Adaptation Relationship Overhaul - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Oct 27 2017

Are the only people who portray me and Lori as friends the writers of the show?

Sometimes adaptations change the way characters feel towards one another. Maybe they're not as close in the source or maybe they're made into enemies in the adaptation. Adaptational Heroism, Promoted to Love Interest, and Adaptational Villainy typically affect how the characters act towards each other, as do being Demoted to Extra and being an Ascended Extra. Often times, being a Pragmatic Adaptation changes things around as well.


See Historical Relationship Overhaul for when this happens to real people.

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  • Fred and Barney are best friends in The Flintstones, but in advertisements for Post's Cocoa Pebbles and Fruity Pebbles cereals from 1978-2009, their relationship was changed to an antagonistic one where Barney was constantly trying to steal Fred's cereal for himself.

Films — Animation 

  • Coonskin features Br'er Rabbit, Fox and Bear as a Villain Protagonist Power Trio, rather than the latter two acting as antagonists to the former as in the (very loose) source material.
  • In Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid, the title character's father, the sea king, is a minor character, and his daughter's relationships with her sisters and grandmother get much more emphasis. In the Disney film, Ariel's sisters are minor characters, her grandmother is Adapted Out, and King Triton is built up as an overprotective dad with anti-human prejudice, whose rocky relationship with Ariel and journey to acceptance of her desire to be human becomes the very heart of the story.
  • In The Clever Princess, Arete is raised by an old servant who reveals herself as a witch when she gives the princess a magic ring. They have no such relationship in Princess Arete.
  • Kitaro Birth The Mystery Of Gegege: Mizuki, in his original appearance, was only able to interview Medama Oyaji and his wife before they both died, and his relationship with the young Kitaro wasn't always a healthy one (in fact, in one version he dropped the newborn Kitaro after being spooked by him, giving him his iconic look). In this movie, however, Mizuki and Medama Oyaji have known each other much longer, and as such he's welcomed as a second father to Kitaro.
  • In the original Peabody's Improbable History shorts from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show, Mr. Peabody was more of a distant guardian or mentor to his son Sherman who was rather stoic in his tone of voice when addressing him. He also disliked being called "Dad/Daddy" and insisted Sherman call him "Mr. Peabody". Then in the Dreamworks Mr. Peabody & Sherman animated film adaptation, Mr. Peabody is much more kind and loving to Sherman and is a Good Parent who protects and treats him like his own son.
  • In Rapunzel, Rapunzel's parents are two peasants who decide to steal from a witch's garden. When she gets upset, they give up their baby to her. Disney's Tangled takes a different route by making Gothel steal a newborn princess for her youth-giving powers. The film also portrays the witch as Rapunzel's (emotionally abusive) mother figure, unlike in the original story where she's just a caretaker.
  • Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964): In the original 1939 picture book and its 1948 cartoon adaptation, Rudolph lives in a reindeer village separate from Santa's sleigh team, and doesn't meet Santa until the Christmas Eve when he gets the job of guiding his sleigh: Santa comes to his house to deliver presents, sees his glowing nose, and is inspired. But in the Rankin/Bass stop-motion special, Rudolph is the son of Santa's reindeer Donner and grows up in Christmastown, knowing Santa from birth. Santa is prejudiced against his nose like the other reindeer at first, but warms up to him after he and his friends defeat the Abominable Snow Monster, and even more when he realizes that Rudolph's nose can guide the sleigh.
  • In Sleeping Beauty, the fairies who give the princess her magic gifts only appear at the beginning, except for the one who saved her life, who briefly comes back to put the rest of the castle to sleep along with her. None of them have any real relationship with the princess, who is raised by her parents in their castle. In the Disney film, the fairies take her away and raise her as their foster child to try to protect her from Maleficent's curse, only reuniting her with her parents in the end.
  • Son of the White Horse:
    • In most of the folk tales, Treeshaker, Stonecrumbler and Irontemperer are either unrelated or the second two are secretly hostile to Treeshaker. In the film, they're loving brothers who nonetheless tease and beat up each other as they see fit. Treeshaker is quick to turn on his elder siblings when he falsely thinks they've betrayed him, but comes to his senses and begs them to forgive him, unlike in the folk tales where he punishes them.
    • The king, the old man from the woods and the evil goblin are separate entities in the folktales. In the movie, they're different manifestations of an elder deity called the Rain King, who is also the brothers' biological father. In the tales, the hero calling the man in the woods his father or grandfather is purely a gesture of respect. Similarly, the White Mare is the bothers' mother and by extension the king's queen. In the tales she's usually only the mother of the main hero and has nothing to do with others.
    • In the tales, the king is the true father of the three princesses. In the movie, he's their metaphorical father, having created them to be the wives of his three sons who are thus technically the princesses' metaphorical brothers as well as their husbands. Also, in the folk tales the main hero wants to merry the first princess he rescues, while in the film the princess tries to seduce him and is harshly rejected.
  • In The Voyage of Alice, Jolly U is the pirate mastermind: the Three Captains mention that they have been chasing him, he is revealed to be the one who tortured the Third Captain, and he gives all the orders when the heroes are in captivity. Rat, meanwhile, is implied to be The Dragon who barely speaks in his presence. In The Mystery of the Third Planet, Rat is the mastermind and Jolly U the dumber second-in-command. That’s because by the time of the movie’s making, the earlier dynamic had become Early-Installment Weirdness in the book series as well, as more books had appeared featuring the two, describing Rat as the leader.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie:
    • Pauline has a long history with Mario in the games, her being his first love interest in the first Donkey Kong and having a less romantic, but still friendly relationship with him by the time Super Mario Odyssey released. Here, she is seen in a cameo and does not mention knowing Mario.
    • Diddy Kong is shown as an admirer of Donkey Kong rather than his best friend like in the Donkey Kong Country games.

Films — Live-Action 

  • Bhowani Junction: In the film, Victoria ends up choosing Colonel Rodney (an Englishman) instead of Patrick (a fellow Anglo-Indian). In-Universe, this is because Patrick dies heroically but recklessly in an attempt to prevent Davay from blowing up the tunnel; therefore leaving the path clear for Victoria to romance the colonel. In the book, however, they all come unscathed from the incident and Victoria chooses Patrick because of their similar origins and inner conflicts.
  • Blood & Chocolate (2007):
    • Most notably between Vivian, Aiden and Gabriel. In the book Gabriel is in love with Vivian but she doesn't reciprocate at first. Her romance with Aiden starts well but turns sour when he finds out she's a werewolf, culminating in him trying to kill her. In the film, Aiden is clearly the main love interest and ultimately doesn't care about Vivian being a werewolf, while Vivian feels nothing but contempt for Gabriel and he lusts after her rather than loving her.
    • In the book Astrid lusts after Gabriel but he has no interest in her and comes to despise her for betraying and endangering the pack, and trying to frame and kill Vivian. In the film, Gabriel and Astrid were once mates until Gabriel left her to pursue other women in accordance with pack tradition; Astrid still pines for Gabriel and he occasionally has sex with her, but it's indicated to be more out of convenience than any true feelings on Gabriel's part. The film retains the unrequited feelings from Astrid towards Gabriel overall, but Astrid comes off far more sympathetically while in the book it's the other way around.
  • The live-action Netflix Death Note (2017) movie centers around a Light who's lower on the social totem pole and not nearly so coolly in-control.
    • Ryuk, the shinigami who dropped the Death Note, openly encourages Light to use it (even downplaying the consequences of killing someone; he's sure he's dreaming, so what the hell) and goes on to hover with a more personally threatening, scarier presence.
    • The movie's equivalent to Misa Amane, Mia Sutton, appears earlier in the story, and as soon as she gets in on the Death Note, "second Kira" nothing, she takes control of the whole thing — with bloodier results than he had had in mind. Light outmaneuvering her at the end is a turnabout rather than kind of a default.
    • In a scene that's clearly based on dialogue from the source material, L confronts Light with his suspicions about being the mysterious killer known as "Kira". In the manga and anime, L puts him to a series of friendly-seeming mental challenges concerning recent evidence while Light plays along and their repartee turns into a mind-screw of "if I were Kira" hypotheticals. In the American movie, while this version of L tells him he has several different possibilities to explain his long-distance murders, he approaches it with certainty, and he can't quite seem to believe that Light himself is genuinely not in control of the "Kira" incident. Before long, rather than digging at each other with a smile, the two of them are openly antagonistic.
  • In the original book version of Doctor Sleep, Rose the Hat is part of a polyamorous romance with both Crow Daddy and Snakebite Andi. In the film adaptation, while Rose and Crow are still romantically linked, Rose has more of a "mentor/pupil" dynamic regarding Andi so as to reflect the similar relationship between Dan and Abra and make it clearer that Rose is Dan's Shadow Archetype. Additionally, considering how Andi is technically underage for the majority of both the novel and film's timespans, this change was likely done to prevent accusations of pedophilia (even though there aren't any actual sexual relations between Andi and the other members of the True Knot in the original book).
  • In Charles Edward Pogue's original draft of The Fly (1986), the lead characters were a scientist and his wife as in the original short story and 1958 film adaptation thereof. One of the two key changes David Cronenberg made to this script (the other being that the protagonist is able to communicate via speech with others until the very last step of his Metamorphosis) was to make the leads a scientist and a reporter who meet only at the beginning of the story and fall in love while she covers his development of teleportation technology, a relationship that directly shapes the rest of the plot.
  • The Glee concerts (and thus The Film of the Concert) are considered an adaptation or official alternate universe to the TV show, and in them everyone gets along really well, which is not something present on the show. That is, except Brittany and Blaine, who have a rivalry that isn't on the show, either. Also of note is that in the concerts Santana is clearly publicly out and dating Brittany, which she wasn't on the show until after the concert film.
  • In the Godzilla movies, Godzilla and Mothra are constantly at odds with one another and the only time they team up is when they are against a much larger threat. In the MonsterVerse, the two are allies from the beginning and actually have a symbiotic relationship.
  • In Tarnsman of Gor, the first book in the series, Tarl, a Warrior of the City-State Ko-Ro-Ba and the protagonist, is opposed by Marlenus, the Ubar (king) of the City-State Ar. In the course of the book Tarl kidnaps Marlenus' daughter. In the film Gor very loosely based on the book, Marlenus is the feeble old king of the village Koroba who gets kidnapped by the Big Bad and Tarl rescues him, helped by the King's daughter.
  • In the comics Hellboy had a fairly positive relationship with Professor Bruttenholm. In Hellboy (2019), Hellboy has a strained relationship with him due to believing that he was raised to be Bruttenholm's weapon.
    • In Hellboy (2004) Bruttenholm is full on Hellboy's Father Figure. While he's had a positive relationship with him in the comics, it's repeatedly made clear that Hellboy was more or less raised collectively by the earliest iteration of the B.P.R.D. in the comics rather than one specific person taking on the majority of his care, and Bruttenholm dies fairly early on in the series along with not playing a large part in the comics as a whole. In the 2004 film, his death triggers the final act, and Hellboy is pissed.
    • The 2004 film also features an overhaul with Liz into a fully romantic couple with Hellboy, whereas the two were more Like Brother and Sister in the comic.
  • King Kong (1933) has Kong's thing with Ann Darrow be entirely one-sided, with her thinking nothing more than fearing for her life when she was in his grasp. Most if not all adaptations has her or her counterpart develop empathy for him and form a more legit bond.
  • In Maleficent, Aurora views Maleficent as her fairy godmother. This is very different both from the fairytale (where the evil fairy is not even named, and only appears two times) and the first Disney adaptation, where Maleficent is the villain.
  • Mortal Engines:
    • In the book, Tom developed a crush on Katherine the moment he met her, although this gradually went away over the course of the story as he and Hester grew closer. Nothing of the sort is even hinted at in the movie.
    • In the books, there's no indication that Pandora Rae a.k.a Pandora Shaw — Hester Shaw's mother and Anna Fang knew each other or had even met. In they were close friends and allies to the point where Anna spent years trying to find Hester after Pandora’s death.
    • In the book, Tom and Bevis don't know each other and have no interactions with each other. In the film they appear to be casual acquaintances on first name basis.
    • Katherine and Bevis were love interests to each other in the book, but in the film outside of one significant look when they first meet this isn't alluded to.
    • In the books, Katherine and Thaddeus Valentine were very close with one another, with Katherine describing Thaddeus as more like a best-friend than a father and is unwilling to believe that he could be involved with the MEDUSA plot until 2/3rds of the way through the novel. In turn Katherine functions as Thaddeus' Morality Pet to the point where her calling him out on his and Magnus Crome's plan to destroy Batmunhk Gompa and kill innocent people causes him to develop doubts about whether he's really doing the right thing. In the film this closeness is absent due to the two of them have only a few scenes together, with Katherine being immediately suspicious of her father the moment it seems he’s withholding information from her and near the climax Thaddeus only seems briefly swayed by her words before he chooses to ignore them and continue with his plan.
  • Ophelia:
    • In Hamlet, while Hamlet and Ophelia clearly have romantic feelings for each other, it's never made clear if they acted upon them. Here, they are depicted as having a Secret Relationship, and go as far as getting married. Furthermore, in Hamlet the title character had a rather strained relationship with Ophelia due to his own grief and paranoia, while here they tend to confide in each other more and even feign an argument to throw off Claudius (e.g. the film presents Hamlet's "go to a nunnery" line as a literal warning for Ophelia to shelter in a nunnery rather than an insult).
    • In the play Ophelia and Claudius barely interact with each other and so have little in the way of a discernible relationship. Here, their relationship becomes firmly antagonistic by the second half on the film; Claudius sees her as a meddlesome threat to his power, while she views him with a mixture of fear and contempt for his evil actions and corrupting influence on others, especially those she loves.
  • In the film of RENT, Benny is on much less friendly terms with the bohemians, and Maureen and Joanne have a lot less arguments to the point that their relationship is sort of stable and they even get engaged.
  • In the Super Mario Bros. (1993) movie Mario is several years older than Luigi and is his father figure. In the games they are fraternal twins.
  • The film adaptations of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory portray Veruca and Violet as rivals. They do not interact in the book.
  • Persuasion: In the book Anne and Wentworth barely say a word to each other until they reunite in Bath. Here the two converse as early as his arrival at Uppercross and agree to be friends before eventually rekindling their romance.
  • In Sherlock Holmes (2009), Holmes is pressurised into meeting Mary Morstan after Dr Watson is already courting her, and they initially dislike each other. In The Sign of the Four, Mary and Watson meet when she's Holmes's client, and she sees him as responsible not just for solving the mystery of her father's disappearance but introducing her to her husband. Holmes, meanwhile claims to disapprove of the marriage, but only on principle; he expresses his admiration of Mary herself.


  • Anklet for a Princess, a retelling of Cinderella in India, has this in the Wicked Stepmother's relationship with her husband. In the traditional Cinderella story, the Wicked Stepmother is the father's second wife who only came into the picture after his first one died. Here, it's explained that the stepmother was the other wife of Cinduri's father, who married him while his first was still alive, and both women bore him daughters around the same time.
  • In the myths and stories of Arthurian Legend, Mordred gets hit with this frequently. In the earliest versions, there wasn't any indication he and Arthur became antagonistic and were actually downright friendly with the otherwise poorly detailed Mordred simply being Arthur's chosen heir, his nephew by his younger sister. It was later on in newer takes like The Alliterative Morte Arthure that they became antagonistic.
  • Several modern versions of Beauty and the Beast combine this with Adaptational Heroism regarding Beauty's sisters. In the original tale they're mean and jealous of Beauty, but in the two Robin McKinley retellings, Beauty: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast and Rose Daughter, and in Megan Kearney's webcomic, they're perfectly decent, nice young women (though a bit more flawed in the webcomic than in the two novels) and all three sisters are very close.
  • Go to Sleep (A Jeff the Killer Rewrite): Jeff and Liu already know who Randy is since they saw him the day Ben died. In the GameFuelTv version, the brothers didn't know any of the bullies since they just moved into the neighbourhood.
  • This is common with Achilles and Patroclus, characters first introduced in The Iliad, due to their ambiguous relationship. They pass for lovers (such as in The Song of Achilles and in the vision of many reviewers, including Plato himself), cousins (like in Troy), or just very good friends with lots of Ho Yay, with it all Depending on the Writer and how they are trying to portray Achilles.
  • Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again:
    • In the film version of Godzilla, Shinkichi Morita was a young teenager whose brother was a victim of Godzilla's ship-sinking spree, later being orphaned by Godzilla's attack on Ōdo Island; but who doesn't play a large role. In the novel, he's Emiko Yamane's childhood friend and largely fills Ogata's role from the movie, with Ogata being relegated to a supporting side character.
    • The novelization of Godzilla lacks the love triangle between Emiko, Ogata, and Serizawa — or even between Emiko, Shinkichi, and Serizawa; though Serizawa asks Shinkichi to look after Emiko in his place before his Heroic Sacrifice.
  • The 1997 The Jewel Kingdom starred four sisters. The 2020 reprint, Jewel Kingdom, makes them cousins to facilitate three of them getting a Race Lift.
  • Maiden Crown is based on the medieval Danish ballad "Valdemar and Tove", and significantly overhauls the relationships between the three central characters (Valdemar, his mistress Tove, and his wife Sophia).
    • In the ballad, King Valdemar and Queen Sophia's relationship is nothing but acrimonious, and he exiles her from their marriage bed forever in retaliation for her murder of Tove. In this novel, Valdemar and Sophie grow to love each other after their Arranged Marriage despite their initial misgivings. After Sophie accidentally kills Tove, Valdemar is furious and swears never to speak to her again like he did in the ballad, but he eventually reaches out to her and they reconcile.
    • The ballad only depicts Tove and Queen Sophia as rivals and nothing else. Here, they initially become friends for a while and Sophie regards Tove as her favorite lady-in-waiting until she sees Tove's son with Valdemar, which causes the end of their friendship.



  • In Worm Taylor Hebert hides her new superpowers from her father and grows increasingly distant, to the point where they just can't connect anymore. Collection Quest flips this on its head by having Danny also gain powers and immediately set about both repairing their relationship and seeking justice for Taylor's abuse; the end result is that Taylor tells him about her powers after a week and grows to trust him deeply.
  • In the original Dawn of a New Age, Zia and Ciro were recently acquainted and, while Zia was as flirty as always, there wasn't anything explicitly romantic between them. Because they got on well, the rebooted Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues changed things so that they'd been friends for a decade and harbor mutual crushes on each other.


  • Les Misérables:
    • Marius is a full-fledged member of the revolutionary group and close friends with all the others, while in the novel he isn't a member and is only really close friends with Courfeyrac. He also treats Éponine as a close friend and is distraught as she dies in his arms, while in the novel he only pities her, can be very cold to her when he's in a bad mood or distracted by Cosette, and doesn't particularly mourn her death.
    • Marius and Jean Valjean's interactions are more positive too. The novel's Valjean initially hates Marius and wants him to die at the barricade rather than take Cosette from him, but in the musical he almost immediately prays for his life and describes him as "like the son I might have known if God had granted me a son." As for Marius, in the novel he pushes Valjean out of Cosette's life after he learns that Valjean is an ex-convict, only to regret it later, while in the musical it's Valjean who makes the decision to leave and Marius tries unsuccessfully to dissuade him.
    • The novel's Mme. Thénardier is afraid of her husband, always obeys him and would never dream of publicly criticizing him, but the musical's Mme. Thénardier gleefully insults him in front of their inn customers and is often (for example, in the film version) portrayed as the one who "wears the pants" in their marriage.
  • Some Like It Hot: Unlike in the film where Jerry-as-Daphne was competing with Joe-as-Josephine for Sugar's affections, Daphne and Sugar develop a sisterly relationship here.

Web Animation 


  • Gravity Falls fan-comic Deal: Dipper and Pacifica become a couple sometime after the events of Gravity Falls and have children together. Gideon and Mabel are also implied to be couple, as Mabel now lives in the Gleeful's house with a sign out front welcoming the newest Gleeful.
  • In Dumbing of Age, which started as an Alternate Continuity for the combined works of the Walkyverse, numerous characters have slightly altered or completely different relationships from the original canon. For instance:
    • Walky and Joyce are not only not in a relationship, they actually dislike one another.
      • Related, while in the Walkyverse Dorothy was Walky's first crush and later tried to steal Walky away from Joyce to prevent what she thought was a Bad Future, earning her Joyce's wrath, in this verse Joyce thinks Dorothy is too good for Walky, and gets jealous if Dorothy is too busy to hang out with her.
    • Becky and Joyce are childhood friends rather than meeting well into adulthood.
    • Dina and Becky are in a romantic relationship, while they didn't even meet in the Walkyverse until after Shortpacked!'s finale because the former had originally died.
    • Amber, Mike, and Ethan have known each other from before high school rather than meeting as employees in a toy store like in Shortpacked! There's also no chance of Mike and Amber marrying like in Shortpacked! since Mike died.
    • Amber and Sal first met when the latter held up a convenience store and the former stabbed her in the hand after she'd gotten arrested, thanks to her father calling her weak for not trying to stop her. In the Walkyverse, they don't really know each other at all.
    • Billie and Danny know each other and nearly had sex once, but aren't close at all, while in the Walkyverse they're an Official Couple.
    • In the Walkyverse Joyce was Danny's Stalker with a Crush, to the point she claimed they were engaged. Here, despite them interacting a few times, all Joyce can remember him as is 'Joe's friend' and 'Hat Guy'.
    • Sal had an on again, off again relationship with Jason in the Walkyverse, and while here they did sleep together, it was only briefly and any chance of it continuing got killed after Jason got fired for it. Now Jason's with Ruth (who died before he was even introduced in the Walkyverse) and Sal's with Danny (which had been the original couple before they broke up and Danny got with Billie in the Walkyverse).
    • Joe and Rachel were also an Official Couple in the Walkyverse, and are the creators/parents of Ultra Car. In this, Rachel actively loathes Joe, who's more interested in Joyce, and Ultra Car became a Decomposite Character: the fictional Ultra Car from the cartoon of the same name, and Carla, daughter of unseen tech moguls who at best talks with Rachel in the hallway, and likely doesn't know Joe exists. (Carla also is a huge fan of Ultra Car.)
    • Joe's relationship to Amber in Shortpacked! was strictly professional, her being the manager of the branch of Shortpacked he provided the capital for. In the first semester in this comic, their only connection was initially through Danny, and later by Joe's father and Amber's mother dating, and by the second semester they're stepsiblings.
    • Played with in the case of Amber and Faz's relationship. In Shortpacked! Faz was Amber's Abhorrent Admirer, whom Amber later learns is also her half-brother through their father (and doesn't tell him until Blaine is dead out of fear that Faz would become even more abhorrent). In Dumbing of Age they're presented as stepsiblings, with Blaine being Faz's stepfather, but Amber can't shake the feeling that Blaine is Faz's biological father, which makes her sick because that meant Blaine cheated on Stacy with a teenager when Amber was in diapers. (Blaine's Insistent Terminology that he's Faz's stepfather makes things quite suspicious.) At least here they have a genuinely more sibling-like relationship, with Faz looking up to Amber as proof he doesn't have to turn out like Blaine. (It's everyone else that has to deal with his Abhorrent Admirer side.)
    • In the Walkyverse the Big Bad was Head Alien, with Monkey Master as his ally. In the Dumbiverse they're both fictional characters of the popular cartoon Dexter And Monkey Master (Dexter being the Head Alien in this case). For bonus irony, a couple characters that fought against him (namely Joyce and Walky) and one that was possessed by Head Alien (namely Dorothy) are huge fans.
    • One of Dorothy's first acts in Dumbing of Age was breaking up with her boyfriend Danny, with them settling into Amicable Exes roles. In the Walkyverse literally the only time they were in the same scene together was when Dorothy was possessed by Head Alien and crashed Joyce and Walky's wedding.
    • Once Billie has to be moved because of her relationship with Ruth, she ends up roommates with Lucy, while their only interactions in Shortpacked! was being at the same weddings due to mutual acquaintances. The same applies to Sal and Malaya.
    • Walky and Lucy would begin dating in the second semester, and like the roommates above, only interacted in Shortpacked! by being at the same weddings.
    • In Shortpacked! there was a Love Triangle with Jacob and Ken competing for Lucy, with Ken winning and Jacob moving away. Here, Ken and Lucy are merely coworkers at Galasso's, and after Lucy breaks up with Walky, she enters a relationship with Jacob.
    • In Shortpacked! Malaya and Ultra Car had a queerplatonic relationship in which their incompatible sexual orientations-Ultra Car is uninterested in sex while Malaya likes getting off-is circumvented by Ultra Car just using her third arm to do so. In the more realistic Dumbing of Age, where Carla (Ultra Car's counterpart) is very much not a robot, Carla's crush on Malaya doesn't go any further, due to Carla being a sex-repulsed asexual. Mind, that didn't stop Carla's girlfriend Charlie from asking if they were exes.
  • In Kiwi Blitz Steffi and Ben were Childhood Friends who later got a Relationship Upgrade. In their sole scene in Sleepless Domain, a now adult Ben is merely the long-suffering manager of Steffi's Magical Girl team.
  • While MoringMark - TOH Comics does try to stay canon compliant, there are a few relationships that differ in comparison to The Owl House:
    • Amity and Hunter were only actively antagonistic towards one another in a single episode due to their goals at the time being in direct conflict and were perfectly willing to let bygones be bygones following the latter's Heel–Face Turn and integration in to the Hexsquad. Here, they have far more of a Vitriolic Best Buds relationship. Luz even directly compares their dynamic to that of a cat and dog at one point. In a case of Generation Xerox, Amity's father Alador and Hunter's surrogate father Darius also have this sort relationship (as opposed to canon, where they were former friends turned Sitcom-Arch Nemeses).
    • While Skara and Viney are hinted to have become friends after they both joined the Flyer Derby team, the two are not shown to have any sort of meaningful relationship in the show. Here, they get an entire storyline devoted to them becoming friends and eventually lovers, with other comics set during the cast's adult years showing them married.
    • Vee's friends from camp are, as far as we know, entirely unaware that she's a basilisk from another world who masqueraded as Luz, and her crush on Masha is given no definitive conclusion. Here, all three of them learn about her past and she's dating Masha.
    • King and Eda regularly address each other as mother and son, something their canon counterparts never do despite King's adoption early in the second season.
    • Hunter has a much closer relationship with the Noceda family as a whole, calling Vee his sister and treating the idea of being adopted by Camila as a serious possibility. While he does get along with both of them in canon, the only one he actually considered family was Luz.
    • Hooty is never shown to have any connection to Grom in the show, while the comics reveal that he was actually friends with her prior to her being cursed.
    • Skara presumably knew who Raine was in the show proper given that they were the Coven Head of her chosen field, but she never expresses any particular opinion of them and the two are only in the same general area at the very end of the series when everyone comes to Luz's birthday party. Here, Skara is Raine's self-professed biggest fan and lets out an ear-shattering Squee when she gets the chance to meet them in person.
    • All evidence in the show points to Flapjack having been in the Bat Queen's care for centuries (possibly since Caleb's death) and never had any other owners until Hunter came along. Here, he actually bonded with every single Golden Guard.
    • One of the only things we known about Boscha's mother in canon is that she has a long-standing rivalry with Odalia dating back to their childhood. A hypothetical prequel shows her also having tension with Darius.
  • Yellow Brick Ramble: This is a comic-slash-graphic-novel adaptation of The Marvelous Land of Oz, the second novel of the classic Oz series by L. Frank Baum. And this adaptation changes many things, including the family relationships of the main character Tippetarius (aka Tip).
    • The witch Mombi grudgingly acts as Tip's guardian in the original novel, and they don't like each other much. In this comic, however, she and Tip treat each other as mother and child and are emotionally much closer. Similarly, the Wizard of Oz is only ever mentioned once or twice in the original novel and certainly has no relation to Tip. But in this comic, The Wizard is Tip's father, or so Tip believes at least. With all that being said, since the comic diverges significantly from the original novel, it's not yet known for sure how or even if Tip, Mombi, and The Wizard really are Related in the Adaptation.
    • In both the original novel and the comic, Jack Pumpkinhead was originally built by Tip, so Jack quite innocently declared that he was Tip's son. In the novel, Tip only very grudgingly agrees with Jack's declaration, but still spends the rest of the novel resisting the idea of being Jack's parent. In the comic, by contrast, Tip is quickly convinced to embrace the role of Jack's parent after only a very brief moment of reluctance.

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  • Anakin Shrugged: In Canon, Anakin despises Dooku for starting the Clone Wars, killing countless Jedi at Geonosis, endangering Padme and Obi-Wan (and later Palpatine), and severing his right arm at the elbow. The feeling is decidedly mutual, as Dooku views Anakin as an unworthy addition to his Master-Apprentice Chain (Yoda —> Dooku —> Qui-Gon —> Obi-Wan —> Anakin), whereas he had a deep respect for everyone else in said chain, and he sees Anakin as an unrefined brute who isn't worth his time. Here, however, Dooku and Anakin are quite cordial, with Dooku asking how Padme is, helping Anakin with his thesis, and engages in fairly snarky but not malicious banter with him.
  • What If the Star Wars Prequels Were Good? is a rewrite to the Star Wars prequel trilogy that changes around the characters' relationship, particularly the relationship between Luke and Leia's future adoptive parents (Owen Lars and Bail Organa) and the rest of the main characters. Specifically, Michael Barryte turns Bail into Padme's brother who is known for his sympathies for the Separatists, while Owen Lars becomes one of Padme's pilots, becoming Bash Brothers with Anakin due to their shared homeworld.

Alternative Title(s): Adaptional Relationship Change, Adaptational Relationship Change, Adaptational Relationship Overhaul