All Your Powers Combined - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Jan 13 2008
Kwame: Earth!
Wheeler: Fire!
Linka: Wind!
Gi: Water!
Ma-Ti: Heart!
All Planeteers: Gooo Planet!
Captain Planet: By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
Someone who has All Your Powers Combined is a character who has the complete powers of an entire group of people and can use them all simultaneously.
Often this character is a villain who specializes in fighting a particular group of heroes, allowing them to pose a serious threat despite being outnumbered. The character often also has an Achilles' Heel regarding the use of the power that keeps them from being completely unbeatable. Also commonly given to a villain who has acquired the powers of lesser villains. This is a good way to make a climactic Final Boss battle in a video game.
Yet another variation for the heroes is when they transfer all their powers into a single member as a last resort, the idea being that consolidating all their power into one member being gives them a sufficient power boost to handle the villain that was too much for the team. Often a Dangerous Forbidden Technique. In videogames, it's sometimes an Infinity +1 Sword equivalent, some final upgrade, form, class, or the like that combines the powers of all previous options at once.
An increasingly common variation seen in Toku franchises is to have this particular character be the end result of a fusion between two or more heroes, or a singular hero utilising the powers of others in their franchise to take on a new form. This can often be seen as crossing the Godzilla Threshold, as its use normally requires a significantly stronger threat than usual for the hero to face — this can even be another character who's an example of this trope, usually in the form of a Kaiju, Seijin or Kaijin using a similar technique, or one who's a chimera composed of previously fought foes.
This is often the result of winning the Superpower Lottery. Compare with Power Copying, Power Parasite, Keystone Superpower and Ditto Fighter, which can lead to this trope when someone can copy everyone's power and use them all at once. See also Adaptive Ability, for villains who constantly grow stronger; such a character is likely to engage in Ability Mixing, in which multiple powers are used in conjunction or simultaneously with each other to produce something unique to the setting. Contrast with Set Bonus.
A Sub-Trope of Combo Platter Powers, and a supertrope to Yin-Yang Bomb and "With Our Swords" Scene. When the characters are powerless until they combine, that's Wonder Twin Powers. Not to be confused with (though can be compared to) All Your Colors Combined, where rather than one character combining the powers of others, a group of characters collectively combines powers to attack. Not the same as Together We Are X, but could overlap. If this happens successively it is usually a Snowballing Threat.
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Anime & Manga
- There are several examples in Air Gear:
- Aikawa Taeko, Aeon Clock's maid and bodyguard, whips out a massive contraption that copies the powers of all the most powerful fighters of the original 8 combat styles at 88% power.
- The Flame Regalia can tap into Electric Brain Space and copy the powers of hundreds of thousands of people.
- Then there's the Sky Regalia, which can use the powers of everything that has A-T technology incorporated into it.
- Deconstructed in Aldnoah.Zero. When the Big Bad combines his Kataprakt with the weapon systems of the mecha Inaho faced earlier in the season, Inaho, being a Guile Hero, is not only able to apply the same knowledge and tricks he used to beat them the first time, but he finds all new weaknesses caused by the synthesis of weapons that really weren't designed to work together in the first place.
- Attack on Titan: The Nine Titan Powers — Founder, Attack, Beast, Colossus, Armor, Female, Jaw, Cart, and War-Hammer — originated from Ymir Fritz, the first person ever to hold the power of the Titans. While she was unable to fully utilize her potential, Ymir used her abilities to build bridges, plough fields, gather resources, and defeat the ancient Marleyans.
- Presently, Eren Yeager holds three (Attack, Founding, and War-Hammer) of the nine Titan powers and is the strongest Titan Shifter of the story. He did briefly try and fail to get the Armor and Jaw Titans for himself, but after he unlocked the full power of the Founding Titan thanks to Ymir Fritz, he doesn't actually need the others anymore since not only could he forcibly prevent the others from transforming at will now, with Ymir's aid he can summon constructs of the past generations of the Nine Titan Shifters, including ones whose powers he doesn't possess.
- In Black Clover, this is the basis of Raia's Copy Magic: He can imitate spells from anyone else as he pleases, though with the limitation that they must be the same element for Raia to use them simultaneously. He can even copy Asta's Anti-Magic sword. It doesn't actually have the Anti-Magic properties, however, as he cannot copy Anti-Magic.
- A Certain Scientific Railgun: The true purpose of the "Level Upper" that the manga centers around is to create a subconscious Hivemind of espers. Although the true goal was sheer computing power, it has the happy side-effect of giving its instigator the free use of the powers of all of its members, when an esper is only supposed to have one. By the time of The Reveal, this count is literally Over Nine Thousand.
- Change 123 gives us Motoko Gettou. When she is threatened one of her three alternate personalities will emerge. Each of those personalities are an expert in one martial art. Later it's revealed that that there exists one more personality that only comes out if all the others are defeated and can use all of the skills of the other three.
- Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte exaggerates this in the finale when they use their "Plunder" ability to take every single ability on the planet.
- In Date A Live, Shido can seal a Spirit's power within himself. At the beginning of the series, the only power he could use was Kotori's Healing Factor. Eventually, his determination to protect Tohka and the others he cares about lets him access the other powers, and then use them at the same time.
- Deadman Wonderland has Toto Sakigami, who can duplicate the blood powers of other Deadmen by consuming a sample of their blood. There's a reason he's nicknamed Mockingbird.
- Digimon likes this trope:
- Apocalymon in the first season of Digimon had the powers of every villain the DigiDestined had faced up to that point as the Final-Exam Boss of the season. He actually does delete their Crests, destroy them all and was two seconds away from destroying both worlds. Then the kids and their Mons come back for round two and curbstomp him.
- Done earlier in the series when the original seven Digimon of the team combined their attacks together to give the new member enough power to strike down the third main villain of the series, Myotismon, which unfortunately didn't work and only caused him to transform into a bigger, more powerful enemy. The second time, however, is far more successful.
- As a Call-Back, Susanoomon of Digimon Frontier was born this way, combining all ten pairs of elemental spirits and all five of the (surviving) Digidestined into one body to blow the Big Bad Lucemon away.
- Digimon Fusion has this with Shoutmon X7. Taken to Serial Escalation levels with Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode, which is essentially Shoutmon fused with EVERY DIGIMON EVER and is powerful enough to defeat the Big Bad in one strike.
- In Digimon Ghost Game, Gammamon has four Champion forms with Multiform Balance between them, while his Ultimate form Canoweissmon combines all their attributes into one giant powerhouse further represented by the colored streams of light in his evolution sequences converging into actual white.
- Dragon Ball:
- In the original Dragon Ball, Tienshinhan shows the ability to copy other people's abilities and add them to his own when he first copies Roshi's Kamehameha and his Mafuba.
- Goku was doing this long before Tien was introduced. In fact, all of Goku's techniques are copied from his friends and enemies except the techniques he was taught in Z (Kaio-ken, Spirit Bomb and Instant Transmission). The only techniques he personally creates are the canon-questionable Dragon Fist and the move he used to kill King Piccolo, sometimes called Monkey Fist.
- Cell in Dragon Ball Z is made from the combined DNA of most of the Z-team (plus Frieza and his father), and thus was the sum of their powers as well. It also turns out that Piccolo and Frieza's powers mix really well, since Piccolo can regenerate from anything that doesn't kill him and Frieza can survive almost anything short of complete disintegration.
- Buu, who can absorb any fighter, taking their power, experience, and techniques. Although, this can backfire where Buu's overall power drops if he absorbs the wrong person. Also, like Goku and Tien, he can learn techniques like the Kamehameha just from seeing it.
- And who could forget the Fusion Dance which merged two fighters into one unstoppable, almighty being (depending on the fusees). Through such means, from the two mighty Saiyan rivals Goku and Vegeta, the omnipotent Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, who was strong enough to destroy the multiverse itself, was born.
- In Dragon Ball GT, the One-Star Shadow Dragon, Syn Shenron, was able to absorb the other six Dragon Balls, and in effect, the powers of the six other Shadow Dragons, transforming himself into Omega Shenron, making him the most powerful foe in the entire franchise up to that point.
- In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, this is how the Super Saiyan God form is unlocked. Five good-hearted Saiyans channel their essence into a sixth Saiyan, who temporarily becomes a Physical God. It's implied that this involves more than a simple transfer of their energy: as Beerus and Whis point out, it takes more than pure power to truly be considered a god. In Dragon Ball Super it is said that the Saiyans are pouring their hearts into one person, not just their power.
- Dr. Lychee, the last of the Tuffles and one of the main antagonists of the video game Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku, which was later adapted into the OVA Plan to Eradicate All Saiyans. In the game, he has all the techniques of the Ghost Warriors before him, though this is cut from the anime as his only technique there is a barrier.
- In the Dragon Ball Super manga, the android 7-3 has the ability to copy the skills of another fighter for up to 30 minutes. After Moro absorbs him, he also gains this ability, but he can permanently copy another fighter's powers. This even includes Ultra Instinct.
- In Fairy Tail, during the Final Battle Wendy Marvell enchants all the magic power of herself, Gajeel, Laxus, Sting, Rogue and Cobra to Natsu, who combines it with his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic to deliver a 7 Flame Dragon Iron Fist to Acnologia, who is currently paralyzed thanks to the efforts of Lucy and the rest of the cast and unable to move or properly counter it, allowing Natsu to finish the Dragon King off for good.
- In Food Wars!, this is how Asahi's Crossed Knives ability works. By taking a chef's signature cooking tool, he instantly gains all of that chef's skill, and he can display as many simultaneous skills as the signature tools he can carry at a time.
- The 11th Diary Holder, the closest thing to a Big Bad in Future Diary, has the "Watcher Diary", which gives him the power to spy on the contents of all other Diaries, effectively giving him access to all the other powers.
- GEAR Fighter Dendoh provides a somewhat strange yet epic example. Due to circumstances, the titular Humongous Mecha had exhausted its batteries, and the Heavy Machine Elecideath had neutralized all power plants in Japan... So the whole people of Japan went and recharged Dendoh with everything from thousands of small diesel and gas-powered generators, billions of household batteries, vehicle engines connected to generators and bicycle-powered generators, and all of this, as lampshaded and invoked'', summed up in enough power to destroy Elecideath.
- In Hunter × Hunter:
- Chrollo's Skill Hunter book allows him to steal other people's abilities and collects them as pages in the book. A downplayed example, however, in that he could initially only use one at a time as the book had to be open to those pages, though he later upgraded to two when he obtained a special bookmark that let him use both the power on the open pages and those in the bookmarked pages simultaneously.
- Prince Benjamin's "Those Who Inherit the Stars" manifests as stars on the palms of his hands: When a member of his personal army who graduates from his country's military academy and has sworn genuine loyalty to him is killed in battle, if they have any special abilities, he gains them upon their deaths and can use any of them, or any combination of them, as he pleases. Confirmed are Vincent's Air Palm, Musse's Secret Window, and Shikaku's Culdcept.
- Inuyasha:
- Naraku got stronger by absorbing other demons/youkai and incorporating their powers into his own. He even got tricky enough to absorb powers from the heroes on occasion.
- Moryomaru makes it to almost Story-Breaker Power territory were it not for Naraku. He can split apart and find other demons, and absorb them into himself. He got a rather neat array of powers through this method.
- Inuyasha's personal weapon, the Tessaiga, explicitly has this power. It can combine the nature of powerful things that it destroys (usually villain gimmicks) into its own cutting nature to give Inuyasha new ways to cut things.
- Kagerou Project: Invoked when Marry uses the Queen Snake in order to become a new Medusa and control the Daze, forcibly ripping the snakes out of every other character, which kills them. However, because Ayano isn't present, Marry's transformation always ends up incomplete and she cannot control the Daze — hence why she just resets time. At the end of the anime, Ayano giving her the missing snake — plus the memories Shintaro has collected — allows her full control.
- In Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple, Kenichi is fighting an opponent who can read his fighting style and negate it. So what does he do? He cycles between the fighting styles of the Masters he trained under, moving from each one to the next before his opponent can figure out his rhythm. Awesomeness ensues. Kenichi also incorporates elements of all his masters' styles into his self-developed techniques, making them even more powerful.
- Ryota Kise of Kuroko's Basketball uses this during Kaijo's final match against Seirin, when he uses the abilities of the other members of the Generation of Miracles with his Perfect Copy.
- Carpaccio in The Law of Ueki had a power to copy the power of anyone he could stay near to for several days, granting him the powers of all his recruits. Notable in that more than half of the minibosses were hard opponents to Ueki, some even got more than one episode devoted to defeating them, and yet Carpaccio himself, who had all of their powers and combined them together for fairly interesting attacks, was curbstomped effortlessly.
- The Book of Darkness in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's, who had the powers of everyone whose Linker Core it had absorbed, including both heroines. Insert scene of said heroines flying away really, really fast when it decides to use a magnified version of the title character's strongest attack.
- In Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, it wasn't uncommon for someone to try to combine the three main Striker Packs of the Strike Gundam into one amazing weapon.
- In the SEED HD Remaster, ORB creates the Multi-Striker Pack, which attacks the Launcher Strike's 'Agni' Impulse Cannon and Sword Strike's 'Schwert Gewher' Anti-Ship Sword onto the Aile Striker Pack. It increased it's combat power, but it had to shove a set of batteries into the Aile Striker Pack so it wouldn't just die after a few seconds.
- In the SEED MSV series, there's the Integrated Strike Weapons Pack, or ISWP, which mounted a specialized flight pack with solid weaponry. Cagalli's Strike Rouge was meant to use this, but it was too complicated for her.
- In the SEED Destiny MSV series, there's the Destiny Impulse, which was the testbed for the eventual Destiny Gundam.
- In the SEED Destiny HD Remaster, the Strike Rouge's Aile Striker Pack is replaced with the Ootori Striker Pack, which used both solid and beam weaponry. Kira would show off its combat potential by using it to kick some ZAFT ass while trying to get to the Eternal. He may have lost the pack, but he made sure it wasn't in vain.
- My Hero Academia:
- All For One has the ability to steal other people's Quirks and use them himself or transfer them to someone else. His main fighting style is to steal and use Quirks that are simple but powerful. He then either uses these Quirks individually, or he creates new combos and/or stronger effects by combining multiple Quirks of the same type or completely different Quirks.
- All For One also uses his Quirk to create an army of bioengineered weapons called Nomu. The Nomu have all been implanted with multiple Quirks by his power, but because human bodies and minds cannot normally handle multiple Quirks, the Nomu are all mindless automatons with no capability of higher thought processes due to Quirk overload. However, they are still extremely formidable threats due to having multiple Quirks as well as artificially enhanced bodies designed to help handle the physical strain of multiple Quirks.
- It's revealed that One For All absorbed the Quirks of all of its previous users, with Izuku Midoriya being the first user to access these extra powers. In addition, because of One For All's stockpiling mechanism, which leads to One For All increasing in power each time it's passed on, these Quirks are much stronger now than they were with their original users.
- Naruto:
- Kakashi Hatake is called the Copy Ninja, for his ability to copy anyone's ability by following their hand seals with his Sharingan, a version of the magical eye.
- This is the key to obtaining the Rinnegan. Madara does so by stealing Hashirama's DNA and implanting it into himself, allowing him to use the latter's powers; the Rinnegan doesn't awaken until he is near the end of his life, but his zombie self and later his fully-revived self has access to it.
- Danzo has a lot of Sharingan implants and also has Hashirama's DNA.
- Kabuto incorporates the DNA of the Sound Five, Suigetsu, Karin, Jugo, and Orochimaru into himself into order to gain access to their unique abilities and powers none of them would have been able to obtain on their own, such as Dragon Sage Mode.
- Towards the end of the series, Naruto receives Chakra from all the nine Tailed Beasts and obtains their unique abilities.
- During his final fight with Naruto, Sasuke absorbs the chakra of all nine Tailed Beasts into his Perfect Susanoo to form his Indra Susanoo.
- Late in the Negima! Magister Negi Magi manga, Negi forms a contract with the imperial princess and gets as his artifact a notebook that lets him summon and use the artifacts of anyone who has made a contract with him, like Asuna's canceling sword. The bigger his harem, the more powerful he becomes. It's apparently only temporary, though, Word of God states that his pactio with Theodora was canceled after the tournament. And it'll become a simple partner-sharing deal when he hits eighteen and has to pick one.
- Magical Stage from Ojamajo Doremi usually involves at least three of the Ojamajos at any given time to combine their magic. Of course, it's any three Witches, but it's the Ojamajos who have used this the most throughout the series. Doremi's level three super in the Crossover Doujin Fighting Game Magical Chaser: Stardust of Dreams is Magical Stage.
- Blackbeard from One Piece. The Devil Fruit he ate is called the Yami Yami no Mi (Darkness Darkness Fruit) and gave him control over a smoke-like substance which, among other things, allows him to absorb other Devil Fruit powers, either temporarily by touching them or permanently by methods unknown. Blackbeard is an interesting case: although the premise behind his ability is that he "absorbs" Devil Fruit powers, it's really just a Power Nullifier. He did steal Whitebeard's Devil Fruit ability after Whitebeard's death and it's been mentioned that during the timeskip his crew went around stealing DF powers, but it's unknown how he did it, if it's related to his original DF powernote , or even if the person can still be alive when it happens.
- In Pokémon: The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon, the villain used a system that could make digital versions of Pokémon to create a version of Mewtwo which possessed all the attacks of every currently known Pokémon.
- The Rising of the Shield Hero: Deconstructed through Tact; his ability to steal Legendary Weapons only works on the physical level since he's not only using items that he nabbed from their true, chosen wielders, but he has no idea how to actually use them beyond their basic functions once he got his hands on them. To add insult to injury, the individual benefits of each Weapon don't even stack on each other since the user was never meant to have more than one. Someone with a sufficiently high level that knows what they're doing in actual combat can easily hand him his ass, with or without a Hero Weapon, as a vengeful Naofumi and Fohl prove in a satisfyingly brutal fashion.
- Ronin Warriors (Yoiroden Samurai Troopers) has an inversion of this trope. When Talpa first invaded Earth, he was defeated by the Ancient and banished from the Earth Realm, but his "soulless armor" did not also leave our plane. Fearing that Talpa could use it as an anchor to return to Earth, he divided the armor into the 5 Ronin and 4 Dark Warlord Armors. Now the Warriors' super Armor of Inferno can only be summoned by the combination of five of the battle armors.
- Happens frequently in Sailor Moon. In the final battle of the first season, Princess Serenity defeats Metaria by combining her powers with those of the souls of the senshi. Also there's the iconic Sailor Planet Attack that is one of the teams strongest attacks, used in some episodes and the first film. In the second film, Super Sailor Moon uses the power of the Silver Crystal and all of the senshi united to not only kill the villain, but also turn Luna into a human for one night, and during the beginning of the last arc, the Senshi combine their powers to power up Sailor Moon. In the manga is used less often, most noticeable with the third season's power up, but Sailor Moon has combined her powers with Tuxedo Mask's and ChibiMoon's in more that one occasion. Also the girls are able to teleport themselves, but it requires the five of them holding their hands forming a circle.
- Deconstructed in Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas. Leo Regulus can copy any move by watching it perform, thus he combined all 12 Gold Saints' techniques and used it on Wyvern Rhadamanthys. But not only did Rhadamanthys proved to be still stronger, the combined powers ended up too much for Regulus to handle, killing himself in the process.
- In the final episode of Senki Zesshō Symphogear AXZ, the other five Symphogear wielders temporarily hand over their gears to Hibiki (whose gear possesses the ability to unite the powers of other gears) so that she can stand up against the One-Winged Angel Adam Weishaupt. Though she is forced to demorph in order to break free from Adam's crushing grip, she gets another power boost from a Not Too Dead to Save the Day Saint-Germain, Cagliostro, and Prelati, which not only allows her to transform again in short succession, but causes her to enter a Golden Super Mode that allows her finish off Weishaupt for good.
- Shinzo: Rusephine, the last "king" the heroes face, absorbs the remains of the others, but is then in turn absorbed by Mushrambo, the Dark King.
- Kitabami in Tende Freeze is particularly notable because one of his copied powers was clinical immortality.
- That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Rimuru Tempest, in addition to his Cannibalism Superpower giving him the powers of anything he absorbs, gains the [Food Chain] sub-skill to his Ultimate Skill [Gluttonous King Beelzebub] upon his proper ascension to True Demon Lord. This ability allows him to access the Unique Skills of any and all of his subordinates, even if they're skills he didn't give to them himself and they obtained on their own.
- The second book of the Tokyo Mew Mew manga contains a scene where, just after finding the fifth member Zakuro, all the Mews' powers randomly converge into Ichigo to create one powerful attack that she uses to blow the enemy out of the water.
- Tweeny Witches: Dark magic requires the True Book of Spells, the only one of its kind to list every spell a witch can use; each one of the 100 fairy species whose body parts enable magic; and a witch who holds darkness in her heart.
- The Ryujin (Dragon-God) Orb in YⱯIBA can use the powers of the other seven Legendary Orbs and some other tricks. During the last battle against Kaguya, he must use this very trope in order to awaken the true power of the Dragon God.
- In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's during the Final Battle with Z-One, Yusei performs a "Limit Over Accel Synchro Summon" and Tunes together the Dragons of the five other Signers to create Shooting Quasar Dragon, the ultimate form of his Dragon.
- Judai did something similar in the climax of the previous series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, fusing all six of the Neo-Spacians with Neos in the "Ultimate Contact Fusion" to create Elemental Hero God Neos, to finally vanquish Darkness.
- In Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, the Armor of Unity is made of Joey, Tea, Tristan and Solomon's dragons merging with Yugi's Duel Armor.
- In the last fight against Clear Note Zatch Bell! Gash receives the help of about all mamodos he has fought, allied during all events he has gone through. Moment of Awesome with no freaking doubt.
Card Games
- Duel Masters: The CCG has this in the "Survivor" creatures, where the more Survivors you have on your field, the stronger your other Survivors become, as they share the abilities.
- Magic: The Gathering:
- Experiment Kraj
, a gigantic Blob Monster formed from the fused bio-augmentations of everyone on Ravnica.
- Slivers and Allies. All but a handful of Slivers grant their abilities to every other Sliver (for example, Crystalline Sliver gives all your Slivers the Shroud ability). Allies have effects that kick off every time you play that card or another Ally card, and many of those abilities' effects depend on the number of Allies you have (like drawing a card for every Ally you have).
- Experiment Kraj
- Yu-Gi-Oh! comes with multiple takes on this trope.
- There's the Tag Force version of One Hundred Eyes Dragon, which gains the effects of all Infernity cards in your Graveyard, while the anime version gains the effects of all DARK monsters in your Graveyard.
Comic Books
- All Fall Down: The protagonist, Sophie, experiences this with every superpower on Earth. Permanently.
- The DCU:
- Amazo, who was designed to emulate the combined powers of the Justice League of America. On the Playing With page, the exaggerated version of this trope was once explicitly Amazo's power (in the pages of JLA (1997)). When the JLA recruited more people to fight him, he instead became a Physical God. However, since he quite literally had "all the powers of the JLA," they were able to beat him by disbanding the group, thus causing him to lose all of his entirely.
- The Justice League also fought a one-shot villain named Paragon in Justice League of America (1960) #224, who had the combined powers and skills of anyone within a certain radius — Plus One. Thus he was stronger than Superman, faster than The Flash, better at molecular rearrangement than Firestorm, and so on. The Justice League used some different strategies against him — for example, he was better at archery than Green Arrow, but that doesn't mean much when you don't have a bow, nor could he duplicate the android Red Tornado — but Paragon's weakness was ultimately that he was only one person, and the League's onslaught of attacks kept him too off-balance to concentrate.
- World's Finest (1941) #142 introduces the Composite Superman. While he has the combined powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes, his usual opponents were the Superman/Batman team (making him "all their powers combined"). In the Post-Crisis continuity, he was replaced by the Composite Legionnaire, who did battle the Legion and was a Durlan with the unusual ability to copy powers in addition to shapeshifting.
- Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes upgraded Legion reject Absorbency Boy to Earth-Man, who has this power, but needs frequent recharges to keep it going.
- Duplicate Boy has the power to have any power that he wants. He was never more than a minor character, though, and generally only used one or two powers at a time.
- Superman: The Doomsday Wars sees Brainiac transfer his mind into the body of the near-mindless Doomsday after his original body suffers serious injuries in his last battle with Superman. As a result, Superman has to face a new nightmare as his most physically powerful enemy is now under the control of his most intelligent foe, eliminating their respective weaknesses and forcing Superman to find some way to expel Brainiac from Doomsday before he can stop Doomsday.
- The Death of Lightning Lad: Saturn Girl temporarily copies the powers of the entire Legion of Super-Heroes -minus Superboy and Supergirl, who were not around- to fight Zaryan the Conqueror without her teammates' backing.
- Animal Man and Vixen have powers that allow them to mimic animal abilities, which is a form of this. They hardly ever mix-and-match though, and usually can't do sapient humanoids like Kryptonians or Atlanteans. After some Power Incontinence, Vixen's powers temporarily changed so that she mimicked the abilities of the heroes around her... after all, humans are animals too.
- Super-Duper
◊ was a creature from a 60s Justice League comic created by a crook using strange energy. It has Wonder Woman's head and lasso, Batman's torso, the Flash's legs, Hawkman's Wings and Green Lanterns arms. However, being made from yellow energy means its power ring doesn't work.
- An odd variation occurred in an old Superfriends comic where an alien super-genius villain captured and effectively killed over a hundred super-villains to combine into one single super-being with all their combined powers and abilities in order to use the new being to kill the Superfriends (he even notes he was effectively doing a good deed eliminating so many villains to create his ultimate weapon). It's defeated by the Wonder Twins when they deduce it also has all the originals' weaknesses and trick it into using the powers of one of its components that it's also vulnerable to.
- In the original Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld series, Dark Opal's ultimate aim was to fashion a piece of armor with shards of each of the totem gems of the various ruling houses and become supremely powerful.
- Sensation Comics & Wonder Woman (1942): The original Wonder Woman was stated to have the powers, in some case even stronger versions of those powers, of all members of the classical pantheon acknowledged to exist in that 'verse save her frequent opponent Mars.
- DC One Million: Superman Prime, the still living version of Superman in the 853rd century, has evolved his powers enough that he can share a portion of his power with his descendants. In turn, he gets a portion of their powers, and his descendants include a Reality Warper.
- In the Superfriends tie-in comic that explained how the Wonder Twins and Gleek came to replace Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog, one of the superheroes that help the regular cast avert the destruction of humanity and/or Earth is a Greek superhero using the Golden Fleece from Classical Mythology as his mask and cape, which grants him access to the powers of the fifty Argonauts. The powers he demonstrates are Flight, Nigh-Invulnerability, and the power to see through solid rock and dirt.
- In 5 Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray, Gray has the power to channel the abilities of five ghosts — those of Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Merlin, Dracula, and Miyamoto Musashi. This has a "one at a time" limitation, but he typically uses them in such rapid succession that it doesn't matter much.
- In the first miniseries of Star Trek/Green Lantern, the crew of the Enterprise and the remaining ring-bearers figure out the way to release the White Entity and stop Nekron from running havoc across another universe by giving all seven emotion-based rings to Spock, whose half-Vulcan and half-Human biology makes him the perfect one to control emotions. Of course, this also turns into a Hoist by His Own Petard as three temporary ring-bearers, a Gorn, a Romulan and a Klingon, were fighting in space when their rings were recalled and all three suffocated out there.
- Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern has the conflict occur from Cornelius finding and donning the Universal Ring, a power ring that can control all seven colors of the emotional spectrum.
- A variation is present in the JLA/Avengers crossover. Think Superman was powerful before? Well, when Thor is brought down by a swarm of bad guys and Captain America's running mission control, he gets Mjolnir and the Mighty Shield. The resulting panel
◊ is a fair contender for the coolest panel in comics history.
- Marvel Universe:
- Super-Skrull has the powers of the Fantastic Four (plus a couple of extras). Unlike most of the others on this list, Super-Skrull's duplicate powers were not directly taken from the targets, but the result of reverse engineering.
- After the initial Super-Skrull turned out to have some severe design flaws (and never actually did destroy the FF), other Super-Skrulls were made to try to improve the outcome. For example, Paibok the Power Skrull had the combined powers of three members of the then-current X-Men (the strength, durability and steel skin of Colossus, Storm's ability to fly and cast lightning bolts and a freezing ray derived from Iceman.) During Secret Invasion (2008), the Skrulls made a breakthrough that allows them to mass-produce Super-Skrulls with any desired combination of powers they have samples of DNA for.
- In Ultimate Fantastic Four, the Super-Skrull appears in an alternate future where everyone on Earth has super-powers. The Skrull's suit gives him the abilities of every superhuman in the area, allowing him to easily defeat the heroes. In the end, the Skrulls eradicate everyone on Earth except for a non-powered Ben Grimm. Unfortunately for Super-Skrull, zero superheroes means he has zero powers, and Ben Grimm beats him with his fists and is able to undo the events that create this alternate future. As a Shout-Out to the Super-Skrull, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer had a segment where Johnny Storm temporarily had the combined powers of his teammates.
- Xavin from Runaways is a Super-Skrull in training. However, unlike the original, Xavin can't use the powers simultaneously. This does result in an increased proficiency with each one than most Super-Skrulls, however.
- The Super-Adaptoid could theoretically have anyone's powers, but usually specialized on The Avengers. He can even copy abilities that aren't superhuman, such as Hawkeye's marksmanship. Which eventually led to the most brilliant Achilles' Heel ever, when Captain Mar-Vell intervened, Mar-Vell let the supervillain get his powers. The result: the Adaptoid gets distracted by his new Cosmic Awareness, and Mar-Vell crashes the Adaptoid's wrist bands to defeat the Super-Adaptoid while simultaneously rescuing Rick Jones from the Negative Zone.
- Marvel Adventures: The Avengers #19 also had the Super-Adaptoid make an appearance, and this version absorbed DNA, memories and powers. What it could also absorb (and which became this version's somewhat-Achilles' Heel) were some elements of the personalities of the heroes as well, so when Quicksilver let it absorb Captain America's powers and skills, it also absorbed the noble and trusting nature of Captain America. It realized the Avengers were the good guys, and stood down — because it knew "it was the right thing to do."
- AIM eventually came up with a couple biological versions of the Super-Adaptoid. The first one was defeated when it absorbed The Sentry's craziness and became useless. The second turned out to get overloaded if it absorbed multiple powers in quick succession. Since it was intended to fight a team of Avengers, this turned out be a very Weaksauce Weakness. A third version was killed by Deadpool when it absorbed his healing factor, it also picked up his cancer. Norman Osborn once turned himself into a fourth version, only to get swiftly curb-stomped when it turned out he had the same overloading weakness.
- Annihilation: Conquest added another weakness to the big bot: it can't imagine new tricks or tactics. When it was hunting down Phyla-Vell and copied her powers, it couldn't use the Quantum Bands in any way that it hadn't seen her use them. This, of course, led to its defeat — even suffering a Villainous Breakdown when it tried to copy the concept of an imagination.
- Due to an accident, 1990s promotional character Combo Man was infused with the powers of characters in his comics. He possessed the powers and abilities of around a dozen heroes and villains; his first and only appearance had him face off against the Super-Adaptoid.
- The Spider-Man/X-Men miniseries explores a long-term conspiracy against the heroes that began when Mister Sinister hired Kraven to attack the X-Men. This concludes in the present day (during the mutant Decimation) when the heroes are attacked by "Xraven", a clone of Kraven created by Sinister who possesses the powers of the original five X-Men. However, the tale concludes with Spider-Man encouraging Xraven to read Sinister's mind and learn of his true intention to create an army of similarly spliced clones, the sense of honor Xraven retained from his template driving him to turn on Sinister rather than allow him to continue.
- The Avengers' frequent foe Count Nefaria once siphoned the powers of three minion-level villains (strength from Power Man, speed and flight from Whirlwind and heat vision from the Living Laser) into himself (amplified to a less minion-y level) so that he could tackle the heroes physically. The result turned him into an evil Superman Substitute so that the writers could do an Avengers vs. Superman battle (he can even go toe to toe with Thor).
- The Mimic started out as an X-Men opponent before undergoing a Heel–Face Turn. He can copy anyone's powers at half-strength as long as they're within a certain radius, but maintains the powers of the five founding X-Men (the ones he faced at the time) as a default. Unfortunately, he couldn't always control it, meaning that he had an unpleasant experience when he encountered Nate Grey, whose vast power-set included — by Grey's own account — about 300 different ways to see the future. Mimic was depressed, suffering from anxiety, and suggested to be bipolar. Oh, and his psychiatrist was Moonstone. This was not a good combination.
- The Mimic from Exiles has slightly different abilities, able to duplicate indefinitely the powers of any superhuman he encounters, but can only hold 5 power sets at a time, and only at half-strength. When he's turned into a Brood queen, his powers increase to the extent that he can duplicate the powers of all nearby superhumans.
- Another reality's version of Mimic, with the same ability as the Exiles' version, had copied the abilities of Magneto, Professor X, Blink and Cannonball — the guy had definitely won the superpower lottery.note
- X-Men team member Rogue (who started as a villain) is capable of doing this, but the unpleasant side effects of her power have limited her one-woman army moments to a handful of desperate situations. Then in X-Men: Legacy, Xavier removed the psychic barriers that formed as a coping mechanism for dealing with her powers. Now that she can choose whether to absorb or not absorb powers and/or memories by touch, Rogue is often shown absorbing and manipulating multiple powers at once. In the last year she has on multiple occasions absorbed the powers of the New X-Men and combined and manipulated them in ways even the kids who own them never thought to, and in Avengers vs. X-Men she juggles using Iceman's and Ms. Marvel's powers.
- The Taskmaster has the Charles Atlas Superpower equivalent to this: because he has "photographic reflexes" and trains constantly, he can mimic any combat move or other physical feat that doesn't involve any actual superpowers. This means he was successfully able to mimic things like Captain America's trademark shield throw, Black Knight's swordsmanship, Hawkeye's proficiency with a bow and arrow, Iron Fist's martial arts prowess, and so on. Being smart, however, he decided that being a superhero didn't pay, and that supervillains tended to get the snot beat out of them no matter how good they were at it, so he went into business training Mooks for other supervillains. He did start as an Avengers villain though.
- This has happened at times to Power Pack, due to their Powers as Programs Superhero Origin. If one of the siblings loses their powers for some reason, it usually will migrate to one of the others, and at times one or another of them has held all four powersets at once. One of their villains managed this trick with Applied Phlebotinum as well, but they were able to stop him and get them back (reshuffled once again, of course).
- Spider-Man fought a one-time villain called Fusion, who could replicate the powers of any and every superpowered being. It was later revealed to be a specific form of mind trick, and Spider-Man could overpower him easily when he refused to accept the illusion.
- Synch of Generation X could copy the powers of any mutant in a certain range.
- As the Collective, Weapon Omega had the abilities of all of the mutants depowered by the Scarlet Witch, under the theory that their collective energies had to go somewhere. Now, he mostly just has mutant energy absorption powers.
- X-Factor villain the Isolationist similarly has every mutant power at the same time, and can't turn them off, making his life a living hell. He gets his name from living in the Arctic to try and dull the mental noise that comes with having the power of every mutant telepath.
- Happened in a story involving Red Hulk, Venom, Ghost Rider's Anti-Hero Substitute Alejandra and X-23 teaming up to fight Blackheart. Knowing they separately stand no chance against the guy, Venom tricked the Spirit of Vengeance and symbiote into possessing Red Hulk at the same time. The result was glorious
- The 31st century version of the Guardians of the Galaxy once fought Composite, an Inhuman selectively bred by Loki to have all the powers of the classic Inhuman royal family (Black Bolt, Medusa, Gorgon, Triton, and Karnak). He combined their looks as well
◊, making him a green-skinned Fish Person with orange hair, giant silver epaulets, hooves, and a loincloth — a true Fashion-Victim Villain.
- Excalibur once combined their powers with the aid of Kitty Pryde to enhance the abilities of Captain Britain. It ... didn't make a lot of sense.
- In the short-lived New Universe, there was Philip Nolan Voigt (aka Overshadow, though he hardly ever used the codename) who gained souped-up versions of the powers of all paranormals he met.
- The New Universe also has Psi-Hawk, an unexplained being (ghost? psychic construct? who knows) that can be summoned by the teenage members of Psi-Force; it possesses amplified versions of their powers.
- Psi-Hawk reappeared in The Ultimates (2015) as Emmett Proudhawk, the psionic ghost-god member of the Eternity Battalion, who could be summoned by said group giving up all their powers and allowing him to walk the world once more. He was powerful enough to fight on a conceptual level alongside the likes of Galactus.
- The Absorbing Man started out fighting Thor and was a deadly threat because of his ability to absorb the physical powers and attributes of anything he came into contact with. This, at one point, included fragments of a Cosmic Cube. Fortunately, he's not all that bright, so he could typically only absorb one person's or thing's abilities at a time. However, one alternate universe version has him figuring out how to tap into anything he's previously absorbed by first absorbing Ultron's computer brain, and then learning to combine their attributes into any form he wants. The end result? A guy who's capable of making Superhero Gods sweat blood whenever they fight him just became a hell of a lot scarier.
- In the Secret Wars (2015) mini-series The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, the Big Bad of that comic is Regent, a man who has captured and stolen virtually every superhero's power in his area.
- In Sins Rising, minor villain Sin-Eater is resurrected by the demon Kindred and given the power to take the sins and the powers of people he shoots with his magic shotgun. Besides some minor villains, the Sin-Eater has shot and stolen the powers of the Juggernaut, Mr. Negative, Count Nefaria, and his Lethal Legion among others. With this much power, there's no way Peter can defeat him and so he escapes only with the help of Green Goblin and a group of other Spider-heroes like Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, and Jessica Drew.
- During the Krakoan Age, it's determined that mutants are especially good at this and can combine their powers in "Mutant Circuits". Professor X has called the Fastball Special a rudimentary version of this, but more advanced ones have used more Mutants. Some of the larger ones also require a Mutant with specific reality-altering abilities to stabilize it.
- The Five (Hope Summers, Proteus, Tempus, Elixir, and Egg) are a Circuit who, over a fairly short timespan, have been able to resurrect almost every mutant who's died ever. Egg creates an embryonic medium that can sustain life, Elixir uses genetic samples from the deceased to recreate them as a fetus, Tempus ages them to when they died (unless she's been given a good reason to make them younger), Proteus keeps the whole process stable while also providing non-biological elements the mutant had (such as tattoos, prosthetics, or adamantium skeletons), and Hope makes the others strong enough to handle the whole process. Technically two other factors are required beyond these Five—the genetic samples come from Mister Sinister's DNA library, and Professor X's ability to log Mutant minds in Cerebro's database let's him reinsert the mind into the new body from a save state shortly before their death.
- The Six are a Circuit working for S.W.O.R.D. that enables the station and it's staff to undergo long-range teleportation through the universe and multiverse. Wiz-Kid controls the mechanical aspects of the process, Shield protects those being sent through space, Khora (formerly Fabian Cortez) boosts the members' power, Peeper detects and alerts the Circuit of dangerous Kirbon particles, Risque implodes said particles, and Manifold folds space to guide the whole process.
- Mars was terraformed into the planet Arakko thanks to a one-time Circuit. Magneto slammed iron meteors directly into the planet's core to increase gravity and create a magnetosphere; Iceman restored the ice caps; Sobunar (a living aquatic ecosystem) released the lifeforms in his bloodsteam into the canals to create new oceans; Xilo (The Worm That Walks) devoured the dirt and soil to seed it with life itself and enable plants to grow, and Hope boosts Storm's powers so she can create an entire atmosphere and jumpstart the climate.
- In the Bad Future of Sins of Sinister, he combines the idea of Mutant Circuits into a single entity using Chimera Clones. Many of them can only handle two or three powers without a total meltdown, so he creates shocktroops of various mutants for whatever he needs. His finest creation, in which he manages to combine five X-Genes, is Rasputin IV. She has the metallic skin of Colossus, the phasing of Kate Pryde, the healing factor of Talon, the psionic powers of Quentin Quire, and the force fields of Unus the Untouchable. She also wields a Soulsword like Magik, though that's a magical power and not a Mutant one, so it's not known how Sinister managed that.
- In Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, Lord Drakkon does this with impunity. Prior to the event, he had long since fused the Green Ranger and White Ranger powers. Seeking more power, after he kills Tommy and ends up creating a Ranger multiverse, he hops from place to place, stealing morphers (or pieces of them in the case of the Ninja Steel encounter), then using them to augment his power.
- Dmitri's weapons crest in Nikolai Dante has the powers of all the other nine. Oh, and it can negate them as well.
- In one of the "Meanwhile" segments in Squee! (1997), several of Jhonen Vasquez's disgruntled and obsessive fans morph together to become various body parts of an obese superfan called "Obsessor."
- Happens a few times in W.I.T.C.H., and it's in fact a goal of multiple villains to steal the Heart of Kandrakar (one of the two sources of the Guardians' powers), complicated by the fact it has to be willingly relinquished. In chronological order:
- The Heart of Kandrakar absorbs the Seal of Phobos and acquires its power to open portals in the Veil.
- Luba's tricks with the Aurameres (the source of the Guardians' powers besides the Heart of Kandrakar) result in the creation of a blob-like creature with the powers of Will, Irma, Taranee and Hay Lin. Said creature is later absorbed by Cornelia, who briefly has the powers of an entire group of Guardians.
- While she has all the powers of the Guardians, Cornelia accidentally creates a copy of said powers and puts it into Caleb. He doesn't know how to use it well, and that, combined by the fact that it's not linked with either the Aurameres or the Heart, results in the second Big Bad Nerissa successfully stealing it by force.
- Later, Nerissa successfully steals the Heart of Kandrakar when, after careful psychological torture, Will decides to put Matt in the loop and lets him take the Heart in his hand, not knowing it's actually Nerissa in disguise.
- In the New Power Saga, the Guardians pull it by accident, creating a being with all their powers combined that defeats Dark Mother.
- The final story arc has the Guardians acquiring the power to become that being.
Fan Works
- Ascendant: Izuku can freely swap and combine the Quirks he uses at any given time. Occasionally, certain combinations are used in conjunction so frequently they fuse into a single Quirk. Air Pressure is one such combined Quirk —it's the product of the Quirks Slide and Glide (which creates repelling forces), Kinetic force (for controlling the aforementioned forces), and Strength (to improve the movements).
- Charles Manson Vs The Teletubbies: The Teletubbies are all extremely powerful in their own ways, but their combined attack, Teletubby Lazer Strike, burns Charles Manson to a crisp.
- Cryptid has a gameplay-focused example with the Antimatter Deck, which has the positive abilities of all other decks at once.
- Heredity: Cauldron is very interested to learn that the human-shaped bug bodies produced by Amy and controlled by Taylor are able to drink vials and gain their own powers, allowing them to bring an arbitrary number of superpowers under the control of one master.
- HERZ: Before the beginning of the story Rei absorbed Lilith and Adam, gaining the powers of both alien gods.
- Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World:
- Hottie's Golden Super Mode "Super Hottie God Mode" has not only has power over fire but all the Elemental Powers.
- Robynne a.k.a. Hottie II's fourth and most powerful Super Mode "Super Hottie Goddess" has the combined Spiral Energy of Chuck Norris, Mr. T, Segata Sanshiro, The Angry Video Game Nerd and Axe Cop with Lemon.
- Immediately after all 17 Guardians of Pokémon are awakened, Jupei teaches them the Hyper Guardian Blast, which combines all of their powers. And then they get owned by Guardia.
- Clash of the Elements: Alex Whiter's Phoenix Form and The Blazing Overlord Fist both utilize this trope.
- Writer Kamen Rider Chrome seemed to be quite the fan of the concepts behind shows like Ben 10 and Kamen Rider Decade. This led to lots of characters in his various fics who were able to transform into any member of a certain group of heroes, or one guy who had all the powers of a certain group of superhumans at the same time.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
- Inner Demons: Due to being the Master of Harmony, Apple Bloom is able to use all of the Elements of Harmony and the special abilities that go with them.
- In The Immortal Game, it's shown that each of the Mane Six have a special ability that makes them a monster to face in battle. Twilight Sparkle's is to use all of her friends' abilities at once.
- The Dark World of the Pony POV Series brings this up just before the (supposedly) Final Battle with Discord, as Rarity absorbs all the Elements of Chaos (though two of them are copies) into herself, in addition to her Element of Harmony. This turns out to be a blessing when they fight Nightmare Eclipse/Paradox and the combined power of all six helps even the odds. There's also Alicorns, who as in canon have the combined powers of all the Pony Tribes, including the extinct or unknown ones like Sea Ponies, Flutterponies, and Changelings. Ryujin are the Dragon equal of Alicorns and likewise possess the combined powers of every dragon type (though Tiamat seems to prefer fire and Bahamut wind).
- In The Stars Ascendant, Tirek has drained the magic of every pony in Equestria plus Discord, and Twilight has the power of the four alicorn princesses. Twilight has the upper hand, implying she is more powerful — and because Luna and Celestia alone were incapable of defeating Discord without the Elements of Harmony, by implication Twilight by herself is about as powerful as every non-alicorn pony in Equestria combined.
- The Lion King Adventures: During the Final Battle between Simba and The Writer, the latter takes on a monstrous form that combines elements from every enemy Simba has ever faced.
- In Origins, a Mass Effect/Star Wars/Borderlands/Halo Massive Multiplayer Crossover, a heroic technological example in the form of a ship design, all powered by Living Batteries (at first):
- Shields, Faster-Than-Light Travel, and mobile factories from Star Wars.
- Geth intelligence from Mass Effect.
- Digistruction from Borderlands.
- Shadows Awakening: The King of the Shadowkhan can summon any of the tribes of the Shadowkhan. The Dark Champion can do this as well, but only within the Forge of Shadows.
- True Potential: Like in canon, Kabuto grafts onto himself the DNA of many ninja to acquire their abilities. Unlike canon, though, he extends this to far more people than just Orochimaru, the Sound Five, and Taka. He has revealed to possess so far Kimimaro's Dead Bone Pulse, Guren's Crystal Release, and Pakura's Scorch Release. And he plans to raid more cemeteries in order to acquire even more Bloodline Limits.
- In the Rosario + Vampire fic Here In My Arms, Tsukune becomes a Blood Sage, a vampire who can obtain the powers of any monster by drinking their blood.
- In the Tokyo Ghoul fic Do You :REmember?, in chapter 6, during his torture, Kaneki is implanted with all four kagune types.
- While Chimeramon's creation is a mystery in the original Digimon Adventure 02, in Zero 2: A Revision, Chimeramon is created by combining the Digimons of every single Digidestined except Davis, Yolei, Cody, and Ken. Devimon later receives this power when he fuses with his creation becoming Umbradevimon in the process. However, since he is fused with Chimeramon, Umbradevimon's powers directly depend on the Digidestined Digimons evolving to become more powerful, in fact if even one dies, he will revert back to Devimon once more.
- In the Korra Book 5: Legends, there's of course Avatar Korra herself, and later Temuji as the Anti-Avatar.
- The Flash (2014) fic "Tangled Lightning
" sees Caitlin Snow tap into her unborn daughter's superspeed and her own previously-unknown ice abilities while held captive by Zoom, although she lacks enough fine control to use either for more than a few moments at a time.
- In Red Pride, Prue, along with her children Jonathan and Patty, possess both Kryptonian powers and magic even after Prue gives birth due to their father being Clark Kent, making them exceptionally powerful.
- The Animorphs fic "Preludes
" features the power rings of the Green Lantern Corps and the other rings of the emotional spectrum coming to the Animorphs' universe. This trope is particularly relevant for Visser One as he essentially receives two rings; Alloran (Visser One's host body) is essentially chosen for the Sinestro Corps, while the Yeerk receives an Orange ring.
- In the Star Trek: Enterprise/Battlestar Galactica (2003) crossover "Reunion
", part of the initial alliance between the two ships is to combine a Starfleet shuttlepod and a Colonial raptor into a single vehicle, dismantling one of each vehicle and creating a new vessel. This ship possesses the advanced sensors and weapons of Starfleet while also possessing a Colonial jump drive, allowing it to travel greater distances and carry out more detailed scans than either of the original ships would be capable of.
- “An Exercise in Futility
” features the Borg (Star Trek) and the Replicators (Stargate-verse) combining into one new force that terms itself ‘the New Collective’ when an Ancient satellite transports Voyager and a Cube into the Stargate universe. Faced with the threat of the Borg and the Replicators essentially combining into a single entity, Voyager and the Prometheus (currently on a survey mission with the Tok’ra) have to join forces to stop this ‘alliance’.
- In the Marvel Cinematic Universe/Harry Potter crossover "Strange Potter
", when Strange retrieves the infant Harry from the Dursleys and extracts the horcrux from him, Strange ends up imbuing Harry with a fragment of chaos magic, allowing him to wield both his own natural magic, chaos magic, and the magic of Strange's order. When the time comes for Harry to get a wand, Strange creates a wand for Harry himself, using what is all but explicitly stated to be vibranium as part of its design and with Thor donating a hair to serve as its core.
- In Thousand Shinji:
- The MP Evas have abilities from all the Angels.
- Tzintchi also receives the knowledge of the Warhammer 40,000 gods.
- In Wonderful (Mazinja), Taylor gains or learns how to use the powers of all parahumans she meets.
- The main characters in Children of an Elder God have the abilities and powers of all Eldritch Abominations fought and killed by them.
- The Pieces Lie Where They Fell: In the fifth omake chapter, the omake-only character Reel uses his strongest form as Kamen Rider Skull the Second, which allows him to tap all fifty-two of his powers at once. Word of God is that it's actually an upgraded version of his original Super Mode, which tapped twenty-six powers all at once and later added more until he gained his fifty-second, which pushed him over the edge to unlock his final form.
- In Neither a Bird nor a Plane, it's Deku!, Izuku's Kryptonian Combo Platter Powers effectively give him far more powerful equivalents to the powers of nearly half of his classmates:
- Aoyama - Frickin' Laser Beams
- Iida - Super-Speed
- Jirou - Super-Hearing
- Kirishima - Super-Toughness
- Kendou - Super-Strength
- Todoroki - Playing with Fire (Heat Vision)/An Ice Person (Freezing Breath)
- Tsuyu - In a Single Bound
- Uraraka - Floating vs. Flight
- In I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Become the Ultimate Defensive Hero, a crossover between My Hero Academia and BOFURI, Kaede's base Quirk is her ultimate defence, but the Devour ability is adapted into copying Quirks of whoever touches her shield, and she is able to combine them together.
- In Dekiru: The Fusion Hero!, Izuku's fusion powers eventually allow him access to a wide array of powers from his friends. While initially fusion mostly enhanced flexibility of the fusion partner's Quirk, after he gets One For All that sheer powerboost is added into every mix. And yet later on, three-person fusions push the available combinations much, much further alongside boosting their power.
- In Megamorphs: The Wizarding World
, when the Animorphs acquire the DNA of magical creatures, they also acquire some of that creature's natural traits, including the Thestrals' sense of direction, and the ability to see through anti-muggle charms, such as the barriers protecting Hogwarts.
- Resurgence Series;
- Peter Petrelli demonstrates this on a regular basis as he retains his full powers rather than his abilities being stolen by Arthor. At one point he assesses himself to test his abilities by noting that he retains 'default' access to certain powers based on the people he's closest to, such as Nathan's flight, Claire's healing, Bella's power-negation, and Elle's electricity; essentially, he has near-automatic access to these abilities because he's particularly close to these people, while other abilities require a more conscious effort for him to tap.
- A subtler example from Bella and Claire; after Bella is brought back to life via a mass blood transfusion from Claire, the two end up sharing the catalyst for the superhuman-creation-formula, which allows the two to sense the other's location and enhances Bella's ability so that she can physically generate force fields rather than just blocking other people's powers. After they destroy the catalyst, they lose their connection but Bella 'inherits' a degree of Claire's enhanced healing so that she is now basically immortal unless she is explicitly killed.
- In the Worst Witch fic "The Two Religions
", it is revealed that Mildred is a rare example of a witch who can use both 'modern' magic and the supposedly lost magic of the Old Religion, which is later explained with the revelation that Mildred's father is Merlin.
- In Tara Sheppard, it is revealed that the Asgard have been experimenting with blending the Ancient gene with other DNA samples to cure their genetic degradation, with Tara's DNA providing the final catalyst as she is revealed to possess the Furling gene.
- The Harry Potter/Merlin (2008) crossover Ancient Relics
places emphasis on how few people can wield the magic of the Old Religion and the more 'modern' magic taught at Hogwarts; even Merlin notes that he's only really comfortable using a few modern spells, such as the Patronus Charm, with Harry and Voldemort's ability to channel the power of the Old Religion making both of them particularly powerful.
- In Pokemon vs. Digimon: When Worlds Collide
, after Devimon comes to the Pokémon world, he eventually merges with the Fearow Ash injured on his first day as a trainer to become FearDevimon, allowing him to use Pokémon attacks and significantly increasing his strength.
- A villainous example of this occurs in The Last Connor when Skynet is able to create three T-3000s in the form of the Xenomorphs; they might lack the ability to actually think, but in the form of a Xenomorph independent thought isn't exactly important.
- In "Lost and Found
", Paige Matthews (Charmed (1998)) is the only one of the Halliwell family (including Coop, Leo and Henry) to survive Thanos's Snap (Avengers: Infinity War). After spending a few months dealing with her grief, a Darklighter attack leads to Paige learning that, as the only Charmed One left in the entire family, Paige now possesses Piper and Phoebe's powers as well as her own (albeit with her sister's powers now on the level they were at when they initially became witches, such as Paige only able to freeze things in a limited area around herself).
- In The Search for Victory, the titular Victory is created from a combination of the technology of all four Great Races.
- In The Slayer Prophecy, Dala's plan involves using a range of magical artefacts to bring the Monk and Jason Todd back to life (Todd being required as the ritual must bring someone back from Heaven and Hell).
- In Taaroko's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8, when the Scoobies face the First in the final battle, they defeat the First using the Enjoining Spell they used to defeat Adam in canon, but make Willow the 'vessel' for their combined powers rather than Buffy. This allows Willow to astral project to a level where she can fight the First while essentially wielding the Scythe, letting her draw on Buffy and Giles's experience of hand-to-hand combat where the First doesn't actually have any idea how to fight for itself.
- Quite a few examples can be found in Infinity Crisis;
- The Flashes, Black Lightning and Thor contemplate the possibility that they may be able to give each other a boost given their differing ties to electricity.
- Giving Cisco access to vibranium enhances his usual powers to the point where he can create portals to other planets in the same dimension that he's currently in
- Cyborg uses his Mother Box to interface with the Gauntlet, which later allows him to 'join forces' with Doctor Strange and use the Stones and the Box to restore all those dead; he is also able to use it later on to repair the Vision while working with Shuri.
- Thor and Jane combine Stormbreaker and Mjolnir together to defeat Hela.
- During the final battle, Oliver and Clint each repeat Clint's past trick of firing an arrow with a tiny person on the end to quickly send the Atom and Ant-Man into the thick of the action
- Black Lightning's powers are channelled into and deflected off Black Panther's vibranium claws.
- In Powers and Marvels, Tony, Shuri and Alpha are able to adapt some of Tony's armors, Wakandan technology, the Vision and Alpha's own experiences (and even some tech left behind by Cyborg), to create nine temporary suits for the Power Rangers to use in the absence of their power coins, which are also capable (via use of Pym Particles) of combining into the 'Iron Zord' (technically the Vibranium Zord, but this rolled off the tongue better).
- Crossed Wires:
- Dean Winchester and Sydney Bristow learn that they can combine their blood and drip it on the Spear of Destiny to open a portal to Lucifer's Cage that allows them to retrieve Sam.
- At the story's conclusion, Castiel and Vaughn contact the Winchesters and Sydney independently to reveal that Crowley is attempting to use a Mueller device.
- In the mass Power Rangers crossover fic Crimson Rising, the only way for the Rangers to free Dulcea from the curse that traps her on Phaedos is for Hunter — her long-lost son — to channel his Phoenix powers through the reassembled Zeo Crystal, its fragments now being wielded by Marah, Kapri, Justin, Skull and Zack.
- In the Harry Potter fanfic Harry Potter and Fate's Debt
, Harry and Ginny's soul bond has an interesting consequence when they attempt to become animagi; as the first example (as far as Dumbledore knows) of a couple who became animagi after they became bonded, the two essentially 'share' their forms, as they are both able to become a phoenix and a panther, with later events suggesting that Harry was the phoenix and Ginny would have 'just' become the panther if they had become animagi on their own.
- An intriguing example of this is found in the Beast Wars/Pokémon the Series fic "Pokémon Wars: Transformers- The Beginning
"; with the Maximals and Predacons having taken Pokémon as beast forms rather than standard animals, they gain the ability to use Pokémon attacks in their beast modes, at the cost of also inheriting the weaknesses of their new Pokémon types (for example, Charitron — the would-be Dinobot — is able to use fire attacks in his Charizard beast mode, while Optimus has a new vulnerability to electricity due to his Blastoise beast mode).
- Every single Host in Communication has access to ever single power known to their world that only need to be unlocked in order to be put to use.
- In Half Past Adventure, Robin is this due to zhir smorgasbord of Superpowerful Genetics.
- In Unity (Finmonster), it's eventually shown that Enigma has equipped himself with knockoffs of all of Big Hero 9's weapons gear.
- The One to Make It Stay: Miracle Queen has a downplayed version where she has her own version of the powers held by the Ladybug, Black Cat, Fox, Turtle, and Bee Miraculous. She can only use each of these powers once before the gem connected to them turns gray and inert.
- In One Piece, only someone who's mastered the Six Powers can use the hidden seventh power, the Six King Gun. This Bites! explains that one has to master the Six Powers because they combine into the Six King Gun: using Iron Body and Paper-Art to balance strength, immobility, and flexibility, using the concepts of Moonwalk and Tempest Kick to feel and affect the air around oneself, using Shave to compress all the explosive movement into one single action, and Finger Pistol for the mentality to turn oneself into a living weapon.
- Son of the Sannin: The final battle of the story begins with Naruto and Hinata combining Kurama's chakra with Hinata's Avatar of Kalika (the Tenseigan's counterpart to the Susanoo) to fight Madara Uchiha's Perfect Susanoo. Madara sees that their combined power edges out his own, so he steals the Tailed Beast's chakras to turn it into the Sixth Paths Perfect Susanoo. In turn, the rest of the Konoha 15 join with Naruto and Hinata and immediately add their own powers and abilities to the mix. First, Ino links everyone's minds together so they can coordinate through thoughts; then Sakura activates Ninja Art: One Hundred Healings so it can self-regenerate damage; Team Gai opens up the Celestial Gates to increase the chakra flow; Choji uses his Multi-Size jutsu to make it grow even to larger size; and finally, Sasuke powers it up with his own Susanoo's chakra armor (and two additional arms to its four) forming the Six Paths: Almighty Avatar of Konoha. From there on out, everyone does their part during their final battle as they coordinate the Avatar to defeat Madara's Susanoo.
- The Awakening of a Magus has the Dualis and Quadralis rituals, allowing two and four spellcasters, respectively, to combine their power. It requires proper choice of participants for optimal effect, although even a badly balanced one can be devastating.
- Ace Lives: Uranus acquires a portion of the 'essence' of any who wear it that is trusted by its current owner, including the owner themselves, and in turn assimilates that person's abilities, which can then be used by anyone it uses as its host. Upon realizing this, Mihawk immediately picked a fight with its current host, correctly deducing that it had all of Shanks's sword skills, in addition to its host having the left arm that Shanks lost.
- With This Ring: The Renegade encounters the canonical "Paragon" villain, who copies and improves the powers of anyone within a wide range, including the Renegade's own toughness, Chester Black's powerful telekinesis, and Iname's Super-Speed. The Renegade weakens him by sending Iname away, then attacks him with weapons that his copied powers won't stop, such as a radion blaster (which works on New Gods).
- Projection Quest: This is the basis of Taylor's powerset. She learns powers from emulations of characters from other settings and keeps them even when the emulation leaves.
- Godzilla Neo:
- The Garoga created Bagan, who has the powers of King Ghidorah, Godzilla, Jyarumu and Balkzardan.
- Super Godzilla is powered by his own powers along with Varan, Baragon, Manda, Shiigan, Barugon and Vagnosaurus.
Films — Animation
- Kung Fu Panda 4: The Chameleon, this movie's Big Bad, is a shapeshifter and sorceress who uses the power of Master Oogway's staff to consume the kung fu skills from any defeated villain of the franchise to become the greatest kung fu warrior known. In the Final Battle, she uses her powers to turn herself into an amalgamation of different kung fu villains, using their combined skills to battle Po and Zhen.
Films — Live Action
- Black Widow has Taskmaster, a mercenary who has duplicated the weapons and fighting styles of several Marvel heroes. These include Captain America's shield, Hawkeye's bow and arrow, and Black Panther's claws.
- Everything Everywhere All at Once: After opening her mind to the multiverse, Evelyn Wang ends up being able to tap into the skills possessed by her alternate counterparts and use them simultaneously, all at once.
- In Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Johnny Storm is made unstable due to an encounter with the Silver Surfer. At the end of the film, and at the end uses this to use all the Fantastic Four's powers to fight off Dr. Doom, who's stolen the Surfer's board and powers.
- A variation in Lazer Team with the Suit of Power. The suit is meant to be worn by a single person, who can utilize the different capabilities of its individual parts (helmet, boots, shield gauntlet, Hand Cannon) or combine them for additional abilities. However, since the titular team of losers end up each with different pieces of the suit, they can only utilize their piece. Then they learn that, by working together, they can unlock additional abilities, such as a shield bubble and a Wave-Motion Gun.
- Films from the Ultra Series does this sometimes.
- In the climax of Ultraman Story, the final battle concludes with Ultraman Taro absorbing all the powers from his brothers-in-arms — Zoffy, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Ultraman Jack and Ultraman Ace — and destroying the final, nigh-unstoppable juggernaut of a kaiju, Grand King.
- In Ultraman Mebius and the Ultra Brothers, the Big Damn Movie for Ultraman Mebius, the final battle has Ultraman Mebius absorbing energy from every member of the titular Ultra Brothers, allowing him to destroy the powerful U-Killersaurus in one fell swoop.
- Ultraman Saga concludes with Ultraman Zero, Ultraman Dyna and Ultraman Cosmos putting their powers together to form the new, titular Ultra, the only way powerful enough to destroy Hyper-Zetton.
- In Virtuosity, Denzel Washington's character is in the matrix tracking down a killer AI Program played by Russell Crowe. Crowe's character was created by letting AI programs of hundreds of serial killers fight and absorb each others' powers.
- Warriors of Virtue ends its climax with the roos announcing their alignments Captain Planet-style — earth, water, wood, metal, and fire — to open a hole that sucks up Komodo.
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine turned Deadpool into one of these. Flimsiest explanation of his name ever.
- Chrysalis (RinoZ): The System often allows parallel skills, like Fire Magic Affinity and Water Magic Affinity, to be fused together into something stronger, at the cost of permanently losing access to the original skills. The further the individual skills are developed before fusing, the stronger the resulting fusion. Anthony manages to fuse fire, water, earth, and air, all at tier 5, and gains All Element Mana Specialty, which lets him throw around any and every type of elemental magic while maintaining just a single spell construct.
- Domina: Lilith, the Mother Monster, eventually gains the power to use the powers of anyone she loves as long as they love her back. Since she's an All-Loving Hero and a Parental Substitute for the entire city, that's a very long list.
- In The Dresden Files series, the Archive is this. She has full access to the complete sum of a written knowledge (including digital), updated live. So, if a wizard created a house leveling spell and wrote it down, the Archive would get a copy of it immediately.
- Within the world of The Empirium Trilogy, the average elemental has access to only one element. The Queens of Prophecy, however, have power over all seven. The Sun Queen is purpoted to be the heroic version whereas the Blood Queen is a villainous variant.
- Epithet Erased: Prison of Plastic: Rick Shade's epithet is "Soulmates". This allows him to copy any skill or special ability that his friends have. It's later revealed that he loses the powers of friends who are physically too far away, and that he doesn't copy what his friends can do, but what he believes they can do (so his friendship with Trixie lets him concoct real, working Magic Potions, despite her "potions" really just being random substances mixed together).
- During the first five books of Galaxy of Fear, our heroes encounter many threats courtesy of Project Starscream, some kind of Imperial-funded biological weapon project. The sixth book features a character realizing that while several of these had applications as-is, the real culmination of the project was creating an Ultimate Life Form Super-Soldier, Eppon, with strength from each of those threats — converting people to gel to absorb or eat, strength gained from eating people, invulnerability to damage, and an ability to force people into their worst nightmares through eye contact.
- GONE: Gaia has the power of all the mutants in the FAYZ with the caveat being that she only has the power of those currently alive.
- In Magika Swordsman and Summoner, Kazuki can use the powers of any summoner he has a strong bond with. So obviously he has to seduce all of them.
- In Book 2 of The Shapeshifter series, Running the Risk, the character of Catherine appears to be the most powerful Cola ever. It is revealed that she was just stealing everyone's powers and energy. The explanation to her having such a different power to everyone else and being such a nasty piece of work is that she was a parasite planted into a Sender by their jealous competitors.
- In the sequel to Those That Wake, the Old Man's mental and physical strength shoot through the roof after he assimilates most of New York.
- Sacred Eclipse in Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle can use the powers of the other seven Ragnarok, on top of its own powers (Shapeshifting and Resurrective Immortality). It starts out with access to the powers of only one (Poseidon, giving it Combat Tentacles and a Healing Factor) but gains additional powers each time it resurrects.
- In Wild Cards, The Radical is Capt'n Trips ultimate avatar, combining the powers of all his other avatars.
Live-Action TV
- Arrowverse:
- The Flash (2014) gives us a technological version of this power with Clifford DeVoe, aka The Thinker. His base power is endlessly expanding intelligence, and he used this to build a device that can both transfer consciousness and steal powers from others.
- In the Elseworlds crossover, A.M.A.Z.O. is a robot designed to copy abilities and skills of its enemies. It only needs minimal exposure to adapt. This includes superstrength (Superman, Supergirl), superspeed (Flash, Superman, Supergirl), intangibility (Flash), extendable limbs (Elongated Man), freezing (Killer Frost), flight (Superman, Supergirl, Killer Frost's "ice flight"), and advanced hand-to-hand combat skills (Green Arrow). It takes a combined effort of four heroes to defeat it the first time... but only one Brainy the second time. Brainy simply rips out its motherboard.
- In the almost-finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4, "Primeval", the rest of the Scooby Gang uses magics to combine their spirits and with them their talents within Buffy.
- Appears in several variations in Charmed (1998): a doctor injected with a composite of Halliwell blood in "Astral Monkey" gains each of their powers (with an inevitable mental and physical deterioration); a demon steals their powers in "How To Make A Quilt Out Of Americans" (and is defeated when Prue tricks him into accessing her then-uncontrollable astral projection power, leaving his body defenseless); Phoebe's empathic power in later seasons allows her to channel the powers of other magical beings; the Hollow (introduced in "Charmed and Dangerous") allows the bearer to siphon powers from others; Cole's period in 'the Wasteland', the show's version of demon purgatory, results in him collecting powers from multiple other demons and becoming invulnerable; and the Source of all Evil is implied (most notably in All Hell Breaks Loose, where this plot point is the crux of his plan to kill the Charmed Ones) to have the powers of all his demonic underlings. The show kinda likes this trope...
- A science example in the Farscape episode "DNA Mad Scientist": Evilutionary Biologist Namtar has been genetically modifying himself with the traits and abilities of other species in a misguided pursuit for perfection. Among those traits we see demonstrated are a Healing Factor, and the ability to switch his nervous system to register pain as pleasure in the event he is attacked or injured. The plot of the episode centers on his attempts to add the multitasking capabilities of a Pilot, as well. It ultimately turns out that Namtar himself was given sentience by the real head of the research project, and that he was originally just a lab rat.
- In Haven, whenever a Crocker kills a Troubled person, everyone in that person's family is rendered normal. It is eventually explained that the Crockers store the Troubles within them, dormant. Unfortunately for Duke Crocker, every Trouble he or his ancestors sealed begin manifesting in him one by one. This is a really bad thing because his body can barely handle the stress and many Troubles are not beneficial.
- Heroes has multiple examples of this.
- Sylar can obtain the ability of any special he meets by understanding how it works. Unfortunately, his initial version of understanding how it worked involved cutting off the top of their head and poking around in their brain. Later, he learns he can do this without killing, but he continues to kill anyway.
- Peter Petrelli was initially an example. His empathic mimicry allows him to learn the powers of any special he gets near. Since Peter is often unaware that he's even picked up a new power, he's the rare All Your Powers Combined example of How Do I Shot Web?. Later, he was depowered, and, when in a deathtrap, injected himself with a Super Serum that gave him a reduced version of his previous power which only allows him to hold one power at a time.
- Season 3 had Arthur Petrelli, Peter's father, who can steal anyone's abilities through touch.
- In Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Gai Ikari/Gokai Silver has been able to manifest new Ranger Keys by effectively begging the powers for help. The first time he does this, he fuses the Go-On Gold and Silver Keys into the Go-On Wings Key and later fuses the 15 Sixth Ranger Keys into the Gold Anchor Key, allowing him to become Gokai Silver Gold Mode.
- Very common in the Heisei era of Kamen Rider; in the usual case that the main Rider is a Swiss-Army Hero with Multiform Balance, then either the penultimate or the final form will combine aspects of all the basic forms.
- Kamen Rider Kuuga started the trend with his Ultimate Form. While it doesn't use these abilities in the main series, it can summon any one of his other form's weapons at will, or use the brute strength of his base form.
- Kamen Rider Agito has Trinity Form, combining his Ground, Storm, and Flame forms.
- Kamen Rider Blade does it in two different ways. First is Blade King Form and Wild Chalice, which each used the powers of all 13 of Blade's and Chalice's respective Rouse Cards, and second was a one-time attack where the Riders loaned their elemental Cards to Blade for him to combine them into one attack.
- The Perfect Zecter in Kamen Rider Kabuto combined the powers of the Kabuto, TheBee, Drake and Sasword Zecters in Kabuto's gunsword. He could use them each individually for a gun or a sword finisher based on that Rider's powers, or all together for a generic finisher.
- Kamen Rider Den-O has Climax Form and Super Climax Form, where all the Imagin lend their powers at the same time. Similar but debatable is Liner Form's DenKamen Sword, which allows Ryotaro to access the abilities and fighting styles of all the Imagin, but only one at a time.
- Reused almost immediately the following year in Kamen Rider Kiva with Dogga, Garulu, Bassha and default Kiva forms meshed together into DoGaBaKi Form. The Hyper Battle Video takes this a step further by combing it with Emperor Form to make DoGaBaKi Emperor Form.
- Kamen Rider Decade takes this to its logical extreme. His main gimmick is that he can use any form of the previous nine titular Kamen Riders, from Kuuga to Kiva. His Super Mode lets him use their respective Super Mode Finishing Move. Decade later returns in Zi-O, using the powers of the next ten Riders as well. As of the Zi-O vs Decade special, he gains a new upgrade letting him use the Reiwa era Riders.
- Kamen Rider Double's CycloneJokerXtreme Super Mode combines all three of his right-half Gaia Memories (Cyclone, Heat, and Luna) with one of his left-half ones (usually Joker, once Metal) to power a very potent Maximum Drive. In the movie, Kamen Rider Eternal can use a 26 memory Maximum Drive, combining powers that are literally from A to Z.
- Kamen Rider Fourze
- Fourze's Cosmic States not only uses all 40 of his Astro Switches, he can combine the powers of those of the same type (for instance, Launcher and Freeze are both Cross Switches; he can normally use only one at a time but in Cosmic States he can activate both for freeze missles).
- In the movie, Fourze gains the aptly-named Fusion Switch that lets him borrow Kamen Rider Meteor's own Astro Switch, resulting in Meteor Fusion States. Even beyond this, the Fusion Switch was created by harnessing The Power of Friendship from all Fourze's classmates and teachers, so he himself asserts that it's not just Meteor's power, but the power of all his friends backing him up. The following Movie Wars crossover has him use the Fusion Switch again, this time borrowing Kamen Rider Nadeshiko's powers as well and changing into Meteor Nadeshiko Fusion States.
- Kamen Rider Wizard:
- Wizard's phenomenally powerful All Dragon Style combines Wizard's element Dragon forms (Flame Dragon, Hurricane Dragon, Water Dragon, and Land Dragon). A similar form, Special Rush Style, appeared in Movie War Ultimatum; and it was basically a red-colored stand-in for All Dragon Style (which hadn't debuted yet) with a different Finishing Move.
- In the movie, his Infinity Style Super Mode is combined with All Dragon to form Infinity Dragon Style.
- Kamen Rider Gaim: Gaim's Super Mode Kiwami Arms combines the power and lets Gaim use the weapons of not just his other Arms forms, but those of the entire cast.
- Kamen Rider Drive:
- Type Deadheat is a combination of the powers of Kamen Riders Drive and Mach, and either one can use the form.
- Drive's Type Tridoron Super Mode allows him to combine and use the power of the Shift Cars together, in groups of three related cars (e.g. Attack 1-2-3 using his first 3 Shift Cars).
- Kamen Rider Ghost's Grateful Damashii form channels the powers of all fifteen Heroic Eyecons. In a tie-in video series he also gets a form that combines the powers of all the preceding Heisei-era Kamen Riders.
- Kamen Rider Build: Build's Genius Form combines the powers of all 60 Fullbottles from the Pandora Box into one form, although it only uses one of the individual powers a single time in favor of focusing on its own healing powers. Build, Cross-Z, and Grease all gain forms in various movies that combine their powers with those of another character: Cross-ZBuild (Build and Cross-Z), Cross-ZEvol (Cross-Z and Evol), and Grease Perfect Kingdom (Grease and his late buddies in the "Three Crows").
- Kamen Rider Zi-O, like Decade, has access to the powers of the other Kamen Riders of the Heisei era (one at a time); and further upgrades let him combine even more powers: Zi-O Trinity is a Fusion Dance with his allies Geiz and Woz, Grand Zi-O combines the powers of the twenty main Heisei Riders at once, and Oma Zi-O combines the powers of every Heisei Kamen Rider, hero and villain alike. Grand and Oma can both summon copies of the individual Riders that they're composed of to fight for them.
- Kamen Rider Zero-One
- Zero-One breaks the trend by giving this type of form to the secondary Rider instead of the main, as Kamen Rider Vulcan gets a Rampage Vulcan form that adds nine of the ten other powersets used by the main cast to his regular Wolf theme (the only one missing being Zero-One's default Grasshopper powers). Like Drive Type Tridoron above, Rampage Vulcan sorts its array of powers into groups of three that can be accessed simultaneously.
- The villainous Kamen Rider Thouser has the Power Copying variety, giving him even more different powers than Rampage Vulcan has. Unfortunately for him, Thouser displays the dark side of this trope: if you're Unskilled, but Strong, gaining everyone else's powers on top of your own is just going to make you even less skilled.
- Kamen Rider Saber involves a two-part transformation system, and Saber eventually receives a combination for each part:
- First, each Rider has their own Cool Sword with an Elemental Power. For his regular Super Mode, Saber gets a new sword named the Xross Saber that combines the powers of all the Riders' swords and their elements (with the sole exception of the one with the Power of the Void, which according to supplementary materials counterbalances the others).
- The other part of the transformation system involves using one or more magical storybooks. In the final episode, Saber receives a special Wonder Ride Book, titled Wonder Almighty, that includes all of the stories used in the series. (In theory, he could use the Xross Saber and Wonder Almighty together, but it hasn't happened.)
- Kamen Rider Revice:
- Revi's Mid-Season Upgrade Barid Rex Genome was created by loading data from all ten of his previous Genome forms, and it can summon the "Remix" animal transformations of those forms as separate entities and combine them into even more powerful beasts. But downplayed since, outside the summoning, it doesn't really use the prior forms' abilities and instead focuses on ice attacks.
- In the movie, the Igarashi siblings Fusion Dance into a single Rider with all of their powers and weapons.
- In the final stretch of the series, the guy who created the Rider gear for the other characters makes a Transformation Trinket for himself and loads it up with all ten of Revice's original powersets, and unlike Barid Rex he can and does use all of them at once.
- In the movie for Kamen Rider Geats, Geats gets a "Oneness" form that incorporates the powers of his allies along with their colors and logos.
- A spin-off for Kamen Rider Gotchard introduces Kamen Rider Legend, who deliberately homages Decade and similarly channels powers of prior Riders.
- Many of The Objects from The Lost Room can be combined to manifest new powers they did not have separately. One of the many reasons three different organizations Gotta Catch Them All.
- The original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers did this once when they gave their combined strength and power to Billy the Blue Ranger so he could take on Madam Woe. Subsequent seasons would later on have a weaponized version of this. As it's pretty common to have the rangers not only have personalized weapons, but personalized weapons that can combine into one big weapon. Usually used to defeat the Monster of the Week while it's human-sized before it goes through Make My Monster Grow.
- Power Rangers Ninja Steel gives Tommy a unique variation of this trope with his Master Morpher, a special Transformation Trinket that lets him call upon all of his Ranger forms from throughout the franchise's history. He uses it in a fight against a Robot Me created by Lord Draven, initially engaging him as the Black Dino Thunder Ranger which the robot duplicates, then finishing him off with the powers and forms of the Red Zeo Ranger, White Ranger, and Green Ranger.
- In Mutant X, Season 2 Big Bad Gabriel Ashlocke is the first New Mutant ever created, and also has several powers from each of the 4 power categories recognized by the show, as opposed to all other mutants, who only get a single power from a single category (although for some reason, after the first few episodes he mostly limited himself to throwing energy balls). Too bad for him, a side effect of all that power is he's eventually going to explode into bits.
- Nowhere Boys: In the Season 2 finale, Alice takes Felix, Sam, Jake, Ellen and Oscar's powers and gives them all to Phoebe.
- In Sense8, the cluster can hop into each other's bodies so that one person can use the other's skills. A major development is when multiple members are able to share their skills with the same person at once, like Nomi escaping from the police thanks to Will telling her how they'll try to pursue her, Sun using that intel to fight them off, and Capheus using his driving skills to evade them. Everyone else jumps in in the first season finale to help Will break Riley out of captivity—Sun fights, Capheus drives, Nomi hacks around the villains' systems, Lito's acting helps Will evade suspicion, Kala uses her biochemistry skills to stabilize Riley, and Wolfgang's self-destructive nature makes him willing to kill everyone to save them, scaring the villain off.
- Secret Invasion (2023): In the finale, Gravik and G'iah are imbued with "the Harvest", a sample of DNA collected from multiple heroes and villains. Throughout the ensuing fight, the powers used include those of The Hulk, Ebony Maw, Groot, Captain Marvel, Ghost, Thanos, and Mantis.
- Ultra Series: Fusions of kaiju, aliens and Ultras in the series tend to have not only new powers but also all the ones from their components.
- Ultraman Taro: Taro can obtain the powers of all the previous five Ultra Brothers by fusing with them. On a kaiju example we have Tyrant who can has all the powers of its components (Red King II, Alien Icarus, Bemstar, Seagorath, Hanzagiran, Crab King, Barabas)
- Ultraman Nexus: Izmael, the combination of all the Space Beasts has the abilities of all its components.
- Ultraman Ginga:
- Ginga's Super Mode Strium, is accessed by fusing with Ultraman Taro via the Strium Brace. In this form he can use the special moves of the Six Ultra Brothers – Ultraman, Zoffy, Ultraseven, Jack, Ace, and Taro himself. This form is for the most part no longer accesible after Taro left with his job on Earth is done except when Ginga and Taro meet back up.
- Five King can employ the powers of all its five components: Golza, Melba, Reicubas, Super C.O.V and Gan-Q.
- Ultraman Orb:
- Orb's forms allow him to utilize the powers of its components, mostly their beams. The most notable is Orb Calibur which is capable of using combined beam powers.
- The series' Final Boss, Magata-No-Orochi, has all the abilities of the Maga Kaiju faced throughout the series, in addition to all the powers it had as Maga Orochi.
- Ultraman R/B: Ultraman Ruebe has all the powers of its components Rosso and Blu. Gruebe adds Grigio's powers to the mix for a three-way fusion.
- Ultraman Taiga: Taiga Tri-Strium is able to utilize the powers of all its components: Taiga, Fuma and Titas.
- Ultraman Z: Destrudos, the Final Boss of the series, absorbed several kaiju into itself: Red King II, Dancan, Arstron, Birdon, Satan Beetle, Crescent, Majaba.
- Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga:
- Golba, the Starter Villain of the series, can utilize the abilities of its two components, Golza (super strength, tunneling) and Melba (lasers, flight, speed).
- In the series finale, Ignis gives Trigger Dark's power to Kengo/Trigger, allowing him to transform into his ultimate form, Trigger Truth, who can employ attacks of both light and darkness.
Myths & Religion
- Hindu Mythology: The goddess Durga was formed when a powerful demon was threatening to kill all the gods, until beams of light sprang from every god and from the pool of light came a warrior woman who was strong enough to defeat him.
- In Game of Thrones, if the player selects House Greyjoy, completing any other House's mission will give the player that House's special ability, and they accumulate as multiple Houses are cleared. A tradeoff for having multiple abilities at the same time, however, is that these missions are more difficult with Greyjoy than with other Houses.
Tabletop Games
- Tiamat, the evil god-queen of chromatic dragons in Dungeons & Dragons, has five heads, each of which has the color and breath weapon of one of the five breeds of chromatic dragon.
- More broadly (and cheesily) there are the Illithid Savant, a prestige class granting the ability to take others' abilities by eating their brains.
- Another such class: the Erudite, especially the Erudite taken with the Convert Spell to Power option. An Erudite is a psionic class that, unlike other psionic classes, can learn any psionic power that exists, rather than being restricted to a specific category of powers. An Erudite with the Convert Spell to Power option, moreover, can also learn any arcane spell and use it as a psionic power instead. And all they have to give up to gain this option is a single bonus feat. There's a good reason why the Erudite is considered to be in the God Tier by many.
- Exalted:
- Eclipse Caste Solars have the ability to learn the Charms of other types of Exalted, as well as those of spirits and other non-Exalted entities.
- The Terrestrial, Sidereal, and Infernal Exalted each have the combined powersets of their five patrons (the Elemental Dragons, Maidens of Fate, and Yozis, respectively).
- The Terrestrials also have several team Charms that get the elemental effects of each type of Terrestrial participating. The Sidereals have several charms that require three Sidereals of different Castes working together to work them, and various other ones that become more powerful the more Sidereals of different Castes are participating.
- The Abyssals' Moonshadows and the Infernals' Fiends also share the ability to learn other groups' Charms (not surprising, given they come from corrupted Eclipse Exaltations).
- If any of the above gain Alchemical Charms, which are actually mechanical implants, it becomes kinda obvious.
- Dreams of the First Age gives Lunars the Charm Defeated Technique Mastery, which allows the Lunar to challenge a target, and if the Lunar wins, she can learn one of the targets Charms. Neither of them can rig the contest so the Lunar can learn a Charm she wouldn't normally be able to learn, and if the Lunar loses the contest, she owes the target a favour.
- There's also a Solar Circle Sorcery spell that allows a Solar circle to merge into one amalgam form, with the combined Skills and Charms of the entire circle.
- Luna's stats in the sourcebook "Glories Most High: Luna" show she can use any Terrestrial and Celestial Martial arts that are associated with a type of creature note , every non-chimera Knack that doesn't require traits that Luna doesn't have note , all raksha graces at rating 10 note and every Fair Folk Charm.note Since any Lunar can create new Knacks, any essence user could create a new martial art and Fair Folk (and Eclipse Solars) can create new Fair Folk charms, Luna's already immense power has huge potential to grow.
- Many super hero games, such as Mutants & Masterminds, have powers like this built into the frame work.
- From Old World of Darkness, we have the Midnight Circus. The sourcebook makes it clear that their strongest point is how diverse their members are. Their ultimate leaders are Apophis and The Wyrm, while the daily leaders consist of a Changeling, Vampire, and Mage. As for their members, they have everything, including werewolves and wraiths. It is said that any group trying to take them down without similarly diverse cast is going to have trouble dealing with the multitude of powers the Circus can bring to bear.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The sword of "Charioteer of Prophecy", one of the staves of "Stoic of Prophecy", the axe of "Strength of Prophecy" and the bow of "Amores of Prophecy" appear in "World of Prophecy"'s artwork. This makes reference to the artwork of the Tarot card, which features four creatures that represent the four elements of the natural world. The four elements being Earth, Water, Air, and Fire which are represented in this card's artwork by the weapons of Amores, Stoic, Charioteer, and Strength respectively.
- Several instances in BIONICLE:
- The Krahka has the power to shapeshift, gaining the powers of whatever she imitates. She fights the Toa Metru at the climax by becoming a cross between the six of them, wielding all of their elemental powers. She could also copy their mask powers, though not any alternate functions of their Toa Tools.
- The Rahi Nui, besides combining the physical attributes of five different Rahi beasts, also possesses the powers of the eight main Kanoka Disks.
- Kaita combiners, made up of three beings, tend to have the powers of all their individual components. There are also Nui combiners made up of six beings, but these are usually never attempted. Legends say, however, that the power of a Toa Nui would rival that of a Great Spirit, so essentially a god. Word of God later revealed that a Toa Nui cannot exist. He also said that even if it could, it would only be slightly more powerful than Krahka's Toa Metru combination form (see above), possessing six elements and six mask powers which could be used simultaneously or individually.
- Vezok, as a side-effect of his Power Copying ability, can combine any number of powers he absorbs together for simultaneous attacks as long as he still has them stored. At one point, he combines Matoro's ice, Jaller's fire, and both of their lightning powers for simultaneous barrages.
- The Golden Armor's function was to extract the power of nearby Kraata (of which there are 42 kinds), and grant them to its wearer. Tahu had the courtesy of being that wearer, but it hasn't been defined which Kraata powers he acquired.
Video Games
- Mildred Avalon, the Big Bad from Arcana Heart, is capable of using the abilities of all 11 of the Arcana. Their strongest special attacks? Those are Milly's regular special attacks.
- Ars Nouveau: The Wilden Chimera is the mod's only boss, featuring moves reminiscent of the three types of Wilden beasts.
- Asura's Wrath has Asura the Destructor, who uses the Karma Fortress's Mantra Reactor, which contains the mantra of all 8 Guardian Generals, which allows Asura to become this form. It's bigger than the planet Gaea itself, and he can move at multiple times the speed of light through outer space.
- The Binding of Isaac: The True Final Boss, Delirium, shapeshifts constantly throughout the fight, taking on the forms of any other boss in the game (including Final Bosses), and using upgraded versions of their attacks.
- The Temple of the Monkey God in Bloons Tower Defense will gain attacks and abilities related to all the towers sacrificed to it.
- Bloons TD 6 takes it even further with the True Sun God, an even more powerful version of the Sun Temple that takes extra sacrifices to power up even further and has a secret transformation that also combines the other two Tier 5 Super Monkeys into the Vengeful True Sun God. There's also Paragon towers, which requires all three Tier 5 towers from each upgrade path to obtain, combining every tower of the same kind into one super-powered tower with all its abilities and more, with its power level based on the total number of upgrades and pop count of all the towers combined.
- In Cassette Beasts, Kuneko transforms into Shining Kuneko when she absorbs the powers of the four classical elements; this form is Astral-type, which is resistant to Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.
- In Cat Quest III, Chimeowra uses the attacks from all three types of monsters he captured.
- In Copy Kitty, this is Boki's main ability. She can combine up to 3 weapons out of 10. That means she has access to more than 150 weapons.
- The Final Boss of Dark Souls III is a manifestation of everyone who has ever linked the First Flame, potentially including the two previous player characters the Chosen Undead and the Bearer of the Curse if you had them do so, and it shows. He can swap his entire moveset on the fly, using a variety of weapon types and spells from across the three games. And when he finally goes down, his health refills to full and he changes his moveset one last time... to that of the First Lord himself, Gwyn.
- Much earlier in the game, after defeating the Abyss Watchers, the wolf's blood they each ingested as part of their initiation ceremony flows from all of the dead Watchers into the body of their leader, who is revived as a full-fledged Lord of Cinder with the strength of all his fallen comrades.
- In Diablo III, it is revealed that the Seven Great Evils were once one incredibly powerful being of evil known as the Prime Evil, Tathamet, and that upon his death at the hands of Anu, his remains became the Burning Hells and each of his heads became the Great Evils. During the final act of the game, Diablo uses the Black Soulstone with all seven Evils inside to become Tathamet reborn, with Diablo in control due to his host being his own daughter by way of the Dark Wanderer. During the final battle, Diablo uses attacks and status effects that were previously possessed by the other Great Evils as well as his own attacks.
- Dyztopia: Post-Human RPG: The Superboss, Asterisk/Ophiuchus, can sync with any archdemon and changes sync partners every turn. Not only does this allow him to change his weaknesses and battle mechanics, this prevents the party from syncing with the archdemons, since Ophiuchus's syncs take priority. According to the developer, Ophiuchus has authority over all the archdemons, but because he swapped his angelhood with Virgo's demonhood, he cannot override her current sync partner and instead syncs with her Faceless counterpart Vira.
- In The Elder Scrolls series, Atronachs are a type of unaligned lesser Daedra which are essentially the Elemental Embodiments of the elements they represent. The most common are the Flame (also known as "Fire"), Frost, and Storm varieties. Air Atronachs are another variety, who are said to possess the combined power of Flame, Frost, and Storm Atronachs.
- The final boss of Far Cry (PC version) has the combined abilities of all three previously seen mutant soldier types: he has the cloaking ability of the stealth Trigens, the jumping ability of the soldier Trigens, and the incredibly high durability of the Giant Mook Fat Boy Trigens.
- Archer in Fate/stay night, whose Noble Phantasm involves duplicating Noble Phantasms of other heroes, including the skill required to use them efficiently in battle — the duplicates aren't as strong as the real deal, but they are disposable because he can create more if he needs to.
- Furthermore, Gilgamesh has a literal case because as the first historical Hero and the ruler of the (at the time) entire known world, he already owned all the Noble Phantasms (except Excalibur and Avalon, which were created much later, although he does possess Gram, the sword that Caliburn was based on) before they came into possession of the other heroes, and can thus summon them all at will — though unlike with Archer, Possession in his case Does Not Imply Mastery.
- Fate/strange Fake's False Assassin is capable of executing all eighteen Zabaniya techniques used by each Grandmaster before her with her Zabaniya: Phantasmal Pedigree. The single one she can't use is Zabaniya: Delusional Illusion, created by her contemporary. Some of her copied techniques are weaker than the original, but some are stronger.
- Final Fantasy:
- Chaos in Final Fantasy shows this trope as he casts spells used by each of the four fiends.
- The final boss of vanilla Final Fantasy XIV, Ultima Weapon, has absorbed the three Primals you've fought up to this point and will use all their powers in the first phase of the battle. The final boss of the Stormblood expansion, Shinryu, can also use the powers of several Primals, though no explanation is given this time.
- Patch 5.1 introduces The Epic of Alexander. It's at phase 4 after you get through Alexander Prime that he combines with Brute Justice and Cruise Chaser in a Combining Mecha sense, becoming Perfect Alexander.
- In Dissidia Final Fantasy, all of Bartz's attacks are mimicked from his teammates.
- Most story-important characters in Final Fantasy Tactics have a unique skillset of special moves only they can learn. Orlandeau, though, the ultimate swordsman, has all the unique sword skills of everyone else (or at least every other otherwise-unique sword skill.) And he has the best stats in the game to use them with, to boot.
- In Dirge of Cerberus, with the exception of Nero, Weiss has all of the Tsviets attacks. This is because they get all of their abilities from the same source and Weiss took to it the best.
- In Final Fantasy VII Remake, Sephiroth does this with himself in his final boss fight, which combines aspects of his abilities from throughout his history. His moveset includes tier 3 magic, inspired by when he was a temporary party member in Final Fantasy VII and Shadowflare and Heartless Angel from his One-Winged Angel form at the end of said game; he has Octaslash from Crisis Core; he can manifest his single black wing first seen in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children; he has Scintilla and Hell's Gate from Dissidia Final Fantasy and Telluric Fury, Aeolian Onslaught, and Zanshin from Dissidia Final Fantasy NT; and he has several new attacks associated with darkness and can summon a dark aura around himself similar to his Kingdom Hearts appearances. It really emphasizes how dangerous Sephiroth is in Remake that he can do pretty much everything players have ever seen from him before and more, and he's still probably not exerting his full power.
- In Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Golden Freddy uses both ways of getting into your office/killing you dead, throwing his head at you and teleporting into your office like usual.
- In Guild Wars 2 the six Elder Dragons each consume a different aspect of leyline magic, namely the one most closely aligned with their own nature. After Zhaitan and Mordremoth are killed however the other dragons start feeding on their magic as well, resulting in their minions gaining an additional aspect such as Primordus's fire-based Destroyers gaining Zhaitan's death magic.
- The Emperor, the final boss of the second The House of the Dead, can take on the form of the previous bosses (Zeal, Hierophant, Tower, and Strength).
- Kingdom Hearts II:
- Sora's Drive Forms each focus on enhancing something. Valor Form gets a melee power boost, extended melee combos, and Dual Wielding; Wisdom Form gets a magic power boost, enhanced aerial speed, and causes Sora to appear to hover above the ground; Master Form gets enhanced magic casting, dual wielding (again), crowd control melee, and enhanced aerial maneuverability. Final Form combines aspects of each of the previous forms: extended crowd control melee combos with more power, enhanced magic casting with a power boost, aerial speed and maneuverability, dual wielding (plus a pair of floating silver orbs of light), and Sora hovers above the ground and controls his Keyblades with telekinesis.
- The Prison Keeper's attacks are based off of whichever one of Lock, Shock, or Barrel it currently has in its mouth. Once its HP gets low, it eats all 3 and uses its entire arsenal.
- In the first fight against Armored Controller Xemnas, he sits on a throne surrounded by the weapons used by the other Organization members (except Roxas). Most of his attacks in this fight utilize the weapons.
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep:
- The Optional Boss "Mysterious Figure" exaggerates this, possessing some of the strongest abilities in the game, several from the player characters' movesets, at the same time.
- The Final Mix version introduces the Optional Boss No Heart, the Lingering Will version of Xehanort which takes elements from other incarnations of the villain: Xemnas's armor, Master Xehanort's Keyblade and ability to rain Keyblades on the player, Terranort's shotlock, and a battle theme composed of Ansem's and Xemnas's leitmotifs.
- In Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Kirby has the unique ability to absorb two powered monsters and get a unique ability from them. They range from the useless (Fire + Ice = melting ice) to the situational (Rock + Bomb = Dynamite) to the freakin' awesome (Cutter + Spark = double-bladed lightsaber!)
- The Legend of Dark Witch and its sequel, being heavily inspired by Mega Man, has the player character obtaining powers from a number of bosses. In both games, the series protagonist also serves as a Final-Exam Boss for the alternate playable character.
- Rean Schwarzer's final S-Craft in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV has him using all of the eight forms of the Eight Leaves One Blade in one attack sequence.
- The Legend of Spyro: Being a rare purple dragon, Spyro had access to all four dragon elements: Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth. Being of the same race of dragon, the main Big Bad of the series had the same powers.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- In a March 2015 interview with Game Informer regarding The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Eiji Aonuma has this to say when asked about whose soul is inside the Fierce Deity Mask.
"The best I can give you is just a suggestion. The best way to think of it is that the memories of all the people of Termina are inside of the Fierce Deity Mask."
- In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the Six Sages (with Princess Zelda's help) combine their powers to open a void in what was once the Sacred Realm, sealing away Ganon and restoring peace to Hyrule.
- In Hyrule Warriors, Ganon has attacks from King Dodongo, Gohma, Manhandla, and Argorok. Thankfully for the player, these attacks have the weaknesses as the bosses Ganon copies have.
- In a March 2015 interview with Game Informer regarding The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Eiji Aonuma has this to say when asked about whose soul is inside the Fierce Deity Mask.
- In LEGO Jurassic World, Mr. DNA combines abilities from these six character archetypes (Hunter, Paleobotanist, Paleontologist, Scientist, Supervisor, Technician) as well as the female only ability to use agility objects.
- Salamander, the final boss of Martial Champion, has a moveset that consists entirely of special moves from the playable characters.
- Mega Man, in the classic series, always accumulates the various abilities of the eight themed robot masters as he defeats them, then uses all of them to conquer the final stages and the endgame boss gauntlet. This also holds true for the sequel series.
- In Mega Man Powered Up, Dr. Wily also has a go at this, with his Wily Machine 1 being able to use all the robot master powers in the same way as Mega Man. Unfortunately for Wily, his machine copies the robot masters too well, as it also gains the weakness of whoever is currently being copied as well.
- In Mega Man X8, we also have Lumine, who has the ability to use all the previous mavericks Desperation Attacks at any moment, it also works as Final-Exam Boss, since if you are not fully upgraded most of those attacks are One-Hit Kill on you, so better make sure you remember how to dodge all of them.
- In the final boss battle of Mendel Palace, the witch Quinty is capable of transforming you into any one of her doll minions, as opposed to just the one she's the boss of for the moment.
- Monster Lab: The Big Bad Baron Mharti claims to have mastered all the elements of mad science, making him superior to all other Mad Scientists in the setting. Appropriately, the Final Boss created by him uses parts from all three element types in the game.
- Shujinko was given this ability by Big Bad Onaga in Mortal Kombat: Deception, and he used this ability against Onaga in the end. He took the powers of all the fighters present, and used them to defeat Onaga and undo the mistake that gave him this ability in the first place.
- Both Ōkami and its sequel Ōkamiden provide examples of this trope, with the protagonist collecting all the cellestical brush techniques held by the various brush gods.
- Persona: The protagonists of Persona 3, Persona 4 and Persona 5 were dealt fate's wild card, able to use Personas of all the tarot arcana and combine them to make better ones. There's nothing any other character can do that the heroes can't, balanced by the fact that their Personas level up slower (forcing you to keep fusing to keep them respectable), and it's an immediate game over if they get knocked out.
- A rather hilarious take of this trope is used in Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, when the party is chased down by a FOE. As a last resort, Naoto decides to combine Chie, Yukiko, Rise, and Fuuka's horrible cooking into what is basically a chemical weapon known as "Mystery Food X: The Final Edition". It one-shots said FOE and left Kanji barely alive when he accidentally got hit by it.
- Pokémon:
- Smeargle is notable in the competitive community for one thing and one thing only: the ability to learn any move in the games (other than Struggle and the almost completely useless Chatter). However, its generally bad stats prevent it from becoming too much of a Game-Breaker. It's excellent for breeding, though, because a male Smeargle can pass down any Egg Move that a Pokémon in the Ground egg group can learn.
- The move Baton Pass lets you pass along any stat boosts (or reductions), as well as a lot of secondary effects that normally go away upon switching out. Properly built and executed teams will steamroll opponents once they get set up.
- Invoked in Pokémon Sun and Moon with Eevee's exclusive Z-Move, "Extreme Evoboost", wherein Eevee gains massive boosts to its stats from all of its evolved forms.
- In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the legendary Terapagos has control over all eighteen Types, producing a Mineral Macguffin that allows other mons to temporarily change their types. Its Tera Shell ability also allows it to resist any type as long as it has full health, and when it Terastalizes it gains the Stellar-type which gives a STAB bonus to all of its moves.
- Settlemoon: Repairing the Sun Gate with Luna requires one of each Keeper drop and one of each event Moon drop, thus requiring leaning into six of the game's elements at least once each. The result is a chrysalis that eventually yields a Monarch Butterfly, who provides a Sunrise that serves as a supercharged Moon, tripling the game's activity and letting villagers bring in loot from every event Moon.
- The hidden Tinkerbat transformation in Shantae (2002) is more of a case of Most of Your Powers Combined: it has a scimitar that functions the same as Shantae's Prehensile Hair in her normal form, can scale vertical walls like the monkey form, can climb background walls and spider webs like the spider form, and has a battering ram that functions the same as the elephant form's charge ability. The only form it doesn't replicate is the harpy, as you get that form only after the point where you can purchase the Tinkerbat form.
- Sonic the Hedgehog:
- Over the course of Sonic Heroes, Metal Sonic goes around scanning the heroes and gaining their powers. By the end of the game, his final form combines Sonic's speed, Tails's flight abilities and intelligence, Knuckles's strength, Shadow's Chaos Control abilities, and Chaos's ability to merge with water, manifested as control of metal, since he is made of metal. He uses this last power in particular to create a truly monstrous final form by merging with Eggman's armada.
- In Sonic Colors, the Final Boss is Eggman in a machine (big surprise) that uses a few of Sonic's many wisp-gained powers. Later on in the battle, he starts combining abilities together.
- In Sonic Generations, one of Classic Sonic's Challenge Missions for Planet Wisp uses this as a title. You must use Sonic 3's Bubble, Lightning, and Fire Shields to progress through the level.
- Star Trek Online has an interesting way of doing this. There are certain items that can combine with others that unlock special powers to be used. Ground sets are usually a set of armor, a weapon and a personal shield while Space sets are a combination of Deflector Shields, Impulse Engines and Deflector Dish (and later sets add in a Warp Core) with a separate set that uses a space weapon, a torpedo/mine and a special console. Even ships paid with money will have special consoles that will increase power for that certain ship line. However, many players tend to consider these Awesome, but Impractical.
- PROXY in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is a Sith droid that, using holograms, can assume the form of any person in its databank, including Jedi. Somehow, while in the form of a Jedi, PROXY can fight using their specific lightsaber style (and even use their Force powers!). He turns into most of the game's previous bosses (and finally into Darth Maul!) to fight Starkiller in a mid-game boss battle, and at the end turns into Obi-Wan for a brief fight against Darth Vader.
- The novelization explains that he uses his droid abilities to mimic Force powers, including using magnetic fields to guide a thrown lightsaber. A machine's reaction time would probably be comparable to that of a Jedi.
- Interestingly, PROXY somehow knew that assuming the form of Obi-Wan Kenobi (as his younger self) would momentarily disorient Vader.
- Seth, the final boss of Street Fighter IV and Super SFIV, has the ability to absorb the "data" of his opponents, which has given him several moves of other characters, such as the Shoryuken, Sonic Boom, Spinning Piledriver, Yoga Teleport, and Dhalsim's stretchy arms.
- The R-1 Kai from Super Robot Spirits is R-1 with new GT-revolvers, R-2's Tronium engine, and its T-Link system enhanced with R-3's.
- In various Super Robot Wars entries, certain Combination Attacks were basically robots teaming up to obliterate their opponents in a glorious ball of pain fueled by various energies coming together in a wall of death. These include canonical attacks like the Shuffle Alliance's "Shuffle Domei Ken" attack and the kinda-sorta-canonical Final Dynamic Special.
- Super Smash Bros.:
- In Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Ultimate, Pokémon Trainer has a Final Smash combining the powers of all his/her Pokémon.
- In the 3DS and Wii U installment, Mega Man (Classic) summons Mega Man X, MegaMan.EXE, Mega Man Volnutt, and Geo Stellar with Omega-Xis for his Final Smash, all five Mega Men firing their Mega Busters together. Ultimate adds Proto Man and Bass to the mix.
- Tales of Kenzera: Zau: The Final Boss of the game, Kalunga/Baba, wields three masks based on the three Great Spirits, allowing him to use their abilities to supplement his default mask. After Zau defeats him once, Baba will refill his health bars and fight again, all while switching between his masks more frequently.
- The final form of the final boss of Tales of Vesperia, Duke, is capable of using a variety of your party's special abilities and spells against you (complete with one-liners used by your characters just to rub it in). His second (and more dangerous) Mystic Arte is a combination of those of your party members, and in addition to damaging your party it has the side effect of restoring a third of his max HP to him.
- Terraria: The entire point of everything in the Tinkerer's Workshop
. It allows you combine multiple useful accessory items into a single item. This is extremely useful because players are limited to five accessory slots. Most of the examples to follow are created using it.
- The Neptune's Shell and the Werewolf Charm can be combined into the Moon Shell, which gives the player the power to become a Werewolf at night and a Merfolk when submerged. The powers are mutually exclusive, however, so you lose the wolf transformation if you become submerged at night.
- The Sun and Moon stone accessories gift you with stat boosts only during the day and night, respectively, but when fused together, the resulting Celestial Charm provides the boost all the time. Combine this charm with the above-mentioned Moon Shell and get all their buffs at once in a single slot with the Celestial Shell.
- Most of the X in a Bottle accessories can be combined with Shiny Red Balloons to make the X In A Balloon items, which can then be fused together into a Bundle of Balloons that gives you three additional midair jumps. The individual balloons can also be fused with the Lucky Horseshoe to form Horseshoe Balloons.
- Hermes Boots can be combined with the Rocket Boots so you can run fast and fly. Combining the resulting Spectre Boots with the Aglet and the Anklet of Winds creates the Lightning Boots, which increases base movement speed. Then you add the Ice Skates to create the Frostspark Boots, which allow for mobility on icy terrain.
- Water Walking Boots can be fireproofed with an Obsidian Skull and a Lava Charm. The resulting Lava Waders lets you walk on lava, water, and honey, and grants temporary protection from lava damage.
- For interior decorators, the Extendo-Grip, Brick Layer, Paint Sprayer, and Portable Cement Mixer can be combined into the Architect Gizmo Pack.
- The Diving Helmet and Flippers can be combined into Diving Gear. This can be fused with the Jellyfish Necklace to get light while diving deep into dark waters, and then you can add the Ice Skates to this to also add mobility bonuses while on ice.
- The Yoyo accessories added in 1.3 (Counterweight, Yoyo Glove, and Yoyo String) can be combined into the Yoyo Bag, which will give you all their benefits in a single inventory slot (namely, additional Counterweight and secondary Yoyo projectiles that will orbit and dance around, plus improved Yoyo reach).
- Exaggerated with the Ankh Shield, which is eleven different items fused into one: the Obsidian Skull, Cobalt Shield, Trifold Map, Fast Clock, Vitamins, Armor Polish, Blindfold, Nazar, Megaphone, Bezoar, and Adhesive Bandage. It grants immunity to 9 debuffsnote as well as to knockback and fire blocks. You can't get more compact than that.
- The Cell Phone, added in 1.3, beats the Ankh Shield by two items, requiring 13 different items to make. It combines the twelve informational items into a single PDA which provides the combined functionality of all 12. When held in your inventory it outputs fishing information, weather, moon phase, elevation, distance east/west, time, nearest valuable treasure, player speed, current DPS, number of monsters killed, rare nearby creatures, and number of nearby enemies. Then you can combine the PDA with a Magic Mirror to create the Cell Phone which both displays info and lets you teleport to your bedside.
- The Angler Tackle Bag
combines the benefits of all three fishing accessories, preventing line breaks, adding a bonus chance to save bait, and boosting your fishing power.
- The Multicolor Wrench
takes one each of the wrenches of all colors plus a wirecutter and turns them all into a multi-tool. Combine it with a Ruler, a Mechanical Lens, and some wire, and you get the Grand Design
, which makes it even easier to work with wiring. You don't even need to keep it equipped; the ruler and wire-viewing abilities function as long as it's in your inventory, though wire cutting and placement require equipping it.
- Unrelated to the Tinkerer's Workshop is the Night's Edge, which is crafted by combining the Blade of Grass, Fiery Greatsword, Muramasa, and the Light's Bane at a Demon/Crimson Altar. This is followed by the Terra Blade in Hardmode. You have to combine the Night's Edge with the Broken Hero Sword to create the True Night's Edge, forge Excalibur from Hallowed bars and combine it with another Broken Hero Sword to create the True Excalibur, and then combine the two to make the Terra Blade. It's well worth it, though, as the Terra Blade is one of the best swords in the game.
- Total War: Warhammer III:
- While Daemons of each of the four Chaos Gods are represented by the very limited rosters in their own campaigns, The Godslayer/Daemon Prince of the Daemons of Chaos faction uses a combination of the rosters and unique mechanics of each of the four stand-alone daemonic races. Though the later updates left this faction victim of Power Creep.
- In the reworks to the Warriors of Chaos factions with the Champions of Chaos Downloadable Content, Archaeon the Everchosen and Promoted to Playable Be'lakor each combine the specializations of the four chaos gods, with Archaeon being the only one able to confederate other Warriors factions, and Be'lakor having access to the entire Warriors and Daemons of Chaos rosters (the human servants and daemons serving all four gods and undivided), essentially being a much more powerful and fun alternative to the Godslayer's faction.
- The Chaos Dwarfs faction combines mechanics of several other races: The merchant caravans of Cathay, the slave Human Resources mechanics of the Dark Elves, a renamed version of the Dread mechanic from the reworked beastmen.
- Satori Komeiji from Touhou Project can use the Spell Cards used by the Player Character's current partner in Subterranean Animism (Aya, Suika or Yukari for Reimu, Alice, Patchouli or Nitori for Marisa). This is because the patterns were within the reach of Satori's mind reading; ostensibly, this is because they have the patterns down in the case they enter into a Danmaku duel with them again, and having ongoing conversations with the usually obnoxious youkai makes it hard not to also think of the associated patterns.This Danmakufu script
shows what could happen when she begins combining all those copied spellcards together.
- Selvaria Bles in Valkyria Chronicles 4 is just ridiculous: She uses a Scout template and inherits their high AP count. She also has the endurance of Shocktroopers, albeit exaggerated, has a ragnite energy lance that allows her to behave like a very powerful Lancer, and said weapon's accuracy also allows her to snipe, like a Sniper, though without the ability to zoom in. She can even walk right over anti-personnel mines and detonate them with next to no effect on herself, much like a tank! Speaking of tanks, she also has a comparably massive HP pool. Really, the only class roles she cannot fulfill are Engineer and Grenadier.
- This is massively beefed up from her playable incarnation in the first game, where she simply had the speed, accuracy and AP count of a Scout, endurance of a Lancer and firepower a bit above a Shocktrooper's (as she had custom LMG instead of the lance). Her only real shortcoming in both games is that doesn't carry any ragnaid so she cannot heal herself, which isn't really a problem as she has some healing potential thanks to her Valkyria powers.
- At least one boss in World of Warcraft has this ability. The second-to-last boss of the Zul'Aman dungeon will temporarily copy the class abilities of people in the raid.
Visual Novels
- Danganronpa:
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc: A rather brutal example is played for laughs. When Junko is finally revealed as the mastermind, she receives every execution that was given to every culprit in the game, plus the headmaster's execution from the opening cutscene, all in a row. Not only does she survive all of them right up until the crusher intended for Makoto, she enjoys it, only expressing a brief moment of annoyance when the crusher hangs up for a moment before flattening her.
- Installments from the light novels, the second game, and onwards have Izuru Kamukura. Originally the talentless Hajime Hinata, he was experimented on by Hope's Peak to give him every Ultimate talent at once. However, they removed his personality, memories, and emotions to make room for all that talent, so what was left was an Empty Shell who feels nothing but perpetual boredom and has zero motivation to use his superhuman abilities, or do much of anything else for that matter, unless he thinks it might make him less bored.
- Angel Moxie: Played straight then deconstructed when it gets Alex killed.
- Nanashi from Earthsong has the ability to use anyone else's soulstone powers if she can get her hands on a bit of their planet's element.
- Amalgam of Heroes Alliance gained his powers when a Nebulous Evil Organisation infused him with the power of eight different captured superheroes. Unfortunately for them, he also inherited the heroes' righteousness and desire to fight evil.
- Homestuck has the bunny
with the near-ultimate weapons of all four kids — and it seems to know how to use them.
- Also, Gamzee's Strife Specibus, long thought to be Clubkind, turns out to be Jokerkind, meaning he can use all weapons — and they're all deadly as hell.
- Lord English upgraded the Condesce by granting her the Psychic Powers of the other Troll spectrums. She has burgundy-blood telekinesis, yellow-blood telekinesis and eye beams, brown-blood animal control, and blue-blood mind control, in addition to her own near-immortality. Also time-travel and inter-universe travel powers.
- And let's not forget the Scepters wielded and Rings worn by the Monarchs of Sburb, which confer upon any Carapacian the powers afforded by all Sprite Prototypings at once. In the case of the first Kids' session, they get maimed harlequin, crow/katana, squid/princess/cat, and dog/First Guardian powers. In the trolls' session, they get (almost) all the trolls' lusus powers and frogness. In the rebooted kids' session, having no programmings occurred, the items confer no abilities (besides invisibility due to it being the Ring of Void, and the default "Red Miles" attack).
- Also applies to Jade. Because her dreamself had been prototyped onto her sprite, her ascension to God Tier granted her not only the divine powers appropriate for a Witch of Space, but also granted her the powers of a sprite and the powers (and ears) of her dog (the other prototyping). It's made more confusing by the fact that the dog's powers are very similar thematically to Jade's Space powers, making it hard to tell what power comes from what.
- Vaarsuvius of The Order of the Stick was temporarily granted access to a "Soul Splice" which gave that mage the combined spellcasting ability and magical might of three other powerful spellcasters. However, this came with some nasty downsides that mean Vaarsuvius is unlikely to try that again.
- Parodied in this strip
from Queen of Wands:
"Charles Darwin." - The "Holiday Wars" Story Arc from Sluggy Freelance focused on Bun-Bun doing this with the powers of Holiday figures (Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tom Turkey, etc.) Every time he killed one of them, he invoked "right of caste" to claim their role as patron quasi-deity of a holiday. By the end he's claimed enough to have reached Physical God territory.
- In Splitting Image, Dark Lords can use mysterious black magic, which manifests as any element of their choosing; and it's fueled by stealing the magical essence from others.
- In unOrdinary the protagonist John is able to creatively merge and utilise all the special abilities he copies (using copied abilities much better than the original ability users), but he loses any special abilities he has copied after he deactivates his powers.
- This is Matt's modus operandi in White Dark Life as he can imitate the abilities (and weaknesses) of various heroes and occasionally two at once. This would be awesome if it didn't drain stamina like mad.
Web Original
- Taltos, from Trinton Chronicles, does this near the end of the third story arc, he uses two stolen powers and his own ability to create a power to counter-act powers at nearly the same time.
- Jasmine as a side note has this effect during the first and fourth story arcs often enough by copying several powers at once.
- Mimeo, of the Whateley Universe, can get all the powers of up to six supers. For four hours. He fought the heavy hitters of Team Kimba and gained their powers, beating them up and getting enough powers to go rob an impregnable diamond exchange. In decades of superbattles he has supposedly been beaten only twice, one of which was when he was only thirteen.
- Eidolon, of Worm, can have any three major superpowers for his own use, and maintain them indefinitely. He is generally regarded as the fifth most powerful person on the planet, with the next three being Kaiju-like Omnicidal Maniacs and the most powerful being Scion. However, his powers are slowly fading, forcing him to go to great lengths to keep them working.
- Glaistig Uaine has another variant: she can harvest the powers of dead parahumans for herself. However, instead of using the powers directly, she can summon up to three superpowered ghosts that resemble those power's original wielders.
- On a less traditional level, there is the Yàngbǎn, a Chinese military parahuman division organized under a parahuman called Null, who has the power to take the powers of others and distribute them evenly among a group. Each member of the Yàngbǎn has forty different powers, including time reversal, Super-Strength, Frickin' Laser Beams, Spider-Sense, and teleportation, but they are all at 1/40th strength-at least, they would be if they did not constantly operate as a unit and use the shared powers of a power amplifier to up each of their powers to one-third its original strength. Together, they're a challenge for an Endbringer.
- Scion can utilize the powers of any parahuman due to being the origin of a majority of those powers. Fighting him is incredibly difficult as it takes only one attack for him to recognize any power and apply a perfect counter. This is not helped by his personal, unique powers which are significantly stronger than ordinary parahumans as he specifically reserved them for himself and did not weaken them like those given to parahumans.
Western Animation
- In Avatar: The Last Airbender, the titular Avatar is a Chosen One who is the only person in the world capable of bending all four elements (usually, a person can only control a single element, that of their native nationality). When the show begins, however, the current Avatar is an untrained 12-year-old boy who needs to learn How Do I Shot Web?.
- Another example is the Avatar State, which channels through the Avatar the combined powers and skills of previous Avatars, and makes the Avatar virtually invincible in straight combat. The Fatal Flaw to the Avatar State, however, is that if an Avatar is killed while in the Avatar State, the Avatar will not reincarnate into the next nation, and is instead permanently gone.
- The concept was parodied in the Season 2 premiere "The Avatar State" where some Earth Kingdom soldiers try to induce Aang's Avatar Super Mode by exposing him to a combination of the 4 elements. But what do Fire, Air, Water, and Earth combined create?
Aang: This is just mud.
- In the original series, Lavabending was a downplayed example of this, as it was only accomplished by avatars (Kyoshi, Roku and Szeto, presumably by combining elements (no pun intended) of Earth- and Firebending. The second series averted this by introducing Ghazan, an earthbender who could lavabend, albeit in a less refined way than the Avatar. Bolin later picks up the skill, though he is biracial with both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom heritage.
- The Batman (2004): Though not an actual combination of their powers, D.A.V.E from "Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind" possesses the combined brainwaves of Batman's greatest foes, giving him their personalities, their knowledge, and their fighting skills. Seeing as how he managed to figure out Batman's identity, it makes you realize how dangerous this combination is. But Batman turns the tables on him by asking him what his origin is, resulting in the supercomputer being confused enough for Batman to finish off.
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold: "The Fate of the Equinox!" Which makes Batman look like a blue version of the Super-Adaptoid, from an above example of this same trope.
- Kevin 11 from Ben 10 absorbed all the powers of Ben's aliens (well, the original ten he had at the time), and can use them all at once. But they're 90% weaker than the originals. Thanks to Ben's advice during the Chained Heat episode, however, Kevin learns that he can combine various abilities to increase their efficiency.
- Aggregor in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien not only has the same powers as Kevin, but his master plan is much similar. However, he intends to completely absorb the Elemental Powers of the five aliens he has captured.
- The new Ben 10,000 in Ultimate Alien can tap into the powers of every alien in the Ultimatrix without transforming or time limits as the "Ultimate Human".
- The Trope Namernote is Captain Planet, who is formed from the power of the five Planeteers rings; while he's out, the rings are powerless.
- Which also leads to something of a subversion (and his Narmtastic catchphrase); once he's done, or not up to the task: "The Power is YOURS!"
- A somewhat notable example involved an episode where Ma-Ti and Kwame ended up blasted into space; when he tried to return the power to the rings, the beams heading to them bounced back off the atmosphere and recombined into a differently-colored form without flight or his elemental powers.
- His Evil Counterpart, Captain Pollution, also fits the bill.
- In a two part episode of Casper's Scare School, an evil leprechaun intends to absorb the powers of every creature in the underworld.
- Code Lyoko: Once he is possessed by XANA, William gains a set of powers countering most of those of the Lyoko Warriors. His Super Smoke is Ulrich's Super Sprint with the added bonus of making him invulnerable. He can also deflect attacks (Odd), use telekinesis (Yumi) — unlike her, he can use it on himself to enable flight — and fire energy (Aelita), and use at least one form of Aelita's Creativity (i.e. manipulating electronic locks). Finally, he can enter the Code XANA in the towers.
- This is because The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard. In an earlier episode, the characters get their powers dramatically increased by it as a plot.
- In the Darkwing Duck episode "Jail Bird", Darkwing's Evil Counterpart NegaDuck uses Applied Phlebotinum to steal the powers of the other members of his Quirky Miniboss Squad (Bushroot, Megavolt, Quackerjack, and the Liquidator) to transform into Mega-NegaDuck. The depowered (and de-sized!) villains are forced into an Enemy Mine situation to stop Negaduck from destroying St. Canard and to get their powers back. Of course, as he gained all their weaknesses as well, Mega-NegaDuck was really no more dangerous than his usual Badass Normal self. Or maybe that was just because the episode had to end quickly by that point. It might not be the best idea to mix the electrical powers of Megavolt with the water powers of Liquidator.
- In Hercules: The Animated Series, as part of a plan to seize control of the Underworld, Hecate creates a monster to defeat Hades and endows it with Hercules' strength and the best traits of other famous heroes. Fortunately, Hercules and the heroes defeat the creature by taking advantage of the downsides of their traits.
- Jackie Chan Adventures:
- Inverted with the twelve talismans, which grant powers to the holder; combined they can be used to resurrect the Big Bad Shendu, who has all the powers due to them being his in the first place. They were forcibly extracted from him and separated into the talismans.
- Also happens to Jade in one episode who is infused with the powers of said talismans, in this case being a literal example of this trope.
- Shendu's son, Drago, initially only possessed the basic powers his father has (minus the talismans), meaning he could breathe fire. In the fifth and final season, his plan was to absorb the demon chi of the other seven Demon Sorcerers (his aunts and uncles). In the series finale, he succeeds and it results in him not only having mastery over the elements of all eight Demon Sorcerers, but his appearance transforms into a Draconic Abomination with their features.
- AMAZO's Justice League incarnation is able to use Awesomeness by Analysis to duplicate the superpowers of anyone it looks at, with its only limits appearing to be an inability to copy magical powers. It's even able to take Superman's powers and then overcome his Kryptonite Factor after exposure to kryptonite. By the end of its introductory episode, it has already taken the powers of the entire Justice League (minus Batman) and only stops attacking after using J'onn's telepathy to learn that Luthor is duping it. It leaves Earth to find new ways to evolve, and by the time it returns in Justice League Unlimited, it has become the most powerful being in the DC Animated Universe by far and defeated the combined Justice League without breaking a sweat. It also takes out OA and the entire resident GL Corps without even slowing down because the planet was simply in its way and shunting it into another dimension was literally easier for AMAZO than just going around.
- Kim Possible's Nemesis Shego's brothers also have powers of their own. With the help of a rod their Arch-Enemy stole their powers and combined them. Later, Shego stole the rod for herself, combined all the powers even better... but lost it very quickly. Earlier, that bad guy had only used one of the powers at a time; when Shego combined them and used multiple powers in tandem he claimed he didn't know he could do that.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
- Lauren Faust once stated
that Princess Celestia (and thus presumably any Winged Unicornnote in the show's universe) embodies the traits of Earth ponies (strength), Pegasi (wings), and unicorns (magic). The first series of trading cards listed
Princess Celestia as well as her sister Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon and niece Princess Cadance as being Pegasi and unicorns but not Earth ponies; the second series corrected
◊ that.
- When Twilight Sparkle becomes an alicorn, Celestia tells her:
Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess.
[As she is talking, the camera moves to show Twilight's friends: Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, then back to Twilight Sparkle — i.e. the elements of generosity, kindness, loyalty, honesty, laughter, and magic.] - "Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2": Celestia, Luna, and Cadance transfer their magic energy into Twilight for safekeeping. This gives Twilight the power to control the sun and the moon, though not with the same level of skill. She also had to deal with Power Incontinence. Even flying and landing suddenly looked less My Little Pony and more Hancock.
- Tirek provides a villainous example. His goal is to absorb all the magic in Equestria, including from unicorns, pegasi, Earth ponies, and alicorns. He would supposedly gain the ability to control the environment as ponies do, but he's never seen using it except to enhance his own powers.
- In My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games, both Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer gain alicorn-like super forms by absorbing the magic of the other five girls (Twilight forcefully, and Sunset with consent).
- Lauren Faust once stated
- In The Penguins of Madagascar, Eggy the duckling picks up the talents of all four penguins when they look after him as an egg. By the time he hatches, he has Skipper's street smarts, Kowalski's inventiveness, Rico's unstoppable violence, and Private's "adorably phony British accent". He later picks up Julien's dance skills and starts imitating his accent instead.
- Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Being a hybrid gives Meteora Butterfly the best of both worlds. She has immense physical strength from her monster father and extremely powerful magic from her Mewman mother.
- Steven Universe: Fusions tend to combine aspects of the Gems that make them up. The one that best fits the trope, however, is Obsidian, the fusion of all of the core Crystal Gems (Steven/Rose, Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst), resulting in an eight-armed giant who can use all of her components' Gem weapons, as well as combine them into her own weapon, a BFS to rival all BFSes, and who is the most powerful fusion to appear on the show.
- Twice in the Superfriends episode "The Superfriends Meet Frankenstein". First with the monster getting the combined powers of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman and being sent to conquer Europe by Frankenstein, then Robin getting the remaining dregs of their powers (making him a giant) to defeat the composite monster by dosing it with Kryptonite while wearing a lead suit. And where exactly did those "target bodies" come from? The Monster is a giant with Batman's head, Superman's costume, Wonder Woman's lasso and green hands.
- This was the plan of the Master of Games in an episode of Teen Titans (2003). He set up a tournament for young heroes so he could capture the losers in a crystal which enabled him to use their powers as his own. His plan worked until Robin the champion tricked him into fighting and freed the heroes trapped in the crystal. After the heroes left, he started over with a tournament for heroines.
- Parodied in an episode of Tiny Toon Adventures mocking Superfriends. When Montana Max, the Lex Luthor Captain Ersatz, uses a device to absorb everyone's powers, Plucky, the Batman Expy (a blowhard who had been rejected by the "Just Us League" earlier) comes in again, saying he needed his parking validated, causing Monty to absorb his "powers". Specifically, the powers of a puny, egotistical green duck.
- In the Total Drama All-Stars finale, Mike's good personalities sacrifice themselves to defeat Mal once and for all, and yet, Mike gains access to all of their abilities in the process.
- In The Transformers episode "Heavy Metal War", Megatron takes on the powers of his troops to defeat Optimus Prime in one-on-one combat. In a literal application of Powers as Programs, Megatron does this by removing power chips from his Decepticons and incorporating them into his own body.
- Winx Club: Once they started upgrading their powers, the Winx use a "Convergence" power at least once with each major form (Charmix, Enchantix, Believix) to counter some great threat. The only time this didn't work was Season 5's Believix Convergence, which inadvertently infected some stray oil from the rig disaster they tried to stop with it; the oil ended up being absorbed by Tritannus, which kicked off most of the story for the rest of the season.
- They even did this in the first season, where Musa, Stella, Flora, and Tecna combined their powers to take out Darcy and Stormy (who had summoned a super storm) during the battle at Alfea.
- As in the comic book, the animated series of W.I.T.C.H. (2004) shows this four times, again complicated by the rule of the Heart having to be willingly relinquished:
- The first instance is when Nerissa's machinations result in Cornelia accidentally taking the powers of all the Guardians (she later gives them back).
- Later we have Nerissa, second Big Bad and former Guardian, who truly goes overboard. At first she only steals Elyon's power (and she actually does it before Cornelia's incident) by tricking her into wearing a power-absorbing amulet and then convincing her to throw it away, but then she steals the Heart of Zamballa, and then she absorbs the other former Guardians in the Seal of Nerissa (her power staff), resulting in her having the powers of an entire group of Guardians, only twice more powerful. She's also gunning for the Heart of Earth, and that ends up resulting in the third.
- Also subverted with Kadma: to neutralize Nerissa she tries to absorb the amulet with Elyon's power into the staff with the power of the Heart of Zamballa, but as Elyon's power is the Heart of Meridian and a Heart needs to be relinquished willingly the end result is the Heart of Meridian returning to Nerissa with the Heart of Zamballa added to it and becoming the Seal of Nerissa. All According to Plan.
- The third instance is when Phobos, being the exception to the willingly relinquished rule as Elyon's brother, grabs the Seal of Nerissa and absorbs her into it, adding all the powers absorbed into it to his own. He immediately starts using it to try and conquer the universe... except that Will expected him to do this and tricked him into making an oath that would make him lose the Seal as soon as he reaches Kandrakar. And this leads us directly into the fourth and final instance.
- The fourth instance is when Phobos puts his foot on Kandrakar and Cedric eats him and the Seal in the one moment that would have resulted into him taking their powers. Thankfully he wasn't as good with magic as the others and had no idea how to truly use his newfound powers...
- Xiaolin Showdown:
- The Sun Chi Lantern is a Shen Gong Wu that can 'unify the chi of others.' In "Royal Rumble" when outnumbered and losing to Jack and his sidekicks, Omi uses the Lantern to briefly attain the same powers and styles of his captured friends. As the normally egotistical monk says when they thank him after the fact, "We did it."
- Mala Mala Jong is a demonic warrior created by Shen Gong Wu. As such, what powers he has is roughly proportionate to how much Wu he has attained. In his base form, he has the Fist of Tebbigong's strength, the Two-Ton Tunic's invulnerability, the Third-Arm Sash's reach, the Jet Bootsu's gravity-defying ability, the Shroud of Shadows' invisibility, the Helmet of Jong to see, and finally, the Heart of Jong's lifeforce — so, even if you smash Mala Mala Jong to pieces, the Heart will just pull them together. The only way to defeat Mala Mala Jong permanently is to remove the Heart.
- In "Wu Got the Power", Hannibal Bean tricks Omi into absorbing the other three elemental powers, the result of all four combined making Omi a destructive force of nature. Hannibal's plan was to transfer all that power from Omi into himself, making him unstoppable. Fortunately, Omi managed to ruin his plan when he stopped using all four elements and relied on just Water.
- In X-Men: Evolution, Rogue, suffering from Power Incontinence, ends up recalling every power she ever absorbed. Driven mad by it, she curb-stomps pretty much all the X-Men (it helps that she could count the powers of Magneto, Storm, and Juggernaut among those she took) until they finally calm her down and purge the excess power.
- Being an entity created from Yin and Yang, Yuck from Yin Yang Yo! possesses the ability to be skilled in both might and magic and appears to be better at it as well. He does have his own abilities as shown in "Camp Magic Pants" when he possesses the headmaster's body, and after absorbing Fooplicate flakes is able to become a stronger and more muscular form.
Real Life
- Multi-purpose items in general can qualify as this when comparing them with other products with primarily one function for each:
- "All-in-one" care products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, and shampoo according to their ingredients and purposes as labeled.
- Kitchen appliances (like pressure cookers and microwaves) that have multiple functions.
- Any multitool, such as a Swiss Army Knife or a Leatherman product.
- As devices that fit in a user's pocket, smartphones can be seen as replacing many electronic appliances while even surpassing the quality of some of them. But this is not always the case as separate non-phone devices are advancing in standards as well.