Adaptational Consent - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Oct 17 2016
Consent is a thorny issue, and when a work is translated from one medium to another a sexual or romantic encounter that fell on a clear side of consensual or nonconsensual may be altered.
Usually Lighter and Softer works will go the route of making it consensual, often with older stories because of Values Dissonance and a modern audience being unlikely to root for the character committing a rape, especially if this character is supposed to be a valid love interest. It may also be because the target audience of an adaptation is on the younger side, which falls under Bowdlerise. Darker and Edgier works, on the other hand, tend to go the opposite route and make what was a consensual encounter into a rape and portray the perpetrator in a worse light. Alternately if the original fell somewhere in the realm of Questionable Consent the "questionable" part is removed one way or the other. And like Questionable Consent, an act doesn't have to be sexual to fall under this, though sexual examples are by far the most common situations affected.
Both versions of this trope can carry massive unfortunate implications. Changing a rape scene into consensual sex can verge on meta-textual Romanticized Abuse, i.e. someone responsible for the adaptation looked at the rape scene and decided it should be made sexy or romantic. On the other hand, changing a scene of consensual sex into sexual assault may suggest that the writers just wanted to show someone, usually a woman, getting brutalized for purposes of cheap drama or titillation, which often leads to accusations of Gratuitous Rape; or it might also look suspiciously like the motive is just to turn a character into a rapist because the writers don't like him and want him to look worse.
Compare Adaptational Self-Defense, which retcons an act of aggression into an act of self-defense.
As with all Sexual Harassment and Rape Tropes, No Real Life Examples, Please!
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Anime and Manga
- Black Summoner: Kelvin's battle slave Efil falls for him and approaches him for sex. In the original Light Novel he accepts the offer; however, in the anime adaptation, he pushes her off him after having a Heel Realization about the power dynamics between master and slave, and resolves to put her in her own bedroom when he eventually buys a house.
- In the manga version of Bokurano, Chizuru was seduced by her teacher Hatagai and blackmailed by him into being gang-raped by his friends. When this plot was adapted into the anime the gang rape part is left out, even though Hatagai is still clearly manipulating her and is portrayed as a reprehensible person for it. Regardless, she ends up pregnant in both versions.
- The heavy censorship in the simulcast version of Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World's anime adaptation has the effect of making an already ethically questionable Hero's Slave Harem look even worse since they actually bleep out the part where slave trader Alan explains to protagonist Michio that Roxanne consented in her slave contract to having sex with her eventual purchaser.
- In the first anime adaptation of Hellsing, Alucard flat out tells Seras that he's planning to shoot through her and offers to make her a vampire, which she accepts. In the original manga and the Ultimate anime, Alucard just checks to see if she's capable of becoming a vampire (by asking a girl who is being held hostage by an undead monster whether or not she's still a virgin), then unceremoniously shoots her and then turns her as she bleeds out. The fact that she didn't give anything resembling informed consent before becoming a vampire plays a role in why she's reluctant to embrace her vampiric nature for most of the series (and makes the anime version of Seras, who knew what she was getting into, seem like a bit of a whiner for maintaining that character trait).
Comic Books
- Batman: Bruce Wayne's and Talia Al Ghul's son Damian Wayne was stated to be the result of Talia drugging and raping Bruce to sire the perfect heir; however, many fans found her actions Out of Character, since she and Bruce had had a legitimate romance, marriage, and consensual conception before she chose to follow in her father's footsteps (Morrisson, the author behind the rape explanation admits he forgot about it). As such, the New 52 relaunch retconned it into the original consensual encounter. The rape explanation was still used in the Son of Batman movie, however.
- JLA/Avengers: During the Marvel/DC crossover event, Wonder Woman meets the Marvel version of Hercules and is enraged because the DC version (a villain) raped her mother Hippolyta. Marvel's Herc (a Lovable Rogue hero) is nonplussed by this, as his story is Truer to the Text of the original myth: theirs was a consensual encounter, but since he was her prisoner at the time he's certainly not the one who should be accused of anything untoward.
- The Mighty Thor: In Norse Mythology, while it's stated Loki and Sigyn had a Bureaucratically Arranged Marriage, Sigyn is shown to genuinely love Loki despite all his many flaws. However Marvel's version of Loki lusted after a repulsed Sigyn (thinking to himself he'd have her "willing or NOT"), killed Theoric, her fiance, took his form to spend time with Sigyn (with very strong implications of him pulling a Bed Trick), and only revealing the truth immediately after the marriage. Whilst Sigyn still stays loyal to Loki, it's out of obligation to the law of the marriage rather than any love towards Loki. Unlike their mythical counterparts, Marvel's early version of the Asgardians do not have the concept of divorce outside of death.
- Mockingbird: Mockingbird was once drugged with a Love Potion and fell in love with the Phantom Rider, who used the occasion to have sex with her. This event was portrayed as a pretty straightforward rape case, left her traumatised, and culminated in her leaving him to die in revenge, which had some fairly severe consequences down the line. Then in the 2016 comic, because the writer felt that being a rape victim was inappropriate for a strong heroine, tried to retcon things so that she was in control all along, the sex was consensual, and she accused Phantom Rider of rape and let him die to hide the fact that she was cheating on her husband. This spectacularly misguided attempt at female empowerment has generally been ignored since.
- Teen Titans: The origins of Raven fall into this depending on the creative team writing a particular story arc. She's the daughter of the human woman Arella and the demon lord Trigon, but whether he first seduced Arella using a human guise or brutally raped her varies. Granted, even if it was the former, it still counts as rape by fraud, as Arella would have never agreed had she known what he really was.
Fan Works
- In the original Teen Titans comics, Speedy and Cheshire have consensual intimate relations. In the New Tamaran sequel Justice Returns, Speedy learns that, before turning him over to the Brotherhood of Evil, Cheshire drugged and raped him, resulting in the conception of a baby girl (Lian Harper).
- In Young Justice (2010) Self-Insert Fic With This Ring, this happens In-Universe with the Amazon play "the Foolish Prince." In the earlier variants of the play, the titular prince raped the foreign queen's daughter. In the modern version starring the Orange Lantern, the most Prince Pavlos does is hold hands with the daughter and stay out all night stargazing before literally sleeping together.
- Justice League vs. Teen Titans: In this version of Raven's backstory (compare to "Comics" above), Rachel's mother was part of a cult and slept with Trigon willingly, though was at least smart enough to regret it very quickly.
Film — Live-Action
- Bram Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola does this with Dracula and Mina. In the book the pivotal scene of Mina being forced drink to Dracula’s blood was a heavy rape allegory, especially given was Dracula threatening to kill her husband Jonathan (who was put in a Forced Sleep) in the bed next to them. In Coppola‘s movie however Jonathan is removed from the scene and Mina being Dracula’s Reincarnation Romance willingly drinks his blood among other things. Unfortunately this film is a Audience-Colouring Adaptation, so the following Dracula media tends to depict Dracula and Mina romantically, even though there was nothing consensual about it in the original book.
- In the last scene of the 1919 adaptation of Daddy-Long-Legs, Judy is outraged to learn that Jervis deceived and manipulated her, shouts at him never to speak to her again, and moves to leave, only for Jervis to grab her while she is clearly struggling and give her a Forceful Kiss. The 1931 adaptation of the same book ends with a similar-looking Kissing Discretion Shot, but with an entirely different setup: when Judy learns her guardian and her love interest are one and the same, she is astonished but delighted, and while Jervis gives her a surprise "Shut Up" Kiss, her smile when he pulls her into a hug and the happy tone of her voice make it clear the encounter is far more consensual. Ironically, the 1931 version is Truer to the Text, since in the book Judy is deliriously happy to learn the truth and looks forward to a future with Jervis.
- In the book Mommie Dearest, Christina Crawford claims to have been sexually assaulted when she was at boarding school. The film turned the whole event into a consensual affair that her mother Joan disapproved of, leading to Christina being removed from the boarding school.
- Non-sexual example: in The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins is forced to go on an adventure with the dwarves; although he does get a longing feeling when he listens to the dwarves singing, he might have stayed home if Gandalf didn't kick him out his own door the next morning. In the Peter Jackson film Gandalf and the dwarves leave him behind, and he runs after them, thus joining the adventure a hundred percent voluntarily. The 2003 video game uses the same version of events.
- Overlapping with Adaptational Villainy, several characters who were coerced to help Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows voluntarily do it in the film adaptation of the book. Examples include the new Minister of Magic, Pius Thicknesse, who was under the Imperius curse (a brainwashing magic spell) in the book but is one of Voldemort's followers in the film, and Gellert Grindelwald, who refuses to tell Voldemort the whereabouts of the Elder Wand in the book, but tells him all the information without any coercion in the film.
- In A Clockwork Orange, Alex lures two ten-year-old girls to his flat and proceeds to drug and rape them, whereas in the film this is changed to Alex having consensual sex with two teenage girls around his age. This was probably because even Stanley Kubrick didn't think he could get away with depicting the scene as it appeared in the books on screen.
- Both the 1962 and 1997 film adaptations of Lolita lack the first person Unreliable Narrator of the book so the relationship between Humbert and Lolita seems to be more consensual, in part because the censorship of the 1962 film and the 1997 film largely removing the Black Comedy of the book and playing it more as a romantic drama. None of this changes the fact that it's still statutory rape.
- Both the Divergent book and movie have a scene where Tris goes through simulations to conquer her fears, one of which is sexuality. In the book, the simulation of Four is lying on the bed suggestively but in the movie, he tries to force himself on her.
- In Clash of the Titans (1981), we're told that Medusa became a monster as punishment for "making love to Poseidon" in the temple of Aphrodite. In the actual myth where she was transformednote , she was raped by Poseidon and received the punishment anyway (also, from Athena, not Aphrodite). The remake changes the story back to rape, but also strangely alters the story of Perseus' own conception. In the myth, Zeus came to his mother in the form of a magical golden rain; whether she realized what was happening, or consented to it, is never really explained. In the movie, his mom is changed from an unmarried maiden to a married queen whom Zeus slept with via Bed Trick.
- In Warcraft 2016, Garona's backstory is changed so instead of being the result of rape between an orc warrior and draenei prisoner, she is now implied to be the result of a consensual relationship between the human sorcerer Medivh and an orc woman while he was off traveling the universe.
- Done with Paris and Helen's relationship in Troy. In the original The Iliad, Aphrodite promises Helen to Paris in exchange for the golden apple, and then overrides Helen's free will and makes her temporarily fall in love with Paris to fulfill the promise; left to her own devices, Helen would never have been involved with Paris, and she's very upset over the whole thing once Aphrodite's magic wears off. In Troy, Aphrodite's role is eliminated entirely in favor of having Helen and Paris genuinely and organically fall in love. This also applies in the opposite direction to Helen's marriage, as in the original, she chose to marry Menelaus and was Happily Married to him until Aphrodite mucked things up and happily returned to him after the Trojan War ended; in the film, she indicates that it was an Arranged Marriage in which she had no say and that she was miserable every day she was with him.
- Tekken (2010) establishes Jin Kazama as being a Child by Rape via Kazuya Mishima forcing himself on Jun Kazama. As for the original games, the matter of Jin's conception is not discussed much, but implied to have been consensual between Kazuya and Jun.
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit depicts Roger and Jessica's marriage as a genuinely loving and happy one, in contrast to the original book, Who Censored Roger Rabbit?, in which Roger unknowingly forced Jessica to marry him against her will by accidentally wishing on a genie's lamp and Jessica left him the moment the magical compulsion wore off.
- Almost all film adaptations of The Three Musketeers change d'Artagnan's act of tricking Milady de Winter into having sex with him by pretending to be her lover to a completely consensual sexual encounter between them where Milady knows who he is or omit it entirely.
- In Dragonlance, Tanis Half-Elven was conceived when his elven mother was raped by a human warrior, but the later novel The Inheritance (written by a different author) retcons this by saying his mother fell in love with her human captor and had a consensual relationship which produced Tanis, but after her husband and her abductor fought each other and both died she made up the story about being raped to protect her and Tanis. This second version has generally been ignored by other writers.
- In "Sun, Moon, and Talia", the princess Talia is put into a magical sleep and eventually found by the King, who rapes her and she eventually gives birth to twins, awakening when one sucks the thorn out from her finger while trying to nurse. Understandably its successor "Sleeping Beauty" and various adaptations thereof leave this part out. "Sun, Moon and Talia" itself is also something of an example: in its predecessor, courtly romance Perceforest, Troylus also doesn't have princess Zellandine consent when he impegnates her (following the not-quite-magical urging of Venus) during her enchanced sleep, but at least they were in love and engaged beforehand.
- In The Song of Achilles, the meeting of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis is portrayed as him finding her by the water and forcing himself on her to conceive Achilles, and is described as quite a violent encounter that leaves Thetis clearly hating Peleus for this and refusing to live with him. In the original myth, she rejected his offer of marriage at first due to him being a mortal and Peleus was advised to find her by the water and tied her up, and after she shapeshifted several times but was unable to escape she consented to marry him in what seems to be a variant of Best Her to Bed Her, with no indication he actually raped her. The two actually lived together for a while until in some versions she fled after Peleus discovered her trying to cast magic to protect their son (in one version literally trying to burn his mortality away), but the two otherwise seem to have had a happy marriage.
- In The Red Tent, Dinah's rape by Shechem from The Bible is changed to a consensual romance. As such, her male relatives are presented as villains for opposing their relationship and destroying his city, while the Bible presented this more as just Disproportionate Retribution. Interestingly there is speculation and evidence
suggesting that Dinah and Shechem shared a consensual romance in earlier versions of the story as mentioned in the Mythology section.
- The The Camp Half-Blood Series does this to the Greek gods and goddesses as a whole, deliberately removing the Double Standard: Rape, Divine on Mortal rampant in the original myths in favor of the gods just having a lot of consensual sex with mortals. Justified by the series being aimed at kids.
- This series uses Medusa's "used to be human" origin but describes her as Poseidon's "girlfriend" rather than a rape victim. Medusa is even willing to "just" turn Percy into a statue out of lingering affection for Poseidon but wants to tear Annabeth (a daughter of Athena) to pieces.
- The backstory of Zeus and Hera's marriage has this as well. In the myth, Zeus turns into an injured cuckoo, Hera picks him up to care for him, and then he turns back and rapes her; she marries him to avoid being Defiled Forever. In Percy Jackson's Greek Gods Hera was in love with Zeus but refused to admit it because of his promiscuity. He challenged her that she would have to marry him if she ever admitted her feelings, then turned into an injured cuckoo so that she would eventually express affection for it and lose the bet.
- In mythology, Erikthonius was conceived when Hephaestus tried to rape Athena, but only managed to "spill his seed" on her leg; Athena wiped it off and threw the rag to the ground, impregnating it/Gaea, who gave birth to Erikthonius. In the Riordanverse, Hephaestus gave an Anguished Declaration of Love and wound up crying into Athena's lap, but his tears and sweat hitting her skin created Erikthonius instead.
- World of Warcraft: Chronicle changes the lore in prior material like World of Warcraft (Comic) and Rise of the Horde to make rape of draenei by orcs more prevalent. In the original lore, the Orcs and Draenei rarely interacted prior to the latter's corruption by the demon lord, Kil'jaeden, let alone fought or mated and the only Orc/Draenei rape was an isolated incident done by an Evil Sorcerer as an experiment. Chronicle changed the lore so even prior to the orcs corruption, orc clans frequently kidnapped Draenei women to use as slaves.
- Myth-O-Mania:
- Phone Home, Persephone! gives some to the titular goddess: Traditional tellings of her story have her become queen of the Underworld after Hades kidnaps her, but this one has her willingly enter the Underworld while running away from her overprotective mother. This book also takes away some of Hades' consent, when it turns out that he only asked Persephone to become his queen because she paid Cupid to shoot him; although their love does prove genuine enough to outlast the power of Cupid's arrows.
- Get to Work, Hercules! revises the circumstances leading up to the title character's birth: Instead of having Zeus impersonate Alcmene's husband Amphytrion and impregnate her with Hercules, Alcmene is a princess who knowingly married Zeus before she became pregnant with Hercules, then marries Amphytrion later on.
Live Action TV
- In Arrow Shado is a mentor of Oliver Queen and was in a consensual romantic relationship prior to her death. In the original Green Arrow comics, she raped Oliver when he was delirious from a wound (that she gave him, no less) and conceived a child, Robert, from the encounter. The Arrow version of Shado has nothing in common with the comics version apart from her name, choice of weapon, and being Asian (and not even the same nationality of Asian, either). This wasn't unique to the TV series, as different writers on Green Arrow comics have subsequently taken different positions about whether the sex was consensual or not.
- The Lifetime adaptation of Flowers in the Attic changes Chris's incestuous rape of Cathy to a kiss and implied consensual sex. Although in the book Cathy does note that she could have stopped Chris if she wanted to, making it Questionable Consent.
- Game of Thrones has two examples of characters consenting to sex in the books, but had the same scene turned into assault in the series, both of which have resulted in accusations of the show using Gratuitous Rape:
- Daenerys' wedding night to Khal Drogo is altered: in the books, counter to her expectations, he arouses her first to gain her consent, while in the TV series, he simply rapes her (although this is a complicated example, as in the books she is 13 years old when she marries Drogo, and he is initially depicted as a firm believer in the Marital Rape License even if he doesn't technically rape her on their wedding night, so the show's version doubles as Adaptation Distillation).
- The scene of Cersei and Jaime having sex next to the body of Joffrey is altered so that Cersei's consent (or lack thereof) is far murkier, not helped by a Flip-Flop of God on whether it was actually rape. In the same scene in the books, she was far more enthusiastic about it.
- Merlin portrays the birth of King Arthur as being the result of a consensual relationship between his mother Igraine and father Uther, counter to the usual story where Uther was magically disguised as Igraine's first husband Gorlois when Arthur was conceived, and the series contains no indication Igraine had ever been married to anyone but Uther. While series Uther certainly isn't a nice guy, a rapist he's not.
- Pretty Little Liars has Jenna and her stepbrother Toby. In the books, he was molesting her against her will. In the show, she initiated things with him.
- The 21st-century version of Poldark attempted to tone down an incident in the original novels, and the 1970s TV series, in which the titular protagonist raped a woman unambiguously enough to make him impossible to portray as sympathetic nowadays, by having her initially say "no" but then start actively taking part in the sex. The scene as made still got widely condemned in the press and online for apparently endorsing rape.
- In Titans, unlike in the comics, Raven's mother is evil and slept with Trigon willingly.
- Going Postal (Discworld), possibly by accident, since it's not clear Moist is meant to look unsympathetic in this scene: In the book, when he dances with Miss Dearheart in the ruins of the Post Office, the worst that can be said is that he took "too bewildered to react" as implied consent. In the Sky1 miniseries, which makes their initial relationship far more antagonistic, she actively refuses and he drags her up anyway.
- House of the Dragon has Alicent's character aged down to be 14 instead of 18 when she marries King Viserys, and she seems much more reluctant than the version in the books.
Legends and Mythology
- Scholars of the Book of Genesis section of the Bible have noted evidence that in earlier versions of the story of Shechem and Dinah
, Shechem merely saw Dinah and fell in love with her, later asking his father, Hamor, to ask Dinah's relatives for permission for them to marry, with Shechem converting to Judaism for the marriage. A later revision of the story, possibly troubled by the idea of Canaanites intermarrying with Israelites and wanting to justify Dinah's brothers opposition to the mariage (much-expanded in previous rewrites), had Shechem "lay with Dinah by force" and then later ask Jacob for permission to marry Dinah.
- Classical Mythology:
- Many modern tellings of the myth of Hades and Persephone downplay the Abduction Is Love angle of the original by having Persephone be a willing participant in her own abduction, sometimes because Demeter is My Beloved Smother. Others have her warm up to him after the abduction but before anything sexual happens.note This is probably because, kidnapping aside, Hades was actually one of the better divine husbands, having never cheated on her, and both of them are shown to have a pleasant and loving relationship in the various stories they share afterward. Modern retellings also tend to discard the fact that Hades is her uncle (which did not matter to the gods but sure does matter to people). It is also worth stating that the exact nature of their relationship is debatable, as the Ancient Greeks never make mention of Persephone's willingness. As such, there are those
who note that many aspects of the original myth could reasonably suggest that Persephone really was a willing participant (or at least took the whole thing in stride), with one example being that ambrosia and nectar are known to be the food of the gods, so Persephone wouldn't have been eating the pomegranate seeds for sustenance and thus her eating them wouldn't have been Hades tricking her into doing so.
- A little-known myth claims that Zeus "proposed" to Hera by disguising himself as an injured bird, then raping her when she comes to care for him, forcing her into an unwanted marriage simply because she was so ashamed of the incident. Many later myths and modern adaptations either alter this into a more heartfelt and/or comical scenario or leave it out entirely, probably because it makes Zeus look a bit too much like an asshole.
- The most popular origin story for Medusa is that she was a human woman raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple, with Athena subsequently transforming her into a Gorgon. However, this story was seemingly invented by the Roman writer Ovid, who tended to portray the gods in a negative light. In older versions of the story Medusa was always a monster, and while Poseidon is said to have slept with her for some reason, there's no mention of it being non-consensual.
- The story of Helen and Paris also usually gets this in most media, and even within ancient sources. Homer sticks to the idea that Helen is unhappy in Troy and would not have left Menelaus without her judgment having been clouded by Aphrodite, while Sappho portrays it as an elopement, and Dio Chrysostom says that Paris won her hand legitimately and she was never Menelaus's wife. (Still, other sources insist that it never happened at all, and Helen was in Egypt the whole time, having been secretly replaced with a body double made out of clouds by Hera. It Makes Sense in Context.)
- In most accounts, the affair between Demeter and Iasion was consensual and Zeus killed Iasion out of jealousy. According to Pseudo-Apollodorus and Strabo, Iasion tried to rape Demeter making Zeus' execution of him more justified.
- Many modern tellings of the myth of Hades and Persephone downplay the Abduction Is Love angle of the original by having Persephone be a willing participant in her own abduction, sometimes because Demeter is My Beloved Smother. Others have her warm up to him after the abduction but before anything sexual happens.note This is probably because, kidnapping aside, Hades was actually one of the better divine husbands, having never cheated on her, and both of them are shown to have a pleasant and loving relationship in the various stories they share afterward. Modern retellings also tend to discard the fact that Hades is her uncle (which did not matter to the gods but sure does matter to people). It is also worth stating that the exact nature of their relationship is debatable, as the Ancient Greeks never make mention of Persephone's willingness. As such, there are those
- In Arthurian Legend, Arthur was conceived when his father, King Uther, used magic to pull a Bed Trick on Igraine, who was married to Duke Gorlois at the time; Uther and Igraine were married right after he died, and she was actually happy that her pregnancy was from him instead of Gorlois. Naturally, modern adaptations either call out Uther for being a rapist or go the other way (like Merlin above) and say that they had a consensual relationship, sometimes leaving Gorlois out entirely or making him the bad guy.
- Likewise, Mordred's conception in the original legends is usually (although not always) the result of a consensual one-night stand between Arthur and Morgause, with them being unaware of their incestuous act. Many modern adaptations make Mordred a Child by Rape (among the most influential, in The Once and Future King Arthur's consent to Morgause is questionable at best, with her attempting to use magic on him and him being inexperienced anyway, and in Excalibur (1981) Morgana sleeps with her brother via Bed Trick).
Tabletop Games
- Flavor text for older editions of Dungeons & Dragons described half-orcs as usually being children by rape of human women by male orcs after raiding or conquering a human population. 4th and 5th Editions put more emphasis on them being the result of consensual relationships born from marriage alliances between the two communities.
- In the musical Hamilton, Maria Reynolds swears that she willingly entered into the affair with Hamilton without any knowledge of her husband's plans and that she genuinely cares for him (it's ultimately left ambiguous as to whether or not she's telling the truth). Modern historians tend to agree that James purposely prostituted his wife and that Maria had no say in the matter, to say nothing of the power that Alexander himself would have held over her.
- The Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies both heavily play up Christine’s willingness towards the Phantom’s control. The latter musical outright having Christine choose the Phantom in the end, and being revealed to be the mother of his child. This is in stark contrast to the Gaston Leroux‘s book where Christine’s stockholm syndrome was really more pity towards Erik and getting carried away by his supreme musical talent — and even that has its limits. Case-in-point: after being captured again by Erik in the novel’s climax, Christine tries to kill herself, smashing her head against a wall. In fairness to Andrew Lloyd Webber however, this is Older Than They Think as Phantom by Susan Kay also has Christine willingly choose Erik, be the mother of his child and just ignores the Bunker Woman aspects to their relationship entirely.
- Spring Awakening:
- In the original play, Melchior unquestionably rapes Wendla. The musical presents it as Questionable Consent and even Romanticizes the scene. Later, Wendla even says flat out that she "let him love her" to further confirm that it was totally consensual, guys.
- Subverted in a few productions, which make Wendla's lack of consent more explicit. While the romanticized aspect remains regardless, it then becomes more along the lines of a "Not If They Enjoyed It" Rationalization turned inwards than an actual indication that Wendla actually consented.
- In the Wicked book it is mentioned that Elphaba's mother Melena was drugged with an elixir (which caused her daughter's green skin) and doesn't remember who fathered Elphaba. The musical makes the encounter between her and the Wizard seem more consensual, with the elixir being an aphrodisiac they both partook of, rather than basically a date-rape drug.
Video Games
- In Hades, the marriage of Hades and Persephone follows much of the plot of the original with one significant difference: Zeus is the one who kidnapped Persephone and dropped her off in the Underworld as a sort of housewarming gift for his brother. Neither party was thrilled about the situation, but they made it work and managed to get along until their son Zagreus was stillborn, causing Persephone to leave, and she didn't know until she met Zagreus years later that Nyx managed to resurrect him. Eventually she does return to the Underworld and it's indicated the two are on much better terms now, enough so that by the time of Hades II they've had a second child, Melinoe.
- Fate/Grand Order has Europa appear as a summonable servant, but tones down the story so Europa was a willing partner of Zeus rather than being kidnapped and raped. This is especially interesting because Caenis also appears as a summonable servant and her trauma from being raped by Poseidon in her original myth isn't downplayed at all.
- In Dynasty Warriors, Xiahou Ji's meeting with Zhang Fei was changed to make it less dark since, in the historical records that the game was based on, the latter kidnapped the former, forced her to marry him and bear his children. In the ninth game where she makes her playable debut, Xiahou Ji falls in love with Zhang Fei after he finds her lost in a forest and chooses to be with him which her uncle Xiahou Yuan accepted despite Zhang Fei being an enemy of Wei. The card game spinoff also shows a tamer version of her meeting with Zhang Fei which is more of a Rescue Romance.
- In Olympus Overdrive Poseidon's encounter with Medusa and subsequent "defiling" of Athena's temple is changed to a consensual but forbidden kiss and portrays the two as Star-Crossed Lovers. This was presumably done because Poseidon is a protagonist and would be very hard to root for if the story presented the Ovid version, where he raped Medusa purely to piss off Athena and the latter punished her for it anyway.
- In A-gnosis' comics on Classical Mythology, Zagreus' conception is the result of Zeus pulling a Bed Trick on Persephone, and Persephone is very disturbed to realize who the mysterious stranger really is.
- The Order of the Stick: As noted above, Dungeons & Dragons traditionally depicted half-orcs as being the product of rape (including in 3.5e, which is the version the comic is based on). Here, a flashback makes a joke showing that Therkla's parents (human dad, orc mom) were actually Sickeningly Sweethearts.
- Non-sexual in Erstwhile, which adapts fairy tales by The Brothers Grimm. In both "Sweetheart Roland" and "The Singing, Springing Lark," the male lead forgets about the heroine and goes off with another woman. In the comic, both are the result of a spell, something which neither fairy tale makes clear in their original forms.
- In Classical Mythology, as mentioned repeatedly throughout this page, Hades kidnapped Persephone, presumably against her will and forcing her into marriage. In Punderworld is pretty clear that the relationship is way more consensual, with Persephone finding every reason to return to the Underworld or stall for time leaving it.
Web Original
- Prosperina
, from the "Mythology of The Modern World" series of short stories by Eric Burns-White, re-imagines the myth of Persephone and Hades, making their marriage consensual, and making Persephone the subject of the story, acting with agency, rather than the object who is acted upon. In this version, Persephone is a Rebellious Princess, Demeter is My Beloved Smother, and Persephone is drawn to Hades because All Girls Want Bad Boys. Rather than being tricked into it, Persephone eats the pomegranate seeds on her own initiative, with full knowledge of the consequences. Granted, there are those
who argue that some of this consent might have been present in the original myth, as well; the exact nature of the mythological Persephone's relationship with Hades is still subject to debate. note