact, makes the blood of the victim ooze out of the skin and corrode him into a pile of bloody goo, while the Crimson Water Formation pours enormous quantities of red water which can istantly melt anything it touches.
- Cihang Daoren and Yuanshi Tianzun both have a magic treasure which can suck inside the target and melt his body into a red liquid.
- In some versions of the novel, the Three Lights Divine Water is composed of three types of water infused with the light of the sun, the moon and the stars: on their own they are deadly and the sun water can melt the body of anyone touching it unprotected, though when together they have benevolent powers.
- In New Jedi Order, the Jedi-hunting voxyn beasts can vomit acid (which is, unusually, not depicted as stereotypical acid, but rather mucus that happens to be strong enough to burn through faces), and their blood is both acidic and a neurotoxin.
- Temeraire: Certain breeds of dragon, such as the Longwings, are capable of spitting highly corrosive acid from bony nozzles growing from the sides of their jaws, an ability that makes them highly valuable in war. They are descended from naturally occurring poison-spitting dragons, which were selectively bred for stronger poison until this became so concentrated as to become actively corrosive.
- Wear Your Soul Round Your Neck: Thyssa's original body has acid so strong it can dissolve rocks. Despite its power, her body is utterly disgusting and in chronic pain, so she gladly gives it up to be human. When enemies show up to steal her humanity by force, she finds herself nearly defenseless.
- World's Greatest Animals: Komodo dragon Varanus can spew acid from his mouth.
- The Zombie Knight: Moss and Stoker can use their powers to create super-concentrated, soul-strengthened acid which will eat through almost anything. Without soul power, it would still take minutes or hours, but with it it takes mere seconds.
Live-Action TV
- The Flash (2014): "Failure is an Orphan" has a meta named Acid Master, who has the power to shoot acid out of his hands. However, he has to consume massive amounts of acid to sustain himself. In their first fight, Flash temporarily neutralizes his powers by dousing his hands with sodium bicarbonate.
- Grimm: The goblin-like Fuchsteufelwild Wesen can secrete acid from their muscles, enhancing the cutting power of their claws.
- The Mandalorian: Krayt dragons can spit gouts of greenish acid to predigest prey before eating it.
- Oz: Alonzo de Torquemada, a prominent LGBT nightclub owner, is convicted of 1st degree assault and sent to Oswald Prison for throwing a flask of acid into the face of somebody he had an undisclosed personal beef with.
- The Sea Beyond: Fabio throws acid on Ambra's face, mistaking her for Gemma. Gemma later seeks revenge by shooting him, and that's why she's imprisoned.
- Ultra Series: Many kaiju possess acid-based powers.
- Aboras from the original Ultraman has a Breath Weapon consisting of an acidic foam-like substance able to dissolve a building or another kaiju in mere minutes.
- Ultra Q's Giant Flyer Litra is able to fire a beam of acid capable of doing serious damage to her foes. However, it's also Cast from Hit Points, so overuse can ultimately kill her.
- The 70s Showa series evidently liked this trope, because there were a lot of kaiju with acid attacks: Stegon, Oxter, Aribunta, Hotarunga, Baktari, Hanzagiran, Astromons, Jirenma, Arindo, Rodera, Mururoa, Mushra, Black Dome, Deemos...
- Hoe from Ultraman 80 constantly cries tears of explosive acid. Gamos, another monster from the same series, possesses an acid Breath Weapon powerful enough to dissolve crowds of humans.
- A disturbing example from Ultraman Gaia are the Deents. Their acid breath dissolves organic matter into a puddle of goo, but living beings hit by it retain their consciousness.
- Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues:
- After being transformed into a bug monster, Benjy's mucus becomes acidic and has corrosive qualities. He first uses it to melt the school's auditorium wall and crawl through into the air ducts.
- Devin's superpower allows him to manipulate acid, and his blood is changed to be more acidic, thus allowing him to control it.
Tabletop Games
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- Acid is one of the five types of "energy damage", rarer than the main trio of Fire, Cold and Electricity but more common than Sonic (and without Sonic's lower raw power). It's sometimes treated as the Pure Energy form of elemental Earth (in the same way that Cold and Electricity are associated with Water and Air respectively). Like Sonic, Acid attacks usually deal full damage to objects.
- Numerous monsters are capable of using innate acid-based attacks, mostly Aberrations or creatures with the Earth or Water subtypes. Getting Swallowed Whole usually deals both acid and bludgeoning damage each turn.
- Oozes tend to deal acid damage on contact (which has the side effect of destroying player's armor and weapons), as do mud elementals.
- Two of the five types of chromatic dragon have acid Breath Weapons and are immune to acid themselves, making it the only damage type to be repeated. The water-elemental, swamp-dwelling black dragons breathe acid in a line, while the forest-dwelling air-elemental green dragons breathe a cone of corrosive gas. Among the metallic dragons, the hill-dwelling earth-elemental copper dragons also breathe a line of acid similar to the black's. Among other breeds of dragon, brown dragons can expel a five-foot-wide spray of acid from their mouths, spitting felldrakes can spit globs of acid, and ooze drakes are constantly dripping with caustic slime.
- Armadons, a specialized warrior caste of the antlike formians, can spray gouts of acid from their tails.
- Bloodstrikers are dinosaurs with acidic blood, which gives them a natural defense against melee attack and which they can spray from their eyes up to thirty feet away as a defensive tactic. Their natural attacks, such as bites and charges, also do acid damage to their targets.
- The bite of Zargon the Returner is laced with acidic slime, and he can release a cloud of caustic gas once per day.
- Wizards and sorcerers have access to a number of acidic spells like acid splash, acid fog and Melf's acid arrow. Some acid spells have the benefit of creating a physical substance rather than Pure Energy (thus allowing them to bypass Anti-Magic defences), while others have the secondary effect of damaging the target again on the next turn.
- Notably, Psionic abilities separate acid out from the other elements — someone who knows energy bolt can alternate freely between blasts of fire, cold, electricity, or sonic energy, but acid can only be created by specialised powers like breath of the black dragon.
- Acid is also the damage type most likely to possess Anti-Regeneration properties (except against regenerating enemies who are themselves acid-themed). Most iconically, acid and fire are two of the few things that can permanently harm or kill a troll.
- Acid flasks are one of the more common "grenadelike weapons", along with flasks of Alchemist's Fire and Holy Water. While weak they're a favorite of Rogues, especially in editions where they can be used to perform acid-damage Sneak Attacks.
- Forgotten Realms: The body of Kezef the Chaos Hound is saturated with powerful acid, which drips from his form to pool on the ground, coats his fangs and is released in caustic clouds whenever he's struck. He can also exhale clouds of corrosive gas.
- In Nomine: The Numinous Corpus Song of Acid causes the singer to grow acid glands in her mouth, giving her the ability to spit corrosive liquid.
- Pathfinder:
- In addition to inheriting most of the examples from Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, brine dragons, nightmare dragons, rift dragons, and gandarevas are given Breath Weapons that spit waves of acid, while tarn linnorms can switch between a line of acidic liquid and a cone of corrosive gas in addition to acidic poison injected through their bites. Swamp and sewer blights join the corrosive Blob Monster brigade. Agrawghs, earth elementals resembling enormous antlered serpents, can also spit up a gout of acid. In 2nd Edition, however, green dragons no longer possess their traditional acidic breath weapon and breathe clouds of poisonous gas instead.
- Gutragers, a type of mutant xulgaths (degenerate subterranean Lizard Folk) produce copious quantities of acid in their multiple stomachs, which they constantly release as a caustic mist and can additionally spit as giant acidic loogies, deliver through their extendable, elongated esophagi, and spread everywhere in self-destructive explosion if all seems lost.
- The bodies of lichen leshys secrete a powerful acid capable of dissolving stone. This is mostly useful for breaking down large chunks of hard material when the leshy has several hours to spare, but can also be used in combat by spitting a cluster of acid-laced fungal filaments at a target.
- Pest drakes breathe acidic gas and constantly secrete caustic slime, causing any creature that passes through a swarm of pest drakes to be coated in acid. Outside of combat, this proves to be a major problem for architects and urban planners — their acid quickly seeps into their perches, corroding and damaging any architecture or statuary they claim as theirs.
- Mukradis are peculiar monsters rambling gigantic, three-headed centipedes, with each head having a different ranged weapon — fire breath, lightning, and acidic spit. A subterranean variant supposedly exists whose heads all vomit up animated acid instead, which the creature can then reabsorb at will.
- Sepsidaemons secrete thing coatings of acid from their skin, harming anyone who touches them.
- The Alchemist class, an unorthodox spellcaster whose "spells" take the form of strange brews, has a list of abilities that's a little more biased towards acid and poison than most spellcasters.
- One of the noteworthy Wondrous Items is the Deliquescent Gloves, which imbue the wearer's touch and weapons with acid damage. They also protect against damage from contact with acidic oozes, making them a handy accessory for the Bare-Fisted Monk who otherwise doesn't get a whole lot of options for upgrading his unarmed attack.
- Starfinder: Entropy slugs, crate fiends, and synapse worms can spit acid, and entropy slugs are immune to acid damage themselves. The corrovoxes of the Hive also have organic acid cannons grafted onto their forearms.
- Princess: The Hopeful: Tempesta is associated with acid, among other things, and some Tempesta charms grant abilities such as an acidic touch.
- RuneQuest: While flying above its foes, the Crimson Bat can belch forth a vast cloud of acid that can kill a man and melt bronze.
- Warhammer 40,000:
- The ancient storm bolter known as Vengeance of Ultramar is equipped with a micro-forge that coats the weapon's bolts with a bio-reactive acid that burns through living material in an instant. This is represented in the 8th Edition rules by the weapon having a re-roll when attempting to wound a non-vehicle target.
- The daemonic flail known as Effluvior is directly connected to the bottomless acidic waters of the Marren Mere in Nurgle's Garden. Only wielded by the greatest of Exalted Great Unclean Ones, it can spray these corrosive waters over enemies, giving it a powerful ranged attack in addition to its usual melee attacks.
- Tyranid bioweapons often include powerful organic acids. This typically take the form of probosces or cannon-like structures capable of shooting streams or globs of acid over long distances, but other variants include powerful acidic drool delivered through bites and corrosive blood used to damage anyone who tangles with the so-equipped drone in close quarters.
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: The Spit Acid mutation, one of the mutation options in the 2E Tome of Corruption, allows its bearer to spit globs of clinging, caustic liquid up to ten yards away. It's one of the very few broadly beneficial mutations, as it provides a built-in weapon without mechanical handicaps while also being relatively easy to hide.
- Beast Wars: Uprising: Buzzclaw has a projecting vomit attack. He doesn't use it very often because even if it's not gross, it's also not even very accurate.
- BIONICLE has Acid as one of the rarest elemental powers. It's mostly used by Mooks such as the Lehvak, or imbued in weapons.
Video Games
- ANNO: Mutationem: The Varanus, when battled in The Consortium's underground facility, moves around the fighting arena by traversing through the surrounding water, and fires acid from its mouth.
- Avernum: Acid Spray is one of the starting spells a Sorcerer can learn and is surprisingly useful, covering the enemies in acid which both deals damage and inflicts the acid status, which is similar to poison but deals more damage per turn and is very useful against hard-to-hit enemies. Many monsters and traps can inflict the acid status on you, usually slimes and various types of insects and fungal enemies.
- Bloons Tower Defense 6 introduces the Alchemist tower, whose basic attack is throwing flasks of acid that deals Damage Over Time. Some upgrades allow his to throw stronger acid that deals damage faster or create mini acid pools that damage bloons running over them.
- Borderlands: Acid mods are one of the main damage types guns can have. They have a chance to start doing Damage Over Time with every hit, and also do more damage to armored enemies (since the acid burns through the armor).
- Caves of Qud: The Corrosive Gas Generation mutation is slightly unusual in that instead of oozing or spitting acidic liquids, it's a billowing cloud of corrosive vapor that puffs out from your very pores when you will it. Being a (condensing) gas doesn't make it any less ravenous, and it will happily eat through enemies, allies and even the very walls around you as it lingers; the more concentration of it on a tile, the quicker it melts things. Higher levels make it stronger, and make the exhalation even longer, to keep concentrations high until everything in your surroundings dies horribly. Honey Skunks have this mutation innately.
- Code:Realize: Although the characters refer to it as "poison", the player character's skin and blood act more like a fictionalized super-acid in the way that she burns and melts whatever she comes into contact with. After testing it on a variety of materials up to and including a sample of titanium, Victor concludes that the reaction is something more alchemical than natural.
- Dark Souls:
- The Acid Surge is a pyromancy spell foreign to the Great Swamp. The user emits a cloud of acid that corrodes weapons and armor.
- The Acid Horn Beetle residing in the Shrine of Amana is a subspecies of the Poison Horn Beetle. They can emit an acidic cloud which corrodes weapons and armor.
- The Corrosive Ant Queen is a species of corrosive ants native to Jugo. Only one exists in Drangleic. She can emit a blue acidic mist that corrodes weapons and armor, but cures poison. The fact that she lives in the Gutter implies that she used to be one of Lord Aldia's experiments until she outlived her usefulness.
- The Corrosive Urn item is filled with secretions harvested from giant corrosive ants, in which you can throw it at someone to inflict acid damage on their equipment.
- Deep Rock Galactic: Glyphid Praetorians and Acidspitters attack by spitting or vomiting out gouts of acid. Driller class dwarves can retaliate with their own version of this if they opt to use the Corrosive Sludge Pump as their primary weapon, which lingers both on the bug and on the floor and visibly melts what it kills.
- Season 4 introduced the Glyphid Septic Spreader, a bright green Glyphid that lobs bright red projectiles that behave similarly to those from the Corrosive Sludge Pump.
- Deltarune: That glass of battery acid that Queen always carries around isn't just for drinking; half of her attacks in battle involve it, even in her GIGA Queen mech, which is carrying a giant glass of acid.
- Desert Breaker gives you access to a powerful Acid Launcher, which turns regular enemies into a human-shaped blue blob before dissolving within seconds.
- Digimon:
- The small, often slime-like Baby Digimon are generally too young and weak to have the unique attacks their more evolved forms have, and are generally limited to spitting out streams of acidic bubbles to ward off foes.
- Raremon, an undead Digimon created by another Digimon's attempt to become a Cyborg backfiring horribly, vomits out a wave of acid as its primary attack.
- Both Hybrid Digimon associated with the Water element, Ranamon and Calmaramon, possess acid-based attacks — Ranamon can create literal acid rain, while Calmaramon can spew a wave of black acid from her mouth.
- Megidramon is sometimes depicted as possessing acidic spit.
- Dino Strike Wii has dilophosauruses as recurring enemies, whose sole attack is their corrosive saliva which they can shoot at you, Super Spit-style.
- Dominions: Acid damage is a rare damage type in Dominions, cheifly coming from the Acid spells that require the Water/Fire crosspath, of which there are only four. But since it is so rare, it can't be resisted through spells like the other damage types, and it can damage armor as well.
- Dota 2: Razzil Darkbrew is an alchemist themed chiefly around use of acid and other corrosive and unstable liquids. One of his main attacks, Acid Spray, creates a cloud of acidic gas that then collects into a damaging Acid Pool on the ground.
- Evolve: Gorgon has an acid spray attack. This is one of its most damaging attacks, rapidly melting through the health of anything caught by it.
- Exit Limbo: Opening: Special Infected have the ability to vomit acid at you, almost non-stop. Try hitting them from behind to avoid damage.
- Fairytale Fights: You collect Acid potions, which is depicted as a Smart Bomb-type attack that rains green acid melting all onscreen enemies (doesn't hurt you, or your friend in multiplayer mode). If they're of flesh and blood, they'll be Stripped to the Bone.
- Final Fantasy has the recurring ability Acid, an enemy-exclusive attack that douses the target in corrosive liquid and can inflict status ailments. In some games, Blue Mages can learn it by withstanding the attack.
- Grim Dawn has Acid as the instantaneous version of Poison damage (which is over time; DOT damage for each element gets a different name than the instant version). Many skills in the game give you access to heavy acid damage; in particular, it seems to be a favorite of the Witch God Dreeg and his followers.
- Ghost 1.0 has several primary and secondary weapons that let the player shoot acid, inflicting Damage Over Time. Enemies that can do the same start appearing from the Greenhouse sector onward.
- Heat Signature: A variety of Acid Traps are available, serving to strip enemies that step in them of their armor, though it doesn't kill them by itself. And then there's the Fleshstripper, which outright fires this same acid in high-coverage sprays that eat both the armor and the meat beneath it. It may bear mentioning that the acid in question is also the local currency.
- Into the Breach: Centipede Vek attack by launching corrosive vomit in one direction, covering its targets in acid that makes them take more damage.
- League of Legends: Kog'Maw, an insectoid monster from the Void, attacks spewing gouts and projectiles of acid against his foes.
- Left 4 Dead 2 has the Spitter, which spits globs of acidic goo that coat whatever surface they impact, damaging any Survivors standing on it. The damage ramps up over time, making it especially dangerous if the Survivors are caught in the midst of a horde.
- Marble Madness features Oozies, living puddles of acid that ooze around the floor, ready to dissolve any marble immediately on contact.
- Mass Effect:
- Rachni soldiers and brood warriors spit acid as a ranged attack.
- Mass Effect: Andromeda: Many creatures in the Heleus Cluster spit acid. Fortunately, it's not very dangerous, just irritating. It also, according to one character, can be used for cooking purposes.
- Mega Man:
- Mega Man (Classic):
- Mega Man 4: Toad Man can summon acidic rain with his Rain Flush, which serves as Bright Man's weakness.
- Mega Man V: Neptune the Stardroid uses corrosive water for his Salt Water weapon.
- Mega Man 11 has Acid Man, a Robot Master who has both an acidic shot and an acidic shield. Upon his defeat, Acid Man gives these to Mega Man as part of the Acid Barrier. One of his minions, Pipetto, can launch some corrosive globs from his head. Said globs can make substances more corrosive, and this includes the water.
- Mega Man X3: Toxic Seahorse (aka Acid Seaforce), one of the bosses, can manipulate an acidic substance and turn into globs of acid. When X defeats him, he gets the Acid Burst weapon, which shoots bouncing globs of harmful acid.
- Ghost Man from the fanmade game Mega Man Revolution can wield the Corrosion Bubble, which creates a bubble that projects forward. Saw Man is weak to the weapon due to the bubble's acid ruining his saw.
- Mega Man (Classic):
- Minion Masters: The Elder Beast and Akinlep's Gong of Pestilence attack by spitting poison at the enemy.
- Monster Hunter:
- Monster Hunter 3 (Tri): When tired or enraged, Deviljho begins drooling. This saliva turns out to be acidic, and if the hunter has contact with it their defense will lower drastically. This also happens with the Savage variant introduced in 3 Ultimate.
- Monster Hunter: World Iceborne: True to its name, Acidic Glavenus trades the Playing with Fire traits of its parent species with attacks that make use of its corrosive saliva. Similar to Deviljho's, it is capable of reducing the hunter's defense, which makes this monster very dangerous during combat.
- Mortal Kombat: Reptile. His fatality in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 has him vomit a gallon of Hollywood Acid on his opponent, melting their flesh clear off their skeleton. He also has acid fatalities in Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.
- Pikmin:
- Pikmin 2: Caustic Dweevils spit jets of acid to attack. In practice, this is animated and treated as a jet of water, with the exception that, unlike normal water, it also harms captains.
- In the animated shorts, White Pikmin — which are generally only depicted as poisonous in the games — are shown to be able to spit small jets of acid capable of swiftly dissolving metal.
- Pokémon:
- The Poison-type is traditionally associated with acid in its flavor and attacks.
- Numerous Poison moves — such as Acid Downpour, Acid Spray, Acid, and Gastro Acid — are themed around corrosive substances rather than strictly toxic ones.
- The Poison-type Pokémon Gulpin and Swalot are also explicitly themed around gastric acids. The Dragon/Poison-type Dragalge can, according to the Pokédex, spit acid powerful enough to dissolve the hull of a tanker.
- Sliggoo, while a pure Dragon-type, is stated in its Pokédex entries to produce a highly corrosive mucus capable of dissolving anything. It uses this defensively, covering itself in a coating of caustic slime to drive off attackers, and offensively, spraying its acidic secretions at prey to liquefy them and turn them into a slurry that it can eat despite have no teeth. This is not reflected in any of its moves or abilities, though.
- According to the Pokédex, Flapple can store acid in its cheeks that can cause chemical burns when used. Its alternate counterpart, Appletun, has its exclusive move Apple Acid while Flapple has Acid Spray (which is strange since there was no mention of Appletun using acid attacks).
- The Poison-type is traditionally associated with acid in its flavor and attacks.
- Prayer of the Faithless: The Acid Bath attack, judging from the name and how it attacks the Armor stat.
- Primal Carnage: The Cryolophosaurus has the ability to spit a glowing, neon-green acid that does moderate damage as a direct attack, or it can be laid down as pools of acid on the ground which does continuous damage when a human stands in it. If a human is killed by the acid, they're instantly reduced to a glowing green skeleton.
- Resident Evil:
- Resident Evil 2 (Remake): Acid grenades are an option for the grenade launcher in Claire's scenario. They're easier to find (since, unlike flame rounds, they can be crafted), but their corrosive effect doesn't quite deal as much damage as flame rounds (although some enemies are weaker to them) and the splash of acid has a smaller radius.
- Resident Evil 4: The insectoid novistadors can spit corrosive liquid and their fatality has them melt Leon's face with a point-blank spray.
- Resident Evil Village: Moreau's strongest attack during his boss fight has him climb on one of the buildings and create an acid rain that can easily kill Ethan if he doesn't take shelter.
- In Scars Above, one of the upgrades you can obtain for VERA is the Chemical Atomizer, which fires green acid that melts enemy mooks.
- StarCraft II: Some Zerg creatures use acid in their attacks.
- The roach, an insect-like armored ground unit with regeneration and burrowing abilities, attacks mainly by spitting greenish acid at its enemies, which can dissolve flesh and steel alike.
- Ordinary zerglings can be morphed into Banelings, whose bodies carry bulging sacs of green acid. Lore indicates that the liquid inside them has at least limited sentience, which might mean that the acid is actually their brains. Banelings serve as suicide bombers which run into enemy units and burst open, splashing their deadly acid on everything within a certain radius. They can instantly dissolve low-HP targets such as marines.
- Uninvited: The servant ghost kills you by engulfing you into his "misty form", which covers you in a thick, sticky goo that turns out to be acid that turns you into a "lifeless lump of flesh".
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Chimeras can be upgraded to barf acid at enemy buildings, which does more damage than their usual lightning attack (and has a longer range, for some reason).
- Warframe: Combining Toxin and Electricity mods will provide the Corrosive element, which is especially effective against Grineer armor, stripping it away to make foes easier to damage. Oddly enough, none of the Warframes with Corrosive abilities actually use acid thematically: Hydroid wields salt water to rust away armor, Inaros summons a swarm of beetles, and Saryn causes mushrooms to grow on enemies.
- Warhammer: Chaosbane, Nurgle's beasts leave acidic trails of slime in their wake and can vomit a wave of corrosive slime at you.
- XCOM 2: Acid is a very potent attack that shreds through armor more effectively than even high explosives, and causes the "Acid Burn" Damage Over Time effect that, unlike Poison, affects even mechanical units, and carrying a Medkit offers no passive immunity to it either. An acid explosion leaves pools on the ground that, if stepped on, don't deal direct damage but cause the unit to suffer from Acid Burn. XCOM's forces have it available in acid grenadesnote and ADVENT brings it to the field by the Andromedon, a late-game shocktrooper that can launch it in exploding globs or, after the pilot is killed and the suit goes into autopilot, leaves pools trailing in its wake when moving.
- XCOM: Chimera Squad: Acid has the same properties as in XCOM 2, but with an additional property: units that suffer Acid Burn the first time will also be Ruptured and take extra damage from all attacks, including further procs of Acid Burn.
Web Animation
- In Battle For BFB, Rocky’s vomit is surprisingly acidic. As shown in “Lick Your Way to Freedom”, his barf was toxic enough to burn the hard candy shell of his giant jawbreaker.
- Helluva Boss: In "Seeing Stars", after Blitzo starts shooting people in a TV studio in Los Angeles (It Makes Sense in Context), Stolas tries to keep security off of him by (weakly) throwing a water bottle at the show's producer. His skin promptly melts because, as an earlier Freeze-Frame Bonus shot shows, LA's water is 2% sewage overflow and 98% literal acid.
- On The Edge: The Punishment episode Delinquent saves a mother and child from acid attack
starts with a guy throwing acid at a woman for dumping him. Later on, another criminal tries to do this to Ota's sister (and by extension, her baby), only for Jiro to get in the way and take the blow for them. However, the criminal throws acid at a random man and succeeds, melting his face.
- Rock Hard Gladiators: Bog's blood (which, Depending on the Artist, sometimes composes his entire body) is highly acidic and he loves dousing his victims with it.
- Heavily downplayed with the Gildedguy version of the character. Despite his opponent, Gildedguy, being covered in armor, he only uses his acid body's corrosive properties during the Battle in the Center of the Mind when it's far too late to be of any use.
- Awful Hospital: Dolphins can shoot acidic mucus out of their blowholes. This is a powerful area attack that penetrates 50% of their enemies' defenses.
- Daughter of the Lilies: To his own delighted surprise, the Greater Drath develops acid-filled pustules on the back of its newest host. Margot suffers immediate, serious burns when one bursts and splashes her.
- Huckleberry's eponymous protagonist is a Plant Person who produces a powerful citric acid. He uses it to enhance punches, but he can also dissolve hard materials such as rock.
- Stand Still, Stay Silent: Kalma, a variant of troll characterized by swollen pustules filled with noxious fluids, are often able to spit jets or sprays of highly acidic liquids; there's some debate in-universe over whether these are mutated stomach acids or particularly concentrated versions of the diseased substances all trolls produce. Notably, however, this ability often proves harmful for the troll itself — although a few develop resistant organs and thick skin to protect themselves from their caustic excretions, most are eventually consumed from the inside out by their own acid.
- Wonderlab: One of the Abnormalities featured, the Servant of Wrath, has the ability to produce acidic sludge. This also applies to when she breaches as well.
Web Original
Western Animation
- Amphibia: Grime's spit can reach long distances and is acidic.
- Ben 10:
- Among Ben's alien forms, Goop can turn himself into living acid. Toepick can also supposedly shoot acid from his fingertips, but this has never been demonstrated on-screen.
- The villain Acid Breath can release extremely corrosive Hollywood Acid from his mouth, either as a liquid or as a cloud of vapor.
- The Monster of the Week at the beginning of "Ghost Town" also spat acid.
- Code Lyoko: Hornets have the ability to shoot acid, though they mostly stop using this ability in later seasons.
- Dragons: Riders of Berk: Changewing dragons spit globs of shockingly green acid capable of melting its way through a tree trunk in seconds.
- Godzilla: The Series has several of the giant monsters spit out acid that melts various materials, usually metal and plastic. How fast the acid eats away whatever it's spat on varies.
- Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: The Forbidden Company is made up of Komodo Dragons whose Signature Move is spitting acid at their foes.
- In M.A.S.K., each of the characters wears a mask that grants them a superpower. Miles Mayhem's Viper mask allows him to shoot highly corrosive acid from an emblem on its forehead.
- Spider-Man: The Animated Series: The Scorpion has the power to shoot acid from his tail.
- Steven Universe: The corrupted gem known as "Centipeetle" spits acid.
- Superman: The Animated Series: The Batman/Superman crossover "World's Finest" has the Joker, having obtained a lode of Kryptonite, kidnapping Lois Lane. Superman, in a lead-lined suit comes to rescue Lois, as the Joker holds up the Kryptonite to Superman only to find him not succumbing to it. Distraught, the Joker wonders what went wrong, then it hits him:
Joker: Silly me...I forgot the acid! (Sprays acid from his boutonniere onto Superman's suit, dissolving it)
Real Life
- Vultures protect themselves from predators by projectile vomiting. Besides being gross, their stomach contents are also highly acidic.
- Almost all animals utilize acid as part of their immune system. Stomach acid is usually the first line of defense, killing any germs that have been eaten. We also have large white blood cells called macrophages, which grab bacteria with their pseudopods before engulfing them and killing them with acid.
- Artificial acid attacks are also very common among humans, as someone will for one reason or another mix volatile chemicals and then splash it on a person, normally causing severe damage.