Adjustable Censorship - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Nov 27 2012
"You have to put in a parental password just to turn the blood on. But once it's unlocked, you still need to set the level of blood. So in case you want there to be a little bit of blood, but not too much? Like, who the fuck cares? Just turn the God-damn blood on!"
Adjustable Censorship is when you are given the option of turning mature content (usually violence, swearing, or sexual content) on or off. This usually happens in Video Games, but other media, such as DVDs and websites, occasionally have such options. You may have an "On/Off" toggle or a slider that goes from "Bloodless Carnage" to "High-Pressure Blood" to "Gorn". There may also be an option to change the color of the blood or replace it with something silly like flowers, happy faces, or green slime.
This is fairly common in Arcade Games and Pinball, so that more family-oriented establishments can carry games that they consider profitable but by default are too inappropriate for the establishment.
A rarer, more modern variant is the option to turn off content that isn't mature per se, but can be upsetting to some players—e.g. spider imagery for arachnophobic players. Other games offer a censorship option to disable certain sensitive content such as swastikas in order to make them more streamer-friendly especially in heavily-moderated platforms such as Twitch and YouTube.
In some older games, back when adult content was much less acceptable in video games, the mature content was deactivated by default and had to be re-activated through a cheat code in order to hide it from the censors. These days, the ESRB (or any similar video game censorship board) will generally rate a game assuming all mature content is set to its highest level, even if not accessible by normal meansnote .
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Video Game Examples:
Action Game
- In Alien Hominid, there is a "Gore" option in the options screen. Turning it off will replace all blood with flowers.
- Assassin's Creed II and up have an option to turn off blood.
- Battlerite introduced a profanity filter to the chat shortly before launching out of Early Access. After fans complained it was too strict, Stunlock Studios added the option to turn it off.
- Bayonetta 3 has "Naïve Angel Mode"
, which covers up the nudity and makes certain character outfits less revealing. Aside from this, it also deliberately changes some non-nude options to be more silly; for instance, Rodin's cigar becomes a donut, and when Bayonetta rips her heart out to summon certain demons, it's replaced with a tomato.
- Onechanbara gives you an option to have the blood displayed as Red or Purple.
Adventure Game
- The Infocom game Leather Goddesses of Phobos can be adjusted from "tame" to "lewd."
- MiSide has "Gore" toggle in the options menu that can be changed to pixelate the gore.
- In The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, there is a setting that allows you to toggle Content Warnings for scenes involving suicide, mental health issues, and trauma. If the content warnings are turned on, you are also given the option to skip the triggering scenes when they pop up.
- Spellcasting 101 by Legend Entertainment has "Nice" and "Naughty" modes, slightly changing the description texts and required actions. For example, in the segment parodying Goldilocks you either need to play chess with 3 nuns or hump 3 concubines.
Beat Em Up
- The Battletoads Arcade Game was decidedly Bloodier and Gorier, but had a DIP switch for "Blood Free Mode."
- Castle Crashers allows turning blood and gore off.note In gameplay, it prevents decapitations from happening, and the blood particles that appear briefly when hit are now white.
- Yakuza Kiwami has an option to reduce gore.
Fighting Game
- Atari Jaguar:
- Kasumi Ninja has four gore levels: None (Bloodless Carnage), Combat, Disturbing (allows blood to pool on the floor) and Gore Fest (which can be disabled by parental lock-out).
- Ultra Vortek allows the option to either turn blood on or off.
- Dead or Alive gives you the option of adjusting the intensity of the game's Jiggle Physics. Hilariously, sometimes it is determined by an Age Input in the option menu; apparently, 99 Year Olds can handle a lot of jiggling.
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD Version for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 has the option to restore the blood cut from the PlayStation and Sega Dreamcast ports, which includes one of DIO's inputs, "Bloody Summoning". This, along with DIO's torso exploding at the end of Story mode like in the manga as opposed to him flying off the screen like in the console ports makes you wonder how the game is still rated Teen; some of the other games on this page are rated Mature even with the censorship mode on!
- Mortal Kombat:
- All the Arcade Games have DIP switches that let operators turn blood and violence on or off.
- The Sega Genesis version of Mortal Kombat (1992) has a button code that undoes the censorship, giving it an edge over the Super Nintendo Entertainment System version. The Sega CD port reverses this, by having the violence uncensored from the get-go, but entering the same code from the Genesis version that un-censors the gore now censors it.
- Mortal Kombat Trilogy allows you to toggle the blood on or off in the options screen.
- Mortal Kombat: Armageddon allows for the blood to be set on off, low, medium, or maximum. You can also choose to have fatalities on or off.
- Primal Rage on the Sega Genesis allows you to turn gore on and off.
- The American home releases of Samurai Shodown on the Neo Geo tend to feature censored violence: blood is turned white and defeated foes cannot be cut in two. Some of those games feature codes that re-enable the violence, turning the blood red and the gore on again.
- The Sega Genesis version of Time Killers features an option to set the violence level to "No Blood", "Blood", "Dismember", or "Decapitate". The original Arcade Game came with a "Violence" DIP switch, as did its Spiritual Successor, BloodStorm.
First Person Shooter
- America's Army has a password-protected parental controls
◊ page in the settings menu where parents can disable blood and swearing, and even enable an in-game simulation of what is known as MILES
which is basically a glorified laser tag system used for armed forces training.
- Borderlands 2 allows you to "Censor Gore", which turns off gibs and pools of blood.
- Brutal Doom and Project Brutality have settings for the amount of blood that spurts out of the forces of hell. It ranges from "Realistic" to "Default" to "Japanese Anime" to "Overdrawn At The Bloodbank". It should be stated that the setting isn't just there for cosmetic reasons; the amount of gore plastered across the walls can cause the game to start to chug so a low setting and having "blood janitor" on can reduce the lag in the game to manageable levels.
- Bulletstorm has an option for alternate, slightly less profane dialogue.
- Call of Duty:
- Call of Duty: World at War has a "graphic content" filter option, which removes profanity, reduces blood and makes it impossible to gib enemies. Some of the real world historical footage that plays during the mission briefings is also edited or censored in this mode.
- Modern Warfare 2 has the option of skipping the infamous "No Russian" level.
- Modern Warfare 3 has an option that let you skip the somewhat-less-infamous Davis Family Vacation level, though not without story consequences. Instead of the truck stopping in front of the Davis family being the one with the chemical agent and explosives, it's instead the truck that your player character stops at the end of the previous mission that turns out to be the explosive-laden one.
- Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Black Ops II allow you to "Restrict Graphic Content", which replaces or outright removes strong profanity and religious slurs, as well as some violent content such as blood spray.
- Crossing over (pun not intended) with No Swastikas, Call of Duty: Vanguard has an option to toggle between displaying Nazi symbols or the less controversial Iron Cross ingame.note This is likely done for the benefit of Let's Play streamers whose content may be unfairly tagged for the use of the swastika.
- Chop Goblins has a Kids Mode option that makes the blood green and prevents the goblins from gibbing when killed.
- Crytek's Far Cry and Crysis allow you to turn off blood effects.
- Deus Ex has a toggle for disabling blood.
- Duke Nukem 3D has a parental lock option that disables the gibs, bloodstains, and women.
- First Encounter Assault Recon ("F.E.A.R.") has an option to turn off gore, which disable blood spray and dismemberment. For instance, when shotgun rounds and explosives deal massive damage to enemies, they vanish rather than gib.
- Half-Life:
- Half-Life gives players the choice of disabling blood, which can only be re-activated by inputting a password. Gibbed enemies will instead hold their last pose and quickly fade into non-existence.
- Half-Life 2 has the command-line options "violence_hblood 0" and "violence_ablood 0" that remove human and Alien Blood respectively.
- The various ports of House of the Dead usually let you change the blood color from red to something else.
- The PlayStation 3 "Extended Cut" version of The House of the Dead: OVERKILL gets a variant with its famous amount of profanity. The dialogue starts off censored, and if you want to hear it uncensored, you can do so by shooting the censored words in the subtitles.
- The lightsaber in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy tends to leave enemies intact, barring the occasional lost hand. Enabling "g_saberRealisticCombat" via the console with cheats on remedies this.
- Kingpin: Life of Crime has a one-time option to choose between a censored experience devoid of blood and expletives and an uncensored install with the obscenities intact, which was added by Grey Matter Interactive to appease Moral Guardians who were alarmed by the game's premise especially in light of the Columbine shootings. The parental lock is described in the manual as permanent and could only be changed by reinstalling, but there are console commands to override this, namely cl_parental_lock 0 and cl_parental_override 0.
- Paladins has an option to disable the profanity filter for text chat.
- Perfect Dark gives the option to turn all bullet firing guns into paintball shooters. This changes the blood and environmental bullet holes into multicoloured paint. In addition, there is a primitive language censor. All sentences containing a swear are entirely muted, instead of merely bleeping the offending word. This causes some rather amusing moments in the cutscenes:
Trent: But this is a golden opportunity to show that America has faith in its industries, and will back them!
[The president wildly gestures in silence for 15 seconds]
Trent: As you wish, sir. - Rise of the Triad offers several levels of gore ranging all the way from clean to Ludicrous Gibs.
- Serious Sam has options to change enemy carnage from bloody red chunks of meat to floral blood with mushroom giblets. The HD remake also allows for enemies to erupt giant pieces of candy whilst bleeding glitter.
- Shadow Warrior (1997) has a censor option that removes most violence, but is not perfect; enemies sliced in half with a katana turn invisible for a few moments before collapsing—normally they stand still and play their "falling apart" animation.
- Silent Scope has settings in the operator menus to adjust blood and the sensuality of the life-restoring women you can encounter throughout the games.
- Soldier of Fortune allows you to enable or disable gibs, among other things.
- Team Fortress 2 has the command-line option "-sillygibs" which, instead of de-activating blood and gibs, replaces it with goofy clocks, springs, cheeseburgers, balloon animals, unicycles, etc. This is actually a holdover from the German version, where (due to Germany's strict laws on depiction of violence in media) it is always on and cannot be deactivatednote . Equipping the Pyrovision Goggles (or equipping Pyro with a Rainblower or any other Pyroland weapon) will do this too.
- Turok 2 has an option for blood color: Red, Green, or off, where enemies simply sparked when shot.
- Unreal Tournament 2004 has adjustable gore in the game settings. With no gore, dead characters just collapse. With full gore you get anything from limb loss to Ludicrous Gibs.
- The downloadable version of Kisekae featured an option to turn off NSFW contents by selecting "All-Ages Mode" in the beginning of the game.
Platform Game
- In Everybody Edits, registered users are able to turn chat censors on and off. When enabled, it also censors signs found within levels.
Point And Click Game
- In Home Safety Hotline, images of certain phobias such as arachnophobia (spiders), trypophobia (tiny clustered holes), and scopophobia (being watched) can be hidden via the Phobia Toggles menu.
Puzzle Game
- Version 1.0 of Boppin' featured the option to turn off the characters' suicide animations. Version 1.1 is a self-proclaimed "politically corrected version" that replaced the Accursed Toys screen (which depicted a bloodied teddy bear impaled by a knife), but the censorship can be disabled with a command line option.
- Crawlco Block Knockers has a "Modesty" setting that allows the player to toggle between the fanservice background images being uncensored, having the nipples censored with stars, or absent entirely. For the latter option, the Target Zone is indicated by red squares instead of a Sexy Silhouette, and cleared blocks in the Target Zone show a scrolling "wallpaper-"like image.
- Some versions of Minesweeper have an option to replace the mines with flowers, and the explosion sound effects with chimes. This is the default (only?) option in some regions, where minefield imagery would be too close to home.
Racing Game
- The arcade version of California Speed has two endings that arcade operators can choose between: "Spicy" or "Mom and Apple Pie". The former involves a lady in a bikini with suggestive dialogue, while the latter has a more modestly dressed woman with tamer dialogue.
- Many of Raw Thrills' arcade racing games have options for the operators to decide whether or not to show the scantily-clad women who present you with the first-place trophy if you win. In at least one case, the snowmobile racing game Winter X Games SnoCross, they also give the option to remove the playable female riders, as all of them are attractive with outfits that leave them Exposed to the Elements. Later racing games with visible female riders would have them more modestly dressed in order to make this option unnecessary.
Real Time Strategy
- Brütal Legend has a profanity option (if only "because it's funnier" with censorship). In addition to bleeping out every swear word, it also covers Eddie's middle finger with the "Parental Advisory: Explicit content" logo during the next-to-final boss. The game also asks if you would like to censor blood/gore too (for instance, in the intro, when Ormagoden roars and causes the Kabbage Boy members' heads to pop off, choosing the censored option causes them to simply faint instead). Humourously, for each of these two options, the cut-scene stops in place right before something relevant to the option is about to happen, and prompts the player to make the choice, wildly changing the nature of what happens afterwards based on what the player chooses. The reason the game's intro asks if you would like the game censored or uncensored is because Tim Schafer and Double Fine received a letter from a dad who loved playing Psychonauts with his 9-year-old son, and they were both excited to play Brutal Legend, but were worried that it would have too much inappropriate material for his son.
- Door Kickers features a slider for adjusting gore intensity.
- Starcraft II features unique kill animations for many weapon types and abilities, such as Snipe or Roach attacks. An option allows the player to disable these and reduce the gore of "normal" death animations.
Rhythm Game
- The Week 7 update in Friday Night Funkin' added the Naughtyness option. Currently, turning it off only changes a line in Senpai's dialogue in Roses, but a FLA file reveals it was also supposed to censor Tankman's swearing and replace the blood of the Tankmen being shot by Pico with blue sparks.
- One tutorial section in Rhythm Doctor uses a spider to scare the test patient in order to demonstrate irregular heart rhythms that you might have to deal with. Before this happens, you're asked whether spiders bother you, and you can press the space bar twice to have a hand hide the spider from your view.
- In Wildfrost, you can adjust how much blood is shown when you kill monsters and also change its color to rainbow.
Role Playing Game
- The retail version of Anachronox comes with an option in the installer to tone down the swearing in dialogue. The digital release comes bundled with a fan-made config that includes the same toggle.
- Baldur's Gate III has toggles for Show Genitals and Show Cinematic Nudity.
- Crystal Project has a profanity censor option that replaces swear words with Symbol Swearing, and also adds clothes to some monsters.
- Dark Souls III has lets you reduce or turn off blood, the default being akin to sister game Bloodborne. However, it doesn't actually reduce the amount of splatter for the "reduced" setting - it simply changes the color. While there is still some red spray, most of it will be grey.
- The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall has certain female NPCs in various states of undress, but there is also a parental control option that can be toggled to replace these NPCs with ones wearing (more) clothing. This being an Elder Scrolls game, the parental control option is somewhat bugged, and can lead to the naked NPCs randomly despawning when you enter the building they are in (even if the option is left untouched).
- Epic Battle Fantasy 5 has options for censoring not only blood, but also Natalie's more Stripperiffic outfits, the Nazi symbolism in Lance's stronghold, and the bear enemies' squicky Fartillery attack. Grouped in with them are also options to turn off shaking effects and tips.
- Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel have options to tone down the swearing and gore used. Of course, this being Fallout, there's a special trait called "Bloody Mess" that always shows the bloodiest animation the settings allow (instead of randomized damage-dependent).
- Monster Hunter: Rise is the first game in the series with an option to completely turn off blood.
- Neverwinter Nights has a gore slider in the game options. The max setting frequently results in enemies outright exploding. Zombies are particularly prone to this when hit with a cleric's or paladin's Turn Undead.
- Parodied in Shadows Over Loathing, which has options for both arachnophobia and arachnophilia. The latter gives you a spider companion.
- The American release of The Witcher censored the copious nudity present in the original European version. CD Projekt RED released an optional Director's Cut patch that restores it.
Shoot 'em Up
- The Steam and DESURA re-releases of the Gundemonium Series allows players to tone down the game's fanservice and turn off the nudity of some of the female enemies by editing the *.ini configuration file of each respective game similarly to their PlayStation 3 release. The censored elements are enabled by default.
Simulation Game
- Clangen has a setting to remove blood and gore from patrol artwork.
- Cook, Serve, Delicious! allows to turn off images of rats and insects, presumably for players with phobias (the "setting rat traps" and "emptying insect traps" chores still pop up, they just aren't represented by images of the animal in question.)
- House Flipper has an option to censor the cockroaches which are present in some of the houses. Setting this option to "on" changes the graphics of the cockroaches to shards of broken glass, and removes the skittering noises that they make. There's also an option to censor the moles in the Garden Flipper DLC.
- In Project Hospital, patients can die from critical conditions despite your hospital's best efforts to save them. However, this can be replaced with the patient being transferred away to another hospital instead.
- To the Rescue! is a dog shelter simulator, and naturally, it shows the difficulties of running one by having the player euthanize rescue dogs if they can't take care of them until they get adopted. However, this can be replaced with sending the dog away to another shelter.
- In The Universim, you can change the colour of the "juice" that squirts out of Nuggets when they die, or disable it altogether. The default is red.
Stealth Based Game
- Yandere Simulator: You can censor the panties, which makes looking up skirts become peering into a dark shadow.
Sports Game
- In Tony Hawk's Underground, you can choose to turn the blood on or off.
- The Mutant League sports games have a Death Index that can be toggled. The lowest setting is "Rough" where there is very little bloodshed and players rarely die. Anything higher than that allows more blood and murders on the field or ice. "Annihilation", the highest setting, has so much carnage that games are almost guaranteed to be decided by forfeit.
Survival Horror
- Alan Wake II has a nudity toggle ostensibly to allow players to livestream the game, which gives applicable characters underwear (and is enabled by default in some regions, such as Japan), and there's also an option to reduce the intensity of jumpscares.
- Lethal Company has a toggleable arachnophobia mode which turns its spider enemies into "SPIDER" written in floating red text.
- Resident Evil 2 on the Nintendo 64 allows for adjusting its violence level and blood color.
- In the first three installments of Silent Hill, an expanded options menu is accessible by pressing L1, L2, R1 and R2 at the game's regular options screen. This menu always includes an option to change the color of blood in the game from red to green, violet or black. This is probably more for fun than for censorship though, as no one tells the player about said hidden options menu and blood is red by default.
Third Person Shooter
- Gears of War gives the player the option to remove all the blood and Ludicrous Gibs. This is a series where the primary weapon is an assault rifle with a chainsaw bayonet. The chainsaw still works but the blood becomes sparks, as opposed to rainbows
. Later games have a separate option to remove the swearing, since according to one of the developers (paraphrased), "apparently some people are just fine with chainsawing a monster in half and seeing blood spray everywhere, they just don't want to hear any bad words while they do it". Gears of War 3 also has "Mutators" which can be applied to Arcade or Horde mode, one of which being "Flower Blood", which causes all blood spray to become pretty flowers. Although that one is intended as a Silliness Switch rather than censorship (it's in the same category as giving the game a Laugh Track for one thing). It also has to be unlocked.
- The first game in the Max Payne series allowed the player to disable blood and all graphic novel sequences in the game.
- Warframe has separate toggles for gore and chat profanity.
Visual Novel
- Enabling SFW Mode in Amorous removes the sex scenes and adjusts the dialogue to be less suggestive. The avatars in the Character Customization menu will also be shown without genitals, even the human avatar.
- In-Universe, in Ciconia: When They Cry, most people have communications software installed in their brain (the futuristic equivalent to chat and texting) that automatically translates foreign languages. Many of these communication apps contain an AI character called "Keropoyo the outie frog" who automatically replaces offensive words with frog sounds, which has given Keropoyo the world record for having mediated the most fights. However, it is possible to turn off the filter, if one wishes to.
- Everlasting Summer gives you the option to enable mature content... except from distributors who have disabled that content permanently.
- Katawa Shoujo has an option to skip the mature content (though some instances of nudity remain). Instead, you get a Relax-o-Vision.
- Mice Tea is NSFW by default, but has the option to skip sex scenes entirely, as well as one to give a warning if the player is uncomfortable with a specific kink. There is also an option to replace all naked character sprites with ones that have characters wearing gym shorts and a shirt with "SFW" printed on it.
- Minotaur Hotel: There's an SFW mode that removes all the sex scenes and covers genitals with either undergarments or a Gag Censor. There's also a separate version of the game that has SFW mode locked on.
- The Song of Saya gives you the option to blur and/or darken the disturbing images.
- The fan translation of Tsukihime includes the option to remove sexual content while installing the game — and a warning that the sex scenes aren't very good and the story really is better off without them.
Wide Open Sandbox
- Because the AI in AI Dungeon 2 is a bit 'infamous' for generating less than wholesome scenarios, later updates to it added a toggleable option to turn off lewd content altogether.
- Cyberpunk 2077 has a "Nudity Censor" option which blurs out explicit nudity and prevents the player from customizing V's genitalia.
- Grand Theft Auto (Classic) has a subtitles file with even more profane language than the default text. It can be used by renaming it to the default file.
- Grounded has the arachnophobia slider which allows the player to set different levels of censorship to the spiders that can attack the player. The slider changes them from normal looking spiders with horrifying screeching sounds, all the way to the highest level of abstraction as totally silent floating white balls, with several different levels in between.
- House Party (2017) has a nudity censor for the characters' default looks, but sexual penetration can't be uncensored.
- The Saboteur has a toggle for censoring nude imagery. Messing with it will give you comments from the womanizing protagonist like "Oh, come on! You can always go to a confessional later!"
- Satisfactory has "Arachnaphobia Mode", which turn the spider-like Stinger creatures into... images of cats. They're somewhat uncanny, but still an improvement.
- Sunset Overdrive includes a profanity filter and low gore mode options.
- Terraria has a "Blood and Gore" toggle that removes blood effects and makes most enemies disappear in to smoke when killed. For some reason the same toggle also removes more risque dialogue, like the Nurse's "I don't give happy endings" line.
Non video game examples
Live-Action TV
- Parodied on the Saturday Night Live fake commercial for an online filter that keeps teenagers from letting their parents know about their personal lives when they post them on Facebook ("The 'Damn It, My Mom is on Facebook' Filter") which turns such status updates as "There isn't enough beer in the world for me to listen to Glenn Beck's holy roller B.S." to "Boy, do I need new dungarees" and alters incriminating pictures (turning a drunk girl at a party into a ventriloquist dummy, turning a bong into a saxophone, and putting digital clothes on nudity).
- In the days of analog TV, a V-chip
could be placed in the TV, and programmed to filter out certain channels or (in The '90s) TV ratings. Nowadays, this can still be used if you're using an antenna. If you're not using an antenna (i.e. you have cable or satellite, or an IPTV service like Sling), there are parental controls built into the interactive guide, to filter what your kids can and cannot watch, or even restrict the hours during which they can watch TV (so as not to interrupt sleep, or homework time, or dinner).
- The Neo Geo MVS BIOS setup has an option to turn blood on or off. Turning blood off simply causes any games that honors the BIOS settings to render blood as transparent liquid or other non-red substances.
- The weather app "What the Forecast?!" has a voice that sounds kinda like Siri give a snarky commentary on the local weather. It can be set to give that commentary with no profanity at all, a little bit of mild profanity, a moderate amount, or a lot of profanity.
- Alien (2017) has a family mode that disables less appropriate audio clips.
- Big Bang Bar has "Family Mode", which turns off the game's (substantial) number of suggestive clips and arousing moans.
- Creature from the Black Lagoon has an option to censor an animation where a peeping tom's head is punched off, leaving the top of his spine visible, which can be accessed only as an easter egg within its video mode. The digital version formerly available in The Pinball Arcade has Family Mode permanently enabled—most likely to prevent the anthology from receiving a "Mature" rating from the ESRB.
- Elvira and the Party Monsters and its sequel, Scared Stiff, have an option to disable Elvira's more suggestive sound clips. In addition, the former game came with a "modesty decal" to cover her breasts on the backglass. The digital version of the former in The Pinball Arcade is set to "Family Mode" by default; those who have purchased the pro menu can turn Family Mode off.
- Stern Pinball's Family Guy has three language settings, from "Family", "Moderate", to "Adult" (the default).
- Flipper Football has an "Adult Mode", which activates some rather profane soundclips and display animations for a more accurate soccer experience.
- Guns N' Roses (Jersey Jack) is set to "Family-Friendly" mode by default, which disables explicit video and audio clips as well as five songs with inappropriate content.note Operators can set the game to "Adult" mode to re-enable these.
- The Machine: Bride of Pin*Bot has an option to turn off the more sexually suggestive voice clips.
- Medieval Madness allows the bleeping of one of Lord Howard Hurtz' lines, though only if a specific ROM intended for home use is installed on the machine.
- If "Adult Mode" is turned off in Metallica, the game's numerous profanities are beeped out.
- The backglass of NASCAR features Rusty Wallace's No. 2 Miller Lite Dodge, but locations sensitive to alcoholic advertisements can swap it out for a Miller-logo-free alternative.
- The quotes in No Good Gofers can be set to "Rude" and "Very Rude". There's nothing profane, but "Very Rude" includes the more abrasive lines.
- Stern Pinball's Playboy features photos of Real Life Playboy playmates on the playfield, and comes with clothed, topless, or nude photos for operators to choose from. The game can also be set to include or omit nudes on the dot-matrix display during the game.
- Rick and Morty, owing to its profane source material, has a number of options available to censor the game's swearing. In addition to being able to set the percentage of uncensored cursing, there's also an option to keep it entirely censored between a specific period of time (presumably intended for bars and other locations that start filtering out minors after hours).
- Rollergames doesn't have much in terms of profanity, but still allows the operator to disable what little it has (such as "KICK BUTT!").
- Parodied in Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! (2023). In the machine's settings, there is an Adult Mode; however, trying to turn it on immediately turns it back off, while Fred tells the player, "It's not that type of game!"
- The Sopranos has parental control settings, so operators could either make the machine appropriate enough for family-oriented venues or make it match the full, raw content of the show.
- Sega's South Park pinball allowed operators to set the profanity level to either "PG-13" or "G-rated". The latter replaced the offensive names and voice clips with inoffensive ones, and changed the Terrence & Phillip end-of-game fart match sequence to a belching contest. There were also decals for covering up the offensive playfield art, such as Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo.
Stan: "They killed Kenny!"
Kyle: "Rats!"
- Stranger Things has an "Adult Mode" that affects the availability of the minor frenzy mode "Bulls@!t".
Web Original
- A lot of websites allowing users to upload content, such as DeviantArt, feature an adjustable content filter. Some of them, in particular, allow users to filter out specific tags, so that they don't have to see unwanted content while browsing.
- Web search engines often include an option to show or exclude adult content in search results.
- A service called VidAngel
allows for adjustable censorship of movies, TV shows, and some YouTube videos.
- Archive of Our Own, unlike most other fanfiction archives, allows readers to set filters to remove works containing certain tags (for example, if BDSM is not your cup of tea, you can filter that out, so that you will not see any works containing it that are properly tagged), certain pairings, or "archive warnings" (works that contain sex involving underage characters, rape, graphic violence, and/or the death of a major character), as well as filtering out works containing Explicit Content by rating. It isn't foolproof (no filtering system is), but it is one of the most comprehensive filtering systems out there.
- Many blog and social media sites that require you to enter your date of birth when creating an account will, by default, not let you see content marked 18+ or NSFW if you are under 18.
- There are some extensions for Google, Facebook, and the like that let you filter out specific kinds of posts. For example, "" was an extension for Facebook that filtered out baby-related posts from your newsfeed.
- On This Very Wiki, Tropers will sometimes use spoiler markup to hide things like swearing, references to sex, or descriptions of graphic violence so that readers won't have to see them if they don't want to. This is against our Spoiler Policy and should be removed if you ever see it.
- The webcomic Wingless: The Dovecote Princess
has an optional "Orchid Mode", which allows one to read the comic without seeing blood and gore.
- A service called Clear Play allows the viewer to select a level of violence, sexuality, etc. and watch compatible DVDs with the selected elements stripped out. This is done through the same methods used to make movies "family-friendly" on network television: mute, filters, and even complete elimination of some scenes.
- Some DVDs of Family Guy (particularly those featuring episodes made after the show was revived in 2005) have an audio option where the viewer can choose between listening to the censored TV version of the audio and listening to the uncensored audio, which has bleeped-out language uncensored. The censored version mostly has bleeps for words like "fuck" and "shit". Most of the show's dialogue edits, however, are the kind where they record two lines and pick the inoffensive line for TV and the original offensive line for DVD (or [adult swim] as well in the past). Those are not included on the DVD.
- The DVD and Blu-Ray releases of Hopscotch include both the theatrical version and an edited-for-TV version.
- The Italian DVD release of the 1999 Hunter × Hunter anime includes both the uncut dub and the edited-for-TV dub.
- Suzy Eddie Izzard's DVDs always have an option for bleeped audio, since her acts are mostly family-friendly except for the copious swearing.
- Lee Mack's Going Out stand-up DVD has an option to switch off the bad language.
- The hentai Midnight Panther did something very unique on its American DVD release; if the disc detected that the parental controls of the DVD player it was being played in was set at an R rating or lower, two explicit sex scenes would be skipped, turning it into a general audiences title.
- The DVD and Blu-Ray releases of We Bought a Zoo include both the theatrical version and a version with a "family-friendly audio track".
- Someone created an app called Clean Reader
that allows people to censor ebooks to varying degrees (Clean, cleaner, and squeaky clean)